《The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]》Chapter 10 Dual Affinity User
Chapter 10
Dual Affinity User
“Which one are you?” DI Wagner asks, his hands holding up two different testing stones. The idea of the stones is simple, you grab the one that you have an affinity for and boom it lights up. Based on the density of your power and your compatibility with your different Powers the brighter it glows along with changing the hue and what not.
Looking at them DI Wagner is a middling psychic, or non-combat specialized mind user. Rather than arguing with him, I reach out grabbing both stones then cycle my mana through each. This is a process that I came up with in my eighth loop that saved time and expedited this whole charade over. With this it looks to the DI like I am unsure, when I am just avoiding a whole song and dance about how I am a mutant child who has bits of alien DNA thrown into their genetic makeup and is now sterile from the procedure. But hey I do have the ability to dual wield, so the medical examiners got half of their test goals completed when they engineered me.
I hold out both stones, cycle mana through them. They both begin to glow; everything is normal at first. The magic sensing stones glows deep purple for spirit, green for life, then dark and light blue for my water and air affinities. In all something that clearly confirms my status as a support mage.
The mind stone on the other hand begins to glow brightly, so brightly that it is burning my hand. It takes only a moment for me to realize something is completely wrong with this. Normally, and by normally, I mean every other freaking time, it just glows its different hues. Deep purple for Telekinesis, a dark black for Mind Rend, A dark electric red for Pyrokinesis, and a small blue dot for Precognition. Normally they are all in descending order of brightness with Telekinesis and Mind Rend taking the top spot. This time however there is one glaringly obvious difference in that my Precognition is just as bright, if not brighter than my Pyrokinesis.
Then things begin to delve out of control, as the mind magic stone glows white hot for a moment. Then mentally I see the moment that is about to happen, just before it happens. I get a vision of the stone bursting in my outstretched hand. The only problem is, I am so distracted by the vision, something I have never been able to manifest before in any previous lifetime that I am stunned to inaction when the stone bursts.
Shrapnel expands out of the stone at volatile rates. On instinct I capture the different shards before they can fly out and pierce me and DI Wagner. This is a method I developed for capturing and insulating myself from live grenades. With a grenade, while the explosion might be powerful, the true damage comes from the metal fragments that rip and tear through your flesh with the momentum of the explosion.
In this case I do the same thing, stopping all the crystal fragments from escaping and reaching terminal velocity with an effective net of Telekinetic force over the sphere. To do this I just imagine the shape of the Telekinetic appendage to be a complete sphere without any holes. I stop the shards from flying. There is one obvious drawback to this method, as it isn’t entirely fool proof, as I am still hit with the burst of heat from the blast. But even this burst of heat is far preferable than being hit by the burst and the burning hot crystalline shrapnel.
DI Wagner and I both stare at the now destroyed mind testing stone in awe. Mine is because I have never had this stone act in this same way. Never has the thing exploded before. Grown hot while holding the stone for an extended period, sure. Changed colors and intensities so the Precognitive color doesn’t fully manifest, okay. But to show all four colors so vibrantly, then to explode like that. I shake my head. Simultaneously I begin instantly healing the burn marks to my hand, forearm, and face. I believe my eyebrows might have been flash burned in the process. A quick touch, and phew they appear to be safe. I touch my hair and find that it too is safe, even though the burn was close enough to have at least singed a few hairs.
DI Wagner too shows signs of also having been struck by the waves of heat from the crystal. Most notably he has a few char marks on his uniform where he was standing closest to me and the stones. He is just staring at me, with eyes wide open in awe. I follow the direction of his gaze and realize he is staring at the ball of spikes that are being held in a perfect recreation of the blast angle in a sphere over my hand.
I look down to see close to a few hundred different tiny shards that could have easily torn flesh and fired through bones if left unchecked.
“So as you can see I think I am fairly proficient with Telekinesis already, and I would like to try to already test out of that and a few others.” I state. I finally make note of the real reason I had chosen to go last and had stayed behind, so that I could proceed to test out of my magical applications, so I could begin getting certified. Many of the certificates that I wanted took weeks if not months to get fully credentialed for and I only had four years that I could use to get each certificate. I needed to use my time wisely.
DI Wagner looks from the sphere of crystal shards to me, then back to the sphere. I can almost see the moment he realizes he is staring at me with his jaw wide open. Then with practiced grace and dignity he promptly closes his mouth, then first goes to a form of attention. He is doing the equivalent of a mental reboot, letting his military training dictate how to operate from here.
“Right, so dual affinity it is then.” He finally comes around to the point. “Very high potential in magic.” A slight pause, “I am going to go out on a limb here and say that you might be off the charts in our ability to properly assess your Psionic potential.” He says with a gulp as he makes a few markings on his wrist communicator.
I instantly get a few pings as information about what I am to do next appears.
“Right, I’ll need that back.” DI Wagner says pointing to the still solid magic testing stone in my left hand. I give it to him; he takes it and instantly puts it away into its holding case. A holding case that has a missing stone shaped lump next to it. With that image I push the different shards back into place, until they are the same shape as the original stone.
“Oh, that’s new. I don’t think I ever saw that much precision control before.” He notes.
With a slight surprise I too am shocked by the level of control, not that I have it, but the fact that it is coming so easily to me. I place the orb in his hand, which he then places into the box. He gives out a relieved sigh as it remains in one piece the whole way. Then I let go of the Telekinetic hold on the stone pieces. Almost instantly cracks begin to form, and the stone falls apart into a million pieces.
I almost feel sorry for the DI, as it looks like part of his soul was ripped out during the process. That or maybe part of his budget was ripped out with having to order a replacement testing set.
I turn about to leave, not wanting to prolong the awkward moment, when DI Wagner asks a question, I was not quite expecting.
“Do I have to worry about anything between you and Cadet Lowel?” He asked, probably drawing a conclusion that there was likely more to our little display earlier.
I pause and turn back. With a slight smirk I answer truthfully. “From Cadet Lowel? I doubt it, he seems like a sycophant who would throw his entire team under the bus if it meant he would get even a shred of recognition from one of the cadres.”
He looks at me after that statement, then he asks a second question.
“What about you?”
“Me? Nah, he is just a mage. I don’t know if you noted the different colors and their meanings, but I do have a rather high spirit affinity, meaning I will make an excellent Mage Breaker. So no, I don’t foresee any troubles coming from having to deal with Cadet Lowel, DI.” I fire back, a slight smile forming at my lips.
“Let me rephrase this a different way then. What I mean is what do I have to worry about between you and Cadet Lowel?” He asks.
Despite his somewhat laid-back attitude and lack of care about curriculum procedures, DI Lowel was a fairly decent human being. Terrible with paperwork unless he gave you your orders right then and there never expect them to come. But truly cared about people. So, when he asks this, I know he is asking about the safety of both myself and that of Chet.
“Don’t worry, I am well versed in healing magic,” I state as I hold up my right hand. This was the hand that held the exploding crystal. By all rights the blast alone should have caused third degree burns all over. In fact, it did, or at least it would have had I not begun the healing process almost immediately. I first started with numbing the skin and exposed areas, then casting cleanse, followed by cure light wounds. It was an entire process, but one that was done without too much thought on my part.
As for the burn marks the only thing that shows that I was even close to a flame is the dark char marks that are on my uniform and hands. I know I likely also have a few scorch marks on my head and body as well. With a grimace I realize I will likely need to wash off in the shower before I head to my next class.
“I’m going to recommend you for counseling as well.” He paused.
Then like in an instant I feel angry at the fact that I am being singled out here. I also know that those who are reported to counseling often get chaptered out of the military. While it wouldn’t be the worst of things to happen, all things considered. I would still find it mildly offensive at having to be forced out because I was singled out for my appearance alone from day one.
“What?!” I scream out in rage. I feel my hair begin to rise from the sudden tension.
“Relax!” He shouts. “Look around you.” He says gesturing to the classroom directly around me.
I look and I can see a buildup of ambient energy being drawn to me. With a shock I realize I was creating a magical charge to build up, this is an odd phenomenon when too much magic and mental energies are converging into the same place. If they are kept at a harmonious level, then the balance is fine. I have been so used to being roughly equal in both my Psionic and Magical affinities that I never had to worry about this phenomenon before. But now it is clear that I am off. While I am still just as powerful as ever with my magical abilities, I am apparently in a different stratum entirely when it comes to my Psionic abilities.
Seeing the buildup, I forcefully try to relax. Within a few breaths I can calm down. Then after a minute or so, the energy levels drop and the static charge that had been building up slowly dissipates.
“Look, I don’t know what you are going through, or what you went through during your trials. I can also see that you have had a bit of a time adjusting to how the world suddenly treats you. I am not saying that any of this is your fault. But you will need to find a true balance in your life if you are going to live like this.” He says, with his words I visibly feel the anger draining from me.
He must be some type of Empath or something. I think to myself, that or maybe just a decent human being.
He pauses and looks me in the eyes. Then when he realizes I am calm, he types in the next set of orders.
A new task in addition to the directions I was given to be able to test out of both my Magic and Psionic aptitude tests.
Counseling meeting set.
I look at the words and feel that I have lost something, like I am somehow being shamed for being who I am. I know that is not the intent of this, that looking at DI Wagner he has nothing but the best of intentions. But I can’t help but feel that my military career will forever be impacted by being forced to attend counseling. Me, I am the one who is being ostracized for my looks from day one. I am the one who is being mocked at and ridiculed by my peers, all because they are secretly afraid of me. I realize that the name, the sneers, the mocking tones, it is all false bravado meant to overcome the anxieties that I present to them. But from the Military’s point of view what is the most cost productive way to deal with the situation, send the entire classroom through training? Or send one individual through training, so he can learn to develop thicker skin and better coping mechanisms for dealing with unbiased hatred and hostility.
This entire set up, is a terrible system and once again I almost let rage boil to the top of my mind. It is only with intense focus that I keep my emotions calm. I already feel the ease with which I can call Telekinesis to cocoon me like a blanket, but that would only add more fuel to the fire, or more energy to the potential discharge that I was building up to.
I lock eyes with DI Wagner. I want to say so much, to tell him off. To ask him what his power tells him of me. But in the end, I just nod my head, spin about on my heel in a perfect about face and proceed to walk out of the classroom.
Even the instructors have labeled me as a monster in need of counseling.
I let that thought simmer for a moment before I realize I should at least consider it a win that I managed to get what I wanted. Looking at my projected orders, I do have permission to test out of both my Mage and Psionic abilities. In a way that portion of the meeting went far smoother than any other time in my past. The only problem now is that I have a marker noting me as volatile on my records.
Another hour down and another bridge burned. I think to myself as I begin going to the Psionic testing facilities. I feel the need to let loose and blow off some steam, and recently I can only truly feel at peace when I use my Psionic abilities. There might be truth to what DI Wagner said that I am building up ambient energy into a self-destructive discharge. Fortunately, the Mind focused testing grounds are designed to distribute psychic feedback into a wider area around campus. This is the perfect place to test and gain balance in one’s life. It is also the place to go when needing to blow off some steam, thus it is the perfect place for me to go and knock out a few of my Power mastery requirements. This is often the hardest part of any cadet’s life, the part where they need to harness control over their powers before a certain time. The idea being that we need to control our powers before our powers control us. The need to have this part knocked out before we can progress further in our military careers.
I arrive at the big sports complex style building and place my finger on a scanner and share a copy of my orders stating I can test out early. This is nothing new, as I have done this many times in previous lifetimes. I am somewhat surprised that the order of events changed this time.
“Come right this way.” DI Keller states, as he gestures for me to follow him.
“That will not be necessary. I will see to this one personally DI Keller.” The Lead DI states.
Looking at her, I can feel the bright blue glow of Precognitive power radiating from her in waves. Suddenly I wonder just how much of this timeline has gone completely off the rails.
“General Sharma? What brings you here?” I ask suddenly felling anxious about taking my practical tests for the first time since about my third time through this whole process.
“I have come to witness the power and control of a fellow Precog. As one of the few expert level Precogs still in the service, it is only natural that I be the one to evaluate you.” She states as a matter of fact.
“There must be some type of mistake. I am terrible at Precognition, only 0.01% aptitude.” I stammer out, but even as I say it, I realize something is off. I remember the vision I had at the trial. Then how the bright blue outshone even my Pyrokinetic hue before the evaluation crystal exploded in my hand.
“Really? When was the last time you checked your status?” She asks, an eyebrow raised in a way that states she knows more than she is letting on.
“Yesterday, when I was first tested.” I state.
She nods, “yes, the official transcripts we got said that much about you as well. Even your lottery ticket purchase said you were below the 10% threshold, though just barely, as you were at a 9.7%.” She states in a way that sounds like she is just stating random trivia facts about an event that happened in a history textbook.
“Nine point seven?” I ask.
She nods a slight smile forming on her lips. “I daresay it might have been your precognition telling you to buy the ticket at that exact time so you would still pass the scan.”
I pause thinking back and realize that there was a sudden need to rush to the store right then to buy the ticket. I didn’t even go home to my parents’ place. Instead, I just bought the ticket. Then there was the overwhelming urge to give the ticket to Mel. It was stupid, but I knew I would never be able to cash in the ticket.
“I assume you managed to pass that ticket along to someone worthy?” She asks.
I pause, then remember how she informed me of my communicator being blocked this morning. Then I realized she likely had seen events of me all day today.
“How much have you seen of me today, and how much are you just guessing about?” I ask.
She smiles brightly, “that my dear boy is the best question anyone has ever asked me. I will be glad to call you one of my students by the time you are done.” She states.
Then with that I get a creepy feeling down my spine. It is a sensation that feels like my life has been set in one permanent direction, and all I can do now is hold onto the sides while the whole device that is life goes spiraling out of control around me.
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