《Immortal System: Era of Adventure》Chapter 6: Two Sentences


Zane was laying on his back in the backyard watching the sky go dark. To his left Sophie was meditating and Jason was preforming a fake jog around the Body Training Path. Zane Sophie and Jason has spent the last two days training. They spent most of their time sparring with each other or against each other. This allowed them to become familiar with each other’s battle habits and how they would work together in actual combat.

“That’s enough Jason,” Zane said. “It’s time to stop training.”

Jason fell of the path and laid on the ground gasping for air. Zane knew that Jason was struggling on the Body Training Path so he could increase his stats. Zane also knew that only using the Body Training Path for a few days would not help someone increase their stats by a single point.

“How can you be so calm?” Jason asked. “Uncle James said that we will be competing with people from other worlds.”

“Even if we are facing people from other worlds, it doesn’t change anything. We already expected to be in danger and now we know what we’re facing.”

“It changes everything.” Jason stood up and started pacing back and forth. “Every major threat the world has ever faced were caused by creatures not from this world. There have multiple stories that have been confirmed how terrifying these creatures can be. Teacher Isabelle even left some books that were meant to warn mages about the dangers of summoning these creatures. Now we are expected to face these monsters.”

“I think your overreacting” Zane had his feet up and one hand behind his head.

“Overacting!” Jason stomped forward while glaring at the calm Zane. “Do you know how powerful these creatures can be? The stories that are passed down only talk about a few of them. The book Teacher Isabelle left behind suggest that there are powerful creatures that only divine spirits can face! These creatures come from the stars! Were definitely too weak to face them!

“Are you done?” Zane calmly sat up and looked at Jason’s furious face. “You said that there are creatures that are stronger than what mages summon and can only be defeated by divine spirits. Is that correct?”

“Yes and-”

“And since there are creatures that are stronger than average then there must be creatures that are weaker, right?”

Zane watched as Jason expression froze. Zane knew that Jason was smart but sometimes knowing too much can be just as bad as knowing too little.

“The divine spirits were created to help the world.” Zane continued speaking as he saw Jason calming down. “I doubt they or the system would create an event that would force weaklings like us to our death.”

“I still think this is too dangerous.” Jason had calmed down but still looked worried. “Maybe we shouldn’t go. Brianna and Brian decided not to go. What do you think Sophie?”


“I think your overacting.” Sophie said once she opened her eyes. She grinned at Jason’s glare. “But just because your overreacting doesn’t mean that you didn’t bring up good points. The main reason I decided to go was because the divine pillars went out. Uncle James said that there is a possibility that they would light up once again and I’m not sure that leaving is the right choice.”

Sophie pulled her knees to her chest and looked at the sky. Zane could see that both Jason and Sophie were indecisive about leaving. He wanted to go but he did not know how dangerous it would be. Zane didn’t know why he wanted to go he just felt that it was the right choice for him. He knew that Jason and Sophie could be swayed by his words but he didn’t say anything. Zane thought it was best if they decided on their own even if it meant that he would be going alone.

“Zane, I have someone I would like to introduce you to.” Uncle James called out.

“I’m back here,” Zane said as he stood up.

He was surprised to see three cloaked figures following behind Uncle James in a row. The cloaks were dark green and completely covered their bodies. The cloaked figure in the middle was slightly taller than Uncle James. The person on the left was a head and a half shorter than the cloaked figure in the middle and the person on the right was two heads shorter.

“Hello Zane I’ve heard a lot about you.” The cloaked figure in the middle spoke as all three of them lowered their hoods.

Zane was shocked. The cloaked figure was a man with light skin and green hair. He had green eyes and the bearing of nobility. He’s known to many by the name of John Forrester Ⅲ, the ruler of this town.

“Greeting sir,” Zane said.

Once Zane recovered from his surprise he immediately bowed and greeted John Forester. Zane heard Sophie and Jason also call out a greeting after him. Zane didn’t know why the ruler of the town decided to pay him a personal visit but he knew that he should treat him with respect.

Don’t hesitate to bow and show respect to those stronger than you. But showing respect doesn’t mean you are afraid.

“No need to bow,” John Forester said. “I came to give you something but first let me introduce you to my children. To my right is my daughter Jade and to my left is my son John. They will both be heading to a starting village so I hope you can look out for them if you meet. Jade, John you should say hello.”

“Hello Zane it’s nice to meet you. I hope we will have an opportunity to work together in the future.” Jade looked at Sophie and Jason standing behind Zane. “Will both of you also be participating?”


“I’m not sure we still haven’t decided.” Jason’s face was red and he his eyes were studying his feet. “From what we heard there is a lot of danger in the starting village.”

“Hmph, coward” John sneered.

“John watch your words,” John Forester said.

“Did I say something wrong? Just because there is a little danger, he’s ready to run away with his tail between his legs.”

John Forester frowned at his son’s tactless words. Zane turned his head and saw that Jason had kept his head down but his hands were now balled into fist. Zane frowned at this reaction and decided to get straight to the point.

“You said you had something to give to me sir?” Zane said while wearing a neutral expression.

“I was tasked to deliver this by a strong woman wearing a silver mask.” John Forrester smiled as he removed a small rectangular wooden case from his bag. “I was told to hand it to you when you turned twenty or before you obtained your class. It’s likely that you will obtain a class when you go to the starting village so I decide to give it to you now”

The moment Zane herd the words ‘strong woman wearing a silver mask’ he felt a jolt flow through his body. His eyes focused on the wooden case and barely heard anything that was said. He took the case and gently stroked it. Just holding caused various emotions to surge through him.

“Well, are you going to open it or just stare at it?” John asked impatiently.

“Pardon my son’s words.” John Forester was patiently waiting to see what was inside the case. Now that his son spoke, he knew that it would be inappropriate for him to continue to stay. “It looks like it’s time for us to go. I hope that you and my children can work well together in the future and I hope you go to the starting village. The purpose of the system is to help others improve themselves. Don’t let fear hold you back from this great opportunity.”

Zane barely registered the three cloaked figures leaving. After staring at the box for a few more minutes he took a deep breath. With shaking hands Zane opened the case and looked inside. The wooden case contained a single piece of paper and nothing else. Zane took out the paper and unfolded it.

If you wish to find me you need strength. As long as your strong enough we will eventually meet.

-Teacher Isabelle

“That’s it” Jason said as he read from over Zane’s shoulder. “She only left a few words. Is there something special about the case?” Jason grabbed the case from Zane’s hand and fiddled with it.

Zane stared at the paper and held it tightly as his body started to shake with emotion. Zane had spent the last few months dealing with the disappearance of Teacher Isabelle. Now he received a few words that reminded him of her and the experiences he had with her. Taking a deep breath Zane folded the paper and placed it into his bag.

“It’s alright Zane,” Sophie softly stated. She placed her hand on Zane’s shoulder to comfort him. “I know you were looking, hoping for something special but Teacher wasn’t the most sensitive.”

“Its fine Sophie” Zane smiled at her.

“It’s not fine,” Sophie said. Zane felt her grip tighten. “The two of you spent a lot of time together and she-”

“Its fine, Zane repeated. “We did spend a lot of time together. She knows me well and the message was exactly what I needed.”


“Really. Teacher always said the song live in a different world that has different rules.” Sophie nodded at Zane in agreement. “Teacher left this letter to let me know that she is waiting for me in the world of the strong.” Zane clenched his hands in excitement while looking up at the sky. “I’m definitely going to the starting village and I hope that you and Jason will come with me.”

Zane looked at Jason and Sophie and saw their hesitant expression. He decided to give them a push. If they still didn’t agree then he wouldn’t force them.

“Although there is danger the starting village should allow us to become stronger. Maybe that why Teacher left me this message. To let us know that going is a good idea.”

“You might be wrong,” Jason said. “It will take more than a letter from Teacher and the chance at greater strength to get me to risk my life.”

“Do I need to remind you about who we just met? He’s sending his children there and even encouraging us to go. Teacher always said that the world is a dangerous place and the best way to live in it is with strength.”

“You might be right,” Sophie said. “The prosperity of today was earned through the blood of the previous generation and-”

“-the prosperity of tomorrow will be protected by the blood of the current generation.” Zane and Jason helped her finish the well-known saying.

“I still think this is a bad idea,” Jason sighed.

“Just focus on all the powerful mage techniques that the system will reward you with.” Zane smiled as he saw Jason’s eyes light up. “Let’s head to bed tomorrow is a big day.”

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