《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Roark
Chapter 2
The paved path led out of the shady forest and into a massive open field where the sun made its shining presence known. The vast landscape was a bright green grassland mixed with the occasional pocket of sparse trees and flowers. A light breeze was more noticeable as it traveled across the fields, indenting the grass and bristling the fur of the two Pokémon on the trail.
The pair met a crossroad, where the road diverged into multiple paths that either led to faraway buildings as dictated by wooden signs, or more sprawling untamed wilderness beyond the forest and fields. However, the path that interested the two Pokémon was a much larger flat cobblestone-paved road.
Liam and Gloria found themselves on this road.
The freshly awakened Riolu walked tensely, his breath a bit shallow. His eyes still wandered, particularly interested in the looming city, and the huge swathes of figures ahead, more Pokémon of unique appearance. The much more knowledgeable Vulpix walked carefree, happy to not carry the basket on her back anymore, and being more familiar with her city and home.
As they made their way, they could hear the distant noises of various wagons and wooden carts with decals of faces of Pokémon that had the same idea of entering the city. Equine-like Pokémon pulled the wooden vehicles ahead at a modest pace, along with a few other Pokemon of various sizes.
Once they caught up to the noise, only the sound of clopping hooves on rocky terrain could be heard.
Liam took note of all the different shapes, sizes, and features of them. He was curious as to how many different Pokémon there were, seeing as how much they varied in size, shape, and pretty much everything else from the way he saw it. Noticing the Riolu's constant eyeing of almost everything that went past, Gloria smiled and spoke loudly through the noise.
"Empyrean City is the biggest and the most populated city on the Celestic Continent!" She peered towards the massive city before them. "It's, um, really the heart of this region, and many Pokémon from the other continents come just to see it!"
Liam absorbed this information. 'I guess I should learn more about this city, considering I might be in here a while, depending on what Gloria wants to do with me. And maybe there's answers here...' He strode forward feeling a bit more determined in his goal.
"I was stunned and intimidated when I first saw this place too... y'know," she said, tilting her head upwards and smiled. "Before moving here, I spent my whole life in the Glacier Peak Mountains. That... was my whole worldview and all my experience in life."
Liam was going to inquire more about the Vulpix herself, seeing as they just met. However, that feeling faded once the two of them had at last officially 'entered' the city, and into a plaza where dozens, perhaps hundreds of Pokémon were located from the looks of it. Both of them, more specifically, Liam, stopped to take everything in.
The cobblestone road transformed into a more smooth and clean concrete one. Square patterns were neatly designed into it as it stretched across the entire city in its winding form.
Rows of multicolored buildings, both short and tall stretched up and down the city, creating blocks, and alleyways that crossed through them. They were made out of concrete, wood, or both of the materials combined. Features of different Pokémon, such as color, shape, and the ears adorned many of those buildings.
Alongside the rows of buildings were chock full of shopkeepers alike. The passing wooden wagons and carts rolled into the plaza, taking their place in the line of shops. Heaps of Pokémon either stood in lines browsing through various vendors, or walked around the area, chatting with others.
Balloons were tethered around the various shops, or became lost and drifted through the air. Scraps of what appeared to be confetti danced in the wind, blending in with the vibrant colors of the plaza.
Liam's head snapped back-and-forth, looking at all the new and exciting sights of the city, trying to gather his thoughts over the commotion of the rumbling of carts and talking Pokémon.
'This... looks like a festival, but it must be the shopping district, right? There must be a hundred Pokémon here alone! And…'
Craning his neck, he looked at the most prominent building he saw from the forest. It was a sleek, black, obsidian looking building with countless dark stained windows to look out of. Bright blue neon lights lined the building's sides, pulsing vibrantly even in daylight
The building looked almost out of place in the city of wood and stone.
A purple banner with gold trim was spread out near the top of the building. Liam squinted his eyes to make out the text, but couldn't from his angle. He opened his mouth to inquire Gloria about it, but was stopped by a white paw pushing him lightly on his shoulder.
"Come on, Liam, I can show you around later," she said before strolling further.
Liam nodded, readjusting his grip on the basket of apples and following her. 'Right. Food first… answers later.'
They carefully meandered through the densely packed marketplace, occasionally bumping into some unamused Pokémon. Gloria led Liam into one of the narrow alleyways connected to the square, the adjacent building walls creating sharp shadows along its sides.
"It's just right through this alley. Watch your step, though!"
They proceeded through the dark corridor, making sure not to step on any piles of trash that happened their way. Once out, they emerged into a more clean suburban district of the city. The volume of this area was noticeably smaller, with only a token amount of Pokémon wandering the streets.
Liam took note of the more smaller and colorful round houses with the faces of Pokémon plastered on them. Green vegetation was more abundant around here as lone trees, bushes, and bundles of assorted flowers appeared in the lawns of the many homes.
Then out of nowhere, he sensed the oddly shaped feelers hanging off his head twitch, a spark going through his nerves as his eyes stopped scanning the area and snapped straight ahead.
'... What was that?! I felt something... like a warning?' He brought a paw to caress one one of his feelers, wincing at the feeling.
Gloria exhaled, "Whew… at least we made it before the sun could set." She nudged Liam out of his stupor, pointing at a house to their right. "See right there? That's my hom-"
"Halt!" a gruff voice commanded.
Both of them spun around, startled by the loud interruption. In the shadows of the alleyway, a mysterious figure leaning against the wall uncrossed its arms with a snort, before stepping into the light. The creature was an imposing figure, and towered over the two with ease. The Pokémon was a barn-red color, with black stripes reaching its white belly. Its face was a long snout, with pitch black eyes.
It was a Krookodile.
"Don'tcha ya know there's a toll for passing through?" it snidely added.
Liam tensed up, his eyes narrowing. 'Already? We haven't gone that far and we're being harassed?' He scanned the surrounding area. 'Are there more of them? If we need to fight... or run.' Seeing no one else showing up to back up the Krookodile, he knew they had to fight back.
Setting down the basket, the Riolu adopted a fighting stance, ready for any sudden movement by the nefarious Pokémon.
The Krookodile chuckled darkly at this. "Isn't that cute! You wanna throw down a fight, little guy?"
Liam gulped, almost losing his composure. 'Shoot... could we even take this guy? I've only been in one fight, but Gloria might…' He took a breath and steeled himself, turning to face Gloria, his hardened expression fading once he got a good look at her face.
'She seems... annoyed?'
Krookodile took a step forward. "Hehe, if you're so confident, then I think I'll need to beat it outta yo-"
"You're not going to fool me a second time, Roark!" Gloria interrupted.
Liam did a double take, losing his stance. 'Roark? Does she know this guy?'
The Krookodile stopped in his tracks, a wide smile traveling across his snout as a roar of laughter came out. Suddenly, a flash of bright white light enveloped the Pokemon, its appearance vanishing in the light. Liam shielded his eyes from the glow, wearing an absolutely bewildered look on his face. Gloria looked onward with a smile on her face and a wag in her tails.
The light receded as a new form stood in the place of the once nefarious Krookodile. It was a dark and red fox-like Pokémon that stood a few feet taller than the pair. It stood on its hind paws, blood red claws sticking out of them. Its mane of red fur was big and long, with black spike-like fur protruding out of it, and a blue braid that separated the rest of into a ponytail.
Its muzzle then grew a grin as a suave yet rugged voice snickered.
"Hehehe... and that was a very funny first time wasn't it?" the fox responded, placing his claws on his hip, walking towards Gloria. He then bent down and hefted Gloria up in his arms. The Vulpix squeaked a bit before melting into the hug.
'Roark' then spoke to her. "Thanks for going out to get dinner, sis. I have qui-"
"What?! How did you do that?!" Liam blurted out, before shoving a paw into his mouth, realizing what he said.
The two vulpine stopped their brief moment, staring at Liam.
The dark fox chuckled, keeping his curious eye on the Riolu. "Now, Gloria, you never told me you were bringing a friend over for dinner…" he joked, poking the Vulpix lightly on her snout with a red claw. "And hey - he's just as small as you are!"
Gloria's muzzle scrunched up as she wiggled her way out of his arms and onto the ground. "He's not a... well, I found him in the Sunshine Forest."
Roark's eyes widened, but he still kept a toothy grin. "You know what I told you about bringing over homeless 'mons. I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not made of cash."
Gloria sputtered, "No, no, he's not a homeless 'mon! He just lost his, uh..." she trailed off noticing Roark's bemused stare. "AARGH! Can we just... explain inside... please?" she squeaked out, pouting and digging a paw in the ground.
"Right and…" He gazed at Liam, who took the paw of his mouth. "If you're clueless, I'm a Zoroark. We're not something you regularly see, as we can create illusions of other Pokémon to blend in. Helped me get out of a few binds back in the day," Roark added, scratching his ear with a grin.
Liam found his tongue, "You can just do that? That's… actually really cool." He shook his head. "Hey, but why'd you have to scare us like that?"
The Zoroark started chuckling again. "How else am I supposed to get my sick kicks after my guild work is done?" His grin then turned into a knowing smile as he faced Gloria. "I'm guessing you want to hear what I did today?" He splayed both his claws to incite more thrill. "This one ended in a shocking plot twist!"
Gloria's eyes gleamed as she hopped up and down, forgetting her previous frustration. "Ooo, Ooo! You've got to tell me as I make dinner!"
Roark laughed yet again, ruffling Gloria's tuft of fur atop her head, much to her dismay. "Sure, sure."
The crafty vulpine made a beeline past them, walking to a house by their right. It was a simple, round shaped home with two windows besides the front door. Liam noticed the structure held significant resemblance to Gloria's muzzle, with its baby blue eyes, fluffy white ears, and a tuft of fur on the top of the house.
"Hey, kid!" Roark called out. "Let's talk - you and me, over some nice grub." A wink was sent towards the Riolu, before the door was swung open, and the fox was gone.
Liam racked his brain for a response that never came. 'He wants to talk?' He placed a paw over his stomach. 'Although, I am pretty hungry. But who is this guy? And why does Gloria know him?''
He needed to know.
"Wait, Gloria!" Liam shouted, the Vulpix in question turning around with a curious hum and tilt of her head. "You know who this guy is?" He asked, picking up the neglected basket full of apples and walking into the home with her.
"He's my big brother!"
When Liam entered, he naturally began to observe his surroundings. Gloria nudged the door closed as she took the basket of apples with her mouth from Liam, entering a kitchen-like area to the room's right.
Light spilled from the windows into the room they were in, which appeared to be a cozy living room. A plush white carpet covered the floor, the light making it glow and shine brightly. Shelves covered the walls filled with books, paintings, and numerous lanterns.
"On my way to the guild, I happened to bump right into a little youngster - a Pancham, who was carrying a hefty bag, and in quite a hurry from the looks of it," Roark explained, beginning his story.
In the middle of the living room was a dining table with an assortment of wooden chairs placed around it. Other furniture included a plain gray couch with colorful cushions beside it. Books were scattered around them, along with a lantern, indicating someone in the house was an avid reader. A hallway was just ahead of the living room, leading to three different doors.
"Well, after doing some other errands at the guild, Scizor obviously wanted me to get straight to my jobs, as an outlaw request for Soaring Falls was issued just now, and all other teams were busy. I asked Charizard to accompany me, but he blew me off saying that it 'was a lame job'." Roark used his claws to quote and imitate the Pokémon's grizzled voice as he moved towards the dining table.
Gloria giggled, dumping half of the basket's apples, along with handfuls of what appeared to be cinnamon dust onto a tray. It then was placed into the insides of a strange red device sitting on the wooden counter. Liam noticed the device resembled a face with large yellow eyebrows. It also had three yellow ovals on its chest, four appendages sprouting out of its sides, and round eyes with a wide smile in between them.
'Is that some kind of machine? Everything in this land is made to look like a Pokémon,' Liam remarked in his mind, following Roark to the table and taking a seat.
Roark sat down across from Liam, resting his head on an elbow. "Went out all the way to Soaring Falls - you remember that place? Well, I even went into the Mystery Dungeon portion of it. The Pokémon there were no match, like always - so I reached the end of the dungeon fairly quickly."
"Did you find the outlaw? Or did you find something better?" Gloria asked, a little excited. She chopped up the remaining apples into slices, placing them into wooden bowls with an assortment of multicolored berries in them.
Roark waved a claw, "Well, guess what. Remember that little Pancham from the shops? He was at the end of the dungeon, and got his little paw stuck into one of the crevices."
Gloria gasped, "How old was he? He must've been just a little kid..." She appeared a little downtrodden after he said that.
Liam noticed the Pokémon-like machine started to shake, vibrate, and glow a hot, crimson red as puffs of steam were jettisoned out of the machine's 'nostrils'. Liam's attention rapidly switched between Roark, Gloria, and the fuming device.
'Is that thing going to explode? Should I tell them?'
However, his worry was alleviated when the machine seemingly cooled instantly; its steam dissipating and constant shaking stopping as it went back to its neutral state. Gloria noticed, and popped open a flap on the machine's 'stomach', revealing a tray with its contents much liquified. Gusts of steam from the cooked mush showed its lava-like temperature.
Gloria carefully lifted the tray out with tiny cute mitts suited for her paws, and poured its contents into three separate wooden bowls.
"He was a little one - about the same age when I met you, and I wasn't gonna lay the smack-down on a kid because of a job. Turns out he stole some medicine instead of any Poké, so I got him out of the mess - out of the dungeon and back to Empyrean."
"I hope you didn't turn him into the guild," Gloria responded, a little worry on her face as she started adding the finishing touches to her dishes.
Roark smiled, "Hehehe, nah... He was acting like a brat on the way back, but he opened up along the way and told me why he did it." He looked towards Gloria who was peering back. "Told me he was going to give the medicine to his mother, a Pangoro who was deathly sick. He didn't have enough money, so... he just took it. The little thief and hero went all the way through Soaring Falls to reach his mom."
"Roark you…" Gloria began, her face now more heartfelt.
He steered his gaze to the nearby window, before looking back at Gloria and smiling a bit wider.
"Sound familiar?"
Gloria gave a small nod before speaking. "Did you do what I think you do?"
"You'd be right. We went all the way back through Soaring Falls and into a little grove where his mom got the fix she needed. 'Course I needed to foot the bill back home with the Meowstics', but..." His eyes glinted with some amusement. "Scizor was just happy to see everything go smoothly when I told him, which is a win in my book."
It was perfect timing as Gloria proclaimed from the kitchen.
Roark stood up to assist the tiny quadruped in grabbing the multiple bowls. Meanwhile, Liam was deep in thought, soaking up Roark's story, a little curious.
'So, is that what guild members do? Help Pokémon, or...' He considered the alternative in his head. 'Or maybe Roark made that decision on his own...'
Either way, he wouldn't be able to think now that his stomach was growling. One by one, the wooden bowls plus a singular spoon were placed at their respective spots on the table.
Gloria's careful gaze would prevent the hungry Riolu from eating. "Now, don't eat the applesauce just yet. The Darumaker cooks food to an extreme temperature. Roark would know..." She threw a glance Roark's way, who 'tched' in response.
"Please don't slander my name, sis, you knew I needed that coffee before Indeedee marked me down. I'm just glad she's a kind spirit."
Gloria took the opportunity to tuck her chest in and blow over the applesauce. Chilling white particles blew over the bowls, cooling it down, but not freezing it. Liam didn't bother questioning this use of her power, as it was useful, but made a mental note of it as he scrutinized the two bowls.
One bowl was the aforementioned applesauce, still very warm. He could smell the strong cinnamon emanating from it as his mouth began to water a bit. The other bowl held pieces of sliced apple mixed in with an assortment of different kinds of berries.
'I have no idea the last time I ate, but I'm starving!' Liam thought, hearing his stomach groan in pain.
Once Roark and Gloria were finished setting up, they seated themselves and began to chow down. Liam, not wanting to be rude, also began to eat. But not long into their meal, Roark would speak.
"Hey, kid… now that you're getting your fill. Do you mind telling me about yourself now?"
Liam paused his eating to stare at the Zoroark in question. He gulped, trying to rack his brain for an answer he knew he couldn't wholeheartedly give.
'How do I tell him that I'm practically a ghost?'
The Riolu looked over at Gloria, who was watching him with a confident smile, and a nod for him to speak.
"Well, I... my name is Liam, at least... I think so," he carefully worded, flinching a bit when Roark's expression morphed into real shock, then bemusement.
"You… have a name?" Roark scoffed at that. "And... you think it is?" He shot at look at Gloria, was about ready to interject herself. "Did, uh, you know about our guest's oddity?"
"Liam…" She tapped her chin with a paw. "He has amnesia - no memory of who he was. I found him while out collecting apples in the Sunshine Forest."
Roark exhaled, biting his tongue and containing his urge to ask for more as he shifted his gaze back to the nervous Riolu. "Is this true... Liam?"
The Riolu gulped once more, "Y-Yeah. All I could remember is waking up on a hill, in a clearing... and a name engraved in my mind. That's when I met her." He indicated to Gloria with a paw.
"Just one name, right?" A quick nod reassured Roark. "Huh..." The Zoroark looked deep in thought, his eyes never leaving Liam's.
The Riolu almost broke out into a sweat from the stare down the two were having. 'Does he think that I'm lying or something?' He broke the stare, glancing at Gloria for some assistance - she obliged.
"You believe him, right?"
Twirling his spoon in one claw, the ruse fox sharply inhaled. "Yeah... I do. This means you're a blank slate. Whatever you were previously is irrelevant." He threw a couple of berries into his mouth to enunciate this fact.
Gloria chimed in, "Wait. Can't we first find out if he has any family or connections? We can take him to the Empyrean Archives! They have a list of almost every Pokémon in Celestic!"
Roark looked like he was going to shut her question down, but responded with a cheeky grin. "Okay, my little egghead, we can do that first. If nothing appears, then we'll go with my option." His sharp gaze found Liam once again, digging a spoon into his applesauce. "You offer to join the guild."
Gloria went wide-eyed, "Roark! He just woke up today, and you want to throw him into the guild?"
Liam, too, was shocked. 'I don't even know what the guild is, and now he wants me in it?'
Gulping down the rest of his applesauce, Roark moved in to explain himself. "Yeah, and I'll tell you why - this is the best opportunity for the both of you." He glanced at Gloria, who went silent. "This is your time - aren't you happy?" He didn't get a response, but still continued, "And no offense, Liam, but I believe if you're that 'blank-slate' you say you are, then this is not only hers, but your opportunity as well."
Liam blinked. 'Gloria wants to get into the guild? If what Roark said is true, then he'd want the both of us to join together.' He anticipated Gloria's response as she squirmed a bit under the spotlight.
"Well, sure I've wanted to join, but..." She poked her spoon with a paw. "Are you sure I'm even ready? E-Especially with Liam! He just got here today!" she squeaked.
Roark rolled his eyes, scarfing down his remaining berries. "Why do you think I've been telling you about my exploits everyday for years?" He snorted and continued. "Didja think I would've kept you around as a cook? Knowing what the guild does is just one part, and knowing what the right thing to do is the second part."
Gloria sighed, appearing to be mulling it over in her head. Still, that overruling worried part inside her brain seemed to be winning against her determined side. She never gave back an answer.
"And Liam…" The Riolu focused his gaze back on Roark, hesitant on what he would say to him next. "Obviously I don't know you much, and neither does Gloria here. But..." He inhaled again. "I know... you're not lying." Roark scratched his neck, deep in thought, conflicted on what to say next. "Let's just say... I have a hunch!"
Liam frowned. 'What's this guy's angle? Surely he wouldn't trust a stranger he met the previous hour or... maybe he knows something?' He shook his head to clear those kinds of thoughts, before glancing towards Gloria. 'Maybe this can work if she is willing to put up with me for now. And possibly, I could find answers with this guild?'
Gloria noticed Liam's stare. "Okay, Roark, but… please don't rush me?" she asked with a nervous smile.
Roark rattled his claws on the cloth table, looking pleased with that answer. "Great, because I've got a meeting with a few guild members soon, and I'd like to put in a good word."
"Wait, aren't you already in the guild, Roark? Can't we just join your team, or..." Liam rebutted.
"Yeah, I'm with the guild, but think of it as freelance work; I only help around with errands and do the occasional job. Thank the Guildmaster for that... bastard." he grumbled the last part, receiving a white forepaw into his shoulder from an unamused Vulpix. "You two - I hope - will become fully-fledged guild members. Besides, I don't think you'll be too keen on joining 'Team HandyGuys'." He laughed hard as Gloria's face burned with embarrassment.
Liam crossed his arms and thought it out. 'So, he's going to put in a good word for us, but how else will we prove ourselves? Gloria might be known, but me?'
"In fact…" Roark glanced at an oddly shaped clock on the wall, standing up out of his chair. "I believe it starts about now. Thanks for the dinner, sis." Reaching over, he lightly noogied Gloria's head tuft, much to her dismay.
The Zoroark gathered his empty bowls and placed them into the kitchen area, before striding over to the front door, stopping midway through.
"Right!" Chuckling again, Roark turned around, looking at Gloria. "I thought I'd offer a gift to your sweet tooth, so I also ordered a little dessert."
The Vulpix's eyes lit up as she snapped out of her funk and rose out of her chair. "At Sylveon's Sweets, right? She makes the best Pokepuffs!" she cried out.
Roark swung the door open as he stood in the doorway, facing the two of them. "Ahuh. Now why don't you go pick it up once you're finished? Take Liam with you - it'd be good to show him around, get him familiar and all that jazz. Once you get back, we can discuss your options with the guild."
Then he was gone.
Gloria sat down, "We can go when we're finished eating, okay?" Her words were soaked in impatience.
Liam nodded, "I'll be quick."
He resumed his eating, a thump in his heart appearing - keen on exploring more of the vast city.
The door to the outside swung open as two occupants exited the Vulpix shaped home. Liam adjusted the cream colored saddlebag that Gloria had given him around his shoulder.
"If I recall correctly…" Gloria stopped walking. "It should only be a few blocks, so follow me!" she hollered, a bit more excited than usual.
The Vulpix took a right, leading further down the neighborhood with a wag in her tails. Liam followed, observing the small suburban neighborhood transform again into a more densely packed street. Tall houses with orange tiled roofs and wooden lumber supports overtook the smaller decorated homes. Gloria then cut off into another alleyway, entering the 'shopping district' of the city again.
There were less Pokémon here than before, but it was still packed. She was about to leave the district and head down another sector, but stopped suddenly.
"Oh! You should know some of the shops if we're going to get a chance of getting into the guild" She explained to Liam, before running over to one stand - he followed.
They happened themselves in front of a quite large light purplish tent with 'spikes' that jutted out from various sides of the tent, making a belt of faux protrusions. In the middle, one flap was open, revealing a Pokémon with striking resemblance to the tent.
Gloria cleared her throat, "This is Toxapex's Bunker - he stores anything that you can give him. It's, uh, very useful for long trips." She was going to give an example, but there was already a Pokémon handing a bag of items to the Toxapex.
Liam watched the Toxapex as he grabbed the bag with one of his flaps, giving a sinister smile to his customer in return.
Gloria noticed his worried look. "Don't worry, he doesn't tamper with your stuff… at least I hope." Despite the Riolu's perturbed expression expanding, she continued. "There's one other shop I need to show you! I hope they're still open." She whirled around, weaving through Pokémon and running towards the market's center.
Once Liam caught up, she thrusted a paw over to a more decorative stand. It was painted white, with royal blue stripes and cloth draped over the front. Above it were carved images of what appeared to be feline Pokémon. While looking to be the same species - their colors were inverted.
"This is the Meowstic Market. It's run by-"
The Vulpix closed her mouth upon seeing one of the feline owners behind the shop wave a paw. "Oh... that must be them. Come on, Liam!" She quickly ran over towards the stand, the Riolu following behind like many times before. Once they reached the stand, the cleanly groomed Meowstic who called to them, smiled.
"You must be Gloria, right? Roark's little sister?" an elegant female voice came out.
"Uh... yeah! That's me, alright. Did he... get in trouble?" Gloria asked, a bit worried.
The other feline spoke with a more posh male voice. "No, no, we talk to Roark a lot before he heads off to the guild. However, after he repaid us today for the theft." He exchanged looks with the other Meowstic. "We couldn't help but think... well, we should give the money back."
Liam couldn't help but look behind them at all the things that laid there. Almost a mountain of berries in chests, bottles with yellow liquid on them lined shelves, and round technicolor disks. Along with circular orbs that gleamed in the daylight, each having a slightly different coloration.
The female Meowstic nodded, "Ah yes, we can't help but be bleeding hearts, knowing that the little guy was doing it for his mom touched us."
"I'm sure Roark wouldn't need the Poké back. He makes quite a lot through working with the guild!" Gloria exasperated.
"Poké?" Liam questioned, arching a brow.
The Meowstic siblings immediately gave him a look as if he was mental, causing the Riolu to quickly shut his mouth.
Gloria thankfully covered for him. "Eheh, sorry! He just woke up very early today!" She changed the subject. "Anyway, um, are you sure that Roark would want it back?"
The Meowstic sister responded with a sharp nod. "We know he wouldn't - that's why we wanted to give something back as payment." After saying this, her brother turned around to take one of the disks in the back that Liam saw. He plucked an icy blue colored one off the shelves and presented it to Gloria, who kept a poker face, despite her giddiness inside.
"Roark always told us that you trained on the Pokémon in the Sunshine Forest, so... we'd thought we'd give you this TM. It's Frost Breath, a direct upgrade from your Powder Snow." The brother said with a smile, handing the disk over to Gloria.
She hesitantly accepted the TM. "Are you... sure?"
The siblings nodded in synchrony, with the sister responding. "Roark also tells us how much you want to get into the guild, and we think being a little more powerful help."
And with power comes great responsibility - what all guild members should know about!" the brother added.
Gloria held the TM to her chest, which was warming up. "Thank you Miss and Mister Meowstic! "But, um, me and Liam need to go pick up something at Sylveon's Sweets." She handed the TM over to Liam, who after inspecting it for a second, popped open a pouch of the saddlebag and placed it in gently.
"Ooo, at Sylveon's Place? She'll be closing soon, so you two should hurry." The Meowstic sister asserted, before adding with an amusing tone. "Roark also told us how much you liked her goods."
Gloria gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Can you please tell him to be quiet next time? Soon the whole city will know everything about me..." she grumbled before peering over at Liam. "Come on, we should get there before the sun sets."
The two of them were off again, only stopping to turn around and wave to the kind-hearted Meowstics'
They followed a road into a sector where more unique looking buildings dotted the sides - exquisite looking details etched onto the walls of many of them. Clothed tables and wooden chairs packed with Pokémon sat outside them, dining on various types of food Liam couldn't put his paw on what were.
"We're here!"
Liam snapped out of his trance and ran over, stopping to look at the building Gloria was eager to go into.
It was a round, medium-sized pink and white building with large glass panes and curved pink ears shooting off its top sides. Near the top rested a sign with elegant writing that spelled out 'Sylveon's Sweet's'. Tendrils of pink, blue, and white were carved into it along with a bow of the same coloring.
The two of them then entered without any further questions.
As they entered, a chorus of tiny ringing bells echoed throughout the building, presumably from the entrance door. A few Pokémon were inside, seated at tables idly munching on their confections.
Liam quickly identified that the tiled floor, the wallpaper, the ceiling, and all the décor and imagery, was a vibrant pink. He felt his eyes strain as he looked around, finding out that he did not like the color pink - not at all. Gloria, however, didn't mind as she sauntered towards the front of the establishment.
There was a glass casing that covered various sweets like candies, frosted cakes, and other baked goods. Two Pokémon were chatting near the counter, one behind the casing, and another by the counter.
The one behind the casing was a quadruped with white fur, pink tail, and pink ears. Ribbons touched with blue flowed out of the two bows on its ear and neck. Baby blue eyes, just like Gloria's, twinkled. The other Pokemon present was a brown and tan colored bipedal lagomorph, with long ears that stretched all the way down to its hips. Gloria would identify them as both Sylveon and Lopunny respectively.
"Sylvie! It's been a while!"
The two Pokémon talking halted their conversation to watch the Vulpix, who stopped in her tracks at the looks she was getting.
"Um, i-is this a bad time?"
A gleeful smile found itself on Sylveon's face. "No, no! It's very good to see you again, Glory!" a high pitched feminine voice shouted.
Liam then saw one of the 'ribbons' from Sylveon's bow began to float its way over to Gloria, who shockingly put her paw into it as the ribbon-like feeler wrapped around it.
Gloria giggled at the strange but tender feeling. "Usually Roark orders and picks up... " She scratched the back of her head with her free paw. "Also... I've been having Leafeon teach me, um, how to cook just a bit better."
Sylveon's smile widened at her words. "Heehee, whenever Leafeon and I are free from our duties, we like to have a cook off. I even remember when you and I had a little challenge together!"
Suddenly, a motherly voice came from the Lopunny. "Gloria? You came to the orphanage with that Zoroark, correct?"
Gloria gave an absolutely floored look in response, pulling her paw out of Sylveon's ribbon and planting it firmly on the ground. "Mrs. Lopunny! I'm sorry I didn't notice you… it's been too long!"
Lopunny spoke slowly, as if remembering locked away memories. "Ten years… my goodness! I still remember what you told me and my little Buneary."
Liam was unsure what was going on, but didn't intend on blurting out like he did before to avoid ruining a moment.
Gloria looked disheartened, "I'm... sorry, Mrs. Lopunny, but I can't remember what I said back then."
The Lopunny then raised a paw to her mouth. "Oh, no, it's fine! You were so young back then that I..." She waved that same paw. "It's something that I thought about. My little Buneary there took it quite to heart as well."
Sylveon hearing all of this interrupted, "Well, I think it's very nice that you two met before, but speaking of meeting before." She turned her gaze to the distant Fighting-type. "Have I seen you before?"
Liam, feeling the spotlight and eyes on him, spoke. "I am, uh, Liam… at least that's what I'd like to be called." He decided to not add anything else, hoping to duck any questions.
The Sylveon glowed with happiness, "Wow! Another Pokemon with a name! That's so strange and exotic! Maybe if I get to know you more, I can give you a cute nickname as well!" she finished with a wink.
Liam could see the same ribbon-like feeler Gloria grabbed wander over to him. He hesitantly put his paw in it as it wrapped around him, a jolting wave of relaxation washing over him, as if his limbs were jelly, his mind turning to mush. He quickly broke out of the bond as to not fall over due to his comfort - Sylveon giggled at this.
"Heehee, many Pokémon are overwhelmed at first, but it's a great relaxer."
"So... is the dessert Roark ordered ready?" Gloria asked, her impatience breaking through.
Sylveon giggled again, "Oh, of course! He already paid for it, so it's ready!" Her feelers extended behind her as they picked up a pink bag with her face imprinted on to it.
'How does she even do that?' Liam incredulously thought - just as the feeler came back around the counter and towards the still weary looking Riolu. He carefully grabbed the bag from the ribbon, trying to not touch it and suffer the same effects from before. He then placed it into the same flap where the TM was stored.
"Thanks a bunch, Sylvie! I'll come back later!" Gloria called out as she ran towards the entrance, Liam following just like before.
"If you and Leafeon continue to work together, then you'll need to include me some time, Glory!" Sylveon quickly added.
Gloria looked back towards the high-pitched Pokémon with a gleam in her eyes and a wide smile on her muzzle.
"It's a promise."
The sun was setting as the pair found themselves on the road back home. An orange glow-ish hue spread across the horizon, casting it across the city. Darkness would creep in through places that didn't witness the sky. Liam caught himself staring at it as they walked the road. While the daylight and breeze felt nice on his fur, the beauty of the sunset captured his eyes.
His mind was such a blank that he didn't even know if he had seen one before, but he still could imagine himself witnessing many in his unknown lifetime. The thought of just not existing and experiencing something what he was now was a scary thought.
But the feeling of just being here reassured him.
Gloria broke the silence of the trip. "Liam? I... just wanted to say… " She took a deep breath. "Thanks for coming with me, for helping me get dinner, and..." She didn't know what else to say, so she paused, but spoke again. "Look, just thank you for being here right now. I know you don't really know much, but it's good knowing to have someone beside you, right?" She winced. "Does that... make sense?"
Liam squinted his eyes at the sun. "You don't have to thank me, Gloria. I think anyone in my position would've gone with you."
'And it's not like I had a choice in the matter. Where would I go, what could I do?' He pondered this, but she pressed on.
"Roark... He has always been there for me, and I know he wants me to go places - places I want to go, too. At times I feel totally confident, but then step down..." she lamented.
The Riolu was about to cook up a response, but failed, a scowl forming on his face. He did want to say something, but his mind was too clouded with thoughts of himself to give any kind of advice to the troubled Vulpix. And it wasn't like he had known her for more than a day.
'Maybe she's quick to confide in me, but I can't tell now if she is truly correct about herself.'
The conversation would come to a close as they got further towards home, the sun slowly sinking further in the sky behind them. Liam could make out a dark figure resting with its arms behind its back on the door. It was undoubtedly Roark, who was silently eyeing the two of them with a smirk - the smirk only widening as they got closer.
"Hey, don'tcha know there's a toll?" he snidely told them.
"Come on, Roark... my paws are tired.." Gloria moaned in singsong, trying to push past with him rebuffing his guarding of the door.
"Let me see the goods first. I know that tired act will go away and you'll devour it as soon as we go in," he said matter-of-factly.
Gloria blushed, "Liam, show him!"
The Riolu quickly dug into the saddlebag, retrieving the pink bag and then tossing it over to the Zoroark, who effortlessly caught it.
He peered into the bag before quickly closing it shut. "Great! And now..." He got off the door and swung it open as he ran in. "Time to eat it before she does!"
Gloria snapped out of her sluggish state and bolted inside, the sounds of chaos within the home very audible.
Liam could feel laughter bubble out his chest. It was a strange thing, but like before, he knew he had experienced it one time. With one last look at the retreating sun, he unhooked the saddlebag around his shoulder and headed inside to assess the escalating situation, and also enjoy some much needed dessert.
The moon was out, the stars that came with it difficult to see with the city still alive and bright during the night. Liam lay on the couch of the living room, staring out of the window, watching those few almost invisible stars glow endlessly.
Gloria had offered to let him sleep in her room, considering she had a second bed. However, he declined, not wanting to intrude on her privacy. This is what he told her, but the truth was that he wanted to be alone for the time being. The day had been a drain on him, both emotionally and physically.
Still, he was restless, for reasons he didn't know.
After an hour of tossing and turning, he simply accepted his insomniac behavior, choosing to stare out into the far beyond of the atmosphere.
'... I don't feel like one of them, like I'm part of something much, much different.'
Gazing at the tiny stars in the sky, he tried to snuggle deeper into his small blanket.
Roark had given him it to stay more warm on the couch. He said it was something Gloria used to not be able to sleep without, which Gloria tried to refute. Liam chuckled at the memory of Roark trying to tell more embarrassing stories over dessert, but Gloria shooting him down every time he tried.
It was strange - he felt like he was at home in this bizarre land, but something was missing. That alien-like part of him was tearing him up inside. He didn't know what a Pokémon was, how to be one, to fit in-as much as he'd like to.
That Pokémon part of himself he must've lost, that personality he once had. Would it return? His head was too foggy, his senses too dry - bland - like a husk, and without proper control, but surely there would be some way to regain himself, his true self. He could only wonder what that true part of him was, either bad or good.
The Riolu rolled over as best as he could on the tiny couch, clearly a bit conflicted. Perhaps he would never find out, and he was going to live a life of never knowing. Not wanting to dwell on uncertainties anymore, he shifted his thoughts back to what Roark told him earlier during the day.
'And then he said that two representatives from the guild would be coming by tomorrow. Are they going to test us immediately?'
He sighed, quickly thinking it was best not to dwell on something yet to happen. With a shake of his head, he shut off his thoughts, lulling himself to sleep in the city that never sleeps.
Under the stars he reminisces of a part of himself... lost.
Want to speak your mind on something about the story? Then feel free to leave a comment detailing your thoughts/criticism on the chapter or entire story so far. I will read them all and respond if needed.
Otherwise, if you prefer to contact me a different way, my Discord is public, and I will accept any request to talk about the story. Discord: Z2H#7239
Next Time: Just Like You
- In Serial207 Chapters
A Journey of Black and Red
A conversation with a handsome stranger leaves Ariane chained in a cellar with a strange affliction. She soon discovers that the darkness of the nineteenth century’s Deep South hides many dangers. Mages, wolf shifters and the humans who hunt them play a risky game where to stumble is to die, all under the amused gaze of the apex predators of the supernatural world: vampires. It is never healthy to attract the gaze of the aristocracy of the night. It takes much to survive in this merciless world, but Ariane will not let that deter her. The southern belle has a bite, and she is willing to learn and to grow in this hostile new world. She will use whatever means necessary to reclaim her freedom, be it guile, charm, or those intriguing new instincts that make blood so delectable. This is a story of vampires as I believe they should be, with their strengths and weaknesses, with their remnants of humanity and the beast inside. Updates every Friday. Mind the tags. Cover by Antti Hakosaari: https://www.artstation.com/haco Special thanks to Svensonsen for getting me started, as well as Omi Nya, Jemima, my patrons and you dear readers, for the support.
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To Steal From a King
Valerlanta is a thief with magic and a yearning for freedom. Venic is a knight on the run with a secret that has two kingdoms out for his head. Together, these two people from very different upbringings must team up in order to race the king and his army to three puzzle peices.
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David is a troubled youth, torn between his natural empathy and his desire for apathy. One Day he is suddenly summoned into another world where one can get incredibly strong by killing other beings. In this world he will have to face cruelty, kindness, love and despair. Walking the fine thread between good and evil he will have to choose his destiny: to be a hero, a demon king or something completly different.......
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Heavy Metal: A Cyberpunk Novelette
A soldier meets his favorite rockstar, partakes in mind uploading, and faces the reality of the war he's fighting. Ian finally has a night off, just in time to see his favorite band and the rockstar he worships. But then the doors are blown in, and a special ops team storms the place with guns blazing. When the smoke clears, his hero is dead. When the captain tells him to keep quiet, Ian can't help but talk to his hero one last time. What the rockstar says turns his reality upside down, that he might be the one inflicting terror on his people. Now Ian has to figure out what his captain is hiding, before he's forced to destroy the mind of his hero. If you love cyberpunk that makes you think, then you'll enjoy Ian's war within himself, and his plight against the military system pushing him to murder.
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Poké Oneshots [Requests Temporarily Closed]
This is a small collection of oneshots that I either wrote for myself, or other people have requested. Requests are my top priority, so when you request, that comes immediately before anything that I happen to be writing for myself. Sometimes it may take me a while to publish the chapter you request, because the requests can back up a little bit.Requesting a scenario helps me form ideas a little faster, but if there's nothing in particular that you want to see, then I'll try my best to portray a good chapter from my viewpoint of the ship.You can absolutely request any ship that you want. There's a lot of oneshot collections out there who only do requests if it's a ship that they ship, but I know how hard it is to find stories for a ship that you like sometimes.Ships I'll probably inlude when writing for myself are:SpecialshippingNamelessshipping OldrivalshippingMangaquestshippingSoulsilvershippingFranticshippingAgencyshippingSequelshippingGreyskyshippingKalosshippingTwinleafshippingDualrivalshippingChessshippingFerriswheelshippingEntourageshippingCorruptedshippingBlacksoulshippingMalasadashippingLaverreshipping(You can request a ship and/or scenario)(I don't do ships from the anime, sorry (。ヘ°))
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✅ "Admit it Jungkook, she'd rather sleep with me." Jimin Vs Jungkook
8 153