《Legend of the Arch Magus》Chapter 8


Clarkson, a middle-aged man wearing leather armor, silently watched as the young master made his assessment of the soldiers. As the Head of the Guards, his priority was the safety of the young noble. But honestly, he did not like the young master at all. The second son of Lord Drakus was a total brat. There had been numerous times that Clarkson asked himself how a person could be so evil, so hedonistic, that there seemed no chance for redemption.

If he could, Clarkson would have left this small town long ago. But since it was an order from his beloved master, Lord Drakus, he strengthened his resolve to stay until the end. Clarkson repeatedly convinced himself that he should endure this and carry out his duty faithfully.

What is the brat thinking, suddenly recruiting soldiers?

Clarkson sighed. He watched the expressions of the other guards near him. They also seemed confused by the sudden change in the young master these past few days. For some reason, the noble had started giving out free food to the starving residents. When Clarkson first heard, he laughed at the absurdity of the news. He refused to believe it. But after seeing the servants actually distributing the wheat porridge, his jaw fell open in wonder.

“Let’s skip the formalities,” said the young master. “Let’s start with training right away.”

Clarkson frowned. He knew the young master was incredibly weak. Whenever he got into trouble, he would come running to the guards to ask for help. Although annoyed and hesitant, the guards would always answer his call. Just like Clarkson, the other seven guards were loyal to Lord Drakus. Otherwise, they too would have left this town long ago.

The servants appeared, carrying numerous spears. Clarkson was sure that there were no such weapons in the mansion, even in the basement. He wondered where they’d got hold of them.

“Clarkson,” said the young master. “And the rest of the guards. Come over here.”

Clarkson and the other guards obeyed the order. As they crossed to the young master, the spears were handed out to each new soldier.

“Young Master?” said Clarkson.

Lark nodded. “The eight of you will join the training. No exceptions.”

The guards looked at each other. “What do you mean, Young Master?” said Clarkson.

Lark sighed. He pointed at the soldiers, each holding a spear. The shaft was made of wood while the blade was made of iron. “Take a spear, all of you. Then join those guys.”

“We’re joining the training too?” said one of the guards.

“That’s right,” said Lark. He stared at them, annoyed. “That’s an order. Go.”

After a few moments of hesitation, the guards each grabbed a spear, then joined the soldiers. As part of the House of Marcus guards, each of them had fairly decent strength. They were confident that even if all of these “soldiers” were to fight them, the guards would emerge victorious. They assumed it would be a waste of time to join the training of these soldiers who, just a few moments ago, had been ordinary residents of Blackstone Town.


I guess this is better than taking care of whatever mess the young master makes when he gets into a fight. This is probably better, Clarkson consoled himself.

“Uhm, Young Master?” said one of the soldiers. “Are you the one who’s going to train us?”

Clarkson almost chuckled. What a stupid question. Of course, someone else would be training them. What would the frail young master know about battle, after all?

“Yes, that’s correct,” replied Lark.

Shock rippled through all of the guards, including Clarkson. A few of them tried to open their mouths and speak, but in the end, all chose to stay silent. The guards knew the young master’s temperament; one wrong move and they would be the target of ridicule and punishment.

“Of course, since I’ll be the one teaching you,” said Lark, “it’s only proper that I display my skills before everyone. It’d be hard to follow the instructions of a sheltered noble, after all.”

Although everyone was silent, they all agreed. They did not feel like being taught by someone who was weaker than them.

Lark gripped the shaft of his spear. “After a year, I hope that everyone will be able to do at least this much. Let’s start.”

Lark gripped the spear, then began stabbing through the air. The moment the blade made a piercing sound, he would twist his wrist, change the grip by releasing one hand, then strike once again. The spear swung wide in different directions, piercing the air numerous times. It was like a moving snake, changing direction at the last moment.

If that was a real opponent. A human with flesh and bones… thought Clarkson. The Head of the Guards could only imagine the outcome. He knew that even he would be unable to dodge those ever-changing strikes.

An indescribable sensation of dread filled the hall. Although Clarkson had long worked as a guard for the Marcus family, he had never felt such savage sensation. It was as though someone was devouring him whole, like he was prey meant for entertainment. Even the Royal Knights in the capital did not exude such vehement bloodlust.

Clarkson’s legs started trembling as the hair on his skin rose. Sweat formed on his face. His throat dried up. He knew this sensation well.

It was fear.

If I, the Head of the Guards, feel like this… Then...

Clarkson looked around and realized the others were no better. The other guards were pallid, as though all the blood had drained from their body. The soldiers trembled violently. Some of them had even pissed their pants.

“So, how was it?” said Lark, grinning. He playfully spun the spear in his hand. “I tried slowing down the movements so that everyone would be able to easily see.”

Clarkson’s eyes widened at the casual remark.


He was actually holding back so we’d be able to follow!

Although Clarkson wanted to refute the statement, deep in his heart, he knew it was true. The bloodlust the young master had shown was abnormal and extreme. There was no way any other person was capable of that.

A question occurred to Clarkson. If the young master was actually this skilled, why did he always run to the guards when trouble came up? Even back in Gryphon City, the young master had always been like that.

He would make trouble and then his personal guards would have to clean after him.

More and more questions piled up, and Clarkson was unable to answer them. In these past few days, the young master he had known became a different person entirely. Not only in the demonstrated skills, but also the way he addressed other people.

Lark clapped his hands once. “It’s too early to be teaching you spearmanship. First, we will focus on training your bodies. After all, the basics are the most important.”

The hall was silent. Everyone remembering the spearmanship the young master had demonstrated. It had been beautiful yet deadly, like a dance with blades and swords.

“While carrying the spear in your hand,” said Lark, demonstrating the proper way of holding the spear. “Run around this hall. Three hundred times.”

The hall of the mansion was vast, and it would take them thirty seconds to run around it. Just thinking about running around it three hundred times was tiring.

Lark grinned. “Those that are able to finish the task will receive dried fish for lunch.”

“Is that true?” said one of the soldiers.

“Of course.” Lark nodded. “You have my word. Furthermore, the first to finish will get an egg.” Many of the men gulped.

A fierce blaze filled the eyes of each person. “Let’s start,” said the young master.

After a clap, everyone started running around the hall holding a spear in their hand.


While the soldiers were training, Lark approached Melody. She, too, had passed the seed test.

“It’s a refreshing sight, isn’t it?” said Lark.

Melody bowed her head.

“Once winter ends, they can start training outside. Also, I’m planning to recruit more soldiers by then. The number right now is simply not enough.” He stared at her for a moment. “Melody, I want you to work for me.”

Melody had heard of the evil deeds of the young master before. She did not want to work for such a person. But since she was homeless and jobless, just like others from Lion City, she was left with no choice.

“Payment will be fifteen silvers a month. Free meals, three times a day,” said Lark. “You will also be given a house once the construction in the eastern border is finished. Of course, depending on your performance, a raise is not out of the question.”

The offer was extravagant. Even when she had been working for the mistress back in Lion City, the salary was not that high.

“Young Master, what kind of job is it?” she asked in a slightly trembling voice. If the young master required her to service him during the night, she would reject the offer. No matter how many silvers were offered, she would never offer him her body.

“I want you to teach the soldiers how to read and write,” said Lark.

His gaze went to the soldiers running around the hall. By now, they were huffing terribly, but with the promise of dried fish, they kept running. The guards did not want to lose to the soldiers.

Lark smiled in amusement.

“Read and write?” Melody said, her voice almost a whisper and filled with uncertainty. It was common for soldiers to be illiterate. After all, only nobles were able to afford a basic education. She had never heard of someone training common soldiers such advanced skills.

Lark nodded. “Knowledge is a powerful weapon. Though a lot of people may disagree with me, the soldiers need to learn at least that much.”

When he saw that one of the soldiers was about to give up, he shouted, “Only those that finish three hundred laps will receive dried fish! Remember that!”

The soldier fiercely looked ahead and continued running. Lark chuckled. “Good! Keep going!”

“So, how about it?” he said, turning to Melody. “Will you teach the soldiers for me?”

There was a moment of hesitation. Melody carefully said, “I can teach them, probably… but Young Master, you… you won’t ask me for anything else, right?”

Lark slightly titled his head. “Of course, that’s not all.”

Melody shuddered. She was determined to reject him if he asked for that.

“You will be required to learn arithmetic, with Gaston. I plan to expand this town further. To do that, I need capable vassals.”

“Arithmetic…” Her voice trailed off.

It was a skill known by all merchants. Just the thought that she would learn such a skill made the offer enticing. After all, even some of nobles did not know it.

Melody considered all possible scenarios. After weighing the pros and the cons, she swallowed the lump in her throat, then slowly nodded. “I accept your offer, Young Master.”

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