《Candle burning in the dark》Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold
“Confidence is ignorance. If you're feeling cocky, it's because there's something you don't know.”
- Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl
The day passed with frequent rests, they were in no shape for hard travels in spite of Mireille's claims to the contrary. Even Cyrus was subdued after their experience. Alyssa was especially gloomy.
“What did you think would happen when they caught up? Christina is a follower of the most rigid goddess I know!” Mireille gesticulated and tried to get Alyssa's attention.
“I...don't know. It's simply that killing people I am acquainted with...it's a new low. Even if I did not do the deed, it happened because of me, because of us. And I can't even be properly sad about it, I am actually glad to be alive and free, and isn't that proof that I am what they accuse me of?”
“That you can even think about that is because he died. Perhaps he would have felt bad about it, but the interrogators would have tortured you until there was nothing left. I don’t think we had a choice and I respect Vanessa for not killing them all. She is a good person- being? Whatever. Better than I would have been in any case.”
She stopped and collected her thoughts. “I normally go with the flow. No one wanted to pay for apprenticing me, so I did the odd jobs, and mostly went hungry. The sons were always more important than the jokester, good-for-nothing daughter. So perhaps I am more selfish because if I did not look out for myself, no one would. I know selfish, you are not selfish. Don't punish yourself more. I think what you experienced the last weeks was more than enough of that.”
"Don't put yourself down so much, I wouldn't know what to do without you." Alyssa looked at Mireille thankfully.
Cyrus tried to fly again, ripping her cloak in the process, it was just as well they had some more.
In the evening.
The sun set far over the forest, drenching the swaying treetops in red colors, which looked like a vast sea. They had climbed into the mountains again, this time following a proper road. There was a small overhang, chiseled and smoothed for camping purposes.
“That's a nice touch.” Mireille admired the even and smooth stone floor. “But it says a lot, that I like an even stone floor that much. I will do my utmost to get accustomed to luxury when we get to Margrinar!”
Alyssa yawned and rubbed her eyes. She had dark circles around them from lack of sleep. Being tightly bound was very uncomfortable and not conducive to a good night's rest.
“Lucky that Cyrus got that flightless bird thing. That's instincts for you. Otherwise, you would have to teach him.” Mireille joked.
Cyrus had managed with a wing-assisted leap, to catch a bird ducking into a small ravine, the stinger had killed the poor thing with one blow. Afterward, the small wyvern had ripped it to shreds, eating everything including feathers and beak. Alyssa shuddered a bit in remembrance.
“Yes, lucky us.” She cheered weakly.
They spread their blankets and prepared for the night. Alyssa used her fire spell under the instructions of Asandria to warm a big rock, who then radiated quite a bit of warmth.
“That's very nice. I was wondering how we were going to cook. And it's without a suspicious-looking light and no smoke.” Mireille seemed very pleased. Unconsciously she made a small gesture and spoke a word upon which a small gust of wind cleared away some dust before sitting.
“Look at this! I have not tried that in months, and it works. I was worried after they warned us in the training camp.”
‘It should be fine if it incorporates wind or fire and she keeps it small. But she should never attempt water.’ Asandria spoke, her transparent figure melding into the shadows.
“Asandria says to never try for a water spell. And to use cantrips only.”
“Yes, yes!”
“Please take it seriously!”
“Yes, yes!”
They ate some trail rations, warmed over the stone. Suddenly there was a gust of wind and Vanessa appeared out of the deepening dusk.
“Dhe suilon. I wish you a good evening.” Vanessa nodded towards the two.
“Hello to you too.” Mireille waved with a piece of jerky.
“Good evening.” Alyssa bowed.
“It seems as if our pursuers are no longer trying to catch you. They have begun to return towards Sorringen. I am later than I wished because I observed them for a short while.”
“Can I ask you some questions?” Alyssa spoke.
“Please do.”
“Who exactly are you and what happened for you to be captured?”
The small girl walked quietly towards the wall of the shelter and sat down. Even clothed in rags, she had an arresting presence.
“I am Vanessa’ellariel Erellathiel Princess of the Orchid Palace. I lived a long time ago- It was around the time you humans came to the continent.
I tried to find a way to lift the curse that afflicted my country, but while doing so, I myself was cursed by the Heartstealer. She did so to preserve me for her own designs but I managed to escape.
Afterward, I not only searched for something to help my people, but also for ways to retain my sanity. If I may say so I was successful with the second and failed miserably with the first. The magic I used to preserve my mind had the unintended side effect of a prolonged sleep, perhaps in conjunction with my changed nature.
I am awake mere months now. Always only a bit ahead of the envoys of broken ivory.
I mistakenly assumed that I would be able to acquire allies and make a difference in fighting against the common foe. That led to my capture by the priesthood of Cornac, god of battles, the red harbinger. Those same people then gave me into the keeping of the adventuring group you met. I did not let myself be taken without a fight, and they did not have the resources anymore for escorting me themselves.
The rest you should have experienced for yourself.
Now I have given up on the lands around here and wanted to travel with you in the hopes of learning a bit more about the times I find myself in, and to repay the debt I feel towards both of you.
I apologize for the lengthy introduction, but I wanted to lay the cards on the table so to say because I think we will have a longer association than simple need and coincidence might dictate.”
The two living companions listened attentively Alyssa warming her hands on the heated stone. After Vanessa had said her piece silence reigned. A light rain began to fall and the wind picked up steadily.
Mireille was silent for a moment then spoke up: “That is…I don’t have words. Is this really a coincidence? Asandria is also an elven undead, is she not? And that the two of you meet up in our company nonetheless, it boggles the mind. How do you even speak our language?”
"It was not that difficult to learn, and we had some contact in the latter years of our empire. But the answer is mind magic, naturally." Vanessa looked at the two of them as if that was self-explanatory.
Asandria spoke, ‘it is no coincidence. It was a hard-won victory against the forces of the Heartstealer, the queen of the dead. The Fateweaver was the one who first proposed the plan to no longer search for salvation but for a way to harm her, who had destroyed us. With divination magics and careful manipulation, they set in motion events that should culminate in the most harmful of outcomes for our foe. What exactly that would be is something even our best could not predict. And here we are.’ The empty, dark depressions in her face where her eyes should be turned to regard first Alyssa then Vanessa.
‘Alyssa is a powerful if untrained necromancer in the making. Her talent with various magics, that are not life-aspected, is astounding. I think we pool our resources and set her on the way to becoming a formally trained wizard. Perhaps that is, what was intended. But this is only supposition.’
"Are you guys talking to the ghost? Sorry, Asandria. I can't hear a thing!" Mireille complained.
"I will tell you later." Alyssa placated her.
Vanessa raised her little head and locked eyes with Alyssa and answered, ignoring the byplay. “Yes, that could well be. And it is absolutely necessary that you learn at least a modicum of control.” She cupped her chin with her left hand. “Necromancy, it might be ironic to say, is not my forte. I have a good understanding of the basics and also the most rudimentary grasp of elemental conjurations.
I am an arcanist and my studies were more along the way of manipulating the weave of magic and the mind, with a minor focus on the arts of poison and Ice. But I most assuredly can do something for you, so that you don’t commit slow suicide into a minor or even marginally powerful undead, which would be the outcome if you were left alone for a few years longer. Even faster if you were forced to use your abilities more freely.
I propose to tutor you in some initiatory exercises of control, pulling life energy out of nearby plants and animals, perhaps even the elements to bolster and protect your own flagging vitality, something like that. Perhaps some lesser enchantments. I will put more thought into this.”
Mireille leaned back and looked from one to the other. “So much the better. Have fun learning!”
“And you. You have a lot of training to do before you can use your abilities as they are meant to be used. I have seen something like your brand in the past, it was a banned concept but the execution is sound. There is much more to it than simply three mid-class spells.”
Mireille ducked her head smiling ruefully.
Alyssa seemed both intimidated and very troubled. Asandria stroked through her hair and said soothingly ‘I will try to explain the concepts you have problems with during the day. And we have time. There is no rush at the moment. It is better to reach the goal at all than to reach it in the least amount of time.’
“I think it best we start now. If we are forcefully separated then at least you will have the tools to not make the damage worse.” Vanessa got up and sat down next to Alyssa.
In the light of a glowing orb that, through some strangeness of illusion, did not illuminate more than a few paces, they sat over diagrams and glyphs formed of minor illusionary magic, with the vampire demonstrating and explaining the art of using and controlling the forces of the void.
“You both should sleep, I will talk with Asandria for a bit and keep watch over you. When dawn is near, I will leave to hide away for the day. A carriage would be a good thing, but the area does not seem very civilized so it might be difficult to acquire.”
After bidding good night Mireille and Alyssa slept with their backs to each other to conserve a bit of heat, while Cyrus was kept securely in Alyssa's bedroll.
The next morning arrived much too early for the two sleeping girls, but after a hasty and cold breakfast, they broke camp. Vanessa had vanished after waking them as per usual.
On the way, they met two small groups of travelers, a merchant with his guards who politely inquired as to the state of the road and asked if they had encountered any problems. From him, they bought some more rations. The others were some farmers returning after selling their produce in Windkeep.
And then they were at the crossroads with the right way leading into the mountains towards Thundersplit pass, and to the front, on the edge of visibility, were the towers of Windkeep Castle with the smoke of the village hanging in the air.
“Do you think they are looking for us at the toll station in the pass?” Mireille asked.
“Most likely. And I don’t know a thing we could do to make us less memorable.”
The platinum-haired girl with the purple eyes and the wyvern looked at the freckled redhead. Where Alyssa was beautiful, Mireille had a lively prettiness, they were both hard to overlook.
Mireille grinned, “other people would like to have some of our problems I think!”
“But not all of them. Of that I am sure.” Alyssa countered.
“Let's travel until we see the outpost, then we can make plans while knowing the terrain.” Mireille proposed.
And they traveled until late afternoon, the steeply rising road to the pass not quite as pleasant as they had hoped. The view was simply fantastic, letting them see Windkeep castle much more clearly and the forest spread out beneath then nearly to the horizon, only broken up by two larger rivers and in the distance a much smaller chain of rocky hills.
As they crested the last incline they entered the pass proper and saw Corlach Fort, the border fortress built of local stone, which stood to the side of the pass. Farther into the mountains there were signs of an old quarry, probably the one that supplied the stone for the fortification.
Alyssa thought for a moment, “let's camp somewhere around here. We can discuss everything with Vanessa.”
“Last night she only talked you through the scribbles on the ground. Do you think she will begin training me now?”
“We will see. There is a lot to memorize for me so that it might be more sensible if you got some attention too.”
They found a fissure in the mountainside, and even if they did not all fit there, at least it would be more protected from the endless wind.
Vanessa appeared as night had firmly settled on the mountains.
“You made good time I see. Now it will get more difficult. I don’t think you can smuggle the horses past the outpost and the soldiers there will be alerted to look for you. It is your only saving grace that the soldiers here are from Margrinar and therefore not too invested in the search for foreign criminals. If one of you were a good talker, you could try to bribe them with the horses. But as it stands I think it would be best if I helped you pass them by in the night while leaving the horses. I can't perform miracles.”
“Says the miraculous elven princess,” joked Mireille.
“You seem to have retained a lot of energy during your climb. Commendable. I will endeavor to use that leftover endurance wisely in the future. Today we should try to circumvent the fort. If you remain here, you will be detained and interrogated, possibly given over to the authorities of Windkeep. That is something we must avoid. So. No time like the present.”
Mireille groaned. Alyssa silently nodded. Cyrus bit into another piece of jerky throwing it into the air and gulping it down as it fell.
They ate and drank their fill, then freed the horses of tack and saddle, before taking what they could comfortably carry, Alyssa changed her hooded cloak against one of much better make that probably had belonged to Christina. Vanessa took some supplies and changed her rags to somewhat better clothing, even as it was too large by far.
And then it was time.
The clouds hung low driven by a brisk wind before the lost eye shining down from above, the surrounding mountain peaks intermittently lit and veiled in shadow.
Vanessa took the lead, Asandria, unseen by most, flew overhead, Cyrus was securely held in a pouch Alyssa had bound before her chest.
Mireille had taken a spear along with her trusty short-sword and a small hand-crossbow which came as a surprise because none of them had used such a weapon. Perhaps it belonged to Ikett?
And thus they set out.
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