《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.3》Chp. 11, Inner world pt.II


With every spell, every self taught lesson, you feel your mind and magic growing. +3 Int, +50 mana...

You look upon the world and see the mundane made from the arcane and the arcane made from the mundane. +1 Per, Int, Wis...

With every step you get a little closer to a breakthrough...


The system wishes to grant you advice in place of further statistical rewards on this road...

Will you accept?

He felt the familiar sensation of walking, a step for every point he invested. A little bit of possibility to carry him forth.

He remembered remaking Light and Dancing lights. He remembered how it felt to wield magic. Deep inside he felt something expand just a bit. Felt something beneath his skin, almost like static and then it faded.

The next notice called his mind back. He remembered the magic fridges and drink dispensers downstairs. For all magics, it could certainly make life easier. Once more he felt something, multiple things within himself grew just a bit. His vision grew just a little sharper. His mind expanded just a little more.

As he read the third notice the feeling changed. No longer was it a road upon which he walked but...a ladder to climb? His progress halted, the system awaiting his decision.

He read the lines once, then twice, then a third.

"Um... Virgil?" Dante spoke haltingly, drawing Virgil's attention.

"Yes Dante what seems to be..." But the words died in his throat as he read the notice.

"Virgil, what does this mean other than the obvious?" He asked, caught off guard by the sudden situation he found himself in.

Virgil on the other hand laughed and clapped.

"This is glorious news! Dante, you must accept this opportunity and not let it slip away from you!" Virgil exclaimed in his excitement, only causing Dante to slowly edge away from him on the bed.

He couldn't immediately think of Virgil ever being this excited.

'Well, he is my guide. He hasn't fucked me over so far. How big of an increase could I be losing out on? 10-15 points? Advice from the system actually sounds like it could be really helpful.' He thought for a moment before something caught his eye out the window.

'Why does it look...' He began thinking as he stepped over to the window and looked out then up. Within seconds he had torn open the door and raced outside to gaze up at the sky.

There written upon the sky of this place was a single line, a question.

Will you accept?

This little world of his was bathed in the faint golden light that emanated from those colossal words. To him it seemed almost like a perfect fall day.

But here in this place, he realized...

...there was no sun.

Virgil watched the sky in wonder from the doorway of the hobbit house. After a moment, they both locked eyes and the decision was reached.


"I accept"

To him it wasn't much.

To other's it was the world.

Those golden letters that filled the sky vanished and for a moment nothing happened.

He heard something, but where was it coming from?

He heard the echoing of many voices, and in a blink of his eyes the world changed once more.


Now he stood in what seemed to be a grand lecture hall. All around him he saw men and women in robes.

Some green, some blue, some red, some yellow...no, gold.

He stood at the front watching the hustle and bustle of...students?

Something felt off, like he shouldn't be here.

He saw multiple species standing in groups, sitting at desks, walking around.

Many were human, others were people with scales, people with fur, some even with horns.

"Um hello can you...Hello? Hello!" Dante tried once, twice, thrice but no one paid him any mind.

He reached out to grasp a man on his shoulder only for him to grab nothing but air.

He was too busy trying to get someone's attention to notice the man walking up behind him.

Dante shuddered as the man passed through him, as if he were...

"A ghost? Like a shadow in this place. Or is it that I am real and this place is but a shadow?" He questioned aloud drawing no attention, or so he thought.

+1 Rp into the Philosopher's road...

He stared at that notice for a long few seconds before he turned, hearing someone walk into the hall through a side door.

As he turned around he saw what he assumed to be the professor standing at the podium at the front of the class. He was an older looking gentleman, with thin salt and pepper hair.

"Good morning class. I am your professor *(^*^(*(^*( and I shall be your instructor for *(^*&^*^%&^$. Today we shall be discussing ^*(^&*(^*(^(*%."

As he listened, some of the words failed to translate.

But why?

"Now, as wizards it is often said that we try to understand magic. To quantify it. All that we may reach greater heights. This is all true for the most part, BUT!..." The professor exclaimed, giving a momentary pause for effect.

"...it's far too often that we forget that magic is more than a cause to an effect. More than a tool to be wielded. For you see magic itself is alive in a way. It has its own whims and desires. We seek to understand magic, but sometimes to reach greater heights we need only allow magic to understand us. If you will turn to page 567 of your text books you will see a first hand account of One Archmage Flatt. Flatt is best known for his many innovations in the field of magic. But we shall discuss those things later in the semester. For now you will note that Archmage Flatt often created little tunes to help in his spell creation. Quite literally singing his spells into existence...Yes you have a question?" The professor paused, seeing a young woman raising her hand.


"Could we see an example of this singing spell creation? I thought the creation of spells always required years of effort or the assistance of outside entities."


The world fell away revealing that he was standing in a dark gray room.

'I guess the lesson is over. How funny, Archmage Flatt. Reminds me of Erick from Arcs.' he thought for a moment as he ran over what he had just learned in his mind. Only then did he hear the cough.


Dante looked about the blank space only to see a single man still standing, staring at him.

The professor.

"Hello child, I see the system is giving another new wizard a little push in the right direction. Did you enjoy my lesson?"

Dante was too stunned to speak, what the fuck was going on, who was this guy?

"Ah I see that I might have startled you, my apologies..." the man took a step towards Dante and suddenly he was right in front of him.

A hand reached out and grasped him by his shoulder. He looked into the man's eyes as they seemed to stare into him. Through him.

His eyes weren't a set color. They were always shifting, patterns emerging and falling away.

The man smiled as he reached up and for a moment the mask he wore, the guise of the professor, was pulled back.

He lowered the mask for a second, revealing his face. A face made of light and magic.

It was indescribable, this being was formless and yet they stood together in this place.

In that moment he felt he was staring upon the face of magic. With each second that passed, each second he looked into that light, he felt magic grow a little more clear to him.

Congratulations! You have completed the Wizards Road II!...

Skill, Student of Magic, has its rank increased to, Uncommon! Level has been maintained...

Student of Magic- As one learning the arcane arts you have begun to learn new ways in which to use both spells and skills that rely upon magic. Small increases the probability to realize or discover methods, not previously known to you while working with magic. Effects slightly increase per level of the skill...

You have leveled up!...

You have gained a level in the Uncommon class, Wizard!...

You have been granted the opportunity to learn several spells free of charge! Please make your way to the nearest Mage guild to choose and acquire said spells...

Rank up now available...

Congratulations! Your health has surpassed 1000! You shall be awarded a health related skill that fits you...


You have obtained the Uncommon, passive skill, Over Heal Lvl. 1...

Over Heal- Sometimes your health pool just isn't sufficient. Small increase to max health, per level of the skill...

"We will meet again Dante, someday..." spoke the being, his voice echoing into eternity.

For a moment he felt that door in the back of his mind open allowing a bit of light to pour in before it closed once more.

With a blink Dante returned to his soul space. He saw a flash out of the corner of his eye coming from the small hobbit house.

As he stepped inside past Virgil he noticed two things had changed.

Virgil watched from the doorway, taking it all in with Dante.

The first thing he noticed was that there was a fine looking wooden desk next to the wall, opposite the door where there had been none previously. It was bigger than a desk you might find in a modern school but not quite as big as a fridge turned on its side. On each side of the desk it had four drawers. Opening each drawer revealed them to be empty.

On the desk were a small stack of...parchment paper? As well as a quill and ink pot.

Laughing a little he picked up the quill and ink pot.

"Little old fashioned don't you think? What about a pen?" No sooner had he said it than they both began to glow. For a second they flashed forcing him to look away, but when he looked back they were gone and a large pen sat in a holder on the desk.

"No, that's more like it!" Dante exclaimed with a small bit of amusement.

Turning away from the desk towards the door he noticed that the bookshelf also had changed.

Where once it looked ramshackle, it now looked like a properly made book shelf. In addition he saw several new books adorning its shelves.

But upon closer inspection, all the new books were blank. Dante frowned a bit disappointed by that.

"Well at least I can use them for notes." He said as he replaced the book he was holding upon the book shelf.

He smiled as he opened his status for a moment.

'16 stat points and several stats below 50. Shesh, my will is way too low for my liking.' He thought as he poured all his stat points into will.

'I'll raise the others after I finish the Philosopher's road. And I'll ask Virgil a bit more about the Rank up stuff.' he thought as he put the remaining 14 points into the Philosopher's road.

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