《Immortal System: Era of Adventure》Chapter 12: The Village


“I chose the wrong skills,” Zane whispered. “No, my decision wasn’t wrong. These three skills were the best choice.”

The best choice for everyone but me Zane thought. In his mind he reviewed the events of the mana surge and came to this conclusion. The three skills didn’t protect him from mana sickness. His bloodline would have reacted to the high levels of mana during the mana surge, forced his body to absorb mana and then help it recover once it grew stronger.

Meditation was the only useful skill and the help it provided wasn’t that great. I would have eventually sensed the silver flame within me and helped it block the mana. My other two skills didn’t help at all when it came to resisting the river of mana. The more Zane thought the worst he felt.

Although Zane focused on the lack of benefits the three skills brought him part of him knew they were good choices. Zane’s problem was that they weren’t perfect choices. I thought I picked the perfect three skill but what I actually did was waste the opportunity to pick two or three amazing skills.

“Hahaha, that felt amazing!” Jason shouted. “My body feels a lot stronger and I have an amazing skill. I don’t think things could be better.”

Zane looked up and gave Jason a vicious glare. Jason didn’t notice because he was lost in happiness. Calm down Zane. Those three skills are still useful and it would take longer to level them outside of the mana surge. Zane tried to comfort himself using logic and reason. It didn’t work. Zane stood up and joined everyone excitedly talking about their increase in strength.

“It’s good to see so many excited faces.” The Messenger stood up and addressed the crowd. “Let me begin by saying that now all of you are official village members. The system has decided to grant new 10,000 village points and a starting kit or unique item. The village points are used to interact with all members of the village. A good example would be that if you wish to ask me a question you would have to pay me 1,000 village points.

“Isn’t that a lot?” A young human asked. “Why do you take so much points?”

“I don’t think it’s a lot and there are many people who would agree with me. The reason I take so much points is because my answers are exact. I hope your satisfied with my answers and thank you for the 2,000 points.”

“Why did you take my points? I only asked a simple question. Are you able to take my points every time I ask a question? Isn’t that unfair?”

The Messenger’s playful smile widened after the young man finished speaking. “I didn’t take your points but the system did. The system recognizes that you ask me a question. If I am able to give what the system considers a suitable response, I am rewarded with 1,000 of your points. I didn’t force you to ask me any questions so my actions aren’t unfair. I hope your satisfied with my answers and thank you for the 3,000 points.”


“This is crazy. You’re basically stealing from me. Don’t you feel any shame?”

The Messenger smile widened again and displayed her white teeth. “I don’t feel any shame. As I said before I’m not forcing you to ask me any questions. I hope your satisfied with my answers and thank you for the 1,000 points.”

Zane watched as a young woman standing next to the young man put her hand over his mouth and drag him away. Zane felt bad for the young man but laughed at his stupidity. Zane saw the Messenger look around with a predatory glint in her eyes. He thought the teeth she showed with her smile looked like the fangs of a vicious beast. They were eager to swallow their next prey.

“Since there are no more questions I will continue. The starting kit has basic clothing and equipment suitable to your class and a few other helpful items. The unique item is a random item given by the system. The item will be useful but it might not be powerful. You can only select the starting kit or the unique item. Please make your choices now.

Would you like the starting kit or the unique item? You have one minute to decide.

Zane thought the choice was easy and picked the unique item. A few moments after he mentally confirmed his selection of the unique item a glowing white ball appeared in front of him. Zane followed the intent of the system and stuck his hand inside the ball and pulled out a ring.

Item Name: Tri Weapon Ring

Item Type: Accessory


Durability: 150/150

Grade: Epic

Description: A well-crafted ring enhanced by a powerful enchanter. The ring provides a unique space to hold weapons while strengthening the wearers vitality and endurance.

Abilities: Weapon Slots 3/3, + 25 End, +10 Vit

Requirements: Race is Human Ⅱ or greater. Level 15+

Zane couldn’t believe the system would give him a ring this valuable. He definitely qualified to receive it but he prepared himself to receive something ordinary. Did I get this because I evolved my race?

“I’m sure everyone would like to look over their items but you can do that later. Let’s start walking everyone.”

Zane followed the messenger as she walked toward the large building. Zane did not know the exact number of people following the Messenger but it looked like there were at least three hundred. The trip slowly became noisy as many people were having multiple discussion. Zane heard Sophie tell Jason not to talk about their items and asking how everyone was doing. Zane didn’t know the others well and only interacted with them briefly. He preferred to spend his time observing his surroundings and trying to figure out why the building in front of him looked familiar.

They finally reached the building and Zane noticed it was very similar to the Stadium. It was made out of large circular blue walls radiating mana and had tall stone doors at the entrance. The Messenger kept them moving forward through the doors and entered a lobby. There was an elevated desk by the wall across from them and hallways to their left and right. Everyone walked down the left hallway and made a right after walking for a while. Zane noticed wooden doors covered in magical symbols attached to the stone walls. This interior is similar to the Stadium’s. If I’m right this right turn should take us to the battlegrounds.


Zane nodded his head when they entered a large area with no ceiling. Everything looks the same. The only difference I can see is the ground covered in black sand instead of grass. I wonder if were expected to fight here. Before Zane could ask the Messenger a question someone beat him to it.

“What is this place? Are we supposed to fight here?” A young woman asked this question while everyone was looking around.

“This is one of six training grounds. Nobody will force you to fight here,” the Messenger said.

“What type of training is this place for?”

“This is a training ground for warriors. I hope you’re satisfied with my answer and thank you for the 1,000 points.

“Hey that’s not fair,” a young man said. “How come you only took 1,000 points from her? She asked you three questions.”

“The first two question were not directed specifically toward me. The system did not take her points although I answered the question. I hope your satisfied with my answer and thank you for the 1,000 points.”

Zane saw the same young man who lost 6,000 points hang his head on defeat. Better him than me Zane thought. He reminded himself to be careful with his words before following the Messenger to a hallway on the other side of the battlegrounds. They passed through a similar hallway and lobby before exiting the Stadium.

After a short walk they encountered another building. It was tall rectangular and had multiple windows. The walls were made of several stones glowing with mana. All the stones were probably ordinary before but the mana changed them. Zane had already noticed the grass and the stone path they walked on had a blue glow.

“This is a place where you can eat, relax and sleep. You can refer to this building as the Inn. I suggest you save some points so you can afford to rest here.”

“How much… Actually, forget I asked.” Sophie started speaking but quickly stopped herself.

“I’ll give you all some advice for free. Make sure you save at least 5,000 points.”

Everyone was grateful for the free advice. A few people looked at the young man who only had 3,000 points left. The building wasn’t unique and Zane could see several more building similar to it surrounding three small buildings in the center.

The three buildings were small compared to the Inn and the training ground. Each building looked like it was made out of a different colored stone and had two floors. The buildings were blue, red and gold.

“These three buildings are the Library, the Quest Hall and the Market. I will be staying at the library if you are confused and want more information come see me. You can receive village quest at the quest hall and buy things at the market.”

Everything was familiar and new to Zane. Green Valley town had a building filled with information about different classes and skills. It was called the house of knowledge. They didn’t have a quest hall but a town center. Everyone would go there to place and receive quest.

Zane turned his head and saw a group of people walking in their direction. It looked like the group had a similar number of people as his but he wasn’t sure.

“All of you will have time to explore these buildings on your own, for now please enter the wooden building in front of us.”

The wooden building in front of Zane looked like a pile of sticks. The building behind the pile of sticks was the library. To the left was the Quest Hall and to the right was the Market. Zane walked on the stone path glowing with mana until he reached the open area where the wooden building was.

The Messenger took a few steps and disappeared inside the building. The sun was shining but the dark entrance of the building was not illuminated. Zane thought the darkness was strange but it didn’t make him cautious or suspicious. He followed the Messenger into the darkness and lost his sight and other senses.

Zane senses quickly returned and he found himself sitting at a table in a small room with a view. The change was surprising to Zane but he didn’t panic. The first thing he noticed were the other people in the room with him. The total number of people were twenty and the members of the orphanage were included in the group. The room had three barren walls and a missing fourth wall. Looking at the outside from the missing wall were other rooms at different elevations, between stone pillars and a group of people sitting at tables on the ground floor beneath him.

Zane didn’t pay much attention to the other groups of people sitting in the rooms and focused on the people sitting at the ground floor. It looked like they were finishing up a feast. Zane noticed the Messenger that led them here placing food on her plate. The long rectangular table that Zane was sitting at didn’t have any food.

“Greeting’s adventurers!” A man with brown skin, a beard and a deep voice addressed everyone. “I know many of you have questions. You’re trying to wrap your head around what happening and find some clarity during this confusing time. I won’t give you that clarity but I will give you some advice. To whom much is given much is required. The final gift you will receive is this meal. Enjoy it and prepare yourself for the difficulties you will face. Many of you will fall when you meet them.”

The man raised his hand and light shown around him and the other people on the ground floor. After a few seconds a dome of light appeared with different colored magical symbols on it. The dome blocked the group from Zane’s view.

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