Knock, knock, knock.
The dense wooden door to John’s room tapped sonorously before coming to a halt.
However, John had his back arched, face buried deep in the pages of the hardbound book that was holding that such noise did not find their way into his ear.
Only when a large palm found its way to his head and ruffled his sable hair did his concentration break and pulled him back to reality.
“Cut it out! Don’t you people knock before coming in!?” he placed his book on the table and scowled at the person behind him. “Are you serious? Putting your sweaty hands on me?”
Alwin Zinrelle, an athletic elf stood sternly behind John worn the same disgusted face as John was giving him. It was though they were long time rivals who wanted nothing more but to rip each other’s throats out.
Alwin was the latest member of the Elven Elite Squad and as their name would have it, the Elven Elite Squad was a group of highly skilled elves who answered directly to the Elven Queen, people who carried out tasks as her Highness wished.
“I did knock, idiot. It’s your fault for not guarding your hair.”
“Ah yes, because the high and mighty Alwin demands my presence.”
“…” Alwin’s face was blank, but not a moment later he burst out laughing. “Gahahaha! Of course I am here the first thing I am back in A’vetheas. Come on, bud,” he rolled his eyes as he made a face at John as though he was speaking to a haughty sibling.
“Pfft! The excursion barely lasted for two whole weeks, and you are back already.”
“Are you trying to say you wanted me to be gone?”
“Get real Al, you’re the one who talks nonstop. Admit it, the reason you are back early this time is because you missed me,” John said while he jammed a finger to Alwin’s shoulder.
“Whatever you say. More importantly, you hungry? I need normal elf food, when you’re out doing missions like me, it’s just plain rations that have no taste, I feel like my buds have shriveled from not using them enough. See?” Alwin stuck out his tongue and got obnoxiously close to John.
“Eww, dude, get away from me. I just ate but I guess I’ll go.”
“Just ate? You’ve already had your dinner that early? Talk about bad timing.” the elf shook his head.
“No, I just had lunch.”
“John, it’s dark out. Lunch was supposed to be hours ago.”
Alwin pulled the luxurious drapes by the window, sure enough, the nightly scene of A’vetheas came into view as John blinked blankly at his lack of time keeping.
“For a human you sure don’t notice how much time passes around you frequently. I wonder what goes on in that head of yours, did our sparring last time knock away your brain cells?”
“Shut up.”
“I’ll head out first and order while you change into something that’s more…presentable…pfft... The usual place.”
Alwin flashed him a sarcastic smile before leaving his room hastily commenting something about John who was in his shorts despite winter.
John stood up and stretched his body, after hunching on the chair for hours, he deserved a break. He then quickly changed into his long coat.
Looking at the frosts that were starting to accumulate on the windowpanes, the chances of a late-night snow was almost certain.
He grabbed the bag that Raina made for him, hesitated a moment, then wore the messenger bag to his shoulder. There was no reason for him to carry this bag of his given this late in the night, after spending time with Alwin, he would simply return to his room and finish the book that he was on, but on the off chance…
“It won’t hurt to be safe.”
“John! John! Over here!”
Alwin’s voice boomed across the boisterous tavern the moment John set his foot by the door. The familiar sweet smell of alcohol and well-prepared dishes made him smile for places like these were where him and Alwin would visit and talk to their hearts’ content.
“Come on! Take a seeaaat!” Alwin sloppily pulled a chair beside him and patted it, aside from his redden face, his breath reeked of beer.
“Al, how many have you had?”
“Doesn’t matter how much I’ve haddd! I took some medication, I will be nooot drunkkk soon. What matters is you get yourself on thisss chair now.” the elf pulled the sighing John down.
From Alwin’s flushed face and irregular tone of speaking, it was obvious that no matter what John would say to him right now would get into that block head of his. Once Alwin becomes intoxicated, he’d start talking unreservedly.
Not that John minded that his friend spoke to him unreservedly, but now that Alwin was in the Elven Elite Squad, he wished that his elf friend would watch himself in public.
“Hey, Johnny, do you know how much work the Squad gives me?” Alwin stared tiredly into his friend’s dark eyes.
“I’ll let you tell me that.”
“Twenty! Twenty dark beasts! They made me slay twenty beasts around Reperane Woods. That was the work we must do before leaving for the outside world. Can you believe that guy? He said it was because the dark beasts were disturbed by unknown forces. How? Just how is it possible that dark beasts that live around us could be disturbed that easily? The dark beasts are the reason the Elven Tribe remains unscathed from outside forces, outsiders are simply that weak!”
“I mean, you’re pretty strong Al. That’s why made you slay those creatures.”
“But there was no need to do that! Those creatures would never even make pass the barrier the queen puts up. Even if they did somehow, magically got passed it, they would be weakened by the barrier that a child could kill them.”
“Sounds rough,” John appeased the drunk elf.
“Whatever. I wasn’t the only one who had to do that. All 15 of us were given the task to slay at least 10 beasts before leaving. Aside the commander, I was the only one who had the most beasts under my blade. Not even the mages could keep up with my kill count. Hahaha! They were all beat after their third or fourth kill.”
Alwin continuously slammed his tankard of beer on the table as he laughed to himself. The force on the table was enough to make the food jump a few centimeters off their plates.
“These people, I swear, if it weren’t for me being a younger elf, I would be the commander’s right-hand elf. In fact, I might give the commander a run for that position of his, hahaha!”
“You’re the youngest elf who made it to the Elven Elite Squad in the longest time. Getting acknowledged when you are only 37 is something impressive and nothing to scoff at. Still, Al, the other elves might be conserving their energy just in case the squad gets overwhelmed by the dark beasts.”
Taking a drink from his tankard, Alwin took what John said as a compliment and laughed harder. He subsided his laughter and brought himself back to his usual composure when he caught a glimpse of John’s bag.
“And… How’s your end going? Anything interesting while I was gone? Did anyone give you trouble? Just speak the name and I’ll crush the guy by showing up to his doorstep.” The elf slammed a fist to his open palm at the thought.
John let out a sheepish grin, “Heh, nothing fancy as yours. It’s just the usual work that the queen gives me. I had—”
A scream, as loud as glass shattering came from the kitchen, immediately caused the tavern customers to freeze to where they were, stopping all their activity.
The agonizing scream created an eerie silent atmosphere where everyone could only hear their own throbbing heartbeats accompanied by sticky breaths.
“Sorry Al, this should take just a moment.” John was already on his feet.
“Duty calls, I understand.”
When John quickly slipped into the kitchen, a female waitress who noticed spoke up and tried to calm the customers.
“Everybody, there is nothing to worry about, it was a small an accident in the kitchen, that’s all. Please continue with your meal!”
Two elves with aprons on them were huddled together when John had arrived, one had a face of concern, while the other had a face that spoke of deep pain. The pained elf’s face was pale, drops of tears were on the verge of flowing out, she had her hands tightly clenched to her other wrist, the wrist that was bent at an unnatural angle and had a deep cut.
“Hang in there Elisa, I’ll go find the human kid now! He’ll be able to fix this…”
“Grr...it hurts…hurry, I might...not...”
Just before the Elisa ran out of breath, John moved to her and hurriedly brought the injured wrist to his palm.
“Keep her still,” he ordered the other elf.
“This is no time to bandage it, we just need to find John Sarvod and have him—”
At his very incantation, the blue mana poured from his arms and flowed into the hand that he was holding. His mana glowed at the wound, in a flash, the exposed flesh and bone was no longer visible, all replaced by a scar-free, perfect wrist.
“Give her a minute or two, she’ll be able to use it as usual without problems.”
“How did you—? I see, I see. T-thank you, Mr. Sarvod! You have the shop’s gratitude! Let—” when the other elf lifted his head, John had disappeared and left the kitchen.
“Another inch or two and that would have been the second amputation of the day… Gahh, what’s next? Healing people who are seconds from death?” John said sarcastically as he washed his hands under the running water.
The blood from earlier had clung onto his skin and it took a good minute of washing before he returned to his seat.
“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to disappear halfway,” he said, to Alwin.
“Is this your ‘usual’ work? There’s nothing usual about seeing blood every day for a regular job, unless you’re a butcher, hunter, soldier, chef or…” Alwin started to count on his fingers.
“You know what I meant when I say ‘usual work.’ It is usually illnesses rather than crazy stuff like back there. That lady back there almost cut her hand clean off. I am thinking that she is a new chef in training? Can’t be too sure, but I think she was the florist’s daughter who stays at home all day.”
“Our mental age isn’t as different as you’d expect. I may be two decades older than you, but I am the one and only dashing Alwin Zinrelle,” Alwin flipped his golden hair in a smooth motion.
“Woah…” John said as he sarcastically clapped at his boastful friend. “…that last part contributes nothing to the conversation at the moment at all.”
“Haha! Joking aside Johnny, just because someone lives longer, doesn’t automatically make them wiser or more skilled. It’s good that the florist’s daughter wants to learn new things, not many of us dare to make big changes in our lives. Obviously, I can attest this to myself, my childishness still sometimes pop up if I am not too reserved.”
“Sometimes? Reserved?”
“Don’t push it,” Alwin rolled his eyes, his cheeky grin still with him.
“Excuse me but can I have a moment of both of your time?” the waitress who calmed the tavern earlier came up to their table with the food that they ordered. “Particularly John’s?”
“This uptight shorty here? Sure.”
“I am not uptight! Why do you keep taking my facial expressions for something that they are not.”
“Your facial expressions don’t change that much most of the time. Don’t blame me for mistaking anything. I specialize in fighting not reading faces,” Alwin stuck his tongue at John.
“The Healer of A’vetheas isn’t exactly that short. If you ask me, I think his height his cute. I have heard many girls spoke positively about him, if only he was available, I am sure I would be a part of that fan group of his.”
“…” John had no comment and looked away awkwardly.
“Well… Surely, wouldn’t Miss waitress here like someone who is like me over the 169 centimeters John Sarvod?”
“For the self-proclaimed ‘dashing Alwin Zinrelle?’ Hmm, personally I prefer someone who isn’t an alcoholic. John here would be more ideal for a husband and he—”
“Ahem!” John gave out a cough before the conversation. “You wanted to tell me something?”
“Ah, sorry. The owner wanted me to tell you that everything you order here today will be on the house as a show of his gratitude. So please order them as you wish.”
“T-that’s generous of him. But—”
Upon hearing her words, Alwin jumped out of his seat,“Woohoo! Yes! Yes, John. This is amazing! I can eat and drink until I collapse! Today’s tab is on you, my buddy,” saying that, Alwin stuffed his mouth with food and chewed on them furiously.
John shook his head at Alwin and said, “Tell the owner I am willing to pay if Alwin ends up clearing all the food supplies.”
“No problem, he already took that into consideration, you should enjoy yourself too,” the waitress left with a giggle.
That cold night continued to pass as the two friends caught up with the other while they enjoyed a luxurious meal.
Deep within the Elven Palace, a woman who had plants decorated around her body hid behind a corridor, silently, she a free spirited tree nymph watched the two shadows and listened to the ongoing conversation.
“What’s the situation over in Dezarith Empire, commander?” the mellow voice of Queen Veissa echoed in the halls as she faced a kneeling elf, clad in fine armor.
“The Emperor remains neutral over his matters regarding the Elven Tribe. No visible actions are taken into investigating our whereabouts,” the commander had his head faced to the ground. “According to our observations, Dezarith Empire has been expanding its territory as usual and made no unusual moves.”
“What of the other matter, commander? Regarding the activities of the dark beasts?”
“We exterminated the amount that your Highness ordered, all hundred and fifteen of them at northern part of Reperane Woods”
Upon hearing the words ‘dark beasts’ the woman listening to the Elven Queen’s dialogue unwillingly took a step backwards. Her bare feet made a light squeak, a sound so soft that it disappeared the moment the sound hit the marble hallways.
“The squad has done well, send in the reports to the royal scribe at the break of dawn and you are dismissed until further notice.”
With a salute, the commander of the Elven Elite Squad quickly left the chambers without another word.
After the commander’s presence was no longer in the room, Queen Veissa spoke up.
“Quinatta, just because you hid yourself from my sights doesn’t mean I won’t notice you eavesdropping on my conversation earlier,” the queen called out the woman in hiding in the calmest tone.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt you, Veissa. It looked important.”
“Aren’t you being considerate? You nymphs are oddly shy, even with someone who you’ve been through war with, you can’t help yourselves but to shy away from other people. That kind of saddens me a bit, considering how close we used to be.”
The nymph lowered her head and blushed. The elf queen before Quinatta may have been her comrade in the past but their friendship had slowly faltered to informant and informer throughout the decades.
“That’s merely a joke, there’s no need be tense around me. So… Dark beasts, you seemed very concerned about them. I suppose you know the root cause for the imbalance around?”
“Yes, we nymphs have reason to believe that the disturbance is caused by a creature with tremendous amounts of mana. The creature is certainly near the domain or Reperane Woods. Even the dark beasts themselves cannot help but flee upon sensing such power.”
“Were you able to identify that creature, by any chance?” the queen’s expression became grim.
“Unfortunately, my abilities are limited, given that the creature could be one of the Higher Races, a mere tree spirit such as myself can only sense what the forests allows me through their lifelines.”
“Creature of high mana… Dark beasts fleeing from the north, no doubt it is dragons. Perhaps it is time for the latest Elder Dragon’s coming of age? I pray that it isn’t a power struggle among the newer generations of dragons, the outcome would be…unfavorable.”
Elder Dragons, a fearsome race that holds the power equivalent to Gods, if they wished so, the strongest among them could wipe out a kingdom with a snap of their fingers.
Much is unknown about the race, except for their strength, though they participated in the Great Demon War until its end centuries ago, the dragons had opted seclusion and remained neutral all this time and had not made much appearance in the world aside from the incident a few years back.
“Perhaps one appeared from their habitat and spooked the dark beasts by chance? But I do not think it is any of concern, the dragons rather keep to themselves unless there is something that interests them.”
“You’re right, there’s no point for me to overthink, we’ve remained in a neutral pact with them for so long, it would be unnatural for them to go against such a contract. Speaking of which, Quinatta. Do you mind if you stayed and have tea?”
“You mean right now?” the nymph’s eyes widened.
“Naturally. It has been so long since we have gotten some time together. How many decades was it? Four?”
“Forty-six years.” Quinatta dropped her shoulders, warm tears filled her crinkled eyes as she started sobbing. “I… I thought you l-left me behind, I a-am so happy… Y-you...didn’t...”
The Elven Queen saw right through Quinatta. They had been as close as sisters ever since they gotten to know the other, it was until forty-six years ago that queen Veissa had been more occupied and became distant with her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t notice it earlier. It must have been hard on you wasn’t it?” seeing Quinatta rubbing away tears, the Elven Queen’s placed her arms slowly around the nymph and hugged her the way a mother would comfort her heartbroken child.
“I-it’s just that...you are the only one who’s left… E-everyone else is gone…they are gone...e-even him...” the tears continued to fall across her cheeks. “I don’t want to be alone… When you had Raina, I thought you no longer need me. I-I…”
“Forgive me, I just don’t want to see you getting hurt.”
The nymph stopped her tears and blinked her blank eyes at the Elven Queen. There was nothing to apologize for, she simply was content with her friend willing to give in to her selfish desires. If anything, it was Quinatta that wanted to prostrate herself for guilting her friend.
“I have been purposely ignoring your invitations to rekindle our relationship for forty-six years. I deemed that it would be easier for you if I could make you distance yourself from me, hate me if possible. But it seems like that route is no use, and it only will cause you more sorrow.”
“But why? I can never hate you. Not even if you condemned me to hell, I would still think of you as my sister,” the nymph closed her emerald eyes and shook her head defiantly.
“It all starts with the hero who we love and fought beside, and a human boy named John Sarvod…”
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A Lonely Tree
Have you ever wondered how wonders are made? Thought about the stories behind a flying mountain, a desolate castle, or an underwater labyrinth; all filled to the brim with monsters, traps and treasure? This is the story of a lonely tree using everything at its disposal to live long enough to become one of the greats. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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A Murder of Crows
New money rich kid. War General. Amnesiac. Most people live one life, Virgil Darko has lived three. It's been six months after losing his memory and Virgil has only just begun to adjust himself to prison life in Shrieker's Veil - the greatest island prison in all of Xyra. And it's problem after problem for Virgil, who's lost his memory and who can't seem to understand why everyone hates him. Or fears him. After one prison fight, Virgil is sent to his cell starving only to be met with the most unlikely partner ever; Prince Ritcher. The prince, who's come all the way from the mainland to offer Virgil the greatest gift he could have, his memories. The task seems easy, for Virgil to read his diary and to make a thread between all the loose thoughts and images in his head. At a cost. Virgil is forced into a choice to forget who he was, or remember all his tribulations in a bid for Ritcher to figure out where his partners in crime retreated to. Will Virgil be able to sell out friends? Friends he doesn't even remember anymore? Or maybe sometimes past lives should be forgotten.
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Falling Stardust
In Semeria, there are two rules of survival. One: If you want something, take it from whoever owns it. Two: never give them a chance to take it back! The noble Von Creig Family and the Falling Stardust Trading Company, both headed by Xasha. An average cultivator except for his avid curiosity, his thirst for knowledge, and his nasty habit of finding inspiration in the most unlikely of places. Aided by his innate abilities, he stumbled into the profession of enchantment and created powerful artifacts, one after the other. These artifacts empowered a generation and ushered in the rise of humans in a world where they had been suffering and dying in the war-torn Abandoned Region for millions of years. Xasha's goal, however, is to protect his family, especially his daughter Ari, whose power is so outrageous everyone coveted it. To this end, he had to before stronger, but to become stronger, he needed resources. There is only one way to get resources in this world: by following the two rules of survival. It becomes interesting to see how he navigates, being a good role model and parent in a cruel world where he is the cruel one and his enemies are even crueler.
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Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe
The path to be immortal is never easy, but death is. So many times so near to death in front of all the unforeseen dangers, mysterious evils, and vicious yet powerful opponents. All the way forward with blood and kills, what I can control is to be true to myself. When the day comes to my Immortal Ascension, I will dispel the cloudy mist and rule the world with the Tao of my own.Shiao Chen, a young boy without spiritual root, only gets the chance to attend The Test of Entering Divine Gate after his father begged and pleaded with the Shiao Family. But how is he gonna pass the test and enter the divine gate with such a poor aptitude? What will he do to make a difference in Luoyun Valley? Read all of the updated chapters on Flying-Lines
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Not So Bold
A store clerk wakes up one day in a body not his own. Then wakes up back in his bed, it was just a dream. Right? He soon finds himself living a duel life, bouncing between his mundane life as a shelf stuffer and a strange new one. One where he has floppy ears and itty bitty paws. Notice of Hiatus: At the moment I'm going though a bit of turbulence and won't be able to update for a while. I'm also unsure about weekly/monthly releases. I'm considering writing a large group of chapters then posting them all at once or otherwise setting up releases in a way that makes sense. I'm still figuring out how to go about this particular endevor and thank you for your patience.
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Mafia Game
"Now, you will all be playing Mafia here.""There are 3 mafia members, 1 sheriff, 1 doctor, 7 citizens, AND......The Artificial Intelligence."A prize for the winner, a death for the loser. But unfortunately, this game is indescribably difficult, Because she makes people kill people. *This novel is an English translation of mafia game, the best-selling book in South Korea.
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