《The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]》Chapter 5 Results of My Actions
Chapter 5
Results of My Actions
Now I know a lot of us, me included, are wondering why I am acting like I am on a hair trigger. The truth of the matter is, I am. Though it is hard to say that yes, you were likely hopped up on two different concoctions from the Gods that made you a little loopy. Those bottles should have come with warning labels to the effect of to better protect you and those around you, your separation from society is encouraged. Don’t get close to assholes, don’t get close to assholes with power they will set off your newly discovered magical rage.
See those were warnings I could have taken to heart. It likely wouldn’t have changed anything. I likely still would have drunk the potions. I likely still would have spoken to everyone I did, in the same manner that I did. But I would be able to look back on those moments and think, man I should have listened to the warning labels.
There is another reason for why I could be acting like this. That other answer is simple, probably far more accurate than blaming Gods for not putting warning labels on random vials in their temples. This other option is, maybe I am no longer able to live the civilian life. It has been one hundred and thirty-five years of me constantly being in the military that has gotten me to this point. No wonder my first reaction is unrelenting violence when forced with a challenge.
I run my fingers through my hair and find that the hair is thicker and silkier than I remember. Worse, the hair is no longer curly as it once was, as it is now straight. More signs that this life is much different than my previous ones, but there is one constant, me.
If I had to be honest with myself, I am frightened. I don’t quite know how to let go. I never got to see retirement. Every time I got close there was always one more war, or the scourge to keep me around longer. The truth was, I wasn’t ready for freedom. Not when I knew that we were all going to die anyways if I did nothing.
With that said, I do have a plan. I am going to use my money to build a military industrial weapons facility that is light years ahead of the competition. I never had a chance in my previous life to do such an endeavor, always having to use either what the military purchased at the cheapest possible price. Or scrounge around for parts to put together my ship after significantly long battles. Ever try welding in space? Not that simple, see flames need oxygen and oxygen doesn’t exist in space naturally so like all things in life you have to learn to improvise. I am likely one of the few mechanics that can successfully weld in space, mainly because I can use the Psionic power of Pyrokinesis to light a flame and the Magic ability of create air to keep the flame lit. This is not the most ideal set of actions to take, but it does work in a pinch.
These thoughts and more are going through my mind as I continue my conditioning drills. I don’t want to go home. Truthfully, I forgot where the place was. I know, I know what you are thinking. That I am a terrible son for not visiting my parents. Well, the truth is I did, a lot, well a few times. Regardless I always had automated vehicles take me when I did go to visit. Most of the time I would just pass out from sheer exhaustion during the trip, only awakening once we were in the parking terminal for their apartment complex. I could do the same right now, rent a lift. But I am getting low on funds. I only had a few dollars available for the math tax, and maybe a meal or two. Speaking of which, I suddenly find myself to be exceedingly hungry.
With that I begin running towards the twenty-four-hour districts and find three choices available. A burger place, a waffle place, and a place offering to sell burger-waffles. I of course go with the burger-waffles those sound amazing.
When I enter, I see that the regulars and staff all seem to eye me suspiciously. It isn’t until I am seated at a table that I realize why. In the dark reflection of the glass peering into the void of night I see my reflection and I’ve had better days I must confess. The person looking back at me is an alien, a true unmistakable alien. Different electric silver hair, that’s right the hair changed even more. No longer just silver, but one that seems to glow with an iridescent hue. Then my eyes, they are the same deep electric purple as was noted. A quick inspection shows that like those elitist LARPers claimed, they did glow. Still can’t get over how judgmental those guys were, thinking I was a vampire or worse a wannabe vampire.
“Can I get you something hun?” The waitress asks. I turn to her, and she shivers for a second, before she regains her composure almost instantly. “You get done LARPing in the park?”
“No.” I shake my head.
“Oh, so you are going back out then, just stopping in for a quick bite?” She asks, adding extra emphasis on the word bite. Apparently, she is used to the night crowd, as she is apparently aware of the LARPers. She also seems to be aware that some of them pretend to be vampires, or maybe just dedicated masticaters? Is masticaters even a word? Sounds like it should be. Anyways, back to my real reason I am here.
My stomach grumbles audibly.
“Oh, it must have been a while since you last fed. Such a shame, a pretty one like you should eat as much as he wants.”
Now I know she is in the waiting industry, a field that relies heavily on the gratuity of others. I also know that she is likely playing up the interest in me quite a bit for gratuity purposes, but I can’t help but feel appreciated at her last statement.
I blush. She is not my type, not by a long shot. She is a lot older than me, likely older than any age I managed to live to in my past lives. Still there is a quaint charm about her. Blushing I answer back.
“Th,thank you.” I stammer as I get to ordering my food. I get the chicken waffle.
“Might I suggest the blood sauce?” She asks.
“Who would put ketchup on a waffle?” I ask back.
Hearing my question, she just laughs. “Oh, you are new here. Well just so you know, this is the number one place to go after biting all your friends in the park.” She says, then before I can say anything to correct her assumptions she continues “the blood sauce is actually cherry syrup. But it looks like blood on the chicken waffle.”
It is at this time that I have a similar question to the one posed earlier. Who would put cherry syrup on their burger? But then I immediately squash that idea as this all sounds delicious. Having to trust the waitress’ opinion I smile up at her and agree.
Once she leaves, I am left staring at the new version of myself. One that looks exceptionally different than any other iteration of life I have managed thus far. I find myself getting nervous, waiting around with nothing to do always seems like the bane of a soldier’s existence. Fortunately, I have developed techniques for calming myself down long enough to not draw undue attention.
As I wait, I see the head waitress pop her head out and then begin talking to a girl from the back. There is a brief awkward exchange as she intends for the young girl, who appears to be my ages comes out from the back. After a few seconds it becomes apparent that the head waitress wants the girl to come talk to me. She of course seems to cower for a second, I pretend to look away, only watching the two in the reflection of the window the entire time. Finally, it seems that the head waitress won, as she takes a tray and places it in the mousy girl’s hands.
As she comes closer, I see that she is pretty, she has almond shaped eyes that are highlighted by her long hair that is pulled back into a tight ponytail going down her back. From the looks of her, it seems that she is related to the head waitress, probably a daughter or niece.
“Um. Excuse me.” The mousy girl asks, and I can tell she is nervous.
I turn away from window watching and look at her giving her a smile. Now that I see the real her, she is gorgeous.
“Good morning.” I shoot back. Then I inwardly grimace, is it morning? It is after midnight, but doesn’t this time have its own designation.
“Good morning.” She smiles brightly, then blushes in embarrassment.
Looking at her she either hasn’t gone through the Awakening Trial yet, or she doesn’t have any magical or mental abilities, as her power is nonexistent.
There is a brief pause, until I helpfully direct my gaze down at the food that is now wobbling in her hands.
“Oh, right. The food.” She offers, then hurriedly places the plate down in front of me, letting it slide wildly. Her hands still tremble in obvious nervous tension. Seeing the display, I smile and easily catch the plate before it can fall into my lap. Bloody syrup and all.
“Oh no. I am so sorry.” She asks as her hands dart forward, trying to catch the plate that I’ve already secured.
“Not a problem.” I say as I gently smile back, hoping that my smile is disarming and not at all creepy. I am used to the way my past self-looked. I have no clue how this smile looks. For all I know it might look like I am ready to bite her jugular.
“Oh, well um. Thank you, sir.” She replies.
Hearing the word, causes me to cringe inwardly. “Kyle.”
“My name is Kyle, Melissa.” I answer.
“Wha?” She is frighted that I suddenly know her name. Or at least that is the idea I get from her shocked expression. Seeing her fright, I smile and point up to the top left of my shirt mirroring where her nameplate rests on her uniform. Looking down she sees the golden plate with the word Melissa spelled out, and then visibly relaxes. “Oh right. Sorry about that si…I mean Kyle.” She corrects herself at the last minute.
She is about to go back to the back. I turn to see the head waitress shewing her away trying to get her to sit with me. A quick look at the head waitress shows that she has some type of power, maybe a divination power of some kind. With that Melissa looks flustered for a moment, not quite certain what to do.
“Care to sit with me while I eat?” I ask.
Melissa moves in to sit but gives one last look back at the head waitress who is still gesturing her to sit down. She sits down and awkwardly stares at me, then lowers her eyes to my food.
“Would you want some?” I ask.
She looks, then shakes her head. “No, I can eat what I want in the back.”
I smile and nod, as I begin carving the whole thing into sections. “So, is she your mother?” I gesture back to the area where the head waitress had been a moment ago.
“What? Mave? No. She is more like an aunt than anything.” Melissa answers.
I nod. So, there was a family tie. At least partially, not quite sure what like an aunt means, but not going to pry.
“She seems nice.” I say, before taking a big bite.
“She is, she is.”
I hurry through the piece, so I can then ask the next question. I need to find a topic that won’t make this quite so awkward.
“So, when is your Awakening day?” I ask.
“Oh mine? I had mine two months ago.” She says, then trembles slightly. After hearing her answer, I can see her distress. She has nothing, no magical or mind magic potential at all. She would be what many would consider to be a null, or a waste. At least the sects of people I once was forced to spend time with.
“I just had mine today.” I say, taking another bite.
“Oh really, how did it go?” She asks.
I gesture at the hair and my new eyes. “I don’t know, you tell me.” I speak. Then while chewing my next bite I tap my wrist and pull up my school ID that had been taken a month ago. The picture showed me, or at least the version of me that I remember. No silver hair, no purple eyes, just a plain ordinary teenager. One who would at most be considered mildly attractive, until compared to my older brother. Yes, I know, build a bridge, and get over it, but I can’t. Stop dwelling on the part of a future that will never happen and focus on the here and now. I agree, but it is so tough to move on from complete betrayal.
“Wow, so the hair and the eyes, they are not a costume?” She asks, now genuinely intrigued by me and showing signs of visibly relaxing. Apparently, she thought I was a vampire LARPer as well.
I shake my head. “I wish.”
“So, you’re not one of those…?” She trails off and looks out the window. From her glance I instinctively understand what she means. She is referring to vampire LARPers, or something equally weird.
“I wish I was. Might be easier. I still don’t know what I am going to do about this.” I say, gesturing to my face and hair.
“Why would you do anything. You look good.” She shoots out, then catches herself only after she blurts out her true thoughts.
Seeing her blush, I smile genuinely. It is at this point that I begin to take her in. She is beautiful, no doubt about that. If she had a modicum of power, she would have been a highly sought after woman of the Academy. She would clearly give Jessica a run for her money as the queen of the school, but her lack of power mean lack of a future as well. It was a sad truth, that unless she found someone willing to overlook her lack of magical aptitude, she would have few promising prospects. It is with this thought that I wonder just how powerful the head waitress’ seer capabilities are. Of the fact that she is a seer, I have no doubt. At least I don’t have any doubts anymore.
With the head waitress being a seer, it means that she either sees that Melissa and I are compatible. Or we might actually have a good future together if we play our cards right. Going off the idea of trusting in a seer’s ability to predict a good future, at least for her sort of niece, then I should trust it too. After all I have nothing to state that this will not go well.
“Why thank you.”
Jingle, jingle.
A bell above the main door sends out a chime letting everyone know that new customers have come. These guys are rough looking and not quite the type I would expect to want waffle-burgers, though who am I to judge on the culinary tastes of random street thugs.
The head waitress comes out and instantly pauses in fear. Melissa too is ducking low on the seat having instantly identified the people.
“Where is she?” The head thug asks stepping forward. He is about a decade older than Melissa and clearly used to a rough way of life.
“She isn’t here.” The head waitress says, never even glancing my way.
So maybe I am not a good match after all, maybe the head waitress knew something bad was going to happen and decided to give her niece an out. With that realization I grimace slightly. I was so close to having a hope at a good future with Melissa.
An electrical current rattles off as the distinct sound of a pulsar beam is fired.
“AHH!” The head waitress cries out as she begins holding a wound on her left arm.
“Looks like I have to do this the hard way.” I say loud enough to draw everyone’s attention to my table. By this point Melissa has already rolled under the table and should be safe from anyone who would otherwise notice her. That just left dealing with a group of thugs with blasters.
As I am standing up, my mind is already at work disabling the blasters. Remember the fiftieth floor and how easy it was for me to disable all the different electrical droids. Well blasters are ten times easier to break than those droids. Blasters have a charging crystal that with a bit of heat burst automatically. Unlike the crystal from the assembly line, when activated these crystals act as mini grenades.
Boom, boom, boom.
Three blaster pistol sized grenades explode in quick succession. All while I am walking forward.
Three of the five thugs scream out, a fourth one who was near the blasts is also hit by his friend’s blasters. He has a blaster too, but as he didn’t draw it, I couldn’t consider him to be a combative.
“What the fuck! You freak!” The lead thug screams, holding his now stump of a hand to his chest. Meanwhile I am just continuing to leisurely walk forward. I lock gazes with the man, and he trembles. “I’ll get you. I’ll fucking kill you!” He screams as he pulls a knife from his pocket.
As he makes his move for his weapon, I move on to a disabling trick, I create water in his lungs. Instantly he begins coughing up water and gagging it out violently.
“I suggest you all leave and never come back. Know that if you do come back, I will find whatever hole you crawled out from and burn it down while you are inside.” I say, then for theatrics I cause a burst of pyrokinesis to pop up at multiple angles around them. It is all for show, I am only marginally better with fire manipulation than I am at creating water. That said, my flames are bright and powerful, almost beckoning me to wield them. With the display the three injured thugs and one uninjured thug all leave as that is the only path not covered in flames for the moment.
The lead thug takes one look at me, then freezes as he spits up more water. Chocking and tripping over the water coming from his lungs he stumbles out the door.
I make sure the thugs are well and clear of the store before I head behind the counter to the seer waitress. As I get close, she looks at me with apprehension for only a second. Then nods, as if seeing my true intentions. Seeing her acceptance, I move forward and cast a minor cure on the head waitress. Then for good measure I cast a cleanse on her, to make sure she can fully recover. Sometimes living in the slums is bad for one’s health after all. Less air filters down in these districts.
“Are you okay?” Melissa asks, coming around to see me casting a healing spell on her not-quite-aunt. Her eyes grow wide as she sees the effect. Then she realizes. “You can use magic?”
I nod. All the commotion and she only now ask this? Though I guess she couldn’t quite see the fight itself as she was under the table.
“Those guys come here often?” I ask the head waitress.
“They used to,” she says with a winning smile before continuing. “Though I doubt they will show up here again.”
With that I nod, then turn back to Melissa. “How about you, are you okay?” I ask as I gently cast a cleanse on her as well. As the soothing sensation of cleanse takes effect, she looks at me in awe.
“Told you he was a keeper, Mel.” She said, with a devilish smile on her face.
“I thought you couldn’t do magic?” She finally asks.
Both the head waitress and I stare at her in confusion for a minute. Finally, after a few seconds of staring I ask.
“What part of this,” I gesture to my face and glowing eyes and hair before continuing. “Says I can’t do magic?” I ask.
Hearing that Melissa just deflates a little. “I don’t know. I just didn’t think you would be here of all places if you could use magic. Wouldn’t you want to be a military officer?”
Hearing that I just shake my head. “I can’t say that a past me would have jumped at the ability to be a military officer. But no, things have changed.”
“What has changed exactly?”
I pause, wondering how to answer this question. I felt like I was right at the edge of a precipice in one I could go forward with a bright future with Melissa, and on the other route I could continue down my same predictable path of messing up the same ways I always have.
I decided to take a chance. Pausing for time I help the head waitress up to her feet. Then once she is up and ready, she immediately goes into the back giving Mel and me some time. Finally, I concluded.
“I will tell you, but it will cost you.” I answer.
“Cost me what exactly?” She asks.
I smile coyly at her. “A date.”
Mel looks flustered for a second, before she is saved from immediately answering by the head waitress who has a cleaning bucket and two mops. I am surprised that she even has such a device, aren’t droids made for cleaning up the types of messes that are in the front of the diner.
“I know what you are thinking. The answer is if we let the droids clean up the blood that will get reported to authorities. I figured we would all like to keep this one off the books?” The head waitress asked.
I nod.
“Good. So, we will close for an hour for cleaning.” She says, hitting a panic button that locks down the restaurant and makes it so no one can enter while the place is being cleaned. She first hands one mop to Mel who takes the mop and wheeled bucket to the front where she begins to clean. The second mop is then thrust into my hands by the head waitress.
I look at her for a second. She quickly darts her eyes to Mel, then back to me. I get her hint almost immediately. If I want to be with Mel, I should help her clean. I nod for a second, then grab the broom and wordlessly go over to help with Mel.
We begin cleaning almost immediately. One thing I should tell you is that a lot of military time is spent cleaning. So, I am no slouch when it comes to mopping. Even blood is surprisingly easy to clean with proper form. In next to no time we are done, the waste is disposed of, and we apply bleach and other harmful chemicals to help break up the blood residue faster.
Surprisingly we manage to finish within the hour. When we are done, we sit down with a plop at my table. I look at my now soaked and soggy waffle burger, or what is left of it and sigh dejectedly as I prepare another bite. I am still hungry, so old food is better than no food. Fortunately, Mave anticipated this and has two plates of waffle burgers ready. One for me and one for Mel.
“Figured you’d two love birds would want a quick snack to eat before we re-open.” Mave says.
Mel is about to protest, but Mave is out and away with my old plate before she can get a word in edgewise. With that she just pauses, looks at her food. Then to me, then back at her food.
“You don’t mind, do you?” She asks looking at her food. It takes me a minute to realize what she means. Then as soon as I realize I smile brightly.
“Are you asking if I would mind the company of a beautiful woman to eat breakfast with me? Then the answer is no, I don’t mind at all.” I answer.
With that she smiles brightly and begins eating almost immediately.
We sit in a hushed silence, just enjoying the quiet moment together. Only after she is halfway through her meal do I stop and say the thought that just came to mind.
“I will warn you, that while this can and will be recorded as our first official date. This is not the date where I tell you everything.” I tell her.
She pauses and looks at me with slightly squinted eyes. “Fine, but I demand the date within the week.” She shot back.
With that I couldn’t help but smile back. “My, you drive a hard bargain. Within the week it is. When are you next free?”
With that question her face grew slightly somber. I knew there was going to be something in the way, but I was willing to make this work. The way I felt, I had all the time in the world to do this right. A glance out of the corner of my eye showed me that the head waitress, Mave I believe her name was. Mave was watching us with a smile on her face.
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Virtual Reality does not even exist in this period of time, how come Ling Ru is able to play a game, that feels so real? Upset about his family undermining his gaming habits, again and again, Ling Ru's mental fire begins to rage as he rushes out into the night on a rainy day. He likes MMORPGs and RPGs, why does he have to study hard? For his second time, he failed his University Exams, which means he would have to repeat another year. While fuming and bitching to himself, he seeks out a new comrade, a rather cute one. Actually, he found a cute cat standing on the road while walking on the sidewalk, maybe not a real comrade, but at least something living he could bitch about his family with, or rather to. Surprisingly this cat stood on the road and obediently listened to everything he said, it carried on for quite a few minutes before he noticed something weird. The cat was stone, or rather it had not moved for quite a long time. He tried making sounds and scaring it, nothing works. He decides to check why it is acting so weird, as he approaches the cat, it does not even fret, it's still. When he comes in near proximity to the cat, something weird happens. A blinding light and a loud honking noise. Written by Matt / Xazin from Team YunekThis is a personal story of mine, but if you like my work you can find more of Team Yunek by looking at our other story 'A Nerd's Wuxia Tales' There is a huge genre difference, but it's worth reading!
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