《The Art Of The Popup Dungeon》Chapter 22


On Meta Augmentation

While there is currently no known reliable method of creating a metahuman, there are several methods of Augmentation. In most cases they are either dependent on meta materials or metahuman powers to function. Serums and armoured exoskeletons created using metamaterials have been developed by so-called ‘mad scientists’ and are used extensively by the US and other wealthy western nations. In the east the Mythos effect has led to a number of elixirs and pills, which along with metahuman powers, provide short term augmentation. Some less wealthy nations in Africa and South America have started hunting and feeding the meat from metafauna to their soldiers in the hope that some version of their power will pass onto the soldier. No positive results have shown but proponents argue that benefits will only show with time. While lacking the often horrendous side effects of the consumed serums and elixirs, meta-armour has its own downsides of requiring high maintenance, rare and sometimes incredibly scarce metamaterial, and exceptional skill and training in their use. Regardless of their method most developed nations have supplemented their supersoldier recruitment programs with Augmented soldier research, hoping to change or counter the balance of military power in today's uncertain world.

Big Al peeked around the corner again, looking at the collection of buildings worriedly.

‘It wasn’t there last week. What the fuck.’

The teenaged delvers had shown up again on the weekend with an additional member planning on introducing them to the dungeon. However the half dozen demountable buildings and the chain link fence connecting them put an end to that idea, cutting off casual access to the dungeons portal.

Benji scowled before sighing.

‘Well. It was bound to happen. Somebody other than us would notice eventually. If anything I’m surprised it took this long.’

While Alphonse was disbelieving and Benji resigned, Cassowary responded with indignant fury.


‘This is bullshit! They can’t just close it off like this! It’s public property! They didn’t make it so it’s a natural resource. They can’t just hoard it for themselves like this! This is fucking bullshit! FUCK!’

‘Is it illegal though? It’s government land so if something’s dangerous they can decide what to do with it. The dungeon is hardly safe so blocking it off makes a bit of sense.’

Benji replied.

Cassie scoffed derisively.

‘Please, it’s barely dangerous. I’ve been more at risk riding a bike or swimming in the ocean.’

‘Roughly one in ten people who go into a metaregion will die over a period of two months though that varies greatly depending on the region and the skill of the group exploring it.’

Mickey interjected.

‘Yeah! And since this one is so- Wait who the fuck are you?!’

Mickey took Cassie’s explosion with grace, responding calmly.

‘I’m the guy who set up those buildings and effectively owns the metaregion. That also make me the guy who gets to decide whether or not you’ll be able to explore it again. Isn’t that nice?’

‘It’s NOT nice! It’s BULLSHIT! You can’t just say you own a fucking metaregion! They’re a National resource! They belong to everybody!’

Seethed Cassie.

‘People own forests, mines and land. I own a metaregion.’

Mickey put up his hands in a calming gesture.

‘Look, this roleplaying game styled metaregion is obviously an exceptional situation. The government is adapting to it and i’m part of that. Now we can go into that office and discuss your part in this or I can call the police and ensure you never step foot in my region ever again. Which would you prefer?’

Cassie ground her teeth as the other teens exchanged nervous glances.


Mickey sat behind his desk and asked the teens if any of them were under sixteen. Ater they all confirmed they were roughly seventeen, Mickey smiled.

‘That’s good, I can argue for minors sixteen and up to be allowed into the dungeon, but getting people to accept younger minors would be rather more difficult.’

Alphone perked up at that.

‘So we can still delve.’

‘Yes. But we’ll likely have some simple, if annoying conditions.’

‘Oh here it comes.’

Cassie muttered.

‘Well in order to stop people from screaming “Think of the children.”

we’ll need to have a chaperone accompany you. For you lot, since you’ve obviously already been in the dungeon, I’ll waive the actual training we’ll require from new guild member. You’ll get on the job training from your chaperone instead.’

‘Bullshit. We don’t need a fucking babysitter.’

Growled Cassowary.

Mickey shrugged.

‘And you don’t need to risk your lives venturing into a rapidly growing metaregion with no training and no experience. Plus having a babysitter will help reassure your parents.’

That got everybody's attention.

‘You don’t need to tell our parents. We’re not kids.’

Alphonse said, attempting to project confidence.

The other teens squirmed.

‘Oh believe me I don’t want to deal with a bunch of worried parents either, But alas, there are child endangerment and labour laws. I’ll try to limit their ability to stop you, but I will need to inform them at least. The paperwork will be impossible to fill out otherwise. Also you should worry less about your parents and more about the paperwork. Because it’s a doozy.’

Mickey said, pulling out several thick stacks of paper from his bottom drawer.

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