《Storm of Fate》Chapter 19 - One Room, Two Wonders


It was currently the crack of dawn. Zeph was walking me and Myla to the training room, which was somewhere in this unnecessarily large mansion. He was currently explaining today's training regime as he walked us, but instead of listening, I was too busy thinking about what happened last night.

After Zeph told the whole tavern food was on him, we stayed there for a couple of hours longer than he or I originally planned. He and Vorn got so immersed in their drinking, Vorn fell asleep in the tavern and I had to somewhat carry Zeph back home. Klaren, I hoped, somehow handled the rest.

How Zeph was walking and talking right now like nothing even happened was beyond me. “Fal, did you get all that?” He asked, looking over his shoulder.

I yawned, “It’s too early in the morning to comprehend anything you’re saying right now.” Honestly, I can’t believe he had the audacity to wake me up like this, after what he dragged me into.

“Well, then let me put it simply, Brat. You’ll be fighting with mana today. I hope you have somewhat of a grasp on those spells I gave you because if not, this will be more difficult for you.” He said as he opened two large double doors.

The training room was not what I was expecting. It was indoor but instead of housing-floor or training mats, there was grass.

Zeph led us to a part of the room where a pond was located. It had trees and plants sitting elegantly around it.

“This..is not what I was expecting,” Myla muttered from behind me.

“It's fit for training all types of mages without messing up the room.” Zeph pointed to a side of the room with a bunch of dirt and rocks. “For instance, your father would probably train in that terrain, given the flexibility he would have with all the rocks and the abundance of earth mana.”

I took notice of the mana crystals located around the desert-like area Zeph was referring to. Unlike the pond area’s mana crystals, which were a blue-ish color, the ones over there were brownish-red. I glanced over to another area of the room. This area was a grass plain much like the entrance. Along the walls near this area, the mana crystals were green. I figured the color probably corresponded with elemental affinities. Green for wind, brown for earth, blue for water, and red for fire.

“Myla, you have your wand on you, correct?” Zeph asked.

Myla pulled her wand out from her side strap, opposite from her sword, “Yes.”

“I want you to practice control, as you have been. Use the trees around the pond as targets. When you feel you're out of mana, meditate and restore it by the pond near the mana crystals, you'll find the process is much quicker like that. It won’t do anything for refinement through the core ranks, though, that all depends on you.”

Although what Zeph said was true in how using elemental crystals for refinement wouldn’t work. He did mention it would bear better results if she refined near an area abundant with both her elemental affinities. Since hers are wind and water a tundra-like landscape would do nicely.

She shook her head and went closer to the pond area and began mumbling a chant. I didn't get to see her fire her spell due to Zeph calling my name.

“Fal, this way.” he motioned, walking to the grass plain area. When we made it there he continued, “First, before we get started on your training I trust you know a little bit about familiars?”


I thought for a moment. I knew almost nothing besides that Rye could talk to me via telepathy. “A little less than that.”

Zeph rubbed his face, thinking for a moment. If I wasn't mistaken his face looked conflicted. “Do you at least know what kind of beast you’re bonded to?”

His question caused me to think back to when I had first met Rye. He was odd, to say the least. Based on the memories he showed me, his mother was a giant white tiger, but Rye himself’s fur was not white. At the time I thought he was a titan tiger, but thinking about it now I wasn't so sure.

“I’m not sure,” I said honestly, “but I do know he is some sort of tiger species.”

Zeph’s conflicted expression dissipated at my words, “Well if that's the case you should be alright. Can you show it to me?” He asked, but before I could answer, he continued, “If you don’t feel comfortable starting off the showcase then I’ll start.” He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled as loud as he could. “Vael!”

The yell made Myla stop what she was doing and come to see what was going on.

On the side of the room where a mini forest was located the trees shook causing their leaves to shake off. I squinted my eyes to see what was going on.

‘It’s a mana beast!’ Rye confirmed in my mind, ‘And it’s strong!’

Although Rye had a talkative personality he rarely talked when I was around people, not even in telepathy, saying, “I’m too shy.” I didn’t understand his reasoning, but I didn’t push him to do otherwise. Feeling the sensation of another strong beast nearby, though, made him ecstatic.

‘Calm down, buddy.’

It didn't take long for Myla to make it beside me, she also looked toward the forest’s rumbling trees, “What's going on?”

I didn't have time to answer the question as an enormous beast flew towards us. From afar it looked like a bird-type beast. Its large wings flapped slowly but created sharp wind gales that made me cover my face from scattering leaves and random debris.

When the wind finally stopped, I stared shocked at the creature before me. Its eagle-like face was tilted to the side, staring back at me with curiosity.

“A..a griffin!” Myla gasped, shocked. “Father used to tell me stories about beasts like this.”

Yes, it was undeniably a griffin. The upper body of an eagle and the lower body of a lion. But its majestic form wasn’t its most breathtaking feature. It was its large stone-gray wings, where each feather danced in the light like its own blade.

It landed gracefully next to Zeph. The griffin was sitting down but was still taller than all of us present. It made me wonder how it hid so well in the tiny forest.

“This is Vael.” Zeph announced as he began petting the beast, “As you can see, she is a griffin.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Vael said. Her glowing yellow eyes locked on me.

I stumbled back a bit, stupefied that she could speak. I don't know why but I thought it was a skill only Rye had.

It took a moment, but after putting my obviously wrong speculations in the back of my mind I turned left to see Myla in just as much shock as I was.

Zeph laughed and waved his hand nonchalantly, “Of course, she can speak. She’s a mythical beast.”


I furrowed my brows, “What do you mean by mythical beast?”

“You really know nothing, huh? They are highly rare and intelligent beasts.” He said simply as if it was common knowledge. “Examples of mythical beasts would be wyverns or phoenixes, dryads, etcetera. And when they grow up they can achieve the ability to speak. It’s very rare though.” —He paused for a moment—“Do you know the ranking classes for mana beasts and adventures?”

“Of course.”

“Well, mythical beasts, even as babies, are no less than Gold-Class and when fully grown up are Diamond or Platinum-Class.”

I stood stunned for a moment. The two-headed serpent I fought in the woods could’ve killed me if it wasn’t for Rye, and it was only an Iron-Class beast. Meaning this beast in front of me was on a whole other level.

But going back on what he just said, only mythical beasts can learn to speak. I hadn’t taught Rye to speak, though, he already knew how when I met him.

Does that mean Rye is super powerful?

I mean, it made sense. His mother was a giant white tiger. And he killed the serpent with ease, even if it was weakened by me.

“So this grif- I mean Vael, is she Platinum-Class?”

“Yes I am, child.” Vael answered.

”If my familiar can speak, would that make him a mythical beast?” I asked.

“Yes, it would.” Zeph spoke this time, with a tinge of curiosity in his eyes. “Fal, can it speak?”

‘Would you like to introduce yourself, or do you want me to do it?’

‘I got this.’ Rye sent, as he hopped out of my body.

His small feline form was nothing like his mother's, but it did send some gasps of surprise through the people here.

“Hello…” Rye said shyly. His somewhat hyped emotions from a second ago were too overwhelmed and vanished.

Myla, who was right next to me, jumped back in surprise at Rye hopping out of my body, but once she got a grasp of the situation she squealed with delight and envy. “It’s so cute! I want one!” As she scurried to pet him.

Zeph and Vael’s reactions were not like Myla’s though.

Vael just tilted her head to the side once more and looked at Rye.

“So it can speak…” Zeph was somewhat stunned, “I’ve never seen a beast like that.” He looked at Vael, seeing if she knew anything.

“I haven’t either.” She confirmed.

“His mother…” I started to speak, as I did everyone looked my way.

My words didn’t finish though. Was it really my choice to tell anyone of Rye’s lineage?

As I was questioning myself, some of his mother's parting words rang in my mind. ‘Hide your lineage.’ She had said.

“His mother was a titan tiger.” I lied.

Zeph stepped closer to Rye, inspecting him. “Well he does have the look, but not the size. There’s nothing titan about him. And his stripes look weird, it’s rather odd.”

“What he says does make sense,” Vael cut in. “There are no other mythical beast species that are felines.”

“I know but titan tigers primarily use light magic. The boy has the same elements as I do, so bonding with the beast would be impossible.”

“Wait, what do you mean impossible?” I asked, curious about what he was getting at.

“What I’m saying is that to bond with a beast you have to be compatible with it. For example, a flame mage can’t bond with a water beast, unless said flame mage poses the water element as well.”

I’d never really thought about Rye’s powers, hell, I had never even asked him. Luckily Rye provided an answer for Zeph’s curiosity. “I can use both light and dark elements.”

“Heh…I see.” Zeph seemed to be thinking to himself, but I couldn’t tell what was on his mind.

“Fal…” Myla said, her voice almost a whisper, “how do you have a bond?...”

I paused at her question, a little surprised. I couldn’t answer. No, simply put, I didn’t know how to answer. I couldn’t just tell my sister I snuck out of the house and entered some beast-infested woods. “...It’s complicated.”

At my half-assed answer, she glared at Zeph, “Uncle, are you showing favorites?” Her face reminded me of my mother's scolding expression. She really does look like her.

“Myla, this is something I did on my own.” I answered, “Zeph has nothing to do with it.”

It took a moment, but her nerves settled, “I see. Well, I'll just have to make do on my own.” She gave Rye one more pat on the head as she walked away, back to her training area. She seemed to dismiss the fact that a griffin was still in our presence, and mumbled, “I can’t have my little brother be stronger than me.”

Zeph and I both watched her walk away until he broke the somewhat eerie silence, “So that’s what it is. Her irritation is understandable. Not even Royalty is born with your innate talent and” --He turned his eyes to Rye and continued-- “luck.”

I just looked into the distance not knowing how to respond.

“I'm sure she’ll be fine though,” He continued. “I convinced Vorn to make her a weapon as well.”

After we had all introduced ourselves, Zeph's training got started with sort of a bang.

He first started by telling me the basics of familiars. Apparently when a mage bonds with a beast it is impossible to sever the bond unless the mage dies, and he also mentioned that most mages are hesitant to get familiars, due to the fact they can cripple their future growth. Growing stronger with a familiar was mostly up to the beast and their drive to get stronger. This being the case, people who wanted a familiar sought out a more powerful beast, but due to their astronomical price, only royalty and high-ranking families or individuals could afford them.

Even though I was safe in this regard, due to Rye being a mythical beast, that didn't stop me from making him get some training in.

If he stayed that small forever, he would get made fun of.

After that little lesson, Zeph made me spar with him, which was, in a simpler term, hell.

Even using every trick in my book I couldn't keep up with his inhuman speed. Every punch, kick, and spell I threw at him was either dodged swiftly, blocked easily, or countered lethally. After getting my ass handed to me, he would make me meditate and regain my mana, just to do it all over again.

During these sessions, he would give me lessons on magic, or sui generis magic specifically. Sui generis-magic or more commonly known as high-magic are elemental attributes outside of the seven natural elements.

They consisted of, ice, mud, sand, mist, magma, plant, gravity, and spatial.

These elements were basically two natural elements meshed together to make something way more powerful.

To my horror though, Zeph made me remember every elemental formula of how these elements were conjured.

“fire and earth can make magma, wind and water can make ice…” I wheezed, sprawled out on the ground and out of breath.

“Don't forget fire and water make mist, and wind and earth make sand.” Rye finished, gasping for air. He was in a similar state as I.

“Correct.” Zeph said simply, “But why can water and earth make two high-magic elements?” He asked, testing me.

“Because their abundance is so vast compared to all the other natural elements,” I said in between breaths, still exhausted from the training. “It’s the same with wind and earth.”

“Nicely done, Fal.” He laughed maniacally. “That's enough training for today, go get yourself cleaned up. We’ll be here tomorrow at the same time, so get some rest and eat well.”

“You two did well today,” Vael said to me and Rye.

Rye was in a similar state as I because Vael had put him through some stamina training. Which he didn’t like very much. ‘I want some fish…’ he sent to me, exhausted.

‘You and I both, buddy.’

After making it up to my room, I took a nice long shower. Then, as sat down on the couch, studying the high forms of magic I heard two soft knocks on my door. “Come in.”

Chef Loria popped the door open with a smile, “I see you’re all cleaned up. I brought your dinner.” She pulled a dinner cart lightly behind her and placed two plates of steaming grilled fish and greens on the table in front of me. “Zeph told me about your little friend, so I cooked for two.”

“Thank you, Miss Loria, it smells great,” I said, trying to hold back my urge to dig right in.

Rye hopped off of my bed at the smell of the luxury cuisine and sat comfortably next to me. He couldn't hold back his urges though and dug right in.

Loria smiled, “It seems he likes it.” She turned a started rolling her cart out of my room, “Well, I leave you to your studies.”

As my door closed behind the chef I began to dig in and study the paper Zeph gave me on high magic. His handwriting sucked but it was readable. It said crudely,

Fire + Earth = Magma

Wind + Water = Ice

Fire + Water = Mist

Earth + Wind = Sand or Gravity

Earth + Water = Plant or Mud

Light + Dark = Spatial

Lightning is incompatible with other elements.

Light and Dark elements are only compatible with each other.

He said it would be very useful in the future to memorize these and I saw why. Someone with these elements could change the entire course of a fight.

What is water to magma? Absolutely inferior. The only drawback to high magic was that there was no magma or ice mana in the atmosphere. For example, to use magma magic you had to use fire and earth in perfect harmony, which was extremely difficult. Even people who trained all their lives couldn't master it.

He also told me the second lesson on familiars would be tomorrow, and he emphasized how important it was.

I let out a sigh as I finished my food. I set the two empty plates outside for the maids to pick up later.

I should get to bed, I thought, as I turned off my lamp.

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