《Empress of the World》Dawn of a New Empress


After a wardrobe change, Aurora and Devrim took their places behind the curtain at the front of the throne room. The baby naming ceremony was important in the life of a royal child, and the tenth day was always when the names were bestowed. The fact that this day coincided with the coronation seemed ordained by the Fates. While the nobility was treated to music, hors d'oeuvres, and entertainment in the grand ballroom, the servants transformed the throne room. The deep blue was removed and replaced with more white and gold: the colors of a bright future. Across the royal seal above the thrones, a white veil covered the crown. It represented hope and health. Everything was set.

Nanny and another nurse brought the twins to their adoptive parents. The new rulers each received one baby in their waiting arms. Handing the baby girl to Aurora, Nanny could help but admire the new Empress's strength. She couldn't resist tucking a stray hair behind Aurora's ear. "I'll be watching from back here, if it pleases Your Majesty."

"It pleases me," Aurora told Nanny. "If I had my way, you'd be on the front row."

Nanny smiled warmly, but shook her head. "Thank you, but that wouldn't be proper."

The room filled. At a precise moment, the Empress and Emperor Consort took the stage with the infants. The Council was seated on either side of the platform in chairs forming a half circle, an ancient representation of the Fates blessing on the newborn. In normal households, the ceremony would be held with only family at home and the name would then be registered with a magistrate. But here the Council would act as magistrate and the nobility as family.

Cafer stood to perorate, but Aurora forestalled him by standing as well. "While I am positive Chief Cafer has many beautiful words for my babies here, their attention at this age is limited." There was a ripple of laughter in the crowd. "I therefore beg his indulgence that we continue forward while everyone is quiet and happy." Cafer nodded respectfully and sat. While she was most likely correct about the babies, he was still upset that the Empress had cut him off.


"Honored guests, we welcome you. These children are blessings. Emperor Devrim and I love them deeply. As for the daughter in my arms, she shall be called Mairwen, for it is my desire that she be 'twice blessed': both in love she is given and the life she leads." With an intricate maneuver and the eventual help by a servant, Aurora traded children with Devrim. "This son will be called Alaron, for it is my desire that his strength and perseverance will make him known through the ages." Aurora looked at the crowd and smiled. "Let all who have witnessed proclaim that these children are so named. Mairwen and Alaron."

"Mairwen and Alaron," the people repeated.

"Now, let us feast!" Aurora and Devrim exited the platform.

Nanny was waiting for them in the wings looking proud. "Let me see those beautiful babes, Your Majesty." She cried happily.

"Great job, little ones! You were amazing." The Empress praised the twins. Immediately, Mairwen started crying, and Alaron released a smell that could wake the dead. Aurora looked up with a beautiful smile, "Nanny, they are all yours."


After the feasting was through and the guests were all sent home, Cafer assembled the Council around their table. "Where is Her Majesty?" Zan asked. Others nodded, having wondered the same thing.

Cafer shrugged dismissively, "Empress Aurora is quite tired, so we will conduct business without her."

"This is to be her first meeting with the Council as the new Empress. Surely we should postpone." Ezer suggested.

"There will be no need…" Cafer began, but stopped abruptly.

All eyes moved to the door. "There will be no need, for I am here. I apologize for keeping you waiting. I was detained. I thank the Council for being concerned after my health. I am quite well." Aurora glided to her seat, happy to be out of her platform shoes. She may have been shorter without them, but her presence was no less commanding. "Now I know we have business to discuss."


"Glory to the Empress!" The Council, minus Cafer, proclaimed.

Cafer was still recovering from his shock. He had made sure the Aurora would be unable to attend the meeting by giving the servants dozens of tasks that 'only the Empress' could decide. "Glory to the Empress!" He managed at last.

"Now what is our first order of business?"

Before Cafer could redirect, Birger chimed in, "You must select your Chief of the Council, Your Majesty." When Cafer glared at him, he added, "Of course Cafer is the obvious choice…"

The Empress looked calm. "Ah, yes. I have been giving this a lot of thought. I want to say that your service these past ten days has been invaluable to me, Cafer. I look forward to our continued cooperation." Cafer bowed from his seat, happy to accept the praise. Aurora continued, "But I believe I will allow you to retire as Chief. You need a rest. Today I select my Chief of the Council to be Zan."

Zan's face went pale, "Me, Your Majesty? I'm not sure I am the best choice."

"None the less, the choice is mine. Time will tell if I made the right one. Congratulations Chief Zan! Cafer?"

By the tone on Aurora's voice, the short man knew that he was expected to give up his seat. Cafer hesitated but reluctantly stood, "The food was far too rich at the feast, Your Majesty. I would beg to be excused."

"Of course," Aurora benevolently answered.

Cafer moved with urgency. It was clear that he was very displeased. A seed of contempt for the Empress was planted in Cafer's heart, and he fully intended to see it bloom. Unaware or unconcerned with the enemy she had made, the Empress remained calm. "Councilman Cafer is quite tired, I think we shall conduct business without him."

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