《Consignor》4.0 - Fateful Encounters
Various parchment paper of different sizes were laid on a sturdy table, along with vials that contained grimy liquid, a boy was scratched at his head furiously while he went through the messy tabletop which he acknowledged as his workspace—the reason for his frustration.
His workplace consisted of papers that contained his important notes and formulas of his own, various processing methods and how to preserve them.
But what used to be his pride was now a thorn in his pants.
The words on most of his notes faded beyond recognition, they were akin to odd drawings that was of an ignorant child.
“Just your luck Miril, you manage to mess up the notes that you have been keeping four days before Aron picks you up.”
Miril Harvest, speaking to himself in third person, put blame on himself for getting overexcited by the pharmacist apprenticeship that he forgotten to organize his notes and had left them to be exposed to the chemicals of the herbs that he was experimenting on, the prized notes that he had wanted to show his benefactor, Aron Olbaz was now nothing more than smudges of ink.
He was short on time, within a week, Miril would leave his home and learn from the well known pharmacist, Aron Olbaz. Even though his family’s financial issues had been dispelled the miracle performed by John Sarvod who he and his father had saved, Miril now more so than ever wanted to prove himself to be useful.
Especially when John did more for his mother than he could.
Thankfully, he was the one who wrote the notes in the first place, thus, remembering those notes and their were of trivial matter, he could rewrite them whenever he wanted.
But he promised Aron Olbaz to show his notes to the old man the first thing they met.
“Arrrggghh! If only I had kept them in a box!”
Miril sent a palm flying towards his forehead, punishing himself for his negligence, no amount of self blame could justify his idiotic behavior.
All because he was in a rush to improve himself.
After witnessing John and his healing magic, Miril got restless. He rushed to practice his skills to the point that he spilled the potions that he had been tampering with onto his precious notes.
John Sarvod was a young man who had an interesting face that was foreign the features of people around these parts where Miril lived. His face was more oval, had dark eyes and was shorter. However, to say that he was unattractive was a false statement, in fact he had quite the charm to him that Miril had found himself wondering about the underlying cause for it.
Perhaps it was that specific persona of John’s, the enigma that comes with his willingness to adapt despite that he was abandoned by his comrades while his group was exploring Reperane Woods.
Miril’s sisters, Mera and Meli were the ones to warm up to him the most, outdoing his parents that welcomed John into a part of their family. They would constantly make up excuses to spend their time with John more so than they would to Miril himself.
As their elder brother of over a decade, Miril reckoned that his sisters ought to give him more attention then they would to someone stranger, especially with the fact that he was going to leave for his pharmacist apprenticeship in four days time.
This was the conclusion that Miril had came to.
He was absolutely not jealous over the attention that Mera and Meli were giving to John, not in the slightest.
For the most part, he was a guy of few words. Despite that, Miril found himself having a conversation with John was not a difficult matter and found himself speaking more than usual when he was with the elder yet shorter guy.
He could definitely see John as the elder brother that he never had. Because of John, Miril became further motivated to become a pharmacist after seeing the effects of John’s magic for himself, he wanted to become competent and confident in his abilities, honed them to perfection so that he would useful to his family.
To not be outshone by him, Miril would prove himself to be a far more reliable person than John. He aimed to become someone like Aron Olbaz, to be the very best of Dezarith Empire, to be at the peak of the most talented.
As much as he was jealous of how much attention John was getting from his family, he had to admit that his family was now better because of this unexpected addition to their family.
The glum atmosphere that was brought about by his mother’s illness disappeared, his sisters who suppressed their personal feelings in fear of troubling his parents were now in the past, the house was now constantly enveloped in a cheerful and energetic vibe.
Things have never been better at the Harvest residence.
Even so, there was something that Miril disliked about John.
Through his observation after time and time again, whenever the topic of his past was brought up, John simply deflected the question and answered with something ambiguous. He still remembered his interrogation when John first came, the one where he had accused John of being a demon.
The cold, distant look that John wore that very moment still disturbed him. It was though any second that he would be assaulted by him, killed in the worse case, simply for having mentioned the topic of demons.
What if…
“Miril, you lazy, good-for nothing brother!”
Mera’s bossy voice came from the window that he had left open, reminding him on what he was supposed to be doing at the moment instead of swimming in his thoughts.
“Mera, I am a little bit busy at the moment! Chores can wait! I have my own emergencies to deal with!”
“I swear! You are the worse! You have been doing nothing but walking around in your room, I can see that much from below here!”
Mera’s scolding had snapped Miril back to his current crisis.
He was supposed to be making notes, not daydreaming mindlessly about nonsensical things.
With that, Miril Harvest pretended that he did not hear his sister and began to rewrite his ruined notes.
Mera shook her head disapprovingly when she saw Miril turned his back away from her. Since her brother was on the second floor of the house, she knew that no matter what she said would not get him down to help her.
“Sheesh. This brother of mine, he is just too lazy to be useful, unlike you, John.”
She then resumed to pick up freshly washed laundry from a straw basket hung them over the clothesline.
“Speaking of which, do you have any siblings, John?” she asked John who was voluntarily helping her with the laundry in place of Miril.
“No, what brought that up?”
“It just seemed that you have a way with the way you talk, everyone in the family likes you, even that useless brother of mine. That must be another talent of yours, isn’t it?”
John squinted on the opposite end, it seemed that Mera, like the entire Harvest family had a high opinion of him on his capabilities.
He had wondered if it was because he grew up within the confines of the elves which caused him to maintain a positive image in order to not be disliked.
“It is not a talent, I am just used to it… From where I came from, having to deal with people is something I needed to do. Even when they used physical force on me, I can only hold myself back, only in rare occasions that I can get away with what I say. Hah…”
“Is A’vetheas that strict of a place to live in?” Mera queried.
“A’vetheas? How’d know that name? I don’t think I’ve mentioned it to anyone,” John looked over at Mera, who had her head low.
“I...I might have over hear you in your s-sleep.”
His emotional state during the first week when he had started to live with here wasn’t exactly call stable, despite trying his best to not think about it, he would find his thoughts returned to the Elven Tribe.
That said, he didn’t tell the Harvests about his exile from A’vetheas but a vague reasoning of being abandoned by his group and had got lost in Reperane Woods. The family did not pressure for his background any further after that and had welcomed him to their household.
“What else did you hear?” John asked calmly.
“I am t-terribly sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up something sad!” Mera nervously waved her hands in front of her, defensively.
“I am not mad or sad, Mera. I was just curious. I didn’t know I talk in my sleep. That is something new for me. AndI do owe you some explanation.”
John spoke his truth with a relaxed tone, all the nasty feelings that he would get for reminiscing the events that led to his exile were now buried deep inside his mind. If he were frank, he did not expect himself to get over it that quickly, Raina’s indifferent attitude, the queen’s cold statement, the elves turning against him, and Alwin’s death.
He was no longer affected by it.
Reaffirmed by John’s soft expression, Mera loosened her raised shoulders.
“That…that you were exiled. For being a demon… And names like Alwin and Raina.”
He had came to a realization that it was his fault for not learning about demons in the very beginning.
Initially, he had thought that if he never had any crucial information on their existence, he would never have to worry about committing taboo of the Elven Tribe.
It was because of that ignorance of his that got him exiled, his attempts to outsmart himself ended up being his downfall.
If only I studied about them, I might have prevented everything.
“Instead of being executed for dabbling in taboo, I was granted exile for my actions.” John held his breath and looked into Mera’s ruby eyes. “I saved the one I cherished the most, at a price. I was desperate to save her, I have dipped my toes in what they called demon magic… I was labeled as a demon for doing so. During that, I had gotten my frien—someone I know very well, killed in the process. And I couldn’t do anything. Ha, I am pathetic aren’t I?”
Even with the little knowledge he had, he understood that demons were beings of chaos that are feared and hated by many.
So when Mera remained silent for a whole minute after he explained, he expected her look at him in fear and disgust.
But instead, she shook her head adamantly and dropped everything she was doing and moved to meet his lowered gaze, held his hands and spoke to him with conviction.
“No, no, no. You aren’t a demon, John. Everyone in our family knows that! Demons are monsters that kill everyone they see, they are selfish and cared for nothing but their own benefit. You have healed my mother, brought happiness to my family, father no longer worries about bringing food to the table, even Miril has become more hardworking because of you. Our lives are blessed because of you, how can you say that you are pathetic?”
“No, it’s just…”
“I don’t know anything about magic, or these people in A’vetheas. But I know a good person and a good deed. No one immediately uses magic to benefit someone they don’t know.”
His feet shifted at sleek on the grassy grounds, he was unsure what to make of the girl’s reasoning.
“John, you said you were a healer. How many people have you healed?”
“I can’t remember. I just do it on reflex whenever someone needs it, major or minor injuries, as long I can help, I tried to.”
“Then, why do you think that you are a demon?”
He didn’t understood it himself either. Was it because of what the elves declared? Was it because of that dark aura that he had called upon that very time? Or was it because of the video recording that showed the dark aura entering his body?
“I don’t know…”
“In that case, you are a human being like me. There is no doubt in that,” Mera declared confidently. “Demons aren’t capable of compassion, you are the opposite of that. Please remember this.”
Perhaps the dark brown haired girl was right, perhaps that it was all a big misunderstanding, but John no longer wanted to think about it, it was pointless now.
All he could do for the time being was to move forward and do something.
“...Thanks, Mera.”
John craned his head upwards and stretched his arms.
He would learn about the outside world and push himself to adapt to it, he used to live outside of A’vetheas, chances are, he might be able to find himself being a part of this world and have a place to belong once more.
And if he became successful enough…
Maybe I’ll be able to see Raina again.
It was an empty wish, he doubted that the elf girl missed him given that she had experienced him using demon magic in front of her. Her reaction towards him, was after all, just like everyone else.
Regardless of how he reasoned with himself about the reality of his situation, his heart ached whenever he recalled the cheeky girl who he still thought so fondly off, the sweet giggles that she would let out whenever they were alone, and the silly pampering that he would give her.
He missed them all.
He vowed to reciprocate Raina’s feelings on her seventeenth birthday.
If she still held those feelings towards him until she reached maturity, he would definitely respond to her feelings and accept the life of them being together. He would do his best to extend his short life span and spend it all with the purpose of being happy by her side.
But that vision of them quickly crumbled when she igrnoed him during his trial.
When she could have defended him and granted John a pardon for everything that was happening to him, she chose silence and let tears roll down her cheeks.
That was her answer to him for committing taboo of the elves.
The Elven Princess no longer wanted to associate herself with him.
He understood it well.
It put an end of his will to proclaim his innocence in front of everyone, John became limp, his strength vanished, the life that he had been living until that point, nullified.
Even if the queen redacted the judgment on him that moment, staying in A’vetheas was no longer an option for him.
To be exiled meant that the Elven Tribe as a whole decided to cut ties with him.
The moment he was placed in the dungeon before his trail, the elves already want him gone.
He called on Raina’s cute elven face, visualizing the crinkled face that she would only show to him. Finding solace in that image as his heart throbbed silently with his new reality.
I hope you remember me as the guy you had a crush on. Even just little bit…
They returned to the house once all the clothes were put out to dry.
Mera was silent, she wanted to give John time to understand he was not the demonic being that he thought he was.
The shock and irritation when she learned of his mistreatment still ate at her. The people that John had been with only used him for their own gain.
However, she kept her frustrations to herself, maintained a pleasant smile and returned the laundry baskets diligently.
Soothing words can only comfort a man to a certain degree, any more would be unnecessary and would come off as nagging, Mera understood that well.
When the laundry baskets were put away, Mera went to inform her mother that she was done.
Itzella was by the stairs and was speaking loudly, it was obvious who was being addressed. It was her lazy brother again.
“Miril! Are you coming to help carry the groceries? What about my cookware? The carriage to the town would be coming by soon!”
Purefold Town was a nearby town where the Harvest got supplies from frequently, Miros would often bring Mera along with him while her mother had been sickly. The place where one of the four adventurer’s guild was stationed.
Right now, Miros was out busy making preparations for his farm. As the winter was coming to an end, he would need to get on with his agriculture, finding a bull to sow the lands, quality crop seeds and repurchasing the land he had sold had occupied his daily activities.
This left the duty of carrying the heavier items up to Miril, but...
“I-I am busy at the moment, mom! I forgot about something important! Ask Mera to go with you, she knows her way around there!” Miril returned a shout.
Itzella pursed her lips at her son’s reply, unhappy at him for breaking his promise.
“How about I go along with you?” John who foresaw this outcome offered. “Miril seems to be occupied with his upcoming apprenticeship. I think I can help out with whatever you need.”
“Is that alright with you? I planned to buy extra today.”
“I have been meaning to go out more but ended up staying inside helping out Miros with his paperwork. Figured I might as well go out sometime,” John said, returning to his usual modest smile from his blank look earlier. The clouds that hovered him earlier abated, he was now back to his usual confident self.
Mera who recognized the familiar glint in John’s expression decided that she would give a boost to lift his spirits.
“Mother, if it’s possible, I would like to follow the two of you to town.”
“Mera, could it be that you wanted to spend time with John here but was too shy to ask him to go to town with just you?” Itzella grinned, teasing the girl.
“W-what d-do you mean?” Mera frantically blinked and looked towards John who was staring at her strangely. “I j-just wanted to help!”
“But if you came along, who would be here to take care of your little sister?”
“Ahhhh…..” Mera covered her flushed cheeks with her two hands, she badly wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it, here she was forgotten that she had to take care of Meli, “I-I…”
“But if you really insist, I suppose we could bring Meli along with us. On the condition that you would have to help John out.”
“I think that is a good plan, Mera has been telling me to go visit Purefold Town for sometime now, it would be a shame if she weren’t there to show me around.”
Mera dropped her shoulders as John came to her defense.
Lately she became more proactive around him, much like her brother Miril, she became much more self aware in the housework that she was responsible for—in a good way.
She wondered whether if it was because that John had been the first guy that she had interacted with intimately or the fact that he had healed her mother left a deep impression on her. All Mera knew that she wanted to better herself for his sake.
Initially, there was the notion of her attraction towards him, but Mera declared to herself that she wasn’t going to interact with him under that pretense, it was unfair as he had been recently abandoned by his fellow adventuring group—John’s reasoning back then.
She did not want to capitalize during this vulnerable period of his to become the replacement for that void in his heart.
She wanted him to move on that darkness of his before anything more would develop between them, if it ever came to something like that.
However, reality was different. After two months of living with him, her attraction towards him not only did not dwindle but increased steadily, doing the exact opposite to what she had vowed to herself.
“It’s all my father’s fault…” Mera muttered silently.
Miros’ supportive words towards the idea that she and her sister would be married to John stuck to her head ever since that fateful day of him curing her mother’s disease.
No matter how much she had tried to ignore them, they have firmly planted their roots in her brain, causing her heart to jump every time she thought about him.
“...So we will be leaving in fifteen minutes? I’ll go get Meli,” John nodded at Itzella, unaware of Mera who was talking to herself. “Mera, I am counting on you to show me the places we have spoke about.”
With that, he left for Meli.
Once the boy was out of the room, Itzella moved her hands in front of her elder daughter who was still in a dream like state.
“Mera. Oh, my dear Mera, can you hear me?”
In response to Mera’s who did not answer her, Itzella blew into Mera’s left ear.
With the speed on lightning Mera’s hair all stood up, skin prickled. The way her eyes budge from their sockets was akin to a cat spooked awake from its peaceful slumber.
“Gyah! What are you doing, mother!?”
“Your handsome John left, if you want to be judged for wearing this shabby outfit of yours to Purefold with him, I suggest you go change into a better dress.”
Mera looked down at the stale brown dress that she was wearing. Her mother was right, this outfit of hers was as bland as it came, this was the housework clothing that she wore. Besides the dust repelling properties it had, it wasn’t exactly something she would want to be seen wearing by others. Let alone accompany John to town.
“I’ll be right back! Don’t leave without me, mother!”
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