《Pokémon Reset Bloodlines》Celadon City Misadventures: John Archer
Celadon City
She remembered his face like they had met only yesterday.
Two years ago she had hatched from an egg three months prior, her parents a victim of one of Hoenn's Tropical Storms. He was fourteen years old, a single year too young by human standards to travel the lands, yet alone himself.
She had questioned why this was the case several times, but she got only sadness as a response. Eventually she stopped asking not wanting to see the sorrow in his eyes and the fake smile he would occasionally give her.
That day, she had been hiding within the hollows of a tree. The sounds of unfamiliar steps had terrified her, so she had hidden herself from sight.
Then the steps had stopped, and she had let out a relieved breath.
Then her stomach had loudly growled, and the steps had started up again. And this time, they were coming her way.
She had backed herself as far away from sight within her hiding spot as possible, hoping in vain that she would not be seen.
The steps had stopped again, right in front of the tree.
"You can come out. I'm not going to hurt you" Those were the first words he ever said to her.
They were words of such truth and honesty that she couldn't help but poke her head out. Her empathic abilities wouldn't set in properly until she had fully evolved into a Gardevoir but they were strong enough now to feel the sincerity in his words.
Her red horn popping out moments before her green hair followed it. Looking up, her eyes made contact with that of a smiling face.
His eyes were red, a deeper color than that of her horn, with a pair of marks under his eyes that reminded her a bit of Zigzagoon fur edges. His hair was dark, similar in color to that of a Poochyena's muzzle or feet.
"Oh, you're a Ralts," he noted kindly with a lopsided grin. "I guess I should introduce myself, it's only fair. Hello Ralts, my name is John Archer, and I want to be your friend." He held out a hand, offering it out for her to take, she hesitated for a few moments before slowly reaching out her hand to meet his. As their hands touched his eyes flashed with an orange-brown light.
"Good morning. Welcome to the Pokémon Center," Nurse Joy greeted as the trio entered the Pokémon Center of Celadon City, here at long last, in a sing-song tone. "We restore your Pokémon to full health. Would you like to have your Pokémon checked?"
"Why do they all say that, in the same way?" Iris blurted out. At Ash and Misty's 'why did you just ask that out-loud' looks at her in response, Nurse Joy just tilted her head all friendly-like.
"It's because we're taught to say that phrase just like that from the moment we start talking. We practice two hours a day, every day for our entire lives until age sixty-five," she explained in the same tone, causing nervous frowns to sprout on all three teenagers.
"….That's not creepy at all," Misty muttered to herself sarcastically.
An awkward lull of action existed for a few moments before Nurse Joy started talking again.
"So, are any of you here to challenge Erika?" Her tone didn't change from her earlier greeting here either.
At Ash's nod, she shook her head. "Well, I'm sorry to inform you that Erika will not be accepting your challenge."
At that, Ash and Pikachu comically collapsed, before righting themselves back up and looking at Nurse Joy in surprise.
"Why isn't she accepting challenges?! Is one of her Pokémon sick? Did her Gym run out of power? Does she need revival herbs?"
Nurse Joy eyed Ash in confusion for his seemingly random assortment of possibilities, but once again spoke in her tone.
"I said she wouldn't accept your challenge, not that she isn't accepting challenges. Erika doesn't accept challenges from boys at the moment."
"Pikapi?” 'Do you want to argue about the 'boy' part, or get right to the point?'
"What? Why not?!" Ash skipped over the part about being called a boy for the more important question at hand.
"Ever since she took over the Celadon Gym after the former leader was removed for using his Bug-Type Pokémon for breaking into people's homes for theft about five years ago," Misty shivered as the mention of Bug-types, and even Ash had to give pause to the imagery of Team Rocket bursting into his mother's home on the back of several Scolipede laughing before breaking into their motto, "Erika has had a lot of trouble with male challengers. She's well known as a major player in the Kanto LGBT movement: she was the one who got the marriage bill passed last year and is a major benefactor to several other political movements. However, that notoriety came with some nasty side-effects. If you ignore the sort of backwater arses who'd enjoy living in Johto far more than Kanto, a lot of male trainers tend to think more of what she and her trainees do at home than in the Gym when they battle. As such, she ended up winning a lot of her fights with her opponents not fully focused on the fight. She didn't like getting her win percentage that way."
"Why would they be interested in what Erika did at home?" Ash asked, Misty took a moment to stare at Ash as if he'd grown a second head while Nurse Joy just ignored his question and continued.
"However, things really came to a head following an old voyeur (A what?) convincing his grandson to challenge Erika as a distraction, which allowed him to discreetly set himself up a hiding place so he could spy on a wedding between two of Erika's female employees from her inherited position as the head of the largest department store chains in the world; the head of the Kalos branch and the head of product development if I recall correctly."
Apparently Erika found time in her schedule to run a Gym, play politics, and run a major corporation that earned millions of dollars a day. A bit more impressive than the simple perfume store he recalled her running in the old timeline. Ash thought.
Nurse Joy still had yet to change her tone since they had first met, and it was now really starting to get kind of creepy. He recalled that some Nurse Joy had just….off….senses of humor, perhaps this one came from that branch of the family.
"They spotted the creep after he exclaimed loudly after the two woman kissed…let's just say the entire wedding was ruined after that. Not that I mean the marriage collapsed or anything, it's just the police had to be called, several therapists and lawyers ended up with steady employment in the aftermath and they had to wash the area the old man had been hiding in heavily. The man's in jail now, but in convincing his grandson to help him out the two of them screwed things up for everyone else."
"While Erika had a lot of personal good will worked up prior to the incident, and the fact the old man had been immediately Stun Spored the moment he had made himself known, that she herself did not suffer any damages outside of some lost goodwill she has more than likely recovered since, the League wasn't so lucky. As a faceless organization that set up the rules that allowed the two to enter the Gym in the first place, they soon encountered several lawsuits. Erika intervened of course before it could erupt into something as bad as say, cutting off Gyms or reducing venues for the next League competition or anything serious, but a compromise had to be reached. The options were to either let Erika limit entry into her Gym in a way that would soothe out their concerns, or limiting Gym access. As bad as the current situation is, I'm sure you can agree that the latter would be much worse."
Let's see: Ash would not have gotten advice from his friends early on, Brock would need a babysitter every time he got a Gym battle challenge, they'd have to call the police on the Trio every time Ash had a Gym battle because they stalked him inside the premise…yeah that would be pretty bad.
"So, the Gym here is not going to let Ash in?" Iris stated the obvious with a frown, before an idea seemed to twinkle into her eyes. One that made Ash feel somewhat nervous. "You know, we could probably just dress him up like a female. Most humans can pose as the other gender with the right clothing and changes to behavior….."
Ash blushed, remembering a few too many experiences he had with cross dressing, and how 'Ashley' did not work when he was probably a ten year old, so it would not work when he was a fifteen year old who had to shave regularly.
Misty just facepalmed at Iris's idea. Iris just tilted her head, unsure of what she could have possibly said that was wrong.
"That won't work." The Nurse still sounded as chipper as when they had started. "Erika has very good eyes for crossdressers. You weren't the first trainer to think of that, and you likely won't be the last. Of course that does beg the question of how she'd handle a trans-individual challenging her Gym…"
So Erika could tell crossdressers apart. Well that was just great, another Gym Leader with Brock-O'-Vision.
Now the mental image of Erika going full out Brock in front of Cynthia, Elesa, Lucy, and Jasmine wouldn't leave his mind. It was then that Ash found the answer to his earlier question.
A later day found her and John not long after a victorious battle with a Gym Leader named Roxanne deep within a series of caves and mountains to the north, where the stones were unusually colored and the water a rare shade of blue.
They were taking a drink from this very water, which felt oddly cold and delicious.
"You know Ralts, these mountains are said to be famous for meteors." John had told her. She looked up from the water in confusion as he gestured upwards into the sky. "Meteors are large rocks that fall from space. Don't ask me where they come from…..are they bits of planets or were they just leftovers in the creation of the universe by Arceus, or chemicals, or whatever made it? I think there are people who dedicate their lives to figuring that out, but that isn't my calling."
His face took on a thoughtful look as he noted the mountains "I can't remember what the mountain range these falls are a part of. Dracoslayer…..Dracomalfoy…..Dracomorph….."
"Draconid," a voice not much older than John's explained, with a harsh edge to her tone.
"Oh yeah, Draconid…." John spoke in glad realization, before he looked around for the voice's origin.
He looked left, then right, before hearing a nearby stone tumble down from above. John looked up, an action she mirrored, to see a human girl standing atop the rocks.
She had dark hair, cut short and with a hair clip on one side that looked the scale of a dragon. She wore dark cloths marked with a pair of red, upward facing crescents on her shirt and the side of her shorts. Her shoes were a pair of open-toed sandals of a gray color, and she had a gray coat tied to her shoulders.
The coat seemed to move a bit, not from the wind but as if something was moving underneath it.
She didn't look much older than John, but even that wasn't easy to tell.
"The Draconid Mountains are named for the Draconid people. The people who live in these mountains for generations, the guardians of the Flygon Desert and the stewards of the Altarian Plains. What are you doing here, Sootopolitan Trainer?" she questioned harshly, as if the site of the two of them was nauseating to her.
She moved closer to John, sensing hostility from this girl and seeking to protect John. She slowly called on her power to not draw the girl’s attention but still being ready to fight if she needed too. He merely responded with a confused tilt of the head.
"Sooto….Suudo…..The city with the white rocks? I've never been there, I'm from Rustboro City. If I'm not from there, does that mean we can be friends?" He gave the girl a friendly smile in hopes that it would help…it didn't.
Her eyes flashed with a seething hatred at the mention of Rustboro, though the hatred with mixed with a great deal of other emotions: Pain, shame, helplessness, fear, and sadness. Ralts took a step closer to John and placed a hand on his leg, just in case she needed to act at a moment's notice.
The girl face palmed. "Great, just great, you're an idiot too."
"Hey!" he shouted indignantly.
"Since you clearly know nothing about your own culture, allow me to educate you," she said, and held up a one finger. "One, all Hoenn cities are descended from the Sootopolitans. Two, that makes them and their descendants enemies of the Draconids. Three, you're a moron you dimwit!"
"But I'm not your enemy…..what did I ever do to you?!" John's eyes frantically shot to and from her, as more movement seemed to be occurring beneath her coat.
"Calm down Aster…." the girl whispered quietly into her coat so much so that she wasn't sure that John heard her, before returning her harsh glare at the both of them.
"You carry a Ralts, a Fairy-type whose kind were used to massacre my people! You carry the blood of Sootopolis, the ones who stole from us the Desert, the Fields, and the Mountain of Fire! You came from Rustboro….." She tensed her hands at the mention of Rustboro, before a massive blue dragon with red wings like the marks on her clothing appeared from the sky in a ferocious howl, accompanied by two others. "Die, trespasser!"
Thankfully, she knew Teleport and the two managed to avoid getting eaten by some angry dragons.
After capturing a Swablu they eventually made it to Fallarbor Town, where she accompanied John as he asked someone about what that whole thing had been about.
"Um, is that an intact meteorite?"
John patted the space rock affectionately. "Yep, found it in a crater in the middle of nowhere during my journey. Surprised no one else grabbed it before me."
Dr. Shepard was fixated on the rock. "How much do you want for it?"
John, taken aback, hummed thoughtfully for a few seconds. "Hmm, how about something to eat and thirteen Pokéblocks?"
Ralts blinked staring up at John. She couldn't have heard him properly, he wanted so little for something Dr Shepard clearly desired. Even she knew that if something fell from the sky and didn't break apart when it landed it had to be worth more than something to eat and some Pokéblocks.
"I'm willing to offer you three hundred thou-what?"
"Well, I'm kind of hungry, need some Pokéblock, and it's just a fancy rock, so it's a fair trade. Right?"
Dr. Shepard blinked. "Fair...trade...yes. Yes, that is a very fair trade. Um, I have a large pastrami sandwich in the back and I think I have some Pokéblocks around here somewhere. Would that do?"
John smiled. "Sounds great! Oh, do you have any information about the Draconids?"
"I happen to have an old history book about the Draconids around here somewhere. I just bought the latest edition so you free to have the old one." Dr. Shepard said as he was leaving the room to find get the sandwich and Pokéblocks.
"That'd be great, thanks." Ralts pulled on his shirt to get his attention. "Not now, I'm doing business." He gently stroked her head while they waited for Dr. Shepard to come back.
In hindsight, he would realize that the deal had in fact been somewhat….unfair. He promptly slapped himself and she was quite confused initially.
According to the detailed book the scientist had given us as he went off with his meteor, the Draconids used to control the entire Northwest of Hoenn, with Fallarbor and Lavaridge being very recent settlements set up since they lost control of much of their lands. There had always been border disputes between Hoenn and the Draconids: Hoenn wanted control of the entire region while the Draconids felt threatened by growing cities like Rustboro and Mauville whose city lines, pollution, and supporting farmlands were starting to encroach on their lands.
During the Trainer-Ranger Wars and the sparse periods of peace between them, the Rangers took note of this and gave aide to the Draconids. It had originally just been humanitarian and developmental aide in a 'the Rangers are more moral' slap to the face of Hoenn and fellow T.A.T.O members. It consisted mostly of new crops like potatoes and pumpkins, advances in water sanitation, and advances in tapping into clean energy sources. However, it eventually led to some of the more militaristic groups of Hoenn to use it as a justification to attack the Draconids.
That war failed to take any land, but the resulting death tolls were extremely high to the Draconids, which led to the Draconids becoming more militarily aligned to the Rangers, and joined them during the last Trainer-Ranger wars.
Both sides ended up committing harsh deeds: the Draconids razed Mauville City and would have done to the same to Rustboro had reinforcements not arrived in time and had planned to drive all non-Draconids out of at least Western Hoenn and eventually off the main island entirely if the war lasted long enough, while the Hoenn forces drove the Draconids into the mountains after seizing most of their lands and imported massive amounts of Marill as Fairy-Type weapons of mass destruction against the Draconids Dragons and had engaged in Koffing bombing and introducing Grimer into several of their inhabited tunnels rendering them unusable and toxic.
Ever since the war tensions still remained however. While many parts of Hoenn, such as Lilycove and Slateport, now saw the war as needlessly harsh and sought some sort of means of restitution to the Draconids in hopes of ending the conflicts, other parts of Hoenn were less forgiving to them, particularly the parts they in the past razed to the ground, or attempted to raze to the ground.
Modern issues between Hoenn and the Draconids included Draconid-on-Fairy-Type hate crimes, Hoenn criminals committing crimes such as theft, vandalism, rape, and murder on Draconids, and the issue of how to handle inter-group crimes. For whenever a Draconid was taken to court for killing someone's pet Marill there were Draconid threats to bomb the courthouse, and whenever a Draconid's Salamence, Flygon, or Altaria abducted someone and flew them off with a written note explaining what this person had done to be taken and punished there were always calls to mobilize the military and 'finish the job'.
Upon reading this history John declared his desire to go and find the girl from earlier and apologize to her. She eventually talked him down as to why that was a horrible idea.
He seemed sad that they'd never be friends for several days afterward, although there would always be a sense of him being upset on the occasion that he'd be recalling their adventures.
After hearing that Erika was not accepting challenges, one might ask what our intrepid hero was up to now.
Did he and his merry band continue on, heading to face the formidable forces of Fuchsia?
Did he prepare the forces of friendship to fraternize with the female forker of figments?
To change her ways and show her that all men are not bad?
No…that wasn't what happened.
For you see the three had stepped out of the Pokémon Center, only for the massive rush of city people moving about caught him and sent the poor Pallet native on a unwanted guided tour of the city.
As to where he ended up in it….
Eyeing the cheerful looking sign in a local business park featuring a trio featuring a white and orange armored hero with a red crested helmet and a lightning bolt logo, a pink haired girl riding what appeared to be a giant drill, and a creature resembling a Donphan dressed like he was one of Lt. Surge's old war buddies, Ash and Pikachu were officially lost.
"Pikachu," Ash noted. "Remind me never move to a city this big if I ever retire."
"Ha ha ha….retirement. You're a little young to be thinking of that, but if you want to know all about your social security plan I've been putting money into…." the Pokédex chuckled in his pocket.
"…..Um, not now….." Ash felt odd thinking about the Pokédex messing with his money. Dramatically turning, he pointed down the street and said confidently to Pikachu.
"Okay, the Pokémon Center is that way!"
"Pika….." 'If you get us lost again, you owe me ketchup.'
Lavaridge Pokémon Gym
The battlefield that stood outside of the reach of the town's famous hotsprings was the next stop in John's trip.
He stood at one end, her at his side as always. Confident for the battle ahead of them.
At the end stood an old looking man, with oddly poofy white hair and small, circular glasses..
"So, you've come all the way out to Lavaridge for your second Gym badge? I must say kid, that is somewhat unorthodox. Heh, what's life without variety?" The Gym Leader and former Elite Four member said with a chuckle.
"So tell me young one, what is it you want to achieve in fighting the Gym Leaders? I must admit I always find it curious to see what drives the young people of today, and how things change over time. I myself traveled the world from my home in Johto seeking power and challenges, but I later found myself seeking the arts. Poetry, paintings, expressions of one's feelings and passions beyond battle."
"I want to find friends." John told him honestly.
"Friendship? You travel the land alone, for friendship?" The Gym Leader expressed in confusion. John just gave the Gym Leader a lopsided smile and nodded in confirmation.
While the Gym Leader would never understand John meant, she did.
John was one of a small but (in recent times) growing amount of humans who possessed unique power. His ability allowed him to see the potential bonds that could form between himself and another: of how strong a friendship or romantic relationship could be.
Him using this power was noticeable only when his eyes flashed orange-brown.
It was why he had wanted to go back to see that Draconid girl: though that was also proof of her own thoughts on the subject.
That friendship was something that one really could not 'measure' like one could weight or height. It might show him the people he could bond with so well that nothing could separate them, but friendship was not that or nothing.
He was missing that, and it sadly wasn't her place to try and convince him otherwise.
"Well, I've heard odder reasons, and I suppose a journey for friendship is better than a journey for riches, glory, or blood." Now holding up a Pokéball, he sent it into the field. "Let the battle begin! Go, Numel!"
"Nincada, come out my friend!"
The battle soon raged, the field becoming littered with holes from digs as several attacks were dodged and launched in seeming repeated monotony.
With a shout the stumpy orange-fire type shook the ground with a magnitude, shaking the earth below and blowing out the white insect that she had helped John capture long ago.
The insect steadied himself, recovering quite quickly.
"Huh…..allow me to offer a guess." The Gym Leader observed the recovering Nincada. "You've trained this Nincada of yours for a long time, probably with only that Ralts of yours with you during it?"
Yes, that was true. They had only just recently met two more friends since they left the Draconid Mountains.
At John's nod the Gym Leader smiled.
"I admire such dedication, but I can't let you win for that alone. Numel, Ember."
As the flames billowed forth from the Numel's mouth, John was quick to counter.
"Use Mud Slap!"
Slamming the ground with a forelimb, Nincada rose up a wall of earth that blocked the fired sparks of Ember.
"Now, use Secret Power!" Nincada sped forward with a glowing purple tackle, striking Numel right in the chest.
Numel collapsed to the ground, ending the round.
Returning the Pokémon, the old man nodded.
"Yes, I see. You have trained and bonded with your Pokémon well, though I must admit you do seem to be missing an original style of battling."
"That is not my priority."
"Perhaps, but neither is breathing yet we must all do that. Perhaps that is more something you can learn with time, but first you must best this Torkoal!"
The field was soon met by a new threat, a large black and tortoise who snorted out dark smoke from his nostrils.
"Nincada, use Dig….."
"I think you've left enough holes in my Gym young one, use Fire Spin!"
Moving far faster than a turtle should, a spinning vortex of flames flew out and trapped Nincada, preventing him from escaping.
"No, Nincada!"
"Ralts….." she whispered to herself, worried.
"Now, use Rapid Spin!"
A spinning black top of death soon burst through the flames and slammed into Nincada. The poor bug was sent flying out of the flames, and into John's arms.
Torkoal emerged from his shell even as Nincada was returned.
"So, who will be your next friend you will fight me with? Will it be your Ralts?"
At the Gym Leader's question she moved forward, ready to do so but John placed a gentle arm in front of her.
"No, I think I'll let one of my new friends fight this. Come my friend, Trapinch!"
The orange desert dwelling Pokémon appeared, a large gaping mouth opening up with a determined roar.
"A Trapinch? Interesting….you braved the desert. Not many do that…if you journeyed to such a place in the name of friendship I must admit that is remarkable."
It helped that John, uniquely as far as she knew, had a second power beyond his friendship sight: like a Psyduck John could negate the effects of weather around him. Unlike most, the sands did not blind him, nor did intense rain or intense sunlight strike him.
"But you don't get badges for friendship quests, Torkoal use Fire Spin!"
"Trapinch, Sand Tomb!"
As one tortoise stomped the ground, a massive bug mirrored the motion. From the mouth of Torkoal spiraled flames, and from the mighty maw of the Trapinch a spiral of sand flew.
The two attacks met in the center, and canceled each other out.
"Impressive….and since there is no way I am going to Rapid Spin anywhere near that mouth of Trapinch's…..Torkoal use Flame Wheel!"
Igniting its entire body, Torkoal once more retracted, and began to roll towards Trapinch, who instinctively opened his mouth wide.
Ralts flinched, already seeing the results that would result in.
"Use Bulldoze!" John called in response, resulting in the maw shutting and Trapinch instead stomping the ground with both front limbs, sending a wave of earth flying at the Torkoal.
The resulting collision sent Torkoal into the air, flailing desperately.
John flinched at the result, and Ralts knew just why. Trapinch was not exactly a ranged fighter. The only move he knew that would apply here would be…..
"Use Struggle Bug!"
Opening his large maw once more, a red burst of light flew right into Torkoal. However, such a bug-move would have little effect on the Torkoal, even as the mighty beast landed on the earth once more.
"I do prefer not to use and abuse this move, but you have left me no chance. Behold the move that makes people hesitant to challenge this Gym: Torkoal use Overheat!"
A bright ball of flame began to build inside of Torkoal's mouth, even as she rapidly pulled at John's pant leg.
"Ralts! Ralts!" Oh how she cursed divergent tongues! She had to warn him what a move like that could do!
"Overheat…..sounds dangerous: quickly use Bulldoze to stop it Trapinch!"
Roaring Trapinch hit the earth, sending another wave of earth flying at Torkoal.
"Too slow." The Gym Leader told them even as the attack began to fire right at them, however as the attack was fired the field itself began to shatter, breaking apart as if it lost all connectivity with itself.
"What!? My field!"
The Overheat was re-aimed, the fire shooting into the sky harmless.
The earth wave had missed as well, but now Torkoal lay at the bottom of the pit, shell first.
"Tor! Tor! Koal!"
Trapinch darted forward, looking down on the downed Torkoal from a somewhat stable ledge.
"This is it Trapinch, now use Feint Attack!"
The following move earned John a new badge, and also a word of advice from the old man.
Attacking a downed turtle is not considered friendly.
A boy, his Pikachu, and his snarky technological device found themselves in a dark alleyway, littered with detritus, dumpsters, and a single locked door.
"…What flavor…." Ash sighed, giving in to Pikachu's unspoken demand.
"Pi." 'Ketchup only has one flavor Ash, delicious.'
"I'm pretty sure there is more to ketchup than that buddy…"
Suddenly from the locked door, an explosion of noise rang out, a roaring crowd as loud as a tournament.
"….Warning: large underground gathering detected. I'd avoid it if I were you."
"Underground gathering huh….." Ash looked ponderous for a moment, before he kicked the door with all his might.
The door swung open harmlessly, apparently it was not locked as he had first thought.
"Pikapi?" 'Ash, are you sure you want to be doing that. It could be something illegal, or worse. It could be some weird cult worshiping MissingNo or something?'
Ash shivered as the mention of that MissingNo, but entered through the door regardless, sound acting like a guide down into the dark depths of the underground.
"MissingNo cult, fight club, or trading card tournament I honestly don't care, I'm pretty sure they can give me directions back to the Pokémon Center regardless of what they are doing down there."
"You could just follow my directions, you know. I am a GPS."
"I did, we ended up here."
"….I blame the construction….and the recent update I got from the Alola Region. Will it make it up to you if I tell you about Rowlet?"
"I already know about Rufflett," Ash noted, even as the Pokédex seemed ready to explain that he was not talking about that bird.
Dewford Gym
Surrounded by green wooden floors, the dirt battle field smelled vaguely of salt .
Now Kirlia wondered why that was. Was it because of how close the sea was? No, that didn't feel right somehow. Something else was the cause of it.
"Dude! Do you know how long it's been since anyone's challenged me for their fifth badge. I mean really, that team of mine was starting to get totally bored!"
Also, the blue haired Gym Leader talked oddly. If he was a Pokémon, she'd suspect he'd be a Geodude.
"Well, I suppose you can thank that big storm last week completely grounded the ferries." John noted as the Gym Leader laughed.
"Yeah! That storm was totally radical, but I can see why there were no boats out. Insurance rates are horrible these days. Tell me, is Norman's wife still as hot as she was last time I saw her?"
As John blushed and refused to meet Brawly's eyes, she felt an odd sense of annoyance at that question.
"Yeah, that Norman's a lucky guy: a beautiful and lovely wife, and two great kids. Lucky and upstanding, you really should ask how Norman and Caroline met, it makes me cry every time."
"The dude makes me think about settling down one of these days but trying to get a date on this island is not easy if you don't spend your day fishing with the fathers, I can't date my students for all the reasons you can think of, and whenever I go back home to Saffron to see my Mom I can never find anyone who'd be willing to give this island a chance. Makes me worry sometimes I'm going to be alone like old Bruno….but you didn't come to listen to me talk about my life, you came for a battle. Is a four on four fight good?"
At John's nod the Gym Leader grinned.
"Very well: it's time to see if you're ready to earn the Gym Badge of Brawly! Come on out, Breloom!"
"Come out my friend, Shedinja!"
As the hollow living shell appeared to fight a green clad fighter with a large tail Brawly eyed the Shedinja in shock.
"Wait, isn't that the thing you can only hit with super-effective attacks?"
John nodded in affirmative, as Brawly looked glum.
"Bummer, that is not what I was hoping for dude."
"Sorry….I promised to use him in this Gym battle after I wasn't able to use him in the last fight."
She remembered that incident. John had felt bad after he scared a little boy with asthma with Shedinja and was told that he couldn't use him in Petalburg City limits by some strange creature called a Lawyer.
Under threat of a law suit. She still wasn't sure what that term meant.
"Ouch. Well I guess I get it, but I guess I have to just….wing it I guess. Breloom if your attacks won't hurt, just hit it!"
Breloom charged right at Shedinja and hit Shedinja, only to pass right through it and stumble briefly before quickly recovering.
"Oh, dang it I thought that would work!" Brawly complained loudly.
Or to translate: 'I could have told you that would not have worked, but you wouldn't have understood me.'
"Shedinja, Shadow Claw!" John called as black light grew out from the wings of Shedinja, before Shedinja pointed its head right at Breloom and charged at it.
"Roll with it!" Brawly called. Breloom nodded, before setting an unusual stance.
She wasn't sure what it was meant for, but she soon saw it as Breloom took the hit, but contorted in a way that made the attack only graze it instead of directly impact.
Shedinja spun out of control for a moment but re-righted itself, only for a purple hue to cover itself and fell to the ground.
"Wha?!" John stated in surprise.
"It's Effect Spore! See, when you spar with a Breloom, you can occasionally get a status condition from physical contact. I can't tell you how many slip-ups in teaching this guy how to swim end up requiring a lifeguard…"
Breloom blushed at the comment, even as she got the mental image of a paralyzed Brawly sinking to the bottom of the ocean like a rock.
"…It was only after the twelfth time that I found out the union was getting on my case for it, and I discovered that lifeguards have one here. Well, that was that day, so who’s your next Pokémon?"
Returning Shedinja and thanking it, John threw his next Pokéball.
"Come out my friend, Swablu!"
As the blue bird with wings like clouds landed on the field, Brawly looked at the bird in shock.
"Dude, that bird's wings….I thought they were exaggerating. They really do look like clouds. I guess I see the appeal now."
Swablu fluffed herself up, practically strutting with the compliment.
"I take it you don't see that many Swablu," John observed as Brawly laughed.
"Not at all. I get Taillow, Swellow, Beautifly, Zubat, Golbat, that one Crobat last Tuesday, and more Wingull and Pelipper than I know what to do with, but never get any Swablu. This could be fun!"
"Bre!" Breloom snapped in response, causing Brawly to chuckle awkwardly.
"Oh wait, it's a Flying-Type isn't it. So that means it is rather super-effective against you. Don't worry, just pretend it's like a Zubat. A really fluffy, not blind Zubat."
Swablu looked offended at the comparison.
"Let's get this started. Breloom, just because it's a Flying type doesn't mean much on defense when it's also part Normal type, fighting attacks will hurt it! Use Force Palm!"
"Bre!" With a glowing punch Breloom charged.
"Dodge, and use Disarming Voice!"
Swooping right over Breloom's attack, Swablu opened her beak and let loose a sonic wave attack.
Breloom took the attack the same odd way it had taken Shadow Claw, though with clearly more effort.
"Oh, please don't tell me it's related to one of those Fairy-type things. Does it evolve into that freaky Amorti-thing from Kalos?!" Brawly questioned out loud as John shook his head.
"Oh wait, come to think of it I think Winona has a giant blue bird with fluffy wings. Oh, good, so it isn't that thing. Dude, I was totally off on that one!"
Kirlia noted Breloom's ire tone. She'd have to make sure that John did not watch those….Kalosian horror movies?
"Now use Headbutt!"
Breloom charged towards Swablu, head lowered and looking ready to impact the bird with spores.
She could see John grit his teeth, resisting the urge to use Peck and risk a Shedinja repeat.
"Avoid with Double Team!" He eventually called. As the Headbutt hit, Swablu vanished into mist, revealing a doppelganger had been hit.
Breloom was then surrounded by the fluffy birds.
"Oh crud." Brawly mused.
"Use Disarming Voice!"
The Fairy Type attack hit in surround sound, striking Breloom at all angles.
Breloom was not down yet.
"Use Mega Drain on all of them!"
With a yowl Breloom shot out green tendrils from the neck, dissipating all the copies.
The real one, however….
"Disarming Voice!"
Struck Breloom from above, slamming the Grass-Fighting type into the ground, now defeated.
Returning his Pokémon Brawly had a good chuckle.
"Not bad, not bad at all. Dude, you're pretty good. However, I'm not done yet: go Medicham!"
The thin Pokémon with pink all over was next, posing as it balanced on a single foot.
Did it think that doing that made it look tough? She balanced on one leg all the time.
Frankly she liked showing off the fact she really had legs now.
"Let's get this over with: use Disarming Voice!"
At John's command, Swablu let loose her song once more, the singing attack flying right at Medicham.
Medicham promptly bent over with incredible flexibility, avoiding the attack completely.
"….Hey, isn't that move supposed to always hit?!"
"What can I say man, surfing defies the rules of the average man: also my Medicham can use Detect."
Looking at the Medicham, Kirlia did in fact see glowing eyes that proved that to be true.
"Now that you know my little trick: Medicham use Thunder Punch!"
"Medi!" With static covered fists Medicham bound right at Swablu, who looked rather shocked.
"Use Double Team!"
"Medicham, don't freak out, just feel the flow of it all!"
As the duplicates formed Medicham did not panic. Instead the fighting Pokémon attacked with an odd sense of purpose.
This was not flailing about as often was the case in the aftermath of a Double Team: this was a search.
The fists flew, taking out un-reactive double after un-reactive double, until one duplicate fluttered out of the way of the attack at the last moment.
"Got you!" Brawly declared as Medicham leapt at the last one.
"Mirror Move!" John called, even as Kirlia looked at him in shock.
A glowing yellow ball of electricity in front of her beak, Swablu collided with Medicham attack for attack.
Again Kirlia noticed a slight movement, meant to allow for the attack to impact the target less directly. Swablu herself seemed to slide on down the mirrored attack, not hitting it in full though not directly harmed either.
It was odd….
"Now use Zen Headbutt!"
"Quick use Pe…"
Before John could call the move Medicham slammed a glowing head right into Swablu, sending the little bird falling to the ground in defeat.
The battle continued on from there, with John having sent out Ninjask next.
Which led to….
"Machoke, use Dual Chop!"
"Ninjask, use X-Scissor!"
The two collided after a long series of clashes, leading both defeated.
As both were returned, it had come to the final round.
John turned to her, nodding. With a smile and a feeling of 'Finally', I bound to the field, ready to fight whatever this Brawly had left to throw out at them.
"Go, Hariyama!"
I was promptly met by a giant whose thighs were larger than my entire body, had hands big enough to completely wrap around my small frame, and a very, very evident difference in weight class between them.
Regardless of the difference though, I did not back down. I felt ready, willing, needing to fight this thing, and defeat it!
Or….maybe that was her Trace ability borrowing the Guts from this Hariyama and making her blood thirsty.
Who knew?
At least it wasn't that other ability she heard this line had. Trace could be really nasty if you traced an ability like Thick Fat or Stench.
"Use Confusion!"
John's command was acknowledged, power surging through her. With glowing blue eyes, she lifted the great mass into the air, though in a flash of pain she dropped it right down.
"What!?" John exclaimed in shock.
"Oh yeah, that whole psychic 'lift things into the air and smash them around' thing. Yeah, I know all about that trick. I've taught all my Hariyama and Makuhita to control their centers of gravity and break the hold!"
"Hari!" The large fighting type triumphantly declared, slamming his belly. Even John knew exactly what that meant.
"Now, Force Palm!" Hariyama charged forward with a glowing palm, ready to slam her into the ground.
Just what she was thinking, and well-timed too. She vanished out of sight, just as the Force Palm shattered the ground.
"Now, use Magical Leaf!"
She reappeared behind the large fighting type, and began firing glowing green leaves into the back of Hariyama.
Like the others Hariyama angled his body in a way that seemed to soften the blows impact.
"Clever girl, or at least I am pretty sure that Kirlia is a girl. Hariyama, blow the leaves away with Whirlwind, then go into Knock Off!"
Turning, Hariyama swept the air with his massive hands, blowing the Magical Leaf away, before leaping into the air with a dark glowing palm.
The palm was not pleasant to feel, even as the hit smashed into me and slammed her into the ground.
"Kirlia!" John yelled in concern, even as Hariyama hit the ground once more with tremor inducing force.
She could see the concern in his features quickly replaced with relief as he saw me get back up.
"Okay Hariyama, let's end this with Arm Thrust!"
"Counter with Charge Beam!"
Before Hariyama could get near enough to start pounding, I fired an electric beam right into him.
The impact staggered the approach, and I felt my powers temporarily boost.
A second beam was blocked this time by Hariyama's large hands, but I felt the power boost again.
"And again!"
"Block with Whirlwind!"
With another hand wave, a wall of wind formed to block the attack, though she still felt a rush of power flowing through her.
"Look, as a Gym Leader let me tell you something: that isn't going to work a fourth time, so why don't you try something else."
"Okay, I will. Kirlia, use Confusion!"
Once more, her eyes glowed blue and she began to lift Hariyama into the air, where he struggled.
Only this time, he didn't get free.
"What!?" Brawly was surprised, to put it mildly.
"Charge Beam increases Kirlia's special attack, so this Confusion is a little tougher this time. Now let's end this!"
She couldn't agree more, and with that she slammed Hariyama into the ground with all her mental power.
And that was enough to win the day.
The underground was noisier than Roxie's Gym, and that was an accomplishment.
It was certainly filled with more people: all of them large, sweaty, and muscular.
The center of the underground chamber was a familiar looking ring, where a defeated Hitmonchan laid on the ground, completely knocked out and looking rather bruised.
A Hitmonlee was cheering next to it, his rather muscular looking trainer standing on the far end of the arena, grinning like a lunatic.
A familiar looking man was on the end with Hitmonchan, crying even as he returned his Pokémon.
Ash, not quite visible to the crowd at the moment, pursed his lips as he tried to recall exactly who this guy was.
Oh right, he was Anthony, the guy who trained Primeape (and with that Ash felt some depression hit). Now, what else about him was there to remember…..
"I'm sorry Hitmonchan, I'm sorry Rebecca. I thought I could win, I thought I could take home the pot and keep the two of us afloat while I find a job…..but I failed. I was too weak….I wasn't able to train Hitmonchan well enough…!" Ash could hear the man shout to himself, even from this distance. It sounded quite devastating.
Somehow Ash felt like it had gone somewhat differently the last time, and that the P1 was not underground like this the last time.
"And with that, our undefeated champion, THE GIANT, has beaten yet another challenger. The 300,000 jackpot is still up for grabs folks, but is anyone brave enough to fight THE GIANT? Is anyone, MAN ENOUGH?" an announcer shouted loudly, heard even above the roaring crowds.
"Ash, you are fifteen, you are not 'man enough', now let's go back the way…..stop moving rapidly!"
Ash ignored his Pokédex, even as he felt Pikachu jump off his shoulder and dash alongside him.
Jumping over a few blocks, some chairs, and a passed out guy who smelled like alcohol Ash dashed forward to the stage.
"I'm brave enough!" Ash declared. "And when I win, the prize money will go to An….the guy you just beat!"
"Pikapika!" 'Yeah, we don't need that money….and it sort of sounds odd to say that we're just going to be giving the prize money away?'
"Well, well, I guess we've got ourselves a challenger, and one who isn't afraid to fight for no profit. Let me guess, you wanted to fight Erika…anyway here's the rules! You can use any Pokémon, but it needs to have hands and feet. Tails are allowed, but attacks aren't. It's a battle of wills, of strength and endurance. Choose your Pokémon!"
"Charmeleon!" Ash said with no hesitation, as his Fire-type appeared, roaring his own challenge in the unspoken language of ferocity.
Hitmonlee tensed, ready to begin the right.
"Kick that overgrown lizard!"
"Catch it and spin it around, then send it flying!"
"Char!" 'What, no fire attacks to that thing's face….well okay. I guess I need to give that thing all the help it can get if I want this fight to be fair!'
Many battles had been fought since.
"Nosepass use Spark!" John had called during their sixth Gym match: the Pokémon he had caught after defeating Brawly charging forward in an electric tackle into the large blue fish.
Said fish took the hit as if it were nothing.
"What?!" John said in shock as the Gym Leader merely shook his head.
"Why, it appears you do not know that my Lanturn can possess the ability Volt Absorb. Unlike the Sealeo you had fought earlier, electric attacks are completely useless to it. Now Lanturn, use Scald!
The burning water attack struck Nosepass for the first knockout of that match. Vibrava would take over the match after that and defeated it with Dragon Breath and Earthquake, before she stepped in to defeat the Kingdra that anchored the team after Vibrava was defeated.
Ninjask and Shedinja won the match that followed: Shedinja defending and supporting with Wonder Guard while Ninjask battled offensively.
Then came the final Gym battle….
"Probopass, use Discharge!"
The battle was a harsh one: John started out strong with Propopass's Discharge, Stone Edge, and Stealth Rock: which managed to defeat the Gym Leader's Swellow and Pelipper.
It had later been defeated by her Tropius's Solar Beam, said Tropius in turn being bested by Ninjask.
Ninjask was then defeated by Skarmory, who…
"Altaria, use Flamethrower!"
"Hurry, dodge and use Brave…" Skarmory wasn't fast enough and got scorched.
Falling to the earth burned, Skarmory was returned by the Gym Leader who was now in a corner.
Well, not literally, but she had only one Pokémon left to use.
The woman, dressed in a gray set of odd clothing reached for a Pokéball and held it into the blowing wind.
"I rarely get to fight trainers preparing for the Pokémon League. I must say, this is very unusual and oddly enjoyable. However, the test is not yet done. No, I have one more challenge blowing your way: go Altaria!"
Bursting out of her final Pokéball was an Altaria of her own, and one much larger than John's.
"Dragon Pulse!" both John and the Gym Leader, Winona, shouted as both fired large blue blasts at one another.
The two attacks collided, and Winona's broke through.
John returned the now KO'd Pokémon and reached for the next Pokémon to go into battle.
"Go, Flygon!"
And the evolved Vibrava took to the battle of dragons.
Green wings beat in opposition to wings made of cloud as the dragons stared one another down.
"Steel Wing!"
"Counter it with Dragon Claw!"
Glowing claws and glowing wings battered one another as the two fliers fought.
Would she even need to fight in this fight today?
Altaria took a hit from a Dragon Claw, and as the bird began to fall to the ground she guessed she would not be battling today.
"Now Altaria, Ice Beam!"
Altaria stabilized beneath Flygon, with such ease that it was definitely planned, and fired the blue beam attack right below Flygon.
The attack hit perfectly, and Flygon was sent falling, most definitely without a plan.
Flygon was returned before it actually hit the ground, clearly beaten. John looked at his Pokéball sadly as he did so, clearly feeling bad for the trick.
"In air battles, you can't just look in front of you. In the air, you have to use all 360 degrees of vision." Winona explained as Altaria fluttered next to her. "Now, who is your last Pokémon?"
John turned to her and nodded, which she returned and teleported down to ground level and pointing one of her now long, green hands his way.
"Gardevoir," Was what humans now heard when she spoke, and fired the pink ball Moonblast right at Altaria.
Altaria responded with another Moonblast. The attacks met mid-air, before hers broke through and struck.
Altaria didn't lose much altitude from the blast, however.
"Not bad. Your Gardevoir is top notch," Winona observed, before she tapped the side of her winged cap. "However, you still have one more hurdle to pass if you want to win this battle."
From the side of her winged cap burst out streams of light, which flew out towards Altaria. The light in particular seemed to focus around a part of the wing, which unfurled to reveal a stone of some sorts.
Altaria began to glow, as if evolving. Again.
The light faded, revealing an even fluffier, paler blue Altaria.
"You seem surprised. Tell me, is this the first time you've seen a mega-evolved Pokémon? If so, I must sadly inform you that this is the normal you must face. At a League level, a trainer who cannot fight Mega Evolution will not get far. Now, show me if you're ready to fight at a Mega level. Altaria, use Hyper Voice!"
As Altaria began to suck in air, John wasn't far behind.
"Be ready for anything Gardevoir! Use Protect!"
And so, the hardest battle they had ever fought began.
"Hitmonlee is The Kicking Pokémon. It specializes in kicking things until they stop moving. You should not have won that fight."
"But I did!" Ash shouted in triumph, even as Anthony wept at his feet.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! My daughter and I are in your debt kind stranger! If there is anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask."
"Sure. In fact, I do have a favor to ask."
"Anything! Well, maybe not my daughter's hand in marriage but…."
Ash briefly blushed at the idea, but knew exactly what to ask.
"Can you give me directions to the Pokémon Center? I kind of got lost and ended up here by mistake."
"Oh….that's all you want?" Anthony sounded surprised, but he quickly regained control of himself. "Oh, that's the trick isn't it? All the construction and all…if you take the underground passages for a bit you can probably bypass it and come up near the Game Corner. That's only a few blocks away from the Pokémon Center."
"Don't mention it…..just be careful down here. You can run into some weird stuff…..like hobos, and gangs, and just today I found these."
Anthony reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of familiar looking stones, the same kind of stone that Pikachu wore on his holder.
"Not sure what they are, but you can have them! I've never seen a stone like these before, and maybe you can make use of them. Bye!"
As Anthony walked off, Ash noted the Eviolite in hand.
"So, shall I send another message to Forge Smith?" Dexter inquired.
"….Well, that was unpleasant."
Ash was not the only one to be swept off by the city crowds. Misty and Iris were similarly blasted away by the endless sea of bodies.
Misty's dry unamused tone was contrasted by Iris, who looked like she had spun around a few hundred times and in dire need of getting personal space again.
"Too many people…." she muttered to herself in a daze. "Need, space."
Able to tell that Iris was still trying to regain her bearings after being swept along, Misty took stock of where the two had ended up.
A grassy field, littered with chalk-drawn battlefields: clearly this was a local park where local trainers were able to practice battle in preparation for facing Erika, in theory anyway.
However despite the fact that few could fight said Erika these days, it was surprisingly busy.
"Come one, come all…" A voice that Misty had heard many times, but had never met, rang out through the air with a tone of calmness tinged with unmistakable strength.
Standing in the field with all her wonderful glory, said Ice Master (and in Misty's mind honorary Water Master) continued her call, standing next to a seated blue haired woman with a fancy parasol over her and what Misty believed to be a Leafeon on her lap.
Said woman seemed to fall asleep without any warning, though the Leafeon seemed to react to this with a practiced movement of its tail, which rubbed up against her nose like a feather. Sneezing, the woman woke back up, seemingly a little embarrassed about what just happened.
"….When I decide to throw an impromptu tag tournament in a city park, I make sure to throw an improve tag tournament in a city park. We need two more people, one more team. If you win, you'll get any reasonable favor from me, and I do mean reasonable. Please don't be like that guy from last time who asked me to help him fix his motorcycle. I do dabble, but I'm no mechanic after all."
Tag tournament…Lorelei….in the open…..
"Iris," Misty said in a 'no argument' type tone that even occasionally made Psyduck behave. Said wild girl looked at her, curious about her plan. "We're going to enter that tournament."
"What?" Iris asked, sounding less like she didn't want to enter it, but more like she wasn't sure why Misty was insisting on it.
"We have no idea where Ash is, and frankly neither of us want to go into the city traffic again." Irish shivered like she just got a load of ice cubes shoved down her shorts (Misty knew what that was like). "Ash should find his way to wherever battles are going on, and if the Gym isn't open then this tournament is our best shot."
Iris nodded, getting the gist of it.
With Lorelei watching and her guest currently sipping a cup of coffee, the battles had begun.
"Ha ha! We are the invincible Pokémon Brothers!" Two blue dressed teenagers laughed at them, posing somewhat ridiculously. "I am Kim!"
"I am Kail!"
"Go Hitmonchan!"
"Go Hitmonlee!"
The two Fighting-types appeared on the field, posing similarly ridiculously.
Not doing anything akin to a stupid pose with Iris, Misty sent out her own Pokémon.
"Go Poliwrath!"
"Go Excadrill!"
The brothers didn't seem all that surprised to see a Poliwrath, but when they saw Excadrill they just stared.
"Um….what is that?" the one called Kail asked.
"An Excadrill?" Iris pointed out bluntly.
"Yeah…what's an Excadrill?"
Iris merely pointed at her Pokémon. A few of the spectators chuckled as Kail simply stared.
Misty could have sworn she spotted Lorelei and her guest watching them. She felt her heart flutter a bit at the idea of her childhood idol watching her.
"Okay, I have no idea what an Excadrill is supposed to be, but it doesn't look like a ghost! Hitmonlee Rolling Kick!"
"Hitmonchan use Comet Punch!"
Both fighting types came in, foot and fist ready to strike.
"Counter with Dynamic Punch Poliwrath!"
"Excadrill use Metal Claw!"
Poliwrath's fist collided with Hitmonlee's foot, as Metal Claws met Hitmonchan's punches.
Both Fighting-types were thrown back with surprising ease, defeated.
"But how!?"
"….Apparently you are not the 'Invincible Pokémon Brothers'," Misty snarked out loud.
A round after that passed with little fanfare: Staryu and Emolga defeating a duo with a Diglett and a Doduo.
However they were now at the final fight, with a duo of girls: one green-haired and the other blue-haired, who looked a bit more intimidating than the others had been.
"You two….weren't you in that Battle Dome tournament?" the green-haired one observed. Misty noted her voice was unusually deep-sounding for a girl.
"Yeah, we were," Misty confirmed.
"Wish I had been there….regardless the two of us were too busy training to beat her." The green haired girl pointed to the Leafeon girl, who was starting to doze off again even with a freshly drained cup of coffee near her. Said Leafeon woke her up again the same way as before though.
"Why?" Iris asked, sounding curious.
"That's Erika, the Gym Leader here. Assunta and I barely managed to beat her for our badges the other day. You'd think a Venomoth and Dodrio would be enough to sweep a Grass-trainer, but we were wrong."
"She's the Gym Leader…." Misty looked at the girl sitting next to her idol in surprise.
From the corner of her eye she spotted Iris also looking at her, but with a more…..calculative gaze.
Misty filed that away for later, hoping Iris wasn't going to do anything embarrassing.
"Enough stalling though: go Clefable!"
"Go Rhyhorn!"
The Rock-type and the evolved form of Clefairy appeared on the field without even a witty comment from the Pokédex.
…..Did she really miss that thing?
She noticed Iris flinch a bit at the sight of the Clefairy, but she quickly steeled herself.
"I'll handle the Clefable," Misty told her as she sent out her own fighter. "Go…."
Her bag rustled, as another Pokémon popped out.
"Psy!" 'Ta da!' The duck appeared, posing dramatically.
Misty just stared at Psyduck, horrified beyond words.
Why, did Psyduck just do that?
And right in front of Lorelei!
If she had looked up, she'd have spotted the look of amusement that adorned her idol's face.
"Go Axew!"
As Iris let out her dragon/brother out, Misty idly wondered what she was planning.
There was, after all, a big, scary fairy out there.
Axew himself looked rather shocked about being out, but Iris looked confident.
"You and I put a lot of training in after last time Axew….time to show for it."
"Ax!" Axew sounded less than thrilled.
"Thunderbolt!" Clefable's trainer, the green-haired Melissa called as sparks began to form between Clefable's hands.
"Use Water Gun!" Misty called in response, hoping to hit it before it fired it.
Psyduck promptly began spraying the water attack, sending it right at Clefable.
"Block it with Rock Blast!" Assunta responded, as Rhyhorn's horn began to glow white. Several white rocks promptly fired from said horn, blocking Water Gun completely.
"Psy…" 'Well, that's all for me."
The Thunderbolt fired, right at Psyduck.
"Use Dragon Claw!"
The small dragon leapt into the Thunderbolt's path, glowing claws ready in response.
The claws met the Thunderbolt, and sliced it apart.
"Hmmm…..not bad. Rhyhorn, use Drill Run!"
"Clefable, use Moonblast!"
As Rhyhorn charged with an oddly streamlined form, Clefable began to form a glowing pink energy attack.
"Axew, you know what to do!"
Axew charged forward towards Rhyhorn, claws still armed for Dragon Claw.
As the Drill Run got near, Axew ducked under the attack, and struck from below.
That sent Rhyhorn off the attack, and off-course.
Moonblast, however, was now ready.
The attack was sent right at Axew, even as Rhyhorn flew at Psyduck like an out of control, airborne car.
"Psyduck, Water Gun!"
"Axew, Dig!"
Axew could use Dig?
As Axew burrowed into the ground to avoid the attack, Psyduck hit the Rock and Ground-type with the water blast.
Said Rhyhorn collapsed defeated from the super effective hit.
"No, Rhyhorn!"
Axew then popped up under Clefable, sending the Fairy-type into the air.
"Now, use Slash!"
The cutting attack, the enhanced Scratch, struck the Fairy-type.
Clefable promptly collapsed, defeated.
"And we have our winners!" Lorelei declared, suddenly appearing behind them.
Misty and Iris jumped in surprise, Iris landing in a bit more of a 'react and prepare to claw someone in the face' way.
Lorelei was smiling at the two of them, Erika at her side with her Leafeon.
"You both were excellent. In fact, you four were excellent." Erika extended a smile with Assunta and Melissa, who were returning their defeated Pokémon. "Pity that I too caught the tournament at the Battle Dome and are thus aware you won't be challenging me. I always do like to see aspiring female trainers: there just aren't enough of us."
For some reason Misty could have sworn Melissa looked surprised to be included, but she put that away as 'none of her business'.
"Now then, for your reward…" Misty opened her mouth, but before she realized she had no idea what to ask for Lorelei took her arms and pulled them out, before dropping something blue in them.
"Here's a Wooper. You're a Water Pokémon trainer right? Well, I hope this little guy helps you."
Misty's mind raced, trying to comprehend that Lorelei just gave her, out of the blue, a Wooper of all things.
"Duck." 'Giving someone a Wooper….that sounds like a euphemism.'
"Now…." Lorelei turned her gaze to Iris, and Misty noted, give Iris a good view of her sizeable womanly features. "What would you want?"
"You said you can do anything, correct?" Iris began, even as Misty started to feel a sense of dread come along.
"I can't fix a bike or fly a plane, but other than that I certainly am talented," Lorelei noted. "Heads up though; I'm seeing someone right now."
That didn't seem to faze Iris though, clearly suggesting that 'spending a pleasurable evening together' was not on her list.
Though she could have sworn she heard someone nearby curse the heavens after Lorelei confirmed she was taken.
"My friend Ash. He is challenging Gyms for the League."
"Oh yes, he was runner-up if I recall," Erika noted. "He certainly showed promise. I'm sure that he'll easily win in Fuchsia, Cinnabar, even Viridian. He won't get much challenge from the others though…."
"He came here to challenge a Gym though. Lorelei, my favor is I want you to let Ash battle her." Iris stated, as she and Axew pointed at a flummoxed Erika.
The entire park was suddenly silent.
'Did you really just….' Misty thought while being partly mortified, and oddly impressed. Iris really did want to help Ash.
'Meanwhile, all you got was a Wooper,' a voice inside her head admonished. Misty promptly reminded her troublesome subconscious that she had been given that Wooper before even being able to say something otherwise.
"Oh, is that all." Lorelei suddenly spoke in a chipper tone. "Sure, I can arrange that for you."
"What!?" Erika questioned Lorelei in shock. Lorelei, smirking, just grabbed Erika and pulled her out of sight for a moment.
"….Dude, is Erika about to be bribed?"
"But Lorelei said she's seeing someone….."
"Maybe she's cashing in a favor."
"Will you do it for this?" Lorelei showed the Gym Leader a calendar, the contents of which Erika could plainly see, and blushed even as the Elite Four member flipped through the pages. "You were busy that week, so you didn't hear about the fact that a couple of us got together and made a couple of these rather lovely swimsuit shots for Goodshow while he was recovering in the hospital from that horrible crash he had after the last Lily of the Valley. I'm Miss January by the way: Drasna is Miss February, Glacia is Miss March, Diantha's Miss April, Elesa is Miss May, Clair's Miss June, Fantina's Miss July, Skyla's Miss August, Valerie is Miss September, Gardenia is Miss October, Winona is Miss November, and if you turn to December you'll see this wonderful centerfold of Miss December: the one and only Cynthia."
Erika's blush got worse and worse as the calendar was shown off more and more.
"There are only three of these in existence: Goodshow's got the first, Diantha has the second one, and I just so happen to have the third one. Now, I admit I was always thinking about keeping this around to remind myself I was once as attractive as I am today, but that girl asked with such determination if I could help her friend I just can't say no. So, will you battle the boy for this calendar? After all, I think we both know that the chances of you still being selective of your challengers after the hearing is slim, so might as well start with a boy who seems to have a pair of aspiring lady friends. I'm sure regardless of what sort of teenage dynamic they have, he'll behave better than a creepy old man with too much time on, and in, his hands."
Erika and Lorelei returned ten minutes later: Erika holding something under her arm that hadn't been there previously.
"….very well. Ash Ketchum did seem to be well behaved young trainer. Have him arrive at the Gym tomorrow at ten. I suppose I will have to see if male trainers can behave themselves….now if you excuse me I have….business to attend to."
Erika and Leafeon promptly left, even as Lorelei grinned.
"Well, there you go. Hope your friend wins tomorrow. Have a good day."
As Lorelei walked off, Misty watched her idol leave with some unease.
Iris had just solved Ash's problem, all by herself and with her own initiative.
Why did that still make her feel….inadequate?
Psyduck looked at her with a visible frowned, while Wooper cheered obliviously.
"….Man, I'm lost."
"Pikapi…." 'Yes, we're lost. It feels like Johto, just with less trees and more darkness and Zubat attacks.'
Ash rubbed his head, cringing at he felt some remaining Zubat saliva soaking his hat and hair.
"I am having trouble connecting to the wireless network. I feel…isolated. Alone. Is this what it feels like to be organic, singular and separate from everything? It's maddening, I can see now why you are the way you are."
Shaking his head, Ash took the device out and held it at eye level. "A lack of internet connection didn't make me who I am. That's just life."
"Life sucks then."
"Life is wonderful, it's the best thing there is. Never think otherwise."
"Don't try and sound like Professor Oak," the Pokédex snarked. "You lack the voice tone and wealth of wisdom (for an organic life form) to do so…..WIRELESS!"
The Pokédex suddenly shouted the last one, sounding more like someone who had been cut off from something addictive for a while, then suddenly saw a mountain of it before them.
"Take me, take me, I must reconnect! Take me to the connection!"
"….And what: just stand there and not move?" Ash snarked.
"If possible."
Ash and Pikachu exchanged a look, before Ash put the device away again.
"Yeah…..let's just get out of here, then you can have all the network connections you want." Ash turned around, ready to go back the way he came and at least get fresh air…..
A voice rang in his ears, causing him to freeze up.
"Pikapi?" 'Ash?'
"Pikachu." Ash said, now looking around to see if he saw anything out of the ordinary other than underground mosses and graffiti, "Did you hear that?"
"Pika…." 'No….'
"Weird….because I swore I heard something…."
The sound of a loud crash, as if someone had just dropped something heavy, rang out in the distance.
"Pi!" 'Well I heard that.' With unspoken agreement, both trainer and partner ran in the direction of the loud crash.
"Hey you, what on earth are you doing…."
A suspicious looking guard was quickly quick attacked out of the way.
Bursting through the door, Ash and Pikachu tensed as they saw what was within, before preparing to counter the new, very likely fight they'd soon be in.
Pikachu's cheek sparked, while Ash reached for his Pokéballs.
The room around them was filled with several cages. Each cage was filled with half a dozen black insect Pokémon, all looking miserable.
Crates dotted the room, each filled with a variety of items. Pokéballs, gems, some sort of green stuff Ash wasn't quite sure the origin of.
In the back of the room was a clear plastic tube, in which lied six Pokéballs.
Between him, the six Pokéballs, and the Scatterbug however, existed a couch. A red couch, with fine lacing. And on this couch, a man sat hunched over.
His hair was pale green, with brown eyes similar in color to Ash's. He was dressed in a dark suit, and his skin looked like he had spent a long time living in somewhere hot, perhaps a desert.
He looked up at Ash, and scowled.
"So, this is the intruder who broke into my hideout the guard told me about. How annoying, you're just a kid. I was hoping for something at least a little more impressive."
'John? Is that really you?' a voice asked in Ash's head, sounding female and surprised, as if she had just seen someone whom she'd thought would never return, return. The voice was laced with a great emotion to it, bursting with imminent joy and relief.
Ash just shook his head, not knowing anyone named John. Also, where did the voice just come from?
The man continued to scowl at Ash as he stood up from his seat. "Hearing voices I presume? Well, I suppose that's what you risk with those high level Psychic-types. I got six Pokéballs from a decently placing Hoenn trainer here, and he has one of those things. It and the rest of them might even fetch me more than these Scatterbug if I find the right buyer."
Scatterbug, so that was their names. Good to know. But what was a…..
"Scatterbug, the Scatter dust Pokémon. Scatterbug are native to the Kalos Region, and evolve into Spewpa then Vivillon. Scatterbug are comparatively rare compared to their fellow insects in other regions, but that is all relative in the fact that being rarer than a Caterpie is still quite common," the Pokédex spoke up as the man noted his talking pocket.
"A Pokédex. Well, well, perhaps you aren't just a nosy twerp. You're a nosy twerp who has something worth as much as half of these damn bugs here. For you see, I'm the infamous black market dealer, Felgrand, and I shall turn you into my profit!"
Ash and Pikachu just stared at the now identified Felgrand in confusion. Felgrand? Who named their kid Felgrand?
And what was with that corny line about turning him into profit?
The man seemed to notice the stares, and scowled further. "I'm from Orre, we have names like that in Orre! I mean really, to me you all have strange names. Brock, Koga, Agatha, those names are utterly bizarre! But enough on nomenclature. I'm one of the infamous Seven Brothers, or Six Brothers and the goody two-shoes. I trade in all manners of goods; stolen Pokéballs, rare Pokémon, even drugs and illegal minerals! I think I'll add Pokédexes to my supplies today."
"You'll have to pry me from the boy's cold, dead hands!" the Dex stated as Ash looked at it in a 'why' sort of way, before pointing his Pokéball right back at Felgrand.
"I don't plan on dying at all, so you're not going to take my Pokédex. I also won't let you take these Pokémon either!"
"I already did take them." Felgrand pointed out as Ash corrected himself.
"Even so, I won't let you sell them like some pirated DVD or something!"
"Pikapi." 'Ash, that was a lame boast,' Pikachu deadpanned, though outwardly he retained an 'I will fry the evil Felgrand' look to him.
'I would have to agree Not John' the voice spoke up again. 'That boast was quite pathetic. However, I would appreciate being freed.'
"Hem hem." Felgrand cleared his throat. “You don't know anything do you? Do you know how much money I made pirating blockbusters a few years back? I still curse Netflix for ruining that for me, but never mind that! As long as there is darkness in man's souls, a desire to obtain things denied and for cheap, Felgrand is a name that will never be out of work!" Felgrand promptly pulled a Great Ball out and threw it right at Ash. "Now, be buried!"
Sensing something incoming Ash and Pikachu burst as far out of the way of the Great Ball as possible. This was warranted when the ball exploded into an Onix, which crushed the space where Ash and Pikachu had been moments before.
"Pika!" 'He just tried to crush us with an Onix!'
Yes, yes he did. As the Onix began to rise up and look at Ash like something to be crush, Ash was quick to act.
'Pikachu, break the Scatterbug out and get those Pokéballs! I'll deal with the Onix!' Ash communicated mentally as he turned to the Onix's trainer for a nice bit of distraction. "Is that all? I'll be freeing all of these Pokémon, after I deal with you!"
"Oh really?" Felgrand questioned from his couch, having sat back down after throwing the ball "And what could you possibly have that could stop my Onix from stopping you?"
Felgrand got his answer when Ash threw out his Pokéball, releasing a blue turtle who knew exactly what to do when an Onix was around.
The Water Gun attack hit Onix square in the face, causing the great beast to be pushed back and groan loudly.
"Hey! No fair!" Felgrand complained "No using water on my Onix! Dragon Breath!"
As the great rock snake began charging up the attack, the brief thought of why Onix could even use that move in the first place crossed Ash's mind. But he could figure that out later.
"You tried to crush me with an Onix, you don't get to say I'm cheating. Dodge and use Water Gun again!"
"Squirtle!" 'Got it!'
As the hazy wind attack was avoided and another water attack hit Onix right on the rest, Felgrand continued to complain.
"This isn't a Gym battle kid, it's a fight! There are no rules, Slam Onix!"
"Well, if there aren't any rules nothing says I can't use water! Now Brine!"
The salty water attack struck Onix in the tail just as it attempted to swipe, causing the great beast to collapse.
"What!" Felgrand demanded as he returned his Onix, furious. "How did you defeat my Onix so quickly?!"
"Well, it's weak against Water as both a Rock-type and a Ground-type, so it's really weak against…." Ash explained, before Felgrand cut him off.
"Well then, taste something that isn't weak to Water!"
Another Great Ball was sent flying right at them, before bursting forth to reveal a large, brown Pokémon.
"Kanga!" With a glowing fist, the Kangaskhan struck Squirtle right in the chest.
Squirtle was sent flying into the air, though with a flip he managed to right himself and land on his feet.
"Squirtle Squir…tle?" 'Going to take more than that to beat…..wait, is that Kangaskhan missing something?'
Squirtle sounded confused about something, and now that Ash looked at the Normal-type, he couldn't help but feel something was off as well.
"Kangaskhan, the Parent Pokémon. Kangaskhan are often depicted in media as always having young in the pouch, however that is not true. Such as in this Kangaskhan, if the Kangaskhan is not given the opportunity it will not be able to breed, and thus will not have a pouchling."
The Kangaskhan looked rather miffed at having that pointed out, and responded with another glowing fist.
However before the fist could hit, white fibers shot out from all sides and restrained the fist.
Felgrand turned in shock, having finally noticed the many broken cages, and the Scatterbugs that were now free to use String Shot as they desired.
And they desired to do so against the Kangaskhan attacking their savior, and as more were freed, several shots began to fire at their captor.
"Rhyhorn, blow this crap away!" He threw out a final Great Ball, releasing another dual type Pokémon, who promptly released a burst of grainy wind that battled away, before the beast began to prepare to charge at the Scatterbug.
"Squirtle!" Ash quickly called, and without anything more needing to be said Squirtle leapt over to fight off the Rhyhorn, even as Pikachu began to break the six Pokéballs out.
That of course left him to deal with the Kangaskhan, who was trying to punch him again.
Ash caught the punch with his own two hands.
The Kangaskhan gaped at him in surprise, likely wondering how on earth a human could do that. Felgrand himself hadn't noticed this, as he was too busy failing to beat Squirtle with his Rhyhorn.
Ash pushed the Kangaskhan back, causing the currently child-less mothering Pokémon to balance awkwardly on one foot. However she quickly managed to right itself, before charging at him head first.
Ash took the Headbutt head on, glowing orange as he made use of the very move that Misty had first seen back at the start.
Kangaskhan was knocked back, falling to the ground.
Felgrand heard the thump, and turned to look at Ash in shock, his eyes quickly squinting in fury.
"What in the….what the hell did you do to my Kangaskhan? Your Pikachu and Squirtle are ruining me over here! Oh….I see. You are one of them, aren't you? A Bloodliner!"
He looked at Ash as one looked at something that was both disgusting, and dangerous.
"Well, isn't that just great: freaks are here too. And a male freak at that…I've only seen one other male of your kind boy: mostly it's a woman thing. Tell me, do you plan on taking over the world too?"
"No," Ash stated simply, but firmly.
"No? Well, we'll see how long that lasts." Tapping his belt three red lights shot out returning his defeated Pokémon, before he hit it again and releasing a smoke cloud.
Squirtle blasted the smoke away with a Water Gun Counter Shield, but when it cleared only the freed Scatterbug and the six Pokéballs remained.
Bursting down the hallway and into the locked room with a slam before stopping and breathing hard, Felgrand clenched his fists in frustration.
That damn kid beat him!
How did any damn kid get that strong?! That Squirtle was stronger than any Squirtle should have any right to be.
No matter…this wasn't the first time Felgrand ever faced trouble. He had survived prison, in Orre, he could recover from this disaster.
Even if he had to start small…..like after his first time dealing with a Bloodliner.
At least this boy didn't look like he was constantly thinking of ways to murder the people around him, though with them it was hard to tell.
"Wobb…" A cage currently playing host to a blue blob creature moaned as Felgrand turned to it.
"Well, you're a useless and pathetic thing, but you have to be worth at least two cents, right? I started from the bottom once, and then a second time after that, and I'll do so again!"
"Ya, right….wait." Felgrand looked around the room, trying to figure out who had just spoken. "Who said that!?"
"Ya ya!"
Spinning on his heels Felgrand turned to the door, and froze as he saw it wide open.
A Yamask was floating in front of him, the Ghost having likely opened the door for….
"Prepare for Trouble, you have some nice stuff, for us I'm sure it is meant!"
"Make it double, though I'm not sure if the boss deals in hemp!"
"Now, you're coming with us. I doubt ya have a permit from the boss ta be operating here."
Oh shit.
Twenty Scatterbug were now at Ash's feet, with Ash kneeling to look at them somewhat eye to eye as he asked a rather relevant question.
"So….what do I do with you?"
"Scatterbug are not native to Kanto. Assuming they don't starve to death or become a plague, they will probably be eaten by ravenous Pidgey swarms." The Pokédex offered up a few bits.
"Pika…." 'So, just chucking them out into the local park is a no go….I wonder….' Pikachu shook his head, before darting off and returning with a Pokéball from one of Felgrand's crates.
"Um…..I am pretty sure that is either stealing, or altering a crime scene. Both of which I am pretty sure are illegal." Ash pointed out, "Come to think of it…."
"Ash, do you have faith in your ability to lead the police back here? I can overwrite the Pokéballs from their blank state to being yours, just take them and leave the illegal stuff to rot away," the Pokédex noted bluntly. "Taking things left behind by people is a time honored trainer tradition."
Ash, a look of concern on his face as he stuck his hand into the Pokéball crate and picked one out, had one more thing to say before he began capturing the Scatterbug.
"Are you completely sure this won't get me arrested?"
"I have extensive legal data. You have precedent on your side."
The Scatterbug promptly made some chirping sounds, which caused Pikachu's ears to perk up, and in response translate for Ash.
"Pika." 'The Scatterbug are okay with it. They don't want to be captured like this again, though they do have a condition. They don't want to fight.'
One of the Scatterbug began to chirp loudly, at which point Pikachu corrected himself.
"Chu." 'Scratch that, most of them don't want to fight.'
"Of course. You don't have to do anything for me you don't want to do," Ash promised as he tapped the first Scatterbug on the head with a Pokéball.
The Scatterbug gave a thankful chirp as it was energized.
Ash repeated this pattern, sans questioning legality of it all, nineteen times. As the Pokéballs all teleported away Ash turned to the six Pokéballs that had been separate.
Squirtle and Pikachu looking on: Ash picked one of the balls out with a thoughtful look.
"This Pokéball's owner is no longer synced with it," the Pokédex noted. "Likely reason: death or legal problems. Would you like to claim this Pokémon as your own?"
"I'd….rather ask first. Pretty sure that's the polite thing to do." Ash observed, before throwing the ball into the air.
Mid-air the ball opened, releasing a flying yellow and black insect.
It was a Ninjask, a Pokémon that had, in the past, always been used to attack him or his friends and Pokémon. That goon who worked for Kodai, that crazy Colonel guy from the Togepi Kingdom, and Paul.
It was probably not going to attack him…
"Ninjask, the Ninja Pokémon," the Pokédex stated interrupting him. "This Pokémon was the main Pokémon used by Ninja clans originating in Hoenn during the Ninja Wars from over four hundred years ago, this Pokémon moves so fast it cannot be easily seen. A poorly trained Ninjask lets out loud noises that make it fail at stealth."
"Ninja War?" Ash repeated, as one had to repeat any statement that involved the term 'Ninja War'.
"The fourth and final ninja war, specifically. It involved the now extinct Mahogany Ninja clans, the Fuchsia Ninja clans, the Kalos ninja…."
"Nin!" the Ninjask shouted, looking at Ash and buzzing around in distress. "Nin-Jask!"
"Um…." Ash wasn't sure what Ninjask was saying. Help me? Feed me? Do my taxes?
He really hoped it wasn't that last one.
"Pika….?" 'Um, Ash…..the Ninjask seems to think you're some guy named John.' Pikachu noted with notable concern, even as he sparked his cheeks threateningly at the Ninjask.
Squirtle similarly posed, ready to fight Ninjask if it tried something.
Ninjask was buzzing in front of him: rapidly moving around him as if looking him over at all angles.
"Nin! Ninjask! Nin!"
Pikachu shouted something back he would never say within earshot of his mother. That seemed to only anger Ninjask, as the bug looked ready to attack.
Tapping a Pokéball on his side, he released Snivy, who immediately fell in line with Pikachu and Squirtle's defensive actions.
"Okay, Ninjask may not be giving any clear answers, but what about…." Ash grabbed a second Pokéball from the group, "…this one?"
Several Pokéballs later and there was a six on five Pokémon stare-down between his Pokémon (Pikachu, Squirtle, Snivy, Charmeleon, Pidgeotto, and Butterfree), and the five Pokémon who kept thinking he was named John (Ninjask, Shedinja, Probopass, Altaria, and Flygon).
With only an eye that had an entire timeline to evaluate how well a Pokémon had been trained, and how strong said Pokémon was: Ash knew that if this broke out into a brawl he was going to have to run for a Pokémon Center with many severely injured Pokémon.
Ash held the last Pokéball, which he figured contained the Psychic-type that had managed to talk to him.
"Okay, hope you can give me some answers, and keep the peace…" Ash threw the Pokéball into the air.
It promptly burst into light, revealing a white Pokémon with green limbs and hair whose back was to him.
The Pokémon turned to him, and what he thought the Pokémon was became quite clear.
"Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. Gardevoir are famous for becoming very close to their trainers, and have a higher than average ability to develop the ability to telepathically communicate with them or those with sensitivities to telepathic powers. Gardevoir react to people who threaten their trainers with powerful abilities. For more information on what happens if you threaten their trainers with lead pipes and knives, read Diantha's autobiography: Journey to Stardoms, Page 394."
The Gardevoir seemed to get the attention of the other five Pokémon, who seemed to be waiting for her reaction.
Much like how Pikachu did with his Pokémon.
So, he assumed she (the voice in his head was female) was the starter Pokémon.
Gardevoir looked him over, even as her face morphed into sadness and confusion.
'No, you aren't John'.
She leaned in closer to him, tilting her head around much like the others had. Pikachu gave a warning spark in his cheeks, which she respected and backed off.
'Yet, you look so much like him. Why is that?'
"Um, John who?" Ash questioned, "John's kind of a common name."
'Our trainer. His name is John Archer, a Hoenn League trainer. We haven't heard from him in…..' Gardevoir and the others looked, worryingly pensive 'Well, we don't know how long…..it's hard to really tell inside Pokéballs.'
"John Archer you say?" the Pokédex spoke up, catching Gardevoir off guard. Ash opened the blinking device, which displayed an image of someone his age.
Someone who looked a lot like him.
It was….incredibly unsettling. Like someone had taken an image of him, and changed it. Changed it only a little, but the many similarities clashed with those minute differences in eye color and hair shade, driving him to look at the image more and try and process the sheer question of, how?
"Free…." Butterfree fluttered over to get a better look and looked just as shocked as Ash did, a shock that was quickly shared among all gathered Pokémon. 'And I thought Red looked a lot like you….'
"John Archer: Hoenn League Trainer. In order, John Archer earned the Stone, Heat, Dynamo, Balance, Knuckle, Rain, Mind, and Feather Badges. His League placements are as follows: Top 32. John Archer lost to similar freshman trainer Tyson, who lost in the Top 16 to eventual winner Phoebe. John was found several months ago: dead…..."
The last statement caused Ash to drop the Pokédex in shock (ouch), but to Gardevoir….
To Gardevoir and the others who had been his…
'No, no….it can't be….he can't be….' Gardevoir got louder and louder as she began to freak out, in panic and denial. It was rather painful to listen to; both emotionally and in ways that required Tylenol.
"…examination determined the cause of death to be that he had been smothered in his sleep, with his Pokémon stolen during or after the deed," the Pokédex continued from the ground. "The thief of the Pokémon was eventually caught, who confessed John had been murdered by an unknown person who had paid him off with the now dead trainer's Pokémon, whom he sold on the Black Market. The only thing this now incarcerated ex-cleaner of a Pokémon Center gave on the person was what he called himself: an Emissary."
At the word 'murdered' his Pokémon's eyes seemed to all roll up, at least the ones with eyes, given that Shedinja did not visibly react: before collapsing as if they had just been hit by Cynthia's Garchomp.
The six thumps rang loudly through the silent room, as even the Pokédex remained quiet.
As the moon rose in the sky, Ash and Pikachu finally made it back to the Pokémon Center.
As the door opened and allowed their feet to step inside, they were immediately set upon.
"Finally, you're back!" Misty stated, sounding quite concerned. She looked him over, like she was his mother looking for evidence some bully had punched him for his lunch money. "Where have you been….I've been worried sick about you!"
"I got lost," Ash told her, the weight of the day in his voice. A combination of finding out about John Archer, and just how hard finding one's way through Celadon was.
"Well, I can't really blame you for it, seeing as we got lost as well today. Come, I saved you some food."
Ash's stomach loudly growled as she did, causing Ash to quickly thank her.
Pikachu's stomach also growled loudly.
"Don't worry, we still have some Pokémon food," Misty reassured the mouse.
"Wait, you managed to get me a Gym battle!?"
At his loud statement Iris nodded, causing Ash to break out into a large grin, even momentarily forgetting about eating.
The grin did not mean he had forgotten what he had learned. He had not stopped thinking about what to do with the six Pokéballs of John Archer. The title of 'Emissary' did not leave his mind.
He had also not forgotten about his dinner, which he would of course finish eating.
However, those issues could not be solved immediately. He could have a long time to digest the questions of morality, or why he had now found about a second person who looked eerily like him.
The Gym battle, however, he could solve immediately.
Reaching forward, he embraced Iris in a hug. He felt Iris tense in surprise, though she did not seem ready to freak out.
"Thank you," he told her simply, which caused her to lose a lot of the tension. As he let her go, he turned to an oddly shocked looking Misty.
"Thanks, both of you. Probably going to hit the hay early: I'm too tired to train well, and I want to be well rested for it. Again though, I really can't thank either of you enough."
"You should be thanking Iris….all I did is save you some dinner," Misty said, somewhat sadly for some reason.
"Well, I did thank Iris: now I'm making sure to thank you," Ash told Misty as he returned to eating.
Pikachu, who had finished his own meal and had grown tired of watching Ash eat, noted that both of the girls were smiling after Ash's actions.
The day may have been long, and stressful at many points, but it had ended and all that needed to be done had been done, and more.
'Now, for tomorrow, and whatever that brings' Pikachu thought to himself, before yawning.
Ambiguously Canon
Ketchumerse Part 4
Earth 041516
"Why are we dressed like this?" Bloodliner Ash questioned his similarly black suited and shaded counterpart, who had insisted that he and Pikachu dress like they were part of the Men in Black or some such nonsense.
"Because we are undercover, we must be discreet as possible," Ash Bond explained with an accented tone, looking far more relaxed, comfortable, and intense in his suit.
"…..But we stand out like a sore thumb here, even if we weren't dressed like this," Ash pointed to the closest life form for emphasis.
Said life form, a gray Ponyta with wonky eyes, waved at them obliviously before wandering off somewhere.
"….Oh, I guess you have a point there. Well, let us waste no more time with subtly, there's a rogue Discord on this Rapidestria wanted by the Discord Continuum and we've been tasked with handling it as they are currently occupied with one of the other threats to that neck of the woods stealing some of their power, an Adiago I think the miscreants name was. The local Dash Ketchum is currently sick and unable to provide aide, so it's up to us!" Ash Bond declared as he reached for and threw a Pokéball.
Out burst an oddly large Pyroar whose mane looked like what he had heard called a Union Jack by others, which Ash Bond promptly jumped and dashed away on.
"Tally Ho! Oh, by the way, if you see anything lime green with a harp around, do avoid her!"
"Pika?" 'What's a Discord. again?' Pikachu questioned, even as he fought the inexplicable urge to sing a song about his question.
"So what, lime green is evil or something?" Ash honestly wondered.
"Pika…." 'So, we basically avoid lime green and we won't be hurt. Makes sense I guess….'
The sky was raining chocolate milk from strawberry pink clouds as music sang out from every plant in the forest.
And the music was all about something called a Digimon.
Also the chocolate milk exploded, costing Ash his warranty on the tux.
"Alright that's it, Goodra Rain Dance!"
Sending out his purple blob dragon, the mighty beast roared and sent to the sky the powers of proper water to dispel the chocolate menace!
…..It then began raining acorns instead, pelting the three of them.
"Pi!" 'Curse word from Earth 111115 that the Author wishes not to write…..It isn't just lime green that is dangerous here!'
"Dra!" 'What just happened!?'
Bursting out of a field of sunflowers that were all burning with pink flames, Ash, Pikachu, and Kingler were all laughing hysterically, even though Ash was now down to just his white boxers and his right shade.
The three of them also looked like they were about to pass out from lack of oxygen and looked terrified even as they laughed.
Thankfully a Machamp promptly slapped all of three of them upside the head, and the laughing stopped.
As the three wheezed, desperate for oxygen again Ash Bond returned the Machamp, now dressed in a red military uniform with an oversized and fluffy black hat.
"…..The Discord is being very difficult," he explained simply.
"We are going to need a different strategy."
"Yeah, I'm sure you can lure a Discord with Sweet Scent, maybe a Pokéblock," the Pokédex snarked even as Ash Bond removed a Pokéblock case.
"My thoughts exactly, now did you happen to spy some chaos berries while you were lost? This Discord leaves them wherever he goes; he bakes them in a pie with the souls of innocent children and the heart of an Ash, a Picard, or a Twilight Sparkle when he is bored with a world and ready to blow it up: they have polka-dots, breathe out high quality bricks with Finnish accents, and occasionally dance the jiggy….."
"Yeah, take a left at the apple farm floating in the sky, and punch the sparklemoose, they're be on the right," Ash groaned in a tone that made it clear he did not want to go anywhere near the sparklemoose.
The twitching Master Ball radiated chaos, annoyance, and a hint of lemon as the two Ashes returned to base, all three rather exhausted. Ash Bond now had blond hair and a goatee for some reason and was dressed like a woodsy archer type, Bloodliner Ash was now dressed in a Star Fleet Redshirt with flashing neon lime-green shoes, and Pikachu had a mustache that was glowing lime green.
"….Well, that was something. Let send this thing off to be friendship beamed and let us hope to never have to deal with this sort of thing again."
Ash meanwhile was just wondering how he was going to explain the shoes back home.
Omake 2
Further Noting of the Original Author's ideas with my own twists
Earth 050516
"Ha ha, ha ha, a back a home I come! Ha ha, ha ha..." A wing knocked in the back of the head, even as his Talonflame fluttered past him. "Oh come on, my singing isn't that bad!" Ash Ketchum, Age classified, and his mighty champions of Kalos: Pikachu, Greninja, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Noivern, and Goodra who came back to his aide for the League, walked down the road to Pallet Town in overall high spirits, even with the wing whap.
For they had won Kalos! It had taken a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and preventing another world ending disaster, but he had finally done it. Winning the League had been a lot of work, and now Ash was ready to go home, celebrate, and prepare for the challenges to come. The Champion League was waiting, and he had things to do to prepare for it. He had to train, he had to plan, he might even have to find a Key-stone and a few mega stones. Perhaps Professor Oak might have an idea of where he could find some. That is, assuming his mother did not lock him in his room for that Prism Tower thing...
"And I say it is tradition! We can't change it now!"
"But we must! We said we would always name our town after the best trainer from it, and he's no longer the best! The boy is!"
"And change my stationary! Never! It would be more economical to kill the boy!"
"Hey, no killing him! His mother is the only restaurant owner in town, I hate microwave food!"
"And I'm turning, I'm turning, we are not going anywhere near that and I don't want to know!" Ash stated loudly as he and his merry band changed course from his house, to the lab. Sure his mother would be annoyed at that, but she'd rather not have him involved in town politic drama.
"...Wait, what about naming the town after me!?" At Ash's astonished stare, a face matched by all his present Pokémon (His Kalos team, and all his other Pokémon who were able to squeeze into Oak's sitting room), Professor Oak shook his head.
"About a century ago my father, Pallet Oak (Pallet Oak?) managed to become the most famous trainer ever to come from Pallet Town. He was ranked 921st of the 10,000 best in the world. So, they renamed Pallet Town in his honor. Now that the list was finally updated after the great red-tape crisis during your journey here in Kanto, you are now ranked the 683rd trainer in the entire world. So there is serious debate about changing our name to reflect that."
"A town named after me..." Ash's face briefly looked diabolical, before Pikachu gave him a 'bad Ash' shock. Cured of his brief ego trip Ash was promptly handed the updated list and looked it over.
"So, who are these other 682 guys?" Looking up and down the list he mumbled some names he spotted as he did so in no particular order "Cynthia, Alder, Diantha, Brandon, Tucker, Palmer, Drake, Drake the older guy, Solidad, Johanna, Zoey, Tobias, Virgil, Cameron..."
At the last name Snivy, Oshawott, Pignite, Unfezant, Boldore, and Pikachu suddenly broke out into loud shouting. With alarmed looks Bulbasaur and several other gathered Pokémon started to back away from them nervously, and Hawlucha and Talonflame covered Noivern's ears as if to block out what they were saying.
"...If it helps, according to the numbers you can overcome this Cameron person by winning at least 20 battles with a 85% win percentage by next year," The Professor offered nervously. Noting his still ranting Unova mons, Ash quickly asked if there were any limitations: did he have to go and find some badass tough people on top of mountains, or could he just go see if that Samurai was still around and introduce him to Talonflame and Staraptor. Pidgeot was due to visit in a few days, she might have spotted him on the way in.
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