《Legend of the Arch Magus》Chapter 10


Silver Claw moved restlessly around his house. He pulled open the cupboard and grabbed the small pot inside. After checking its contents, he groaned. It was empty.

“Father!” cried a weak voice.

Silver Claw hastily tossed the pot to the ground, breaking it in pieces, then ran to the bed. He trembled violently; his face drained of all color as he looked at his daughter.

“Just a bit more! Hold on a bit more! Father will find more herbs for Anisette!” he said frantically.

His daughter was only skin and bone. Patches of brown and black had spread all over her skin. Her eyes were white and sunken. Some of the neighbors speculated that evil spirits had possessed her. Those that knew better said the Seven Weeks Disease inflicted her. The disease would take the life of a person on the seventh week. Although it was not contagious, its origin was unknown. Silver Claw had tried all treatments available to him. In the end, all he could do was alleviate the pain using expensive herbs.

He held his daughter’s head and helped her sip water. The thin girl coughed repeatedly, tears coming to her eyes. After some time, she fell asleep.

Silver Claw looked at the figure of his only family. He groaned in frustration. Even in the capital, there was no one capable of healing this disease. He had even heard news three years ago of a noble dying of the Seven Weeks Disease.

Even if there was no way of curing her, he wanted to alleviate the pain as much as possible.

I need to visit Herbalist Mores.

Silver Claw donned his coat and left the house. It had stopped snowing. The sun shone brightly, unobstructed by any clouds.

Winter was going to end soon.

With heavy steps, he traversed the streets, his goal the herbalist’s house.

Along the way, he passed the plaza. He stared at the crowd that had gathered. They were all looking at a large wooden board. Pinned to the board was a parchment with numerous things written on it.

They can’t even read. Why are they crowding around it?

“Is it true that the young master will pay us six silvers a month if we work for him?”

“Of course,” said an old man.

Silver Claw realized that the man speaking was the butler who worked in the mansion. Beside him was a servant.

“The young master doesn’t only need farmers. He’s also in need of builders, poultry breeders, soldiers, and miners.”

Silver Claw frowned. It seemed the mansion was trying to hire workers en masse.

How stupid. Poultry breeders? Miners?

Silver Claw knew there were no mines in Blackstone Town. He had lived here for fifteen years. He was sure. He could only snort and snicker at the thought. Nobles were full of lies. This was the reason he had moved from Lion City to this isolated town. At least there were no nobles living here. Well, that had changed six months ago when the second son of the Marcus family was sent to govern this territory.

That brat will leave soon anyway. Someone like that will never stay in a town like this. Let’s just hope he leaves soon. This town doesn’t need an incompetent ruler.

After passing through the plaza, Silver Claw finally reached his destination. He knocked twice on the wooden door of the house.

“Herbalist Mores! It’s me, Silver Claw.”

A few seconds after, a shabby-looking young man peeked through the door. After seeing that it was indeed Silver Claw, he opened it wide, then smiled. “Ah, it’s you. How is your daughter?”


Silver Claw was pressed for time. He got straight to the point. “I need more Purple Plumes.”

The herbalist frowned. “So soon? But… the Purple Plumes I gave you yesterday were the last.”

“Wait! That can’t be! You must have more!” said Silver Claw, agitated. “I’ll help you look.”

When he was about to push past into the house, Mores stopped him. The herbalist let out a sigh, his eyes filled with understanding. “Listen, I understand your situation, but there are no more Purple Plumes available at the moment.” He lowered his head. “I’m really sorry, Silver Claw.”

Silver Claw knew that in this weather finding Purple Plumes would be difficult. They usually grew deep within the western part of the Endless Forest. One would first need to cross the freezing cold Rile River.

“I see,” said Silver Claw. He gripped the pouch he held in his hand tightly. After receiving a commission from the mansion to create stone tablets, he had a decent amount of money. But no amount of money was enough if the herbs themselves were unavailable.

“My friend, once I find a Purple Plume, I’ll deliver it to you personally,” said Mores. He knew the situation of Silver Claw’s daughter and sincerely wished to help.

“Thank you,” said Silver Claw.

He turned and headed home. Along the way, he once again passed by the plaza. The butler was still there, answering the questions of the citizens. But this time, Silver Claw no longer listened to the speech. His thoughts were elsewhere.

Mores is unable to go deep within the Endless Forest because of the weather. I have to do it myself. It doesn’t matter if it’s dangerous. I have to find Purple Plumes for Anisette.

When he reached his house, he was surprised to find a hooded figure standing at the door. The figure looked at him and said, “Are you Silver Claw?”

The voice was that of a young man. Silver Claw frowned. “Yes, I am.”

The figure pulled down the hood, revealing his silver hair. His deep blue eyes stared at Silver Claw’s.


Why is the young master here?

“Silver Claw, I plan on developing this town,” the young master said without preamble. “I want you to work for me.”

Silver Claw gritted his teeth. He was annoyed at the delay; he needed to go to the Endless Forest now. Still, he tried to be courteous to the noble.

“I’m sorry, but I will have to refuse, Young Master,” said Silver Claw.

He took out his keys as he approached the door. The young master slowly stepped aside. The knob twisted open and the door creaked.

“Is that so?” said the young master. “Can you tell me why?”

Damn it. Just go away already. It’s pointless talking to a stupid noble like you. My daughter needs me right now!

“Young Master,” exhaled the mason. “Forgive the impudence, but let us have this conversation another time. Please.”

“I heard that your daughter is sick,” said the young master. He looked through the opened door. “Is that why you won’t work for me?”

Upon the mention of his daughter, the mason clenched his jaw. A vein popped on his forehead. Still, he contained his anger. Each second wasted here would mean more pain for Anisette. He needed to drive away the young master as soon as possible and go to the Endless Forest.

“That’s right,” said Silver Claw. “I can probably accept small commissions like the stone tablets… but working directly for the young master is impossible. I simply cannot leave this place. My daughter needs me.”


“Then, if I heal her for you, will you work for me?”

The question was thrown out casually, as though it were a simple task. At this, Silver Claw’s eyes widened.

A few seconds of silence fell as the man considered the offer.

“If you can heal her, I will serve you for life,” said Silver Claw. He almost snorted. “But it’s impossible, Young Master. Not even the court magicians know how to cure the Seven Weeks Disease. Now, if you’ll excuse me—”

“Excellent! So you’ll work for me then!” said the young master.

The noble forced his way in and went toward the bedroom. Silver Claw hurriedly rushed after him. “Wait!” shouted Silver Claw. He wanted to strangle the damn noble but restrained himself. “What are you doing?”

The young master stared at the sleeping girl lying on the bed. Her arms were skeletal, as though she had not eaten for months. The numerous patches of brown and black that spread throughout her skin gave her the appearance of a corpse.

“I analyzed the flow of mana while outside,” mumbled the young master. “This is that disease, huh? Then, this should be easy enough. You call this the Seven Weeks Disease here?” he inquired. “Please do forgive me for this.”

Silver Claw had yet to respond when the young master unbuttoned his daughter’s dress.

“You! What are you doing!?” snarled Silver Claw.

He was about to grab the young master and throw him outside when suddenly vines shot from the ground and twined around his body. He could not move from his spot.

“Calm down.” The young master looked at him for a moment. “I need to undress your daughter for the treatment to work.”

Silver Claw was livid. “You damn bastard! You fucking monster! If you dare touch my daughter, I’ll kill you! I swear! I’ll kill you!”

Silver Claw’s voice reverberated. His entire body was red with fury. He knew of the notorious reputation of the young master. He had heard this wretched noble was a demon who would sexually assault women without hesitation.

Silver Claw wanted to pounce at him and tear him to pieces, but the vines held his body tightly. He could not move a single step. All he could do was spout out curses while the young master undressed his daughter.

The young master touched the girl’s forehead, and a faint light appeared on his fingertips. Numerous veins of light appeared from it, slithering down toward her body. Slowly, the black and brown patches started to fade, revealing the girl’s pale skin.

“In the place I lived previously, we call this the Mushroom’s Revenge. A funny name, isn’t it?” The young master chuckled. “Look.”

On the girl’s chest, knees, and arms, numerous brown and black mushrooms started sprouting. “The patches on her skin are because of these,” he continued. He started plucking the mushrooms one by one. Surprisingly, no wounds appeared on the girl’s body.

“There are three ways to heal someone with Mushroom’s Revenge. First, Tears of Ubroxia. I doubt those rare plants grow in this region, so that’s out of the equation. Second, burn the body then heal it using magic. That way, the roots of the mushrooms will die from the heat. Third is this method I am using: Force the mushrooms to sprout using magic then pluck them out.”

In the Magic Empire, a lot of magicians were capable of the third method. With those resources, Mushroom’s Revenge was a fairly easy disease to treat. But it seemed that in this kingdom, it was a disease with absolute fatality. Lark sighed at this thought.

After plucking all of the mushrooms, Lark released the vines binding the mason. The plants slowly went back toward the ground.

Silver Claw ran to his daughter. He was huffing, anxious, eyes red from crying. After gazing at her for some time, he finally spoke.

“Is…is she really healed?” he said in disbelief. He noticed that her pained expression was gone.

“Yes, she is.”

He began to sob. It had already been six weeks since Anisette acquired the disease. Helpless beyond words, the mason had thought his daughter would soon leave his arms. He had been sure it was a disease without cure.

After some time, Lark asked, “Before she became ill, did she go somewhere? Like… the Endless Forest?”

Now that Silver Claw thought of it, she had gone there before the symptoms appeared. She picked berries near the forest.

“Yes, she did,” said Silver Claw.

“I see. So those mushrooms grow there, huh?” said Lark. He took one of the mushrooms he plucked from the girl’s body and showed it to the mason. “These things are capable of growing inside humans. Your daughter must have eaten one when she went to the forest.”

Everything finally made sense. Why his daughter suddenly fell ill after that day. Why those black and brown patches spread over her body. Silver Claw felt that ‘Mushroom’s Revenge’ was a really fitting name.

Silver Claw grabbed the sheet and covered the naked body of his daughter. He looked at the young man standing next to the bed.

Silver Claw had met him before when the noble first came to Blackstone Town. During that time, he got into a tussle with a man who had accidentally splashed mud on the hem of his clothes. It was a petty squabble in everyone’s eyes, and Silver Claw judged the young master as incompetent and arrogant.

He’s grown so much during the past few months.

The young master before him seemed so different, as though he was another person entirely. The arrogant eyes from before were now filled with confidence and strength.

Seeing his gaze, the young master smiled. “A promise is a promise,” said Lark.

After a sigh, Silver Claw nodded. “You’ve healed my daughter. I’ll listen to your request.”

Although Silver Claw still had questions about how the young master was so proficient in magic, he brushed those thoughts aside for now.

“I plan to reconstruct Blackstone Town,” said Lark.

The young master explained his plans. A large main road that would run to the eastern part of the Endless Forest. Expansion of the eastern border of the city. Construction of stone houses for the residents. Creating a mine in a cavern within the Endless Forest. Creating an irrigation system connected to the Rile River. Reclaiming the barren lands in the west and the north.

Creating a poultry farm in the south.

After the explanation, Silver Claw felt out of breath. The plan was too ambitious, and he’d never heard of a noble attempting so many things at once. Judging by the way the young master spoke, it seemed that those things were merely the start, the stepping-stones of his plans.

“Are those things… really possible?” Silver Claw asked carefully.

In the first place, he had never heard that there was a cavern in the Endless Forest. Moreover, that cavern was, according to the young master, a kalrane mine. Silver Claw had so many doubts and questions. His mind was screaming at him that such plan was too grand and ambitious for such a small town.

“Of course,” said Lark, without a hint of hesitation.

After some time, Silver Claw said, “Then, I will keep my promise. I will work for the young master.”

Even if the plans seemed unrealistic, Silver Claw decided that he should at least uphold his promise. Even if the plans failed, he resolved to try his best to see it through to the end.

“Excellent,” said Lark, grinning. He took out a small rolled parchment from his cloak and opened it. “Then, here is your first task.”

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