《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Special Episode #1: Part 3: I Remember A Name
Special Episode: Can You Make A Promise?
Part 3: I Remember A Name
The flickers of the dying campfire's flame were finally snuffed out, leaving only bits of ashen charcoal and a whisper of black smoke.
'Alright, we should get a move on…'
Roark grunted as he stood, popping his unused joints and plodding over to a corner of the room where a small fox Pokémon slept on pieces of straw. Vulpix managed to get past her tears and give her injured body a much needed rest, while he decided to stay awake to keep watch over the traumatized kit. Even through the bitter night, he kept his eyes wide open for a sign of anything - his comrades or a passerby Pokemon - but nothing did come, and that told him that they were on their own for a while.
"Hey, kid. Time to wake up - c'mon."
Hearing his boisterous voice, Vulpix would slowly uncurl her tired eyelids. "H-Huh?" she grumbled, readjusting to her surroundings. "Roa… Mr. Roark?"
"Yeah. We need to get going now." He threw a claw at the remnants of their campfire behind him. "Fire's dead and I don't want a blizzard to suddenly force us inside. Is your side feeling better than before?"
"O-Oh, um, yeah," the kit mumbled, rising out of the warm straw. "Do we really need to leave now?"
"I can't just leave you here while I go and find your parents, so you're gonna have to tag with me for a little bit."
Roark began collecting his various strewn about items littering the cave, stuffing them back into the small pockets on his harness. However, a few belongings were left behind, visible cracks or tears in them.
"I… searched your home for anything that wasn't broken or damaged beyond repair. Just tell me if you want me to take any or not."
Vulpix frowned, lowering her head and walking over to see what remained of her home's collection. A few disheveled scarves, some nearly shattered vases of spices and sugars, and a small selection of battered books.
Here was all that was left of her past.
The red and yellow cover of her favorite book instantly caught her eye - the flashy title on it reading 'The Lucky Tale'. She stared at it for a moment, silently thanking Arceus for saving it, before placing a paw on top of it. If anything was to be saved, it was this.
"Can, um, can we take this one?"
"Sure thing." Roark bent down to grab it, gently placing it into its own pocket. "If there's anything else you need, just grab it - we got a lot of ground to cover today."
Vulpix glossed over the ravaged objects once more, her mind already made up. "I think I'm ready to go now, Mister Roark."
"Just Roark, kid. Don't make me feel too old now."
The kit formed the first smile he had seen from her in a while, and he returned one back.
"Trust me - I wanna get this over with as much as you do, so just stick to me and we'll reach your mom and dad by tomorrow."
That hope that she would was all that Vulpix was holding onto.
Roark jostled his gear and straightened his cape one final time, entering the blinding light of the cavern entrance and reappearing into the cold landscape of the outside world. There was a bite carried throughout the howling arctic wind, which swept snow away and whipped through the tired fox's fur.
'Can't say I missed you, winter weather.'
Vulpix was just behind him as he exited the cave, taking in the vast untamed terrain that separated her from her parents. There was always a thrilling idea in her head of embarking on a journey all by herself through the mountains, but she dreamt nothing of the present that she was now enduring.
But she had to be brave, like a hero.
"I think if we take the trail up, we can start properly scaling the mountain and possibly reach a checkpoint." Roark explained, stepping through the snow and twisting his head around. "Just follow me closely and don't wander off."
"Um, got it."
The Zoroark walked alongside the cave's sides, feeling the inclinations in the ground. Once he was able to get a solid footing, he began his ascent upward. Vulpix kept up as best she could, trudging through the snow alongside her new companion. She only stopped momentarily to glance back at the broken remnants of her home, holding back the tears that would've come if she stared too long.
"You're almost there, Vulpix! Just a little more and I can pull you over!"
"I'm… trying!"
Vulpix steadied herself with deep breaths, pushing herself to inch her body closer and closer to the cliff's narrow gap where Roark's held out claw was waiting. With a little tenacity, and remembering her parent's advice, she ignored the assistance and managed to successfully leap across the rift, a pair of claws catching her before she plummeted down hill.
Her face would still sink into the snow, however.
Roark chuckled, "Didn't need me, I guess. That was a great jump, kid!"
"Thmnks," Vulpix mumbled, lifting her head from the snow. "I used to watch my mom and dad do it all the time, so I wanted to try it myself."
Roark scouted their new but nearly identical surroundings, spotting a pathway marked with wooden pole-like fixtures. These were the trails leading to the mountain's checkpoints - he was sure of it.
"Are your parent's some kind of ranger in these parts?"
Vulpix tilted her head, "Um, kinda. They're in this group called the Glacier Guiders. They're really cool!"
Roark stopped in his tracks, "Glacier Guiders? You mean-" he smacked himself in the forehead, "That Ninetales couple I met… They were your mom and pops, right?"
Vulpix's face lit, her tails wagging as she walked beside the fox. "Yeah! You know them?!"
"'Course I do. My team came to this mountain to meet with the Glacier Guiders for this operation, and I spoke to those two before we started." He looked down at his small companion. "Pretty cool pair, and they spoke highly of their daughter's potential."
"R-Really?!" Vulpix nearly squealed. "I haven't told them yet, but I really do want to become a Glacier Guider someday!"
"That so?" Roark smirked. "Well, keep up the little adventure we got goin', and take some pointers from me. Once you reunite with your parents, I can give them some glowing praise for ya."
All of Vulpix's previous sadness and anger was now washed away by this remark.
"I'll… I'll do my best, M- Roark!"
"Same here, kid."
The trail led further up the mountain, through seas of large rock clusters and winding forests of snow covered trees and bushes. One thing was certain, and it was that this was not going to be a walk in the palk, nor an entertaining one - Roark wanted to fix that.
"Hey, since we might end up walking for a while, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"
"It was the first time my mom let me cook something, so I wanted to make some Pokepuffs, and, um…"
"Well? Did ya do it right?"
They trekked across a bridge of frozen water, their steps careful and light, so as to not cause a fracture in the bed of permafrost.
"Um… when I placed the batter in the Darumaker, I forgot to turn down the heat seating, and so the entire thing exploded and sent batter all over the kitchen!" Vulpix squeaked out, blushing in embarrassment.
"Heh, if you think that was bad, then you should've seen what horrible stuff I make for breakfast at the Rescue Society…"
Fierce winds flew through the mountain's cliffs and ravines, bringing forth a blizzard of frigid snow that shrouded the two Pokemon's vision on the trail. Despite the horrible conditions, they kept morale high through sharing stories and entertaining accounts.
"And then what happened?"
Vulpix shielded her eyes from the winds, slightly giggling. "Cubchoo opened her mouth and spewed out frost all over those bullies! Mrs. Jynx had to let them leave early because of it!"
Roark cackled at the tale, squinting to see what was ahead. "Man, that's why I don't mess with Ice-types…"
"But wait! Something else happened right after!"
"I'm listening…"
Large crystals of hail came down in sheets, battering the icy land around them as they took cover in an outcropping of rock. The two Pokemon absently watched the downpour of thick ice, waiting for it to come to an end as they continued to share stories.
"Wait, so the Fire-type Vulpix spat more flames in the volcano to stop the eruption? And a Volcanion was actually behind the volcano erupting in the first place?"
Vulpix nodded, wagging her tails. "Yup! Her attacks overloaded the core thingy and it stopped the eruption!"
"I… don't think that's how volcano's work, but…" Roark watched a particularly massive chunk of hail fall like a shooting star and smash into dozens of pieces on the ground. "This world is strange enough as it is."
Roark twirled around the hooked end of the rope he was carrying, finding a good spot and chucking the rope's end all the way up the wall of solid ice. The hook managed to catch the side of a rock up top, locking itself in place as he tied his end of the rope to his metal harness.
"Alright, Vulpix, here's how we're gonna do this." He beckoned her closer with a claw, the Vulpix following him. "You climb into my mane and hold on tight while I shimmy up this cliff."
Vulpix cocked a curious brow, "In your… mane? Um, how is that gonna hold my weight?"
Roark chuckled, "Smart, I see. I say this because I've seen Zoroark moms carry their Zorua's in their mane before, so the same logic should work here." He did a double take. "Just, uh, don't think of me as a mom, alright?"
A laugh was coaxed out of the kit, shattering her hesitance as she approached the fox, attempting to figure out just how she would climb on in. A pair of claws would rectify her befuddlement, scooping her up and burying her into the mangled mess of dark and red fur. She popped her small head out, clutching the bundles of fur with her paws.
"Okay. This fox is about to start climbing, so keep your grip tight, kid!"
Roark outstretched both arms, jamming his claws into the wall of ice and pulling himself up with a grunt. He repeated this rhythm over and over, keeping a careful eye on the Vulpix nestled deep into his fur.
"Bumpy ride, eh?"
"It's almost over anyway."
Impaling his final claw into the ice, Roark lifted himself over the wall's edge, landing his victorious body onto the snow. Vulpix wrangled herself out of his mane, taking a few steps to bring equilibrium to her dizzy vision.
Roark sighed in relief, "And we've still got a ways to go…" He took this brief moment to relax, gazing up at the sky from his position. "Hey, wait a second…"
Smoke - visible fumes of smoke were rising into the sky.
The Zoroark immediately stood up, his eyes following the grey trail in the sky. It rose from beyond a ravine in the mountain, its origin blocked by numerous rocks and trees. It may or may not have been a checkpoint, but he found his new destination to travel to.
"Kid, we're changing our course just a bit to check out that smoke over there."
Vulpix observed it as well, curious. "Maybe It's a campfire?" She grew a large smile. "Maybe my mom and dad are there! And your friends, too!"
"I hope so…"
Entering through a wide cave entrance, the pair stumbled in abject darkness through the rather large chamber in search of an exit.
"It is way too dark in here," Roark grumbled.
"Do you have a torch or something?" Vulpix mumbled, her slight fear of the dark creeping in.
"Yeah, give me a sec…"
The Zoroark opened up a small saddlebag attached to his harness, pulling out a miniature sized lantern with just the right amount of fuel. After a turn of its lever, a wick inside the glass casing ignited with a small flame, providing warmth and illumination to their dark surroundings. What the flickering light would reveal along the cave's walls would greatly shock an observant Vulpix.
"Roark! Look at the walls!"
"What… more icicles and stuff?"
"No! There's drawings of things!"
Roark angled his head to the right, being witness to a grand mural etched into the cavern wall. While it was faded in appearance, it obviously resembled an imposing Pokemon. It seemed strange to Vulpix, until the gears in her mind began to turn, and she instantly recognized the Pokemon depicted.
"That's… that's Kyurem!"
"Kyurem! It's the Legendary Pokemon that was rumored to dwell underneath the mountain long, long ago!"
"Really now…" Roark swung the lantern around, raising it higher and revealing the spacious chamber's pillars of spiraling ice. "This doesn't seem to be a typical cave, either."
"Can we, um, investigate just a tiny bit? We can go find the smoke right after!"
The fox thought it over, ultimately deciding. "Ah, alright, but keep your eyes peeled for an exit."
They journeyed through the heart of the cave, eyes glued to the walls in case of another mural. Vulpix would be the first to spot one, excitedly running towards it as Roark shrugged and followed, shining the lantern upon her findings. The carved painting in question was of a strange object. To the naked eye, it resembled a fractured wheel-like object, with arches and crosses intersecting one another. However, its importance was lost on the two investigators.
"Wow! It's some sort of treasure!" Vulpix mouthed.
"Really? It kinda just looks like a broken fence to me."
"Wait! There's another painting!"
Vulpix sped off to another part of the chamber, Roark sighing as he followed and proceeded to repeat his last action again. This time, the mural was more forthcoming with its details.
"Um, can you tell what it is, Roark?"
The fox squinted, "Looks like a bunch of 'mons out in the cold. Poor guys."
The painting showcased a long line of different Pokemon marching through a raging blizzard, with many fallen Pokemon among the snow that appeared to have succumbed to the blizzard's might.
"I don't get it." Vulpix frowned, trying to interpret the drawing. "Were they lost? Or…"
"I think they're explorers, or this is some sort of exodus." He shrugged. "That's my interpretation at least."
They continued to search the walls for more clues, but were met with no more illustrations of the past. Vulpix was disheartened, but was glad she was even able to see this. Roark, on the other hand, was far more interested in the glimpse of blinding white that was the cavern's exit. But as Vulpix stepped out, his eye caught a glimpse of something stuck in the icy floor of the cave.
'Did someone leave a neckerchief?
He bent down, scraping the ice that concealed a piece of black cloth his hard work was done, he was able to unearth the ragged bits of what appeared to be an armband. Any detail that was imprinted into it was worn down and faded by time in its frozen prison.
'Tch. Guess it was nothing.'
He dropped the scraps of cloth, following the young kit out of the cave.
"Look! That smoke really did belong to a campfire!"
"Yeah, which means we might be in luck…"
From beyond the trail in which they embarked upon for hours, the plume of rising smoke from before was clearly seen in the distance. A burning yellow fire was all that guided them further towards a possible encounter with others. But as they neared, it become more and more clear what they were just now finding.
"It looks like a wooden carriage!" Vulpix remarked, keeping up a steady pace. "They bring those into the village all the time with food and other stuff!"
"A caravan?" Roark grimaced. "Not sure why it's all the way out here, though."
The Dark-type's confusion would soon be erased as they neared the halted carriage. Various dents and scratches littered its hull, with some chunks of it even missing. Numerous bandaged up Pokemon were resting beside the campfire created near it.
"Something happened here… Something that-"
A feminine yell to Roark's left would make him stand his ground, facing the shouting voice. A golden furred Ninetales was crouched low, baring her teeth at the Zoroark and raising her many tails in defense.
"We're not going to let you steal more from-" the vixen suddenly stopped, quickly realizing her mistake, "Wait… You're not that other Zoroark from before."
Roark smirked, but kept his distance. "Unless he was a handsome devil named Roark, then no, it's not me."
"Then just who are you?!"
Vulpix was very excited to see a foreign member of her species, but she bottled up those feelings, only wondering what went wrong here, and why this carriage was stranded in the middle of nowhere.
"Um, hello, miss? We came over because we saw smoke. Please don't be mad!"
Roark nodded, "I'm from the Rescue Society, and we're conducting an operation with the Glacier Guiders." His attention rested on the injured Pokemon. "Can you tell me just what happened to your caravan?"
Ninetales relaxed her defensive stance, sighing. "Well... I'm very glad you are here, then. We were… we were going though the mountain to make it to Slush City for transport, but we got attacked by bandits along the way."
"Bandits?" Vulpix frowned. "I thought the Glacier Guiders made sure there weren't any!"
"I'm guessing they were too busy with this operation for them to spot thieves," Roark answered. "Do you know where they went?"
Ninetales' shook her head, "We were barely able to escape the avalanche with our supplies, so we had no time to track them as they ran away…"
"Yes. The bandits had Fire-types near the cliffs waiting for us to come by. When we did, I'm assuming they warmed up the snow, causing it to come down and trap us in." Ninetales scowled. "I don't know what they did, but we heard a massive rumbling noise after the first avalanche hit us, so we got out as fast we could, and stopped here to care for the wounded."
"I'm really sorry that happened to you, miss," Vulpix said, ears drooping.
"Wait, you said something earlier about another Zoroark," Roark brought up. "Was this Zoroark one of the bandits?"
"He was white and red - looked like a ghost. I think he was their leader, because he said a few choice words to me before the avalanche came."
'Great. Now I have another one of me roaming these cliffs. White and red, though? Surely that can't be a Zoroark…'
"Is there anything we can do to help?" Roark asked. "Once the Rescue Society is done with this operation, I'm sure we can try and find these thieves and recover some of the caravan supplies."
"If you can, please help me find my daughter!" Ninetales' pleaded. "During the escape, we went through the Never-Melt-Ice Ravines, and we lost her going through it. My mate is out looking for her while I watch over these Pokemon, but night will come soon, and-"
"I'll do it," Roark said resolutely. "Just point me in the right direction. Vulpix, you stay here with her."
"Wait! I wanna go too!"
"Kid, there might be bandits out there, and-"
"I still wanna go and help this Pokemon! Please!"
Ninetales' managed a smile, "It's always hard to convince my daughter otherwise. Maybe it would be best for you to take her along?"
The Dark-type sighed, eventually smirking. "Ah, whatever… you can tag along in the search."
The Vulpix jumped up and down several times, eager to assist in any way she could.
Just as the Ninetales' had mentioned, the Never-Melt Ravines was where they took their search. They traversed the mountain's cliffs and scoured the large crevice of twisting ice spires for hours, but found no trace of the missing Pokemon. Eventually, their efforts would find themselves in the nearby cave systems.
"Wait for them to fall, kid!"
The long spear-like icicles that hung from the ceiling began to shake and shake, until a crack near the top of them sent them falling, impaling themselves into the cave's ground. Luckily, neither of them were below the surprise attack.
"Woah…" Vulpix watched with wonder as more icicles started to fall in unison. "This place is really cool!"
"Yeah, and dangerous," Roark remarked. "But that Ninetales' daughter should be around here if she didn't leave already."
"Where should we look first?"
"I say we-"
'H-Hello? Is anyone there?'
The new voice echoed throughout the cave, seeming to appear from the cracks in the rocky walls that led to the outside.
"Can you hear us?!" Roark shouted, hoping to get an answer back.
'Yeah! Where… where are you?!'
"We're in the caves! Are you Ninetales' daughter?! We've been looking for you!'
'Mom sent somebody for me? I went through the Mystery Dungeon here to get out of this pit, but I got stuck between something!'
"Through the Mystery Dungeon? Got it. We'll be right there!" Roark nudged the Vulpix to his left. "C'mon, the dungeon entrance is just to the right!"
As the Zoroark moved on ahead, Vulpix shuffled her paws together, a desire popping up in her mind.
"Um, do you think I could enter the Mystery Dungeon by myself?"
Roark turned, dumbstruck. "Are you kidding? Do you know how dangerous Mystery Dungeons can be?"
Vulpix flinched, "I know! But… I really want to show that I can do this by myself! That I'm really growing up!"
"Ugh…" Roark shook his head. "Listen, I don't think-"
He bit his tongue, contemplating the offer. "Fine. Your parents would obviously kill me, but I think you've proven yourself today, so…"
"Yes!" Vulpix squeaked out, entering a passage to the right.
"I hope I'm not making a mistake!" Roark proclaimed, right behind as they walked.
Soon enough, the lightless shadow of the Mystery Dungeon's entrance was present before them, and Vulpix was sizing it up. She had never entered a dungeon before, and had only read about them in books, or listened to accounts from her mother and father. To say she was afraid was an understatement, but she threw all those feelings aside to focus on one feeling that motivated her above all.
The feeling of being a hero.
"Okay… I'm ready to go in!"
"If you say so. I just hope you know what to do when you're in 'em."
"I do!" She retorted, fixing her erratic breathing. "I just, um, need to convince myself that I'm ready."
A minute passed as Vulpix continued to psyche herself up, now inching towards the shadow's penumbra. Once she was close enough, she decided to swallow her fears and leap into the abyss, vanishing completely. Another minute went by as Roark stared into the dungeon's entrance, chuckling to himself.
"Okay, I'm not that bad of a caretaker." He made sure his harness was secure. "She deserves a moment of freedom to herself, but I'll have to keep watch…"
WIthout any hesitance, he stepped into the shadow.
Never-Melt-Ice Chasm
BF 1
An icy platform expanded from nothingness, firmly planting itself under the paws of a shocked Vulpix. She watched in awe as walls of stone erupted from darkness, forming a maze-like perimeter around the room she was in. Tapering icicles created frozen stalactites on the ceiling, but never budged.
'So… that's… that's what all those books were describing.'
After standing idly for a while, just soaking in the experience of being here, she managed to take a few shaky steps forward.
'Right. Um, I need to find the staircase… wherever that is.'
Two hallways on her left and right caught the kit's attention, but she inevitably picked the left one, hoping her choice would win out in the end. Vulpix progressed through the corridor, keeping a wary eye out for the supposed 'protectors' of these dungeons that could appear from seemingly thin air.
'I really hope I don't have to fight…'
As she departed the room she entered from, another Pokemon would materialize inside the dungeon - a Zoroark.
Roark blinked, looking around for a sign of his petite companion. "She couldn't have gotten far…" He stretched his arms, yawning. "Guess I'll wait for her to get cornered by some dungeon 'mon before I intervene."
He then picked a hallway to saunter down, making sure to stick to the shadows that he was so used to.
Never-Melt-Ice Chasm
BF 2
The floor beneath Vulpix shook, before the rocky ground vanished completely, leaving behind a circular pit that she nearly fell into. Luckily, she wasn't directly under the sprung Pitfall Trap, allowing her limbs to scramble up the sides of the stone and back onto solid ground.
'I… I did it!'
Victoriously, she confidently marched her way into another corridor, now aware of potential traps. Roark was just behind her, out of sight as he gazed down at the Pitfall Trap and back at the departing Vulpix.
"Okay, okay, I'll give her that one."
Never-Melt-Ice Chasm
BF 5
'I might be near the end!'
Vulpix had been making great progress all throughout her trip of the dungeon, and she could feel it in her chest that she was only one staircase away from putting this all behind her. It was now or never.
'I hope the stairs are right after this…'
Her words trailed off as another Pokemon slowly ambled out of the hallway she was going to enter, locking eyes with the stunned kit, who didn't dare move. The most shocking part wasn't the fact that it was a dungeon Pokemon, but that it was a Vulpix just like her. Like looking into a mirror, it was a reflection of her, but lacked life and jubilance behind its baby blue eyes. The doppelganger wasted no time in eliminating the distance between it and the intruder, swiping its clawed paw at the kit.
Vulpix stepped back, scared out of her wits at seeing a Pokemon just like her. But through her fears, she began forming a strategy in her young mind to win this fight.
'Okay! Um, my Ice-type attacks won't work so well, but I can bite it maybe!'
She narrowly dodged another paw swipe before she sank her teeth into the artificial Pokemon's arm. Greatly utilizing her fangs, she unhooked them before delivering another fatal bite onto the Ice-type. But before Vulpix could unleash a consecutive bite, a golden light enveloped the other Ice-type. She shielded her eyes, only opening them once the light faded, the enemy now gone.
She had won her first fight.
'I did it! Yes!'
The empty hallway was all for her taking, and she gladly accepted it, already moving through it with ease. Roark would emerge from the shadows behind her, smirking at the brief fight he had just witnessed.
"Well, guess she did have it in her…"
Vulpix emerged from a pitch-black shadow, switching her shocked gaze back and forth at the new location she found herself in. She had done it - she had conquered her first Mystery Dungeon all by herself.
'I can't wait to tell Roark and- oh, right!'
"Hello?" she spoke up, scanning her rocky vicinity. "Are you here?"
Moments later, a soft voice akin to Vulpix's spoke up. "Y-Yes! Do you see that ridge over? I'm stuck between some rocks!"
Vulpix would find said ridge a few feet away, skirting around the edges of which to see the form of a Fire-type Vulpix wearing a saddlebag wedged between two sides of stone. She immediately thrusted her paw into the cracks of the rim, waiting for her to grab on.
"Grab my paw and I'll pull you out!"
The Fire-type was able to raise a paw, clasping it on top of her counterpart. Once there was a grip, the stone's squeeze on her got looser and looser, until she popped out of the ridge a newly freed Pokemon.
"Thanks so much!" The Fire-type went wide eyed. "Wow! I didn't know you were one of those Ice-type Vulpix!"
Vulpix nodded, attempting to contain her inner happiness. "Yeah! But, um…" She tapped her chin with a paw. "Before we return to your mom, how do we mention each other since we're both Vulpix!"
"Oh, you can call me 'Vulpy' for now! My friends back in the Blaze Continent call me that all the time!"
"Really? You're from the Blaze Continent? What's it like there?"
"It's really hot! I don't know much about Ice-types, but I think you'd melt there!"
As the friendly chat went on, the two children were quite unaware of another Pokemon exiting the shadow - a Zoroark in particular. Glossing his vision over the freed Fire-type Vulpix, Roark grew yet another smirk.
"Hey! You girls ready to cut the gossip and head back now? Nightfall's about to arrive soon!"
The two Vulpix's stared at the intruder, before smiling and sending each other looks of confidence.
Now as a trio, they entered the Mystery Dungeon again, thwarting any challenge that blocked their path. 'Vulpy' showcased her amazing talents of pyromancy, practicing it on any dungeon Pokemon that crossed her path. Vulpix would stand by and assist when needed, simply gawking at her counterpart's strength, hoping that strength could hers someday.
After sweeping through the Mystery Dungeon, the only challenge left was the journey back.
The setting sun in the sky was a sight for sore eyes, bringing a multitude of warm and vibrant colors to the ocean of cold white and rugged black. The trio of Pokemon walking through the frozen wastes would use this opportunity to guide them back to the carriage, just as the Ninetales' from before ran towards them, overjoyed.
Vulpy ran ahead, nearly tackled into a hug by her mother. "Mom! Please! I'm back, okay?"
"I know, but I'm just so happy that you're alright…" Ninetales' lifted her muzzle, shedding a tear. "Thank you so much for finding my daughter. We… we still have some Poké left over that the bandits didn't find and-"
Roark waved a claw, "Nah, no payment required. Everything the Rescue Society does is volunteer."
"Thank you… again."
Vulpix sucked in her own tears at such an emotional moment, feeling her chest swell up with pride at what she had accomplished today. She wondered if this is what it felt like to be a hero, to save the day for someone else. It was a good feeling, and something she craved more of as she thought about it.
"Um, Vulpix?"
Vulpix seized up as Vulpy broke from her mother's hold to trot on over, opening her saddlebag up and pulling a small item out and harsly whispering.
"Don't tell my mom, but the reason I got stuck in that ridge was because I saw something I wanted to bring her." She extended the item further, waiting for Vulpix to accept it. "Since you rescued me, I thought you should have it! I think it makes Ice-type moves stronger or somethin'."
The object that Vulpy held was a Never-Melt-Ice, an icicle shaped piece of ice that true to its name, could never melt. Vulpix stared long and hard at the gift, before hesitantly reaching a paw out and taking it, feeling its cold properties flow through her body, like it was meant for her.
"No problem!" Vulpy whipped her head around, seeing her mother wait expectantly. "Looks like we're gonna go once my dad comes back. So, I guess this is goodbye!"
"Bye, Vulpy."
Vulpix stepped forward and wrapped her warm counterpart into a hug, the two of them embracing and consciously sending their final goodbyes. But once it was over, Vulpy returned to her mother's side as Roark waited for Vulpix to return to his.
Ninetales' would utter one last line before they departed. "Remember! Those bandits and that Zoroark are still out there, so be careful."
"You got it, ma'am." Roark nudged his worn out companion. "Think it's time we set up camp for tonight?"
An exasperated sigh of agreement was the response he got.
Underneath the stars on this cold night, a campfire atop one of the many cliffs of the Glacier Peak Mountains was burning bright amongst the flurry of showering snow, with two relaxing Pokemon residing by the warm open flames.
Roark flipped another page in the book he was reading. "'And so, Vulpix gave her final goodbyes to the friendly Pokemon of Lavasteam Village, picking up where her adventure left off.'" He closed the book. "That's the end of the chapter, so that's it from me."
"Aww… you didn't get to the best part yet!" Vulpix bemoaned.
"Maybe I'll pick it up at a library in that village up top." He then remembered a detail from earlier. "Actually, I forgot to ask, but you're from Kyuris Village, correct?"
"And… you still don't remember what happened the other day?"
Her mood soured, "No… I don't. Sorry."
Roark looked up and sighed, watching the moon and stars. 'That Ninetales' said there was a loud aftershock after that avalanche, and with Vulpix's house from the village coming down the cliff like that, maybe…'
He stopped himself from thinking of a horrible event like that.
"So, kid, did you have anything else you wanted to talk about?"
"Hmmm…" She racked her brain, before smiling. "You said you would tell me about your past earlier! So… Can you?"
He mulled it over, rolling onto his back and crossing his arms behind his head. "It's not exactly a happy tale… and you might just think I'm a nutcase."
"I promise I won't! Please?" She leaned in, attempting her best innocent expression.
"Agh… you kids and your adorableness. Fine, I'll spill some of my brain out for ya."
Vulpix eagerly scooted closer, ears perked up.
"I wasn't born into this world as you were, with a mom and dad, or at least… that's what I think. The first memory of my life was waking up on a beach, just lying around in the sand."
"You… lost your memory?" Vulpix tilted her head. "Like, you banged your head up or something?"
He shrugged, "Dunno how I lost it, but I just did. I woke up, and I remembered a name - well, two names - both echoing throughout my mind. Roark and… Gloria."
Vulpix gasped at the revelation. "Ah! Um, so is that why you call yourself Roark now?"
"Yeah, it just had to be my name, or someone else's that I just nabbed for myself." He let out a low chuckle. "Ever since then, that was all the possible information of my past I got…"
"But what about 'Gloria'? Who is that?"
"..." He sighed. "I've been searching for that answer for eleven years, kid. All I know is that if I'm Roark, and I'm here, then someone named Gloria also has to be out there as well. Whoever they are, or were, is what I dedicated my life's purpose to finding out."
"... I think you'll find her one day."
"You might be right, but I've got more important duties nowadays."
The crackling of the campfire overtook their conversation, the two of them silently observing the flames. Roark would open one of his saddlebags, retrieving his trusty flask and taking a sip of its fiery contents.
"What is that?"
Roark put the container away, grinning. "Something you can't drink at your age - alcohol. Adult stuff, y'know."
"Oh, Frosslass used to tell me to keep away from the bottles that my parents had high on the shelves. Is that what that is?"
"I assume so." He cocked a brow. "Who's Froslass? Your aunt or somethin'?"
Vulpix felt her heart flutter at the influx of memories - both happy and sad ones. "She was my nanny, but she passed a year ago…"
"Ah, sorry you had to experience that so young, kid." Roark lamented, looking up at the stars again. "There was this old Unfezant that spotted me wandering the beach when I woke - got my bearings straight, taught me how to fight, how to use money again, and…"
He held back his emotions just this one time.
"I never did appreciate all the things he did for me… until he was at death's doorstep. He was always there for me, but I only cared about finding answers. He never said it was a bad thing for me to do, but he wanted something greater for me, and I never saw it, I guess. "
Vulpix sniffled, "Frosslass was always there for me too. She always knew I was more sensitive than the others. Even when other kids bullied me for it and I cried, she didn't say it was a bad thing."
"It isn't. Heck, I've cried tons of times." Roark admitted.
"Yeah. Every time I returned home to my dinky little apartment, sometimes I'd just… breakdown - cry, drink, or let out my frustrations in other ways. It was all a cycle I was trapped in, and I'm just lucky I'm still alive and broke free from it."
There was a brief stint of silence again, only to be broken by a yawning Vulpix, who rubbed her teary and tired eyes.
"Can we talk more in the morning? I'm pretty tired…"
"Hah, just get enough rest. We're nearing the top of the mountain, so we'll reach your parents very soon."
The kit accepted his claims, curling up in a ball on the pieces of hay they had constructed earlier. Soon enough, she was dozing off, letting out a series of cute snores in the process. Roark would observe her sleep momentarily, before standing up to slide his back against a nearby stone.
'Maybe today I'll finally get some rest…'
However, the thought of those bandits and that 'ghost' Zoroark roaming the mountain was enough to keep him half-awake.
'Or not - who knows.'
Tonight, he would truly be sleeping with one eye open.
Dawn had finally come for the Glacier Peak Mountains, setting the stage for the morning sun to rise in the east. Rays of white washed the still warm cinders of an already extinguished campfire, the brightness of them causing Vulpix to stir in her sleep. Roark had already woken up earlier, setting up the supplies they required for breakfast. But in the meantime, he found himself aimlessly walking alongside the steep cliffs of snow and ice, taking in the amazing view of daybreak.
'Guess this is the final day with Vulpix…'
He had met and worked with many children throughout his time in the Rescue Society, but none seemed more filled with hope and desire for glory than Vulpix. Even now, he cracked a smile just thinking about her potential future wherever she ended up. Either working with her parents in the Glacier Guiders like she wanted, joining a faraway guild with her own exploration team, or even joining up with Rescue Society.
'She's got a purpose - that's for sure.'
He happened upon a nice vantage point that looked over the entire mountain and its surroundings, getting a good view of the sweeping tundra's and valleys of snow and ice.
'So, why the hell do I still feel so empty? Is leading the Rescue Society really all that's left for me to do?'
Just like so long ago, atop that tower, he felt his purpose fading with this looming promotion. Despite all his adventures, friendships, and heroic endeavors he went through, he could never escape that dreaded feeling.
'You're still a cruel mistress, world…'
Digging into his liquor saddlebag yet again, he retrieved his flask to take a gulp, only for a flash of electrifying pain to flood his senses, making him drop the container off the cliff. The shock of it was so great that he nearly stumbled off himself, landing roughly on his rear as the pain continued.
'Fuck you, brain! Not now!'
Still, the spikes of agony shooting across his body increased as curls of blue and yellow invaded his spotty vision, coagulating into a blur of colors. Never before had he felt a pain this great, and it was not stopping.
'Wait. This is…'
The blowing wind of his mountainous surroundings was now lost on him, only being able to listen in on soft whispers as his vision began to contort more and more. The sound of familiar voices shouting, glass shattering, and objects whizzing around was all he could hear with his heightened senses.
'This is something different. This is…'
A vision began to play.
He remembers a name, a name that sobered him up and delivered a purpose that he could never find, and a promise that he could never fulfill...
Do you want to talk directly to the author himself? If that's the case, then you can contact me anytime on my Discord! I respond to anybody that sends me a friend request or messages me, whether you have a question about the next update, or your thoughts and feelings about the story as a whole - positive or negative. Please, do not feel nervous about contacting me, as I am very happy and willing to respond to each and every one of you.
Discord: Z2H#7239
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Final Special Episode Part: Gloria
- In Serial13 Chapters
Alternative Title: Weakest Person in the Whole World Klein Sparrow became an Isekai Protagonist after pissing off a Cultivator. But instead of OP Cheats, he got the following curses: Weakest Person in the Whole World: As the weakest person in the whole world, you can only have half of the average stats for Strength and Magic Power. No amount of training or tonic can increase your stats. Strength and Magic Power are permanently fixed at 5. Born Loser: You are born to fail at everything. You can't learn any type of Skill or Spell. How can a shameless, pervert, delusional and harem-seeking protagonist deal with transmigration after recieving a curse? Read to find out!
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Fate's Fortune
The start of my latest work. Like most stories I start, I'm not entirely certain where this tale is going to take me yet, but I'll enjoy the ride along the way until I sort it out and see where I end up. Join me as I follow this tale wherever it takes me -- or not. The choice is entirely your own. :D
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Behold the Bacterium
Welcome to a world where Humans traverse the heavens , destroy huge mountains with a flick of their wrists and Divine Beasts which can destroy a nation all possible through cultivation of abundance of Qi which filled the atmosphere. Only, Cultivation is possible through bacteria present in one's body , yes .. you read it right 'Bacterial Cultivation' ... And there's more , What happens When world such as this was faced with apocalypse due to mutation of monsters and Humans ..... ......... .....Fion Yu once a genius who stunned the entire Yu clan and even the Minrah Kingdom in the continent of alholt ultimately become the worst trash due to a betrayal by one of his clan relative.Stripped of his myraid bacterial pool with barely enough bacteria to live , he came across a fateful encounter with a person from earth who carries one of the worst bacterial constitutions in his body. Read as how his life takes shape in this apocalyptic world after this fateful encounter********* This Fiction Will have some mature Contents ***************
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Everlasting Mage
Meet Matt~ Oh Magical Matt. He used to be a magician street performer. But after a one-stone-petrifying encounter with real magic, everything about his life changed. Now, he is an immobile statue that can't do shit about his life while time erodes by itself. Magic is his only way to go, and he is going to learn everything no matter how long it takes. But the question still remains, will it make him or break him?
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Folly of Heroes
Vella may have a Bloodline Quirk, but it doesn't mean that it would be all sunshine and rainbows in a magical new world. A new life means new possibilities, new relationships, but it also means starting over anew. No reputation, no status, no way to know if life would end up the same way, or worse. Some problems just can't be escaped, even with death. In a world constantly pushing against nature to expand human civilisation, Vella throws herself into the recently rediscovered magic of old. Being physically young, she finds herself constantly needing to prove her worth whether if it's to the Martial Arts Academy, the Guild, or her very own parents.
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lover • sapnap x oc
a wrong number situation mixed with a girl who believes in the smallest of cliches, with no exception to her own situation. sapnap! wrong number book! slow burn! what else could you want! ! any tw are formatted like this at the start of the correlating chapter (w the exclamation marks) !if sapnap says he is uncomfortable w this i will take it down !im gonna attempt to do regular updates once i pass my pre-written chapters but i am a student who works 5 days a week on top of school so bare w me LMAO
8 207