《Saga of Steel and Bone (Ashes & Phoenix)》Chapter 20, Gifts from Times Past for Future Hope.


They stand with me, and my hands automatically drop to where I would normally have hidden daggers. But they make no move to stop me, so I manually unclench my muscles and take a deep breath.

“Son, I know you have things to do. You have the intensity of someone searching for those you love. I would offer my aid, but doubt you would take what I would offer. Instead, take this,” David says.

He nods to Tim, who goes to a corner, pulling out a sack almost as long as my arm. He holds the pack out to me as I look on with questioning eyes.

“Open it,” David commands, a hopeful glint in his eye.

I sense excitement in the air. Honestly, even if I couldn’t smell the sweet scent that reminds me of cinnamon buns, I’d still know just by the grins on their faces. Except Healer Morgana’s. She’s as puckered as ever, but something in her gaze says she’s not immune to the happiness of the others.

I reverently accept the gift. Few have the times been for people to care enough to give me anything of value, much less be thrilled to offer such things.

I first pull out boots about my size with expert craftsmanship. Not new, but things of beauty. Next are some essentials, along with flint and a small skinning knife. Last I pull out a small bag of gold and silver coins. It's enough to buy a horse, plus ensure travel fees are cared for.

“This—this is too much.” My voice is gruff with emotion.

“That’s not all.” David leans forward, steepling his hands on the table.

I reach into the bag once more, searching the bottom for whatever has Heather almost hopping in her seat.

I pull out a single stained handkerchief embroidered with a simple black wolf in the corner. A scent touches my nose. I take a deep breath, and the scents of my family bring indescribable emotions to my heart. The many odors on that old shirt filled me with comfort... but I had lost it when I shifted on top of the wall when I was saving Shasta.

It held the last traces of sweet wildflowers my Ma loved to pick; the leather and parchment of my brother, Jed, mixed with the sweet ink the boy loved to use as he doodled; the mint and cookies young Barry loved to steal; and sweet alfalfa and grounding wisdom from my Pa.

Now, I can keep their scents close because of this thoughtful gift.


"You did this?" I ask Heather, my voice deeper than usual.

She nods, her silver eyes gleaming. "It was the only thing I could save of it. Morgana brought it to dad to burn, but I could smell you and the love and desperation the shirt had seen. It was the least I could do."

I have never met a kinder individual in my entire life. "Wha—Why?" I finally ask.

Heather looks at me, and I see a past within her silver gaze that reflects the same loss I feel. "There are few items that still hold the scent of my mother. I hoped... I hoped it would ease some of your pain."

Never have I felt a greater urge to hug someone than I did just then. Instead, I take a deep breath to keep myself from blubbering like a pup.

"Thank you," I say, the sincere depth of emotion in my voice unmistakable.

She gives me a soft smile, then nods at the bag still in my hand. "There is something more."

I raise a brow, unsure just how much more this city can give me. She gestures encouragingly towards the bag.

My hand finds something soft. I pull out a black and white fur covered bag about the length of my hand and oblong with something heavy pulling at the bottom. I unlatch the leather cover.

Inside is a plain black circle with the symbol of Eternal Love emblazoned in silver on the inside of the ring. The symbol is the shape of a horizontal eight with a broken heart around it. There is a small teardrop shape beside the symbol. The circle is of a dark metal that gleams bronze in the lamplight.

I almost drop it when I realize exactly what it is. I fumble for a moment, abruptly dumping it on the table as soon as I possibly can without breaking the priceless item. Of course, this item has survived over a thousand years without a nick to mar its mirror smooth surface, so I shouldn't be able to do anything to it... I hope.

"A Ring of the King," I breathe, looking at it with wide eyes and for once losing sight of my surroundings.

A clap makes me jump. Healer Morgana's grin says she knows exactly how much she made my heart bounce around in my chest.

"Ya know what it is. Good," she says, the grin still twisting her features and causing her eyes to almost disappear into folds of skin.


I rub my aching heart that is still jumping an erratic pattern and lean my battered and aching body against the table while glaring at her. Her grin and humor remain intact despite my obvious glower, upping my respect for the old bird. My black gaze sometimes scares me, which is one reason I'm thankful mirrors are a highly expensive object.

"What is a Ring doing here?" I finally ask.

"It was passed from my grandpappy to me, and something told me you will need it on your journey. Without you, my daughter and granddaughter would've been lost to me." David looks at me and a tear trails down his weathered face as he hugs Heather close. She nods, tears gathering in her eyes. "When you realize you may lose your loved ones, it changes you, son, as you well know. You realize in that moment no material item is too small a price to pay for the return of your loved ones. It is truly the least we can do, and I was told by my grandpappy to give it to the one I deem worthy. I see no one more worthy than a Shifter who would risk his life for a stranger."

I nod in acceptance of his words, even if I don't fully agree. I don't have words for a moment, and the silence grows awkward as I stand there staring at the thing. "The Emperor will not let your minor victory go unpunished. This will be useful in the war to come." I look up to meet David's eyes, and he nods, but says nothing more.

They could flood the plains around the city, making it hard to get an army across a marshland, and then they could dry it up in a few months for the growing season.

The possibilities with this thing are practically endless, and they're just giving it away? To me? That's just not something humans do. It's not right.

A wry grin tilts Jace's lips. "Something tells me you're gonna need it much more than us," he quips.

If rolling my eyes wouldn't make me seem like a gangly pup, my eyes would be skyward.

"Besides," David says, leaning forward and meeting my eyes with a frankness I can respect, "it is an honor to help you. I do have a request. I beg you to consider staying a week before leaving. Only a very few here know how to fight in a siege. Most are humble farmers and craftsmen. But they fight. They are tired of the iron fist of the Emperor. They need you for longer, just so we can ensure no army is going to march and destroy us for the uprising before we are prepared. Please."

After a gift like this, it would be appalling to refuse. I balk at the expert trap this man has backed me into. I don't want to let the Ring go. To be entirely honest, I'm not sure I could walk away from it, even if it terrifies me.

The capability to provide water to its user is a blessing from the Age of the King, said to be a gift to the High King from the Allfather. There are only twenty in known existence, and the Emperor has three in his Treasury. Those who know guard the Rings with diligence, hardly ever leaking their existence to the world. This thing sitting on the table before me could buy a small kingdom... or it could save Whitecastle should I get it back to Pa.

A deeply guarded secret about the Ring is its ability to breathe death as easily as life. The one who understands how to use the Ring can make poisons or acutely affect the growing patterns of plants, for good or ill. This little thing is both a blessing and a curse, depending upon who wields it. Just like any weapon, if I'm honest. Just like me, once upon a time.

Who in their doggone right mind would give that to us?

I can't help but agree.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I sway unsteadily on my feet as David's request batters my heart and my duty. My siblings. My Ma. I cannot leave them to the Empire's nonexistent mercy. Yet, I also need to get back to Whitecastle and end the drought.

I need to leave, and soon. Maybe if the rescue is short and easy, I can make it back to Whitecastle with my family before the first frost. I huff. When has any rescue been short or easy? And where would that leave Videlia?

I place both palms on the wooden table and feel the grains imprint my hands as I squeeze the table. What am I supposed to do? I'm only one Shifter needing to do the work of an army.

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