《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Decision
Chapter 23
"Hey! Got you two some stuff to keep you alive!"
Weavile grabbed the latch of the rusty steel grate beneath her and threw it open, exposing the two prisoners trapped in a pit below. Blinking away the sleep in their eyes, Gallade and Heliolisk glanced upward to see the smirking face of the Ice-type. Kneeling, she would hoist a cloth sack over the opening and shake its contents out.
What came out of the bag were four apples that tumbled into the darkness below and landed beside the pair.
"Should be a bit better than the sludge they probably feed you, so enjoy it, punks!" she shouted, cackling to herself. "You'll be let out in a day or two - a little more talk between you two and I, then we'll find out what to do with ya."
Before they could respond, Weavile slammed the grate shut and exited the dungeon cell. Entering the barely lit halls of the crumbling keep, she spotted Bisharp leaning against a shattered stone pillar. He eyed her in return and shook his head in disapproval as she walked up to him.
"What're you shaking your head at me for? Feeding 'em?"
"Treating them like shit isn't going to make them say more," he said, keeping his voice low. "I know you would rather tear them to shreds, but we still need them for the time being."
She scoffed, walking ahead. "Scum like them don't deserve any special treatment. If they want to cry mistreatment when they return to the Allfather, so be it."
He followed her, side by side. "These guys are more than just soldiers or traders. They know more than they're letting on, so it's best you not give them more reasons not to open up."
Weavile wanted to fire another rebuttal, but his advice was true. They weren't surprised Serperior would betray her dealers, but the Council having a secret committee that demanded the Alignment to amend their errors was of great surprise to them. She knew the Gallade was omitting details just by the way he avoided names and specific events, but she would eventually find out.
Yet, no matter how far down this Buneary hole of mystery and secrets went, she only desired one thing from this group - revenge - swift and just against a sole Pokemon.
"They'll open up," she replied. "We're not letting them go 'til we squeeze any information we can out of 'em… and maybe even convince the Allfather to give him up to me."
If felt so far away, but still within her reach after all this time and plotting.
Bisharp shook his head once more. "... Never gonna let that go, huh? I mean, what if this guy isn't even alive still? If the Allfather strikes down anyone that messes up, then what do you think might've happened to him after you screwed-"
Weavile whirled around and lightly shoved his shoulder. "What are you getting at?!" she demanded. "Are you trying to convince me again to give up on hunting this bastard?"
Bisharp scanned her sudden agitated features. "... I think it should be pretty obvious, Weav's. Don't you see this is more than just revenge now? I've always understood your anger, but this is bigger than that."
Her face lit up with rage. "You think I'm just going to let go of us?! That they don't deserve justice after what happened to them?" She jabbed his chest with her claws. "You understand, but you were never there to witness that happen right in in front of you! You could never feel what I went through!"
Never could she forget the team of three that saved her from the streets of petty crime. Never could she repay the debts she owed them for all they did to save her from her own idiotic actions in the past. But in their wake, she would do everything in her power to avenge them, and she would never let go of their spirits and influence over her.
Bisharp pushed past the Weavile blocking his path, marching down the sandy dungeon's dark and narrow hallway. Reaching the open doorway that led outside, he hesitated walking through, his frustrations over the Ice-type boiling over as he turned around. A mixture of emotions was present on his face, and he directed them at the enraged Weavile.
"... When my father died in that avalanche, I felt what you went through, Weav's. But I didn't go after the Pokemon that caused it, because my dad was always about saving Pokemon from themselves." He inhaled, enclosing a fist. "... I chose to leave with you and start this clan not to appease your revenge, but to figure out what the guild couldn't." Before he left, he spared a parting glance. "Me and them? We were alike; we saw the forest for the trees. At the end of the day, it's still your decision, Weav's." He left, leaving the seething Pokemon to stew in her own thoughts.
Weavile wanted to chase after him and lash at him with her own thoughts, but couldn't, her hind claws dug into the ground. What Bisharp was asking of her seemed unreasonable and illogical of her to commit to. Why should she care if the Pokemon that wronged her was still out there? Why should she care for the 'truth of this world' if it fulfilled nothing in her heart?
Yet, the emboldened hopes and theories of her deceased comrades stirred that sense of wonder they helped bring out of her long ago. Something that lurked in the shadows of her desires of revenge.
Swallowing down her rage and memories of the past, she followed after her close friend co-captain. Emerging into the cold desert's veil of night, she advanced past the Pokemon stationed to guard the two prisoners and towards the Honchkrow that blended in with the dusk. Bisharp was waiting for her there, eyeing her in a perplexed manner that undoubtedly judged her future actions.
She shot him a friendly glare in return, earning a small smirk from the Steel-type.
As they hopped onto their avian ally and took off in silence back to their hideout, the barely audible noise of quiet footsteps were lost on the mercenary guards protecting the aged dungeon. Grizzled looking Pokemon with rifles around their backs crept around the structure's edges, making sure not a glimpse of the rose embedded breastplates they wore were seen.
Monferno lurked by the doorway that led into a small closeted area of the large building they were all crammed into. Scratching the bandaged areas on his arms and face, the wounds from his fight with the Legendary earlier weren't severe at all, but they sure did leave some lasting pain.
'Stupid Shaymin…'
Leafeon attempted searching for Shaymin in the town following her heated departure, but after finding nothing, most assumed she ditched the guild altogether. And with only a few hours left before the guild was to make their decision to leave or stay, the majority had already decided on leaving.
However, there was one Pokemon Monferno had not heard from yet - his partner, Braixen.
Hovering his outstretched hand over the doorknob, he sucked in his fears and doubts and twisted the knob. Carefully opening the door, he peered inside the 'study hall', noting the bookshelves lining the wooden and a desk at the end of the room. As he entered and walked in, his gaze was solely trained on someone else entirely.
Braixen was hunched over the desk, diligently scribbling away on a piece of paper illuminated by the orange glow of a nearby lamp. She seemed to be too ingrained to notice the creaking of wood behind her, a trail of sweat sliding down her face as she breathed in a sigh.
She nearly dropped the quill in her grasp, whipping her head around to suddenly recognize the smirking features of her partner. "You scared me! But… um, what's up? Do you need me to reapply your bandages?"
He waved a hand, "Nah. But I did come here to say thanks for assisting me in that fight. For one small 'mon, that bi- Shaymin… can hit pretty hard."
She smiled, her bushy tail giving a slight wag. "... Thanks. But really, you shouldn't have attacked her like that, even if she insulted me."
"She called you 'stuffy' and my 'girlfriend', Braix. I'm sure you'd lay the beatdown on someone if they called me a prick or your boyfriend."
She let loose a small chuckle. "Maybe not to that extreme, Mony, but I do understand why you felt the need to protect our honor like that."
He'd always known Braixen to be the professional type, and it was a trait she wanted others around her to see her as in public. Even when he was just a Chimchar and she a Fennekin, the kit was always out to prove her capabilities to her parents, while he just wanted to keep on playing with no thought of his future. This air of sophistication only grew once they formed a team and joined the guild, strengthening once Braixen became Hatterene's apprentice as an assistant nurse.
Always so busy with training - never around to just be friends and hang out or do missions together.
In private, she could be her natural self, the one that Monferno knew so well. Yet, it always remained in her tone, and it felt somewhat belittling to him. But he knew that past this respectable persona she had crafted, she was the same playful and friendly Fennekin from his youth.
"So," Monferno began, leaning his back up against the desk. "Who're you writing to? Your parents?"
Her slightly happy expression faded. "... Yes. I wanted to write them before the expedition began, but the Guildmaster sprung into it so soon and I…" She sighed again, releasing built up frustrations. "I just don't know how to tell them about this, Mony. How can anyone? These aren't just simple outlaws - these are hardened criminals trained to kill!"
Monferno wet his lips, preparing to ask the question she eluded beforehand. "Then what is it you're doing? Are you staying… or leaving?" The dreaded answer continued to tighten the pit in his stomach.
Braixen didn't respond for a brief few moments, clenching the quill. "I think… I think I'm going to leave the guild." She looked up at him. "I admire everything about the guild's mission and cause, but this is too much for me, Mony. Even if I've striven to become a field nurse, something like this that can jeopardize my future or life isn't the right way…"
He wished he could consider this a surprise, but knowing the fiery fox for so long, it wasn't something he was shocked to hear. She had a future ahead of her, a pure reputation to maintain - the Guildmaster's brash ultimatum and lack of care for their input proved too much for her to handle.
Braixen dropped the quill back into the ink bottle, scrunching up her paper. "My parents would never want me doing something like this, and I just have to follow what they set out for me." She looked up at him. "But first I need to know… What are you going to do?"
A battle was taking place in Monferno's head, one of which where both sides were at a stalemate. There were positive and negative factors involved, but one deterrent against leaving was returning home, and that terrified him.
"Dunno, Braix." He crossed his arms, mock contemplating. "Might just have to see what the others decide. But after all we've been through here… this is it for you? You're not gonna miss patching up Mightyena every week?" he wryly joked.
She nodded in sadness, standing up from her seat. "We'll always be Team Blazingheart, Mony, but not with this guild. I'm sure we can find another guild to join, or become an independent exploration team!" she exclaimed, trying to find hope in this situation.
"Uh, yeah, maybe…"
Despite her best efforts to keep his spirits high, he knew there was little opportunity for him beyond this guild. She was the sole reason he was accepted into it in the first place, and continuing to coast off her success didn't sit right with him. She was clearly going places, and it didn't look like that was also in his cards.
They were long-time best friends. They were partners of a team. But there was an invisible divide present between them.
Unraveling the Cosmic Scarf wrapped around her neck, Braixen observed it with both fondness and immense sorrow. She then slowly handed it over to Monferno, who reluctantly grabbed it from her paws. Just like that, her time in the guild was over.
"... I hope you do leave, Mony. Fighting against these mercenaries is far too dangerous for any of us, not even counting what the Council might label us as. I know we can do successful things outside the guild."
He didn't respond, biting his tongue as he looked at the scarf. "I'm sure Hatterene can write you a nice letter of recommendation for ya. At least you'll get some use out of these few years, y'know?"
Braixen shut her eyes and leaned in to hug the primate. He accepted it, holding her close with a blank expression on his face. She eventually broke the embrace, gracefully walking towards the open doorway and turning around once she was in the hallway.
"Maybe I'll see you along with the others who are leaving by the Mudsdale' carriages?" She wore a weak smile. "I still want to see you again regardless of what you choose. But… please be wise about this, Mony."
And then she was gone, leaving him behind with just a memento of her mark on the guild. He stood in silence, squeezing the scarf in dissatisfaction.
'Fucking idiot,' he muttered to himself in his mind. 'I should have said something else to her… anything.'
But there was nothing he could do, and so he walked out of the study hall, sluggishly wandering back to their sole dorm room with a certain numbness staining his feelings. He didn't know whether to be sad that she was leaving, or happy that she was free to do whatever she wanted now.
Regardless, he was alone in his next decision.
After reaching the dorm's entrance and opening, he wished to crash upon his bed and take a nap to reset his scrambled brain. But upon trudging inward, he caught a glimpse of a small puppy Pokemon curled up in his bottom bunk - Rockruff, sulking by himself and noticeably more quiet than usual.
Monferno fought off a sigh, "... What's up, Rockruff."
The Rock-type slowly found his gaze. "Oh… hey. What's up?" he said, lacking any past enthusiasm.
Digging the inside of his cheek, Monferno plodded over and sat on the same bunk Rockruff was currently occupying. "... So, are you moping around here 'til we're forced to decide? Where's Mightyena and Purrloin at?"
Rockruff sniffled, "They're, um, buying some things for when they return back home."
"Guessin' they're leaving the guild?"
"Yeah…" Rockruff's attention shifted to the neckwear the Fire-type held. "Whose scarf is that?"
"... Braixen's. She just left the guild."
"R-really?" Rockruff was stunned, sympathy mixing in with his pouting. "I always thought you two were a really good pair. You're still friends and teammates though, right?"
"Sure were, I guess, and yeah, we are."
Monferno went silent, still clutching the scarf in his grasp. Both of them were far from close friends, yet here they were, both without the teammates that brought them to this guild. It was a day ago that they were happy and excited for this new expedition, and now things seemed to have taken a turn for the worst.
"Thank you for, um, sticking up for me," Rockruff suddenly mumbled. "Even if we don't get along that well."
"No problem."
Rockruff bit his lip, "If you don't care about me asking, can you tell me why you did it?"
"Honestly? I don't really know. I just… I just saw you getting berated like that and I couldn't take it." Monferno tightened his grip on the scarf, anger boiling inside him. "I know how it feels. Getting told how useless you are compared to others, and that you'll never amount to anything."
Rockruff bowed his head."... Is it true what she said about me? That everyone finds me annoying?"
Monferno shrugged halfheartedly, "Listen, I can't speak for everyone, but you can be freaking irritating when you bounce around the guild and won't shut up about your clan or some random story."
The puppy's ears wilted, "Oh… well, at least you're honest about it. I guess I can be annoying and stuff, because my own pack mates used to tell me that."
'For good reason I bet…' Monferno muttered in his mind, before cursing at his wandering thoughts. He was trying to be nice and forget all his past grievances with the Pokemon.
"They used to call me useless, too," Rockruff continued, his tone despondent. "Said I could never lead a pack, and then the pack leader even told me to leave because of my behavior."
"And that's how you met Purrloin's team, huh?"
"Yeah. They picked me up to join their team after I got kicked out. Told me I could join the guild and prove myself to be a true leader of my own clan one day." Rockruff sniffled again, wiping his wet cheeks with a paw. "But Shaymin's right… I never really have accomplished anything in the guild besides being dead weight."
"And neither has she," Monferno countered. "She's always been the slacker around here."
'And I guess I'd be that second slacker…' the Fire-type quickly noted.
"I know right?!" Rockruff blurted out, before frowning. "It's just… It's hard to stand out and prove yourself when you don't have anything special about yourself, y'know? Compared to the others in the guild, I'm really nothing…"
Everything Rockruff was telling him, Monferno could relate to, not that he would tell him. He had always unknowingly compared himself to others, even before he joined the guild. It only seemed to worsen after he helped Team Requiem join, and how far they had surpassed him in the eyes of his superiors, despite his presence at the guild for numerous years. He began to silently despise them for that fact, even if it wasn't their fault to begin with.
It was like he provided nothing to this world, a useless fixture to forever exist in the background.
"But you know what?!" Rockruff exclaimed, hopping out of his curled up position. "I'm not gonna let her words get to me! That's why I'm staying, even if my teammates leave! To prove to her and anyone that doubts me that I can be an awesome leader to any Pokemon out there and show them I have what it takes!"
"Well, at least you're in good spirits again."
"What about you? Are you going to stay?"
"... I don't really have a choice. It's either stay, or return home to face my mother." Monferno sharply inhaled as trauma he's long since buried tried to unearth itself in his mind. "And there's no way I can do that. So yeah, I'm staying."
Rockruff nudged his shoulder, a grin on his face. "Maybe we can form a new team together? Whaddya think?"
Monferno cracked a slight smirk. "Don't get your hopes up…"
Perhaps he wanted to stay to avoid the consequences of returning home, or perhaps he wanted to stay because he wanted to still prove to himself and others that he also had what it takes. To feel a sense of worth he hasn't felt for as long as he could remember.
'And I have to do all of this fighting without you by my side, Braix?'
Looking down again at the scarf he bunched up in his palms, he continued to scold himself for failing to somehow convince her to stay, while he was so unsure himself. But from what she told him, he had one more chance to not screw things again and divide their friendship even further. If she was there for him again, then maybe it could give him the extra push to be better and do better.
'You've got one more chance at this, asshole, and then it's over.'
Garchomp was dumbfounded by what he was implying, speechless as the Bug-type slowly moved past her to rest his red pincers on the porch's wooden railing.
"What are you trying to say, Scizor?"
He looked out to the sunset that fell upon the town, mind calculating his next response as he came face to face with reality. He couldn't keep this to himself forever, and neither could he leave a friend in the dark for so long anymore.
"... It happened one morning when me and Charmeleon went to the surrounding shores of the village." Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. "That's when we found him - resting on the beach - alive, but left by himself."
Garchomp cocked her head, "You met Jackson lying on a beach? Not as children?"
The official story she and the rest of the world had given was that the three members of Team Moonlight were childhood friends, and formed their famous team after the annihilation of Areos Village by the ley lines. It was this almost legendary tale that inspired her to leave her own village, and never did she imagine her team would reach Team Moonlight's fame.
To hear that it was all a fabrication felt like a serious blow to her own childhood, yet it intrigued her.
Scizor continued, "He was alone, confused, and lost. He had zero memory of his past, except the name of 'Jackson' echoing in his head. We… We were just teenagers, and we had no idea how to help him, but we still wanted to help him recover his memories."
"Amnesia," she concluded. "There were no family or past friends of his you could have found?"
Team Drarosteel had run-ins with Pokemon who partially lost bits of their memory across the numerous jobs and adventures they embarked on. They had never encountered someone who had total amnesia, but here was a case she has been blind to for over two decades.
"Nothing. He was a total ghost; no family or friends that knew who he was in the village. It was just like he came into existence. Even after we formed Team Moonlight, we didn't stop trying to find out who he was, but nothing came up."
"But you still decided to keep it a secret from everyone?" she questioned. "Why keep it a secret from me and everyone else that cared for him?"
Scizor batted his pincers together, clenching and opening them repeatedly. "... It was Jackson's wish for Pokemon not to know, and we agreed with him. Once our team became world famous and Jackson stepped up as an official leader, we wanted to protect our reputation. Even now, he doesn't want anyone to know his true past."
Garchomp approached him in a conflicted state. "Then why are you telling me this? After all this time, why now?"
He turned around, meeting her stare with his usual stark expression. "Because I've guarded this secret for twenty five years and I cannot lie to you anymore. As much as I want to respect Jackson's wishes, I cannot lose my friendship with you and your team over his actions. But... that's not all I've kept quiet about; I do know when Jackson's behavior shifted."
This truly caught her attention.
"I noticed his change after our first expedition to Celestial Mountain ended, and through all the years of the guild. He grew distant, more angry, and withheld certain information from us," Scizor explained, digging up painful memories. "There were days where he wouldn't eat or would leave unexpectedly; times I would enter his office to see it completely dismantled by his paws; large amounts of Poké I've seen vanish from our paperwork without explanation."
Garchomp absorbed his almost rant of past events in a daze. She always knew the Lucario she initially met was so different from the one in the present, but not to this extreme that Scizor has endured over the years. It only served to anger her more, and the fact he was only telling her this now was worrying.
"You never confronted him about his behavior? Not once?" she asked incredulously. "How can you still trust him if he can't trust you or anyone close to him?"
He flinched at her tone, yet remained stout. "I've considered it, but... I've always been loyal to Jackson. His leadership combined with my role as an advisor and researcher has gotten the guild this far. He and Charizard are my closest friends, Garchomp, and I can't turn my back on them."
Garchomp wanted to admonish her friend for lying or for sticking by such a Pokemon, but past all her frustrations of being left ignorant, she had respect for him. "And I'm guessing that's why you're accepting his plans to fight these mercenaries?"
"You know I would never concoct a plan as violent and perilous. Still, it's a plan you need to realize is our only chance at obtaining what could get us further towards our goal. Jackson knows we are at the crux, and we have to keep fighting, no matter what the Council or anyone thinks."
"And what about you? You're ready to face the consequences of what you might start?"
Scizor nodded resolutely, "I have researched the Mystery Dungeons for the majority of my life. I may hesitate briefly, but I do everything in my power to avenge the lives of any and all throughout the years that have been stolen by the ley lines. To that end, I will no doubt put my life on the well to achieve justice for all Pokemon on this earth."
Such a powerful proclamation from the Bug-type made the dragoness go quiet in thought. Resting her talons on the wooden railing, she made a final contemplation of her decision.
"Wow… That's the type of nobleness I've always known you for. Still makes me fired up to tear through the opposition." She chuckled cheerlessly, viewing the blazing orange horizon. "And you want my team to go through with this plan, despite the consequences?"
"You are just a part of this quest for the truth of this world as me or anyone in the guild, Garchomp. Look past the risks and see the grand scheme of things."
The castigating Jackson had lashed her with resurfaced in her thoughts again. Perhaps he was correct, and her team only cared for the limelight and saw contemporary matters as more important, instead of focusing on preserving this world for the next generation. She had always prided herself on being a role model and not letting fear or complacency deter her, but here she was.
The world stopped for no one as she would say, and who was she to get in the way of its motions. It was time for her to finally commit to this life long prospect that only her idols brought to her attention.
"You have to promise me one thing," she said. "Promise me that after this expedition ends, you won't hesitate to confront Jackson. I'm not asking you to make him step down, but his psyche has clearly deteriorated over the years. You should be a team and he's alienating you and the rest of the guild."
"I… I agree with your terms. I will do it."
Garchomp could only wonder if this 'second location' would truly change the tide of their battle against the ley lines. She and the world had grown complacent with them before, but now it was time to take charge and fight back.
"All right, I made my decision."
It was approaching his selected time.
Jackson silently admired the twinkling stars in the sky that gradually revealed more and more of the blanket of limitless space, eliminating the scarlet skyline as the sun was covered by the night's darkness. Wearing a small smile, he could have stared at this fantastic view for hours, if only he had his telescope with him.
However, the flickering of the orange ring across his paw erased his mild enjoyment. There was no avoiding this outcome, and he had to weed out the unwilling.
Stepping up the stone stairs to the Grit Ruin Excavator's building, he threw open the double doors and marched in. The foyer was chock full of Pokemon, be it the numerous amounts of Drillbur, Gurrdurr, and other Ground-types' that crowded the walls - or the members of the guild that stood at the end of the chamber in their usual morning routine positions.
Team Drarosteel, Scizor, Charizard, and Excadrill were waiting for him just a few feet in front of the guild members, Garchomp staring at in him with a mix of both apprehension and confidence. He stared back, challenging her intent and mettle with his own steely gaze. She had opposed his ultimatum, but still stood here today, telling him everything he needed to know.
Standing before his guild, he scrutinized their blank faces as they looked at him, wondering what thoughts lay in their heads. He crossed his arms behind his back, ready to voice his ultimatum once more.
"I understand that yesterday and today have been very stressful and turbulent for you all, but this is where we settle this debate. All of you were accepted into this prestigious guild to help us complete our mission in removing the ley lines from the world, and all of you have done very well in helping us chip at that dream of a better tomorrow free from Mystery Dungeons."
Guild members exchanged looks and quietly murmured to themselves.
"That's why we must make difficult choices, because truly, we are saving the world from an impending disaster - a disaster it is unaware of. That's why it's imperative for us to not bend the knee to anyone or anything that threatens our cause." He suddenly shifted his attention to Excadrill's Pokemon in the back of the foyer. "Workers! Are you with me?" he yelled.
'YEAH!" they screamed back in unison, nearly shaking the room in their clamor.
Jackson refocused his attention on his guild. "These Pokemon and the members of my guild that seek to stay are willing to fight, even if laws of society standing in place would prevent them. So… if you wish to stay in the Cosmic Quilt Guild and continue our mission, please step forward."
From all the Pokemon present, Liam, Gloria, Roark, Monferno, and Rockruff all stepped forward and remained behind their Guildmaster. The five would send each other mixed emotions, but Gloria's horror was the most noticeable. They were the only ones to act, the remaining Pokémon making their decision very clear to Jackson.
"… Along with Braixen and Shaymin, who have already left, the rest of you will be required to turn in your scarves and other guild property." He swept an arm to the building's entrance. "The Mudsdale' carriages outside will remain for an hour, then they will take you back to the guild to pack your belongings."
Gloria could only watch as the Pokémon she grew to call close friends slowly began to leave - petrified at this reality. Past the constriction of sadness in her chest, a strange but inviting feeling began to well up. Her pounding heart told her to abide and be content with this outcome, yet she just couldn't. Running in front of her Guildmaster, she raised her voice to stop their attempts to leave.
"Everyone listen! Don't leave!" Her efforts stalled her exiting comrades as they stopped to look at her, exasperation on her face. "Are you all seriously going to throw away this opportunity?! Haven't you all heard what happened to the Guildmaster's home village? Doesn't the thought of your own friends and families ending up gone just like that get you motivated to fight?" she cried out, almost choking up at the end.
Gloria didn't stop there, stamping a paw onto the floorboards. "It's our duty to prove to the Pokemon all around the globe of this danger! And prove to them we can really be true heroes and save the world from the ley lines! This isn't glory that you can turn your back on, or a danger you think can just go away! None of the problems that us Pokemon deal with can go away if nobody acts on them! I can't... I can't deal with you all leaving and giving up. I..."
Seeing the Vulpix mumble and squirm over her next words, Liam immediately took charge and stepped forward to emit his own improvised speech.
"She's right, everyone! If the Mystery Dungeons continue to take over this world, then there'll be nothing left of it for the Pokemon of the future!" He raised a paw to his chest to amend his thrashing heart. "I've seen so little of Celestic so far, but its natural beauty makes me want to keep adventuring and exploring all over the world! But if all of its beauty were to vanish in time… then what world are we leaving behind for our loved ones? That's why we need to fight these mercenaries, because it's the right thing to do!"
He stole a glance over at Gloria - she had her eyes glued to the floor, shuffling her paws together in discomfort. Jackson noticed the duo's silence, retaking the spotlight of attention as he raised his arms up and shouted at the top of his lungs.
Amidst the silence following his words, a guild member hesitantly made her back to the group - Leafeon - she spoke.
"... After hearing that, even if Shaymin is no longer here to complete Team Evergreen, I understand now that is more important than legality. I'm staying."
More and more guild members eventually returned, grouping up with the rest.
Staravia flapped his wings, "I g-guess me and Joltik w-were being selfish and not considering the g-guild's goal, r-right, Joltik?" A shrill screeching noise came from the yellow ball of fur on his back, affirming his remark.
Purrloin harrumphed, "It would be… unwise to just let the world crumble like a cookie, especially if there's more Poké to be made!"
"Team Nightshade would be famous world wide if we destroyed all the Mystery Dungeons!" Mightyena yipped, his black tail wagging. "I bet we'd also be super rich, too!"
"I know the guild still needs my electrical assistance, and I'll just have to keep providing!" Minun added to the fray of intermixing voices.
Jackson raised his voice again, overlapping those talking. "EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM! ARE YOU READY FOR WHAT COMES NEXT?"
The boom of the workers, including all of the guild, resounded through the lobby. Excadrill took this as his time to kickstart his own spiel, straightening his tie and speaking up.
"All righty, glad Jack's crew got things sorted out, 'cause now it's time to dig in our claws and show those mercs a resistance they won't forget!" He meandered over to a wall in the room that displayed a large paper map of the Grit Region. "Gather 'round, y'all! I reckon you're gonna wanna catch all the details of this."
With newfound invigoration, everyone heeded the mole's words as he tapped a location north of Sanctus Town. The small scribbles etched onto the map indicated a large hole into the earth where Excadrill pointed to.
"After doing our preparations, we'll take a bumpy trip up north to my team's base of operations and get ready for our offensive." He chuckled, throwing a look behind him at the guild members. "Y'all will be taught what Entercards are and how to use 'em there; they'll be crucial to retake that doggone ancient castle."
Garchomp smirked a little. "Sneak attack, I presume? If they have rifles, we can avoid as little danger as possible."
The Ground-type jabbed a claw at her and grinned. "Right on! But Jack and I agree that it's not gonna be so easily done…"
"We'll still need to account for Pokemon of the Rose Clan that aren't stationed at Regi Castle," Scizor dutifully added.
As Excadrill and other Pokemon commenced in a back and forth of logistics and plan outlining, Liam felt a pointy tap on his shoulder. Glancing to his side, he caught a glimpse of a rather pumped yet slightly worried Roark.
"Great performance from you two," the fox whispered into his ear. "And I hate to grab your attention from this boring meeting, but you know where Gloria went? She kinda just left after her epic speech and all."
Liam was puzzled but amazed by her sudden actions, and he could only wonder why she would just leave a briefing.
"Sure," the Riolu whispered back, replacing his excitement with curiously.
He waded through his now animated comrades and the ocean of Excadrill's workers that crowded the room. Once finally into the hallways of the building, he took the stairs and entered the sole dorm the guild was given and expected to find the Vulpix in their shared bunk - but there was no sign of her.
'Ah, she might be in that study hall area.'
Knowing his partner best, he reached the small closet, opening the door to it and stepping inside. Other than the small amount of bookshelves lining the wall and a single desk, his eyes snapped to the lone form of Gloria seated onto the floor and silently reading from an open book.
"I knew you'd be in here," Liam said with a smile, walking over to her. "Why'd you just leave suddenly?"
It wasn't unlike her to occasionally leave and catch up on her readings alone, but something about her demeanor seemed off to him. She seemed disturbed, like she was pushing herself to read and ignore her surroundings.
Gloria eventually looked up, forcing a smile. "Hey, I, um, just wanted to read up on the history of Regi Castle." She pushed the book forward, attempting to ignore her feelings. "Look here! It says that the king of Celestic got help from Zygarde of all Pokemon to create protectors for this castle from just clay, ice, and magma. It's, uh, really cool... huh?"
"Um, yeah." He got closer, analyzing her shifty movements. "Why are you acting so weird? I mean, Gloria, you just gave that awesome speech out there! You and I just convinced our friends to stick with the guild! Aren't you ecstatic?"
She inhaled, nervously exhaling. "I want to be, but… I don't think I said all of that just to motivate them."
"Can you tell me what's wrong?"
"... I don't know if I should," she squeaked out as she cradled her necklace to her neck, beginning to shiver. "You won't consider me p-pathetic if I tell you?" her voice cracked near the end.
Liam closed the distance between them, sympathy and confusion on his face. "Gloria… I would never do that. Tell me what's wrong."
Out of the blue, the Vulpix tackled him into a hug, unabashed tears free to slide down her cheeks as she held him tight. He was absolutely bewildered by this action, but didn't make any effort to break out of the embrace as Gloria began sobbing and hyperventilating.
"I… don't… want to see my f-friends leave me," she cried pitifully, squeezing him so he couldn't move. "Please, I've had to watch e-everyone close in my life disappear… Please promise that you or R-roark won't leave me too; I don't want that ever again."
Liam was silent out of shock as she continued to mumble hushed phrases through her sobs. He held her closely, however, reassuring her through physical means. He could only wonder where this side of her spontaneously erupted from. But from her own plea of Pokemon leaving her life, he could deduce that she was keeping something painful hidden away from him.
Something that he could relate to undoubtedly, and he had to convince her that everything would be fine, just had to convince himself in the past.
"I promise," the Riolu said softly and sincerely.
'It's now or never, I guess.'
Opening the double doors, Monferno jogged down the stone stairs and into the night hanging over Sanctus Town. Sure enough, he could spot the carriages that brought them here, stationary on the empty cobblestone streets. He squinted at them and could see an orange figure aboard one.
'That's gotta be her…'
Fumbling with the Cosmic Scarf in his hands, he hastened his pace and strode over to the carriages. A Braixen wearing a nurse's armband was seated, looking around and rubbing her paws together in anxiousness. She would eventually spot Monferno just a few feet away from her, exchanging stares as she smiled slightly at him.
'Don't screw this up, asshole.'
He climbed and jumped over the railing, taking a seat next to his partner. "So… what's up?"
"One of the Mudsdale's told me they're taking me back in an hour." She bit her lip, sending a glance towards the large building again. "Where are the others who are leaving? And… are you leaving too?"
"Nobody else is leaving, Braix. And nah, I've made my choice to stay and fight. It's only you and Shaymin who are leaving."
She tensed up, "... So you came to say goodbye."
The primate fell silent, releasing a long-drawn-out sigh. "Nah. I came here to convince you to stay."
"Mony, you know I can't-"
"I know, I know," he interrupted, scratching his itchy bandages. "I know you don't want to stay and risk everything, but… I think it's actually in your best interests to stay in the guild."
"You really think that?"
Monferno nodded, chuckling faintly. "Team Requiem gave a speech a few hours ago, and it really opened my eyes; made me want to stay with the guild."
It was a lie; he had already planned to stay to avoid going home, but he felt it was necessary to tell her this to reel her senses back in. His comrades had been convinced by the guild's ambition, Braixen being the outlier, and he needed to show her that she couldn't throw this opportunity away.
"Braix… You can prove to be so much more than just a nurse. Saving the world? I mean, if you wanted to help Pokemon as a nurse, then why not be the next best thing - a hero. You'd have your name known all around the world, y'know? This whole thing with the ley lines and that all junk is more important than a simple job."
Braixen shook her head, frazzled by his claims. Being a nurse out in the field was always what she desired, and what was drilled into her by her mother and father at a young age. The thought of being more than that, while tantalizing, felt unattainable by her own skills or image. She had succeeded in her brief few years at the guild, yet there was always a limit to one's success.
"Even if I wanted more, my parents would never accept me doing this."
"Hell, I say who cares what they think. You're your own 'mon, and you should decide for yourself." He swallowed his remaining inhibition. "And besides… I can't ever see myself doing much without you by my side, even if we're going different directions in life."
Here was the crux of his argument, and the truth he could never admit to her. Despite all the hope he wanted to still have, he never would be where he was today if it weren't for her pivotal role as his best friend in this dysfunctional partnership. He had never succeeded at anything in his brief few years at guild, yet he wanted another chance to prove he wasn't a failure.
Braixen looked at him, forcing down her own aversion. "Do you really think this is better for me?"
"I mean, it's your decision, Braixen." Opening his palms, he handed over the bunched up Cosmic Scarf he held. "And have I ever lied to you before?"
She formed a small grin at his slight sarcasm, already thinking of past memories one might consider bad, but she found them fond. Peaceful reticence enveloped the carriage as they both watched the stars and the moon, Braixen calculating all possibilities in her head. She then grabbed the scarf as he shot her a knowing look and bumped her shoulder.
"Is the Guildmaster still awake?" she questioned, wrapping the scarf around her neck.
The crude and the dignified - Monferno considered himself lucky to mend Team Blazingheart back together, and it would only be tested further in time.
Shaymin hurtled through the cloudy midnight skies in no clear direction, the cold wind striking and soothing her charred and blackened fur, but never easing the pure anger that flooded her entire being.
'Fuck 'em. Fuck all of 'em.'
The Legendary's decision to leave had already been decided after the Guildmaster's ultimatum, but the straw that broke the Camerupt's back was the scuffle she had with Monferno. She was done after all the years of apathy she felt for the guild. No longer was she going to be subjected to to whims of another Pokemon's goal.
'Wherever I go from, it'll be far away from that dump.'
It didn't matter where she was - the guild or her role back in the Shaymin Village - it all only continued to fuel her hatred of the authority that controlled it and all those that just accepted it like Mareep. She had no direction to follow, but her heart told her to go anywhere that allowed her to be free and fly with zero agency hovering over her.
'What I would give for just a bright day for once.'
Through the harsh winds, her ears pricked up at the sound of harsh crackling through her flowing saddlebag. Mumbling obscenities to herself, she slowed down and glided down to the earth, her paws eventually meeting the freezing sand.
'Better be an apology or a lump sum of payment for my efforts…'
Opening up her saddlebag, she pulled out her ELE just as it began emitting a voice - one that was very recognizable to Shaymin.
"Shaymin… can you hear me?"
Shaymin hung her head, at least happy to hear from the only Pokemon she could consider a friend in the guild. Summoning her plentiful courage, she flicked the switch on the Minun-like device's side and spoke into its speaker.
"Sup, Leafy. How ya doin'?"
Leafeon's response was quick and concerned. "Where are you? I couldn't find you in town and I was worried your mood would get you arrested by the guards."
Shaymin smirked, "As if they could catch someone as good at flying as me."
"Are you really going to leave like this? I know you didn't like stuff about the guild, but the Guildmaster valued you as a member just like everyone else."
Anger leaked into the Legendary's scratchy voice. "Pfft, as if! All he wanted was to know about the Legendaries and where they hole up their miserable little shrines. I was just a library on legs to that bloody slave driver."
"Shaymin, I've worked hard to introduce you to Celestic, and I've been very patient with you throughout our relationship. You need to come back so we can fix this with everyone."
"Are ya serious right now, Leafy? Didn't you blokes just say you were gonna leave?"
"... Me and the others realized the guild's goal is too noble to just give up on." Her tone shifted to one of beseechment. "Please… Please make the right decision and come back."
Shaymin wished to respond, but something above in the skies that caught her eye replaced her mellowness back with rage. "... I'll have to talk to ya in a sec," she mumbled, flicking the ELE's switch and tossing it into her saddlebag.
A trail of sparkling gold and other colors of a full rainbow came from the tail end of a large avian in the sky. Its wings of scarlet red and regal gold flapped in unison as it zoomed across the sky. There was no doubt in Shaymin's mind that the Pokemon was the same one she knew - Ho-Oh.
"No way… HEY!"
To see a ghost from her past, she rocketed into the sky and began to chase after the Legendary. It seemed a fruitless effort as her speeds couldn't match the Ho-Oh's, but she tried nonetheless.
"Get back here!" she yelled at the empty heavens before her.
She flew in the Legendary's direction for a few minutes, before looking down to see a collection of ruins and strange farmland built in the middle of a bustling oasis filled with palm trees, small lakes, and crops.
"That bastard's gotta be down there… somewhere."
Gliding down into the array of strange structures, she whipped her gaze around the area once landing. While there was no sign of the rainbow winged Legendary, she did notice something very peculiar; there were numerous effigies and grand paintings of a Pokemon on numerous structures.
'All of 'em are about Landorus in this munted place. Is this a Legendary shrine? They're usually this ugly...'
Before she could investigate further, footsteps in the dark sent her own alert. Emerging from all sides, Pokemon shrouded in darkness and wearing breastplates with a rose inscribed into them began to creep into her view, glaring daggers at the intruder.
"What's up with you guys?" Shaymin questioned, sporting a smirk. "Don't tell me Landorus makes you poor blokes dress up like for worshippin'."
Shaymin never got a response as they inched closer, the moonlight overhead now revealing the rifles they carried now pointed straight at her. She froze in fear, mind battling with her body's instincts to fly away. But she knew if she did, she would be shot before she could even lift a paw off the ground.
"Uh… you lads mind pointin' them things away from me?" she muttered out to no response, backing up as a Golduck broke from the encirclement and walked up to her. "Personal space, mate! Can't you just let me-"
The butt end of a rifle smashed into her skull, turning everything in her vision to black.
Cracks in the stone walls and ceiling of the dungeon allowed traces of the moon's influence to creep into the empty structure, feeding through the openings of a steel grate and letting its rays fall upon the two prisoners trapped at the bottom of a dark, dank pit.
Gallade fought off sleep as he stared upward at the small glimpses of the outside world they could see. He waited for any sign of movement above, any pitter patter of distant footsteps, but none would come - they were truly alone in this ancient keep. A a flash light and a humming noise to his left would shatter his focus, looking over to see his partner attempt to light up his body.
"C'mon, c'mon," Heliolisk said to himself, his body flickering.
Gallade watched his attempts, finding small entertainment in doing so. "Still afraid of the dark after all these years?"
"You know me," the Electric-type grumbled. "I've never liked it."
Heliolisk's body eventually lit up in a yellow radiance and provided a small radius of light to their surroundings. It reminded Gallade of a much darker time in their lives, where a Ralt's and a Helioptile huddled together in the pitch-black alleys for warmth and survival. It was never easy, and there was never a day they wished for a better life, but they persevered by themselves to get where they were today.
"... Sorry."
Gallade glanced at him, "For what?"
"Sorry for potentially messing things up with the Council. And… sorry for being such a coward back there; not putting up a fight against those bastards."
There were things about Heliolisk's demeanor that irked him, but it was neither the time nor place to mention it. He had noticed it, and would have to bring it up another day, if they were to see one.
"You don't need to apologize. We got ambushed, and I also failed in my duties," he lamented. "Regardless, we have bigger things to worry about."
Heliolisk flexed his claws, anger still present inside him. "That Weavile… She said she knew a commander. Do you think she meant the one who deserted or Commander Blaz-"
"I don't know," Gallade said, befuddled and concerned. "But those captains' aren't just normal hired mercenaries out for money; they're trying to tear us down for a reason that I can't figure out."
If the Allfather's claims were true, and this Razor Claw clan was interfering with them for years, then it had to be something serious. Perhaps it was just money or for extortion, but he could feel their conviction, and it continued to puzzle him as to where they got their knowledge and resolve.
"Do you think there's a way we can escape?" Heliolisk wondered. "Maybe contact the commander or the Allfather so we can fight back against both of these clans?"
Gallade knew they had to get out of the captains' grasp if they were to complete their mission. By orders, they were sent to negotiate the release of someplace called 'Regi Castle' from the Rose Clan. If their plea was ignored, then the Allfather wanted the full force of the Council and the Alignment to descend upon the fortress. Heliolisk hated this pointless conflict, but Gallade knew there had to be a justification for the castle's safeguard.
Orders were orders.
"I think so," Gallade responded, deep in thought. "I saw where that Weavile stored our Entercards. If we can get to that saddlebag of hers… that will be our ticket out."
"How are we gonna do that? These guys would never keep an eye off us."
"We gain their trust. Say what's necessary, then plan our escape."
Heliolisk rubbed his claws together. "If we continue to tell them things, and we do manage to escape, do you think the Allfather would really…" His words trailed off, but Gallade knew what he was referring to.
Punishment was commonplace back home, and there were days where the streets were filled with the screams of Pokemon being dragged out of their homes. He knew, because he had participated in the acts of catharsis, even if he found no joy in doing so. Anything that risked toppling what they had created over multiple millennia wasn't to be trifled with.
"It's weird to say, but I'm starting to get homesick," Heliolisk admitted. "My little brother is probably wondering where I am… or he's chewing up his toys," he joked in sadness.
Gallade smiled, "Yeah, I bet he is. But… I enjoy the outside world more. Everything out here feels so simple but complex - it's amazing."
Back home was a constantly flurry of bright neon lights and tall elegant structures that seemed so alien compared to the real world. Yet, the world beyond their scope had natural beauty and sights that were so fantastical, it was almost like he was dreaming when he first witnessed the falling of rain onto the earth and his skin. That moment wiped away his past anguish and provided clarity in his desires of a better tomorrow with a promised family of his own.
They had spent their entire lives in darkness, and the prospect of entering the light of paradise was far too great for any Pokemon to deny.
"We are going to get out of here, brother." Gallade said, completely determined. "I want to reinstate your faith in the Allfather to lead us, because he knows we are here to do the right thing, no matter what we must do."
"Hmph, we'll see," Heliolisk remarked, running out of energy to keep his glowing form, his fear of darkness returning. "We just really need to get out of here first."
Gallade went back to peering at the rays of visible moonlight in the dark, planning in his head as to just how they will make their getaway from the mercenaries.
Neon lights, sleek towers, the fear of persecution to uphold total secrecy - that sounds like home to some unfortunate souls.
Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.
Discord: Z2H#7239
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Next Time: Entercards
- In Serial292 Chapters
Disclaimer: This story is intended for adult audiences. You should not read this if you are under the age of eighteen. "I was born with an extremely prestigious but combat-weak logistics class. As the son of the clan head and the next heir, that just wasn’t enough of an excuse to spare me from my father’s grueling training. For in his creed the only strength that mattered was that grasped in one’s own two hands. In my journey through the lands with my harem, I was grateful for his training as it saved my life multiple times when my girls weren’t there to engage in combat. This is my story." Check out my Discord server for character art.
8 119 - In Serial16 Chapters
Exiled Kingdom
Stiven is an ordinary boy, who for reasons of destiny is forced to lead his kingdom in a new world full of mysteries ...
8 209 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Laq Docte: Din
Din Laq Docte. A son and a zealot of the Laq Docte family. Spirited away, Din endures the harsh new environment. Desperate to find solutions to difficult problems, both psychological and external. With the support of an innate ability Din levels up along the other people whisked away to this place. I have published the entire book on https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07F3W65J3 Or you can read the entire book here. It is completed and as of 10.10.2018 the entire book has been uploaded to royalroad
8 236 - In Serial18 Chapters
Human Crisis
The fictional setting of Felarya, a dimension where larger people eat smaller people alive, is turned on its head when one of its most notorious predators ends up as a mere human. Note: Felarya and Crisis along with some other characters belong to Karbo, other characters belong to FrenchSnack, and a few characters are mine. The creators of each character will be credited at the end of each chapter in which the character appears.
8 213 - In Serial29 Chapters
Winning My Luna's Heart (completed)
Alana White didn't always have the perfect life, when she was just 11 years old she got home from school and found both her parents brutally murdered. She was forced to move in with her aunt, but moved out 2 years ago. Now at the age of 17 she lives with her boyfriend Drew and is making her way though high school. Drew is 19, he graduated two years ago. She's happy with him and couldn't imagine life without him, but what happens when she is forced to go to a new school and her new friends older brother claims that she's "his" and why is everyone calling him Alpha?
8 168 - In Serial37 Chapters
The Alpha
Book #1 in the Soulmate Series7 years ago, Ellie was rejected by her mate. Under the threat of death, she was forced to flee with her mate's child still growing inside her. Left heartbroken and hunted, she ran from the world she was forced out of and created a new one. But, when an attack on her new pack threatens the lives of both her and her child, she has to turn to the one man she swore she would never come back to. Will her mate be her savior, or will he kill her on sight?Axton is the Alpha of the Black Stone Pack. 7 years ago, he found his soulmate, the one that was supposed to be with him forever. After months of being together, she is taken from him without a trace of who did it. Left heartbroken, he searched every corner of the world for his lost mate, but she was no where to be found. Now, he has become cold and distant from everyone in his pack, feared by all for his ruthlessness. His heart broke the day his mate disappeared, but could it be mended when she finds her way back to him with the child he didn't know about.7 years ago, something happened that changed the lives of these two mates. Both not knowing the true treachery of those who want them apart, what will they do to finally be together?*****All Rights reserved to me. Characters are my own. The picture on the cover belongs to whoever posted it on google (i.e. Not mine)Read, Comment, Vote, and Follow.Highest Ranking In Werewolf: #39 (If it goes any lower, tell me!)
8 393