《Storm of Fate》Chapter 7 - Enhancement


I assessed the structure in front of me. The golem was two feet taller than me. It had no facial features, but I could feel its gaze on me. The golem was in a stance far superior to its lower-level version my father had conjured in the last match.

Its stance was that of a new, but well-trained soldier. It wasn't perfect, but it was there nonetheless.

Hell, did the last one even have a stance? I'm sure it just charged toward me like a crackhead.

I disregarded the thoughts and got in my position. I was at least seven feet away from the golem, dagger in hand. The golem started inching toward me, as I did the same. Soon we were within striking range from each other, and I decided to throw the first blow.

I swung my right hand, attempting to slash the golems rib area with my dagger. To my surprise the golem smoothly dodged and counterattacked with a high kick, aiming for my jaw.

I smirked.

Any other day I would curse this child body for not being strong enough, but thanks to my four-year-old height, I could duck and dodge the golems kick. I countered by throwing my dagger at its grounded leg, trying to make the golem lose balance, but my aim was off and I missed completely.

"Dammit." I mumbled under my breath, "Now it's my body versus his and he's made out of stone."

Before the golem could throw another attack, I struck its stomach with a right punch.

Any other human would buckle at the blow, but alas, this golem was anything but human.

It turned its blank face toward me, with no reaction to my blow. Then the golem retaliated, with a punch to my stomach. It's blow sent me tumbling across the ground, throwing me at least 15 feet away.

But to my surprise, I got up from the blow with ease. The golems blow hurt, but not as much as I expected.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself, "I guess this body is tougher than I thought."

Now that I paid attention, my body did feel weird, not a bad weird though. It felt as if it was more energized, more resilient.



I wasn't surprised my son was able to take out my low-level golem, but the way he did it was incredible.

He was only four years old, but he was already able to read an opponent's movements to some degree.

Before his first fight, I was already going to conjure a more powerful golem as his next opponent, but he had asked me to conjure one three times stronger.

Even though I was reluctant at first, I couldn't help but feel pride in my son's bravery. And if things got bad, I could just cancel the spell.

The golem I decided to conjure was at the highest level a light red core mage would be able to produce.

Being at the mid-blue stage myself, it was nothing more than child's play. Even so, I believe I'm close to my limits. The highest stage I could probably reach is dark cyan. But I'm happy with that, as long as I'm strong enough to protect my family it shouldn't be a problem.

I dismissed my thoughts and turned to Fal's fight against my golem, which was two feet taller than him. I looked at his expression, he looked a little nervous. so I gave him fatherly advice. "Remember this son, the bigger they are the harder they fall."

At my words, they started inching toward each other. As I watched their fight I began to feel a sense of awe, and amazement.

As they were fighting I watched my son. It was like he knew what to do at each moment, and how to respond to each of my golems attacks. It damn near left me speechless.

I kept watching him, and that's when I realized something seemed off.

When he threw the dagger in an attempt to take my golem off balance, his movements seemed a little awkward. He seemed like….he was thinking and trying to move faster than his body could keep up with.

Before I could continue my train of thought, my son punched the golem in the stomach.

"Dammit, I should have told him that doesn't work on a golem." I mumbled under my breath.


I was about to cancel the spell, but before I could, I sensed light mana fluctuations coming from…Fal?

My golem struck my son in the stomach in my distraction, sending him tumbling 15 feet away. But, to my surprise, he got up with ease.

Did he just enhance his body with mana?

Fal is only four, for him it be able to enhance his body even for a split second is unprecedented. Any newly awakened child would have to wait at least 1-3 months, but it's only been a couple of days.

I was shocked at first, but it soon faded.

When Fal awakened at the early age he did, I knew he was going to do big things in the future. As I watched my son I couldn't help but feel this all came naturally to him. I knew my children would surpass me in the future, and as a father I couldn't be happier, but if I continued to teach Fal myself I would only hold him back.

I want our children to be the best versions of them selves, I'm sure Faliya would agree.


"Son, are you alright?" My father asked as he walked toward me, canceling his golem spell.

"Yeah." I said, looking at my hands, trying to figure out what just happened. I took my gaze away from my hands and asked my father, "Dad, When that golem punched me it barely hurt. Is it because I'm awakened, or something else?"

"No son, even if you are awakened you're still a boy with little to no training." He responded, "The only way you could take that blow and feel only a little pain, is with mana. Son, I believe you just used mana enhancement!" He finished, excitedly.

I looked back at my hands.

Mana enhancement huh? It seems I'm getting stronger each and every day.

I wanted to try it once more, but before I could my father spoke again. "You only used it for a couple of seconds though. Tomorrow you will continue your training until you can use mana enhancement for at least five minutes. Once you can do that, we can go to the woods with Myla and your mother and kill small mana beasts."

I pondered over my father's words. I believe that I could have mana enhancement down in at least a month, maybe earlier. Killing small beasts in the woods would also give me more of an idea of what this world holds.

I was curious though. How long can my father or any normal mage use mana enhancement?

"Dad, how long can you use mana enhancement?"

He looked at me with a smile, "I can use it for as long as I need to. You're just learning the basics, any mage that can cast an elemental spell can use mana enhancement until they run out of mana. Your sister, Myla is close to this stage herself, even though she only awakened three weeks ago."

"I see now." I replied.

Myla was nine years old now and depending on how her body progressed she would be able to cast spells in maybe a couple of weeks. I'm only four with an awakened core, even if I used mana enhancement for a couple of seconds. I was progressing too fast, not in my eyes, but in my family's.

Ever since I became a spy in my old world, it was ingrained in my very being to not be suspicious or arouse the curiosity of other people.

Sorry mom, dad, Myla...

I'll have to hide my progression from them the best I can. Maybe later in this new life of mine, I will tell them my secret.

It's not that I'm not grateful to them, it's just, all the questions I have for whoever, or whatever brought me here….

Was there a reason? Or was it a chance to have the things I had always wanted in my old life?

I guess I will find out when the time comes...

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