《Severing Time & Space》Accepting a Loss


Hou Jingshu could not help but watch the battle taking place in shock. This was beyond anything she had seen from Wu Meiying before. It made her realize something important and disheartening.

“She’s been going easy on me this whole time, hasn’t she?” Hou Jingshu said. Her voice was a soft murmur.

I can’t believe how much stronger she is than me. Am I really so weak that she felt the need to go easy on me?

“It’s not that she’s been going easy on you, but that she’s not willing to use lethal force in a simple spar,” he told her. His eyes hadn’t left the battle taking place. It was like he was captivated by Wu Meiying’s beauty and grace in battle. “If you and she were to step into a ring like this, she would go at you with everything she had to win just like she is now.”

Hou Jingshu gave him a strained smile. “If she went at me with everything she had, I’m afraid I wouldn’t last ten seconds.”

“Well… maybe,” Wu Jian admitted. He ran a hand through his hair and turned to Hou Jingshu. “Wu Meiying has been training with me since she was six. You only started training last month, so of course there’s going to be a large difference in strength and skill. If you want to reach her level, then you just need to work harder.”

Hou Jingshu knew there was truth to Wu Jian’s words. She took a deep breath and hardened her resolve.

“You’re right. I can’t afford to mope around if I want to catch up to you and Wu Meiying. I’ll train hard, so one day I can stand beside you both as equals,” Hou Jingshu said.

I won’t lose heart. I’ll keep training and getting stronger. Just you watch, Wu Jian, Wu Meiying. One day, I will be your equals.

“And I’ll help you,” Wu Jian added, unable to hear the girl’s inner thoughts.

“Thank you.”

Giving the burnette one last smile, the two turned their attention back to the arena match.


Wu Meiying and Zhou Lihua were breathing heavily by this point. Their battle had gone on far longer than either of them anticipated, and they were running out of energy.

“You are… a very… worthy opponent,” Zhou Lihua said in-between ragged breaths.

“S-so… are you.” Wu Meiying smiled as her shoulders heaved. “The only… only other person… who has pushed me… this far… is Wu Jian.”

They gained their second wind soon. Zhou Lihua smiled.

“Hmmm. I look forward to battling him next.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. You still have to beat me.”

“Then that’s what I’ll do.”

After catching their second wind, the two clashed once more. Wu Meiying’s high kick was avoided when Zhou Lihua ducked and launched a sweeping kick at her foot, but she had predicted this, leapt over the attack, and aimed a kick at her opponent’s head. It was dodged when Zhou Lihua rolled across the floor.

Rather than come back up, she shifted into a handstand and kicked at Wu Meiying, forcing the girl back. She rose back to her feet, twirled around, and launched a spinning kick that nicked Wu Meiying’s Tai Chu-fu, then spun in the other direction as she closed the distance and threw a kick from her left. That attack was blocked by an arm, but Zhou Lihua hooked her leg around the arm and pulled Wu Meiying off balance.


Wu Meiying’s eyes widened as she was pulled right into a knife thrust that caught her in the throat. She gagged and stumbled backward. Raising a hand to her throat, she was only able to avoid the next attack because a premonition appeared before her of Zhou Lihua ending the fight with a kick to her face.


She ducked.

Grabbing the outstretched leg, Wu Meiying lifted Zhou Lihua, spun around, and tossed her into the air. She didn’t stop with just that. As the other girl was airborne, she leapt up and planted her foot into Zhou Lihua’s stomach as the woman fell. She felt a mild impact against her head at the same time, but it didn’t hurt and she therefore ignored it.

The sound of air rushing from someone’s lungs was heard as Zhou Lihua was launched across the arena. She landed on the ground, skidded across the arena floor, and placed a hand on her stomach. Zhou Lhiua slowly rose to her feet and looked at her opponent.

“You hit hard, but it’s all over now,” she declared.

“What are you saying?! This fight is far from—?!”

Wu Meiying’s eyes widened as the world around her suddenly tilted. She fell onto her side. Her body wouldn’t move. Unable to so much as raise a hand, all she could do was stare in shock at Zhou Lihua.

“When you kicked me in the stomach, I hit you behind your ear. There’s a large bundle of nerves there that are very sensitive. Honestly, I’m a little surprised you’re still awake. A hit like that should have rendered you unconscious,” Zhou Lihua explained.

Wu Meiying tried to say something, but she was unable to talk. Frustration welled up inside of her. Uncaring and ignorant of her lamentation, the Zhou Clan elder raised his hand and made the announcement.

“Zhou Lihua is the winner!”


A shout could be heard above the cheering of the crowd. Wu Meiying found herself being lifted into someone’s arms. She didn’t have to see them to know who was holding her, but his face soon swam into view as he turned her around in his arms. Wu Jian was kneeling on the ground, propping her up with a knee as he stroked her face.

“Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?”

Wu Meiying would have shaken her head, but doing so made her dizzy. At least she could speak again. “I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt… but I can’t move.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”

Wu Jian didn’t even pay attention to Zhou Lihua as he picked Wu Meiying up like a princess and carried her off the arena floor. He leapt down from the edge and made his way over to Hou Jingshu.

Despite losing, Wu Meiying didn’t feel all that bad, snuggled as she was within Wu Jian’s arms. The feeling of being a princess carried off by a gallant prince even made her a bit giddy. That said, there was still something she felt bad about.

“I’m sorry for losing. Now we won’t be able to fight each other in the finals.”

“It’s fine. We can have our match anytime. Just watch me as I beat everyone and win the finals.”

Wu Meiying smiled. “I’ll do that. Don’t let me down.”

“Of course.”

“Meiying!” Hou Jingshu shouted as Wu Jian walked over to her. “A-are you okay? Are you hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?! What’s one plus one?!”

“You’re holding up three fingers and one plus one is two.” Wu Meiying gave the worried Hou Jingshu a collected smile. “I’m fine, Jingshu. Don’t worry about me. Oh. Jian, you can set me down now. I think I can stand on my own.”

“If you’re sure…”

Wu Jian set Wu Meiying back on her feet, and while her knees wobbled a little as her sense of balance distorted, she was able to maintain her footing. Sighing, she rubbed the area where she had received the hit that did her in. It still didn’t hurt, but the disorienting nature of Zhou Lihua’s attack surprised her.


That girl is not only strong, but she’s very knowledgable about the human body. I wonder who her teacher is…

“That girl is quite the trickster. Her attacks are very deceptive. You’ll probably face her in the finals,” Wu Meiying declared.

Wu Jian tilted his head. “Is this a vision that you saw?”

She shook her head. “I saw no vision, but she is definitely the strongest fighter here.” She gave him a stern look. “You have to beat her.”

He nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to avenge your loss.”

“Hmph. I wouldn’t have lost if you had given me a proper kiss on the lips.”

“You really think that’s why you think you lost?!” Hou Jingshu shouted.


“… Wu Meiying lost. I’m surprised,” Wu Àiliàn said.

“I’m surprised as well. I’ve watched her train with Wu Jian and Hou Jingshu. I know how strong she has become. I’m shocked there is someone in the tournament who can match her and Wu Jian in combat,” Wu Yōushì said.

Wu Taohua and Wu Àiliàn had been watching the battles alongside their husband, though they had both focused only on the fights with Wu Jian, Wu Meiying, and Hou Jingshu. Those were the only fights they were invested in.

Though he wouldn’t admit it, Wu Yōushì had only really been invested in his son’s fights. He had watched Wu Jian’s battles with his sharp eyes. His expression remained impassive, but he felt pride swelling in his chest when he saw how well his son was doing.

When Wu Jian was younger, the boy had been frail, weak, and cowardly—all traits that a clan leader should not possess. He would not lie. Wu Yōushì had been very disappointed in his son’s behavior. The whole reason he never interfered in Wu Yong’s bullying was because he had hoped it would toughen Wu Jian and make him stronger.

And Wu Jian did get stronger.

Wu Yōushì didn’t know when, exactly, Wu Jian became so determined to acquire strength, but the results were evident. He took everyone by surprise during the Wu Clan Strength Competition when he was eight. He even defeated Wu Yong, a boy four years his senior, in combat. During his debut in the Three Clan’s Tournament, he took second place despite the Ming Family’s foul play. Wu Yōushì was very proud of his son’s achievements.

He will go far. Perhaps I should enroll him in the Imperial Cultivator’s Academy after he turns sixteen.

“You should congratulate Wu Jian after the tournament,” Wu Àiliàn said as if she could read his mind.

Wu Yōushì crossed his arms and huffed. “If he manages to win the tournament, I will be more than happy to congratulate him.”

“How can a father be so hot and cold at the same time?” Wu Àiliàn asked with a laugh.

“It is just in his nature,” Wu Taohua declared. At that moment, Elder Wu Wei left the viewing booth, and she mumbled something about needing to use the restroom, then left with a handmaiden in tow.

Wu Yōushì tried hard to hide his blush, but nothing slipped past his first wife, who knew him inside and out. She smiled at him like she could see right through him. He turned his head to avoid her stare. The battles were still taking place, but none of them interested him.

Time passed. Elder Wu Wei eventually returned from whence he came. The man caught sight of him staring and offered a traditional bow as if nothing was wrong.

About ten minutes after the elder reappeared, Wu Taohua came back to the booth alongside her handmaiden. She walked to stand by his side. Her face was impassive like always.

“Did you find anything?” he asked.

“I was not able to follow Wu Wei without the risk of being spotted, but I do know that he met with Ming Han,” Wu Taohua said softly. “Several eyewitnesses say they saw Wu Wei and Ming Han leaving the same room. The room was also being guarded by members of the Juishi Clan.”

Wu Yōushì’s lips became a thin line as anger surged through him. “So Wu Wei really is working with the Ming and Juishi Clans to undermine my authority.”

“He probably wants to usurp your position,” Wu Àiliàn said.

“That is the most probable theory,” Wu Taohua agreed. “What should we do?”

“For now? Nothing. They have already played all their cards in this tournament, so it won’t matter if we do something now or later. Let’s wait until after the tournament to strike,” Wu Yōushì said.

“We should at least tell Zhou Zu about what we’ve discovered,” Wu Taohua said.

“I’ll leave that to you,” Wu Yōushì said.

“As you wish, my husband. Please, leave this matter to me,” she said with a slight bow.

He nodded at her, then turned back to the arena. Wu Jian once more stood on the arena floor, ready for combat.


The main part of the tournament soon ended and the competition settled into the final remaining fights. Four winners had been selected to fight in the semi-finals: Wu Jian, Zhou Lihua, Ming Shen, and Juishi Son.

“Will the winner of brackets one and four come onto the stage?” the Zhou Clan elder requested.

Wu Jian glanced at Zhou Lihua as she leapt onto the stage. She was his opponent for the semi-finals. Even though he knew there was a good chance this tournament had been rigged, he couldn’t help but feel a little excited. Zhou Lihua had proven herself to be a strong contender. He was certain that anyone else aside from him would have lost in a fight against Wu Meiying.

He leapt onto the stage and stood just a few feet from his opponent. Wu Jian could not see past her veil, but that didn’t bother him as he smiled at her.

“I’ve wanted to fight you ever since I saw your battle with Mei. I hope you’ll give me some pointers in this match,” he said.

Zhou Lihua surprised him by winking. “I’m sure I can give you a few pointers. Be sure to pay attention, or you won’t learn anything.”

“Both fighters, bow to the audience, bow to me, now bow to each other,” the referee instructed. Wu Jian and Zhou Lihua did as told. The elder then raised his hand, held it there for several seconds, then brought it down. “Begin!”

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