《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.3》Chp. 17, 3 Hundreds, A Soulful Rest


Where others would see fit to settle for increasing their capabilities mainly by points you have sought the harder path for you possess the will to see it through. +4 Will...

You tread forth taking your first steps upon a journey that will last all of your many days. +2 Con, End...

You pause for a moment looking back upon who you were before turning back to face what is and could be. +3 Cha...

You tread forth and pick up the pace, you are greater than you were yesterday, and tomorrow shall be no different. +4 Str, Dex...

Though once you were powerless, you are resolved to never let yourself be so again. With every step, every breath you improve, body and soul. +4 Will, Cha, Spirit...

Congratulations! You have completed the Physical Improvement I Road! +2 to all physical stats...

Congratulations! Your endurance has reached 100!...

You have acquired the Uncommon passive skill, Resistance to Mundane Exhaustion Lvl. 1!...

Resistance to Mundane Exhaustion- Your body has become more capable when it comes to the expenditure of your health and stamina. Slight increase to tolerance of health and stamina exhaustion per level of the skill. Small increase to Health/Stamina per level of the skill...

"Sweet." Dante said smiling as he felt the road complete. His feet carried him ever onward.

"Now then." He spoke as he poured 24 points into Luck.

Congratulations! You Luck has reached 100!...

Fortune smiles upon you!...

"Huh...Well I guess I don't know what I was expecting from that one...But it's gold text so here's hoping." he said sparing the Headmaster a glance only for him to give a reassuring nod.

One point to Wisdom.

Congratulations! Your Wisdom has reached 100!...


Then the earlier message repeated.

Fortune smiles upon you!...

You are awarded a moment of Inspiration!...

He felt that familiar door in the back of his mind open and light poured forth.

Suddenly he felt lost, adrift in an ocean of knowledge but uncertain of what to use it on. It was all too much for him. He fell to his knees, instantly the Headmaster by his side picking him up and setting him in a nearby chair.

He was so tired from his day of training. His eyes began to drift closed. The world was spinning.


He just wanted to go back to the Inn and sleep.

All at once the ocean of light upon which he drifted surged upwards, immersing him within the liquid light.

For a moment he felt as if the answers to so many questions were at his fingertips.

But he had already made the choice if only accidentally.

He thought of sleep, he remembered that he still needed to read 10 pages from those books before he went to bed.

He wanted to sleep but he had to read. To sleep or to read.



Then it came to him.

Dante blinked the world around him once more as it had been. He bolted upright from his chair much to the surprise of the Headmaster who had been knocked on his ass by the sudden motion.

"EUREKA!" He exclaimed as threw his hands into the air, balling them into fists all in a symbolic gesture of victory. The Headmaster taking a step back in surprise and his guards stepping forwards. Each with one hand upon a sword and the other readying a spell.

Congratulations! You have obtained the Rare, Semi-Passive skill, Soulful Rest Lvl. 1...

A glorious blue box greeted him.

Soulful Rest

Through a moment of Inspiration you have discovered how to allow your mind to operate within your Soul space independent of your body during rest. Allows users to enter their soul space while entering or while otherwise in a sleeping or resting state. Small increase to all regens per level of the skill.

Skill may be disrupted due to disturbances from within or from outside the user's soul space. Disturbances include but are not limited to, excessive mental strain, taking damage, or being otherwise shaken awake. Increasing the skill level will allow for greater freedom of actions for the user to perform whilst maintaining Soulful Rest.

Unless toggled off, Soulful Rest will always trigger when the user sleeps. Will trigger automatically when certain conditions are applied to the user.

Dante stood there for a few seconds absorbed in the moment before he felt that door close once more and he began to take stock of his surroundings.

"Oh shit sorry, Let me..." He spoke as he saw the Headmaster on the ground and helped him to his feet.


"So what did you get that made you go down and jump up like that?" The Headmaster asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. Seeing this Dante showed him the blue box for his new skills but no sooner had he handed him the first did he mouth fall open.

"A moment of Inspiration...Do you know...Of course you wouldn't. Dante let me tell you something. I have been helping teach magic in these tutorial zones for millennia. In that time I have taught...Millions? Millions of students. Can you guess how many have gotten what you just got in all those many years?" He asked his expression serious, but tinged with amazement.

"Not many I'm guessing." He replied curious as to the answer but couldn't be that low.

"Less than 100. If memory serves you would be the 97th I have taught who gained a moment of inspiration. Of all those I have met you can count with 4 digits. You are a fortunate individual. When I told you to Invest into Luck I honestly did not expect this to be the outcome..." Looking off towards the west the Headmaster saw that the sun had set.

"Well it's a good thing you did!" he exclaimed feeling fortunate for all he had received today. He would even try out his new skill when he got back.

After taking a moment to read the remainder of Dante's notices, the Headmaster spoke again.

"Well Dante It has been a long day for both of us. I think you should head back to your accommodations to rest. In fact I will send you off with an escort..."

Minutes passed, the adrenaline from earlier wearing off Dante sat down, eyes drooping. Seeing this the Headmaster got the Inn from him before he fell asleep.

5 minutes later Dante was asleep in the back of a carriage on his way to the Crystalfoot inn.


The Headmaster and his bodyguards stood out front watching the carriage rumble away down the street.

The bodyguard on his left was the first to speak.

"Do you think he suspects anything sir?"

The Headmaster took a moment before responding.

"I think he might have caught a glimpse of my true nature..." he drifted off, lost in old memories.

"Shall we employ memory wiping..."

"NO!...No, he likely has no idea what he was seeing and thus possesses little risk to us." The Headmaster exclaimed, drawing attention for onlookers who quickly went right back to what they had been doing when they saw who had yelled.

"If he does figure it out..." The guard on the right began but was quickly silenced.

"IF he does figure it out. He seems like a rather smart boy. One with enough wisdom to realize if something is amiss that it is better to keep quiet until he is sufficiently informed! At which point we can reassess him." He spoke in a low harsh voice to his guards ending their objections.

"...Besides, there is certainly more to him than meets the eye. A god did see fit to grant him a small boon after all. They must see him somewhere in the wider canvas. From what I have seen of him today I am inclined to leave him be for now and see what he becomes." The Headmaster trailed off, his eyes distance and bearing the weight of ages untold.

"Shall we have him watched then?" Spoke the man on the right.

"Someone to aid from the shadows should it be required?" Spoke the man on the left.

"Yes, but unseen, unheard. He mustn't be aware they exist. Him learning that could add needless complications."

"Very well sir." The guards spoke in unison.


Soon enough Dante was placed into his bed at the Crystalfoot Inn. Quietly the door was closed and he was left alone in his room for the night.

Soulful Rest has triggered...

The first thing Dante did was yawn before rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

When he opened them he found himself beneath a familiar tree. In the distance he saw a tower standing tall and proud.

"Huh...guess it did auto trigger, sweet. Now what should I do?"

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