《Rise of the Keeper》Chapter 29 - Afterparty (Explict)
The party was winding to a close and I got my second wind. I danced until I couldn’t stand and at some point had fallen back into my seat. I surveyed the party and saw what everyone else was up to as I let my mind wander.
Rolada was still drunkenly playing a tune and letting the minions dance. It had lost all tempo and rhythm, instead just sounding like white noise to fill the background. She was flush in her face and her tail and ears were moving of their own free will.
Lin was in a similar state and walked towards me with shaky legs holding a mug in one hand and using the other to push off against the table for each step. The drunk cat girl whistled to Rolada before slamming back the remainder of her mug.
Sten was asleep in his seat with a mountain of empty drinks in front of him, a testament to the incredible resilience he had. His low snores rattled his mail shirt each time he breathed out and his beard swayed each time threatening to clog his mouth.
Burn was on top of another table dancing off with Drone 2 and Drone 3. They kicked out and knocked over plates and mugs making a mess of the place but filling it with their joyful laughter which made me smile with a wide goofy grin.
Finally Bent Plate was fast asleep by the fire, having covered himself with a tablecloth and laying his head down on a stack of flatbreads for a pillow. The side of his smooth head was coated in a jam from the berries. Each time he snored and opened his mouth Scout 1 tossed a berry into his mouth and watched the ogre subconsciously devour it.
“Hey hot stuff, let’s leave this joint and have a more fun afterparty.” Lin said, with an arm around my shoulders. She had managed to sneak up on me and playfully licked at my neck. She nearly tore me out of my seat and shouted. “How much do I need to tip the bard for a private session?”
Rolada stuck her tongue out at first. But when Lin winked at her she changed her tune and swayed towards the door ahead of us. I mumbled a goodbye to the team as I aided Lin with walking towards my room. As we swayed our way down the hall relying on each other, I saw Rolada carry her bedsheets and bed roll into my room. I raised an eyebrow at Lin, she had a toothy grin and a fiery look in her eye.
We reached my bedroom in one piece and a glorious sight was in store for me. All three of our bedrolls were side by side and someone had the good sense to buy new blankets and pillows. A soft fortress of bliss and plush dreams brought a tear to my eye. The pretty fox girl laying on her side and tracing her fingers in circles on the sheets was a wonderful sight too.
Lin started to trip but caught herself, however her forward momentum sent me sprawling and I dragged her down with me onto the bed. She giggled into the sheets while I ended up with Lin lying on my stomach and my head on Rolada’s thighs. In a flash her bushy tail was around me and she tapped me on the nose.
“Looks like I caught myself a cutie.” Rolada said.
“I would say the one that caught me is the cute one.” I said.
Lin purred and laughed to herself. She tapped me on the side and said. “Someone is quite the flirt tonight, I think I like drunk Josh.”
I was feeling rather loose tonight and my mind immediately turned to how I would love for this to play out. I put an arm around Lin and placed a hand on her rump, giving it a light swat. Lin in response grappled me, flipping me onto my stomach and putting me in a headlock. My face was now between Rolada’s legs and the two girls started whispering.
“Quick see if he’s ticklish.” Lin said.
“Hold him still!” She said excitedly.
I squirmed against the strong cat girl and felt Rolada’s slim fingers slide down my shirt and run along my sides. I bit my lip as I tried to keep it all in but I only made them double their efforts. I broke and squealed to the girls' delight as they continued to remove my top. Once the shirt was tossed elsewhere they ceased their attack and let me rise to my knees while I fought against my own laughter.
“Hit the gyms often?” Rolada asked, placing a hand against my chest. “Call me impressed, however I think Lin takes the cake.”
In the scuffle Lin’s jacket had popped up and her ripped physique was matched against mine. She was fitter with more visible muscle and when I looked down at myself I was taken aback. Since coming here the constant marching, the scuffles and exploring had done wonders to burn off the layer of fat I had. I was in better shape than I could remember and felt inspired to work out more to reach Lin’s level.
“Lin running me around and nearly dying I think put me into the best shape of my life.” I said with a gleeful smirk.
Lin ruffled my hair and asked. “What are friends?”
“Speaking of friends…I have a fun little game for us to help learn about each other.” Rolada said.
She crawled to the far side of the bed and her tail wagged behind her happily. The movement raised her skirt and gave Lin and I a perfect view of her shapely peach shaped ass. Her small tight fitting black panties left her cheeks in full view and we both sat stunned on the bed while checking her out.
She returned and we quickly looked away pretending to see something interesting on the ceiling. In her hands she had a small green wine bottle that looked far more impressive than the other bottles we had seen. A cartoonish fox was wrapped around a bundle of grapes on the package and the fine writing was too small for me to make out in my current state.
“A little ice breaker we did at the academy. When you get the bottle you answer one or two questions from your friends, take a drink and then pass it around.” Rolada explained.
Lin and I sat up straighter and looked at the bottle. We were already piss drunk but a bit more and the chance to rib each other was too good to pass up. We were in.
“I’ll go first, ask away.” Rolada said, tapping the cork with a nail and using a spell to pop it out.
“How did you do that?” I asked, pointing to the cork.
“From your spell we learned today, Arcane Trick. A very versatile spell for everyday use.” She said happily.
She took a quick swig from the bottle and sighed blissfully. She put the bottle in my hand next and the two girls grinned at one another. I could see the gears turn in the back of their minds and felt like I was about to get interrogated.
“Ever get bound to another person?” Lin blurted out.
I was a bit confused at what it meant, and I ran it through my head a few times. As if to help me understand Lin took out a small bundle of copper rings and slid one onto her finger and tapped it.
“Is it like marriage?” I asked.
I gave them a brief rundown and it seemed to be a similar thing here. However it was more of an unofficial agreement to be mated and live together without the huge legal ramifications like back on earth.
“Oh boy, there's a fun one. Long story short, almost, until she decided to cheat on me and threatened to run me out of town. I kicked her to the curb and it became a fantastic game of he said, she said.” I said, taking a quick drink.
“What about school, what did you study and what was the school like?” Rolada asked.
“Computer science.” I said. I mouthed the words a few more times to myself and saw the look of confusion on their faces. “It’s a bit hard to explain, it’s kind of nerdy. The school was sort of small with just five thousand students. Friendly students and staff but a bit stuck up. Ended up being too expensive anyways.”
Rolada was in awe. “That's more than the academy, and you call that small? I hope to come to earth someday Josh and see a big academic school. I wish my fellow students were friendly…instead of how they turned out.”
“So you are an egghead after all, to the core.” Lin said with a smirk. She put a hand on Rolada’s leg and gave her an affectionate squeeze. “We are your friends now and I promise I’m plenty friendly.”
She snatched the bottle from me and shook it lightly looking between the two of us, daring us to hit her with a question. Rolada looked to be turning a question over in her mind so I went first to fill the silence.
“Biggest heist, what did you steal?” I asked.
“I would say the biggest heist I did wasn’t really so much stealing as it was a revenge break in. After the first round of stupid laws got passed I broke in with a team to rub a very fun powder into the clothes of the mayor.” Lin said with a mischievous smile.
“Is that why the mayor was red and itching for weeks?” Rolada asked in disbelief. “What team were you part of?”
Lin took a sip of the wine and stuck out her tongue. “Bit of revenge for the little guys. Would have felt like his fine robes were made of camel hair for weeks before he recovered. Might have also put laxatives in his morning coffee for good measure too. As for my team…well that's a trade secret, hun.”
The bottle was passed around a few more times with people asking harmless little questions. Favourite food, animals and the like. Most of the questions for me were random odd facts about earth that I rambled on about. My country, what it was like where I lived and what my job was. When it got back to Rolada I felt a sober thought strike me like a bell.
“What is the academy like and why were you there to study?” I asked.
Rolada seemed taken aback and carefully chose her answer. From the tone in her voice to her trying to appear small I could pick up something was off with my foxy friend.
Insight raised to rank I!
+1XP gained.
“It was in the nicer part of Dastow which meant it was well insulated, painted and everything was within walking distance. The teachers at the start were really nice and everyone got along until the mayor started passing new laws. I was there to study magic and hoped to get a job as a court mage or a teacher.” Rolada said, sounding like she longed for the past. “When I found ancient magic my idea changed and now I want to look for old lost magic.”
That didn’t sound all too bad. However there was a quiver in her voice about the last bit. Her special talent was evidence of the fact but looking for lost magic might only be half the truth. Either it was the wine getting to me or my own imagination but she had a distant look and was biting her lip. Almost like she was thinking of someone or something in particular.
Lin rose and walked towards the hall with more grace than I could manage at the moment. She saluted at us and said. “Going out to use the little girls room, don’t fall asleep on me just yet.”
With that she was gone leaving me and Rolada alone. Instantly she reached for something in her pocket and had her eyes all over me. I could tell she wanted to say something but seemed apprehensive about it.
“What’s up?” I asked, setting the now empty bottle on the far side of the bed. “You look like you're going to explode if you don’t say something.”
“I want you to show me a spell.” Rolada asked.
I raised an eyebrow and said. “Of course, I would love to help you too but I don’t have much to show besides the spell you taught me today, the fire spell and…oh.”
Rolada held out a long strand of red thread and gave it to me. She crawled forward towards me and sat up on her knees right in front of me with her arms out to the side. She flashed her fangs at me and had an almost angelic look to me with the little dungeon light behind her flaring the light around her red hair.
“A wise man once said, fox girls deserve to be tied up. I’d like to see how your spell works and fulfill that prophecy if I may.” Rolada said.
I was slouched in a reclining pose on the bed and scratched at my chin. I didn’t see any reason not to and I took the red string from her and held it in my hand. It took a moment for my booze infused brain to fire up the right sequence of words I needed for handy spell work and I tossed the string towards her.
“Rope of Binding!” I said gleefully.
The thread hopped towards Rolada and unfurled, growing in size. Unlike every other time I had used the spell it seemed more careful and gentle. It slithered around her waist and knotted around itself while sending more down to her legs and a line of it up between her cleavage before going around her shoulders. The upper half of the spell tugged her shoulders back and latched around her wrists finishing with her hands behind her back.
“This is a good way to spice up a dateeee!” Rolada purred, she lost her balance halfway when the rope tugged her tail up and she was sent sprawling onto the bed. “I think your rope is getting a bit frisky down there.”
The lower part of the rope had gone down around her hips and between her legs. From the way it tightened around her I imagined it didn’t feel the best and I waved a hand towards it. I wanted it to loosen up in the area but the thought of her black underwear flashed into my head and I think the spell got confused. It did relax after a moment, then the next thing I saw was her underwear had been undone and dropped onto the bed.
“Whoops.” I said.
Rolada peeked over her chest and saw what lay beside her. She strained against the ropes and opened her legs leaving only a small bit of skirt to cover herself. She seemed quite amused and playfully winked.
“I thought it felt a bit breezy down there. Mind freeing my legs for a moment? I think I've started to get a hang of your spell.” Rolada said in a husky voice.
I did as beckoned and felt the drunk haze slowly let up. I was getting very involved with this and I was curious how far she was willing to play this up. The ropes around her ankles undid themselves and unwound her legs. It went all the way up to her hips and left her legs and tail free to move. Her top half was still bound and I could see her arms wiggling behind her.
“That better? Now Rolada tell me, if foxes deserve to be tied up, how will I ever get work out of you?” I asked.
She rose to a kneeling position again and kept trying to undo the bonds holding her arms. She was having little success and each time she shifted, her short skirt rose to expose more of her thighs, almost high enough to threaten to show her indecency.
“I used to be good at getting out of handcuffs but the ropes keep changing.” Rolada said only half listening to me. She sighed in defeat a few seconds later and turned around plopping her head into the pillows. She raised her rump to show off her rear and flicked her freed tail to flash me. “I guess you're just going to have to use me like this.”
I was about to ask what she meant but the bluntness of the statement was like a hammer to shatter my hazy mind. She was done being flirty and couldn’t have made it any more obvious of what she wanted. As if to make it more clear I heard her whisper a spell and before I knew it her clothes disappeared. They reappeared above her back and fell to the ground unceremoniously.
“Teleport spell gone wrong?” I asked.
“I tried to escape my captor and now look at me.” Rolada mused. “I guess I shall submit to the evil wizard in his dungeon.”
She shook against the pillows trying to surpass a bout of laughter but I couldn’t get mad at her as I was busy watching her ass shake in front of me. I tried to undress but couldn’t get my hands to undo my pants and only made a fool of myself.
“Flash step!” Rolada said, swatting me with her tail.
My clothes vanished from me and poofed into existence a few feet away dropping to the ground beside the bed. My stiff cock slapped against her cheeks and Rolada grinned in delight at the effect she had on me. She got on her knees and shook her butt at me till I grabbed a hold of her hips to stop her from teasing me.
I pushed my hips against her rear and let my erection rub between her thighs and earned myself a huff from the fox girl. She wiggled against me and willed me to take her but I was in control and wanted to tease her back. I gave a playful tug on her tail and heard a gasp from her that ended in her biting onto a pillow. I rubbed my hands along her exposed skin from her waist down to her hips and Rolada made happy sounds with each inch of skin I touched.
“I leave for like five minutes and you two are already fucking.” Lin scoffed from the door. “Can you put up a sigh or at least do some mood lighting to spice up going at it like animals?”
Lin had a lazy pose against the door frame. I was embarrassed about being caught in the act like this but Rolada seemed almost pleased. I wondered if I could make the dungeon lights dim since they could be on or off. I looked at the one in the bedroom and it did as I wished dimming down to barely visible light and even changing colour to a warm candle light hue.
I cleared my throat and stammered. “Sorry Lin, I-”
The sound of her pants hitting the floor perked up Rolada’s ears and following it was a nude cat girl crawling across the bed beside me. She laid and put her head on the pillow beside Rolada. A spark jumped between the two and Lin gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Is this game reserved for two or can a third join?” Lin asked, ending her question with a drawn out purr.
“More the merrier!” Rolada exclaimed.
I wasn’t going to protest or spoil the mood. Lin sat in front of Rolada and spread out her legs. The fox girl was all too happy to work her tongue up Lin’s thighs while still shaking her rump in my grasp. She made a needy sound to me and was cut off when Lin grasped her hair and set her to work, earning her a relaxed sigh from Lin.
Placing the head of my member against Rolada’s sex I was shocked at how hot her skin was. It was rather pleasant and I had to give her a light spank to stop her from squirming. However this had the opposite effect and made her moan in pleasure as she swayed side to side. Her continual attempts to evade me ceased once I grabbed the rope around her waist and used it as an aid to thrust into her.
Rolada’s ears shot up in alarm as I thrust her into Lin but it soon turned into a game for her as she slammed her hips back into mine driving my full length into her. She was all too happy to receive as I fell into a tempo of driving my hips into her rump. Her large round rump shook each time I made an impact against her. I put the palm of my hand against her cheek with enough force to leave a red mark.
Lin panted and laid back in the bed, wrapping her legs around Rolada’s head. The cat girl was biting a sheet between her mouth and the soft moans escaping her lips were in sync with me roughly driving the fox between us into her. I felt Rolada drive harder back into me and I gave her what she wanted as I bottomed out into her.
She clamped down and her knees were driven together as she tried to fight against a violent shake. I leaned against her and grabbed her breasts in my hands as I humped her a few more times. Each time I heard her silence a moan I tugged on her breasts and drove her into the soft blankets below us. I felt a deep urge within me break my control and before I knew it I came into her.
Rolada rose for air and shook in my arms. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug worried something was wrong but a long sigh of relief came out of her lips. Rolada leaned into the hug and purred.
“I never thought you would finish, now be a good boy and let Lin have her turn.” Rolada uttered somewhat breathlessly, giving my arm a playful nip.
I chuckled and pulled out feeling fluid run between her legs. It was going to be a mess to clean up later but right now my sex addled mind was more focused on dicking down both girls in one go if I could manage. Rolada was still bound by the ropes and flopped to bed, rolling over to be on her back. Lin took her place and arched her back to show off her rear.
“My turn to be the keeper’s play thing I suppose.” Lin playfully sighed. She leaned down and delivered several kisses on Rolada’s collarbone before descending down towards her sex. “Who lasts longer, fox girls or cat girls?”
“I won’t lose to…you!” Rolada squeaked, her voice going an octave higher. She was short of breath as she asked. “Why is your tongue so long?”
I planted a kiss on Lin’s back and felt her soft feline tail rub against my waist as if to beckon me closer. I took her hips in my hand and put my dick back to use. She was already in the mood from Rolada and it was easy to fall back into the proper tempo. I spaced it out a bit more enjoying the sensation and from the slow deliberate movements Lin had I could tell she was enjoying herself too. She paced herself and kissed around Rolada’s thighs, dragging her tongue along as I pushed against her to guide her.
Rolada arched her back and bit a pillow as she tried to keep herself together. She had her legs around Lin in a loose form and seemed to be riding out her last climax as Lin teased a new one out of her. The break was short lived as Lin started to do the same to me as Rolada and I gave her what her body craved.
I took her hips into my hands and started to drive myself deeper, forcing her hard against the bed. While I had some restraint with Rolada I went rougher on Lin knowing she was much more robust. To her credit the athletic cat girl instantly matched my new pace and was more so riding me than anything.
The room was filled with the sound of fast paced slapping and silent moans. As Lin started to constrict around me, the slapping became faster and louder and I again felt something volatile build up inside of me. When it became short of bursting I rammed on final time as deep and hard as possible, causing Lin to moan in overwhelming pleasure. The short intense burst of passion ended up with me erupting my hot seed into her as I desperately held on, short of collapsing. Whatever she had been doing with Rolada ended around the same time with the two of them parting ways only to give each other a quick kiss.
I was a tired mess and fell onto the blankets, I dismissed the rope spell freeing our frisky fox from its hold. Rolada seemed almost disappointed but tossed the red string onto her things and joined me in the bed. Lin crawled to my other side and the three of us panted as the chill air cooled our hot bodies. When the temperature had started to drop to uncomfortable levels someone had the good idea to pull the blankets up to surround us in the comforting and warming embrace of the covers.
“I think that wine made that a short and sweet little adventure.” Lin said, snuggling in against me. She tapped my chest first then tapped Rolada. “Next time don’t leave me out.”
Rolada had a big smile as she cuddled up into my arm and put her tail across me. She yawned and said. “Grapes grown in the Kollest valley and blessed by the gods have always been a staple for young lovers, also a good sleep aid.”
I could feel the exhaustion hit me all at once and I knew I would be out soon. I pointed at the light and willed it to dim even further, becoming just enough for someone to find their way to the lit hall if someone needed to go. I wiggled myself down into the sheets and pulled the girls in closer.
“I could use the good rest. I think the biggest blessing I got was some very good friends.” I said.
Both girls murmured something to me. Whatever it was got lost on me and each one was falling asleep fast. Not wanting to rouse them I instead just started petting their backs helping them pass out faster.
The strange series of events that had led here rose to the forefront of my thoughts. Yes I had nearly died several times, yes I was still feeling like I was grasping at straws trying to figure stuff out. I was also behind where I wanted to be right now and desperately in need of a power boost.
I then looked at both snoozing ladies and summarized none of it really mattered. I had really good people with me and I was quickly becoming rather fond of their company. I wasn’t sure if this was just a playful one off but I could certainly hope for a repeat in the future.
I gave each of them a kiss on the head and followed suit to their example letting my dreams take over. It was a quick sensation going from awake to sleep and my dreams were plagued with strange images. Before I could make heads or tails what they were I was out like a light.
- End192 Chapters
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