《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.3》Chp. 8, Adventure's guild Part I


After walking for about half an hour Califa stopped at the entrance of a grand building, which looked much like other adventurer's guilds he had seen in anime.

"Welcome to the adventure's Guild. Huh...It looks like they repainted." She said with a small smile.

Together they stepped into the guild.

The interior reminded him of the Adventurers guild from Overlord. Though instead of wooden flooring it seemed to be marble. It really looked quite nice.

They walked in and up to a counter where Califa began speaking with a human male about signing Dante up.

The whole process took little more than a minute as dozens of screens flickered in and out of existence rapidly in front of Dante and the person manning the counter.

When all was said and done Dante was handed a small, somewhat opaque card, about the size of a driver's license.

On the card, it displayed his level, rank, name, and a picture of him.

Dante A. Stone, [Rank 1] Lvl. 23 [Skills] [Roads] [Quests] [Log]

"And this is?" Dante asked with a little uncertainty.

"That would be your Adventurer Identification card. So long as you have it on your person or even in your inventory it will monitor certain things. For example, if you take a quest to kill, let's say, 10 goblins then that quest will appear on the card and display the current number of goblins hunted. This also extends to any monster or... player that you kill. It's a means to keep track of who killed what. It's very helpful in determining reward distribution when multiple people take part in a single quest." Said the man behind the counter.

It was also explained that the options he saw on the card were a sort of emergency back up. By tapping the options the related screen would be pulled up.

When he asked what kind of emergency it would be used in the man simply replied, "In case you ever leave the boundaries of the System."

He learned that should he leave the boundaries of the system that many of it functions would simply cease working, though some might continue working at diminished capacity depending on the circumstance.

Dante let that information sit for a moment before speaking on what had been spoken about earlier.

"Not to say I would but couldn't someone just drop the card, kill someone and then pick it back up?" He asked, playing a bit of devil's advocate.

"Yes and no. As for the dropping idea, it doesn't work. The card as soon as you take it becomes a Soul Bound item. It works within a range of about a meter from whoever it's bound to. Should it leave that range, it vanishes and is moved to the player's inventory. Even if one attempted to remove the soul bound effect..." The man paused stopping himself before he went off on a tangent.

"...Which is very dangerous by the way, the guild would be informed as soon as an attempt was detected." replied the man behind the counter, his smile wavering for a second before returning in full force.

"I suspect that if you don't have an inventory for it to go to, it would probably either reappear on your person or in something similar to the system wallet?" Asked Dante who was rubbing the stubble on his chin.

+1 Wis...

"Indeed. Such work arounds have been tried for nearly as long as the guild has existed. Which is almost as old as the system itself. The system always builds failsafe's, either before or just after such things are discovered. The system’s always learning, always adapting, improving... watching." His tone was joyous at first but was brought down, until he paused and spoke the final word, one of warning.


'Well that's unsettling.' Dante thought, though he did appreciate the small gain in Wisdom.

"So Dante, shall we move on to some shops and skill train..." Califa was interrupted as a loud retching could be heard from off to the left.

Many eyes turned towards the source of the sound only to see a man leaning one hand against the wooden wall and retching onto the floor. Several people were nearby who seemed to be his friends as they appeared to be trying to comfort him. Dante was about to walk out with Califa before he saw it.

The woman standing next to the man was speaking to him.

"You see Johnny, this is why you shouldn't have drank so much last night! You're lucky I have purify otherwise we would probably be paying to have this place cleaned!" She said as she looked down at the puddle of liquid and mush on the ground and it began to glow.

Dante moved towards the group of several people standing around the now clearly hungover man.

"Dante? Where are you going?" Califa said as she followed after him, once she noticed he had stopped following her.

As he walked, he watched the mess on the floor slowly vanishing into soft blue light. But not it wasn't just the mess that glowed with that faint blue light it was her!

"Susan we all know you love Delve, and think Purify is the best. But we both know Cleanse from Arcs is much better at the lower levels!" As the larger man spoke he raised up his hand and the mess rapidly became clouds of dense air that rose up before dissipating into the manasphere. Leaving a perfectly clean marble floor behind.

The woman he had called Susan looked at the large man with a sour expression and a glare.

"How am I supposed to train and purify if you keep Cleansing every mess Tod!?" She exclaimed angrily, while rapidly banging her fists on his chest.

He seemed amused by that as he cracked a smile.

"Hello? Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your little group and did you say Purify from Delve, and Cleanse from Arcs?" He asked before realizing he had made a mistake. Turning back to look at Califa standing a few steps behind him, arms folded across her chest Dante winced.

"I'm sorry for getting distracted. Let me talk to these guys for a little bit then we can move on to the shops. I know a great shop you might be interested in." He said thinking of the Walking Corpse and not either of the other shops that Oscar ran. He tried not to think about the other ones right now.

Califa raised and waved a hand in resignation before walking up to stand beside Dante and better listen to the conversation.

Dante turned just in time to see Tod, a large young man who stood a head above the rest reach over and place a hand upon Johnny's shoulder. His palm glowed for a moment and Johnny straightened up seemingly feeling a bit better. Tod besides being tall, about 6'6 or 2 meters, His skin was pale but he had vibrant blue eyes that contrasted heavily with his short and curly, dull red hair.

He looked fairly Irish to Dante's untrained eye.

Johnny, as he had been called, inspected Dante for a moment before turning to Susan and asking, "Can you keep Purify up, I have a terrible taste in my mouth...Thank you Tod." He paused taking a deep breath and rubbing his face before he continued.


"I'm Johnny as you might have heard and your name is?" He said, turning towards Dante.

"Dante It's good to meet all of you." he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Johnny made a motion with his hand and a water bottle appeared in it, before he began quickly downing it.

As he was drinking the water Susan piped up.

"So Dante, what's your class?" She asked inquisitively.

"I'm a level 23 nobody actually. I don't have a class yet." He replied with a shrug and a smile.


"So I overheard you saying that you had purify, the skill from Delve? And you have Cleanse from Arcs? How?" Dante asked as he pointed to Susan and Tod respectfully, truly curious now and not afraid to show it.

"Yeah I do have it. Have you read Delve?" Susan replied. To which Dante simply nodded with a smile.

"I have, it's not a bad story. Though I found the system a little lacking, it had it's highlights.” He spoke his mind before looking at the warrior.

"Tod was it? You have Cleanse from Arcs right? That's gotta be one of my favorite stories!" Dante exclaimed, earning a growing grin upon the warrior's face.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I do have Cleanse! It's a fucking great spell isn't it?" Tod spoke as he reached forth and took Dante's hand while eyeing Susan with a wide grin on his face.

Tod waved a hand butting into the small discussion between the two.

"Me and Susan have been having an argument for forever since we each only read one of the stories. SO in your opinion!?" Tod paused glaring daggers at Susan who glared right back.

"Which is better, Cleanse or Purify?" Tod asked none too subtly indicating which he wanted Dante to choose.

Susan looked about ready to start their previous argument back up before Dante interjected.

"While I prefer Cleanse over purify, each spell and the system they come from have their own benefits. Cleanse has low mana cost, while purify can get up to insane power and range, or a mix of the two. Auras aren't my thing though. Mana exhaustion is a real bitch!" he exclaimed, eliciting nods from several of the group including Susan.

"I know what you mean that's why I'm trying to see if I can get the Dynamo class! It's a real bitch trying to get this class I'll tell you. Here's hoping it gives at least resistance to mana exhaustion, if not immunity for all the work I'm putting in." she said with a measure of worry and pride.

"Dynamo is a good way to farm exp for leveling but are those levels worth it is the true question. What rank are you guys?" Dante asked curiously.

"Rank?" asked Susan

"I saw it next to my level on my guild card but the guy wouldn't explain it to me." asked Tod.

"Is that like your level or something?" Spoke the man who had been silent up until this point. His expression and tone hinted that he didn't really care about the answer. No his expression and the way his eyes darted back and forth to him. That told him something was up.

"Ah, before I explain what rank is, what are your levels and main classes?" Dante spoke.

The grouped discussed for a moment before pulling up their status pages

"Level 40 aura mage, level 36 Leader and warrior, level 25 Ranger, level 12 Paladin [Rank 3]..." They replied after a moment of discussion amongst themselves.

They all looked to Tod as he simply looked around at them innocently.

"What? It happened last night when I got the class. Did I forget to mention that?" Tod asked quizzically only to be assaulted with questions from his friends.

In order.

First had been Susan who seemed very proud of her level. Her shoulder length blond hair was a bit unkempt as it seemed she had been working hard.

Johnny came next with the second highest level, he seemed to be the leader that let others do the work for him.

'Anyone with the Leader class had to be more of a talker than a fighter.' was the impression he got from the information he had.

Second to last there was the silent man. He hadn't spoke at all this whole time. Upon asking the man reached out his hand and introduced himself as Richard. Dante couldn't help but find the guy more interesting than the other's. He just couldn't place why that was though.

Last but not least came Tod, he was proud of his level despite it being low. Probably because he was [Rank 3], but still he spoke with an air of humility. His copper hair pulled back in a ponytail. He reminded Dante of someone but couldn't remember who.


In that brief moment Dante had been preoccupied with his thoughts he found that they had not only learned about ranks from Tod but all three had ranked up to rank 2.

Dante spoke with the group for a while about D&D spells about any differences they had noticed.

How he remade the light cantrip. To his surprise Tod and Susan both stated they had done something similar.

Dante asked Tod about if he got the spell from his class but Tod told him that he had remade the spell before he had gained the class.

They showed him something they had found after a little bit of questioning their guides.

System Skill Points (SSP) 3

"System skill points? How do I have 3 already?" Dante questioned very confused by this turn of events.

"You get the points for doing things like remaking spells and when you level up. Though it seems you only gain points for levels you gain while you've had the system. So when you remade light you got that point. I assume you've leveled twice since you got here. Now as for where you can spend it..." Susan replied before pulling out a blue box and presenting it to Dante. Tod immediately produced one of his own and also showed it to Dante.

Purify (1)

Purify an area of poison, corruption, and contamination

Maximum level: (10)

Range: 1 meter per rank, Mana cost: 10 mp/min per rank, Purchase price: 1 SSP Do you wish to purchase? Y/N Cleanse (1)

Purge an area equal to the level of the spell in meters of all Toxins, Disease, Filth, and Corruption.

Maximum level: (10)

Duration: Instant, Range: 1 meter, Mana cost: 100 mana, Purchase price: 1 SSP Do you wish to purchase? Y/N

Dante looked in awe. So, with a smile he bought both.

"I bought both so you guys can fight about which is better. Cleanse in my opinion is better for immediate cleaning needs, while Purify is better for more long term endeavors." He said eliciting a look of disappointment from both Tod and Susan. Though the later gave a small nod of acceptance to the clever play.

Then a thought hit him.

'I remade the cantrip light. How much harder can...' he thought as he realized this would more than likely be rather hard. 'I don't know the first thing about remaking spells. Remaking light was basically...It was like I let a light that was already there shine for all to see.' He pondered that for a moment as he stared at the blue boxes.

'I could always use some more points so lets give Dancing lights a try...' He thought as he began his attempt.

Dante cast light, causing a small amount of light to pool in his hand. The others paused in their heated discussion and watched him. Wondering what he was doing.

He held in his mind how it felt to dance...

How it felt to move and sway in the wind. He remembered freedom and joy...

He used mana manipulation to shape the liquid light in his palm with about 100 mana, causing his feeling of mana exhaustion to return but only for a moment. Slowly the light began to rise up. Like a bubble of air trapped beneath a liquid it rose. It rose and grew and changed until it overcame something intrinsic to the spell that had created it. And so it changed.

Mana Manipulation has leveled up! Lvl. 1->4...

The small orb of light lift off of Dante's palm and began to grow, not only in size but also in luminesce. Dante felt the mana around him beginning to stir as coalesce around this orb. The Orb burned bright and then it was three smaller lights each about the size of a tennis ball.

Mana Sense has leveled up! Lvl. 10->12...

Student of Magic has leveled up! Lvl. 1->5...

"Dancing lights. Hell yeah!" Dante exclaimed. After checking the blue box from earlier he saw it had indeed gone up to 2.


The others asked him how he had managed to remake Dancing lights and after a bit of persuasion and promises that he could come adventure with them he relented and helped them to remake dancing lights.

After that they spoke more of what they had found out about the system and only now did they tell him more DND spells were real.

They all showed their joy and amazement of how the spells they had loved had come to life and now they could use them.

Dante learned that thaumaturgy and prestidigitation both cost 1 small gold in the store.

'If most cantrips are 1 small gold I might have to devote some funds to buying up a fair few.' He considered as he purchased the spells.

He felt that familiar door swing open just long enough to let the light that was those spells pour through before it closed again. The spells assembling themselves there in his mind.

He opened his hand and there appeared a marble made from gold. He smiled at the use of Prestidigitation before he watched the small sphere made of gold disintegrate into the mana that had made it.

Dante paused for a moment noticing something that hadn't been there before, he felt a little colder now.

'Was it this cold before?' he thought before he looked at Susan and it donned on him. His eyes widened in shock as the realization hit him and he asked, "Who's running the winter aura right now?"

Susan smiled, he learned that each one of them had one of the three main season skills from Delve. All except Fall, the hardest to get.

Susan had Winter, Tod had Summer, Richard had Spring, Johnny also had Summer. Susan and the other's were quite intent on getting the Fall aura but couldn't quite remember the requirements to unlock it.

As it seemed that even though the system made the skills real, said skills still had their requirements.

Even the part where you had to pay experience to access higher tiers on the skill trees.

Tod mentioned how sending had changed to be more like the Arcs version of the spell, having no class or level requirement now like in Arcs.

After inquiring he heard it was also 1 SSP.

Dante pulled up the blue box for sending.


You open your mind to a creature with which you are familiar allowing for communication over long distances. The creature hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. The spell enables creatures with an Intellect stat of at least 1 to understand the meaning of your message. 1 mana per word, possibly more if it's a long word. Transmission of thoughts and other such things more substantial than words is possible but incurs increased mana costs. Spell may be maintained for as long as you have sufficient mana.

You can send the message across any distance and even to other planes of existence, but if the target is on a different plane than you, there is a, variable chance that the message, or parts of it, do not arrive. You are made aware when the message fails to arrive and a mild understanding of why. You cannot target dead creatures with this spell unless other effects would allow you to do so. You are made aware if the target creature is deceased.

Duration: Instant, Range: unlimited, Mana cost: 1 mp/s minimum, Purchase price: 1 SSP Do you wish to purchase? Y/N

'I can get sending...Sending seems like it got a fair bit of overhauling under the system. Note to self ask Virgil about sending. What can I try and remake next for more points? How hard could it be to remake Firebolt? Yeah Firebolt sounds like it will do. I will have to look into the other skills I can buy later.' He nodded as he thought, then he purchased Sending and looked to his right at Califa. She seemed to be as enraptured with the discussion as he was, her displeasure with having to wait gone now.

Dante reviled in the feeling of light pouring into his mind.


Elsewhere on Earth...

Men, women, and children fought on the beaches and in the streets not against monster though there were a few around.

No they were fighting each other due to a quest the system had prompted them with as soon as each of them had returned.

Global Quest has been issued!

Spare Some Change?

Find and collect metal change.

You may have said coins appraised and "cash them in" via this quest box.

For every coin given to the system an amount of money shall be added to your system wallet based on its appraised value.

Other forms of currency are accepted and you shall be fairly compensated for turning them in.

It's recommended that anyone participating in this quest acquire 1 SSP and purchase the Detection skill from the System Skill Store.

Appraise Cash in


Several men worked together to find all that they could on the beach before many others had this same idea.

The three friends had been fans of Delve and in their foolishness died trying to raid that Halls of the Dead.

Now the three friends were scavenging a beach for all its valuables.

Each man had the Detection skill. One man was combing the sands for change to turn in for the quest, though he decided to hold onto a quarter the system offered him a small gold for, 100 dollars.

Another searched the sands for jewelry, as scanning for gold or silver came back with very fuzzy results.

Then there was the third man, he searched the surf for anything of value but after seeing a shark and scanning it he decided to go back to shore as fast as possible

His skill had identified the creature as something that should have been long extinct, a Megalodon.

Many people worked hard and fast trying to earn enough for this Detection skill so that they could earn as much money as possible to use in this new world.

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