《The Magic Kings War》Change of fates final part
Magic Duel Arc
Valoran and Hiliam are both facing each other eyes locked toward each other's eyes.
"Before I shall destroy you insect may I ask for your name?"-Hiliam bluntly asks mockingly.
Valoran smirk appears.
"This "insect" that will destroy you is known as Valoran Silver"-Valoran shares in the most disrespectful tone.
"I wipe that smirk clean off you're face Valoran Silver and, once I have destroyed you I will execute my main goal which I came here for, which is to destroy that child and her mother."-Hiliam plainly pronounces.
Valoran smirk vanishes during Hiliam's dialogue and his face turns serious and slightly angered.
"How dare you? You forced yourself upon Victoria which resulted in your child's birth and now you come here to end both of their lives. Pathetic excuse for a god"-Valoran insults Hiliam.
Hiliam being insulted like this is the final straw and begins his attack.
"I will enjoy ending you"-Hiliam says in a fit of rage.
Hiliam raises his arm and casts high-tier complex fire magic. A giant sphere of fire is formed and makes its way toward Valoran.
Valoran expressionless stands still as if the attack does not exist at all.
The enormous sphere of fire is a few feet from hitting Valoran when the fire huge fire sphere disappears.
Hiliam is shocked to see that his attack has vanished into thin air.
" What? Nova Helio vanished, how is that possible?"-Hiliam asks in confusion.
Valoran remains in the same standing position since the conflict between them has begun.
"Take a closer look at my aura I will tone down my concealment magic which hides my aura a little so you can see"-Valoran responds mockingly.
Hiliam focuses his magic eyes to take a closer look at Valoran...
" What?... Your aura contains so much power and... it can dispel magic before making contact with you"-Hiliam realises shockingly.
"Correct, my aura among containing immeasurable amounts of magic power and none magical power has the capability to destroy all types of magic that tries to harm me"-Valoran explains.
"It seems I have underestimated you and your fragment"-Hiliam voices and acknowledges that Valoran is an opponent that cannot be defeated that easily.
Hiliam opens a portal...
"Don't think you can escape from me Hiliam"-Valoran speaks in a serious tone of voice.
Hiliam then proceeds to walk through the portal, and Valoran follows him into the portal.
They arrive in a plane of existence which completely transcends the principles of dimensionality.
" Haha. What a fool you are my goal was not to escape you but to trap you in here with me here, I can go all out and this is my domain I have total control in this space"
"No. It's you who is trapped in here with me" -Valoran replies with his bright crimson eyes beginning to glow.
"Don't think I don't have my angel servants accompanying me they will finish my mission without you there you cannot protect them.
" My magic can cross dimensions even if they are in a higher plane of existence my barrier will not be breached by your angel servants."-Valoran counterargues.
"We shall see"-Hiliam replies.
(Inside the home)
Victoria holds young Demonlise tightly in her arms worried about her son's safety.
" Don't worry he will protect us he's the strongest magic user I have ever come across"-Older Demonlise replies.
Victoria looks slightly relieved by Demonlise's words and proceeds to hold onto young Demonlise.
They both then witness the fight and Valoran disappearing into the portal to the other reality which transcends the principles of dimensionality.
Victoria's concern rapidly starts to return due to Valoran disappearing into the portal.
"What do we do, he vanished?"-Victoria asks with worry.
"We don't need to worry his barrier is remaining."-Old Demonlise utters reassuring Victoria that they are safe.
'𝑼𝒏𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆'- Demonlise thinks to himself impressed at Valorans power.
Demonlise is being pulled out of his thoughts by a bright divine light illuminating the outside of the home.
The bright light fades for Demonlise to see 13 angels flying in orbit around the barrier.
"What are they?"-Victoria questions with concern.
Demonlise is looking outside the window to get an image of the situation and faces Victoria who is still holding onto three-month-year-old Demonlise.
"Magic Angels, Angels who serve Hiliam (a god of magic). "-Demonlise answers Victoria.
As soon as he answered Victoria the Angels stop moving in orbit around the home and begin to attack the barrier that Valoran has created.
The magic Angels begin their attack by striking the barrier with blades that create powerful shockwaves.
This causes the home to shake violently, which is leading to Victoria being frightened.
" How long will the barrier hold?"-Victoria questions with panic filling her voice at this point holding young Demonlise in her arms.
Demonlise looks toward Victoria who at this point is completely exhausted due to her worry for her son as well as stress and panic taking over her mind.
Grown-up Demonlise is unable to see his mother in pain and fear.
"You must not worry I'll handle the Angels"-Demonlise replies determined to destroy the angels.
Demonlise then makes his way over to the door and walks outside.
"Will you be okay?"-Victoria nervously asks.
"They are no threat to me"-Demonlise replies.
With that Demonlise shuts the door behind him and walks toward the barrier.
He now stands in front of the barrier and proceeds to breach it.
"Thank you Valoran my friend, your barrier will no longer be needed"-Demonlise speaks with a smile.
Demonlise then puts his hand on the barrier and releases immense magic power which breaks down the barrier.
The angels look down upon Demonlise and instruct him to step aside.
"Step aside human"-A magic angel instructs.
If you want to reach this home you must kill me first" -Demonlise replies coldly.
"So be it"-The angel replies without hesitation.
The Angel then summons a spear into her hand and stabs Demonlise through the heart.
Blood from Demonlise begins to drop on the floor.
Demonlise head begins to drop while standing upright
"Foolish human"-The Angel speaks.
" Hahaha, Who is the fool here?"-Demonlise speaks while lifting up his head.
"What? You should be dead."- The angel asks in shock.
"It won't be that easy to kill me"-Demonlise replies.
The other 12 angels summon their spears and stab Demonlise.
Demonlise now has 13 spears stabbing him through the body.
Through his lungs, stomach and chest.
More blood begins to drop on the floor.
"Haha this won't work either"-Demonlise shares mockingly.
Demonlise then creates a shockwave of magic power.
This causes the angels to be pushed back as well as all with the spears being pushed out of his body.
The 13 Angels all look shocked that Demonlise is not deceased and that he has healed himself.
"Say your goodbyes"- Demonlise voices with his deep blue eyes glowing.
Demonlise then uses creation magic to create a magic sword.
Demonlise then casts explosion magic at the Angels.
A giant explosion is erupting.
The explosion is so powerful that an earthquake is happening.
" Ahhh!"-The angels scream in pain, the angels who are surprised that they have been hurt by Demonlise's magic.
"Surprised? My magic can easily breach your divine protection"-Demonlise speaks.
"Don't think you have won"-A female angel says while all the other angels get back up.
All the 13 angels cast high-tier fire magic.
13 huge balls of fire are shot from the angels toward Demonlise.
" BOOOM!"-As the 13 balls of fire hit Demonlise directly.
These attacks cause a lot of wind and dirt to cloud the view which is leading to the Angels assuming that Demonlise has been incinerated.
"His body has turned to ash"-One of the angels shares.
They are now walking toward the home... when a huge gush of wind is blasting all the dirt away.
It is Demonlise who stands there unphased by all the attacks from the angels.
" Impossible" "How is he standing there unphased"-The angels question each other in shock.
" It seems his immortality and resistance toward magic and physical attacks rivals that of us"-The angel explains.
"I am offended by that I exceed you in those categories"-Demonlise says while he is chuckling.
"Let me prove my point"-Demonlise says with his sword in hand ready to engage the angels.
Demonlise then charges toward the 13 angels with his sword.
The angels block Demonlise's initial attack however during the sword fight they realise Demonlise's strength and speed are too great for them.
Demonlise then strikes down one angel.
Demonlise speed then grows to the point that he is invisible even for the angels and one by one Demonlise strikes them all down.
"What a disappointing engagement I expected more from magic angels" -Demonlise mockingly utters.
"I have done my part. Now it's up to you Valoran" -Demonlise says while smiling.
(In the realm outside of Dimensionality)
Hiliam and Valoran intertwined in their duel.
Hiliam then begins to warp the space around Valoran.
"I will crush you with my void manipulation warping"-Hiliam says with a smile.
Valoran as a response waves his arm from right to left shattering the effect.
"What?"-Hiliam questions in disbelief.
Valoran casts the spell high-tier complex fire magic.
3 gigantic fire spheres start heading for Hiliam.
Hiliam snaps his right fingers... this results in the 3 spheres vanishing into nothingness.
"That won't work "-Hiliam explains.
Hiliam then snaps his right fingers again...
"You know what I just have done?"-Hiliam asks Valoran.
"It seems you have destroyed the principles of magic in this space"-Valoran answers slightly impressed.
" You are correct, magic other than my own will no longer be able to function here"-Hiliam explains while chuckling.
"Why are you laughing?"-Valoran asks while smirking.
"I have beaten you, you cannot use your magic here"-Hiliam answers while he is still chuckling.
Valoran then raises his arm and shoots a blast of energy at Hiliam.
The blast is resulting in Hiliam being slightly hurt.
" Ahh"-Hiliam slightly yells in pain.
"How? Your magic should no longer exist in this space"-Hiliam asks in frustration and in curiosity.
" First off that attack was an attack that is not magic related next, my magic cannot be nullified even if the core principles of magic are destroyed or none existent."-Valoran replies with a grin.
Hiliam summons his most powerful weapon.
"Come Enigma"
A giant sword the size of a building appears out of a temporal dimension.
Hiliam is grabbing it with one hand enigma and raises it above his shoulder.
"This sword will be the end of you, this sword has the durability of uncountable infinite multiverses, the power to destroy uncountable infinite dimensional hierarchies ( each dimension within those hierarchies dimensionally transcends the previous viewing it in 2D) which it has done so in the past. It also has the ability to destroy all resistance you have yes even if you have uncountable infinite immortality and resistances you have. Prepare to meet your end."-Hiliam says laughing.
Hiliam is striking enigma toward Valoran...
(A clash sound happens)
"What? How can this be?"-Hiliam asks not being able to comprehend what is happening at this moment.
Valoran blocked the attack with his magic sword with a single arm without any effort in the least.
" Enigma is pretty underwhelming if you ask me"-Valoran mockingly states.
Valoran then grabs the blade of the sword and shatters the sword like it was made out of thin glass.
Hiliam's eyes are wide open and in fear as shards of his once powerful blade fall around him.
"Just because you destroyed my blade does not mean that you can kill me as the god of magic, my immortality exists as long as the idea of magic exists, as well as my fragment exists in a realm that exists beyond the principal's existence just like any other god."-Hiliam explains in fear.
Valoran's body begins to be engulfed in rainbow-coloured flames.
" Do you believe that will save you from my flames or like I call them Nirvana(hell fire)."-Valoran disrespectfully shares.
"I don't fear your flames"-Hiliam nervously states.
" You should the flames of nirvana have the ability to kill anything I want it can break through uncountable infinite amounts of resistances and nullifications. I know that gods have uncountable infinite amounts of defences and resistance against everything, however, this is meaningless in front of me even without nirvana. In short, if I want to anyone kill beings including you gods then you will die no matter what"-Valoran explains.
"How? Please show mercy, why can't you die?"-Hiliam begs for his life.
"As long as any idea exists so do I, my fragment exists beyond the core principles of existence which even you gods cannot reach intact even if all ideas and my fragment are completely destroyed I still won't die thanks to nirvana"-Valoran shares.
Valoran then creates a sphere of nirvana flames.
"Goodbye, you insect"-Valoran says with a cold expression and his crimson eyes glowing.
" Please don't kill me"-Hiliam once again begging for his life.
Valoran then shoots the sphere which becomes a beam of nirvana directly at Hiliam which kills him in an instant.
Valoran then obtains the fragment left behind by Hiliam and is holding onto to it.
"Time to leave from here"-Valoran says.
Valoran opens a portal which is leading him back to Demonlise and Victoria.
He walks up to the home where Demonlise and Victoria who is still holding on to baby Demonlise are waiting outside for his return.
Demonlise and Victoria are happy to see Valoran is safe.
"I knew you would make it"-Demonlise says with a smile.
" I see you were busy killing off all these angels"-Valoran replies with a grin.
Valoran then walks up to Victoria.
"You and your child are no longer in danger, you can lead a happy life now"-Valoran explains with a smile.
" Thank you"-Victoria says with gratitude and tears of joy.
Valoran then races his arm and casts to turn back time around the home to repair the damage caused by the angel attack.
Valoran then erases the memory of Victoria she has ever about encountering the both of them and what happened during the night placing her in a deep sleep.
"I am sorry Demonlise she should forget what happened tonight"-Valoran apologises to Demonlise.
"I understand"-Demonlise replies with a soft tone.
Valoran then leads Victoria inside the home with young Demonlise in her arms and is placing them both on the sofa before he wakes her up.
" She will wake up in a couple of minutes not remembering what happened tonight"-Valoran says reassuringly.
Both of them are making their way away from the home closing the door behind them.
Valoran then has something to gift Demonlise...
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