《In the Key of Ether》Ch 6.5
Ch: 6.5
At the forge, Shai put Gary on to making simple items the next morning, nails and rivets to start. As he began, his Artisan gift started pulling its weight. It seemed that it was the act of creating objects, not just the physical manipulation of raw material that triggered it.
Nails and rivets trickled from his little corner of Shai’s forge at a steady rate while she twirled and spun to his rhythm, completing her own tasks at a speed even she was startled by.
Fortunately for Gary, Shai found Huey Lewis and the News at least as enjoyable as country, while Hall and Oats sent her wiggling in ways too distracting to ignore.
By fourth bell, She and Gary were ensconced in the same tavern, their assigned tasks for the day complete. This time he had the energy to eat, he even produced his mandolin and strummed a few bluegrass tunes.
Shai began to bounce slightly, tapping her toes, then she whirled from her chair, slipping, scooting and sliding across the floor.
Her ecstatic twirling dance carried her around the room in a blur of flashing legs. A wordless song spilled from her throat, half humming, half crooning, filling the small space with life and thundering energy.
“Gary,” She gasped, spinning back into her seat while the other tavern patrons gaped in wonder. “You’ll be taking me dancing at the temple of Joy this week end. Ye’ll be dancing wi me that night. No excuses.”
He gulped and nodded, fingers still scattering soft and soothing notes around the room. She reached out and tapped the body of his mandolin with a finger. “You made that yes?” He nodded again. “I’ll be seeing your workshop then Liam says you have one, says its a thing to see.”
She rose gracefully, headed for the door. “Come along.” She called over her shoulder. “Keep playing, I like this music.”
Gary taught her Sixteen Tons on the way, entertaining most of the women and all of the men in the carpenter's ward. The girl could not stand still while the music played.
“Nice shop, what’er ye selling? Empty shelves? Ye’er all stocked up on those.” She gently mocked, still swaying as he noodled in the blues.
“Very funny, workshop’s downstairs.” He kept playing, mostly because she kept swaying that way.
She tisked at his portable forge and immediately began rearranging it to meet her standards. “That's a fair bit o scrap iron over there,” She pointed to his shop tools “is it fer sellin?”
Gary switched on the sanding station and its use immediately became clear to her. “Oh my! Thats a fine thing!”
The drill press made her eyes widen with a hungry look that Gary was not sure he liked.
No, it was sexy as hell. Any girl that looked at a belt sander that way was something special, he decided.
Later, sitting in the shopfront sharing a pipe with Liam and Aisha who “Happened to be passing with Liam by chance” and also happened to have a basket draped with a towel over her arm.
A nervous Gary suggested that the foursome should go and get a meal in the market. Anything to get them away from his house.
Liam smiled, slow and evil, making his handsome face twist. “Aisha and I were going to a new bathhouse… but don't let us stop you two.”
Shai’s face lit up with delight. “A bathhouse? In Wheatford? I had nae heard!” She spun in place, twirling with excitement.
Gary’s soft groan of despair completely escaped her notice. Liam grinned, while Aisha continued the obviously coordinated attack.
“It's a private bath, by invitation only, it's a bit of a secret so keep it under your hat. My dear Liam can surely arrange you an invitation… perhaps for this weekend.”
She batted her lashes winsomely at Liam, who played the role of unwilling, but indulgent boyfriend. Giving in and promising an evening in the mysterious bath would be granted by the equally mysterious benefactor. “I am very close with the owner, I will arrange it for you…” Coincidentally for the very evening a dance was to be held by the Temple of Joy…
It was brutal. When those two finished, Gary and Shai were eating in a local tavern and the two scheming serpents were ensconced in Gary’s bath alone.
He could not even find the energy to be upset at the way they had weaseled their way into his house. He was too panic stricken by the horrifying way he had been coerced and twisted into this position.
While Shai enjoyed a steak and salad of heroic proportions, Gary dined on fear until he was full up to the top. His grilled chicken leg tasted like dust and ash despite being lovely.
His mind would not stop running through scenarios where Shai wound up in his bath…
He found several new and exciting ways to fear rejection. Particularly a whole new and paralyzing fear of being seen without his clothes… by this extraordinary woman.
All his old insecurities came home to roost, his traitor mind began an exhaustive inventory of each time he had thought that maybe, just maybe.
Each time it had become a cruel joke, or she didn’t see him that way.
This woman, in this place… something in her laughing eyes and wide smile seemed open and honest.
The touch of her hand sent electric jolts through him, even while she was covered in sweat or handing him a coal shovel in a stinking blazing forge. That was new…
Suddenly, something snapped in his heart and he felt free, truly free for the first time.
This chicken was good! With a fiery resolve and new determination he sat up straight and started talking.
“Shai,” He said. “That bathhouse is mine, it’s behind my shop. Aisha and Liam were using you to torment me because I set them up. Well, I helped set them up, it was a community effort.”
“I see.” she said coolly.
“Yeah, I really like you, but they don't get to put me, or you in that position.” He went on. “I'm taking a stand here, anyone that tries to set me up from now on is getting disappointed. I will see who I want, when I wish, where I will.”
“I see.” she said again.
“You can use the bathing facility as you wish,” He said carefully. “Because I know I can trust you to respect my boundaries.” This was the dangerous part. “Just as you can trust me to respect yours.”
He struggled with an instinct to flinch out of reach as she shifted to face him more fully. “I see.” She said again, her body rigid for the first time since Gary had met her.
“What Ye’er saying is yer friends connived to get me into a bath with you.” He nodded carefully. “An they’r in your house right now.” Again he nodded.
“Gary, I did swear on me beloved step mother’s grave I’d nae marry anyone, save I be choosing who and when… mom agreed so I did fill that grave back in.” Her smile was cold and hard as a razor to the throat.
“I’d heard that ye and Tawney of Healer were seen much together, she is a friend I would keep.”
“She made her position clear on that, threw me in the river and then saved my life. So we are friends… but no more than that.” He paused for a moment. “So are we still dancing this week end?”
“I will tell if and when ye can break a promise to me Gary.” Her smile was as warm as sunshine and just as welcome. That chicken was great.
Shai swooped in and kissed his cheek when they parted, leaving Gary at loose ends. She was headed home saying something urgent needed tending.
His house still contained a pair of venomous serpents and he had no desire to drive them out, so Gary walked over to the tailor's ward.
At Jennah’s shop, his new determination fueled aggressive actions.
“Mistress Jennah, I am taking Apprentice smith Shai dancing at the temple of Joy, what should I wear?” He asked warmly, placing the ball firmly in her court.
“Gary, Tawny mentioned throwing you in the river, is that where you washed up? Lucky for you, I've seen her dance, Lucky for her I’ve heard you play.” Her smile was genuine and warm, without calculation or schemes.
Something clicked. “You and Liam… and Tawny… and Otho?” She nodded indulgently. “And that priestess… Naomi Quinn?” Now she was beaming.
“Very good, all correct, save Tawny and Liam. He was my cats paw, while she told me to keep from meddling.” Gary nodded. “Shai knew nothing Gary, this was in no way her plot.”
“I know, and I am going to play along. Because I like her. No more plots, I was a fool to try swimming with the sharks in this ocean.”
“Oh Gary, you were a fool to think there was dry land where you could hide.” She pantomimed biting at him fiercely and laughed.
“I never meant to fix you to Tawny, that would have been a terrible match. You tower over her, your hair and eyes are too dark, but most of all you are an Adventurer.” She sighed. “Adventurers always heed the call of War, that would destroy her happiness, again.”
Jennah made shooing motions and said “I pointed you to Shai to thank you for helping my sister, you kind buffoon. Shoo! I will see to you and her, a woman cannot sew in peace with looming oafs about.”
During their morning workout Liam would not stop smiling and he barely spoke without prompting, lost in a world of his own.
Gary said little, wanting to enjoy the quiet, he was in a world of his own too, considering this was to be the end of his week at the forge with the lovely smith.
When he arrived, Shai had arranged extra work for them. Quite a pile of extra work. She was enjoying herself perhaps too much.
Gary was feeling experimental, so he dialed his gift up a little more and tried something a little more contemporary, a little more disco.
Shai had him making a shovel, spreading the steel thin to form the blade with careful quick taps. Taptatpttatatppap
You can dance, you can jive
Having the time of your life…
Gary kept ‘Dancing Queen’ rolling on the chorus until he was finishing the shovel. Nearly impaling himself at the grinding wheel while watching Shai dance.
As long as he kept it going by whistling or singing, the hammers of the craftsmen around them were doing a fabulous job. There was an apprentice carpenter across the street who was a natural drummer.
Gary slipped the beat a little tighter and brought the neighbors along into ‘Let It Whip’.
Shai’s hips were a pervasive element in the forge now, Driven by funky science, he could not determine if they were a particle or a wave. Observation pulled him into the experiment. Soon they were working side by side, bumping their hips together and hammering in time.
They were sitting on a pier, feet dangling in the river as the sun slowly lowered and Shai said; “I won't be making a smith of ye, but I've made a friend, maybe more, an thats enough. See you e’re the dance Gary. Don’t be late, I've a gravedigging shovel ye made fer me.”
Gary laughed and did not feel doomed at all. He felt free and easy. Like chains were being struck from his limbs.
While Shai walked back to her home with wings on her heels, Gary was back at the fountain giving Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’ a ferocious rendition.
His guitar thundering through the chords while he danced with abandon around the fountain.
Did you think I’d crumble
Think I’d lay down and die…
Tawny was standing there, smiling in that that golden light. She was radiant, a gleaming golden beauty and a good friend.
When the song ended they hugged and strolled together to meet Liam and Aisha, it was bathtime. “I can’t believe this is my life now.” He sighed.
On first day Gary would start at the college with remedial introductory courses, designed for backwoods nobility with weak educational foundations. So what.
Today, he was meeting Shai at the temple dance and that was enough to have on the agenda. His clothes had come from Jennah, nothing fancy, dark green pants, green shirt and sash all in linen but it felt great. Everything felt great.
The exercises and conditioning Liam was putting him through were paying dividends in skills and fitness. His imbalance was managed, leaving his head clear and he was going dancing with a girl his age who was a potential rival in skill. A different craft thankfully, she had a competitive streak.
He saw her coming up the road dressed in a silk skirt the color of fresh spring grass, twirling and flowing at the hem, it snugged tight from her hips to her navel.
A brief, flowing top in bright green and a short chocolate brown vest embroidered with a spray of thorny vines, with blossoms stitched in white and red berries revealed almost as much creamy skin as it concealed. She was crowned with a garland of wildflowers, restraining her curly hair into a short coppery waterfall.
While he was admiring her, she was giving him the same treatment, Gary guessed she liked the result, since she took his arm, playfully bumped her hip to his and swayed across the square to get closer to the musicians.
Gary had yet to meet with any of Otho’s new minions, in fact he had not seen the old man in a few days… He cast those thoughts out and focused on the beautiful girl beside him.
She was stretching and limbering up in ways that made it hard to breathe. While warming himself up Gary called over the noise of the crowd and the band tuning up. “When I first Got here I was afraid it was one of those crazy towns where they outlawed dancing”
She looked perplexed “Why ever do that?”
Gary tried to remember. “Because being drunk can get you killed.”
“I’m not sure ye are sane Gary… but ye’er fun!” With that she swirled into the rising music, pulling him along by sheer joyous gravity.
Shai was a force of nature, pulling everyone into her twirling swirling skirts, leaving them stunned and breathless. She didn't dance with Gary, the whole crowd danced with her, caught up in the drum, the flute and the green and red dervish whirling madly among them. Gary kept bobbing along in her wake trying to keep up, keeping always barely within reach of her hands and spinning skirts.
They lost track of the time and seventh bell caught them both by surprise. Giddy, exhausted and dizzy, they stumbled off arm in arm. In the square Gary’s ridiculous pipe appeared, puffing gray clouds into the air between them. Shai looked closely at it and compared it to her vest, seeing the similarities for the first time. Did ye craft this pipe, foolish boy?” she asked
Gary shrugged. “Yes indeed, like it? Maybe I will make one for you...”
“Twould seen ye had a hand in the delivery of this fine clothing frae Jennah's shop? Be ye bold, mad or a greater fool than I guessed” she shook her head woefully. “tae try an play dress-up wi me.”
“I asked her what I should wear, she said she had something for you on her own...” He eyed her up and down slowly again, she saw and gave a little slow twirl with a sassy smile. “Jennah knows what I like.” He said, feeling courageous, caught up in the heady evening.
“Liam has a fair mind fer me own proclivities,” she said smiling. “He’s me brother, since and all.”
That sent Gary on a short stumble, arrested by the smith girl’s quick, strong hand. “Master Harlan came tae town three years gone, he adopted me frae the orphanage, he's Da’s brother. Uncle Harlan I suppose, but I’m an orphan under the law yet. Were he me mother’s sister, mayhap I could make Contracts, but that be talk for rainy days, not summer nights Gary”
“Well then, if you could travel anywhere in this wide world, where would you go?” Gary asked, fishing for some geographical info, since he had yet to find a map.
She mulled that prettily for a moment, stroking her jaw and throat in a way Gary felt was calculated to cause him difficulties.
“I would go to a place where the music never ends.”
“Yeah it's nice there.” Gary said dreamily, as she snuggled closer to him in the cool of a late summer evening. “I have a little cabin there.”
“Ye are a silly man, I think I’ll keep ye.”
At the gate Gary turned to take Shai home, while Shai turned to go to Gary’s workshop. Colliding in the middle of the road caused a tangle of other party goers and pedestrians to form.
As they escaped their own creation, each faced the other and said in tandem “I’ll take you home” and began taking the other in that direction.
As they spun around each other, still caught up in the dance, she leaned close and kissed him, whispering; “Remember, I tell ye when ye can break a promise tae me. If you have a problem wi that, don’t go making them.”
Gary stood dumbfounded, trying to square that circle... “I'm fer bathing in yer bathhouse as I were promised, ye addle pated, woodchewing termite. Carpenters… got sawdust fer brains.” She scolded him while grinning wickedly.
They slipped through the side door into the living quarters of Gary’s house a few minutes later, breathless from excitement and kisses exchanged in private moments.
The rooms were still rather spartan, but the contents of his storage appeared in their places making it seem more homey.
He had transformed the living space into a simple studio with a garden patio, his bed dominated the sleeping area, summoned on a whim and kept for the same reason. His instruments nestled in stands built just for them.
Gary’s house was a funny thing, anyone who was given entry always had a summoned robe hanging in the bathing room, each one unique. Conjured subconsciously by Gary’s gift. Likewise there were always whimsical animal slippers in the cubbies, and a chair that seemed to meet the guest’s backside just so.
They embraced in the middle of the floor, holding tight and enjoying each other's warmth and scent. After a long moment that ended too soon, as Shai began tugging at Garys clothes.
Before he knew it Gary was bare to the waist, flat on his back with Shai straddling him. Gently she ran her fingernails over his chest and abdomen, making him writhe and groan.
He caressed his hands up her silk clad hips, over her bare flanks reaching for her pert, plump breasts, still hidden by her shimmering garments.
With a lithe twist, she leapt away, opening the door to the bathing room. With a terrible smile she waved to him and whispered, “Ye promised to respect me boundaries Gary.” and with a serious look, she drew a line with her bare toes in front of the bathing room door. Before dancing out of sight.
As the last glimpse of green skirt vanished through the still open door he sighed. She left that door open deliberately. She could have closed and locked it after her, the mechanism was beyond simple. That was the infuriating part, she left it open as a show of trust, and a show of power.
He could hear her splashing in the bathing room and singing a song he had taught her, ‘What A Wonderful World’. That was unnecessary, though her warm, rough voice was stunning.
Determined to get his power back, Gary rose, took his mandolin, went to the door and entered the garden.
He waited quietly on a bench until he heard her soft gasp of pleasure at first sight of the bathing pool.
At the liquid sound of a slender body slipping into the water, Gary began to play. Sending his notes tumbling over the wall to shower onto her.
‘Sway!’ was a forward choice, but this was a night for courageous acts.
When marimba rhythms start to play
Dance with me, make me sway
Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more…
He kept his gift sealed up tight, nothing but the magic of music.
Part way through one of his mothers favorites, ‘Quizas, Quizas, Quizas?’
Right in the middle of the Pensando Pensandos… firm, warm arms encircled him and stilled his hands. He felt her breath on the nape of his neck as she whispered. “Where be your boundaries Gary?”
“My boundaries? I was gonna play ‘Gimme One Reason’, and then go to the orphanage if you didn’t come out.” He turned in her encircling arms.
She was wearing the conjured robe, he knew it was just for her, because it was a shimmering green and very short. He also knew what he liked.
She curled up beside him, squeezing close. “Play that song, I want tae hear where ye draw the line.”
“No.” He said firmly.
“Why not boy? Am I nae good enough tae hear?” she whispered roughly, her accent flaring dangerously.
“Because you came out, so that song is not for you.”
“And why not?”
He smiled softly, as he began to pluck and thump on his mandolin, evoking a chaotic heartbeat, as the higher strings rang out in strident minor chords, he whispered,
“Because even doves have pride”
Take if you will a picture,
Of you and I engaged in a kiss…
He never made it to the bridge.
While she struggled with the ties to his trousers he made her robe vanish in an eldritch breeze. ‘Is this the power of home ownership?’ He wondered.
Gary had filled out in muscle rather well in just a few weeks, but was still a bit soft around the middle and gawky.
She was a vision in milky pale skin, the faint scars of her profession did nothing to mar the sensuous grace of her twining arms.
Her shoulders were a few helpless freckles drowning in an ocean of cream, while pink nipples almost trembled atop her smooth breasts.
The intoxicating curve of her abdomen stole his breath as he got lost in the unruly patch of coppery joy that surmounted those wondrous legs.
While he stood there gawping like a fool, Shai grabbed his shoulders and steered him to the bed. His courage and determination had shattered and blown away before the tempest that was Shai.
She hesitated, “Be this your first?” she asked softly. He nodded dumbly and she sighed.
“Tawny promised she had nae, but to think no lass ever…”
He opened his mouth to speak, only to be silenced with a gentle finger. “Tawny did say ye came from a place most strange and nae more. Ye are here with me now, an I will see ye right.”
She seized him in a grip tender but firm and guided him to the bath. “Ye must learn the game, ere ye try an break the rules Gary.”
He had received a number of lessons since arriving in this crazy world, had given a few as well, but Shai proved an able instructor here, as at the forge.
As they bathed in the morning sun, steam taking the chill from the air, she curled into his arms, sassy and insistent like a cat. “Ye have dexterous fingers, musician, an yer tongue is whip quick as well. How did some lass nae teach you the game ere this?” When he faltered, she reached and clasped him under the water.
“Morning be a time fer answers Gary” She nibbled at his jaw, further weakening his shaky will.
“Sexy pirate girls are just no fair.” He complained to the unheeding universe. Her grip tensed ever so slightly. He was on a clock.
He rattled out his story, with some backtracking and digression, got to the end, and received a tightening grip.
“Gary…” Just his name. He panicked just a little.
“Shai, you saw my workshop, my tools, my bath!” he said, rolling his eyes to indicate the surrounding vegetation.
“Have you ever even heard of things like this?”
“They have baths in the capital, I hear. An lies come cheap in the hinterlands.”
“Think, was this house here last week?” He struggled, carefully. “Its true, ask Otho, just don't do anything… drastic. I thought you two were getting along!”
“Ooh, I like him just fine, but I mislike liars!” Slowly she released him, giving a gentle pat as though to make amends.
“I’ll be asking Tawny, she said her secrecy oath dinae hold an ye tell me of yer own will.” She settled back against him, crawling inside his arms. “I decided to trust ye when ye sang those songs, twas one in a language I did never hear, and the others were naught I recognize.” She sighed, “Aye tis the songs, I cannae let ye go.”
Arm in arm they wandered into the late morning light looking for food. “I cannae believe ye have nae food in yer place, save that mysterious sandwich.”
Gary got serious. “Do not eat that sandwich, Otho has decided that anything in my kitchen is there for the taking... he just swings by to raid my fridge.”
“As you wish silly boy, I will not eat your magic sandwich.”
With a twist of his fingers, he made his flute appear and began to brighten everyones morning.
Not that his playing was masterful, but when he played Shai danced, and when Shai danced every one danced. “I’m dating the hottest chick in town…” He mumbled as he switched to guitar.
“She’s hot, crazy hot, crazy. Hot. Huh, there's a song in that.” He sang in english as she danced to his improvised blues.
She spun closer “What does ‘sheezhot krazyhott’ mean?” she asked sweetly. “I want to learn all your songs boy.”
“I was going to write a song about you, but I think somebody already wrote it.”
“I cannae wait tae hear.” she whispered huskily in his ear.
“I’ll sing it just for you, no one else on the planet will hear it unless you say so.”
“Ye make me feel powerful” she laughed, spinning away as he switched to an improvisational ‘Girl From Ipanema’, singing the lyrics in english and portuguese.
As they strolled through town Gary tried to use his gift to make Shai more interesting, slowly dialing it in and watching the crowd.
There seemed no real effect, but he developed a hollow pain in his heart that told him he was growing imbalanced. He backed it off, making the pressure relent, he was going to need to get his ass kicked by Liam tonight.
A message appeared and he shoved it away while Shai was dancing.
She was clearly enjoying the confused looks from those who she swept up in her dance. She enjoyed it even more when the songs mystified the onlookers. Just to make her happy he played a spirited version of ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’, still in english, just for her.
When they twirled up to the tavern, the barkeep gave Gary and Shai a table by the windows so that the music could draw in more hungry and thirsty strollers.
Settling in, she said. “I want ta learn that last song, it were fun! What dae it mean?”
“Remember Shai, I'm a stranger here, I don't know your…” Her look gave him pause. He began to softly sing her the verses in the common language. First she turned pale, then red, pale again and finally she burst out laughing.
“Be that the filthiest song in your home? It were a rare treat!” She blushed again, “I cannae believe ye sang that in public in any language!”
“Ohh sweet summer child.” Gary soothed her, “I will sing you the ‘Mayor of Bayswater’ some evening”
“Be he naughtier than the Queen that sang this song?”
“Hmm perhaps, there is a noble knight of my land you should become familiar with. Sir Mixalot is his name. Remind me about him later.”
“Sir Mixalot, Knight of Garysland. I will remember”
As they headed for the forge, he caught Shai softly singing; “she was such a naughty nanny...” and he could not resist pulling her close for a kiss, damn the watching eyes. He whispered, “Come by any evening, or find me at the orphanage, or shout my name down the halls of the college, if you want me, I’m yours.”
She whispered back “Run away now Gary, Papa Harlan is duty bound tae beat ye an he lays hands on ye today. Tis tradition!”
That was when the beautiful girl floated away and was replaced by an angry, red haired thunderstorm roaring his way. Gary fled crying “Forgive me Master Harlan!”
Tradition did not extend more than one hundred yards from the shop. Because at that point, Harlan stopped, breathing heavily with hands on his knees. He waved at Gary, calling “Be good to her boy, or she’ll kill ye”
Back home Gary climbed in the pool, feeling hollow again. He pulled up that message from before.
Gift: Familiar Stranger has fully integrated. New functionalities have emerged;
Entrainment, non hostile entities may be influenced in behavior or action. Gift scales against creature’s will, mind, and the nature of the influence. Creatures will be very difficult to induce to act against their own interests. No cost, no cooldown.
Unknown, unknown/null
The Unknown, unknown/null was faintly brighter indicating more information, he dug in deeper.
Unknown, unknown/null, you have attempted to activate a locked ability, Contract related attribute to unlock.
Gary dug around, finding a thread running from Familiar Stranger to his Animus stat, that made sense. Contract that to unlock this.
“Nothing to do for that now.” He mumbled. Before running to the orphanage so Liam could beat him again. “I can't believe this is my life now.”
Liam was insufferable, and he had Aisha along to spectate, while he took Gary to the training ground and proceeded to whomp him with a stick for a solid half hour.
When sweet innocent Becky brought Tawny in to heal Gary’s battered flesh, she stuck her tongue out and sassed “I heard what you did to poor Shai, so embarrassing! I hope she beats you too!”
Tawny snorted while Liam Aisha and Gary looked confused, though to be fair Gary looked confused before… he had taken a wooden sword to the head.
“Right under the helmet” Liam was explaining “took a little nap and called me mommy, Shai will be mad if I make him any dumber.”
Tawny looked him over and pronounced, “No, he's still just an idiot, no harm done.” She looked down at him and smiled “Feel better Gary, you start class tomorrow.”
He groaned. “They won't even let me in the library, so I can't ‘get my filthy peasant hands’ on the books. I'm Starting day one at zero.”
“Gary,” Liam soothed, “you have learned so much since coming here, surely you can avoid soiling yourself or falling off a building.”
Tawny’s golden, liquid laugh lingered as she left, while Gary slowly climbed to his feet.
“She’s so meam” He griped nasally, trying to sneeze the congealed blood out of his sinuses in the corner of the courtyard. “Was she like that before she saw my spear?”
“We’ve all seen your spear Gary, it's not that impressive.”
“Shut up Aisha, I don’t recall inviting you into my bath, anyway.” Gary tried to glare fiercely at her but the effect was ruined by Liam’s laughter.
“Shai never laughs at… Aww dang.” He hung his head in exaggerated woe and sobbed unconvincingly into his hands. “She thinks I'm hilarious too.”
His friends, still grinning at his misfortune, helped him to his room. “I’m just going to lay here for a while…” He said, collapsing into the small, lumpy bed.
“So…” Liam began. “If you are going to sleep here for a bit…” Aisha chimed in. “Liam and I are going to run some errands in the carpenters ward…”
“So now you start asking” He moaned. “Go on you two. Don’t eat Otho’s sandwich.”
Aisha looked puzzled, but the pair scampered, leaving him in peace.
He woke with late afternoon sun streaming through his tiny window. As Gary awakened from that lazy afternoon nap, and found a warm body pressed close to him, spreading a pleasant warmth. A spray of coppery hair spilled onto his pillow. He snuggled in closer, receiving a soft, pleased grunt in return.
They lay like that for a while, sharing silent companionship, disturbed only when he heard a voice calling.
“Otho!” Again the call. “Otho! Where are you?”
As she stirred, Gary put a comforting arm around her and played gently with her big floppy… ear?
With a shout Gary leapt up, just as Ivy poked her head in, “Otho! There you are!” the huge shaggy dog galumphed over to greet her, wiggling in excitement.
“And there you are.” she said with just a little disappointment.
“Clothes Gary? Shai won't be best pleased if you keep running around in your underthings.” She ran an appraising eye over him while he struggled into a shirt. “I came to find my silly mutt, not to ogle my sister's bad choices.”
“Ouch Ivy, that stings”
She harrumphed softly, and sank onto his now vacant bed. “You start at the college tomorrow, if you can’t handle a little verbal tit for tat with me, the rich kids will eat you alive.”
Gary lounged into the only chair, a study in casual indifference. “How this?” he asked, in languid bored tones. “I call this ‘careless insouciance’ I like this for rich kids,” he intoned, a lazy drawl making his words seem to pour out like cold honey, slowly, thickly. ‘It makes them… wait… for you.”
“No? Well I can try, ‘studious and obedient go getter’ but that does NOT play to my strengths.”
“Gary, Otho and Amicus are not representative of the college and most of its members. It is a deeply elitist place. They will let us play with their toys, but we need to know our place.”
A slow smile spread on Gary’s face and he drawled “That's the thing Miss Ivy… I do know my place, and its wherever the fuck I find myself at the moment.” He rose and sauntered in his most infuriating slouch, to the door.
Ivy grinned and called “Remember that brother, we are Adventurers. We belong.”
“Somebody wrote a song about that Ivy, we’ll see if I play it.”
Down in the carpenters ward there was someone standing outside his shop door. Odd since all his friends had switched to using the house entrance.
She was a small woman, robed in the green of the temple of Joy’s acolytes. Her skin was tanned and her hair straight, dark and long. As Gary opened the shop door, she made a nodding bow and followed him in.
With a wave, done purely for theater, the paper lanterns scattered around illuminated his all but empty shop.
What few products and instruments he had managed to create over the last few busy weeks were displayed with pride. A rack of recorders from soprano to bass, ukuleles, drums, that shamisen and a few simple guitars hung, glowing softly in the lantern’s light.
Stepping behind the counter, he smiled. “Welcome to Ward instruments, where We Will Rock You.”
She looked mildly confused, but pushed past it with visible effort. “You are the proprietor? Or an apprentice?”
Gary’s easy smile grew wider, “Both actually, Gary Ward, apprentice luthier and ceo of Ward Instruments, where We Will Rock You.”
“I was told that you are the only maker of musical instruments of any kind in this town.” She said, eyeing the sparse selection and the rack of pipes, mugs and wooden tableware in the corner.
“I assume you are one of Otho’s minions? What can I do for you? Or did you just drop by to be… polite?” He asked, emphasis hanging on the last word in quiet challenge.
Calmly he began tuning his display instruments while waiting.
From a satchel over her shoulder she produced an instrument case, immediately attracting his notice.
Now excited, Gary pulled the case to himself across the counter and opened it. She stood in silence while he took stock.
It was a violin, slightly wider and longer than he expected, but not a viola. It was deep bodied and the soundboard arched gracefully, suggesting a full, rich sound when handled deftly. It shone a deep golden yellow, slipping into autumn shades of orange, red and finally dark brown.
The headstock was a lifelike fiddlehead fern frond, gracefully uncurling into a neck and fingerboard glowing as only wood rubbed by loving hands for generations can.
Turning it over, he gasped in sorrow. A deep splintered gash marred the back of the instrument, explaining its lack of strings. Even the lightest tension would likely rip the poor thing apart. Cracks radiated from the gaping wound and the seams were separating in a number of places.
Violin, instrument, string class, Iron Rank, enchanted. Quality, rare. Damaged, non functional. Seek repair from a qualified craftsperson.
“Ooh, no!” He swept it from the case like an injured puppy and set it on a padded stand that had not been there a moment before. He peered at the wound with a magnifying glass that evaporated as he threw it aside. With a short lived forcep, he pulled a splinter from the gash, popped it into his mouth and chewed carefully.
“Not maple, it's resinous and sour,what is this?” He asked crisply.
The unnamed woman just stood there looking startled. “Did you just taste my instrument?”
“Of course not, that would be strange and foolish… so, what wood is this?” He asked, still chewing and sucking on a splinter.
“I think it's bog cypress.” She shrugged. “It has been in my family for generations.”
“Mm hmm...” He murmured, letting a tiny flake of the varnish dissolve on his tongue.
“You did it again!” She whispered in horror.
“Did what?” he asked, gently easing a probe with a small round mirror into the body through a gracefully curving F hole.
“Stop eating my violin this instant!” She fumed in desperate impotence.
A tiny paper lantern appeared inside the cavity, illuminating the interior for his inspection, while she complained.
Taking a page from Jennah’s book he made a shooing motion. “I can’t work under these conditions, run along and play.”
“This is unacceptable, I will see Head priest Otho about this! Return my instrument immediately, or I shall call the Justicars!”
All emotion drained from his face as he coldly said; “You came to me woman. It looks like it was struck with an ax. Did you do this?”
“Of course not!” She snapped, even more furious.
“I may be able to repair this for you, it will take time though. Do you have a substitute?”
“Where would I find a violin in this backwater? Do they grow on trees here?” She stamped her foot impatiently. “How long boy?”
“I can make you a violin in three days, but to repair this properly I need to find some lumber and figure out this varnish. A month, maybe two?”
“Unacceptable I cannot play some scrap wood fiddle in the temple of Joy”
“You can bang rocks together in the woods if you want, but I will not damage this work of art to please a spoiled child. If you want it covered over with wattle and daub, perhaps Old Mikkel the plasterer can help, sheep dung is his secret ingredient.”
Gently he placed it back in the case and slid it to her. “Sadly, we Cannot Rock You Today.” Shaking his head he sighed. “I will make a violin, it will be ready in three days, come see me if you wish. Otherwise, you should consider taking better care of your toys.”
It broke his heart, but the Ward family honor demanded he repair that treasure correctly or not at all. With sadness he watched her leave. He locked up, heading in to bathe.
Liam, Aisha and Shai were already there, soaking and chatting. “...Amicus vanished three days ago, Otho disappeared yesterday, Priestess Naiomi and Tawny both went into the college and never came out last night. Something is happening.” Aisha was saying, when he slipped into the pool.
Shai slipped close and snuggled into his arms as soon as he settled, while Aisha continued. “Rumor is that Amicus found something in the hills and they are all atwitter over it.”
“Ohh, Z’s library and workshop.” Gary said blandly. “I told Amicus about it when I woke up” He leaned close, whispering to Shai. “That's the place where the music never stops”
She swatted him playfully. “Mind ye what Aisha’s saying ye great fool, ere ye find Otho an Amicus leading ye by a ring in yer nose.”
“I didn’t understand anything beyond that a sexy pirate girl is still not fair.” He said, nuzzling her ear.
She batted him away gently, while Aisha tried to explain. “The three academic scholars who have seen this house are all clustered together with the only other mage who has direct knowledge of your… situation,” She prevaricated, looking at Shai.
“Shai knows everything. Please, carry on.” Gary said, while she was climbing farther into his lap than he had thought would be possible.
“Aye, Shai knows everything, save why ye keep callin me a pirate, tis getting insulting.” He squeezed her gently and whispered. “We will go over sexy pirate girl cosplay later, it's going to come up a lot.”
She purred. “I be no man’s dress up doll, save he be mine in turn.” She turned to Aisha, “Make yer point Aisha, we’er fer the dance ere the evening ends.” She punctuated this with a tug on Gary’s ear.
“Ohh dancing! Get dressed Liam, we’ll walk and talk!”
As they dressed and strolled into the orchard Aisha outlined her suspicions. “With those four closeted away, and with Zygnos’ library, it can only mean they have some insight or at least some solid theories about… whatever Gary is.”
“Hey!” He complained.
“Mine is what he be, half sister, an those vultures want their beaks in him, I’ll be the one tae clip their wings.” Shai growled softly.
Aisha looked at her flatly. “You don't even have your first Contract Shai, we are playing their game and have to follow the rules.”
With a snort she made a shining steel knife dance across her scarred knuckles and then disappear like magic. “Contract or nae, I’ve the magic of steel and guts, that's enough fer now.”
“Wait, back up,” Gary said, stopping cold. “Shai, no Contract? You don't have one?” He asked, shaken.
“Nae Contracts, I be an orphan as ye know.” she said coolly, watching him closely.
“So, all of…” he waved his hands up and down at her. “Is all you? No magic? No eldritch Contract with the beyond?”
“Nae… is just me…” She was cut off as Gary swept her up and spun in circles crowing like a madman.
In a clearing just outside the orchard, on a stump Gary had cut a few days before they began hanging lanterns from nearby boughs. Gary’s legs disgorging a surprising number.
Once lit, creating their informal dance floor, Gary began to play his guitar. A smooth improvisational piece, stolen from Norwegian Wood and Santana in equal parts.
He let his gift flow out into the forest cajoling and teasing the nocturnal residents of the wood and orchard to join in.
Setting aside the guitar, while whistling the melody, he pulled a drum out and began to line up the owls and whippoorwills into a bass section. The flute teased the crickets and nightjars into the melody.
A few bars on the mandolin brought bats and nightingales into the mix, while a wolf barely within his aura, sang long and mournful hymns to the moon.
Whistling, he left his stump, scattered with instruments. Gliding on the beat to Shai, she spun into his arms in wonder.
They danced, singing, whistling and stomping together while the night creatures followed Gary’s gentle urging. Eighth bell surrendered to full darkness while they cavorted, wild and desperate. Clinging to the fading summer evening to the very last.
As the music wound down and the creatures slipped away, Shai pulled close. “Ye did promise me a song of me own foolish boy.” Gary’s eyes flicked to their friends, collecting lanterns from nearby.
More loudly now, so they all could hear she called out. “In me Benevolence an grace ah will allow these two tae hear my song, boy.” She clapped imperiously three times. “On with it! Ere I find a new minstrel!” she giggled afterwards ruining the effect.
“Now, Mistress Shai, This is an old song from my home, but here it is yours alone.”
He never really felt Star Of The County Down before, but it's a fine old song, lively and sweet. Seeing this girl for the first time and each time after he understood, he really got it, and that came out in his voice and instrument.
Ringing out through the trees with desire, need, fervor and adoration. Raw and naked in the desperate hunger of a young man’s emotions. Soon all three were joining in on the chorus while Shai spun and whirled in the gathering moonlight.
She was a barefoot dream in flowing woolen skirts, flickering through the trees at the edge of the Carpenter’s ward. Aisha and Liam parted with a kiss, headed for their beds. While Shai took Gary’s arm, turning to head home.
Gary turned to head home as well, as they softly collided, she hugged and spun him towards her forge.
“Ye’el be walking me home this night foolish boy. An me papa likes ye well enough, ye will nae be rubbing his nose in it. I be his daughter under law, an humiliation is nae a dish I would serve in gratitude.”
Seeing Gary slowly putting the pieces together, she continued. “I’ll be leaving ye the strenth tae stand fer the first day at yer college, foolish boy,”
She kissed him fiercely and bit his lower lip almost too hard. “Repay me kindness tomorrow evening.” Then she was gone, slipping from his arms like a ghost and vanishing up the stairs to the residence above her forge.
“Maybe I should have gone with Rhiannon…” he muttered, walking back to the orphanage.
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