《System Dilemma》3. Feel The Burn


I opened my eyes; I still felt a bit dizzy so I just sat down trying to discern my current location.

Same tutorial room, Same people. It seemed that our transportation to the tutorial is predetermined, having nothing to do with the host’s current whereabouts.

I was actually hoping for a different tutorial room, due to being in another city when the teleportation happened.

“Where are we?” said a lady, she seemed to be in a business attire, her face had a tired expression. Her hair was somewhat on the shorter side and she had some of it in a pony tail. Ah yes! That scribe who got taken advantage of. Seeing that no one was responding to her, she shouted louder this time “I would like to talk to the leader here, this isn’t funny and I have something important to do at work!”

“Just relax, lady” said a menacing looking guy, he had blonde hair, a muscular build and tattoos could be seen all over his arms. He wore a white tank top and brown shorts. He seemed to be talking to her and calming her down. And the sack of shit doesn’t waste any time at all!

Looking all over the room, I tried to look for other people. There was a total of ten people, seven besides me and the two former people.

In a corner were two people, looking to be of an Asian descent. They both wore black suits with red ties, they had visible dragon tattoos on the right side of their necks. They were talking to each other in whispers.

Not far away from them was a guy sitting on the floor, his back to the wall. He had brown skin and his facial features indicated that he was Hispanic. He was muscular but was of average height, he had chains around his neck and his hair was black and braided. He seems like a gangster, but is in fact one of the nicer people in this room.

There was also a group of three teenagers. They had bowl cuts and wore glasses, their clothes seemed mismatched. If one didn’t look closer, he’d think they’re just the average nerd in different skins. But each of them had unique features that set them apart.

“Don’t worry guys” said the nerdy looking guy in the middle, he was the tallest and had black hair. He seemed to have an air of confidence around himself. Or arrogance for that matter. “We’re together, we could always solve anything in front of us and this will be the same”.

“Yes, Finn” said the guy to the left side of Finn, he had blonde hair and green eyes and was the shortest of the three. The remaining guy just nodded and kept looking around, his hair was dark brown and his eyes seemed to hide intelligence behind him. It’s that motherfucker again, I’ll deal with him later on.

The remaining person was a girl, seemingly a teenager. She was tall for a girl. She wore a pair of jeans, and she wore a blue cap on her head, her eyes were green and her hair was brown, she had it in a ponytail. She was smiling, as if the situation was amusing. And she stared at the others one by one. She seemed to stare for quite a while at each person. However, she only looked at me for a couple of seconds before changing her target.


Am I that plain looking? Did she find out that I’m classless? but I haven’t picked a class changing pill yet for a reason!

I waited for a while, closing my eyes and humming an upbeat tone, they should be arriving soon and things would start boiling!

Suddenly, two little winged creatures appeared, they had a humanoid build and their ears were pointy.

Fairies, I thought. They seem to be the same ones from my past life too, getting noticed by them early on or pissing them off is always going to be problematic.

Everyone gasped, I faked surprise in order not to stand out. The company worker from earlier tried to say something before getting interrupted by the fairy with masculine features.

“Hello everyone!” he, or ‘it’, said “you are now in the safe room of the tutorial”

“And in a couple of moments, a system notice will appear explaining the boring stuff” the other fairy with feminine features said “I hope we get along! Ask any questions you have quickly as we’ll leave as soon as the countdown starts”.

“Countdown?” said the woman in a business suit, “What is happening? You kidnapped us and we don’t know where we are!”

“Hey bugs” screamed the tough looking guy “I am a busy man. If the explanation isn’t satisfying then things will get physical”.

Suddenly, he flew towards the wall and slammed into it with a loud noise.

“Indeed, things can get physical if you want!” said the male fairy “as for your question, miss, your world got integrated into the Intergalactic Systematic Union. But Humans are inherently too weak to face what’s currently on your planet. This is the tutorial, your chance to improve your strength and increase your chances of survival”.

“The Tutorial is there for you to use! Don’t be shy!” said the female fairy “that’s your only way to stay alive!”. Then, she giggled and left together with the other one.

Suddenly a large system notice appeared on the ceiling of the room, it had the same color and shape as the system notice but I knew that this one was seen by all of us at the same time.

[System notice]

[Countdown to the disappearance of the safe room: 11:23:59:59

The countdown kept steadily decreasing in real time, and on the distant wall of the room appeared another notice.

[-You are now in the tutorial’s safe room; Mana and HP recover twice your normal regeneration rate.

-You can exit and wander in the wilderness of the tutorial by going out of the black door.

-There are many opportunities in the tutorial to get strong.

-Achievements can give hosts differing amounts of points.

-Points are a measure of your performance in the tutorial.

-Nothing is prohibited in the tutorial, use all means necessary.

-A ranking list showing basic information about this room’s members will appear soon. . .]

Everyone sneaked quick looks at the black door that was in the wall close to our backs.

And then the lengthy notice disappeared. The system could find out when a person finished reading a notice, and the notice would vanish when all of us were done with it. It’s frightening!


In its place appeared a list, filling the whole wall.




Class rank




















































Xi Jiang






Zhou Ming





Warning: This ranking list will get updated in 03:23:59:59

Everyone inched closer, to check how they fared against the others. The visible outliers in the list were me, having no class and Petra, having an epic class.

They didn’t know who was who yet, so they didn’t connect those names to any faces.

“I am Taylor” said the tall black-haired guy wearing glasses “I am pleased to meet you all, I hope we can work together”.

“Leon” said the blonde-haired guy next to him. “And I am Finn” said the guy with brown hair.

Everyone stared at the trio, realizing that they seemed to know each other beforehand.

“We’re from England and the three of us are best friends” Taylor said “I think we won’t have any trouble working together with you”.

“Marla” said the woman with the business suit “I’ll treat everyone with respect, and I expect the same too”.

“Rodrigo” said the Hispanic guy, then went back to his silence.

“Xi Jiang” said the shorter Asian guy, “Zhou Ming” said the taller one. Both spoke in what seemed to be a Chinese accent. And then they went back to talking seriously to each other in what I recognized to be Mandarin.

“Petra” said the pretty girl wearing the cap “My English is good but I am from France, if you need anything then you can ask me!”. I fell for these words in my past life, thinking that a pretty girl from my country would protect me from a certain someone.

Two people remained without introducing themselves. I wasn’t keen on having an exchange with any of these people, but they would soon get to know my name through a process of elimination.

“I’m Chris and I have no time for this bullshit” Spoke the tough looking guy “I’ll make everyone here respect me, either voluntarily or through force”. He turned to look at me.

“I assume you’re Jason” He sneered and inched closer to me “if you want to live, you’ll have to listen to whatever I say. Or else. . .”. He made a cutting motion towards his own neck using his thumb.

He started picking on me way faster this time, he seemed to be the type of person to bully the weakest people to sow fear in the hearts of others. Having no class made it an easier decision for him to decide that I was the weakest, unlike the vague class [Dismantler].

“How about you shut the fuck up?” I said, smiling, he’ll taste back everything he made me go through before everyone else. “You’re a fool in everyone’s eyes, even that bitch you think you seduced is tolerating you only for her own benefit”.

He started getting red all over his face, he furrowed his brows in anger and lifted his fist to hit me.

However, he lowered it at the last moment and scowled, leaving me alone.

If he fell for my provocation, then the fairies would have subdued him before his punch connected. He would have been forbidden from exiting the safe zone for twenty-four hours.

He kept staring at me exclusively, killing intention visible from his eyes.

Now, everyone sees him as a person that talks, but doesn’t bite. Huh, the angrier you get, the funnier playing with you would be.

No one else paid me any heed, they were all looking over their own status screens

I then started focusing, “Open shop window” I said softly.

Shop window:

[Current points: 220215 points]

-What are you looking to buy? [. . .]

My shop didn’t have an item list, you had to look for what you wanted on your own.

“Show all the Class Change Pills” I said.



Class Change Pill (automatic) (Uncommon)

25000 points

Class Change Pill (manual) (Uncommon)

50000 points

Class Change Pill (automatic) (Epic)

75000 points

Class Change Pill (manual) (Epic)

100000 points

Class Change Pill (automatic) (Legendary)

150000 points

Class Change Pill (manual) (Legendary)

200000 points

I didn’t think that I would one day have enough points to buy the Legendary grade Pill! I’ll get one and I’ll have twenty thousand points left.

I planned to choose a variant of Archmage class. Since I lacked hand to hand combat experience, then magic was my only choice.

This is just too smooth; my plan was coming together very nicely.

“Haha! Buy me a Legendary Class Change pill of the manu...!” I was already lost in my dreams of bombarding enemies with meteors.

[Information insufficient, proceeding to make the best decision on the host’s behalf]

[Awaiting intervention from a System admin. . .]

[Bought 1x Legendary class change pill (automatic) successfully!]

[Activation of the item. . . Ongoing]

“Hey!” I screamed, everyone looked at me but I didn’t care. This system is trying to ruin my Life!

Automatic Class Change pills didn’t allow the user to choose the class for himself, it just picked something randomly. That was the cause of their lower price.

[Class chosen! Class: The Burned Man! (Legendary) is successfully gained by the Host!]

Oh. . .

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