《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Hubris In An Hourglass
Author's Notes: Hello! If you haven't skimmed past yet, I assume you're wondering why the AN's are at the start of the chapter and not the end. The reasoning for this is that I have something a bit more important to announce.
January 8th of this year marks the first anniversary of this story! To celebrate this milestone, I will have two links below to a polling website for two polls that are related to the story. The polls will not end on a certain date, and you do not need an account to vote.
At a later date, I will come back and review the results of the polls. If there is a significant reaction to them, something special might be done from the winners, and new polls in the future will be made to see if anything has changed as the story continues.
Favorite Character so far POLL
Favorite Chapter so far POLL
You are free to do only one of your choosing, and I highly appreciate any who would take the time to do this. But that is enough out of me, as we will begin the very first chapter to Part Two of The Phantasmagoria!
Chapter 20
Hubris In An Hourglass
"I defied and separated the vices that God sewed into the earth, and became one with it. Please... Take my hand."
The slow ticking of the clock's hands followed after the brief conversation the two men shared, both of them staring each other down from their opposite seats on the beige furniture in an effort to dissect the other's thoughts. Eventually, one would break this silence.
"Do you… still harbor feelings of resentment towards your father?"
"… What?"
Dr. Thompson leaned back into the couch, picking up the assorted documents lying next to him. He flipped through a few pages, occasionally glancing up to see the confused person staring back at him. "Before they expired, I took the time to review some of the transcripts of our previous sessions," the man said, reading one page in particular. "More specifically, the earliest ones following your arrest and the state's enforcement of these sessi-"
"What does this have to do with my father?" Liam suddenly inquired, a scowl forming on his features.
"Well, I've noticed some of your… rants against him have seemed to fade over the years. Is this a topic you're comfortable with discussing again?"
Comfortability was something the young man let go of as soon as he entered the doors to this place. Storing his feelings inside seemed to be useless now that he was here.
"I never truly hated him. Even after what he did to the city, my family, and even Mrs. Lachaise."
Dr. Thompson tapped his fingers on his thighs. "Do you think it is because he was your father - your caretaker in life - or is there something else you see in him?"
It was a stupid question, Liam thought. But it did make him think about what he truly felt about the man that tried so hard to save Liam from either himself, or others that sought to have him removed. If only that outcome would have turned successful, and he would have a father to this day.
But in the end, it was just him that lived to see the aftermath of his father's exploits.
"It took me a few years to realize, but I did see what my dad was trying to accomplish; it just didn't work."
The older man nodded his head to this. "From your accounts, it was your father's defiance against his past and these groups that only brought out more of it into the light. And his defiance…"
"Got him punished," Liam finished, leaning up from his chair. "Y'all think he's… evil or something - like a monster who tore up the city because he wanted to. But I see now that he had to become that evil to defeat it himself."
"It doesn't work like that, Liam. Fighting fire with fire is never going to work."
"Take out the source of the fire, and there won't be any more flames."
Dr. Thompson sighed, "Liam, your father was never going to root out those groups on his own. Evil isn't something that can just go away, or be thrust out of us. It takes shape in many forms, but is always prevalent throughout all of us."
Something about his words flicked on a switch in the young man.
Liam shook with rage. "It's the most disgusting part of us. I wish that I didn't have these… evil feelings within me, but I don't have a choice!" he shouted, standing up. "I never had the choice to live out of the life that I wanted! IT WAS TAKEN FROM ME!" He pounded his chest with open hands, freely letting any stored up anger and tears out. "Everything was so PERFECT! I had an amazing family! I had everything in life figured out! And then-" he stopped, choking on his next words, "And then… it was all gone."
The young man then collapsed back into his chair, burying his face into his hands and heaving out bouts of broken speech.
"Fuck… I just- Why… W-Why do I always lose!" he seethed, clenching his hands tight, nails digging into his skin. "I can't even fucking live normally anymore. T-This is too much."
Dr. Thompson set down the documents, eyes fixated on Liam. "… That's exactly why we're here. I am here to have you expel all of that anger here. You need to understand that I am here to help you, not provoke you. This place is here to oversee your recovery."
"Fucking lies," Liam spat out. "I'm only here because the state thinks I'm gonna snap and hurt a bunch of people."
Everyone was watching the young man; viewing him like an animal that was about to break out of its cage. Sometimes he entertained the thought of doing just that, getting the revenge his father couldn't, just to ease his pain. To become that evil to destroy it.
"Liam… I know there's a great capacity of anger and vengeance within you - that path of evil your father went down. However, I'm not worried that you are going to hurt someone else."
Liam tore his gaze from his hands, glowering at the compassionate man staring intensely back at him.
"I'm worried about what you will do to yourself…"
The curls of vibrant blue and yellow in Liam's vision began to fade away into nothingness, his sights returning to normalcy, leaving behind a horrified expression on the Riolu's face. His grip on his banjo tightened as he struggled to recall the events of that memory. It sent his mind reeling as new information was being revealed.
Gloria turned her head away from her book, the necklace she wore gleaming in the sunlight. "Why'd you stop playing? I really liked it!"
"U-Uh, guess I… guess I just got distracted," he replied, taking a deep breath.
She giggled, "You shouldn't daydream so much. It might affect some of our missions, y'know."
"Yeah…" He relaxed his hold on the old instrument, managing a smile. "Sorry, I can go back to playing if you want."
The two were currently resting in the very clearing that Liam woke up to a while ago. With this being their day off from the usual guild work, and the weather being so sunny and clear, this wouldn't be a time they were going to waste on staying inside all day.
He still couldn't believe he had been in this land for an entire year.
Gloria closed her novel, glancing up to view the sun's position in the sky. "Um, maybe another time." She reluctantly got out of her comfortable resting position. "I think we should get back to the guild before dinner starts."
The word 'dinner' seemed to knock sense into the Riolu as he took his back off the tree he was propped up against and stood with a slight jump. He then slung his banjo's strap around his shoulder and nonchalantly strolled down the clearing's hill.
"I'm not gonna miss out on dinner this time!" he shouted. "And I don't think you wanna see Leafeon run out of her Pokepuffs!"
His attempt to earn a reaction out of her succeeded, the Vulpix now suddenly revitalized and jogging right behind the Fighting-type. Making their way through the Sunshine Forest yet again, Liam's thoughts were also consumed by his illusive past, and the memory he was given a brief glimpse into a few moments ago.
'Why did I seem so different in this one? I was… older, but something bad must've happened.'
The pieces of the puzzle were scattered and simply out of his reach. He could only infer that something horrible had taken place that would make a Liam of the past react in such a way like that.
'I could feel everything he- I felt, too.'
He could sense the frustration, sadness, and resentment that emanated from himself. But the most worrying part of all to the Riolu was the immense feeling of hatred that swelled inside of his past self.
'That therapist guy said he could sense that capacity of anger and vengeance within me - an evil. Do I… really have that ins-'
'Who are you?'
The sound of a gruff voice shooting across his mind interrupted his thoughts as his walking faltered slightly. Regaining his bearings, his attention shifted to the strange invader that frequently stopped by in his brain.
Ever since the day he stood atop Celestial Mountain, a new voice began to plague him from time to time, spouting the occasional cryptic line or threat that shot a chill up his spine. But the scariest part wasn't that it was speaking to him, but that it sounded familiar. And it wasn't like he could talk to this voice like he could the other in that strange dreamscape.
It was like an echo of the past, and that terrified him in a subtle way.
'Maybe I am going crazy… I'll just have to make sure Monferno doesn't catch wind of this, heh.'
"Liam! Hurry up!" Gloria shouted, a good distance ahead of him.
"On my way!" he yelled back, catching up with the impatient fox.
Who was he? He was Liam, and that's all that voice needed to know.
Emerging out of the forest, they trekked across the grassy plains back to the strangely designed purple building that was their guild. All seemed well at first to the pair, until they stepped down the hill leading to the structure and saw a multitude of Pokémon in brown coats lurking by the entrance, rifles strapped to their backs at all times.
"Council guards?" Gloria questioned, a bit hesitant to take another step. "What are they doing here?"
Liam gulped - he had only seen guards of the Council during the parade in Elysium City, and they seemed extremely hardened compared to the regular guards stationed in Empyrean City. Although, he did know of one friendly face.
He tapped her side. "C'mon, let's just go see if we can enter."
"… Okay."
Slowly walking up to the open doors of the guild, they expected to be stopped before entering, but they were ignored as they were seemingly waiting for someone else. It wasn't until they almost entered that another coat wearing Pokémon exited the building and blocked their path - a Corviknight.
"Ah, sorry to be in your way! Feel free to- hey, wait a minute… I recognize that face of yours!" He pointed a wing at the equally shocked Riolu. "You're that bloke from the festival, aintcha?"
Liam eventually nodded, "Uh, Yeah! That's me."
"And you've still got that old thing!" Corviknight squawked, motioning towards the banjo across the Riolu's back. "Tell me, am I gonna see you up on stage with Primarina and her mates in a few years?"
Liam blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, probably not. But my Guildmaster is teaching me how to play better."
"Is he now ? Well, I've just had a chat with that bloke, and he's one stubborn 'mon, I'll tell ya."
Gloria's ears perked up. "Um, can I ask a question? Why did the Council send its guards here? Is… something wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, miss," Cornviknight confirmed, tapping his coat with a wing. "I'm not a captain or anything, so all I know was that my superiors told me and a few others to come here and ask for information about this guild's findings from their recent expedition."
Liam blinked, "The guild's…findings? Like what?"
Inwardly, the Riolu already somewhat knew. 'No doubt they want to know about the Mystery Dungeon project those Legendaries started way back. But did the Guildmaster tell them?'
Corviknight shrugged, "Dunno, mate. Whatever stuff you guys might have found really interested the Council or somethin'. I tried getting any info out of that Lucario, but he wouldn't budge a bit."
'That's the Guildmaster all right…'
Gloria shuffled her forelegs together. "Do you think the guild might be in trouble if we don't say anything?"
The bird shrugged again. "I don't know all that legal bollocks, miss. I just carry out the orders and do my job like any other guard 'ere. Speaking of…" He gave his comrades a lookover, brandishing his pair of black wings. "We can head off back to the carriage now, mates! Can't say we didn't try."
A series of grumbles came from the guard Pokémon as they broke off their positions near the entrance and began exiting the property. Corviknight watched them leave with a frown, ultimately returning his attention to the pair.
"You two stay safe out there! And if you want advice from little ole me, then I say stay away from any missions in the Grit Region. Things are happening down there, and let me tell, they're not pretty things." He bopped his chest again with a wing. "Take care!"
Before either could ask him another question, the Steel-type took off after the guards. However, his warning was not lost on the two.
"Something happening in the Grit Region?" Liam recited, shooting Gloria a quizzical stare. "Is he true? I don't really read the Celestic Cognizance all that much."
Gloria bit her lip. "I don't really know that much, but I heard there were, um, protests."
'Protests? Against what? And if what Corviknight said was true, then they couldn't be all that peaceful…'
Liam shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Whatever. Let's just go eat; I'm starving."
She smiled, "Yeah!"
Finally being able to enter the building, they walked in and were witness to the chaotic oddity that was the guild on its day off. In the main hallway, a Mightyena strapped down to a chair with rope was frantically sweating as other guild members talked to the Dark-type.
"Gotta say, Mightyena," Monferno began, scratching his chin. "Don't think Hatterene is gonna let you go after this. I think it's the end of the line, pal."
"Just cut me loose!" the canine yelped. "I don't know when she'll be back! And she appears out of freaking nowhere!"
"And you thought it was a good idea to escape from her medical room?" Leafeon questioned.
"She tied me up!"
"It's a fair reaction, Leafy," Roark commented as he maneuvered around Mightyena, touching various parts of his body. "Uh… not there. You feeling any better yet?"
"Hold up, I'm trying to find your chakra. Some crazy Psychic-type down by the marketplace told me they're real and can heal you and stuff."
Liam and Gloria watched from afar, equally horrified but also amused at the events unfolding before them. The situation only escalated as Hatterene shuffled down the halls at alarming speeds, greatly shocking everyone present as the claw-like hand attached to her hat snatched Mightyena's chair.
"Please do not tamper with my patients," she remarked with little emotion, glaring at the suspects.
All three guild members crowding around the Dark-type began to back off, well aware of the head nurse's capabilities. All they could do was watch as Mightyena was dragged off into the halls, listening to his fading screams.
Just another day in the guild.
Leafeon turned to notice the pair of Pokémon standing by the building's entrance, waving her leafy paw at them in recognition. "Hey, you're just in time! I'm about to kickstart dinner!"
But guild life did have its perks.
"It's now official, sis."
Gloria looked up from her tray. "What do you mean, Roark?"
The Vulpix throughout her meal was occasionally casting a glance around the mess wall, keenly observing the happily eating Pokemon. Even a heavily bandaged up Mightyena was devouring his food, splatting a good amount on an annoyed Monferno next to him.
"It's official that you totally underestimate your cooking skills." He swept an arm across his surroundings. "Nobodies throwing it up, so I'm not sure what your deal is with being modest about it.
Gloria frowned at his statement.
"I agree with him, Gloria," Liam interjected, swallowing down his fill. "Although he could have worded it a bit better, you and Leafeon do a damn- darn good job," he corrected, hoping to spare her wrath.
"Yeah! Totally!" Rockruff shouted from Liam's left, his tray practically cleaned. "I thought Leafeon was the best cook in the world, but maaan your potato things were so good!"
She held a paw against her necklace. "T-Thanks, guys. I was really nervous when Leafeon told me to join her, but I've learned a lot from the best in the past."
As all the members of the guild ate in relative peace, the unmistakable sounds of Scizor's marching on the porcelain floor would steal everyone's attention as he entered the mess hall with a Shiny Lucario by his side. Sidestepping, Scizor allowed Jackson to walk forward and clear his throat.
"ATTENTION! I require only a small amount of your time; then you can return to eating."
Nobody dared to fight against his word, so he continued.
"In a few days, this guild will embark on another expedition. For this expedition, our efforts will take place in the Grit Region."
This time, a good number of whispers and murmurs traveled around the mess hall - some in excitement, others in trepidation. Jackson would wait for these quiet outbursts to settle before speaking again.
"Our discoveries in unearthing the 'Magnagate Investigation Project' on Celestial Mountain has led to forming another expedition in search of answers." He motioned towards the stationary Scizor beside him with a paw. "Scizor and I have combed over the collected Projection Crystals and other data combed from the project, and have come to a theory that there is a second location that the Legendaries built to continue their research."
More hushed communication was set ablaze after his revelation.
"This second location would have to exist somewhere in the Grit Region," Jackson concluded. "We believe that the key to eliminating the ley lines can be realized by finding this second location and its potential secrets."
The gears in Liam's mind began to turn as he processed this information. While he wasn't there to initially discover this hidden project, the things it revealed were fascinating to no end. However, the possibility of the second location being in the Grit Region led to another worrying situation.
'Isn't something bad happening there right now? Why are we risking going now?'
"As before, we will take the Mudsdale carriages to the region itself and enter the town of Sanctus. There we will make contact with a group of adventurers and local relic experts to combine our knowledge in hopes of finding the next step." He paused, momentarily looking around the room. "More specific details on what we are bringing will be announced tomorrow. For now, this is all."
As Jackson turned his back and walked away, the voices of chatting Pokemon picked up behind him. He would only stop to turn around and stare at one Pokémon in particular - a Riolu. Once his staring was acknowledged and returned, he gave a swift nod before leaving the mess hall.
Liam knew that meant only one thing - he was in for some training tonight.
"Agh, why can't I get this right."
The full moon and the glittering stars in the silent skies above the Cosmic Quilt Guild provided a phenomenal view to accompany the enchanting twangs of a banjo that drifted through the wind. Around the back of the guild sat Liam, sitting on the ridge of a small cliff that oversaw the expansive prairie that enveloped the horizon.
"If I remember what he said… then it's three beats," he spoke to himself, plucking some of the instrument's strings in succession.
He did this for a while, trying to catch a rhythm, too immersed in his practice to notice the sounds of footsteps behind him.
"It sounds a lot better today."
Liam was so startled by the voice of the Guildmaster that he nearly dropped his banjo off the cliff, hugging it tightly against his chest as he swiveled his head around.
"G-Guildmaster! You heard me? Did… Was I doing it right?"
Jackson chuckled slowly, "I heard a bit of it in there. Still, your rhythm is terrible."
'Ouch. At least he's honest about it…'
Jackson walked over, grunting as he took a seat by the Riolu and pointed at the strings of the banjo. "Lemme see you do the one I told you about the other day."
"O-Oh, sure!"
Liam racked his brain in search of memory of that day, quickly finding it and putting his skills to the test by attempting to replicate it with his banjo. It was supposedly a song from the Lucario's childhood. While the name of it sounded funny, it was by no means an easy song to play. Nonetheless, he tried his best, and if the hardened stare Liam was getting told him anything, it was that he was doing a good job so far.
"Switch up your strings. Remember to repeat that first flow," Jackson asserted.
Liam did just that, holding his breath as he translated those memorized notes into harmonic tunes. Realizing he was getting a hang of it, he became immersed in the sounds he played. But he wasn't the only one getting into it; his Guildmaster was even tapping his foot on the grass, quietly humming his own rendition of the song. It was then a great surprise to the Riolu when he heard the Lucario actually starting to sing over the music.
"'If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eyed Joe, I'd been married long time ago,'" Jackson sang in an accent. "'Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eyed Joe?'"
Liam watched on in mild bemusement and shock at the man's sudden shift in demeanor, but didn't say anything as the Lucario prattled on about 'storms' and 'tools'. As the Riolu finished up the remainder of the song, Jackon's singing trailed off into laughter that bubbled out of his chest. He held a paw to it, calming himself as he took deep breaths.
"Sorry 'bout that, kid. Sometimes I just get too caught up with myself. It's very… nostalgic to me; makes me feel like a kid with my own banjo again, y'know?"
Liam slowly set down his banjo, listening to his Guildmaster. It was a sort of melancholy feeling that he found himself relating to, even if he never truly understood. But he still still knew of the connection they shared; that he was once a boy just like Jackson once, even if they were totally different species.
Pure silence came afterward as they absently gazed at the stars, until a nervous Liam would proclaim something that tugged at his mind.
"I, uh, got another memory earlier."
Jackson seized up, whipping his head around to stare. "... Tell me."
Liam huddled his legs together, sighing. "Well, this time I was much older… and I was in this therapist's room, I think."
"... I see. Anything else?"
"Just like the other memories, I felt the feelings of that Liam in the room. I felt… I don't know, angry?" He gulped, tugging his scarf. "I just felt really mad at everything, and had this massive pit in my stomach - like I was sick."
It was hard to describe the mess of ugly feelings he sensed, but made a vain attempt to.
"Then… the, uh, therapist guy said my father went against these groups and defied them. He even said he saw those same qualities my father had in me. Vengeance, anger, this… path of evil."
"Do you believe him?"
Jackson was now fully turned around at this point, his back against the stars as he kneeled in front of Liam, his golden ring flashing. "If somebody took someone from you, would you defy everything to avenge them or try and bring them back?"
"I… Yeah, I would."
The Guildmaster's question reminded Liam of their discussion on this very cliff a while back, about how he wanted to protect him and Gloria from others. Or when the Guildmaster asked for their goals and dreams before stating the guild's mission statement.
This was a test.
"None of us are truly evil for wanting those closest to us to live long, happy lives. It is in our nature to do so, and family is the closest above all." Jackson narrowed his eyes, grabbing Liam's paws and holding them tight. "It is in our nature to defy against rule, so take pride in having the strength and courage to make a better tomorrow."
Liam looked up, nodding to his words. "I understand, Guildmaster."
Jackson relinquished his grip, standing up. "The Council wishes for this guild to bend and kneel before them. But we will defy them, and show them that there's a truth to this world that they are missing - a meaning they can't grasp."
"But… What if they don't understand the threat of the ley lines?" Liam countered.
"They won't, which is why time is of the essence," Jackson lamented. "The hourglass is almost filled, but we have enough time to prove to them a threat beyond their imagination."
If his words were true, then this new expedition needed to dig up some answers.
Kicking up sand and other clouds of dust, the pack of Mudsdale carrying almost all members of the Cosmic Quilt Guild and their supplies galloped along the narrow trail that led them to their destination - a town built around an oasis in the middle of a scorching desert.
The second expedition was now in full swing.
Liam held up a paw to block the incoming rays of sunlight that battered his fur and the ocean of beige sand that encompassed all directions. While the open scenery was a nice change of pace for him, the sweltering heat that came with it was less appetizing. He considered himself lucky that he wasn't Gloria right now, who was taking shelter underneath a box to avoid the beating sun.
"C'mon, sis," Roark chided, tapping the crate that housed the Ice-type. "It's just a little sun. How bad could it be?"
Meanwhile, Monferno was resting against the carriage's rail, his arms crossed behind his neck as he soaked in the sun's rays. "Not our fault you guys missed out on being Fire-type's, right, Braix?"
The Braixen next to him smiled, occasionally waving some air on herself with a paw. "I wouldn't go that far, but this region is very hard to live in for some other Pokemon."
"Yeah, which is why it's a total ghost town compared to other parts of Celestic," he added.
Liam leaned over the railing, squinting his eyes to catch a glimpse of what appeared to be a cluster of buildings in the distance - they were growing near. But as they got closer to this spot of civilization in the middle of nowhere, it became increasingly clear that there were more Pokemon leaving the town than ones arriving to it. Carts and other carriages of Pokemon flew past their own, only making the Riolu's mind wonder why they were seemingly leaving in droves.
It wasn't until their own carriages finally hit the town's cobblestone streets that they saw the commotion taking place ahead in the town's square.
Countless bands of Council guards were gathered behind makeshift barricades connected to buildings, making sure the crowds of protesting Pokemon didn't spill over. Some that managed to get a little too close to the guards were shoved back or lightly whacked in the side with the butt of a rifle. As the Mudsdale carriages strode past, everyone on board could hear the shouts and yells from both the guards and the protestors throughout their standoff.
"This is horrible…" Liam commented, backing away from the railing. "Why are all these protests happening, anyway?"
Gloria emerged from her cover to answer his question, taking a good look at the crowds. "Um, it was hard to find information in the newspapers about it, but I did manage to find some. A while back, a bunch of supplies of food and water supposed to be sent to the Grit Region were instead diverted to other regions because of a drought. And, um, a lot of Pokemon abandoned their homes and started becoming bandits to live - it's awful."
"Sheesh," Roark said, biting his tongue. "I'll tell you, it ain't easy living off the land in a place as desolate as this."
Liam tilted his head. "If that was the case, then shouldn't the guards here be passing out supplies to everyone?"
Gloria frowned, shaking her head. "That's the thing. They're not here to do that; they're here to arrest a lot of these bandits hiding out here."
The Riolu said nothing in response, going back to watch the crowd continue to hurl insults and defy the stationed guards. It was horrible to see on either side - the Pokemon who didn't have enough food or water to live normally, and the guards who were simply carrying out their job to make a living. Resolving this conflict seemed so simple to him, but there was always an overlying complex issue.
Thinking over this problem in his head, his thoughts were immediately run over by the voice that spoke above everything in his mind.
'You and I? We're weapons.'
"See anything, Weav's?"
From atop a tall, sandy hill, Weavile tore the binoculars from her face and shook her head. She leapt off her vantage point, landing next to Bisharp and unraveling the layers of dusty cloth shielding her face and mouth from the desert's elements.
"Oh?" he responded.
"Sand, sand, and more fucking sand." She tossed him the binoculars and strode past. "Ice queen! Get out here!"
A tent erected between two large pieces of rock proved effective in withstanding the occasional wind, and was essential in their efforts of scouting other Pokemon. However, a certain Glaceon saw it more as a hideout from the heat.
"We don't have all day!" Weavile shouted again.
Eventually, the flap to the tent would open, and a peeved Glaceon would exit. She glared daggers at Weavile as she strolled past the two of them without so much a word, whipping her icy bangs.
"Sanctus Town is nearby, so if Serperior and her mercs aren't out in the dunes, then they should be in town," Bisharp stated, crossing his arms. "Still no word from our client yet?"
"Nah," Weavile said, tapping the black saddlebag around her waist. "He said his device broke or something in a letter he sent us, so it's gonna be a while until we hear back from him."
"You're not a bit alarmed at the fact that he knows where we're holed up?"
"Not until the day we inevitably betray him," she said with a smirk. "I'm more worried about that snake than some guy behind a wall."
Bisharp rolled his eyes. "Right."
Walking after the exhausted looking Ice-type in front of them, the sights of Sanctus Town were just a few minutes away. Thanks to recent events occurring in the region, obscuring their identity wasn't as important. Their only concerns were obtaining the information of those ruins the Rose Clan was after.
"Think the Council screwing up big time is gonna make things here easier, Weav's?"
"The snake won't make it easy for us, Bishy, you know that. If she knows we're here, then she's gonna make sure we don't find what she's after."
"And that's not gonna happen," he added.
"Exactly. She's gonna realize what happens when she defies our control…"
Defiance against a god. Defiance against a government. Defiance against your inner evil…
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Discord: Z2H#7239
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Next Time: Uproar
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8 148 - In Serial19 Chapters
Return Of The Sovereign
|System|Heroes are just villains in disguise! - Chaeus ‘Kai’ IggoExhausted and drained, Thaddeus ‘The Hero’ disappeared after defeating the demons. The mortals won, but ‘The Hero’ became the greatest traitor in the history of human race.......Ten Thousand Years later, thirteen-year-old Kai woke up next to the dead bodies of his parents and recalled his previous life as Thaddeus ‘The Traitor’ in the history books. Looking around, he realized that his entire clan had been massacred overnight, all of them dead. Except him.What an impressive start to his second life!Gifted with a Heavenly Aether Core, capable of summoning divine beasts and weapons, Kai made a promise. “Revenge begets revenge! Let’s live a good life!”But wait!Kai soon realized that this ERA was no longer the world that he knew. Technologies and Limitations hindered his overpowered abilities. But he refused to give up!Once the sovereign in his previous life, Kai would start a journey to know everything about his new abilities. Of course, he started with the mysterious Mushroom System that was attached into his soul.Accompany Kai as he feed his mushrooms coins, hoping it would die one day and finally leave him alone![Summon poisonous mushroom with .002 toxins enough to kill a hundred people. Please pay a hundred coins.][To summon the mushrooms say: Summon!][Malicious Human Detected. Summon Mushrooms that burns malicious mortals. Please pay 100 coins.][To Summon the mushrooms say: Summon!][Jealous Human Detected. Summon Mushrooms that devours jealous mortals. Please pay 100 coins.][To Summon the mushrooms say: Summon!][Otherworldly Beauty Detected. Summon Mushrooms that can mimic the beauty. Please pay 100 coins.][To Summon the mushrooms say: Summon!]What the hell?
8 72 - In Serial19 Chapters
An ancient hunchback named Finnel is the principal of a school where students’ special abilities might be called magical, supernatural powers. Or, maybe those students’ heightened attributes are more like honed talents any ordinary person could discover and dedicate to developing. Either way, at Finnel's school, even the most otherworldly of traits always finds its source in something REAL . . . in actual human capacities, like intuition, empathy, awareness, strength... REAL is a series of ongoing tales, each centered around an individual student at Finnel's school. Framing slice-of-life authenticity with cool powers and uplifting humor, REAL maintains a light, fun tone while never shying away from digging down deep into weighty themes like identity, connection, and meaning.
8 284 - In Serial21 Chapters
Deal With A Maid and A Bartender
Alicia is a nervous wreck. All of her friends are either going off to college, getting married, yes, you read that right, or living off their rich parents. She on the other hand doesn't know what to do with her life. College? Eh, maybe. Getting a job? That's her best bet, as her parents are not threatening her to move out, but expect her to by the end of the month. Parental care much? Time ticking and her parents not seeming to care, she walks into a Maid Cafe and Bar with the possible attempt to apply. The Bartender offers to hire her on the spot, under one condition. After every shift, she accompanies him home. With the thoughts of rape, murder, even some sick twisted love fantasy going through her mind, she accepts out of desperation, and perhaps, pure idiocy. Besides, she's gauranteed $2000 a paycheck. How bad could it be? All feedback is greatly appreciated. *This story may become 'Reader Interactive' hence the tag*
8 94 - In Serial6 Chapters
Unknown love . Sugarhillddot x Reader
When a boy who believes nothing in love and stays to himself falls for a girl he never imagined being with she becomes his comfort .
8 198