《Infinitium, Book 1》Chapter 14, A New Start
January 1st 31st 2033
We, Me, I, monitored everything. We watched Admiral Ainsworth return to the Pentagon and then hurriedly make his way to the White House. He watched as the President, his cabinet, and his top military personnel watched Johnathan’s demonstration. We listened to the conversations each of them had. When Admiral Ainsworth was dismissed, we watched as the shadow masters of the US government made their own plans and gave their own orders. I wasn’t surprised when a sniper tried to shoot Admiral Ainsworth through the heart, only to watch the round he’d fired and the rifle he’d used disintegrate. The look of surprise on the assassin's face was priceless as his gaze went vacant, he stood and stepped through a portal to Trappist-1e when we made him.
Over the next four hours, We intercepted and recorded multiple orders to sleeper cells in the United States from various nations and companies to ensure the destruction of Portal Inc. What showed me just how devious humans could be was when the politicians and leaders of the various terrorist organizations contacted individuals within the Chinese, Russian, Great Britain, and US governments to put a plan in motion to trick Johnathan into visiting the White House where he could be dealt with.
By 4 a.m. we had evaluated all outcomes and determined that a peaceful solution was not possible. Contacting Johnathan, I made my recommendations. Johnathan agreed and we started preparing. At 7:58 Eastern Standard Time, we heard the President of the United States call for Mr. Bennard to come to visit him, just as his shadow masters wished him to.
I had taken a three-hour nap to prepare for my encounter with the President. I donned a new pocketless blue jumpsuit with the Portal Inc logo over my left pocket.
“Thor is everything ready. No issues to speak of? I asked.
“Yes.” Thor responded. “If I might ask, so that I may better understand human motivations. Why is this response necessary?” Thor asked.
“People or entities in power sometimes follow an old rule which revolves around the idea that ‘might makes right.’ The only thing those asshats that think they are all-powerful will understand is a show of power they have no chance of overcoming. You are to initiate the ‘New Start’ protocol the moment any weapon is used against me in the White House.”
“Probability approaches unity that the various elements of the shadow government and their lackeys will mobilize as soon as they believe you to be neutralized” Thor stated dispassionately.
Laughing slightly, I said, “That will just help you Identify then guide them through portals to their new homes won't it?”
Thor paused for a second and responded “It will, yes. But there will be a bit of chaos in the early days.”
I paused for a moment considering. “You have a point, and it would not be fair to punish everyone permanently until they truly comprehend how useless struggling is. Modify the welcome package accordingly. We’ll revisit exactly what to do with criminals that are too stupid to adapt after we’ve had a chance to speak with the government leaders.”
“Yes, Johnathan,” Thor responded
“Now if you don’t mind please open a portal to the White House,” I said to Thor.
Thor opened a portal to the White House. I could see the President sitting at his desk and knew from Thor’s nanite surveillance that there were two Secret Service agents walking up from behind the portal.
“Mr. President, may I come in?” I asked.
President Bennet looked up from what he was reading as he uttered “Amazing” then waved me in as he said, “Please, do come through, my detail will need to search you through.”
“Of course, Mr. President,” I said as I stepped through and the portal disappeared. I raised both my arms and waited for the two members of the President's detail to step forward and frisk me from head to toe after the portal disappeared. Smiling the whole time, I waited until they were done then turned around slowly facing the two agents; “Agent Carter and Agent Jackson, thank you for your diligence and loyalty. Please do not move, we are about to have hostile visitors in three, two, one.”
The two doors to the Oval Office burst open and two men stepped through each door. All four aimed their HK MP7, Two were aimed, one each, at the secret servicemen, and the other two were aimed at me. Putting a hand towards each door I spoke one word “No!” like Neo from the movie “The Matrix.”
Agent Carter and Agent Jackson responded to the threat, each turning towards a door and dropping to a knee. As the men coming in the door opened fire at us, they returned fire at the attackers. The noise was deafening as each side emptied their guns. The exchange of gunfire could have been quite deadly had Thor not intervened. Nanites reduced and converted each bullet to nothing. Not one bullet traveled more than an inch from its barrel before ceasing to exist.
Immediately Thor took control of each of the attackers' bodies and had them stand at attention as their tactical gear, weapons, and electronics evaporated off their bodies and was replaced by a one-piece jumpsuit. Five seconds later, a portal opened in front of each agent and they stepped through.
Agent Carter and Agent Jackson moved to the President and were frantically calling for aid into their mikes. While the Secret Service agents were moving, Thor took over and transported a total of 778 people from across the globe at the exact same moment. Each was transported to one of the rooms that had been prepared for them on Trappist-1e.
“No one’s coming Agent Carter,” I said then continued as both Agents ignored me, “The reason no one is answering at Control is that every single person in that control room was part of a larger plot to take over the White House and make it look like I had tried to do so.”
President Bennet looked at me then asked, “How can you know that?”
“Because Mr. President right now I am plugged into everything and everyone on this planet. When the assassination plot initiated, I took steps to ensure that it will never happen again, anywhere on this planet.” I stated flatly.
The President looked at me like I was patently insane. What he would soon find out is that when the first bullet had been fired Thor reset the Earth. All man-made toxins and pollutants were immediately removed from everywhere on the planet. Next, every weapon of mass destruction, which I had defined as any weapon or device which could affect more than one person in short order was also removed from the surface of the Earth, Earth's orbit, or anywhere else a superpower had been sneaky enough to hide them. Some of those devices had never been tested, thankfully. What had been built off the planet would probably have destroyed the biosphere. Anything in a museum was ignored though if someone tried to move a weapon it would dissolve then reappear where it had been taken from.
Next, every man, woman, and child was modified to have a miniature receiver in their ear canals which allowed instantaneous communication and receiving to anyone anywhere. Thor deadened the nerves in the area so no one even felt it happen. This had already been done to the prisoners on Trappist-1e. Thor cured blindness and deafness across the globe as well as a host of other medical issues. Everyone was modified so that over the next couple of months the nanites would remove excess body fat from their systems and only allow nutrients that a person’s body needed to survive to be processed by their body. People would not discover this until they continued to lose weight no matter how much they ate. Eventually, the changes made to their system would make it far less likely for people to gorge. Those were the only changes I allowed to humans. If athletes wanted to build muscle, they would need to do it the old-fashioned way. Hunting and fishing equipment would be allowed but there would be strict limits set. Any non-sanctioned hunts would be stopped, the animal protected and a fine assessed against the perpetrator in the form of community service. As all trash was being immediately converted into nanites or raw materials, what that would mean in the future would have to be decided at a later date.
I stood quietly while Agent Carter and Agent Jackson kept the President safe. Three minutes later, the reset was done. Every phone line on the President’s desk lit up. With a thought, I had Thor silence the President’s phone. I turned to the President and said “I think I’ll need to answer the calls, Mr. President.”
The President shrugged, looked at me as if I was insane, and said “If you can do that without a working phone, be my guest”
A portal opened in front of me, and I stepped through to one of the major News affiliates in Washington DC. As the portal closed behind me made my way to center stage and had all the camera’s pointed at me. By this I mean I had each of the techs controlling a camera point and focus their cameras on me while Thor then made sure to transmit Johnathan’s transmission onto every screen, monitor, and television on the planet, whether it was plugged in or not. I stepped in front of the camera and waited. The visual broadcast would appear on every network, monitor, or cellphone while a simultaneous broadcast of the message was transmitted through the implants so everyone would hear me.
An angry assistant started to move quickly towards me and stopped in mid-stride, moved into a relaxed stance, and stood there passively. A few others that had been moving towards me also stopped, relaxed, and stood still.
Thor modified each transmission through the implants to be in the language the individual spoke the most in my voice. The funny thing about the receivers. Even if the person did not want to listen, they had no choice.
Taking a deep breath I started: “Good Evening everyone. Please let me introduce myself. I am Johnathan Bennard. You are hearing my voice through an implant that has been grown and put directly against your ear canals in the last couple of seconds. It can be removed but you’ll find it comes right back, along with whatever else you damaged taking it out. Also, you will need the implants to take advantage of some of the new technologies that will be available so before you try to do anything rash please take the time to listen to this announcement. I you’d like to watch my presentation please make your way to the nearest monitor. For those of you that were deaf a few minutes ago, your hearing has been restored or given to you. To those of you that were blind, the same, though in the case of those born blind I will apologize for the sensory input overload and suggest that you close your eyes until you’re used to the new sights you're seeing. Your mind still has to associate objects with the ideas you’ve had about them, that will take time which there is nothing I can do to speed up. There are wonders in this Universe and everyone should have the opportunity to hear and see them.” Smiling, I paused for a moment then continued. “Hopefully I will help you discover them.”
“First, and most importantly a lot of changes are about to happen. What you need to know is that everyone will have access to food, drink, and shelter should they wish. For now, the world governments will continue as they are with a few minor changes. More on that in a minute”
“Second, there are cameras literally everywhere right now. I am aware of everything happening on Earth right now. Also, you’re being recorded.
“Third, all of this is made possible by semi-sentient Artificial Intelligence embedded in a sub-atomic quantumly entangled network of nanites that spans every single star system within 100 light-years that is growing by the hour.”
I paused as if in thought then turned from the camera. To look on as an 80-inch monitor on a table formed from nothing so that the camera could view its surface. It was not plugged in as far as anyone watching could tell. The monitor came on with multiple views of different people across the world. There was an Image of the President of the United States, and just about every other leader of a major nation-state and anyone near them. Then the image switched to the office of the President of the UN which enlarged and filled the whole screen just as he asked “Who does this idiot think he is?”
I smiled “For everyone listening that was the President of the United Nations. To answer his questions I will simply say, Mr. President, this ‘idiot’ is exactly who I said I was. You might want to listen up before you.” A portal to a room on Trappist-1e appeared behind him “end up where multiple members of various governments have already been sent after their attempt to assassinate me in the White House moments ago.”
The President of the United Nations turned slowly and looked through the portal then turned back to the camera and stood very still not saying a word. I left the portal open for a few more seconds then had Thor close it down.
“As I said, everyone that can hear my voice is being monitored at all times. Through my semi-sentient Artificial Intelligence, I am made aware of everything that is happening on Earth. Everything.” I paused to let that sink in.
“So, a couple of things everyone should know. If you’ve ever watched Star Trek and saw the idea that the transporter system could create food and drink from thin air, yeah, that technology works now, though not exactly in the way described in Star Trek. Anyone on Earth can ask for food and drink. though the choices will be limited, to begin with. Just say “Food Menu” in your native language, the system can recognize every language on Earth. It will list a couple of food items, drinks, snacks, and desserts. If you want more variety you can travel to supermarkets whose shelves will be refilled as items are taken to make dinners as you see fit from the ingredients you pick up. No more shortages, no more waiting in line. Also, it’s all free, you will not have to pay for any of it. I will need to sit down with the world leaders and explain exactly what the power of this technology is and exactly how useful it will be. Just know that right now, no matter what happens everyone on planet Earth will have access to food and water or any other drinks they might wish for.”
Johnathan paused and looked into the camera. “Additionally, the nanites can provide shelter to anyone that needs it. Permanent structures that have been up for a while are being repaired, as are all roadways, bridges, train tracks, and airports. A temporary structure, a box with a bed in it will form in an empty space and you’ll be able to sleep comfortably, no matter where you are. The nanites in your body will ensure that temperature is not an issue. In the morning when you wake up the structure will disappear. If you would like to create permanent structures you will need to get with your local government. If your area does not have a local government, set one up. Once permission is given, Thor will work with you to create the structure you desire. The point though is that no one will sleep in the cold ever again unless they want to of course.”
“Next, those subatomic nanites are inside every atom inside you, every single atom. If you had high blood pressure, not anymore. Clogged arteries? that too. Minor injuries will be healed in seconds and major ones, including fatal head wounds, can also be healed and full brain functionality restored. Everyone has been scanned and every cell in our body can be replaced to exactly as it is today. Though I warn you, they do nothing for the pain that comes associated with any wound you take. If you stab your hand to see if what I’m saying is true, it is going to hurt. The true capabilities of that aspect of the technology are yet to be determined but I’d venture to say your medical professionals around the globe have been wondering why no one has died of old age or cancer for the last 6 months. In fact, I do know that a couple of doctors noticed.”
“Now for the obvious question, who controls the technology? Well, that would be the semi-sentient Artificial Intelligence who took the name Thor, who is then controlled by myself. Ultimately though the answer to the question of who is in charge is, well that’s me. As for who runs your country? My plan is to work with the leaders of the world to ensure the continuity of governments remains as they are with a few major changes. There will be no more war, no more terrorism., no more holy crusades, no more social justice bullshit.”
“I am not making a case for these desires. I am not asking. I give absolutely zero fucks about what anyone’s thoughts are on these subjects. Why? Because every single weapon of mass destruction was dismantled before I started talking. There are no more atomic or biological weapons on Earth or within this solar system. The United States, China, and Russia had some very naughty toys they had created that no longer exist. Each and every bomb-making item that was in the possession of a terrorist, group, cell, or nation has been similarly ‘repurposed.’ Also, if anyone has the bright idea to mine for more materials, they will find that all the mines now hold bare rock. As any element can be created or changed with a single thought by me, every natural occurrence of radiological materials on Earth have been similarly neutralized.”
I paused and had my nanites create a glass of water to wet his tongue out of thin air before I continued. “Fighting over religion, not tolerated. Arguing, that will never stop but no more assassinations, killings, etc. As for the social justice movement, basically, those working for social justice just won. Everyone is equal now except for, wait for it, me! I created a technology that is going to make life for every single human better and repair the damage we did to our planet. Also the technology will help us spread humanity across the cosmos without ruining the planets we move on to. I have been able to do all this, not through the color of my skin, nor just my experience alone. How this was all made possible is none of your concern and rest assured the circumstances that led to this are a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. So, stop arguing about the stupid shit you cannot change and enjoy the benefits of my work.”
“Also, while I’ve been talking I’m sure some of the members of the upper echelons of various governments and terrorist groups, yeah the terrorist groups will soon be joining them so lets no include them in this statement. The various governments are probably wondering where 778 assholes, I mean military and political leaders, have gone off to. Let me ease your concern and say simply they were part of a plot to kill me and take over the White House. The simple answer, is they are no longer on Earth.”
Pausing for a moment I pointed at an angle down through the Earth towards Trappist-1e, though no one watching would catch the significance for a few more seconds. “The longer answer is that they are not dead. The people that disappeared are on a planet in the Trappist-1 system approximately 39 light-years from here in the direction I am pointing.” I Lifted my hand and stood in a typical power pose facing the camera with fingers touching in front of me. “Each individual on Trappist-1e has either committed, planned, or attempted to commit the crime of murder. Who says so? I do. If you haven’t been paying attention until this point you should really do so now. I am now the single figure of absolute law on this planet. No other law is above my declarations. No other person's will is above mine. Think of yourself as a king above the peasants. With a thought, I can turn your kingdom to dust.” I paused for emphasis “It is truly lucky for everyone that I was born in the west. Could any of you imagine if Hitler had been given the abilities your witnessing today?”
“If you are worried about anyone that has disappeared simply go to a monitor and ask out loud to be connected to whoever you’re looking for. For instance, someone could say ‘Please connect me to the Vice President of the United States” An image of the Vice President looking up through a transparent dome at a Red Dwarf Star as she listened to me appeared on every screen. “If they are near their monitor and the request has been made It’ll work a lot like a phone except you’ll be able to see each other on the monitor in front of you and speak and hear through your implants. If they’re currently talking to someone else, you will be placed in a queue and have to wait your turn. If they’re not near the monitor you’ll be told that they’re not available as a message is sent to them informing them of the call. Otherwise, if they wish to answer, you will be able to talk to them immediately in a video call.”
As I paused again, I directed the nanites near the Vice President to immobilize everyone at the Vice President's location. I turned so that the camera that was on me could see the Vice President's face as a portal opened directly in front of her and me. Though separated by 39 light-years, through the portal we were less than a foot apart. I looked directly into her eyes as I continued for all the world to see. “Angel Fire? Really? Mrs. Vice President, using that weapon on my estate would have killed thousands in Alamogordo. Make your evil ass comfortable, you will never be coming back from that planet.” I closed the portal but kept a camera on the Vice President and himself. “Which brings me to my next point. The way that all these rules are to be enforced is simple. If you weren’t paying attention, I said the nanites are in every atom within 100 light-years. That means they are in you.
With a thought, I can immobilize you. Put you to sleep or treat you like a puppet. I can make you do whatever I want, as the supervisor in this news station found out when I stepped into this studio. She tried to interrupt me, so I stopped her. When I’m done talking everyone here and the Vice President over on Trappist-1e will be released.” I paused, took another drink as I said again, “With a thought.” As I kept the Vice President immobilized from waste down but released her mouth and face.
“If you think for one second…” the Vice President started to say as she brought her left hand up between her face and the camera, as if to make a point only to watch her finger then the entire hand dissolve, leaving only a stump. Her eyes went wide and she started to scream, which I muted. I let this go on for about 30 seconds as everyone watching could see the Vice President mouthing “No, No, No…” over and over as she ran her right hand over the stump checking to see if her hand was really gone. Neither her hand nor any other part of her body moved.
“Or this thought,” I said to the camera, as the Vice Presidents hand reformed. I released the Vice President from her paralysis and everyone watched as she touched her left hand with her right one and made sure she could still move her fingers, tears streaming from her eyes. “Some of you probably think I’m being too cruel. Understand this! That bitch tried to kill me and would have killed almost everyone on the east side of Alamogordo New Mexico and a lot of other people in the mountains near my home. I am giving each of you the courtesy of explaining myself this time. I will not do so in the future. Those that are punished will know exactly what they’ve done. Though, I may have Thor create a database where everything is documented and available for review by anyone. I actually like that idea. Absolute transparency, well except for me of course. What I’m doing is none of any of your business.” I paused, taking another sip of water.
“Trappist-1e is the first planet to be terraformed for humans. Currently, it is serving as a prison planet of sorts, but it is also being set up as an emergency lifeboat should some catastrophic event happen to Earth. And yes, Thor currently has the ability to open a portal for every single human on Earth and ferry you to safety at the same time. Anyone on Trappist-1e has the same access to medical care and the same benefits as everyone else, save their home will be a small room with a bathroom. Also, while it acts as a prison planet individuals sent there will not be able to return to Earth unless I allow it. There are 10 billion individual rooms on Trappist-1e, so plenty of room for anyone on Earth that has been stupid. Now I bet you’re wondering what will get someone sent to Trappist-1e?”
“As everyone will soon find out it is nigh near impossible to kill anyone. There are no longer any weapons that will allow you to do so quickly and as soon as you make your attack you will be frozen and controlled through a portal to Trappist-1e. Fistfights won’t get you sent there but your local laws may if your local governments change them, and I agree with their decision. I am not going to micro-manage every single community on the planet so I’m probably going to agree with them as long as the laws follow the intent of the Constitution of the United States and our Bill of Rights, and the Amendments made to the Constitution to this point. Adding new Amendments won’t change anything. Also, Supreme Court precedent means nothing to me. There is now one Moral compass on the planet, and it is mine. If Thor or I believe what you’re doing is wrong or violates the ruleset I’ve set for him to enforce you’ll find yourself on Trappist-1e.”
“Attempted rape will also get you sent there, though you should know that as soon as you try you will be stopped. Additionally, body parts will fall off just like the Vice Presidents’ hand did. Rape will not be tolerated. I will have to discuss that with the various nation-states and see what they want to do. All members of every prison that committed a violent crime, whether convicted or not, plea deal or not, are being shunted to Trappist-1e while I’ve been talking. Thor has records of everything on or near Earth going back 6 months, so I know if you were guilty of the crime or not if it happened within the last six months. Some people that were never caught have also been sent there. After their welcome package, you will be able to contact them at your leisure. As for the other prisoners that I have not removed from Earth. They have access to the same technology everyone else has so they can do whatever they want. My suggestion to the Wardens would be to release whoever you still have because I’m not going to limit their access. I just reset the world, got rid of all trash in landfills, in the ocean, and removed all violent criminals, or those that I know to have ordered violence, from this planet. I’m sure I do not need to explain the consequences to the minor criminals still in jail. I’ll have to work that out with the various leaders of other countries though I’m pretty sure they’ll agree that they’ll have better things to do than administrate petty criminals once all the benefits are made known to everyone.”
Pausing for a moment I looked into the camera earnestly. “I know this is a lot to take in. I know that the changes I’ve made will change the face of our planet forever. That said, I honestly believe that we as a species are completely capable of adapting. To those networks that claim to give unbiased news, including the one I’m on right now. If you publish facts we will get along splendidly, even if you publish facts I don’t like, as long as you base your claims on verifiable evidence I will defend your right to publish facts and the truth. If you publish falsehoods and innuendo and gaslight subjects, know that with a simple request, Thor, who is everywhere, is also locked into every single computer on this planet, phones, tablets, floppy discs paper, etc… There isn’t a virus checker that can detect him or anti-hacking software that can beat him. He is a semi-sentient AI with a processing capability that has reached the singularity threshold. Nothing can stand up to him and he will always be growing and learning. Nothing anyone else here creates will be able to catch him. If you’re thinking of destroying evidence I’ll save you the time by telling you that six months ago it was too late to do so.” I said as a black notebook solidified out of nothing in his hand.” Oh, what is this? This is the Vice President's notebook with her passwords.” I opened the book to the first page which had a login ID and a password on it that I made sure everyone could see. “What is this? Oh, that’s the ID and password to unlock a file on her personal computer that has all of her other passwords in it.” I said as a desk, then a laptop appeared in front of me. “And look, that is an exact duplicate of her laptop that is sitting at her home, that has that information on it,” I said as the laptop booted up and asked for a password. Which appeared on the screen. A new file opened on the screen and opened her web browser which opened to a secure server in the Pentagon to a page titled “Angel Fire.” I allowed the camera to capture all of that, then looked back at the Camera.
“Angel Fire, until about 9 p.m. last night was a strategic platform in space that could launch a tungsten rod that would enter the atmosphere at about 30 times the speed of sound and slam into a target on the ground at that speed. The overall effect is that a clean detonation with a power at least ten times greater than Hiroshima which would destroy anything within 1 mile and severely damage everything within 5 miles. a strike happening so close to the city had a very high likelihood of killing the old and young as well as anyone unlucky enough to be buried under structures as the shockwave that radiated out from the impact site caused buildings to collapse. My estate near Alamogordo is on the mountains overlooking the city about 2 miles away. A missile like that would have detonated the mountain my estate sits on and killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands in the city of Alamogordo. The Vice President of the United States authorized its use against me. 778 other people were also complicit in the attempted murder of myself at the White House earlier, I’ll just refer to them as the Illuminati for all intents and purposes. They authorized the use of that weapon to try to kill me. It was launched, the weapons destroyed, and Angel Fire turned into pure energy as I had the nanites destroy it completely. There were other weapons in orbit and on the Moon from other countries that I have also destroyed. It is unlikely that a number of those 778 people will ever be coming back to Earth,” I said.
“So yeah, all those dirty secrets and backroom deals anyone thought that no one knew about. I know about them all and can bring them back into existence even if you rush to destroy them right now.” I said as the notebook, laptop, and desk all evaporated into nothing.
If some of the information in those files were to get out and become public knowledge, that just wouldn’t be very good for you would it?”
“But today is about new beginnings. The Earth has been cleansed of all garbage, everywhere. Landfills, trash in the seas, and the plastics that were killing the sea life. All that trash has been removed from the planet and will continue to be removed from the planet. Everyone is now healthier than they were, and truly evil people and criminals have been removed from the planet without being killed.” I paused for a moment then looked back into the camera. “That isn’t to say I won’t end their existence if they continue to do stupid shit.”
“There will be more information coming out but for now I believe I’ve taken up enough of your time. Thor and I will be working with the National leaders around the world to make sure everyone knows exactly how fortunate you are. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to listen to me, though I know you didn’t have much choice. Think about what this new age will mean for humanity and if you have any ideas please speak up. Thor can hear and see everything. If you have a good idea we want to hear about it.” With that, I turned away from the camera and left through a portal that opened to my base in Colorado. As the portal I stepped through closed everyone was released.
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