《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Chapter 4 - Run, Run, Run Away


2nd August

It's 5:25 PM and Yuki was in the middle of a big hall, he had no idea what just happened and where he was, his head was overflowing with thoughts and questions. Breaking the silence Naomi finally spoke.

"This… is Avalon." She exclaimed, "And I'll be your tour guide here."

Yuki was overwhelmed and his head was hurting like a bullet struck him, which rendered him unable to process anything. He stood up and looked around , "Where are we?" He asked. "As I already said, at Avalon. Now, let's go shall we?" She replied.

"Huh? Where to?" Yuki exclaimed.

" Avalon isn't only this big hall right?"

Yuki was confused but he decided that it would be better to listen to her. "Right. Let's go." He said in a calm tone.

Naomi signalled him to her and started walking towards a hallway that connected the hall and a big balcony, Yuki followed her to the balcony and saw an unbelievable sight.

Right in front of him was a big land mass almost the size of a metropolitan city, connected to other smaller land masses by bridge, and all this was just floating in air, the main land mass had a huge castle-like building covering almost 60% of it.

He also was standing on a small landmass which was connected to the main landmass by a very long bridge.

"This… is Avalon." Said Naomi.

Yuki was dumbstruck, he was just left admiring the beauty of the place.

"Let's go check it out, shall we?" Naomi asked, "I can't believe my eyes, is this all for real?" He asked back, "Yes, indeed." She answered.

"Before you asked me when was my birthday, why so?"

"Because… that's kinda important." She took a long pause then continued "But before that, remember my question?"


"Will I run away with you…?"

"Correct. So will you? Will you run away from your boring life and come here? This place is a literal RPG world. From here your life won't be boring anymore." She said it all as if she was giving a speech for the President's seat, "Before all you did was stay in that closed room, even in school you were in that small bubble of yours, even though you knew that was not cool so WILL YOU?

Yuki was stunned for a moment, he slowly started recollecting his thoughts, "H-hey… why are you s-saying as if I was a NEET or something…" he muttered.

"You weren't?"

"Of course I wasn't! I used to play basketball!" Yuki was now gaining his energy back, conversing with Naomi as he did.

"That's news to me! So? What happened then? Why did you stop playing basketball?" Naomi asked vehemently.

"Well…" Yuki suddenly lost all of his energy again, "things happened… and I stopped playing basketball altogether…"

"Things like…?" Naomi was very curious at this point, ignoring Yuki's discomfort.

"Eh… y'know like…"


"...things like change of- wait… why am I telling you this! Why do you even want to know!" Yuki flipped at her. Alarmed, Naomi backed off, "Oh s-s-sorry if it's something personal you don't have to bother telling me!" Yuki came back to his senses and immediately started apologizing…


After a small quarrel of tossing sorries from both sides the duo was back on the rail. And now Yuki was, for the fourth time, proposed the question, 'will he run away with Naomi?', this time, he started giving it a proper thought.

Do you like the way you live?

"No I don't."

Do you not want your life to become interesting and enjoyable again?


"Yes I do."

So will you run away from your old life for this new one in another world?

"YES I WILL!" Yuki screamed, his body throbbing with motivation that even Naomi was amazed "GOOD!" She said "Then let's do shall we?"

"But wait, what about my old life then?" Yuki asked.

"We will cast a spell and everyone will forget that you existed." Naomi replied.

"Is it that easy?"

"No, but in your case you didn't have any friends and no one cares about you. It will be easy."

"You could have put it in a less painful way... but fine."


Naomi walked away from Yuki for a moment, it looked like she was on call with someone after some time she came back and said to him, "the work will be done till tomorrow, as of now it's getting dark so you can return and spend your last night in that little room of yours."

"Am I supposed to feel sad about it?" Yuki commented

"Uh, I mean, normally you should, but it looks like you don't care about it anyway." Naomi replied, "Anyways, come back here tomorrow, we will register you, then you will learn how to use magic teehee."

"Got it, but how am I supposed to go back? When I came here my head felt as if it was going to explode, don't say I have to go through that pain again."

"Oh don't worry, you will be fine, the headache will only stay for a few seconds."

Yuki made an annoyed face, "Few seconds? I would die in those few seconds."

"Uhh, fine I'll come with you, I'll try to reduce some pain."

"Can't I just stay here?"

"No you can't, we have to make some arrangements."

"Wha- fine."

"Get your important stuff if you have any, not like it matters after you get here."

They went back to the big hall, and things took place just like last time, the only difference was the amount of pain Yuki had to go through.

7:20 PM

Yuki was laying on his bed, slowly drowning in thoughts…

What would happen with me after this?

Will I find a girlfriend there?

What if they kick me out of there for being a dickhead?

Wait- Most importantly, will I be able to watch porn there?


Yuki decided not to think about it but rather play games to cool off, he played a total of 20 matches till midnight, winning most of them "I sure can't do anything by winning in games huh?" Yuki thought to himself. After realising that even the instant gratification from the games was not enough for his dopamine receptors he decided to finally sleep. His last thoughts before he fell asleep were...

"This sure is boring."

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