《Immortal System: Era of Adventure》Chapter 3: Trip to the Stadium


You have eaten [Ordinary Meat Stew]

Buff: End+2

Time limit: 3:55:58

“Looks like Aunty Sharon improved again” Zane said.

“There is no need to praise me since it’s such a small increase” Aunt Sharon said.

“Nonsense” Uncle James proclaimed. “Although the time limit only increased from three and a half hours to four hours it still a major help. There is not a single person here that isn’t grateful for your efforts”



Aunty Sharon the short fair skinned blond had no choice but to duck her head and accept everyone’s praises. She felt a little embarrassed but happy that everyone noticed her accomplishments.

“Alright Zane I think it’s time for us to go” Uncle James stated.

“I’m ready to go” Jason said.

“Can I go as well?” Sophie asked.

Zane was surprised to see that Sophie and Jason answered very quickly. Before he could register what Uncle James said, they were already responding to him.

“Uh, my name is still Zane, right?” Zane asked.

“The reason I want to go is so I can finally get my class” Sophie said. “It has been a while since I turned twenty and became an adult. I think I have put of the decision of choosing my class long enough.” Sophie looked around and gave a bright smile. “Truthfully I would rather stay here and help everyone than chase unknown benefits given by the system.

Zane looked around and could see that everyone was nodding to Sophie in support. After Uncle James short speech everyone realized that the people being transported would be in danger. If Sophie preferred to not risk, her life nobody would disagree with her.

“I understand why you want to come Sophie and you are more than welcome to join us.” Uncle James replied before turning his head to look at Jason. “Care to tell me why you’re coming with us?”

“Obviously it’s because I’m the strongest mage here and I have a duty to protect you.” Jason said while wearing a proud expression.

Zane shook his head at Jason’s antics. He knew exactly how the upcoming argument between Uncle James and Jason would go. Uncle James would use logic and facts and Jason would respond with whatever popped out of his imagination. Although Jason’s words would seem like nonsense to everyone else, he would view his words as the ultimate truth.

“Your only sixteen and you haven’t obtained a class yet” Uncle James responded. “Furthermore you-”

“Uncle James are you really going to argue with him?” Zane asked while looking amused. “You should understand Jason well enough to know your words are useless.

Uncle James realized who he was about to get into an argument with. He smiled as he helplessly agreed to allow Jason to come.

Zane watched as Jason picked up his bowl and swaggered of with his head held high. Zane stood up after him and picked up his bowl so he could place it on the wooden cart. Since Sophie and Jason were getting ready Zane walked around and talked to some of the younger children while he waited.


Zane saw Sophie come back in a sleeveless green dress. The dress did not hug her figure but her beautiful curves were revealed anyway. Zane took in her beauty for one second before his eyes were drawn to the figure covered in purple clothes and wearing a large purple hat. To Zane it appeared as if Jason was afraid that nobody would notice him. As soon as Jason came close enough Zane snatched the large, brimmed hat off his head and placed it in his space bag.

“Okay Uncle James we’re all ready to go” Zane said while looking at Jason. Zane gave Jason a look that told him that there would be no negotiations.

When Zane looked at Uncle James he was greeted with a smile and an approving nod. Uncle James walked to the door and the others followed. After exiting the gathering room, they entered the receiving room. It was a small room with a few chairs for people to sit while they waited to be received.

After exiting the house, they stepped on to a smooth dirt road created by laborers, craftsmen, and mages. On both sides of the road were wooden houses surrounded by grass and trees. The house also had grass covering the triangle roofs. All the grass and trees were grown and tempered by magic. They helped to prevent fire and provide support for the defense of the town.

Zane and the others turned left and walked towards the center of the town. After a few minutes of walking, they met a friend of Uncle James named Charles. He was guiding a green horse that was pulling a wooden cart. He was dark skinned, with short brown hair, about the same height as Uncle James and wore similar clothes as well. A brown shirt with green pants an outfit worn by most laborers and craftsman.

“Morning Charles.” Uncle James greeted. “Since you’re moving so early, I guess you’re looking for information as well?”

“You got it right on the first try Brother James” Charles answered.

“Everyone this is Charles” Uncle James told Zane and the others. “I have worked on a few projects with him. Charles this is-”

“The Weapon Fanatic!” Charles exclaimed. With a face full of excitement, he rushed up to greet Zane “It’s an honor to meet you sir. I have watched almost every single one of your battles. What you do in the Stadium is no different than artwork.

“You’re too kind sir” Zane took a few steps back from Charles to regain his personal space.

“No need to call me sir, you can call me big brother” Charles said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Zane responded with a look that was a mixture of surprise and amusement. Does he know I’m considered Uncle James nephew, or did he forget? As Zane and Charles looked at each other Uncle James walked over and slammed his hand down on Charles shoulder causing him to jump in surprise.


“I already told you that Zane was my nephew.” Uncle James said with a smile. “Don’t tell me you want to become my nephew as well?

Charles quickly became embarrassed and started waving his hand. “It was a mistake, mistake.” He quickly spoke. “I was a little too excited and said some foolish words. As an apology let me take you to the Stadium with my carriage.

As Charles jogged away Uncle James followed him laughing the entire time. Zane Sophie and Jason also laughed as they watch Charles. They could tell that Charles was someone who felt true admiration toward Zane.

“Wow, he admires you a lot” Sophie said.

“It’s the expected reaction when seeing someone as amazing as myself” Zane replied.

“Oh, so the whole time we haven’t reacted properly when seeing you.” Sophie said.

“Pardon our mistakes great one for not recognizing and appreciating your amazingness.” James stated while giving a bow.

Zane put his hand behind his back and wore a proud expression. “It’s alright I will forgive your severe mistake.” Zane held his pose for a few seconds before breaking into laughter with Sophie and Jason.

They laughed while approaching the cart that Charles brough onto the road. James and Charles sat in front of the cart having a discussion while Zane and the others chatted in the back. After a few minutes of holding himself back Charles turned to talk to Zane again.

“So, Weapon Fanatic-” Charles began.

“I would prefer you call me Zane” Zane interrupted.

“Okay nephew Zane.” Charles said consumed by his own excitement. “I was wondering why you canceled your last few battles in the Stadium.”

Zane was prepared to be asked this question but instead of saying his prepared response he froze. Looking at Charles excited expression he felt the desire to talk about how he felt the past few months. Zane looked down and focused on his hands. Charles feeling that he said something wrong looked around and noticed that everyone else looked worried. Before he could apologize or try to take back what he said Zane spoke.

“When someone you care about suddenly disappears from your life it can be difficult to deal with” Zane said. When he spoke, the others could feel the sadness in his voice. “I felt lost and abandoned for a long time. I didn’t have the desire to train or battle in the Stadium.” Zane took a deep breath and exhaled the negative emotions that were flowing through him. “But that’s in the past now.” He looked up giving Charles a warm but determined smile. “I can’t let the past stop me from moving forward. I’m going to continue to train and fight. I will fight in the stadium as I prepare myself for my future class and explore the world as I level up.”

“Good I have no doubt that you will be successful” Charles said. He could feel his body heating up after hearing Zane’s declaration. “I know that there are many people that believe in you and are waiting for your return.” Charles told Zane this hoping his words would boost Zane’s determination.

Zane nodded before leaning back and closing his eyes. Charles turned around and did his best to endure the silent trip to the stadiums. The others smiled and enjoyed the silence. They finally confirmed Zane’s mental state and they were pleased to know that he was moving forward.

As the cart moved along the road the group quickly arrived at the Stadium. It was a large building made from stone and magic. The Stadium was one of if not the most important buildings in town. It towered over all other structures and was capable of comfortably seating more than half the town’s population. For Green Valley a town much larger than others the population was more than 15,000.

The Stadium looked like it was made out one piece of solid white stone. The wall of the stadium was a complete circle marked with glowing green symbols called runes. The shape of each rune was unique but there were a few that looked like each other.

After arriving, the group maneuvered the cart to an area by the side of the Stadium before walking towards the entrance. After a few steps they could see that the towering stone doors were shut. At the entrance next to those doors was an announcement board. A solid blue rectangle made of mana that displayed upcoming fights. After reading the announcement board the group learned some new information.

The fights for today were cancelled and the Stadium would be closed for a few days. There was also an announcement that informed readers about the mana surge and the benefits it brought. The announcement board had theories and suggestions that helped to enlighten readers about what to expect in the next three days. While reading the theories and suggestions the group came across a shocking piece of information.

“The Divine Pillars have darkened!” Jason shouted in disbelief.

Jason was not the only person who was shocked by this information. Zane was shocked, the rest of the group were shocked and probably every person in town would be shocked once they found out. The Divine Pillars were how people obtained classes. Without classes nobody would be able to level up or obtain skills.

After a few seconds of discussion, the group decided to jog around the Stadium until they reached an area where the Divine Pillars would be in view. In less than a minute the group saw a road filled with people clumped into small groups staring at the darkened pillars.

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