《Golem Armor: Building a Mech In Fantasy World.》19 - Home?


His human shield was working well. Emi’s excited hug and kisses had stopped most other girls on their track. They just stared at her as Emi hung around him rather than trying to skillfully insert dominance on the poor commoner.

It was all thanks to their surprisingly good results, all three of them had become the center of attention. The girls enjoyed the attention at least.

A few important family members still approached, the Yang and Emberwind included, but at least, none of them were too forward with their interactions. He might be wrong, but Hana’s conduct made him assume the worst from the other towners.

Knowingly or not, Emilia with her [Shadow] element was his savior and guardian. Screwing with him now would only mean retaliation from her later on.

On the other hand, Brian had used him as an intermediate to get close to Nerina. She was the biggest target in the hall after all. It opened up for others to approach her, and Adrin was glad she had responded admirably.

Nerina was still a little shy but her back was straight and didn’t cower from making eye contact with so many handsome gentlemen. The girl almost shined after gaining confidence.

The apprentices were enjoying the local light cuisine while waiting for their seniors to bring them to their apartments. He didn’t know what to expect, but all accommodations were sponsored by the academy for the first year.

“Adrin,” someone called. “My dear, can you excuse us?” the lady asked Emi and she nodded before heading towards the popular Nerina.

Adrin guessed his shield didn’t work with the higher power. He recognized the woman as one of the instructors who had made him popular for no reason.

Blue eyes and short black hair. Nice curvy body. Saucy lips but no name came to mind. She also was so confident in her beauty it made him want to puke.

The lady hooked his arm as she chuckled, “please don’t make that face, we are sorry to expose you like that, and to make it up with you, please take this,” she handed a book.

She was pressing her large chest on him but luckily, he was too frustrated to feel anything. He was sure the lady knew it too. He was more intrigued with the book than where the lady was dragging him towards.

The black featureless book had a golden ribbon tied around it and he could feel it was special somehow, probably enchanted. It looked expensive. Rune words were written in gold along the edge of the cover, and he didn’t think they were there just for decorations. Very expensive.

“This is?”

“A spellbook,” she said. “It will teach the [Shell] spell glyphs. I got it cheap, only ten or so gold, but a perfect match for you. Don’t you think so?”

“Yes, thank you, ma’am,” he replied. ‘If ten gold coins are considered cheap,’ he continued inside.

“My name is Florence Hykel, honey, please make sure to remember it,” she winked.

“Of course, Miss Florence,” he replied.

“Good,” the lady purred. “But if this isn’t enough, you can always visit me at my place. I’m sure we could work something out,” the lady whispered as she pulled him closer.

No wonder the woman had dragged him away from the crowd. He wondered if it was normal for instructors to court their students.

“I’m sure this is more than enough,” Adrin replied.


“But if you change your mind,” she slipped a card into his pocket.

“I’ll know where to find you,” he replied.

The lady nodded and let him go before walking away, swaying her ass along the way. Nothing worked better than a little diplomacy. She wouldn’t let him go if he hadn’t met her halfway.

“You sure are popular with the ladies,” Hana’s voice said.

“Not like I wanted to be popular,” he replied before turning toward her. “Took you long enough.”

“What can I do? Everyone wants to know where you guys will be staying.”

“Don’t tell me you actually tell them?”

“No, of course, not,” she scoffed and waved her hand. “I only accept the best offer for you. They have a library, a maidservant, and a general bathing area in each apartment building in the complex, plus a huge garden in the middle of everything. It's the best you can get around here, and like you asked, also closest to the dungeon. This is your academy card,” Hana passed a featureless gray card to him.

“Who’s offer have you accepted?”

“Don’t worry, your friend Brian will be there, remember to have some fun. Now, get the girls, we have to go or I’ll be late.”

‘The Emberwind family then,’ he mused.

Adrin wanted to complain, but the faster he got out of here, the better.

He found the girls quickly, excused themselves, and brought them to Hana. She handed them their cards while explaining their use as general identification, academy credit to buy stuff, and access to academy-based accommodations.

The adept mage then hooked his arm before guiding them to the gate of the academy. At this point, he was pretty sure this arm hooking would be a trend between him and the ladies. The hookup culture in this world should be different too when magic is involved.

One thing that came to mind when the instructors flirted with him was beauty products. Women in any world would want to keep their youth and beauty, and it would be natural to develop something to achieve that goal. Who knew, they might not even need any product, as mana could change a human's lifespan for all he knew.

The carriage was waiting for them and its appearance surprised everyone except for Hana. No one said anything when it was clear that there was no animal in front of the driver. The door even opened itself as they got near to the carriage.

Hana led him up and sat him down beside her. Nerina gave Hana an odd look but the lady didn’t even spare the others a glance. Emi had her usual pout before she sat beside her new besties. The girl hadn’t reacted strongly because they already talked about this with Marla.

Hana probably couldn’t help herself because of his inherited ability. He might not be as handsome as Brian who made Nerina blush as soon as he talked to her, but the longer a woman was near to him, the harder it was for her to resist it.

If he had to guess, the subtle attraction might have to do with pheromones.

In short, he just smells great.

A ridiculous conclusion, but it made sense, he supposed. If that was the case, then he just needed to stay away from other girls and they would leave him alone.

Before he knew it, they were already on the way towards their new place to live. Adrin couldn’t wait to have some alone time and focus on his work. He would need a lot of preparation for his first dungeon visit.


He was glad when it didn’t take very long for the carriage to make a turn and slowed down to a stop. His assumption was correct when the driver told them that they had arrived.

As he had suspected, the Emberwind family name could be seen right after they got down from the carriage. It was displayed on the arc above the gate which led into the apartment complex.

They didn’t need to wait for long for someone to come and greet them. She was blond and reminded him of Brian, but she had different eye color than the young man. Probably distant family members or someone completely unrelated.

“I’m the manager of this complex and you can call me Miss Nina,” the middle-aged lady said while discreetly sizing them up. “How may I help you?”

“I’m Hana, I believe the family had arranged a place for us to live?”

“Ah, yes, Brian had sent a message to me, Hana, Emilia, Nerina, and this good-looking young man is Adrin, right?”

“Yes,” Hana replied.

“Good, follow me, please,” the woman said as she led the way. “Brian is so excited to know you all, it’s hard to find someone who doesn't judge him by his family name.”

“You seemed to know him well,” Adrin said as they got close to one of the buildings.

“Well of course, I’m lucky to have such a dutiful son,” the woman sighed.

“So you are from the family too?” asked Emi.

“No, my dear, you see, I’m only a maidservant, or used to be,” the lady chuckled. “Nothing made me happier than to serve the family, and Brian is the highlight of my life! He is just as handsome as his father is, and now he makes me so very proud,” the woman smiled from ear to ear.

“But how-”

“You have raised him well,” Adrin cut Nerina off.

“Oh, my, thank you,” the lady blushed. “No one has ever said that to me. The Emberwind blood is strong in him, but as you say, it took me all my wit to raise him properly,” she giggled as she turned forward again.

Nerina placed her hand on her mouth. Adrin wouldn’t blame her for not understanding what was happening. Hana might have gotten used to this fact while Emi didn’t need anyone to tell her what was going on. She already heard the different types of slaves from Marla.

And the maidservant was one of the more lucky ones. Well, if they were compared to others who were in the same shoes as them. It was definitely better to be impregnated by a respected family member than to be forced to sleep with random men.

“This is the place, number 7,” Miss Nina said as they arrived. “Each of you will have your own room, just pick one and mark it with your academy card. Don't be shy to find me if you need anything, but you’ll have to excuse me because I’m needed elsewhere.”

“I’ll have to go also,” said Hana. “You know, old friend, to meet, etcetera. The classes will start in two days, use that time to shop for clothes or something. Use the card to pay for what you need, but remember, only selected shops will take the card as payment.”

And just like that, the three of them were left alone.

“Everyone sure is busy,” Adrin chuckled.

In front of them was a three-story townhouse, separated with a wide walkway from others just like it. The place had a single entrance and a glass window beside it. The whole building was made from white stone and wood from the doors and window frames.

Adrin headed towards the door.

“We are living together!?” said Nerina, a little surprised.

“Don’t worry, Adrin is not like other men, he won’t harm a fly,” Emi reassured the girl while pulling her towards the door.

“I’m sure you can stay somewhere else if you ask Miss Nina,” Adrin said.

“No, that’s not what I mean,” she muttered as he was trying the doorknob.

Adrin took out his card and tapped the door. There was a click as the door unlocked, and it opened into a large living room and a dining kitchen combo further in.

The girls gasped as they entered. He wouldn’t laugh at them as it was the first time ever these village girls saw anything like it. The difference between here and what they used to see in the place they used to live was like heaven and earth.

The floor they put their feet on was posher than the walls of the village houses. The carpet under their feet was softer than the softest pillow they ever touched with their hands. Everything was just as luxurious, it couldn’t be compared to anything they had ever seen.

“We… Are we living here?” Nerina said in disbelief.

“This chair,” Emi sat on the sofa. “It’s much softer than my bed or the bed in the town.”

“Are these glasses? It’s perfectly clear until I can see right through it.”

“Yes, Nerina, we drink with those glasses, and I imagine the bed is even softer than anything you can ever imagine.”

Emi perked up from what he said, “where are our rooms!?” she asked.

“It should be up-” The girl already ran up the stairs before he could finish.

He grabbed Nerina’s hand and pulled the flabbergasted girl up the stairs as her face turned red all of the sudden. They could hear Emi’s moan as she enjoyed the new bed.

“Oh my god, how can anyone wake up from these beds, and the pillows,” she wrapped herself around the long pillow. “It’s so soft!”

“That should be the bathroom,” Adrin pointed. “Each room should have its own bathrooms.”

“How, how can we live in such a place?” Nerina asked as her hand stroked the bed.

“You’ll get used to it,” he replied.

“But how do you carry water up the stairs?” asked Emi.

“You won’t have to,” Adrin walked into the bathroom while the girls followed him.

He searched for something similar to a faucet and touched it. The girls gasped when hot steaming water came out from it. The water stopped when he tapped it again.

“What else?” Emi excitedly asked.

“Above us should be the library and study room, and there should be a maidservant who will cook and take care of the place.”

“How do you know about the maidservant?”

“Well, there is a smaller room near the kitchen.”

The doorbell rang just at the right moment. The girls looked at him in disbelief.

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