《Severing Time & Space》Spotted Snow Lion


The Spotted Snow Lion had stopped running and was now prowling toward them with slow, deadly footsteps. It knew they were trapped. Wu Jian had the feeling that it was savoring this moment—the moment before it pounced on them and ate them.

Fear caused his body to shake. He felt death pressing down on them. His vision blackened. He just barely managed to remain conscious.

I can’t pass out. Wu Meiying will be alone if I do!

Thoughts of Wu Meiying alone were what kept him from losing his mind.

“What… what do we do now?” asked Wu Jian.

“Scream. Scream as loud as you can,” Wu Meiying said.

Wu Jian didn’t know why she wanted him to scream, but he had nothing to lose, and he was too frightened to argue.


He screamed at the top of his lungs, and Wu Meiying screamed alongside him. Their screams echoed across the entire forest.

The Spotted Snow Lion flinched and jerked back at their yells. It didn’t seem to like loud noises. It even hissed like an angry cat. A giant cat with claws that could rend their flesh and teeth that could tear through them with ease, but still a cat.

At first, Wu Jian thought that was why Wu Meiying had asked him to yell, but he soon learned there was another reason when a loud cracking sound echoed from above them.

“Jian… when I say run, we run,” Wu Meiying whispered.


“Get ready. On the count of three. Three. Two. One. Run!”

Wu Jian raced after Wu Meiying. The Spotted Snow Lion roared and tried to chase them, but at that moment, the ice attached to the cliff cracked and came crashing down on top of it. The lion’s surprised cry was lost to the roar of devas only knew how many tons of ice and snow.

Even though they had not been caught underneath the ice and snow, the force still generated air currents that pushed them back. They fell to the ground and rolled for several feet. Snow exploded around them as they tumbled across the forest floor.

Now lying on his stomach, Wu Jian pushed himself up and looked at the pile of snow and ice, his blood freezing as he realized how close to death they had come. He shivered, and it wasn’t from the cold. But he pushed the fear back to look at his companion.

“Meiying… you okay?” he asked.

“Yes. I think so,” Wu Meiying said beside him, sitting up. Snow fell off her head and shoulders. She looked at the massive snow pile that had buried the lion, then smiled at him. “Well, that was an adventure.”

“Yeah. An adventure.”

He sat up as well, and they shared a smile. Fear gave way to something else as the realization that they were alive set in. Wu Jian didn’t know why their near death experience made him feel this way, but he felt… exhilarated. Blood pumped quickly through his body. His heart hammered in his chest. He had never felt this excited or powerful before. He felt like he could take on the entire world.

Yet just as those feelings surged inside of him, the snow pile in front of them was blown away by a loud roar. He covered his face as snow and ice pelted him. A scream beside him alerted him that Wu Meiying was also getting hit, and he moved to protect her from the blast. He flinched and gritted his teeth as ice pelted his back while he held Wu Meiying in his arms.


When the snow cleared, Wu Jian looked again, only to wish he hadn’t when he saw the Spotted Snow Lion glaring down at him. It looked angier than he had ever seen it. Its eyes were practically glowing crimson. Wu Jian knew they had to run, but when he tried to get up, he realized that he couldn’t. He was confused at first. Until he looked down.

Ice had crept along his and Wu Meiying’s legs. It was trapping them. He realized this must be one of the techniques this magical beast could use. It was manipulating its qi to create ice that froze them in place.

With no way to escape and nothing left to do, Wu Jian covered Wu Meiying with his own body, determined to protect her at all costs. It was the only thing on his mind. He didn’t want to die, but he would rather die than let her die.

The Spotted Snow Lion roared at them before leaping. It descended into the air and stretched out its front paws as though to tear into their flesh. Everything seemed to slow down for Wu Jian, who once more saw his life flashing before his eyes.

I don’t want to die.

This can’t be the end.

I still have to marry Meiying and start a family!

Wu Jian cursed his weakness, cursed his powerlessness. If only he was stronger, he could protect the girl he loved. Why. Why, why, why, why.

Why am I still so weak?

Wu Jian lamented. And that was when something powerful slammed into the Spotted Snow Lion, sending the creature flying backward with a startled cry. Wu Jian blinked. He hadn’t seen what had hit it, but then three figures landed beside him and Wu Meying. He recognized them. These figures were his father, mother, and second mother.

While Father and Wu Taohua darted forward to attack the Spotted Snow Lion before it could attack them, Mother knelt down beside them and smiled.

“Are you two okay?” she asked.

“Mother… I…” Wu Jian muttered as tears stung his eyes. He couldn’t contain his relief at seeing them.

“Aunty…” Wu Meiying mumbled, though she did not seem as surprised as him. It was like she had known they would come.

“You two… I’m so glad you’re both okay. I was so worried when I realized neither of you were in your rooms.” Mother gathered them into her arms, and Wu Jian shuddered as the warmth of her embrace flooded him. Tears of relief but also shame flooded his face. He was as embarrassed by this feeling as he was comforted.

While they were being hugged by his mother, the battle between Father, Wu Taohua, and the Spotted Snow Lion was heating up. Fire seemed to glow along Father’s fist. He thrust it forward and sent a blast of chi that would have slammed into the Spotted Snow Lion’s flank if it hadn’t jumped out of the way. While it had been able to avoid Father’s attack, it could not avoid the daggers thrown by Wu Taohua, which punctured its left flank.

The Spotted Snow Lion roared in anger and pain, and several ice spikes shot from the ground, but Father and Wu Taohua dodged. Father landed on the ground and slammed his fist into the snow. A powerful eruption of chi exploded from his fist and traveled across the ground, splitting it apart and forcing the magical beast to move—right into Wu Taohua’s daggers. Blood soaked the powerful magical beast’s fur as the daggers sunk into its flesh.

“Uncle Yōushì and Aunt Taohua are so powerful,” Wu Meiying murmured. “They’re beating that Spotted Snow Lion even though it has the home field advantage.”


Not only were magical beasts of the same cultivation level more powerful than humans, but this was the Spotted Snow Lion’s home. It knew this terrain far better than they did. It also seemed to have a strong ice affinity, which gave it an even greater adventure. That was why Wu Meiying was so surprised.

“Yeah. They’re pretty good,” Mother said with a smile. “You know Taohua used to be an assassin. She was originally hired to kill Yōushì because he is close friends with the emperor, but she ended up falling in love with him after he defeated her in combat.”

“I didn’t know that,” Wu Jian said.

“Not many do. It’s a closely guarded secret since it could cause problems if other knew.” His mother smiled and shrugged. “Anyway, Taohua is an expert at using poison techniques. She converts all of her chi into poison and infuses them into her weapons. That’s the reason they are doing so well.”

Even as she spoke, Wu Jian could see what Mother meant. The Spotted Snow Lion was getting slower and weaker as the battle progressed. At the beginning, it could dodge almost all of Father’s attacks, but now more and more chi blasts were striking its body, each attack leaving blood and bruises in their wake.

The final attack came when the Spotted Snow Lion launched an all out assault that fired needles in every direction. Wu Jian and Wu Meiying screamed in surprise, but Mother formed a hand seal and a chi barrier appeared before them like a shimmering curtain. It was a translucent silver barrier and didn’t look very strong. However, when the needles struck it, they shattered without penetrating.

Father and Wu Taohua leapt over the attack, and then Father descended right toward the Spotted Snow Lion. He reared his chi covered fist back, thrust it forward, and Wu Jian watched in awe as a massive palm of flaming red chi slammed into the lion’s back from above. The magical beast roared in agony. It fell onto its stomach, then struggled to get back up, but its struggles were growing weaker, until at last it stopped moving.

“Is it… dead?” asked Wu Jian.

“Seems like it,” his mother said.

Wu Jian was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but then a feeling of dread washed over him. He didn’t know where it came from, not until he looked toward his father, who was stalking over to where they lay with an expression so furious his face had turned red.

I am in so much trouble…

Wu Jian had thought not long ago that the Spotted Snow Lion was scarier than his father, but now he knew the truth. He would have chosen to fight that lion any day over facing his father’s wrath.


The walk home was made in uncomfortable, stifling silence. No one spoke a word. Wu Meiying looked like she wanted to say something several times, but she would glance at Mother each time, then slowly close her mouth as though she had thought better of it.

Father was dragging the Spotted Snow Lion’s carcass behind him, leaving a trail of blood in the snow. Magical Beasts were like living treasures. Various parts of their bodies could be used in alchemy, and they sometimes had a monster core that sold for a lot.

When they arrived at the main gate, it was to find two guards standing at the entrance. Their eyes widened when they caught sight of the group.

“Welcome back, Lord Yōushì, Lady Àiliàn, and Lady Taohua. I see you managed to find your wayward son and his… friend.”

The two Wu Clan members eyed Wu Meiying with a look that Wu Jian couldn’t quite figure out, but he didn’t like it, and so he moved to stand in front of Wu Meiying, shielding her from their gaze. If the two noticed his protectiveness, they didn’t say anything.

“Yes, though it was not without hardships,” Father said as he hefted the massive creature, the Spotted Snow Lion, over both shoulders, as if to emphasize the troubles they had dealt with. “Tell the others they can return to their homes.”

“Yes, Lord!”

The two guards placed their left fists in the palm of their right hands, bowed, then left to inform inform everyone who partook in the search that Wu Jian and Wu Meiying had been found. That left the group alone again. They walked past the gate and into the clan compound.

“Well, this has certainly been an unpleasant experience,” Wu Taohua said as she looked at him and Wu Meiying with a sneer. “Husband, if you don’t have any more need for me, I’m going to return to our compound.”

“Feel free to do so, and take this carcass with you, please” Father said, throwing the body of the Spotted Snow Lion onto the ground.

Wu Taohua bowed to Father, glanced at Wu Jian one more time, then grabbed the Spotted Snow Lion’s front left paw and left, dragging the massive creature behind her.

Now that Wu Jian knew she was a former assassin, he realized that her walk was completely silent. Just how his father had won her over was beyond him.

“Àiliàn, tell the elders that I need them in the meeting hall. We must decide on a punishment for Wu Jian and Wu Meiying,” Father said.

Mother bit her lip and looked at him. She took a deep breath, then leaned over and kissed Father on the cheek. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but she just smiled.

“I’ll go get the elders. Please, go easy on them. They are just children.”

Father didn’t say anything as Mother left. He waited until she was gone, then turned his cold gaze onto Wu Jian and Wu Meiying. Despite how scary his expression was, Wu Jian tried his best to shield Wu Meiying from his father’s glare. Perhaps it was just his imagination, but Father’s lips seemed to quirk briefly before his face became a stern mask once more.

I must have imagined it. There’s no way Father would smile. He never smiles.

“Come with me, you two.”

“Yes, Father.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

The two children spoke at the same time and followed Father to the meeting hall.

The Wu Clan compound had two large halls, one for receptions and meetings with other clans, sects, and royals, and the clan meeting hall, which was used to either reward or punish a clansman depending on the situation.

Wu Jian felt dread well up inside of him as he looked at the imposing roof of the clan meeting hall. The two dragons standing on either side of the roof looked like they were glaring at him, accusing him of committing a great crime. He was close to hyperventilating, but before he could panic, a warm hand slipped into his own and delicate fingers entwined with his.

He looked at Wu Meiying, who smiled at him as if to say everything would be all right. This helped him calm down. He took a deep breath and gripped her hand.

They soon entered the clan meeting hall. It was a large space that could fit the entire clan if need be. Father walked over to the seat at the very end of the hall, sat down, and gave the two a glare.

“Kneel,” he commanded.

Neither of them disobeyed. They knelt on the floor and bowed their heads. Not a word was spoken. Father closed his eyes and leaned back, while Wu Jian and Wu Meiying were left in silence to wonder about their punishment.

Wu Jian was getting more nervous the longer the silence prevailed. His imagination plagued him, showing all kinds of ways his father might punish him. Would he be forced to sit on a bed of nails? Or maybe his father would flog him? The numerous possibilities kept him from being able to focus. He thought he might pass out, but then a sound came from behind him.

One by one the elders of the family entered the clan meeting room. There was Wu Wei, the head elder of the Wu Clan. His hair was shock white and his face lined with many wrinkles. Despite his advanced age, he walked with his back straight and had no need for a cane. He was a stern man who never brooked disobedience and advocated the necessity of stringent adherence to their clan’s laws. Out of all the people present, he was the only one willing to argue with Father.

The other two were Wu Nin and Wu Jinsu. Their hair was pepper colored, unlike the head elder’s, and they were not much older than Father. Both of them were father’s half-brothers. Their mothers were concubines of the previous clan head, which meant they were ineligible for the position of clan head. Well, they could have probably gotten the position if they were stronger than Father, but they weren’t. Both of them had a tendency to go with the flow, siding with whoever had the bigger stick. Wu Jian didn’t like them much.

Mother also came in. As the elders sat down in their chairs, she walked over to Father’s side and stood on his left.

“Àiliàn…” Father began.

“You want me to leave?” Mother asked, raising an eyebrow.

Father hesitated. “You know our rules. The women of the clan are not to interfere in decisions made by the clan.”

“And you know that I would normally follow this rule,” Mother said. “However, I am your wife, and that is my son you’re about to punish. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to stay?”

Wu Wei clicked his tongue. “You have become quite headstrong, Àiliàn, to disregard our clan laws like this.”

“I just believe exceptions should be made for exceptional cases,” Mother countered calmly.

Wu Jian gripped the bag containing the silver lotus as Mother argued with the head elder. Everyone always said his mother was very free-spirited, very different from what was traditionally expected from a Wu Clanswoman. He had never really seen it before since Wu Jian had never gotten into trouble like this. Now he was seeing it, and he couldn’t help but think his mother was amazing.

“Let us not argue like this,” Father said at last. “Given the situation, I shall let Àiliàn stay, provided she does not speak out of turn.”

“I will remain silent,” she said when he glanced at her.

Wu Wei clicked his tongue, but he backed down and instead turned his stare on Wu Jian and Wu Meiying, who had remained silent while the adults were talking.

Wu Jian turned his head to see that Wu Meiying still had her head bowed. She looked much calmer than he felt. Their hands were no longer connected, and he keenly felt the loss of her warmth. He wished he could reach out and grab her hand, but he could not do so with everyone watching. It would have been seen as a sign of weakness.

“We are here to decide on a suitable punishment for Wu Jian and Wu Meiying, who snuck out of the clan compound and journeyed into West Fang Mountain despite me forbidding it,” Father said, and thus the meeting to decide their fate began.

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