《A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder》[Arc 1] Chapter 10: My Not-So-Common-Sense is Tingling
Zzz... ZZZ... zzz... huh? I'm awake! *Yawn* Is breakfast ready? Wait just a sec... I don't even have a kitchen! Or someone that makes my food! Aww, now I went and made myself depressed...
"Ribbit!" - Frog
And what's Froggy Mc Idiot doing here!? Seems like a weaker guy compared to the Pond Frog. A "pond tadpole"? Wait..., when did all my webs get stuck with small fries!? Was I out for so long that I never noticed them coming? Some seem close to death here even...
It was damn smart of me to set up those webs beforehand, or I could have turned into small-fry-food while asleep. Memo to self, get a better base when evolving next time,
Oops, Was that my stomach? So embarrassing... oh wait.
"SQUEAAAAK!!" - Rats
Oh, shut up! I HONESTLY don't wanna do this, but I fear that the veggies in my Storage just won't cut it this time around. You guys have tried to sneak up on the sleeping predator. Prepare for the consequences!!
*Burp* 'Scuse me. But man, I was hungry. Five rats and three mini-frogs had trapped themselves, but now they're only bones.
But man, before I evolved, just the thought of biting into those rats would have made me throw up in my mouth, and look at me now. Then again, despite what I said just now, I didn't eat the rats. Parasites, remember? I simply threw them into the corner and forgot about them.
While eating, I had a look at my current body.
A jet-black spider. That's the best way to describe me now. Still, my abdomen is smaller than what you could expect from a spider, and I have a neck for some reason, and only two, ruby-colored eyes. Am I a spider, or an ant? The fangs are sorta spider-ish, except they're much sharper compared to the real deal. And my two front-most legs have split into proper hands with five fingers instead of just a pointy end like with regular spiders. Handy.
No matter which one it is, it's not an explanation for my black hole appetite. Then again, it's probably due to the whole evolution gig. It's gotta be.
Other than that, there's something else off here. Specifically, the icon in the left corner of my sight that's been blinking all the time I've been eating. Let's see what the System wanna tell me.
Evolution is complete.
Due to your evolution, the following abilities are granted:
Your natural status values have increased.
Natural Aether Point gain has increased from 0.1 to 0.2.
You have obtained the following skills: [Spider's Poison Lv.1]; [Web Bomb Lv.1].
The trait: [Demon Vessel] has been upgraded into the trait: [Lesser Demon].
You have acquired the trait: [Arachnid].
About what I expected. I've been reading myself up on the subject of evolution while processing on the 3rd floor. I'm excited to see how much stronger I got. As for the traits, I'll look them up later. First is my stats.
Name: Garami | [Migrant] Race: Reha Zera Gender: Female Level: 1/25 Traits: 3 Karma Value: -64 Main Class: Arachnid Assailant Lv.3
Skills: 33 Titles: 5 Blessings: 1 Aether Points: 12.2 HP: 25/25 MP: 35/35 SP: 34/34 STR: 26 VIT: 24 MAG: 25 RES: 35 SPD: 86 DEX: 98 INT: 120 LUC: 150 LP: 10
Huh? It's not gone up that much? It's far from the big snake's stats..., then again, it did have a higher racial rank than the current me. There must be a bigger power-up bonus the higher your rank becomes or something. Just for reference, K-N? What are the average stats of your standard human?
Answer. The Human species has generally stats of 80-to-100 when not affected by skills or classes.
...guess I'll be like a spider and run away so I won't be stomped on. Well, from giants, at least. I'm still as tall as half an adult human. What about my skills?
Skill List: Ability Skills: [Reduced Mana Consumption Lv.2] NEW, UP1 [Mana Auto-Recovery Lv.14] UP1 [Stamina Lv.9] UP1 [Greater Strength Lv.1] NEW [Tougher Vitality Lv.1] NEW [Speed Lv.13] [Dexterity Lv.16] UP1 Attack Skills: [Darkness Bullet Lv.5] [Web Bomb Lv.1] NEW Active Skills: [Aura of Darkness Lv.11] UP1 [Optical Cover Lv.2] NEW, UP1 [Cutting Thread Lv.1] [Spatial Storage Lv.4] Passive Skills: [Rope Proficiency Lv.1] [Lurk Lv.22] [Parkour Lv.17] UP1 [Ambush Lv.1] [Camouflage Lv.7] UP1 [Climbing Lv.3] NEW, UP2 [Fear Reinforcement Lv.1] [Vital Point Knowledge Lv.1] [Language Adaptation] Perception Skills: [Detect Monster Lv.4] UP1 [Nightvision Lv.29] [Tracking Lv.10] UP1 [Sense of Direction Lv.12] UP1 [Magic Eye of Sight Lv.25] [Identification Lv.20] Resistance Skills: [Darkness Resistance Lv.1] Elements: [Lesser Darkness Element Lv.4] UP3 Monster Skills: [Spider's Bite Lv.2] UP1 [Spider's Poison Lv.1] NEW [Spider Threads Lv.21] UP1
Things are going smoothly on this front. And now that I think about it, both [Spider's Bite] and [Spider's Poison] are Poison attribute skills. I only need one more for that "Technique User"-title, don't I? Then again, I do need to grind some levels. Guess I'll have to grind them. Mostly with guys safely trapped in webs like the bunch from before. Speaking of webs...
Skill: Web Bomb Skill Type: Attack Skill Tier: 1 Attribute: none Effect: Consumes SP and web-related items to form a sphere that explodes into a web upon contact with a target.
Ooooh. This looks nice and...sticky? It's a cool skill though, but let's try it out first.
I produced some simple threads and used [Web Bomb] with it. The thread folded itself into a sphere and..., that's it? So, the skill only makes the "bombs", and I gotta throw it at a target? Okay...*toss*.
And a web was formed on the wall. Pretty cool, but the quality of the web's horrible. It's also damn small, but that's because I used so little silk to make the bomb. Maybe I could produce several bombs and store them in my Storage for later use?
Suggestion. If owner Garami plans on going with the mentioned strategy, it is recommended that she obtains the [Throwing] skill.
Let me guess, it makes me better at throwing stuff.
Answer. That is correct. [Throwing] is a passive skill that improves the aim and power of thrown objects. In addition, this unit also suggests the [Aiming] skill. Another passive skill that improves the accuracy of any attack, thrown or not.
I do like those passives. And especially such general and everyday ones. Hey, is there something opposite of that aiming skill you mentioned? Dodging, or whatever?
Answer. Owner Garami must be referring to the [Evasion] skill.
Great. You can never have too many passives.
You have consumed 9 AP to acquire the following skills: [Throwing]; [Aiming]; [Evasion].
...what? These guys are good for practically anyone. And I still got the 2 last skill slots in case of an emergency.
Might as well look at the new poison skill.
Skill: Spider's Poison Skill Type: Monster Skill Tier: 1 Attribute: Poison Effect: Improves the potency and construction of poisons.
...? I get the potency part, but the "construction of poisons"? ...is this somehow gonna help me if I get a poison-making skill?
Answer. That is correct.
And now I got bored of it. I mean, passives aren't something I need to keep an eye on 24/7.
To finish things off, a quick peek at the titles. Just to be safe.
Title List: Achievement Titles: [Reincarnator] [Titan Killer] ADVANCED [Fearbringer] [Darkness Technique User] Status Titles: [Migrant]
Yup. Nothing weird going on here. And that's a problem! How can a girl make a name for herself if she's got no titles to prove she's awesome!?
Luckily, I'm on the weakest floor of the Dungeon. I can farm weaklings easily! Both for EXP, personal experience, and to get those ten stealth-kills for the Rogue class!
Kukuku. I'm itching for action!
Yeah... the itch isn't getting scratched so much.
Don't take me wrong here. I've taken out rats and frogs here and there, and that even includes a proper Pond Frog! But my level hasn't gone up even after all these.
As for how I get the job done, I'm preparing webs in strategic locations and waiting for my prey to appear. I also add bait in the form of great-tasting veggies that I sometimes find. And after the sucker's trapped, I bite them with some added [Aura of Darkness] to get the job done as fast as possible.
Sure, this is good training, but I'm not getting any new levels! Why? It was easier before, even with the difference in racial ranks...
The difference in racial ranks! That's it! I've killed monsters way above my weight limit through accidents or lucky shots when I was a Grey Demon. A whole 66% of my kills come from that! Please ignore that I only snuffed out 3 creatures in total during those times.
Back to the point, level-grinding in this world turns out to be much more difficult than I first imagined. The best way would be to go for stronger monsters, but that's also the best way to get myself killed. Option beta would be to capture a monster that calls on allies, but that's more for the survival-brawler type. I'm a delicate trapper-type. I don't do brawls. Unless if it's for a hot girl..., yeah. I like hot girls. Got a problem with that?
*Thug, thug*
Moving away from my sexual preferences, it seems that there's a new victim on one of my webs.
I'm using the place I evolved in as my base lately, and all the webs I've put up are connected to this place through some warning cords. If something gets caught by one of them, the cords tell me the story. And they're not even connected to a cellphone!
Back to the prey, it's a..., damn. Another rat? Lame... It's so lame, I'm not even gonna bother biting into it.
From my hands, I produced a thin string of silk (turns out I can do that now along with literally spitting the gunk out) and whipped the rat with it. The thread cut into the rat's body, and after another one at the neck, the rat was hanging dead in my web.
Yup. That's right. This new body of mine can create thin enough threads that let me use [Cutting Thread]'s effect. It helps me with my problem that's known as my consciousness by swiftly ending the life of my prey. I do use the bite+aura combo more often, but that's because that method is so nice grinding skill proficiency. If I'm in a hurry, I use the "cutter".
And honestly, I'm sick and tired of this place. That's why I'm leaving the rat corpse hanging and my nest in general. As for my next goal..., K-N. Didn't you mention something about new quests on the lower floors?
Correct. It has been observed that quests related to all the floors outside the three last ones have been released.
That is tempting, but be honest with me. Are they juicy enough to risk my neck going down that hellhole again?
Answer. Every floor now contains quests with rewards equal to at least 1 new skill, or rare item that could become useful in the future.
Crossing out this floor, I got 6 of them to clear..., I guess I could go to the 3rd floor and back up after that. No need to be greedy if it gets me killed.
And honestly..., I'm getting sick of this place. I just want to have a proper bed, a proper meal, and..., I can't believe, I REALLY can't believe I'm saying this, but..., I'm lonely.
According to K-N, it's been close to a year since I reincarnated at the bottom of this Dungeon. And during all that time, the sole contact with people (monsters that try to kill me aren't included) were those adventurers recently, and I hid from them. With a somewhat good reason, sure, but that doesn't make it any less pathetic of me.
Not that I can't expect that people will give a spider-looking demon like me a glance and say "friend"..., and honestly, that's too much for me. Only being in a village or a city would suffice. Real social contact feels... like it would be too much for me. There, I said it. Slap on that "wimp"-title on me already!!
...now I feel like an idiot. Let's kill some frogs before I go to the sauna tunnel. The rats are having the luckiest break of their life now. As for the froggies, not so much.
*Crunch* *Splash* *Crack* *Kreaaak* *Splosh*
... Some seriously disturbing noises came from that natural alleyway over there. Either there's a man-eating tiger with really bad table manners... or something that will reduce my SAN points if I take a look.
Well, disturbing some... thing, when they're eating is just bad manners on my part. Let's run!
*Throw* *Splat*
Something came flying out of the alley. It's... the dedicated head of one of those cobra monsters? Wait, what!? And what happened to this guy!? It looks like the meat was forcefully wrenched out, making it look like something from a splatter movie combined with a horror one! And, ugh, is that his brains? They're coming outta his mouth! As if it was trying to force itself outside from the cobra's skull.
-!? What's that!? It looks like a tar-black something that's a cross between a skeleton and a zombie. Not to mention it's floating while covered in a grey haze.
Iiik!! It's looking over here! What's up with those abyss-like black eyes!? They're freaking me out!
L-l-listen, I-I'm not tasty! D-d-don't float closer... help me!! RUUUUUUN!!
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