《Prince of the Wild》Nuncio


His hands felt filthy, and Nuncio feared they would never be clean again. No matter how much he would try to scrub them clean. The shivers were almost as bad. He was trembling like a naked man in the middle of the winter.

“Are you cold?”

Without waiting for an answer, the giant black fox coiled around him, and the soft fur drove away the worst of the cold.

“… I’ve never killed anyone.”

The fox prince licked his hand… and Nuncio could feel a bit of the filth wash away.

“He was a monster and deserved to die.”

Nuncio bit his lip.

“… that doesn’t make me feel much better.”

“You saved my life.”

That did make him feel a bit better. Like something good had come out of it. For a moment anyway. Then the shame flared up again.

“How… did those thugs get police uniforms?” Nuncio asked.

“The easy way. They were coppers.”

Nuncio looked at him horrified.

“… but… they were the police. How… could they just try to murder you like that?”

“What better way to get away with murder than with a badge? Besides, the police chief suspects that my other half is a Romani. Something we are obviously guilty of.”

Nuncio shivered and the fox prince wrapped closer around him.

“Take your time but I do have some questions for you.”

“… like what?”

“Why don’t we start from the top? Why did your father try to have me killed? And why… do I smell a vampire on you?”

Nuncio bit his lip.

“… that’s… the kind of man he is. I think he was that kind of a man even before… becoming a vampire.”

The fox prince growled.

“So… he disappeared for eight years and came back as a vampire.”

“…you … you’ve looked into my family.” Nuncio said.

He tried to make it sound like an accusation, but he didn’t have the strength left even for that. Nuncio buried his face in his dirty hands while chewing on his lip.

“… can you… please… could you please turn back? Seeing you like that… it’s too much.”

“If you insist.”

He could feel the fox prince shrink and fold into himself until human arms were wrapped around him.

“I trust I am less overwhelming like this.” Torrini said while holding him.

Nuncio was about to ask him to let go but… he needed to feel the warmth of another human being right now.

“… my father… he left to fight in the Twelve-Year-War and… then he travelled The Wyrding for eight years and somehow…he became friends with Mordesai.”

“The dragon has poor taste in company.” Torrini said.

“… when he came back to us, he… my village… he did terrible things there. He…” Nuncio couldn’t finish the thought. Just thinking about it hurt too much: “… he’s been using his powers to amass a fortune and now… he wants more. He… has also been moving the Wyrd Stones. He needs easy access to The Wyrding. If he doesn’t have it… his mind starts to go.”

“Explains the wedding.” Torrini said and stroked his chin: “If I was a betting man… I’d say he has already used his mindfuck powers on Cassio… and the count and countess. Explains why they agreed to this charade so quickly. Well, well, well… aren’t I in a pickle. I have no more noble protection and the cops are after me. I should have known this was going to be one of those days.”


Nuncio was quiet for a moment and then began to weep. Torrini caressed his shoulders.

“No need to cry for me, darling. I’ve had worse days.” Torrini said.

“… not you… he has my mother and… when he finds out I saved you… he will hurt her… to punish me. My sister too.”

Torrini tensed up and then put his hands on Nuncio’s shoulders.

“Nuncio, look at me.”

Nuncio wiped his nose and looked Torrini in the eyes that were windows into a blue summer sky.

“You saved my life. I won’t forget that. I’m a Torrini. We do not forget. I will save your mom. Sister too. You have my word.”

“… talk… is cheap.”

“I know. I’m a politician after all. Now… looks like my contract with Cassio is on hold for the moment so what do you say? Wanna hire me? I have some excellent credentials as an advisor.”

Nuncio let out a wet snort and then nodded.

“… sure. Not like this is the dumbest thing I’ve done today.”

“Hold that thought until you see my salary. Now… as your advisor, I suggest we regroup and get in touch with my other allies.”

Nuncio took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

“The Fox Clan?”

“Unfortunately, no. I am seen as… bit of a traitor for living as a human. We’ll go to the goblins. Get this mess sorted out.” Torrini said and then sighed: “I also have to admit to Old Badger that she was right.”

“Old Badger? Uh… what was she right about?”

“About the fact that a master vampire is up and about. Couple of weeks ago a rock with a note wrapped around it was thrown through my window. A note asking for help. A goblin of the Hillside Tribe had been working as a guide for men who had been moving Wyrd Stones… and then murdered.” Torrini said gave him a sad look: “You do realize that your father has to die.”

Nuncio bit his lip.

“He should have died a long time ago.”

They left the car by the Wyrd Stones and began walking deeper into The Wyrding. As they walked, Torrini kept looking at the gun Nuncio had holstered on his belt.

“About the gun…” Torrini said finally.

“It was… for protection.” Nuncio lied: “It… doesn’t do much against a vampire.”

“Yeah.” Torrini agreed and then smiled at him: “Wanna know what I have learned over the years as Cassio’s advisor?”


“No advisor is more loyal than a friend so what do you say we become friends? You can start by calling me Sal.”

Nuncio blinked and then bit his lip.


“Yeah. So… if you ever feel like you need protection or get sad… you can come to me. Friends listen and help each other so… if you ever feel sad, you can talk to me.”

Nuncio was quiet for a moment and looked into those unnaturally blue eyes.

“I… Sal… I think I’d like that.”

Sal grinned and patted his back.

“I knew you would. Now… ride me.”

Nuncio almost swallowed his own tongue.


Sal laughed and then transformed back into a giant fox.

“Hop on my back. We have some ground to cover.”

The tree branches kept the moon and the stars hidden and Nuncio felt blind in the darkness of the forest, but the fox prince didn’t seem to have any problems with sight. The blue eyes glowed like small flames and his feet could have kept up with Nuncio’s car. He held on to the fox prince’s fur but as they galloped through the forest… he remembered and old game from his boyhood.


The king of Cobbler’s Hold. The great hero who guarded all he saw from monsters.

When he rode on the back of a fox god, he felt like that boy again and he couldn’t help but laugh. It had been so long since he had felt that way and he didn’t want to let that feeling go. What would the boy he had been say if he saw him now?

“I like your laugh.” The fox prince said while running.

Nuncio blushed.

“It’s just… I thought about something from my boyhood.”

The fox prince nodded and ran a bit faster while Nuncio enjoyed the brief moment of happiness. But all happiness was fleeting and riding until dawn didn’t feel like enough.

When the sun finally began to rise, they arrived at a goblin camp and Nuncio could only look in amazement. You never spotted a follower of the Quiet, they spotted you but here he was, amidst their tribe. The goblins peeked out of their tents and looked at the fox prince with reverence and relief.

But the fox prince only looked worried. He raised his head to sniff the air and looked more distressed by the second.

“Where is she? Where is Old Badger?”

A goblin woman stepped out of her tent. Her hair and the fur in her paws and tail was dark brown but streaked with grey. Despite the grey hairs, she was still fit. A woman in her prime. Someone who had wisdom born from experience but still had the vigor to lead the charge.

She walked up to them, and Nuncio dismounted from the fox prince’s back.

“Your highness and… human.” The goblin said.

The fox prince’s blue eyes narrowed.

“Where is she? Where is Badger? Why can’t I sense her?”

The goblin woman looked uncomfortable and glanced around at the camp. It brought to Nuncio’s mind a queen who wasn’t at ease on her new throne.

“Your highness… could we talk in my tent? Your friend may join us.”

The fox prince looked around at the camp and then nodded.


Sal took back his human form and followed the goblin into her tent. Nuncio smiled apologetically to the onlookers before following them. The goblin sat on a lotus position and started preparing them tea.

“I am Bee. Badger’s pupil and… successor. We actually met once when I was still called Little Bee.”

“I remember you. This is Nuncio. Now… where is she? And why do I smell bears?” Sal said.

Bee rubbed her face.

“Because… the bear prince visited us days ago. He came looking for revenge.”

Sal’s eyes widened before grimacing.

“And why do I only hear about this now?”

“Badger… she told me not to inform you. She believed that we should sort this out ourselves.” Bee said.

As custom demanded, Bee poured herself the first cup of tea to prove that it wasn’t poisoned before offering cups to them. Nuncio took the tea gratefully and wished he had eaten more at the viscount’s party. Sal just stared at his tea and the blue eyes could have been a spark that started a forest fire.

“Where is she?” Sal said.

“Badger and Little Ant… they banished themselves… to save the tribe. They went looking for proof of a master vampire.” Bee said.

The tea spilled when Sal flinched.

“You let my mate banish herself?!”

“… Sal?” Nuncio said.

“Badger is seventy-one years old! And you let her…!”

Nuncio put a hand on Sal’s shoulder.

“Sal…” Nuncio said.

Sal closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down.

“My mate was banished, and you kept it from me.” Sal said.

“It… it was her wish.” Bee said.

Sal stoked his beard so fast Nuncio was afraid he would tear it off. Once he had forced himself to calm down, he emptied his cup in a single gulp.

“Fine. I will find her and…”

“I think I know where she’s going.” Nuncio said.

Sal and Bee looked at him surprised.

“If… if they’re looking for proof of a master vampire, they would go to his nest. So… Cobbler’s Hold. My… hometown.” Nuncio said.

Bee put down her cup.

“Who are you?”

“He is my friend.” Sal said and smirked: “Okay. Cobbler’s Hold. That’s where we’ll go.”

“Catching up with them won’t be easy.” Bee said.

“I’ll run myself to death if I have to.” Sal said.

“Or we could take my car.” Nuncio said.

Sal was quiet for a moment and then smiled.

“Or we could take your car.” Sal agreed.

“What’s a car?” Bee said.

“A modern miracle.” Sal said and stood up: “Thank you for the tea, Bee.”

When they stepped outside, they found goblin children waiting for them. All of them were nervous and jittery… and Nuncio was reminded of all the times father had come home.

“… Your Savage Highness…” Boldest of the children said.

Sal cocked his head and then kneeled so he could meet the children at eye level.


“… are you angry at us? We… we heard you shout. Will you… abandon us?”

Sal’s expression was unreadable but then he smiled.

“Of course not. I am your guardian deity. If I ever abandoned you, the Queen of Cold and Dark can take me.” Sal said.

“… then… you’ll bring grandmother back?” The child said.

“Yeah. Where she goes, I go.” Sal said and ruffled the child’s hair: “So turn that frown upside down. It will all be okay. Now… before I go, is there is something you want?”

All the children looked shyly at each other and then at Nuncio.

“… you let the pretty man ride on your back.”

“Pretty man?” Nuncio said.

Sal smirked and then turned back into a fox god. The children smiled excitedly, and the fox prince lied down so they could all climb on his back. Nuncio and the adults watched with smiles on their faces while the fox prince carried the kids on his back, running laps around the camp. They all laughed while the ride went on and sighed with disappointment when it was over.

The tribe saw them off with waves and good wishes.

“That was nice of you.” Nuncio said.

Sal smirked with obvious self-satisfaction.

“My duties don’t end with Old Badger.” Sal said.

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