《Storm of Fate》Chapter 25 - Blossom


It was bright. The sun hit my face as I strolled the courtyard's brick path absorbing its warmth. The beautiful flowers and delicately trimmed bushes and trees that surrounded me danced in the mild wind. Despite it being near fall, they bloomed as if it were mid-spring.

Was it the mana that made such things capable? I only could wonder.

This was the first time I ever really paid attention to small things like this. I was only out here waiting to depart for the castle.

I had woken up before everyone this time because I was tired of being rushed. This left me with some spare time before leaving so I decided to spend it in the courtyard.

I continued to walk the flower-lined stone path to the elegant crystal clear water fountain. Due to the fountain’s stone base, I was able to see my reflection, getting another look at my outfit. One of the maids had brought me a fancy new suit on Zeph's orders saying it was ‘Appropriate attire for the castle’. The pants and outer coat were black, but the vest I wore underneath was a navy blue, complimenting my hair. And by the comfortable fit it provided, it was high quality as well.

Even if the water made my image wave and squiggle, I had to admit I was a handsome sight.

Standing at the waterfall for a few more minutes I was tempted to practice my water magic here, but in the end, decided not to, in fear of getting my clothes wet.

Instead, I made my way to the stone gazebo next to it. The circular structure offered cool shade from the glowing sun. Sitting down in a chair made of some sort of fine metal I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Time must've flown by as I daydreamed because I heard Bertly call from the manor's doors, “Lord Zephyrus is ready for departure, Young Master.”

After stretching lightly I made my way out of the courtyard and to the front door of the estate.

The person standing by the door was almost unrecognizable. He wore an all-black military-style uniform. On his chest were small metals–probably symbolizing his achievements– and on his right shoulder was a silver shoulder pad with many glimmering tassels flowing from it. Draped over his left shoulder was a black cape lined with the same silver, its length ending just past his waist.

“You look out of your element, Zeph,”

He studied my outfit, “I could say the same for you, brat.”

“I do like the new hairstyle, though, that's the only part about this whole dress-up fiasco that sort of suits you.” I joked, looking at his long black hair that was usually unkempt, now brushed and tied at the base of his neck.

“The castle requires this sort of preparation, or else those snooty nobles will get annoying and yap on and on about formalities and etiquette.” he let out a laugh as he turned toward the front door and walked out, “Not that they could touch me anyway.”

Walking to the carriage waiting outside for use with my hand over my eyes as a makeshift shield from the sun, I couldn't help but ask, “It’s almost Fall right? Why is it so bright and hot?”

“This is the south, kid. What did you expect?” He opened the carriage door and hopped in. “Don’t worry, though, the weather should get its act together in the coming weeks.”

“I sure hope so.” I said, following him into the carriage.


As soon as we both got comfortable Zeph signaled the driver to go, and in no time I heard the Hoodle's feet moving quickly, and the carriage wheels following suit.

“I trust you know basic manners, brat?” Zeph asked. “Because if you don’t, you might upset the wrong person.”

Performing a mock bow in my seat, I put on a noble boy facade it had seen many times in my past life, “Yes, of course, My Lord. Manners is my middle name.”

Smirking at my display he said, “I’ll take your word for it then.” he paused for a moment and his face turned solemn, “And unless I give you the say-so, conceal your mana at all times, especially in front of people who look important. And if by some chance you absolutely have to use magic, try not to cause a big scene. There's no telling what people would do seeing a little monster like you. They might even ask you to marry their daughter.”

Whatever reason Zeph had for telling me to conceal my power, by his face, it seemed justified, so I just shook my head in understanding, “I won’t be marrying anyone's daughter, I can assure you that.”

“I’m glad to hear you think with your head and not your…” His voice drifted off, but I knew what he was referring to.

“You know I'm five right?” I shook my head, “Can even you say the same for yourself?”

Chuckling, he said. “No. No, I can not.

As the ride went on Zeph and I chatted here and there about how I should behave at the castle, then the conversation shifted to good training exercises for water magic. I was surprised to hear he had done some research in my sted last night before he went to sleep.

One of the training exercises in the water element he mentioned was actually standing or floating in a body of water to practice spells. Apparently doing this for a decent amount each day would help me understand how water ‘flowed’ and the best way to manipulate it. He also said he would do some more research on the other element’s training methods and apply them all to my training regimen promptly.

After our chat, the long, seamless ride was calm and quiet as we both relaxed and prepared ourselves for the castle.


The ride took an unusually long amount of time. It wasn’t until Zeph said something, his eyes gazing out the carriage window, “We’re here.”

Sitting up in my seat and looking out the window, my eyes were glued to the enormous structure. It was bigger than ever now that I saw it up close. We were still a little bit away from the castle entrance bridge, but I had to admire it in all its glory.

Making it to it a little closer to the bridge Zeph called to the driver, “This is far enough, sir.”

Getting out of the carriage along with Zeph we went to one of the armored guards who were guarding the bridge's entrance. The guard stepped up with a salute, “Welcome to the east bridge High-Knight Zephyrus. We and the guards at the castle gate have already been notified that you would be arriving. You may pass, and take as much time as you need, sir.” The guard then bowed and went back to his original position.

“Thank you. We’ll just be on our way then,” He said, passing the guards and beginning to walk the bridge.

The castle's elevation was higher than the rest of the capital so as I walked the bridge along Zeph I could see some of the city from below. I saw the capital’s people all living their own individual lives, all trickling one way or another. Carriages filled the roads and birds dashed across the sky. It was truly an awe-inspiring sight


Looking the other way I could make out the long-range Lunar Mountains in the far distance, a transparent blanket of cloud covering them.

“The views quite nice isn’t it?” Zeph asked, taking in the view along with me.

The wind ruffled my clothes, “Yeah, it’s beautiful.”

“It's the reason I always enter the castle from the east bridge.” he pointed at the lunar mountains, “I came here once on a sunrise. It was one of the most calming things I had ever witnessed.”

“I bet.” I said, imagining the wonderful sight he spoke of and the no doubt serenity he must have felt, “You’ll have to take me one of these days.”

The peaceful walk to the other side went unhindered as we both quietly observed the scenery.

Making it to the gate, there were two guards, much like the other end of the bridge. One of the guards stepped up and saluted and the other one more opened the gate, “Welcome, High-Knight Zephyrus, I was told to relay a message when you got here. It’s from High-Knight Verla, she has instructed me to tell you she’ll be waiting inside the castle l to greet you on arrival.”

“I see.” he laughed, “She didn't have to instruct someone to tell me that, though. She could've just greeted me. She's always so formal.”

“I'm sorry, sir,” The guard said. He seemed a little flustered.

“It’s fine.” The gate was now fully opened and he began walking through. "I’ll tell her to stop giving her subordinates meaningless tasks."

Looking back at the guard, I could tell by the line of sweat running down his face he didn't want that.

There was nothing I could do about it so I simply shrugged and walked behind Zeph.

The gate led us to a stone path with vibrant green grass and plants on each side. Many garden workers tended to their tasks of taking care of the plants and some glanced our way.

Looking forward to where we were heading, I saw large stone steps leading up to two giant doors. Making it to the doors, Zeph placed his hand in a gap between the door's intricate patterns. A surge of energy pulsed through the doors from his hand and I heard a click, then the door began to slowly open.

“It reads mana signatures,” He said, noticing me trying to figure out what had just happened.

“It's a neat trick. I assume you have to be of a certain status for it to work though.”

“No, no at all. Just permission from the king himself,” He said, turning back to the slowly opening doors.

When the doors finally opened I was greeted by a polished white marble floor reflecting the light of the enormous sparkling chandelier high above. Looking around some more I saw giant pieces of artwork hung around the walls–all different, but fitting the room's interior. Golden trimmed marble columns rose from the floor to the roof supporting the room's great image.

By looking around was halted, though, as I saw two figures walking towards us from one of the wide hallways. It was an older woman and a small girl that couldn't have been much older than me trailing behind her.

“I see you made it here safely, Zephyrus.” The older woman greeted from afar.

“What were you expecting, Verla?” Zeph questioned with a smile, A mana beast attack at my arrival? Or maybe an explosion or two?”

“Oh, now, now, you’re not that special.”

“Well, it seems I'm special enough that you had to tell your subordinates beforehand that you would be greeting me. You really do make more work for yourself than what's necessary.” He said as the woman approached, now only a few steps away from us.

She was in a similar-looking uniform as Zeph, but her’s was white and didn’t have nearly as many metals. Her liquid brown hair flowed elegantly to her back and she stood with a professional air that would tell anyone in her presence that she was important.

Her brow twitched at his words, but she put on a smile and looked at me, “And who this?”

I stepped forward and bowed, “My name is Falyn Elway, nephew of Zephyrus Elway. It's an honor to meet you.”

She tilted her head to the side, “Quite the manners. My name is Verla Osborn, of House Osborn. It's an honor to meet you as well, Falyn.”

As she and Zeph began speaking again their conversion was blurred and I could only focus on the girl peeking from behind Verla, looking at me with curiosity.

She was in a pure white dress and her sparkling snow-white hair went with it perfectly. Her skin was as shiny and pale as polished alabaster. But it wasn't her hair, dress, or skin that infatuated me to no end. It was her silver irises then seemed to glow as they looked at me.

It wasn't until Zeph asked her something that she spoke.

“And how have you been, My lady?”

She pulled her eyes away from me and put on a polite smile. “I’ve been great, Mr. Zeph. You?”

“I’ve just been training my nephew here,” He said, shooting a thumb at me.

Her gaze went back to me and she asked, “How old are you?”

“I’m five, miss,” I said, a little dazed by her sudden and straightforward question.

Her smile grew a little wider. “You’re around my age and you’re already training?”

I didn't know how to respond. Was it not normal for kids my age to start training? I couldn't have known not having run into many kids my age. As a matter of fact, this was my first time ever.

What a depressing childhood. I thought.

“Well...yes.” I finally said, still trying to grasp her abrupt way of speech.

She propped herself on her toes. “That's pretty cool.” She turned to Verla “Can I show him around the castle? Please?”

“Even if he is Zephyrus’s nephew, you barely know this boy, You-”

“I don’t care!” She cut in “It's always so boring here, everyone is grown up, besides my brother, and he’s boring.” Her eyes turned to a puppies, “And now someone my age is here and you say no?”

Verla’s stoic face faltered at the girl's words, “Fine,..but only the East Wing.”

And before I knew it, the girl grabbed my hand and looked at me with a smile so white and pure I almost questioned if this was real.

Her soft hand pulled me along, away from everyone else in the room, then whispered, “We’re going on an adventure, Falyn.”

I looked back at Zeph to see him with an amused smile on his face and a look that told me even he couldn’t refuse this girl's wishes.

What was so funny? Who was she?

I didn’t get to say anything back or protest against this either. And I found out why at Verla’s next words. “Be careful, Your Highness.”


A princess.

I should've known.

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