《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Uproar
Chapter 21
"Watch your head, kid!"
Liam snapped out his thoughts and heeded Roark's advice, ducking his head beneath the carriage's rail as a tiny piece of stone was hurled past the trotting Mudsdale' and into a set of makeshift barricades separating the Council guards from the sea of enraged protestors. The attack was but one of many, with other small objects being thrown from the crowds to pelt the barricades.
"Heh, things are heatin' up around here," Roark commented, his body low as he kept Gloria shielded with his body. "Just not in a good way…"
Tension picked up across the town's center as more and more Pokemon piled in from the connecting roads to holler at the stationed guards. Pokemon who got too close to any guardsmen were pushed away and given warnings that were drowned out by the contention that flooded the square.
More tiny objects were thrown at the barricades, hurtling past the carriages caught in the crossfire and narrowly hitting the panicking guild members crouched by the railing. An unmoving Charizard, however, didn't acknowledge the situation as he lay on his back, arms crossed behind his back.
"Sheesh. It's like you kids never seen a protest before," the orange dragon grumbled, his eyes closed. "Make sure those rocks don't get in here!"
"P-protest?!" Rockruff yipped. "Are you sure?! 'Cause this looks like a- AH!" The Rock-type ducked before a stone could pelt his face. "Like a riot right now!"
Monferno sneered at the crowd. "Hate to say it, but I agree with Rockruff! These bozos must think we're Council guards with their lousy aim!"
Recognizing the threat of danger to the traveling guild, the Mudsdale' sped up their efforts to wade through the ever growing crowd of dissenters. Finding an opening in the row of connected barricades, the carriages were safely escorted into the less chaotic streets of Sanctus Town. Feeling safe enough to peek their heads out from cover, everyone seemed to take in a deep sigh of relief after escaping the clutches of the crowd.
Liam would utilize this opportunity to observe the town's natural beauty with rekindled excitement.
The oasis of greenery in forms of shrubs, cacti, and tall, swaying palm trees meshed well with the red and brown ceramic structures. Water wells, pots, and other forged containers littered the entrances to homes and stands, along with multi-colored paper streamers that were strung along from home to home - a Celestic staple.
While the sandy and rural desert town was a welcome sight from the Meadow Region's endless grasslands, Liam's internal excitement of the new environment and expedition was dampened by the display he was currently seeing.
Any stand that wasn't closed or packing up its supplies to leave held a massive line of Pokemon both young and old, advertising their meager supply of clean water above all. Many homes they passed seemed abandoned, if not run down completely by lack of care. The Pokemon that weren't shopping for essentials wandered the streets, lacking any expression of optimism that Pokemon in other cities seemed to exude.
Liam scowled - it all looked ugly to him now - that such a pretty place could be defaced by scarcity and crooked actions. He propped his less than enthusiastic face on his elbow, viewing the miserable town with an altered perception of it as the carriages rolled past.
He wanted to be excited about the expedition, about the new sights, but the situation currently unfolding seemed much more pressing.
After a few minutes of riding through the suburbs and market districts of the town, the Mudsdale carriages pulled into a road that led them to a rather large building wedged between two homes. Its old and worn wooden material stuck out from the rest, a fancy pictured sign that read 'Grit Ruin Excavators', with the eye popping image of digging Drilburs and Gurdurr catching all of their attention.
While it didn't scream grand or imposing, Liam knew there had to be experts in there if the Guildmaster needed their help.
Grinding their hooves into a halt, the Mudsdale came to a stop as all of the guild clambered out of the carriage, discussion ablaze about what occurred at the town square. As their Guildmaster spoke with the pack of Ground-types, each member would inevitably group up near the building's entrance fraught with anger or confusion, channeling it all towards a weary Scizor.
"What the hell was that, Scizor?!" Monferno yelled, rubbing his sore neck. "We enter through an active protest and end up getting pelted with rocks?! We shouldn't even be here!"
Verbal agreement with his comments followed most guild members, who began to speak up.
Scizor bit his tongue, "I underst-"
"Me and J-joltik barely had enough time to p-prepare!" Staravia squawked with a flap of his frantic wings. "We didn't even get a week after the announcement before w-we were packing!"
"Yeah!" Rockruff yipped, emerging through the crowd to stand center stage. "We weren't even told what teams we'd be in, and who would be the leaders of them!"
"Can we please calm down?" Gloria squeaked out, ears laid flat against her head.
Her words would fall on deaf ears, however, as the outbursts grew in volume. Scizor would throw Charizard a look, who only shrugged.
"Calm down?!" Shaymin roared from the back, hovering into the front with her wings and driving a paw into the Bug-type's chest. "Answer a question, mate! This whole region's in a crisis and we're supposed to play ruin hunters while it's all goin' down?" Leafeon would inevitably shuffle forward to snatch her away from Scizor.
"It… does seem inadequately timed," Braixen chimed in. "Maybe we should return another time?"
The thought of retreading their steps through another carriage ride in the heat sent another shockwave of aggravation. Scizor had to put an end to this uproar himself.
All attention was reverted back to Scizor after his unexpected shout. Upon realizing all eyes were on him again, he coughed nervously into his pincer and spoke.
"I… understand why tempers are flailing at what just happened and the setup for the expedition," Scizor established, taking a deep breath. "But I only know as much as you about the logistics of this expedition. The Guildmaster wished to embark upon this expedition as soon as we got back from Celestial Mountain."
Liam frowned at his statement. 'The Guildmaster said the Council wouldn't understand the guild's efforts, and that time is of the essence to prove the threat of the ley lines. But… why does he think there's little time left?'
The Lucario was a very thorough but vague Pokemon, and getting any straight answer from him seemed impossible. Things only felt clear atop Celestial Mountain, where he began to understand him and his actions, but this time he had no choice but to believe in the Guildmaster.
'Now that you know who I am…'
Liam scowled at the invading gruff voice in his mind, attempting to focus on the words of a speaking Scizor again.
"Now, I'm sure you have questions, but I assure you the Guildmaster will answer them all after our meeting with the Grit Ruin Excavators is finished."
The Bug-type's conclusion was aptly timed, as the Shiny Lucario finished his discussion with the Mudsdale and joined up with the group, replacing Scizor's position and clearing his throat to address everyone.
"As Scizor has claimed, I will answer all questions and concerns about the expedition after my short meeting has concluded. Please stay in this courtyard until I return. Is this acceptable?"
His resolution seemed to win over the majority of the grumbling guild, besides a still seething Shaymin.
"Good." He turned his back on them, walking up to the building's entrance. "I promise you all that everything will be a lot more clear."
Before the Lucario could even finish his ascent up the stairs to the main entrance, the double doors blew wide open as three familiar Pokémon exited - Team Drarosteel. Garchomp immediately locked eyes with Jackson, a hint of worry mixed in with her usual confidence.
"We have a big problem," she grumbled.
"Aye, you can say that much! It could jeopardize the mission!" Aggron added from her side, getting a nod from a silent Tyranitar.
"Outside or inside?" Jackson asked.
"Outside," Garchomp replied with a slight growl. "I think we should get out of the region for now and-"
"Is he there?"
"Yeah, but-"
She never got to finish as Jackson brushed past the team and entered the building, shutting the doors behind him.
Aggron scoffed, "That lad must be in a hurry…"
Garchomp silently grinded her sharp teeth together, but let go of her frustration as her spotted the gathering of guild members near the doorways. To say some were shocked at their arrival would be an understatement.
Rockruff bounded from the crowd in typical fashion. "You guys are here?! That's so cool!"
Garchomp flashed a grin, stomping down the steps. "Well, we promised a certain someone we'd be here." Her gaze swept over to Scizor. "Though, it's a shame that we might have to call it quits on the expedition."
Disbelief ran rampant through the guild members, some relieved while others confused or angry. Despite what happened already, Liam did not want to see an end to the expedition, especially if things were as serious as the Guildmaster claimed.
Scizor approached the dragon, happy yet alarmed. "It's always a pleasure to see your team, Garchomp. But… I must ask why you say such a thing?"
Roark crossed his arms. "Lemme guess, another group of tribals trying to keep us from investigating?"
Garchomp managed a smirk, but immediately wiped it away. "Tch. I wish. It's worse than any tribe or roving bandits - mercenaries."
Jackson locked the double doors behind him, turning around to face the interior of the old structure. While he told himself to make with haste, he stood still for a moment with a faint smile, letting the nostalgia of a forgotten past wash over him. Just as he remembered it all these years back, before Team Moonlight was world famous, before the guild was created, and before his team realized the gravity of their situation.
He was young and lost, but excited to explore and discover, blissfully unaware of any truth or past.
It was hectic here before; Pokemon buzzing around their team in excitement of digging up more ruins and strange trinkets from a lost age. But now it felt quiet and felt deserted now, leaving the Lucario much room to think about all that lost time from the past and the present.
The creaky wooden floors called to him as he marched inward, absently gazing at all the digging and mining equipment strewn along the walls, as well as the many oddities and strange artifacts that were found buried in the vast dunes. Even Entercards were laid out on tables and shelves. But his eyes did linger on the large amounts of mapped out areas of the Grit Region, most undoubtedly the location of Mystery Dungeons across the region.
It took just one dive into the earth to trigger that drive of mystery and intrigue into the excavating team, and the rest was history.
It didn't take long for Jackson to find the Pokémon he sought for pacing by his lonesome at the end of the room, the familiar suit of equipment wrapped around the muddy mole's side, accented by a formal tie that clashed with his dust ridden setup.
The Ground-type halted his strained thinking to stare at the Pokémon who invited himself in. The more he stared, the longer the stretched out smile on his face grew.
"Now, is that Jack payin' me a visit?!" the Ground-type bellowed out in a drawl, quickly removing the distance between the Lucario and throwing his arm around the stiffened Pokemon's back. "I knew your big oie heart would come around in the end! Don't worry, it's just me and you and me in here, as the rest of my crew are in their quarters."
The exchange was reluctantly accepted by the Lucario.
"Tell me ya at least invested in getting a woman after all this time!" Excadrill patted his back hard, laughing at the lack of response given. "You're sayin' ya still got no girl at home? C'mon, maybe we can share a story over a bottle of beer like old times, eh?"
Jackson's face twitched with anger, before settling into expressionless. "Sorry, but I'm not here for any of that. My guild is waiting outside, and I need to know what's stopping this expedition from continuing."
"Ah, so that-there Garchomp gal and her giant buddies weren't kiddin'..." Excadrill dropped his casualness, backing up and adjusting his tie. "Well, it all started after the protests broke out, and not soon after we dug up this heapin' fortress lookin' structure way out in the sands."
"... Tell me about this 'fortress'."
Everyone had gathered around the members of Team Drarosteel to hear Garchomp's account of her interactions with the Excadrill.
"Apparently, the Grit Ruin Excavators spent months digging up this sandstone fortress buried out in the desert. Must've been hiding in the sand for thousands of years, since some surviving inscriptions tell of Celestic's king and whatnot."
"Aye, but that's not all they found!" Aggron exclaimed, jabbing Garchomp in the shoulder "Tell 'em, lassie!"
Garchomp nodded, "While the ruins themself were impressive, an object that seemed to be preserved in the sand resurfaced - a Projection Crystal."
Jackson and Excadrill walked through the halls of the wooden building, the walls lined with paintings of the eccentric Ground-type posing with various groups of workers at unearthed treasures and ruins. Other paintings showed a different lifestyle, one of Excadrill posing with various mayors and elders from all across Celestic.
"Lemme tell you, after we found that Projection Crystal near that fortress?" Excadrill whistled, performing a digging motion with his claws. "We dedicated all our efforts into findin' out what their reason was for setting up show below the fortress."
"And you kept this information from my guild? When you knew this finding concerned information about the ley lines?" Jackson questioned.
"Well… I did want to keep it a secret for a bit, let my crews have a bit of glory til we invited y'all to see. And trust me, Jack, if I told y'all immediately, the Council would stick their fat noses into our business."
"They already have after my guild's last expedition."
Excadrill snorted, "Now, if my attempt at earning that spot in the mayor's office worked out, I'd make sure to never have any of their guards in this town again, ya hear me?"
"But it's not just the protests and the guards keeping you down, correct?"
"Shucks, if only it were that easy, Jack. Nah, we managed to hit the jackpot of bad luck and alert a group of, well, I'd guess you'd call 'em mercenaries... of our actions."
Jackson stopped in his tracks, facing the mole. "What were their names?"
"They called themselves the Rose Clan."
Gloria tilted her head, taken aback. "Um, I'm confused? Why would these, uh, mercenaries care about this fortress, anyway?"
Her sentiments were shared by most of the guild members listening, Roark nodding his head to her words.
"Yeah, I'm with my sis on this one. What would a bunch of blood thirsty criminals want with some sandcastle?"
"Maybe there's treasure? Criminals love Poké, right?" Rockruff wondered, before an idea cropped up his mind, his tail wagging. "Ooh! What if there's some super secret ancient weapon made by the Legendaries they're after?!"
A collective eye roll by most of the group was apparent after his reply.
Garchomp shrugged, "Excadrill didn't know their exact reasons. But one day a bunch of those mercenaries and their leader barged into this building and demanded that his crew to handover operations of the fortress over to them."
Opening the doors to a set of rather large quarters, the pair made their way inside to locate the hidden Projection Crystal that Excadrill had hidden away after the arrival of the mercenaries.
"The, uh, 'leader' of those mercs was some crazy snake lady who insisted she'd be referred to as 'Princess Serperior'," Excadrill explained, walking over to one of his dressers. "Made sure to threaten me and all of my crew present that resisting wasn't an option… Makes my blood boil still thinkin' about it."
Jackson took this all in, clenching a fist. "So you did it? You relinquished the investigation of this fortress to them?"
Excadrill slid the dresser out of place, nodding shamefully. "Wasn't like I had a choice in the matter with a knife against my throat, Jack, you understand."
Tapping his claws against the wall, the Ground-type removed the secret panel of wood guarding the Projection Crystal inside from onlookers. Despite its battered and very worn looking crystalline frame, it was no doubt capable of replicating a memory of the past.
"... If that crystal plays what I think it will, then we must recover access to the fortress as soon as possible."
Excadrill scrutinized the Lucario's hardened expression, grabbing the Projection Projection. "Y'know… you never told me what your guild found on Celestial Mountain. That Garchomp lady said it was something big and important to the cause."
"It is, and what you have might be the other half of the puzzle."
"... Alrighty then."
The crystal was then taken out of its enclosed place and handed off to Jackson. Before the Lucario could initiate the sequence of replaying memories, Excadrill halted him with a pair of claws.
"Before you play it, I need to tell ya the other bad news… and it might just be worse than those mercs."
"... What."
Excadrill sighed, "After my crew was kicked out of the fortress, I made an appeal to the Council to fight back against this 'Rose Clan'."
"They said if I performed any action against the mercs, my business would be forcefully disbanded, my crew and myself potentially getting imprisoned for escalation of the situation." He scowled. "It's downright rotten, and my claws are tied on all fronts, Jack."
Jackson tightly gripped the Projection Crystal, deep in thought. He had to see what this memory entailed before deciding on an action. Pressing the correct button on the orb, its natural aquatic blue color flushed a shade of purplish-pink as a bubble of pure Psychic-type energy encased the room. Body structures of Pokemon were fabricated in real time, forming the structure of the memory.
Just seeing the Pokemon in question solidified the judgment Jackson had made in his mind. Now came the hard part of deciding what to do next, and already a risky idea began to form.
"... So, you're telling us there's nothing we can do?" Monferno raised his arms. "That we're just supposed to go home now?"
"Can't your outstanding reputation convince the Council to retract this decision?" Braixen added. "The information from this stronghold could be very valuable to us!"
Charizard laughed from his slumped over resting position. "The Council reversing decisions? Hah! Good luck with that!"
The rest of the group seemed just as miffed, mostly at the prospect of having a long trip back to the guild just after they arrived.
Garchomp sighed, "Listen, I'm as upset as you guys, but arguing over this isn't something my team can manage. We are on good terms with the Council, and while this is a setback, I'm sure we can all recover from this." Aggron and Tyranitar silently nodded to this.
Ending her drawn out summary of events, the dragoness would look towards a conflicted Scizor. She would offer him a comforting smile and a nod, to which he accepted and also returned.
"... Thank you, Garchomp," Scizor finally said, bowing his head. "This… This is very disappointing to hear. I… would like to apologize to everyone here for the outcome of this expedition. Once the Guildmaster returns, we will tell him of our and Team Drarosteel's departure."
Liam was frustrated beyond relief, to think that the expedition was going to be canceled just like that. Everything that they had been building up to since the trip to Celestial Mountain was now going to be robbed by this 'Rose Clan' and the Council's safeguard. He hated this plan of leaving, and was ready to voice his displeasure, but was stopped from doing so when the double doors leading into the building opened.
Jackson stood in the doorway, Excadrill right behind him. "Everyone inside! I have a very important announcement to make regarding this expedition!"
Liam trusted the Guildmaster, knowing the Lucario had an easy solution and wasn't going to bend a knee like he said.
Jackson quietly paced around the main foyer with his paws behind his back, gazing at all the Pokemon present. All the attending members of the Cosmic Quilt Guild and Team Drarosteel were on one side of the room, while Excadrill was on the opposite side, staring at the Lucario with an unsure look plastered on his face.
There was no avoiding this ultimatum.
Jackson stopped in the middle of the room, clearing his throat. "Attention! I have already spoken to Excadrill's workers, and they have been made clear of the situation, with the majority agreeing to it."
A few turning heads on the guild's side came after his claim, but Jackson continued.
"I'm sure all of you are well aware of the predicament we are in now through Garchomp's account. And I am sure all of you think or believe that we should stop the expedition and return back to the guild." He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "... That is not going to happen."
Now everyone was confused.
Garchomp grit her teeth, intending to interrupt, only for the paw of Jackson to stop her.
"Before any of you say anything, please view the Projection Crystal that Excadrill and his crew uncovered near the fortress." Walking over to pick up the crystalline orb perched against the walls, Jackson held it up for everyone to see. "Watch… and you will see why this is my decision."
The indentation in the sphere was pressed.
"Okay! Logging our data with entry number one; our arrival."
A fuchsia colored paw let go of the Projection Crystal's memory collecting indentation, the orb now recording and safely tucked between the small chest of its floating Psychic-type user. She stared ahead at the massive castle forged out of sandstone and the monarchies muster of strength - Regi Castle.
Due to a mysterious illness sweeping through the region, and the war against the Ember Continent putting a strain on soldiers and resources, the king of Celestic offered her team this castle for research. It was even said to contain a vast underground labyrinth beneath it, and was close enough to the magnagate that appeared in the region; it was perfect for their next station.
The voice of a stern Dialga caused Mew to whip around, holding the Projection Crystal close as she scanned the group of Legendaries present and all the supplies they had acquired for the arrival. Crates full of building materials, foodstuffs, and all the Projection Crystals they needed to record research.
They had to produce results - they just had to.
"Oh, uh," Mew stuttered out, quickly regaining her composure. "Is everyone prepared to enter? I don't know when we'll leave, not until we figure out a solution or answer!"
The number of Legendaries that had joined the investigation team had risen exponentially after the discoveries that the Magnagate Investigation Project revealed, along with the tragedy of Victni's demise. Some had noble goals of stopping these 'shadows' from spreading and taking over more land and Pokemon, while others simply cared about protecting their shrines or place of worship.
Regardless, Mew required any assistance in the investigation.
Entei stepped forward, "If I may speak for everyone here, then I say we are all ready. After witnessing the horrors of these 'magnagates', there is no reason not to fight back against these intruders."
Agreement rushed through the Legendaries gathered, putting an earnest smile on Mew's face.
"Then we shouldn't waste any time! Let's figure out the truth and put an end to all the magnagates!"
Cries of support reached the Psychic-type's ears as turned around and flew off towards the fort of sand, her team of invigorated Legendaries close behind. She stopped near the gated entrance, where guards wearing armored plates were stationed. Upon noticing her, an armored Flygon flew over and saluted the small Pokemon.
"Pleasure to see you, ma'am!" she barked. "His highness has cleared out both Regi Castle and its dungeon for your investigation team! Please remember his highness requests all of your research when the work has concluded!"
Mew nodded, "Thank you, and yes, we will."
Loyalty to the crown seemed a small price to pay for potentially saving the world.
With all said and done, the Legendaries walked straight through the castle gates and into the impressively vast interior of the fort. Mew coughed haggardly into a paw as she floated through the halls affiliated with royal red carpeting, only one thought repeating itself in her mind.
'I hope you're watching, Victini. I'm… I'm doing this all for you.'
Jackson ended the Projection Crystal's projection, looking around the room to see the stunned faces and quiet discussion of the guild members. Satisfied, he returned the orb to its original location and returned to his speech.
"As all of you can plainly see, this… is of high interest to our cause."
Liam felt a thump in his chest - this was it right here - those were the same Legendaries from the Magnagate Investigation Project. The second location was real, and supposedly underneath that very fortress the Grit Ruin Excavators dug up. It seemed all the hard work of finding it was over, but there was always a bigger problem.
'But now it's under the control of those mercenaries… And the Guildmaster still says he wants to continue the expedition?'
"This right here is the reason I am not ending this expedition," Jackson reasoned, taking another deep breath. "This right here… is why we are going to take back Regi Castle."
Silence reigned the room after his finishing comment, many bewildered stares honing in on the Lucario. Garchomp would take a step forward, growling under her breath.
"Jackson, what are you-"
A raised paw interrupted her. "I understand many of you are alarmed at this outcome, but this is the only way for us to access the Legendaries' research. I strive to prove the threat of the ley lines to the world. If that means my guild must fight and defy these forces to find the truth, so be it."
"... You want us to fight against mercenaries?!" Monferno blurted out in astonishment. "No offense, but are you crazy?!"
"Aye!" Aggron yelled. "That's madness! Suicide, even!"
"Whatever you do, Jack, I'll be on your side…" Charizard muttered, throwing Scizor an inquisitive look.
Scizor acknowledged the glance, feeling the urge to speak up in either support or to denounce his superior and friend, but felt the words die in his throat - he couldn't do it, and he didn't know why.
Jackson paced back and forth. "I am not going to lie to you or sugarcoat anything, fighting them over control is a very risky move, and not something you joined this guild for. Nor have you signed up to go against the Council's wishes in any way. This is why I have come to this ultimatum." He stopped, focusing his attention on the guild again. "If you do not wish to continue with the expedition and assist this guild with its cause, then your status as a member of my guild will be terminated, and you will be sent home to pack your things."
The uproar was instantaneous.
"You're s-seriously going to kick us out of the g-guild if we don't choose to fight?"
"Mreow~ That's completely outrageous!"
"You can't do this!"
Liam's aghast gaze found Gloria's as she stared back at in equal horror, the Vulpix seemingly ready to pass out at any moment. He expected the Guildmaster to put up a resistance, but not go to extremes such as these. What were he and her to do in a situation like this?
Team Requiem was at risk of dissolution, and he knew it.
"ENOUGH!" Jackson roared, halting any outburst. "... For twenty years my guild has worked endlessly on searching for the truth of the ley lines. I have never stopped at the first sign of trouble, and I have no desire of upholding the Council's illusion of normalcy. This decision is final… It's best for you to decide where you stand, because I am not going anywhere."
The room fell quiet again, the reality of the situation and their Guildmaster's conditions settling in for many.
"Now, I understand this is a massive undertaking, so all of you will have one day to decide. Excadrill has opened up this building for you to stay at for the remainder of the expedition." Jackson swept a paw over to the entrance's double doors. "I believe all of you should leave for now, clear your head, then come to a conclusion tomorrow. But if you have already made your decision, then consider this your last day in the Cosmic Quilt Guild."
Slowly, each member of the guild would walk towards the entrance to leave, some throwing looks of betrayal at the Lucario. Excadrill laughed nervously from his side, jogging over to give his small spiel before everyone left.
"And for those who do choose to stay, I'll introduce more of myself and my crew tomorrow! You'll get some teachin about Entercards! And uh, make, uh, sure to steer clear of the protests, hah!"
Little acknowledged his comments as all of the guild exited the building. Excadrill straightened his messy tie and swallowed the lump in his throat, turning to face Jackson.
"... Well, I guess we should go over our course of action against the mercs, right?"
Getting only a nod, the mole shuffled into the halls, leaving behind Scizor, Jackson, and the rest of Team Drarosteel with its infuriated leader. Jackson marched after the Ground-type, satisfied with the results of his ultimatum. But he would never enter the halls, however, as a certain dragoness sprinted after him and placed herself directly in front of the Lucario, eyes ablaze with rage.
"What do you think you're doing?!" she harshly whispered. "You're going to risk losing all of the guild and forcing them to fight against a group of highly trained mercenaries? Have you lost it?!"
Her vitriol was backed up by her teammates as they closed in on her.
"Aye! What you're doing is overstepping the boundaries your guild has!" Aggron yelled.
"And even risking our team and the guild being viewed as criminals and traitors to the Council," a silent Tyranitar spoke.
Garchomp continued, "I tolerated your strange actions on the Celestial Mountain expedition, but there are Pokemon out there that have dedicated their lives to helping the cause, and you're going to kick them out if they don't assist you with this… war against this Rose Clan?!" She threw a look at Scizor, who was deathly silent. "Scizor! Back me up on this!"
The Bug-type in question froze up, saying nothing in response as his gaze reached the floor. He felt too conflicted on that matter to commit, his submission evident to the Pokemon around him.
Jackson observed Scizor briefly, before stepping up to Garchomp and glaring intensely at her. "Listen… very closely. I have led Team Moonlight and my guild to success for countless years. Do not question my authority when your team has done nothing but frolic in the spotlight it has been given."
Garchomp glared right back. "You think this is about prestige? This is about-"
"Doing the right thing for the greater good," he finished. "You talk about the world not stopping for anyone, and how you see things in Pokemon that will lead them to success. So why don't you take your own advice and see your team change for the better, instead of being Celestic and the Council's lapdog. You have become complacent in your success, and if you do not wish to assist my guild, then consider this partnership over for good."
A forceful paw hitting Garchomp's chest caused her to stumble and step aside as Jackson marched past, walking into the halls and disappearing into Excadrills quarters. The group stood silent for a moment, until the forlorn looking dragoness spoke.
"... Scizor, what happened to him?"
"I… I don't know." He placed a pincer against the pounding heart in his chest. "I want to trust him - that he knows where to guide this guild. I really, really do, Garchomp."
Aggron shook his head. "What he's suggesting is getting the guild involved in a matter between a bunch of criminals and the Council! Madness, plain and simple!"
"You need to stop him," Garchomp countered, stomping over to the Bug-type. "I know you both are under lots of stress, but his rationality has clearly suffered over the years. This isn't the right way, Scizor."
"I… I can't just tell him to step down, Garchomp. He would never accept it - Charizard wouldn't - and I don't know if I can accept it to end like that."
She frowned, backing up. "Scizor… I learned about the ley lines because of you. I started to care about the truth of this world because of you. You are very capable of leading the guild to success. And I believe the Pokemon out there can put their faith into you as a leader."
"You say that… but I can't imagine the guild living without Jackson in charge."
Garchomp turned away with a sigh, not having enough energy to try and change his mind at the moment. She was far too frustrated to even consider taking up the proposed ultimatum, and only wondered what happened to change the shy, calm, but happy Lucario into such a ruthless leader. Only the statements that he made about her seemed to appear in her mind.
Complacent. Doing the right thing.
"My team will wait here 'til tomorrow, then we'll decide what to do."
Gloria sat on a stone staircase near the Grit Ruin Excavator's base of operations, absently playing with her scarf and saddlebag to distract herself from her thoughts. She was in a town that was actively protesting its rulers, and in a guild that was expecting her to fight against forces of very trained and very real Pokemon.
Roark would tell her she's between a rock and a hard place.
She nearly jumped out of her fur hearing the voice of Liam. The Riolu chuckled a bit at her actions, sitting down next to her.
"... Hey," she eventually responded.
They sat in silence together, viewing the desert town baked in sunlight, heat, and social tension. It wasn't until Liam suddenly hugged the Vulpix that this spell was broken, producing a squeak and a faint blush on Gloria's cheeks as she melted into the embrace, her plume of tails beginning to wag. The hug would endure for a brief moment before the Riolu broke away.
"Why, um, why'd you do that?" she sputtered.
"You looked like you needed a hug."
"Thanks… I guess I did."
Liam took a deep breath, pulling his knees up to his chest. "So… what are you gonna do?"
Gloria took a while to answer, pulling at her scarf. "I've… I've always read stories about heroes who save the world and all sorts of Pokemon and stuff. They always followed the laws and didn't oppose the rulers or fought dirty. But… they always believed in one thing."
"And what's that?"
"They always believed in doing the right thing." She shuffled her forelimbs together. "... Are we really doing the right thing if we fight those mercenaries?"
Liam bit his tongue. Of course he wanted to fight back, find the truth of the ley lines, and save this beautiful world from annihilation. But could they just do that without provoking another group and risking the wrath of the Council? He didn't want the expedition or his adventuring with the guild to end - it just couldn't.
Gloria inhaled, fighting back her fears. "Well, I've made my choice… I'm staying."
"You're staying?" This truly caught Liam off guard, but maybe it stayed true to the Vulpix's character. "... So you think the Guildmaster is doing the right thing?"
"I, um... I remember when he told us about his home village and I... " She touched her Never-Melt-Ice necklace, holding it close. "I know how traumatizing that must've been, how it feels to lose the Pokemon you love in an instant. I promised to follow my dreams and become a hero, so… if this is my test to see if I can become one, then I'm taking that chance."
Liam went back to sightseeing, finding himself agreeing with much of what she had said, even if she didn't know it yet. One way or another, he had lost his mother, and had lost June, the sister of his that never was. It's hurt him ever since that day he found out, along with being separated from his father.
Even without remembering much or anything about them, the pain of losing them stung hard.
She nudged him, "Um, what about you? Are you willing to do this?"
"... You're my partner and best friend, Gloria. Wherever you go or do, I want to be a part of it," he finished, flashing a smile. "I trust the Guildmaster has a plan for us to succeed."
She gave a smile of her own. "I'm glad you said that…"
They had started this together, and they weren't going to end it just like this.
Both of their ears perked up at the familiar suave voice of their Zoroark friend and brother. Roark sauntered over, latching his claws on their backs as he kneeled, wearing a smirk.
They obliged, allowing the ruse fox to slide his way into the middle of them. He kept his arms around their backs, bringing them closer.
"So… what's the consensus, gang?" he asked. "Think this guild is worthy of our greatness, or has the old 'mon in charge gone crazy?"
"We're staying," Gloria said confidently. "I made promises, and I'm going to keep them and stick with the guild to achieve them."
"Yeah!" Liam shouted, raising a paw. "I still want to explore all of Celestic with the guild! This doesn't change it."
Roark grinned, bowing his head. "Well, can't speak for the rest of the guild members are doing, but whatever my little sister and her sidekick wants, I'm all for it." His words earned a giggle from Gloria and a glare from Liam. "But trust me, this isn't gonna be easy from here on out. We're talking about Pokemon who'll fight tooth and nail to keep their job."
That part was very true and worrying to the pair. Their only encounters with fighting Pokemon outside of dungeons were the Magmortar and Golisopod that ambushed them. They had only won or survived those dances with death out of sheer luck or wit. It was much different than fighting a dungeon Pokemon.
Could they even do it? Would the rest of the guild be willing to do it? It seemed only time could test these questions.
Gloria sighed, "As long as we are not forced to… 'kill'," she said the last word very cautiously. "Or torture any Pokemon, then I am willing to fight for doing the right thing."
Roark patted her on the back. "That's my girl!" He then tapped Liam's shoulder. "What about you? Ready to knock some mercs down a peg and get 'em arrested?"
Liam scoffed, nodding. "We have no choice, do we? It's fight… or go home."
This was their ultimate test as loyal members of the Cosmic Quilt Guild. To fight for a world free of Mystery Dungeons meant commitment to doing the right thing.
Roark suddenly stood up, messing with the tuft of fur atop Gloria's head. "Say, how about we lighten the mood and get some grub?" He looked down at the Vulpix fixing her head fur. "I saw a little Pokepuff stand on our way into town; you interested?"
Gloria's sweet tooth quickly took over. "Sure! Do you want to come, Liam?"
"I'm good."
He didn't have the will to tell her he hated Pokepuffs with a passion.
"More for us then," Roark said with a shrug, ushering Gloria down the stairs and into cobblestone streets, only stopping once to yell. "Catch ya later, kid!"
Liam watched them disappear, too deep in thought to recognize the pitter patter of footsteps behind him.
"Have you made a decision yet?"
The Riolu turned to see the Shiny Lucario right behind him, expecting an answer from him.
"... We're staying."
Jackson smiled slightly, "Good." He crouched down next to Liam. "I know today was shocking, but it's the only way to secure what is rightfully ours."
"Even if it's the right thing to do… will the Council understand our intentions? We're trying to better the world!"
Jackson stared at the Riolu for a while, letting out a ragged sigh. "... I used to know this girl at this orphanage I ended up in at a young age."
Liam slowly turned to face the Lucario, ears at the ready to hear his story.
"She was, uh, what you would call a 'wallflower'," he explained. "Always spent her time away from the other children just… drawing and stuff. Now me - I wasn't exactly the friendliest kid there, but one way or another, I ended up becoming friends with her."
Jackson scratched his chin with a paw. "We talked about a lot of stuff; our likes, our dislikes… our parents - standard kid stuff. But one day, she expressed how she wanted to have some actual buckets of paint to use instead of just pencils and pens. And well, to impress her, I wanted to go out and get that stuff for her."
"Did you?" Liam questioned.
"I remember getting out of my bed that night and escaping from the orphanage to visit some paint and supply shop just a block away."
"So you bought her the paint?"
Jackson blinked, "... It's fuzzy to me, but I know I didn't have money at the time. I remember just standing by the entrance and contemplating what to do since the shop was closed. And then… I just did it."
"Did what?"
"I broke in; used a large rock to smash the windows and stole all the paint I could carry back to the orphanage." He held a paw to the heart in his chest. "I remember feeling exhilarated at what I did, and how happy the look on her face was when I gave it to her. I didn't know it at that time, but she would become my everything in life."
"... What happened to that girl?"
"That girl became my wife," he finished, the orange band on his paw blinking.
"... While what I did was not right by society's measure, I felt as if I did the right thing to make her and myself happy." Jackson took Liam's paws, holding them like he did last time. "Regardless if the Council agrees with our actions, our goal is to eliminate the ley lines and stop the spread of the Mystery Dungeon at all costs."
"I understand, Guildmaster," Liam said, locking eyes with the Lucario. "I'm not going to pretend things are fine; they're not."
Jackson gripped his paws tight. "Only we understand each other, Liam. Family will always be the most important thing in life. Never forget that."
Liam removed his paws from the exchange, feeling invigorated by the Lucario's tale from his past. He looked out to the town again - the world was a beautiful place plagued by ugliness from its depths and even the laws that governed it. But even past his joys and thrills of adventure and exploration, in his heart of hearts, he had a deep desire to reconnect with his family.
'Mom, dad, June…'
He was done pretending things were fine. Something had gone wrong, and something had to be fixed if he was to ever see what remained of his family again.
'I will find out the truth of this world, and my past. I have to.'
Yet again, the gruff voice that haunted his mind echoed once again.
'What were you before all of this… happened?'
Bodies and the butts of rifles clashed amidst the chaos that was occurring at the Sanctus Town square. Kept behind barricades and occasionally pelted by small rocks and verbal shouts, the ensemble of Council guards once set to deal with the outcropping of bandits were now seemingly held hostage by the protestors.
More and more guards seemed to arrive by each day in an attempt to quell the unrest. By extension, more and more protesting natives arrived at the square to show their disdain for the Council's action. To any onlookers of this chaotic spectacle, it seemed like an Electrode ready to explode into full scale violence.
Just a few paces away from the ensuing action, a pair of Pokémon would watch with much amusement - a Weavile and a Bisharp.
"Enjoying the view, Weav's?"
"Seeing the Council get what they deserve? All smiles here, Bishy."
Growing bored, they went back to blending in with the Pokémon wandering the streets. Finding a familiar alleyway to slink into, they would walk in the shadows that they were so comfortable in.
"So what's our next option if scouting doesn't return any clues?" Bisharp whispered.
"Submit to the snake and admit she's the 'Queen of the Mercenaries'?" she mocked, rolling her eyes and scouring the alley's for their building.
"If she's not, then who is?" he asked with a grin.
Weavile found the doorway, removing the sheet that hid it from any passerby's. "Is there any better candidate than I?"
Swinging open the door, the pair entered and witnessed the scene of dozens of hard working Pokémon. Inside a large and decaying storage house, the vast majority of Weavile's clan were hard at work inside. Mercenaries of all types scurried through rooms, scouring over pinned maps of the Grit Regions on the walls, or forming small scouting groups and going over plans of action.
To see it all playing out before her put a large smile on Weavile's face, her heart swelling. She was nudged out of her trance by Bisharp.
"New guy looks like he has some news for you."
Simisear had noticed the duo enter right away, making his way over with haste to lay out his information. "Captains, it's nice to see you!"
Weavile smirked, "Pleasure to see you all work for your Poke. Now, got any new intel on our flowery friends?"
The Fire-type nodded, "A few things. A few of our scouts spotted some Rose Clan members handing out rifles and other supplies to those nomad bandits."
"Tch. Sounds like a classic Serperior, getting other lackeys to fight for her, and against the Council no less."
Along with the Alignment paying the Rose Clan to keep her clan down, this Buneary hole of criss crossing conflicts sometimes made her head spin with. A conundrum like this had to have a source much simpler at the end - it had to.
"Anything else?" Bisharp asked, crossing his arms.
"Well, we did just find out one of the locations they're using to trade rifles and supplies with this group."
Both Bisharp and Weavile took immediate notice of his words. It was undoubtedly one of the very locations the Alignment would use to trade with the Rose Clan
"Does Skarmory know this location?" Weavile wondered in an almost excited tone.
"Yes, she-"
"Tell her to wait outside for me and Bishy, got it?"
"Got it, Captain."
Simisear jogged off into the swarm of working mercenaries, just as a shout from Electivire came from across the room.
"CAPTAINS'! You're gonna wanna see this!"
Bisharp jabbed Weavile in her shoulder with his gauntlet. "You deal with him. I'll be waiting outside with Skarmory."
"Don't poke me, tinman."
He shoved her a little with a smirk, exiting the hideout as Weavile traversed the sea of her loyal comrades. Electivire had his back against a storage closet, anticipating her arrival. Despite the noise surrounding them, she could isolate a couple of strange shouts from beyond the door; two to be exact.
"Got some presents for ya. All wrapped in a nice pink bow, too."
"Shut it, plughead. Open it already."
The Electric-type shrugged, taking his back off the door and opening it, giving Weavile the perfect view of inside the closet.
"Oh, you guys shouldn't have…"
Inside were two Pokemon, a Machoke and a Toxicroak; their Rose emblemed breastplate indicating they were affiliated with the Rose Clan. Trussed up together with rope and gagged, they stared wide-eyed at Weavile in a mixture of fear and anger.
"Oh, it's you two again. Quite unfortunate, huh?"
Electivire chuckled, "Yeah, found these two walking up to some of our scouts without attacking. For some reason, they really wanted that letter they had kept safe."
Weavile's curiosity got the better of her as she stepped in, spotting the white envelope stuck to the Machoke's breastplate. Snatching it off, a quick scan caused a long drawn out sigh to expel out of her.
Another letter from Serperior.
'Might as well rip the bandaid off,' she lamented, beginning to read the green inked transcription.
'Dear 'Queen of the Mercenaries'
Hello, darling! I wish I could see the pouty expression on your horrid little face right now! Why, you might ask? That is because my wonderful and gallant knights of the Rose Clan have already seen your wretched little misfits spying on us from the dunes!
I know your puny little brain cannot comprehend how, so I'll tell you-'
Weavile tore the paper to shreds, snorting. "Guess that's the end of our pitiful cover…"
"So, uh… What are we doing with these two now? Should we…?" He made a slicing motion across his throat.
Weavile looked at him and then the now panicking pair of mercenaries. After what appeared to be a battle of decisions in her mind, she eventually sighed, slamming the door closed on them.
"See if they know anything else. If not, just toss 'em back where you captured them." She strode away, sending one last look back. "You're in charge while we're gone! Make sure everyone's scouting locations!"
"You got it, Captain!"
Emerging into the alleyway again, she covered up the doorway before making her way over to Bisharp and the expected presence of Skarmory. She found them near the streets, lurking in the shadows.
"Let's go this show on the road," she requested
Bisharp acknowledged and hopped onto the Steel-type's back. "You're pretty eager today, aren't you?"
Weavile hopped on right behind him. "We've got a perfect smokescreen and distraction set up with those protests. I'd rather we act fast and scout our targets before we hit 'em."
"Smart. I like that in you."
"Don't get your hopes up, tinman," she replied with a smirk, tapping Skarmory's side. "Alright, get us airborne and to that trading site!"
"You got it, Cap'n!"
Using barely any strength, Skarmory took to the skies in one beat of her metallic wings. The trio zoomed past Sanctus Town and flew above the appropriately titled 'badlands' of endless sand and rocky plateaus that formed the Grit Region. With the gleaming sun on their backs, and the wind rippling through them, the pair could only wonder what awaited them here.
After only a brief few minutes of flight, Skarmory began to run circles around the hazy view of a few buildings below - this was the location.
"Nobody is here it seems!" the bird yelled. "I'm takin' ya down now!"
Adjusting her altitude for a divebomb, Skarmory dove towards the earth at alarming speeds. Nearing close to the sandy ground, she dropped her talons and skidded across the heated terrain into a perfect stop. Bisharp and Weavile would hop off not long after her landing.
"You stay here 'til we come back from investigating," Weavile commanded. "And make sure to hide yourself in case anyone comes."
"You got it, Cap'n!"
Bisharp took a step forward to survey the land. "Looks like some abandoned mining town from long ago…"
Decrepit houses, saloons, and even a partially remaining cathedral of a smaller size was built near the sides of a dusty trail. There was no Pokemon in sight, and none appeared to inhabit the ghostly shacks, but they were well aware of the truth.
Bisharp observed the faded road. "Carriage tracks are here. Fairly new, too…"
Weavile pointed at something out of view near the cathedral's remains "Look. The carriages are probably over there. Bet they're clumsy and left us something to track them with."
"Good thinking."
Sneaking through the deserted town, they neared the back of the cathedral, identifying multiple sets of new carriages, ropes that used to hold cargo now slashed off.
Weavile frowned, "Well, there's our confirmation that-"
A loud burst of noise resounding behind them made their heads snap back in shock, witnessing golden arcs of energy erupting from the ground itself as a strange card-like device expanded into their reality. Two arguing figures shrouded by this orange light became very apparent to the pair as they took their first steps; saddlebags around their hips, and armbands visible on their limbs.
A Gallade and a Heliolisk.
"It's stupid!"
"Listen to me, Heliolisk,"
Heliolisk stormed off, entering the dilapidated church in his anger and frustration. Gallade marched after him, forgetting to gather their Entercard and unaware of the forces lurking behind them. Rays of light showering down from the crumbling ceiling smoothed the vast and empty floors of the once religious grounds.
"We have no choice in the matter!" Gallade argued, stepping closer. "Our meeting with the Council just now proved that we must take action against the Rose Clan… And it's the honorable thing to do for us to mend ties with this government - the Allfather wills it."
The Electric-type threw his arms up. "The Allfather wished for us to work with those mercs! He said they understood our cause! Right after he says this? They betray our trust and try to steal what's rightfully ours." He tightened his paws. "The Allfather is making a fool out of us."
Gallade took another step, his expression stern and resolute. "Heliolisk. Do not disrespect the Allfather... for you know what happens to those that do. He is chosen by the Allmother herself to guide us through this journey."
"I trust and follow every word of what the Allmother speaks to him… but I do not trust the Allfather to lead us," Heliolisk admitted, stiffening up.
They stared in silence, not uttering another word. However, two figures closing in behind a still Gallade would force Heliolisk to yell in surprise.
The Psychic-type whipped his head around and pivoted to the left in the nick of time, dodging the Night Slash that Weavile had lunged at him with. She flashed him a wicked grin as she bounded away with her impressive agility, taunting away at the pair.
"Allfather this, Allmother that. Shut up already, wontcha?!"
Gallade leapt back and adopted a fighting stance, his arms flashing with pink psychic energy as he unleashed multiple Psycho Cuts at his attacker. It was relentless, and Weaviler found it difficult to avoid getting hit herself, scurrying across the floor to avoid getting hit by each slice of energy.
Meanwhile, Bisharp sped off to the sides, keen on flanking a panicking Heliolisk. He would close in on his foe, who had done little to prepare himself for battle. Heliolisk would make an attempt to summon coils of electricity through his opened neck collar, but a meaty punch into his stomach caused him to kneel over in pain and stop his attack.
Realizing the situation was dire, Gallade tensed up and stood his ground. He then slid down the armband on his right arm, revealing a metallic gold ring - a Key Stone firmly placed in its middle. The ring began to vibrate and spark, pulsating an aura of raw power and energy as a purplish sphere encased Gallade.
'Mega Evolution?!' Weavile cursed in her mind. 'There's no way we'll-'
The Psychic-type was ripped from his transformation as he witnessed the dilemma his partner was now in. Heliolisk shook in place as Bisharp's bladed gauntlet was inches from his throat, the Steel-type glaring at Gallade in a clear threatening manner.
Gallade slowly lowered his arm, backing off. "Please… let my friend go."
"... Hah, good one, Bishy!" Weavile sauntered up to the defeated pair. "Well, good to know you freaks still consider friendship a thing… Take off the Mega Ring and slide it over."
Gallade glowered at her, reluctantly doing as requested. "... I know you, Weavile and Bisharp. You're the captains of that mercenary clan that attacked the Eden Theater. The ones attempting to sully our name."
Weavile smiled, "And I know you two as valuable targets that could provide a whole bunch of juicy intel… as long as I don't have to kill you myself that is."
The Ice-type was jumping for joy in her mind. These Pokemon were the same ones her anonymous and mysterious client desired to capture, and the same ones who met up with the Rose Clan in Elysium City.
Bisharp intervened, excitement disguised by his voice. "Don't listen to Weav's. She's just got a chip on her shoulder. We want you two alive, but you must cooperate with us." He brought his gauntlet closer to Heliolisk's throat, producing a gasp of fear out of the Pokemon. "You tell us what we want to know, and your partner lives."
Gallade stiffened, his inner sense of honor forbidding him to work with the enemy. But there seemed no other option with his friend's life on the line. He could only hope he'd be forgiven if he was to ever return home.
"... I will only tell you information that would keep me and Heliolisk alive upon our return."
Weavile sighed, "We'll play getting to know each other in a bit. What I want to know right now is what happened with that meeting with the Council?" She smirked knowingly.
Gallade locked eyes with the fearful Heliolisk, getting a shaky nod of his head a moment of silence later. He would have to tell.
"Okay… I'll tell you from the beginning."
It was now or never. They were expecting them by now.
Gallade and Heliolisk stood outside the Council's main building of operations. For a grand structure not from their home, it was quite impressive, only serving to intimidate them further. Inwardly, they prayed to the Allmother for strength and nerve for this prospect.
"... I suggest we get inside," Gallade said with a hint of apprehension, striding up the large stone staircase.
Heliolisk followed close behind, unsure. "Do you think the Allfather made the right decision appointing us to this ambassador role? We're no Simisage!"
"I know, but we've done this once before. We can do this again, trust me."
Walking into the entrance, a retinue of Celestic's finest guard units were blocking their passage further in. Adorned with leather coats stained the colors of a setting sun, and pristine rifles tipped with pointed bayonets, they searched through their saddlebags like last time. Once the safety procedure was finished, one silent guard would lead them down the wide halls and staircases.
As if combining a palace of luxurious golden carpets, paintings, and expensive decor with the pressuring atmosphere of an office, that was the feeling Gallade and Heliolisk shared during their long and nerve wracking walk to this meeting. Eventually reaching the end of the building's main hallway, the guard leading them flipped around and finally spoke.
"The Council is in a meeting, but I have orders to let you in nevertheless."
Whirling around again, the guard unlocked the double doors leading into the main conference room and stepped back, letting them walk in and witness the heated discussion taking place.
"-It's absurd! This is an uproar against Celestic's very own values!"
"Calm yourself, Elder Kommo-o!"
The chamber itself was rather modest, with just a large black stained wooden oval table that took up most of the room, and a large window overlooking the scope of Elysium City. At least a dozen Pokemon of various sizes were crowded around the table, bickering away endlessly it seemed to the pair.
But the majority of the mayor's and village elders were of no interest to them, except the few who knew who they were and what they were here for.
Primarina rested her head on a flipper. "I still believe the best course of action is to increase the number of food and water supplies the Grit Region depends upon."
A very well aged Kommo-o slammed his paw onto the table. "And where do you suppose we get these supplies, huh?!" he demanded, glaring at the Water-type. "I'm not going to let my kin starve this winter because of a bleeding heart!"
"Elder Kommo-o!" Empoleon shouted. "Please! We are entertaining any thoughts on the matter; this is not a direct vote." His statement caused the old dragon to grumble under his breath. "Now, I am of the impression that various caravans have been attacked and ransacked by these bandits in the Grit Region, yes?"
A Lapras from across the table opened her mouth. "That is correct, Mayor Empoleon. While the Frost Region's shipment of timber and Never-Melt-Ice was on time, the ore shipments that were supposed to come, never arrived at the docks. The deal with the Grass Continent… was never finalized."
A sense of panic began to settle around the table as more leaders from different regions and cities began to voice their concern one after another.
"This is an utter embarrassment!" Kommo-o roared. "Are we supposed to sit by and allow these thieves and dissenters to rob this continent freely?!"
Empoleon raised a flipper. "Everyone! We are trying to resolve this situation peacefully, as Primarina has stated! I believe… I…" His speech trailed off as he noticed the two familiar Pokemon standing in the doorway. "I… wish to call a recess right now."
Primarina sighed, "Thank you, Empoleon. Maybe we can return with much clearer heads."
"... Yes," he responded coolly, his eyes never leaving Gallade's quite worried ones. "Let us return in half an hour's time. But the Pokemon that should remain are myself, Kommo-o, Carracosta, Manectric, and Pyroar."
All of the Council members not called to stay gradually left their seats, exiting the conference room and leaving only the remainder named left. These were the Pokemon the pair knew, and by the unpleasant and thoroughly angry look on almost all their faces besides Empeleon, they knew this meeting was not going to be one of gratitude and respect.
The doors were closed shut, locked by a guard from the outside. Now all alone together, Kommo-o took the time to glare at them both.
"... The Alignment has much explaining to do about the Rose Clan."
It's an uproar! A battle in which you choose to fight for a better tomorrow, or to keep living in the suffering of the present…
Author's Notes: Here's some Liam and Gloria character art by @cloudnine937 on Twitter!
Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.
Discord: Z2H#7239
Otherwise, if you do not wish to use Discord, please feel free to leave a review! Regardless if they are big or small, I take all into consideration when writing!
Next Time: Ultimatums And Accords
- In Serial6 Chapters
Creativity Can Fix Things
Meet Alex.Alex is like anyone, really, he just didn't know.He is an artist, a musician, tried to paint, every one of his friends knows him for his drawings. Meet truck.Truck is like every other truck, and everyone knows what a good truck does. It sends people to a new fantasy world.That or the author is just imagining this whole story and creating things out of his butt. Point being, trucks send people to alternate dimensions. The caveat is that Alex is creative, didn't fit into society like everyone else, but, as he would say, he is 'defective'.When he finally figured it out and was ready to fix his shit he had the most gruesome encounter with Mr. Truck. And now we are here, enjoy it. --- Looking for an editor!!! I'm writing this in an attempt to put a comedic feeling into something many people go trough: finding their place, fitting into society, adjusting to responsibilities and facing their problems. It's not really "WOW, HE MADE SOMETHING NEW!", but is more like "Heh, look at dumb ass doing shit... Oh... Hey, I do that too!" So feel free to read at your own risk. Don't know if it will be sporadic, regular or what. For now, it's a creative spur that needed a valve to release and. Here. We. Are.
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I Still Belong To You - Taekook Love Story
Jungkook runs through the crowd with tears in his eyes. Tae is closely behind him. How could this happen??Taehyung: "Kookie please stop. You are misunderstanding. It's not like that. Baby please let me explain."Just as Jungkook reaches the door, he hears his name again.Taehyung: "JEON JUNGKOOK!!"Jungkook freezes with his hand on the door handle. He know Tae is serious when he says his full name like that.Taehyung: "If you walk out of that door now, we are done."Jungkook gulps and stays there for a moment. But the image of what he saw upstairs keeps on flashing before his eyes. With one final sob, jungkook opens the door and lets himself out. A/N - story line is all mine. Apologies if any resemblance to another story. Photo credit to rightful owners. This will have a happy ending cause we have sooo much sad stuff in the real world. Atleast fictions should be happy.
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Inverted (COMPLETE)
Ashley Everson had cheated death, but not on his own. After a miraculous recovery, he discovers he's not alone in his body anymore. Something lurks, whispering in his ear a language he can't understand, inviting a chasm of reality he didn't even know existed, inverting his life as he knows it.Is it responsible for his survival? Or is it just using him to hide from something much worse? What does the entity even want? What does it mean to his own mortality? Where did the entity even come from? Ash decides to find out before something much worse hunts down whatever is hiding inside of him.**Awarded 1st place in the Paranormal category for the Cleaved Awards 2019.****Highest Ranked. Number 3 in Mystery. Number 2 in Thriller.**#bookiestars #EliteAwards2019 #diademawards #tea2020
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Harriet Potter and the avengers
This is a female Harry Potter soulmate au story. It is also an avengers crossover. It takes a while for the story to develop as its a long standing story. There may be smut scenes in the future. There will be mature language. Also this is my first story so please don't judge to harshly.Quick preview" Are you kidding my actual ******* Potter luck. Welp I guess I'm famous all over the globe now. At least they don't know who I am. Wait? **** this was aired in Britain too... I'm screwed." Started: 01/01/2022Finished: ?Most recent update: 20/11/2022Obviously I do not own Harry Potter or Avengers and anything to do with those belong to original owners. I only own my storyline.
8 184 - In Serial35 Chapters
The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me
Reece smirked, "Trust me Chloe, the good girl always falls for the bad boy."Chloe Armel is a good girl.She never gets in trouble, gets excellent grades and is loved by everyone.Enter Reece.Wild, badass and has an ego that honestly couldn't get any bigger.He gets into fights, breaks every single rule and couldn't care less about the consequences that come with it.When Chloe's parents leave to treat sick children in Cambodia for two weeks, she is forced to stay at her neighbour's house. Her neighbour has a son, and it's Reece Carter.Sneaking out. Parties. Drinks. Hash Brownies. Flirting. Breaking the law...and road trips.Add a few shots of Cupid's arrows and what have we got?No clue.All we know is, it'll be unforgettable.
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