《The Wild Touch》Glossary.1 READ AT OWN RISK!
Stats are also relative to body size. A 4 foot gnome with 40 strength would relatively be weaker than a 6 foot human with 40 strength. This not as applicable to mental stats or faith.
Strength is the amount of physical power you have, also effects carry weight.
Endurance is the amount of stamina you have, each point is 10 in the stamina pool and it effects your stamina recovery.
Vitality is a representation of your health with each point equal to 10hp. Also effects health recovery and natural resistances, like sleep, illness or poison. Each point also increases your lifespan and reduces the effects of aging on top of your own racial norms.
Dexterity is how nimble you are and how well you can control your body. Also heavily affects how well you can handle manually activated ranged weapons. Works well in conjunction with agility and perception. A humanoid with high dexterity would never land on their ass when flung in the air. Also effects dancing skills.
Agility is how fast your body can fire off its synapses and how quickly you can move in general without exerting more force than necessary. Someone with really high points in this stats would be able to run really fast, but if they do not have the correct Dexterity points to match it they would quickly stumble and fall over.
Perception is how well you can perceive the world and how acute your senses are.
Charisma is how likeable you are and how well you are to pass social checks in skills that require them. Such as bartering or trying to flirt. Some classes actually use this stat to replace the Intelligence checks for spells, such as Bards or Negotiators.
Intelligence is a stat that reflects the speed at which you can perform calculations or understand things. Works to power spells and also increases the ability to retain knowledge. A stable stat for magical classes that use them to power offensive or non-offensive spells.
Wisdom is how much clarity you have in thought and how well you are at thinking outside the box. Every point reflects into 10 points of mana and it also effects your mana regeneration. This stat also effects natural resistances to magical and mental means of the holder, on top of their racial natural resistances.
Sensitivity is how well you can perceive mana. It also helps with abilities or spells that require you to add outside natural mana to your own or to your spell. Also helps to increase magical and faith based magicks.
Faith is how attuned you are to your god. A definitely critical stat for people whom work in a church or follow a god. Affects the effectiveness of miracles or boons and blessings form their chosen god. This stat also helps provide mental resistances.
Luck is a stat that is nearly impossible to increase unless you are a chosen of Amelia. It affects the likelihood of favourable outcomes in uncertain situations such as in games of luck or in random encounters. Can also effect how people perceive you without the needed effects of charisma.
Sacamin - A spell that lets you look at your own status in a Realm world. Costs you 75 percent of you total mana and stamina pools and will not regenerate for a whole day on your planet.
0-20 Tin
21-40 Commonly known as Bronze but sometimes referred to as Duskmetal
41-60 Steel
61-80 Silver
81-100 Gold sometimes referred to as Dawngold
101-120 Adamant
121-140 Mithril
141-160 Corium
161-180 Platinum
181-200 Diamond
Normal average humanoids are around Steel or Silver. If you push yourself you might reach Gold in a lifetime. Anything higher requires luck or being a genius. Grafted individuals easily reach Mithril due to having two souls grafted into one, and therefore have a levelling advantage.
Classes are split into 3 groups.
Racial Levels that you get from birth for example Jeb is a level 62 Human. Racial classes give you minor stat boosts and a few free points to invest. Racial classes normally increase along with age and performing certain challenging but it also increases by one for every two levels in your class. Jeb is a level 62 Human and a level 42 Butler as his class. Therefor 21 of his racial levels came as a bonus for being a butler, so he has 41 levels naturally, so we can assume he is above 41 to 50 in age.
Job class. Everybody gets it when they reach ten years old no matter the race. Can start off with a basic name such as Guard, but evolve to have a different name over time such as Journey Guard. Therefore it gives an advantage to races that have long lives. The way it is unlocked is debated , but generally depends on a combination of your vocation, hobbies or can be inherited. Gives bonus stats per levels and skills related to your class. New skills are obtained at every 20 levels. If more than one choice is available then you will have to pick it why us use a Sacamin spell.
Sub class. A secondary class that individuals can choose to obtain by using a classing stone or the help of certain churches. Exactly the same as the first class, but does not benefit your overall race level like the original does. The downside is you will now have slower growth across the board for Racial and the first class. So whatever the reasons, picking a Sub class will therefore make you lose out on future Free Stat points.
Things important to the world and tidbits
Paek- The local star
Mentor – the second star
Paltin- A moon
Rarn – The twin moon to Paltin.
Days of the week – Paek,Kohlim,Yester,Molemp,Felk,Dayim,Paltim,Rarnday
The months – Swin, Charingswin (spring), Paekdusk, Sumsteel(summer), Yestersilver, Felkor, Rarndawn(Autumn), Hastendink, Realka, Tholinka (winter), 32 days per month
Dayim Yestersilver 14th 3467 is the beginning of the story.
Delmathar – A magical world that the story is set in, a contestant in the Realm wars.
Harvestking – a main god that fell in a realm war in order to rescue the Wiilder queen, his wife.
Wiilder Queen – a main god of the wild and beasts and now holder of the divinity of the Harvest king.
Beasts – Creatures that have the blessing of the Wiilder Queen and can perform magic well naturally.
Monsters – Creatures that are also blessed by the Wiilder Queen but generally cannot perform magic or not so well. Instead they are generally tougher and stronger relative to beasts of the same level. Sometimes they may naturally have a natural biological trait to help them, for example thorny hides.
Emilia – The goddess of Fate on Delmathar but she someone moonlights as Fate and Gia on Earth also. Daughter to the Wiilder Queen and the Harvestking.
Dawnglow- a legendary Ancient druid that Xerneg met on his travels whilst he was a young man. His levels is unknown but he is believed to be Corium or Platinum (160-180). The druid resides in a grove with an ancient Treant in a Motherglade forest far to the west and in the wildlands of the forest peoples. He is one of the few champions of the Wiilder Queen.
Uncle Piad – A friend to the Wiilder Queen and Emilia. Current status and standing unknown, apparently has two roles.
Kilnborn – A god of war in Delmathar and worshipped by many races. Openly denounced by dragon kind, especially Gehenna.
Gilbar – A unknown entity whom seems to be a companion to the Harvestking and is currently trying to bring him back.
I would sow the seeds when you wake my love,
I would care for us when Paeck shines on you,
And when the Rarndawn tries to steal your smile,
I will die to make you smile again dove,
When winter makes your heart sad and blue,
Remember I’ll be back in just a while
A popular lullaby sung by sentient races two their children, originally the poem sung by the Harvestking at his wedding to the Willder queen when they were mortal.
Legs - a term used to describe quarters in countryside communities. Four legs make a whole.
Pancreedy -one of the small villages on the outskirts of the whisperwoods.
Whisperwalk – a neighbouring village that is two days ride by Kaholin.
Whisperwoods – A large mana-rich forest that is situated in the eastern side of the Melikar Ridges.
Paulflint- A large town that is the closest city to Pancreedy.
Malekahn- the town closest to Paulflint and a major trading hub.
Ferrikin – The small kingdom that the story is set in, its main revenue is from agriculture in the fertile fields that is benefitting from relief rainfall in the shadow of the Melikar Ridge mountains. The Whisperwoods is also a high revenue of monster parts that is harvested by guild hunters.
Dolkitan- A union kingdom that is the neighbour of Ferrikin and on the other side of the mountain range. Less productive due to not having as much rainfall, but they have easier access to the mountain without a dangerous high mana forest such as the Whisperwoods in the way, their main produce is from the metal industry.
Melikar Ridge – a mountainous region in the bottom left of the union kingdoms and borders between Ferrikin and Dolkitan. Contains some very ferocious creatures Mithril or above. Some have even sighted Crag Giants hurling rocks at each other or Rocs and Garudas battling in the sky.
Faithfall Ridge - An agricultural mountainous region far to the northeast that is controlled by Fantimal. Famous for its tea.
Fruitflys- a capyban swear
Anything Divine- generally distasteful outside the tri-empire controlled by the divines. The Throne is generally seen as acceptable divine but Fantimal and DragonKing Gehannan are not liked by the outside public for being manipulative and heavy handed respectively.
Phoenix Dancer – a legendary figure whos real name is Brandon Law. He is a Accipitridian who has nearly reach Diamond ranked as a Fiery Kata Monk. The only true adversary amongst the mortals to Gehannan and the leader of the grafted. He also commands the Swallows, a mysterious organization of high levelled Grafted rouges.
Gehannan – The dragon King of all dragon kind and the strongest mortal in all of Delmathar. Actively participates in Realm wars. His current rank is definitely Diamond and he has a foot into godhood.
Fantimal – Leader and prince to all the Angels. He is also the figurehead of the Fantal religion with his Palpitors and Paladins being the only ones to be able to properly banish the Undead from the Dark rift that remained from the Realm war of the same name. He’s a bit of a dick.
Throne – Only one of his kind and the tyrant to all the Wakes. He controls their telepathic conduit that the whole race shares and he also syphons their powers through his parasitic control. Genreallly considered to be the brains behind the three Divines.
Realms – pretty much like saying hell because when a realm contest happens it’s pretty much hell for anyone nearby who isn’t strong enough.
Capyban – Humanoids who have fur all over and slightly webbed hands and feet. Have large heads with a large snout that is ended with small black nose that is situated between the two small beady eyes. Have very long eyelashes and sharp front incisors but are vegetarian. Not very expressive but able to communicate to each other using scent glands to express emotional musk. This kin have a very high racial growth rate in charisma and a lower affinity towards beasts, many tend to animals or class as a companion to beasts or monsters. +3CHA,+2END,+2VIT AND 2 FREE STATS PER LV.
Wake – A race of sentient jellyfish that are thralls to the Throne. They can communicate telepathically and serve as living logistical links in the Divine empire. If they cut of their main Neural-cord then they cannot join their people’s telepathic link, but they become free. Afterwards they can still communicate but they have to touch you. Most races consider them with disdain do to the invasive nature they communicate by brushing through your mind, and how they savor certain flavors of thought. They normally have beucratic or law based jobs due to how well they are at reading out lies.
Pancreedy’s peoples and co
Dan – dead biology teacher whos soul was grafted onto the dying Capyban boy Nosal.
Nosal Brownwhisker- A capyban boy who nearly died due to his calling, he survived by having the soul of the Earther Dan grafted on and was given a class Unsung Class due to some godly intervention. Works and lives on his father’s Ranch. Aged 10.
Kano Brownwhisker- A capyban of 14 who is the elder brother of Nosal. Currently has the class of Monster Friend at level 12 and his race at LV19 and works on his father’s ranch. A bit of a dreamer and likes to spend time relaxing in the company of the farm beasts or else messing around with Lok-Tar’s son, Dornmit-Tars. Also likes to bully his little brother.
Dittat – A 5 year old larval Feqnal Woodwurm at LV 9, that is the bonded beast companion to Kano. Found next to its dead mother in its nest as an egg many years ago by Gowin before she retired form adventuring. It stayed in its egg for nearly five years before randomly hatching. A small leaf green ball of mischief that likes to scuttle about and enjoys receiving pats and affection. Has rudimentary eyes and mainly uses its two antennae to feel, smell and taste. Secretes a sticky slime from its skin when it is in distress and can cast a low levelled version of root bind. Dittat also has quite a remarkable natural regeneration that is common to its species which it puts to good use due to the fights it often picks on the ranch with the other Monsters. Especially likes to pick fights with the local Owlmites living on the ranch which is why it has such a high level for it’s age. Is currently very afraid of the river on the farm due to having one of its legs ripped off by a large Gildronfly larva that was laying in ambush last year, with the stub still recovering.
Lem Brownwhisker – A middle aged Capyban of 63. The father to Nosal and Kano and runs the Whisperwood Ranch. Currently a LV 71 Monster Rancher Foreman, subclassed at LV45 Journey Guard and race LV 97. A large figure and intimidating presence, but actually quite amicable to friends and acquittances. Enjoys a good drink with his buddy every Rarnday.
Gowin Brownwhisker – Deceased Capyban mother of Nosal and Kano. Was a famed Dawngold ranked adventurer in her days before settling down after proposed to by Lem. Was a LV 93 Monster Companion and LV 96 in her race before she died. Her partner was the Homarian Shellwurm whom she named Da’Nittan that she raised since it was but a Larvae. Died due to participating in a subjugation quest of a Adamant-Ranked Ivory Rockape Goliath that was ousted from the Melikar mountain ranges and descended into the Whisperwoods and was wreaking havoc on the nearby community.
Da’Nittan – Companion to the deceased Gowin. A large female Homarian Shellwurm that is close to breaking into Adamant ranked. A Monster with very high earth affinity and can cast many earthshaping spells and rock Armor to a very high level which is uncommon is Monsters. The main body is the size of a normal horse. A dark obsidian shell covering it all over in a thick exoskeleton which are especially thick by the head, claws and the spade like tail. Has four eyes at the end of stalks atop of her tapered large head. Her head is the size of a small two seater sofa and adorned by large spiky whiskers which she uses to sense her way around. Has six heavy legs that she uses for walking and two large front claws that is nearly the size of a door that she uses for attacking prey or else digging the earth for roots, two smaller claws are situated closer to the mouth for handling food. Normally lives in a burrow under a Ashwould Tree at the edges of the farm closest to the Whisperwoods and sleeps most of the day. Does not harm beast or monsters on the Ranch unless provoked. At night she goes into the forest to hunt for roots or other prey. May sometimes come out to say hello to the Brownwhiskers that come by for a visit, especially the boys who smell faintly of its lost partner.
Delmond Brownwhisker – A elderly Capyban of 113. Father to Lem and helped him set up the Ranch with a seed fund which Lem has paid back over the years and hiring his son as a guard for his caravan business. A Mithril Ranked Merchant at LV 108 with a successful caravanning and logistical business and many small shops in the union and an area rep of the Merchants committee in the Western ranges of the union that borders the Whisperwoods all the way to the Crag Giants pass. He made a shell company to underbuy the plot of land before selling it to his own son without his knowing at a undercut price due to his son being too proud to ask for help. He absolutely adores his grandchildren and tries to shower them with gifts that his son keeps refusing, he has only recently been able to see them more often since the death of his daughter in law. Still gives the grandchildren a lot of books to read as gifts that Lem would accept instead of gaudy expensive toys, but which Delmond likes to slip in Silver coins without his son being nay the wiser. With a Racial LV of 143, the man is quite a formidable character with an abundance in CHAR that he uses to win in contests between merchants, although it has never worked on his son. Since his son’s marriage twenty years ago he has been heavily investing his free points in VIT to live past the 140 normal average lifespan of Capybans and spend more time with his grandchildren, for Capybans have trouble conceiving and he himself only having one child before his wife passed away due to a Realm war. He believes the Brownwhiskers to be blessed to have two grandsons which he loves and adores more than anything in the world.
The Tars
Lok-Tars – A Large middle aged Orcish silver ranked Blacksmith, aged 58. Levels unknown but mains in strength. Father to Dornmit-Tars and husband to Sarkingtan-Tars. A close friend to Lem whom he enjoys drinking with at the end of every second week on Rarnday. He used to work as an army metalsmith during his younger years in the union wars, but became disillusioned with the whole idea and left the army to settle down in the village.
Sarkingtan-Tars – A middle aged Orchish Gold ranked Tracker and subclassed as Butcher, aged 59. Mother to Dornmit-Tars and wife to Lok-Tars. Levels unknown. A retired adventurer looking for the quiet life in a small village close to the Whisperwoods, where she met a handsome young orc blacksmith whom she took a liking to many years ago and courted him and asked for his hand in marriage. Works as a butcher and receive a lot of her produce from Lem’s ranch but occasionally goes into the woods to hunt for meat, and sometimes deeper for higher quality and dangerous game for special occasions. She was part of the subjugation quest that resulted in Gowin’s death, she blames herself for her death and has stopped visiting the Brownwhiskers as a result of her shame.
Dornmit-Tars - A young orc boy, aged 15. Currently at LV 21 Guard recruit and LV 24 in his race. Bored of the quiet life and seeks adventure and likes to drag his friends the Brownwhisker boys on adventures.
The Firefly couple
Shivalteek – A young Firekin Warmage specialising in Pyromancer at LV 84 who retired from fighting in the mage corps as part of the auxiliaries of the union army. LV 76 in his Firekin racial class. He has subclassed as a storeclerk and opened The Firefly, his general goods store in Pancreedy with his Firekin wife Deantharla helping him around the shop. Left the army even with his meteoric rise due to the high mortality rate of Firekin mages in war. The man is bald and hairless and is similar to a human in nature except for his slim build and obsidian coloured skin, which contains whorls of fire and becomes cracked when he performs fire magic which all Firekin are naturally prodigious at but nowadays it is a sight that is rarely seen except for when he performs parlour tricks after having to many drinks at the local pub. A undercover agent that has been planted by Delmond to keep an eye on his son and grandsons for their safety.
Deantharla – A young Firekin Clerk who is married to Shivalteek. She meet her husband when she was working as a clerk in the union army. They had a fiery courtship before he asked for her hand in marriage and they left the army to settle in Pancreedy and away from the dangers of war, especially considering how Firekin fire mages such as her husband would be valuable targets for assassination due to their firepower in large scale conflicts. Some believe she was the reason he left the army but it is easy to see why as the young Firekin lady is very pretty with her long white hair and long white tapered eyebrows which is constantly arched at her husband’s silly discounts. The two are very happy young couple but Deantharla’s skin is often seen cracking in anger at the sight of her husband coming home with too much drink.
The healer
Xerneg – A Hepdican Healer living in Pancreedy who has not disclosed his age. A large flabby Hepdican with mottled grey skin and would be mistaken for a large meatball in robes from afar. Sports a large fluffy green beard and likes to wear his two pairs of large circular bifocals on his two pair of eyes. He is a high level holder of the rare Hepdician Transferal Healer but left the large city life to retire quietly in the contryside. He is very well liked and respected for he rarely charges for his services. The villagers regularly donate all kinds of produce and foodstuffs to him for free even if the old healer is quite wealthy for a transferal mage requires large reserves of fat and mana to heal effectively and many in the village owe theirs or a family member’s life to the healer. That spare Loaf of Yesterhay bread could mean the correct reattachment of a farmer’s arm from a scything accident or to heal a babe’s winter cold.
The Headman’s family
Delm Loamwicker - Gnorkling headman of the village aged 61 even if he looks ancient. He does the accounting and taxwork for any in his village who does not wish to do their own for a small fee with the consequences of bad accounting means that you have to submit to a reading from the sundered wake-mind taxman, which is quite the unnerving experience. He handles the villages affairs very well as he holds a bureaucratic class called Urban supervisor but he has also subclassed in Accountancy, which is his real passion. Gnorklings naturally likes to live under soil and Delm does not enjoy going outside of his home that he shares with his wife and son. He enjoys resting his large head on his cushions and going over numbers and prefers to send out his son to do simply chores.
Bettle Loamwicker - Gnorkling wife of the village headman 55. Bettle enjoys baking and has a small shop that she sells pies for a living. Her bakery is also a Gnorkling designed building that is directly behind the headman’s home so she doesn’t have to travel far. She enjoys gossiping with the ladies of the village immensely and actually fights the Gnorkling aversion of not having soil above them so she can attend the weekly Pancreedy Ladie’s tea party on Dayims. She classed as Baker.
Dalm Loamwicker, Gnorkling son of the headman and his wife, 22. Classed as Urban Supervisor and currently undergoing his tutelage under his father but he has also subclassed as a Baker as he regularly helps his mother in her bakery. Expected to be the next headman by all in the village. He is a weird Gnorkling who seemingly doesn’t have aversion to being under the sun, but in reality he always wears a weird woolen cap that has soil sewn into it. He likes to go around town and talk to the villagers and mainly does the chores for his father or requests villagers to come to their scheduled tax meeting.
Mr. Fendle – a young Satyr bachelor that works and is classed as a Woodcutter who lives in Pancreedy but occasionally travels to the nearby village of Whisperwalk to see his beu.
Hoarast, A Bearkin whom is one of the head of the loggers in the village with the Treebane class. It is a unique mic between a Fighter class that gets bonuses in woods and normal woodcutter class. Bearkin are large humanoids whom have fur and the head of a bear. Prone to lice. They have high naturaly growth in strength and endurance and have a small natural resistance to blunt and slashing attacks.
The Minos
Joantack - A Minotaur Farmer. His main crop is barley but he does grow some low level vegetables. In the summer he goes to cut trees under the supervision of Hoarast his friend to relieve his pent up testosterone during the summers. Normally a very quiet character but does enjoy a good drink.
Evelain - Joantack’s minotaur wife who is also a Farmer. She wishes to become a hunter but at her husband’s request stays at home. She is a member of the Pancreedy Ladies meet.
Crag - A minotaur youth of 23. He is enlisted in the Village guard and is quite a formidable Defender. He receives direct tutelage from the retired Gazelle and easily works through his Minotaur summer rage in the sparring sessions with his rival. A rival to young Fellclaws.
Minotaurs cow head and lower half with human torso and arms. They have high natural growth in strength and have a enrage skill similar to Orcs. Males are prone to mating fever in the summer and need to relieve the pent up testosterone somehow or else may prove to be aggressive to their partners or neighbours.
Ban Gneeples - a gnomish Orchard Farmer. He likes to make jokes and is quiet the regular at the Scimitar. He also makes a lot of the wines in the village and is liked by many.
Jude Gneeples - the Seamstress Gnomish wife of Ban. Loves to gossip with her friend Bettle, and between the two they know every gossip in town and are the source of quite a few fake rumours.
The Desert Kobolds
Maydock Fem - Desert Kobold and the resident Carpenter of Pancreedy. He is prone to bouts of laughter as is normal to desert Kobolds. He is close friends with Ban whom enjoys making jokes.
Paekflower Fem - Desert Kobold wife of Maydock and mother to their three children. She is the Brewer in the village and chief beer maker. She is business partners with Ban Gneeples.
Flowing-reed Fem - A young Desert Kobold girl whom has classed as a Watermage. Currently apprenticed to Xerneg and does chores around his household in exchange for knowledge of the healing arts. Is not prone to bouts of laughter like her parents.
Canaltia Fem – A young desert girl who works as a apprentice Clerk at the Firefly.
Dimleaf Fem- A young eight year old Desert kobold girl whom likes to hand around at home with her father. She aspires to become a carpenter just like her father and is very tomboyish.
The Direclaws
Shade Direclaw - an old Panthorian who lost his left arm to a dragonling prince in the union wars. He was a formidable fighter back in his days but was honarably discharged after his injuries. His original class was Shadowblade Dancer but he was unable to effectively perform his katas without his left arm anymore and has since subbed as a Guard many years ago when he set up the Pancreedy guard. He was the lone member for dozens of years with meager pay for he wished to continue to serve his community the only way he knew how. Before long his daughter Jentaura then his son Fellclaw eventually joined him as village guard, with his eldest eventually leaving to join the army as a blade dancer herself. He now lives in Pancreedy with his youngest along with his wife. Master to Fellclaw and Timothy.
Gazelle Direclaw - a middle aged Leonid whom is wife to Shade and retired soldier. She served under him in his unit as Strongarmed Defender as was infatuated with Shade when they served together. She fell into depression after her superior was discharged even after she had to reluctantly receive the promotion to his position. Eventually she left the army to seek out Shade to find him happily living in a rural back village. She confessed to him and they began courting. She now works as a Tailor alongside Jude but also teaches any village guards that wishes to learn from a gold ranked Defender. Mother to Jentaura and Fellclaw and master to Dornmit and Crag.
Jentaura Direclaw – The Eldest child of the direclawas and currently fighting as a Bladedancer officer on the north-eastern union front that fell to the Tri Devine forces last year. Current location unknown.
Fellclaw Direclaw - A young 22yr aspiring Bladedancer whom wishes to follow in his father’s glorious army career. Hates his double barrel name. He has many quarrels with Crag but considers him to be his rival. Takes his job as village guard very seriously and is considered by many very easy to tease.
The owl siblings
Lorenzo – A Strigian classed as a Leatherworker. Primarily works with the hunters in the village or the adventurers that come through and processes the hide of slain creatures. Also has a good working relationship with Sarking-Tars. Strigidians are feather humanoids with the head of an owl.
Hedwigcan- A young Strigian whom is the sister of Lorenzo. The young Strigidian lady is classed as a Hunter in the village and enjoys a good drink every now and then. She is currently apprenticed under Sarking-Tars.
Orphaned and ugly
Timothy - A young 14 yr old reverse centaur whom has classed as a Scouting Blade. A horse head sitting atop a human torso and legs. A unfortunate boy whom settle in Pancreedy alone with no friends or family, having been caste out by his community of centaurs for being born a freak. Currently lives at the Fellclaw home after being adopted and is learning under master Shade to become a great swordsman. Is currently enjoying a new fresh start at life in a community where he is not shunned or judged.
Owlmites (Blinkers) – Small tin ranked Monster that are roughly the size of a large avocado, different shades of dusty brown to blend in with the underbrush where they forage and hunt but they occasionally climb trees. Has large owl-like eyes, 4 digit hands and bipedal, with the ability to cast Stone-spit which is highly uncommon trait for a tin ranked monster, that they effective use in conjunction with hiding in tree branches to stun unwary birds. Live in small family social groups in a underground den with the main mother and father pair being the only breeders, able to conceive once per year with live-born littlers containing two to three owlets. Some younger Owlmites will break off from the family unit for periods of time starting from the age of two, and eventually leave for good to start their own families. They reach maturity at the age of three years old and have the life expectancy of twelve years, with some reaching fifteen in captivity. Highly territorial, especially to other Owlmites that are not from the same family unit. Some individuals are known to be able to break into bronze rank through the consumption of certain bronze ranked flora with a high earthen affinity. The rarer and slightly larger bronze ranked Owlmites have been observed to be able to cast Earth spike for hunting and defence instead of using the rudimentary Earthspit spell. They communicate using a form of morse code via blinking and low guttural vibration from deep inside of their chests and hooting. Considered a good luck charm by farmers and encouraged to settle on farms, due to their appetites for pests and birds that would otherwise ruin crops.
Kaholins (Thorn legs) - A large cricket Monster that walks on six legs with a hard spiny exoskeleton and sharp thorns on the rear kicking legs. Contrary to belief or folk tales, Kaholins do not jump but they can reach a decent speed when walking at a cantor which is faster than a bronze ranked agility based class holder. The large incisors on the large bulbous head is used for processing plant matter for Kaholins are strictly herbivorous, bites are very rare as they are more likely to smack you with their large and hardy feelers or perform a vicious kick to defend themselves. Females (foals) conceive a singular nymph after a gestation period of 18 months and the live born nymphs are normally the size of a small dog and already at the lower end of bronze ranked. Full grown adult Kaholins are considered steel ranked with the hardening of the exoskeletons after the consecutive shedding throughout their life. The larger male (bulls) that can grow up to two meters in height of the thorax and more thornier than females are considered to be quite intimidating to people who have not seen one before. Kaholins are known to live past a hundred years if cared for properly and are fiercely loyal to individuals they consider part of the herd. They tend to be used as transport and are quite a docile monsters towards their masters and easy to take care of. The downsides to them is that they provide quite a uncomfortable ride on the natural thorax armour that looks like a saddle and the use of a actual saddle is advised. Highly valued in communities near mountainous terrain for they are very adept at climbing rocks.
Chitpulka (Spine eggs), A small domestic tin ranked Monster that is in round in shape with two long legs like a chicken and multiple spines like quills. They have beady eyes and a long snout. A Chitpulka male is called a Mood and can grow up to the height of human’s thigh, females or Combs only grow up to the height of an adult human’s knee. They have no spells or defensive features other than all their feathers which have fused together to form a protective pinchusion. They have no beaks, but they have a long snout and a long thing prehensile tongue which they can lash out at unwary bugs or to clean up stray seeds. They are omnivorous but prefer to eat insects, with some fruits and seeds. If a foodstuff is too hard to crack open then they use their tongues to throw the offending meal on the ground until it cracks open, to which it will then lap up its prize. A Mood normally watches over a harem of Combs to watch over for receptive females to sire his chicks. Occasionally a young mood will challenge the dominate Mood for the rights to the herd, to which there is a lot of posturing and kicking up dirt to size each other’s leg strength. If there is no clearly dominate Mood then a fight ensues, with the combatants kicking each other until one gives up and retreats or in certain cases, death. Chitpulkas are kept for their nutritious eggs which the Combs lay one every three days. Contrary to beliefs, Chitpulkas are not wooden or nature attuned monsters with wind affinity instead. There is speculation that Combs have basic mana sense or pull, which they use to help gestate the large and delicious eggs whether they are fertile or not. Their meat is quite the delicacy also, but people tend to keep them for eggs and not for butchery, due to the time consuming removal of the quills before they can be used in cooking.
Chopeck – A particularly rowdy and horny Mood on the ranch. Quite high levelled due to fighting with the Brownwhisker boys a lot. Has unnaturally high intelligence for it’s species.
Sowigan (Goldslugs) A bronze ranked Beast that is famously fickle to properly keep and care for. They are small brown slug monsters that are the size of a Yorkshire terrier. Originally a predominantly dungeon based creature that is used for cleaning up refuse, but they have been brought out and bred by some elite ranchers for their meat. They are born as tin ranked sluggies from a clutch of up to twelve eggs and become sexually mature at the age of two years. They are only sexually active one day per year and this makes them very hard to breed in captivity outside their natural habitat which is secluded underground caverns or dungeons. They like to live in dark and damp places near running water with very high levels of hygiene and cannot tolerate moulds growing on their damp skin. They also are easily stressed and a weird effect of misplacing them from dungeons is that they have a very refined palate and enjoy eating only clean bronze ranked herbs. The only reason some people choose to keep these picky creatures is that their meat can demand a very high price at most high level fine dining establishments or even a decent sum in auction. Contrary to normal practice, the use of Rancher skills to dominate a Sowigan only serves to stress them and it is actually better to rear them using the skills of a monster tamer whom it has been found to calm them better.
Gildronfly- A large bronze carnivorous bug Beast that flys on six large opaque wings and preys upon small birds and flying beasts alike. The adult Gildronfly’s main body is long and sinuous , measuring up to 50cm long with six large segmented and hooked feet that it uses to snatch prey mid-flight before disembowelling them with its large scythe-like mandibles. The Gildronfly is curious in the transition from being a water element attuned creature in its nymph stage before it metamorphosis into an air elementally attuned creature in adulthood. The adult females lay eggs underwater at the base of water reeds on riverbanks and the young nymphs hatch into a small pinky sized version of the adults. The tin ranked larval stage lacks the wings of the adult but the proto wings that it has serves as camouflage and gills, with the feathery brown organs serving to break up the profile of the creature and camouflaging it as leaf litter and reeds which it hides in for unsuspecting prey. The nymphs are also able to hold a small amount of water in its anal cavity which it squirts out at speed to propel itself towards prey and grab hold of it in its claws. The full grown adult Gildronfly is able to cast a basic version of Bend Light to hide its presence as it cruises around before snatching its prey with the humming of the vibrating wings being the only tell to its presence in the area. The larvae has a water attuned version of the spell that it uses to the same effect and has given rise to innovation in the field of water mages and the creation of Water Meld by the Cordinair the Felmorian water Archmage. Gildronflys are hated by owners of low levelled flying beasts and monsters universally but are otherwise not considered to be harmful.
Rivet Boar – A versatile earthen attune beast that can range between bronze ranked all the Silver depending on the mana levels of its natural habitat. It resembles as normal wind hog in every way except for being double in size and having a small battery of forward facing tusks. The long sharp tusks are lined atop each other on its huge face, which it can fire are will using a Earth shift to propel the miniral rich tusks a high speeds towards aggressors or prey. A varocious omnivore with a highly developed sense of smell, which it uses along with its powerfully built front legs to dig up tubers. Endemic to the Whisperwoods.
Slyph-hawk- A lesser wind Elemental that is considered the lower end of bronze ranked and usually the first summon of Elemental Summoners or Elemental Surguists. They take on the form of a common sparrowhawk albeit slightly larger and slightly translucent. Being a elemental, they can take sustenance from mana rich meats but cope perfectly fine with a occasional small infusions of mana, preferably wind-attuned. They are not very capable when it comes to combat prowess in comparison to other beasts or monsters of the same rank, but they make up for it with the ability to travel at very fast speeds using the Windride spell and Windmerge to avoid predation or interception. Elementals are very easy to communicate to with their exceptionally high INT and this along with its speed makes the Slyph-Hawk the go-to method for sending reliable and quick messages between cities.
Rottwood worm – A small tiny pale grey grub that is a creature that would barely even be considered tin ranked. They serve the purpose of digesting and processing decaying plant matter and they are near the bottom rung of most forest ecological systems. Some may contain higher concentrates of mana and different affinities depending on the tree matter they have consumed. They have no natural defences and tend to shy away from light and live under leaf litter. Rottwood worms have very fast reproduction rates and can reach sexual maturity in under a week. In the absence of predation the Rottwood worms can cover the whole forest floor in a squirming mass before dying off to mass starvation or cold weather.
Dewphid- A small slightly translucent bug no bigger than a seed pip. Considered a plain creature that is not even Tin ranked and have no means of protecting itself except hiding under leaves. The bug lives of siphoning sap and drinking mana rich dew in the morning, The more mana they contain the more bluer they get and the more successful their chances of finding a willing female partner to breed. But the more blue they become the easier it is that birds or roaming predators would spot them and predate on them.
Mentorsparrow- A small tin ranked bird that is classified as a Beast due to being able to cast a small Sonic-song to disorientate predators before slipping away using its high areal manoeuvrability and small stature. During the summer months it spends near the farmlands on the main continent before migrating to the southern deserts for the cold winter. Whilst migrating they are hunted on by Dolteeth due to their large flocks but otherwise are solitary insectivores. Only the female raise youngs.
Dolteeth- A high Mythril ranked Beast that is a fish-like leviathan that sails through the skies. It contains a large symbiotic ecosystem of moss and plants on its back that it uses for photosynthesis and mana absorption of the ambient mana to power its passive lift spells with the aid of the six skin-flap sails that sprouts from its shoulders. The creature is often seen diving down from clouds to engulf whole flocks of migrating birds in its large cavernous mouth, otherwise they are rarely seen feeding. A highly valued creature for its excrement is naturally empowered by a Mass Fertility spell and falls upon the land to enrich crops. They are highly prized and worshiped as a good luck charm by farmers all over the land. A creature that is directly tied to the old Harvest god and generally welcomed and respected, with attempts at captivity proving fruitless with the Dolthian leviathans wasting away and refusing to eat. They are regarded as the national animal by the long-eared Leporians who are known as the major agriculturalists of the union states, whom have formed a flying manticore brigand just for the purpose of escorting Dolthian pods to their breeding grounds. The Leporians are also known to celebrate the coming of the Doltian in spring with festivals and the releasing of flocks of birds.
Tricorn Woollen Bovinus- A large earth attributed Monster that is in the Silver ranks in adulthood and are born as bronze ranked calves. They are similar to bison on earth but have an large extra horn that is right in the middle of its forehead and two curved ones on the side that are much larger. They are taller with a larger chest that is armoured on the males. The chest is used to ram into each other during mating season whilst they lift up their heads to avoid impaling each other, with the horns only used to fend off predators. Young bulls only develop the plated chest when they are off three years old before it becomes fully grown by the age of fifteen. Tricorns stand at four meters tall at the shoulder and are not recommended to be kept by anyone except Ranchers with a strength main. To be kept in the lowlands the Tricorn needs to be shaved at least twice a year or else the cow or bull with overheat. The wool is very useful as a highly insulating material and the milk from a mother cow is extremely nutritious with a cow able to produce up to nearly twenty gallons of milk per day. The average adult tricorn requires at least three acres of grassland to live comfortably and about 300 pounds of feed per day in the winter.
Firelocust- a weak tin ranked insectoid Beast. A small grasshopper that is able to produce a small weak Emberspark spell from their thorax when mortally threatened. This is not an issue to most predators, but many cannot be consumed at the same time if the predator is not fire aligned or else they will suffer from internal burns. This is especially true to Monsters for they tend to eat prey alive and only smarter Monsters that kill the locust before consumption can avoid taking damage. Beasts that predate on the Firelocust tend to not suffer the same problem due to dispatching them using spells. If a predator is of a high enough vitality and/or magic resistance such as the Dolteeth, then they do not suffer at all from the Firelocust’s defences. On particularly hot summers the Firelocust will be able to store a lot of fire mana before hibernation and moulting into a larger flying variant new spring and form huge plague clouds next year. They are particularly detested by Farmers due to being highly voracious and creating large swarms the year after a hot summer. AOE spells to be used for eradication by water mages are very hard to come by so it is uncommon that they can be dealt with. The preferred method is to use multiple Beast Tamers to eradicate the swarms.
Rainmouse- a small rodent that is slightly green in colour. They prefer to forage in the rain as water attuned tin ranked Beasts. They can propel themselves by casting a weak water based haste spell on themselves but sometimes shoot off a weak Water-spit when agitated. They are generally considered harmless and prefer not to go near grain silos that are very dry in nature unless they are starving.
Flenemon- a tin ranked Beast that is a mix between animal and plant. Considered to be harmless and growing only to the size of a small grape. It lives in the shade of trees and at the base of low hanging branches. The small purple creature consist of a foot and the main body with a small opening for a mouth with tentacles rimming the circular opening. It also uses the mouth for excrement. From its mouth it hangs out thin feathery and sticky feelers that it spreads out to catch flies and passing insects which it then reels in towards the mouth. It only maintains a small weak Updrift spell on its feelers for bouyancy that it naturally sustains through ambient mana. In the breeding season the asexual creatures pollinate spores into the air the fertilizes in the wind. The small spores will settle and hatch into a tiny Flenemon that will take at least six months to become an adult.
Babaslink- A small lizard Beast that is abundant near watersides in thick vegetation. As a tin ranked baby with yellow skin it grows into a large monitor lizard that is on the cusp of steel ranked and becomes grey in maturity. Young skinks prefer to rely on its fast speed and swimming abilities to escape from predation. Larger adults prefer to fight and face enemies head on and are notoriously violent in nature when cornered. Both adults and young Babaskinks are able to shed its tail that wriggles and lashes about, with an inherent life detect spell causing the severed appendage to home in on predators and distract them whilst the Babaskink escapes to safety.
Whisperwood Lopers - a bronze ranked Beast that exclusively found in the woods of it’s namesake. A small brown Leporidrae like creature. The exception to normal tin ranked rabbits is that it has a hard bony lever underneath its rib which can be sprung to propel itself high in the air if horizontal speed is not enough. The Whisperwood Loper is able to cast a minor Windcushion to aid in its landing whenever it uses the spring-like lever. Hunters have learned to aim for the landing spot when they perform their impressive jumps. Endemic to the Whisperwoods.
Voidflies- A tin ranked insectile Beast. A small insect with a long thin body of a few meters and sic legs. As nymphs they have a small fan-like mouthparts that wave about to catch small biomatter to feed upon. They spend nearly their whole lives accumulating mana as nymphs in their aquatic environment before they reach maturity. When they reach maturity after ten years they go through a semi-metamorphosis where they moult into their adult forms that have wings but no mouthparts. They only live for a week or so as adults but their nightly mating displays are a sight to behold. This is because the males are able to perform space magic where they use a weak version of a Voidrift. The night skys around the rivers in the summer will be filled with small patches of extreme darkness that follows the male, with females choosing to mate with the males that can perform the biggest voidrifts before depositing the eggs upriver. This is so they can flow downstream and hatch where the adults used to grow, amongst the reeds where they will filter-feed until maturity.
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