《Storm of Fate》Chapter 28 - Reunion


“Raiden?” Hanz asked, surprised.

The small wyvern removed its claw from my chest and flapped its wings. “Ryrr. Ryrr.”

Hanz quickly grabbed him off my shoulder, “I'm sorry about that, Falyn. I've never seen him act like this before.”

“It’s fine, really,” I said, trying to brush the whole situation off.

I looked at the wyvern with interest. Was it on to me? I was concealing my mana core and I also had on the earring Zeph gave me to hide Rye’s presence, so there's no way. Right?

The uncertainty of it all was annoying.

“If anything, I'd call it a good omen.” Apollo said, “Maybe you’ll awaken soon.”

“You really think so, brother?” Hanz asked, trying to calm Raiden down by petting him.

Apollo looked at me, “It’s always good to think so. Right, Falyn?”

“Of course. Hopefully, you’re right.”

This time, Lina finally jumped into the conversation, “Well, I have no doubt Fal will awaken early.”

I gave a warm but guilty smile, “Thank you for believing in me.”

I guess it would be too hard to believe I was already awakened. Good thing that worked out.

I was pulled out of my thoughts due to the sound of echoing footsteps growing closer. We all turned in the direction of the noise and the familiar face.

“Ah, Verla.” Apollo addressed the women.

She bowed, “Prince Apollo. Prince Hanz. It’s nice to see you.”

“You as well,” he responded, “I assume Zephyrus had already met with my father?”

“Yes. I informed him you would be joining in on the meeting.”

“Great. Hanz and I were just heading over there until we ran into Selina and Falyn here.” Apollo said, gesturing to Lina and me. “Tell me, Verla, did she guilt trip you into letting her roam the castle again?”

“Apol-” Lina cut in, but was instantly cut off by a raised hand from the prince.

I had only met Prince Apollo a few minutes ago, but every movement and gesture he made commanded respect. Looking at him now he exuded a calm but heavy presence, obviously restricting his mana. Me only noticing this now spoke for his skill.

“No, Prince Apollo.” She said, “It was a little deal we made. If I let her roam around for a while, she would finish her studies.”

Apollo shot a disapproving look towards Lina, “I’ll take your word for it, Verla. Take her to her chambers at once to finish her studies. She can play around when she’s done.”

“Yes sir.” Verla went to grab Lina’s hand, but she pulled away.

Lina then grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. “I guess this is it, Fal. I don't know when you'll come back to the castle, but when you do, make sure you get in contact with me.” She was speaking fast and frantically. Like she had so much to say but didn't know how to say it.

I chuckled and put my hand on her shoulder, “Calm down, Lina. I’ll be sure to contact you. I wouldn’t just leave a friend hanging.”

Her eyes widen and she halfway stepped back, “Hanging? Like death?”

I began speaking quickly, afraid the princess misunderstood. “No, no, it's just an idiom–

She began laughing at me, though, interrupting, “I know, silly. It was a joke.”

I looked away, embarrassed, and began meaninglessly straightening my clothes. Tricked by a child into looking stupid. Oh, how I’ve fallen.


“Just tell Mr. Zeph, to get in contact with Verla. He can do almost anything in the castle and she is always with me.”

“Got it.” I said.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you next time, Fal.”

“Next time it is, Lina.”

She began walking away with Verla, then tuned giving one more wave.

I waved back, and before long, Lina was gone.

Hanz stepped up next to me, his reptilian friend in hand, “I've seen my sister attempt to make many friends, but she seems to have taken a special liking to you.”

“Oh? How can you tell, Prince Hanz?”

“By the way, she strove for your attention. I've never seen her act like that.”

His answer had taken me aback. It wasn’t something I expected someone of my age to say. But he was a prince, most likely taught from a young age, and no doubt some sort of prodigy by the way Apollo treated him.

“I didn’t seem to notice.” I lied.

“Selina is an odd girl, but as her brothers, we can tell these things.” Apollo said. “Enough of that now. Let us head to the throne room.”

“Do you want me to go along as well, Pince Apollo?” I asked.

“Of course, I’m sure my father would love to meet you.”

Zephyrus Elway’s P.O.V

I walked toward the king with a warm smile. A line of nobles on each side of me and each of them gave me varying expressions. Some respected me and some hated my guts. Even though I was powerful, some didn’t believe I deserved to be a high-knight because of my lineage. Because of who I was.

But the king didn’t care. He treated me as if I was his own son and he respected my accomplishments.

Making it to the highly elevated platform where the throne sat, I didn’t use the stairs, instead, I used the wind the gently float me up. I landed by the king's right side, where the high-knight is supposed to be stationed.

“I'm glad you could make it, Zephyrus.” The king whispered.

“Yes, Sire. I wouldn't disobey and direct order from the king himself.”

“I’m happy to hear it. Let me deal with this and will talk after.”

The king's quiet over-the-shoulder whisper turned loud and commanding as he addressed the nobles in front of him, “Continue.”

The king, from what I could tell, had always been respected by his subjects. He was a white core mage, the most powerful rank and the aura he let off was nothing to scoff at either. His precise control over mana allowed him to conceal his power as much as he wanted, yes, but he still let off a powerful presence to let people know he was a king.

“Like we were saying, Your Majesty, If you're set on making the entrance toll to academies all over the kingdom lower, we believe the entrance exams should have a few extra steps so that children who are only capable of going so far do not take up space.” It was a brown-haired man who spoke. He stood at the front right of the two lines of nobles. I have seen him around before, but never cared to learn his name.

“What do you suggest?”

“A preliminary event before the exams. Something that will weed out the unworthy if you will.”

“And does everyone agree with this?” The king's eyes traced every noble in the room.

Some agreed right away and some took a little time to think, in the end though, they all agreed.


“If that is the case, we will implement something this following school year.” The king stood up from his throne, “This meeting is concluded.”

At his word, they all bowed and trickled out of the throne room.

When they were all gone the king pulled out some wine and two goblets from the spatial ring on his finger and handed me one, “How was your vacation, Zephyrus?”

“It was great, actually.” I responded, as he filled my cup with the ruby liquid.

“And is your sister doing well? Raising children isn’t easy.” He took a large swig from his cup at this statement.

“Yes, she is. The kids turned out okay too.” I laughed.

“Ah, yes. I had heard you took some extra time off to train your niece and nephew. Did you bring them this visit? I'd love to meet them.”

“My niece, Myla, couldn’t make it as she is studying for the coming school year. But I did bring my nephew, Falyn, though, little Selina ran off with him somewhere in the East-Wing.”

King Stellar chuckled and took another large gulp of his wine, “That troublesome girl. She’s beginning to become more than I can handle.”

Trying to ease his thoughts I said, “Verla went after them, though, and I'm sure my nephew can find his way to me. He’s quite capable.”

The king's face turned to one of interest, “So you say. How old is he?”

“He’s five.”

He raised a brow, “Same age as Hanz. Are you planning on enrolling him into the academy when the time comes?”

“That’s the plan.”

I lifted my goblet up high and emptied it. The king’s eyes carried a look of scrutiny as he watched what I was doing.

“There is something I need to tell you about my nephew, though.”

“What is it?” By the look he gave me he knew I was about to tell him something serious.

“The boy is already awakened.”

The king didn't answer, instead, he stayed silent as he looked like he was thinking. After a few moments, “...I know you wouldn't lie to me, Zephyrus. So, if what you're saying is true, your nephew, Falyn, maybe what our future needs.”

I could've sworn I saw a shimmer of hope in the king's eyes, but my own fell to the ground when he mentioned the future, which they always seemed to do nowadays, “I’ve been keeping it a secret for Falyn’s sake. I wasn't even planning to tell Apollo.”

He put a firm hand on my shoulder, “His secret is safe with me.”

His words filled me the reassurance like they always did.

The king let out a throat-clearing cough as he noticed my mood, “Enough of that. Let's talk about what I really called you here for.”

“I thought Apollo was supposed to be clueing in on the meeting as well. Shouldn't we wait for him?”

The king began to float down from the large dais and made his way to the tall red curtains that covered mostly any light from entering the throne room, giving it that dark ambiance it was known for. “I have already informed Apollo about this information. He was just coming here to see an old friend again.”

“I see,” I said, as I followed the king.

Being a white core mage he was capable of true flight, unlike me who used wind mana to force myself to float around. I didn't know how it really worked, but if I had to describe it, it was like the mana in the atmosphere carried him to where he wanted to go, without him even asking. Truly remarkable.

Landing besieged the king I asked, “So what's this information about?”

The king opened one of the red curtains and the bright sunlight from outside seeped in, making the area where we stood glow, “All the kings have decided to hold a summit in a little over five years from now. Amthir and Kamot have already begun lowering the fees to all learning facilities in their kingdoms, even the adventurers’ assessment toll is being lowered.”

“Although the learning facility’s prices lowing sound like a good idea, don’t you think the adventures toll is a little too far?” I cut in, “Aren’t they afraid of it backfiring? I’ve been to the Lunar Mountains multiple times myself, and even as strong as I am, I still could die at any moment. That amount of new people venturing there will only higher the death rate.”

King Stellar’s voice turned commanding, “It’s something that has to be done, Zephyrus. Even that old coot Gallak has begun to make changes to that jungle he calls a kingdom.”

I was shocked by his statement. The chieftain of the demies, as far as I’d known him, was big on tradition and the ways of his people. For him to make changes was inconceivable.

“Even he knows things must change.” The king's voice now wasn't commanding, but low and serious.

I silently nodded my head as I gripped my armless shoulder. He was right, things must change.

The king let go of the red curtain and the throne room went dim again, “I sense Apollo approaching…and another weak mana signature. If I wasn't a white core I don’t think I would be able to detect it… Is that?”

“Yes, Sire, It's my nephew.”

He silently flew his way back to the throne and sat, “Incredible. Though, I can’t sense his elements. What are they.”

“He’s a bit of a special case, Sire. I’d prefer to see you find out in the future.”

The king smiled, “Have it your way then.”

As if on cue the doors to the throne room creaked open, and four figures stood at its front.

Falyn, Prince Hanz, the cub wyvern I had brought from the Lunar mountains as a gift, and my old friend, Apollo.

“It's good to see you again. I hope you haven't just been lazing around in the castle the past couple of months or you might have just been left behind.” I said, my voice echoing through the throne room.

“I could say the same for you.” Apollo shot back, “Even in that uniform your still and uncouth vagabond at heart.”

“Now, Now, Boys!” The king's voice sounded through the throne room. “The throne room is big enough for more than just mere words.”

His gaze traced from me, then back to Apollo. King Stellar knew us both all too well and knew what we wanted to do.

“You two haven't seen each other for a while and I'm eager to see how you've improved.” he waved his hand nonchalantly, “Just get on with it. But if one you dare breaks my precious dais, you’ll have to deal with me.”

Apollo and I both grinned.

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