《Knight-Merchant: Reincarnated into a Fantasy World. (LitRPG)》Chapter 3: Character Creation (Jeremiah)
[Initializing creation. Exception noted: newborn soul is conscious. Character creation interface needed. Created. Initialized.]
[Welcome, please choose an existence.]
My body was gone, but this time it felt entirely normal. I felt free of my aging physicalF form. It was almost freeing.
[Assessing choices.]
[Please choose your race:]
The options spilled out before my disembodied eyes like I was seeing a game interface.
So she wasn't lying about it being like a RPG.
[Dwarves: The most industrious, but reclusive, of all the races. Dwarves are sturdy, intelligent, and slow moving beings. The hill-dwarves inhabit great lake top ziggurats and worship the god of Chaos and Justice, Mardin—among others. They gain exclusive access to various crafting and warrior prestige classes. They get a bonus to Constitution, but can substitute Intelligence when choosing a crafting class. Their magical affinity is low in all forms but the use of Divine Magic.]
It could be interesting to see just how much of my engineering knowledge I could combine with whatever skill system this world ran off of, but I didn't really like the idea of moving so far from what I'd been in my past life.
I scrolled down past the elven, dark elf, and beastfolk options, until I reached the two more familiar options.
[Half-Elf: Half-elves are accepted nearly everywhere, being seen as not quite elf or human enough to be either rejected or fully accepted by either demographic. They gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and learn all skills almost half-again as fast. Their magical affinity tends to be in-between that of humans and elves, often making them moderately gifted at magic. They gain a 10% bonus to Spell Resistance that is stackable with other skills and abilities. They live twice as long as humans, but age at the same slowed rate after sexual maturity.]
Magic, huh? I couldn't deny that it seemed interesting and if it worked the way I figured it would, without the outright restrictions of an actual programmed game, then ignoring the reality of just what magic could be able to do in a world where it existed might not be the best option.
Still, I couldn't help but look down to the next option that had drawn my attention, just by sheer force of familiarity.
[Humans: The most numerous of all the races. Humans are blank canvases, with only their various subcultures and individual upbringings influencing their life-paths. Humans learn all skills moderately faster than the other races, but gain bonuses to no set Attributes. They have a neutral affinity for magic naturally and gain +2 to any Attribute(s) or they may select a Tier 1 Perk.]
I admit I was torn. Having known the pain of aging, the idea of having it slowed down a bit was appealing. As was the idea of getting the best of both worlds in terms of being able to explore magic more easily, but not being particularly beholden to it.
I didn't want to be saddled with aging too ridiculously slowly. That might be fine for a true elf, who had never known any differently, but I, at my core, assumed I would retain my human sensibilities and find a prolonged young adulthood somewhat off putting--or at least I hoped whatever biology I was saddled with didn't override my mind too greatly.
Being able to learn all skills moderately faster than every other race was appealing, but not quite as juicy as some of the others. It really seemed like the humans were the straight actors of the races, and somewhat bland. Which was a standard fantasy trope, at least back on Earth, for what it was worth.
I willed myself to select the Half-Elf option and felt my consciousness suddenly forming into something else. I watched as what appeared to be pure energy coalesced into two arms and legs and felt my mind begin to settle into a new, taller body.
I absentmindedly lifted my opposite hand up to touch my right shoulder and began to stretch and flex it. This new body felt differently enough already from my first and primed with an odd energy of potential.
Strangely, the white-hot energy did not yet stabilize into anything resembling flesh and bone. I was beginning to wonder why as the World Spirit once more spoke to me.
[Please choose your method of stat generation. After receiving your stat allocation, your body will be generated. As you level, you will be able to increase your Attributes over time.]
[Option One: Your stats will be rolled in order of Strength, Agility, Perception, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma, and Luck.]
[Option Two: Your stats will be equalized at 5 across the board.]
So that explained why my body hadn't formed. Its traits were about to be decided.
I felt a certain amount of dread when reading the Intelligence and Charisma attributes. The gamer and risk taker in me were both drawn to the first option. I could get lucky. However, what if I rolled a one for Intelligence?
This wasn't a game, even if it resembled one. This was a world, created by what seemed to be a god, and I really didn't want to have the intelligence of a rock. How would that even work if I kept my memories from my old life? Would I just have the equivalent of brain damage and not be able to use the full capability of my mind?
I really shouldn't play around with it, I told myself. I could always increase my stats as I leveled.
So it was settled... I'd choose option two. My mind singled in on my chosen path and forced it to be selected.
And, just like that, I chose option one. And once I did, I felt my heart shudder, realizing the World Spirit wasn't going to let me go back on it.
I hadn't been able to resist the thrill.
I had always been the kind of person to maximize my stats and builds in games of all kinds. I knew that the statistical chance of rolling either a one or ten in any of my attributes was very low. I was probably going to get normal stats regardless. I needed to calm down and yet I felt my mostly disembodied heart pounding nonetheless.
[Option one selected.]
[I recognize your daring nature. May Luck favor you.]
Was the world spirit sentient and... sassy?
[Rolling Strength.]
I froze. As long as I had the strength to walk and conceivably defend myself, things would be alright. I'd rather be average physically and save my luck for other rolls.
[Result: 4]
[Description: You're thinner than the average half-elf. You're not sickly and are fully capable of learning all physical and combat skills, but it will take you much longer to progress your raw, physical strength.]
Okay, so a little less than average then, the first roll was far from a disaster. I felt my still liquid feeling form packing on a moderate amount of muscle, but not quite what I'd been used to in my youth.
A rectangular shape began to rise from the expanse of calm black surrounding me. I quickly recognized it was a mirror and that it revealed a blank, glowing form with tipped ears looking back at me.
I touched my featureless face and confirmed my suspicion as my hand moved in the glass as well.
So, I was definitely a thinner guy, I guess. A lightweight, but not quite lanky. It could work. It'd have to
Besides, I didn't think the World Spirit would give me altogether too long to dwell on the first roll of many that would decide my fate.
[Rolling Agility.]
I was crossing my fingers for another mostly average roll here. Then again, if all I'd wanted was to be average across the board, why had I not gone for option two?
[Result: 7]
[Description: Your muscles and tendons are naturally in-tune with your mind. Your abilities are not supernatural, but you'd make an excellent acrobat given the proper training.]
Okay! That was two points above the norm. I felt my spirits rise for a moment, not realizing I'd been holding back my inclination to want to get lucky across the board.
This life was already appearing to be a little different from the one I'd lived before. I'd been broad and strong as a soldier. Now I was turning out to be lithe and agile. How would that affect how my mind worked overtime and how long would it take for me to get used to?
I watched as the muscles on my thin form began to grow more toned and even less bulky. I could feel myself becoming incredibly flexible and relaxed. I had never felt such a level of loose tension in my life and it was incredibly freeing. Is this what a seven out of ten in a stat felt like? If that was the case then I couldn't imagine what a ten would do.
[Rolling Perception.]
Just don't make me blind, I prayed; I don't think I could live like that. I'd worn glasses in my later years back on Earth, but I didn't think I'd find any optometrists where I was going, not even Army quality ones.
[Result: 9]
[Description: Your eyes don't' miss much and your instincts are very finely tuned. Providing your Agility is at least average you would make a world class archer. You naturally have an easy time spotting traps or picking up on deception of any kind, along with being highly talented at things such as tracking.]
I felt both thrilled and wary now. Perception and dexterity. It was starting to look like I might need to find a bow once my new life started... however, how long could my luck hold up?
My vision grew amazingly sharp and crystal clear. I was noticing the impurities of the mirror's glass and wood frame in a way I hadn't before. It was almost like my eyes were that of a bird of prey rather than a half-elf's.
[Rolling Constitution.]
I had a bad feeling suddenly.
[Result: 5]
[Description: You aren't hardy. You also aren't frail. You'll get sick about as often as anyone else and you're about 50/50 on whether a harsh fall will break a bone. You're in the same boat as everyone else of your race and gender when it comes to this.]
Alright so I was normal. Why had I gotten so worked up? It was all random. A part of me was enjoying this, though, I had to admit. The adrenaline of it all being real had my desensitized heart pumping in a way it hadn't in a while. Maybe it was getting to me though.
I felt the conservative muscle mass that the Strength stat had built and the flexible tendons that Dexterity had given me begin to stabilize and feel altogether more real and solid.
[Rolling Intelligence.]
[Result: 10]
[Description: Your mind is one in a trillion. There may be those more learned than you or more skilled, but none but those in the realm of gods and heroes will be able to exceed the raw processing power of your mind--and even most among their number will recognize your intellect if it's applied well, having once been in your very shoes.]
There was no time to reflect on what I'd just heard before it hit me... and then there was all the time in the world. I felt time slow and my consciousness expanded to be able to handle so many more lines of thought than before.
My half-formed body slumped forward and grabbed onto the only object near me: the mirror. It took me a moment to focus my mind back into one stream of thought and to relax back into real time, but, once I had, things felt relatively normal, just more... effortless mentally and a lot lighter.
So, that was what a 10 felt like: earth-shattering. The difference between it and a nine were shocking and the description hinted at something even beyond it.
I wasn't so sure I wanted to pursue something that inhuman. What had just been pushed upon me felt normal enough now that it was beginning to settle, if not a massive difference that what I had known for nearly thirty-eight years, but anything beyond this? I felt I might become more of a processor than man.
[Rolling Charisma.]
[Result: 5]
[Description: People will mostly judge you on your actions and your other Attributes. You're altogether not smooth, but not a social blunder either. You're not handsome, but not ugly and your voice is of a neutral pleasantness. You are average.]
Good enough, I thought, as vague features began to form on my face. I looked altogether bland, but not ugly--just as the World Spirit had promised.
[Rolling Luck.]
[Result: 3]
[Description: You're going to face more than a few hardships. They will be able to be overcome if you face them well, especially if your other Attributes give you the natural skills needed to fight back against Fate, but things will often come against you. It will fall on you to face them. You will have disadvantage on your background roll.]
I wasn't too upset. I'd gotten mostly good rolls and one amazing one. Facing more hardships just meant that I'd be able to have more to do. What sort of life was a boring one that always went well, after all? I'd already faced death, life, war and joy in equal measures; I could take whatever this world had in store.
[Stat rolling completed.]
[Assessing for unique traits.]
[Genius perk added.]
[Hawkeye perk added.]
[You may now decide whether you will have magical affinity or not. Please choose from the following options. Note: Magic is governed by the Intelligence perk, every level below or after 5 grants a stackable 10% bonus to or subtraction from mana, spell resistance, and skill leveling.]
[1. No Affinity: Receive a +1 to all physical Attributes OR a moderate natural resistance to all magical effects, excluding positive ones. You will possess zero mana and only enchanted items or outside sources will be able to combat this; if you manage to augment your mana through artificial means, you will learn all spells at a highly reduced rate.]
[2. Neutral Affinity: You possess the magical affinity associated with your race. (Half-elves gains one level up of affinity, to a maximum of Natural Affinity, without having to pay the associated increased cost.)]
[3. Mild Affinity: You learn all magical disciplines 25% faster and have a moderately high pool of mana. You lose one point from a random Attribute. (This will not push you into the negatives and a negative debuff will only take an Attribute to 1, even if it should mathematically exceed it.)]
[4. Natural Affinity: You learn all magical disciplines as if you were meant to do so and at twice the rate of normal members of your race. Your pool of mana is impressive to most. You lose two points from a random Attribute(s). (This will not push you into the negatives and a negative debuff will only take an Attribute to 1, even if it should mathematically exceed it.)]
[5. Prodigal Affinity: You are a magical prodigy. You learn all disciplines of magic at three times the rate of the average mage and your mana reserves have the potential to grow to become truly shocking. You gain a randomly chosen affinity for one particular school of magic that allows you to cast it without incantations or gestures from an early age. You are also born with one innate and unique magical gift. You lose five points from a random Attribute(s) and can not increase your physical stats past 7 through leveling or normal perks. However, your Intelligence stat can be increased past the standard soft cap of 10. (A negative debuff from this particular choice can take an Attribute(s) into the negatives!)]
[6. Magebane: Your body is anathema to mana. You have a natural 50% resistance to both beneficial and damaging Personal magic that is stackable with the resistance granted by the Intelligence Attribute. You will never be able to learn personal magic, however, through any means other than the miraculous. If your spell resistance ever meets or exceeds 100% then even a lesser god or goddess will be unable to grant you a mana pool as you will have become completely detached from the Plane of Mana. You may still use and be affected by Divine, Demonic, and World magics, however, as your physical form can still work as a conduit for certain mana types.]
So here it was: where I got to decide if I'd be a mage or not. I was instantly drawn to the Prodigy option. Losing five points from any number of my Attributes in exchange for a natural ability to use magic, seemingly from birth and while also receiving a rare ability, it was tempting, but also a bit intimidating.
I didn't want to mess with how lucky I'd already gotten and I wasn't quite sure if my bad Luck roll would already be affecting me in regards to just where any negative debuffs would hit my Attributes. I could deal with a bit of a rocky life, but I didn't want negative Luck.
And then there was the last option, which I hadn't expected at all. I read it a few times as it floated in my view as a sort of dialogue box.
My curiosity led me as I backtracked a little bit to where the Intelligence stat was explained to grant up to a 40% spell resistance at level ten. So, did that mean that if I were to choose the Magebane route that I'd be completely immune to Personal magic, given my 10% racial spelling resistance?
I already felt my increased intelligence score making it very easy to recall numbers and information, along with correlating them to exploit benefits.
How far would that spell resistance go though, or was there a resistance cap, just as there seemed to be an Attribute cap of 10?
Just as I was wishing for a little more info, the World Spirit stepped in, with an additional verbal explanation and explainer box.
[Magic is divided into three categories: Personal, Divine, and World.]
[1. Personal magic is what most mages and sorcerers use. It encompasses everything from flinging a fireball to changing one's appearance. Those who have 100% resistance to Personal Magic can not be affected by or fooled by it. They can not negate the effects that another has cast on themselves; they are simply entirely immune to being touched or manipulated by said effects themselves.]
[2. Divine/Infernal magic is the power of the otherworldly and their disciples or thralls. While some Personal magics can heal, most powers that restore the flesh or smite the unliving hail from Divine magic. Likewise, while many forms of Personal Magic can cause damage or summon foul creatures, Infernal Magic can achieve the same, if not greater, effects of a similar type.]
[3. World magic falls into two categories: Formulaic Magic and Derivative Magic. Formulaic Magic is magic that operates on a system to achieve an effect, oftentimes not needing the direct input of personal mana to act as a fuel. Derivative magic directs/drains the power of the world, or another source, to achieve a reality altering end. Formulaic Magic is often Derivative in nature and vice versa, but this is not always the case. Of the three magic types, World Magic is perhaps the umbrella category for everything that is not classed as Divine, Infernal, or Personal. Most powerful forms of World Magic are closely guarded, or exist as secrets long lost.]
So, basically, if I chose to forgo Personal magic altogether, because of my uniquely high Intelligence score granting me spell resistance early on, and also when factoring in my racial abilities, I'd be essentially completely untouchable by most mages.
That could be useful--and it looked like I'd still be able to have some magical utility if I could tap into World magics. Although, I wasn't so sure Divine or Infernal magics suited my style; messing around with gods and demons seemed a good way to get in trouble.
I hesitated for a moment and then selected the Magebane path. I instantly felt something leave my forming mass of energy, something altogether magical that I hadn't noticed had infiltrated my body. Still, even if I noticed it's loss, I had spent my entire human life without having magic coursing through my veins, so it didn't feel that wrong.
I just couldn't resist the urge to min-max against an entire school of what I suspected would be the most common form of magic.
[Unique Class Option Unlocked: Witchhunter.]
[Unique Class Option Unlocked: Conduit.]
[Unique Class Option Unlocked: Savant.]
[Please finalize your appearance before choosing your class.]
I watched as my glowing form became flesh and blood and for the first time, even since I'd woken up in the goddess' realm I realized, I felt my heart beat in my chest once again.
Just as my Charisma score had promised, I looked shockingly average, but much younger than I expected. I was in my prime again. I had dark brown hair and golden-esque skin with brown eyes. Mine were blue when I lived as a human and it felt a bit off.
Suddenly my eyes shifted to a light blue hue, just as I'd remembered mine to once be, before age had lightened them to a gray.
I could live with the brown hair. It was different than my red locks had been, but I'd never really enjoyed those.
[Initializing class selection.]
[You have unique classes available, would you like to view these first: y/n?]
I selected yes. Might as well see what this world had to offer me specifically.
[Three unique classes available: Witchhunter, Conduit, and Savant. Which would you like to view?]
"All of them," I thought to myself.
[Loading classes.]
[Witchhunter: Witchunters have the rare ability to completely resist all forms of personal magic. This inborn trait allows them to track down and haul dangerous spellcasters to justice. Witchhunters are proficient in medium armor and all forms of standard weapons. They receive a bonus to Dexterity, One-Handed, Archery, and Intelligence. Requires 100% Spell Resistance.]
[Conduit: Conduits are born with the ability to reflect Personal magic and channel World magic. Conduits can empower their reflexes, movements, and prowess by absorbing mana from incoming spells and ambient magical energies. High-level conduits can even store high level spells in their body for later use. They receive a bonus to Intelligence and the rare Warding skill. They can exceed 10 in Intelligence and gain a 10% chance to reflect or store damaging magic with every point past 10.]
[Savant: Savants have the ability to choose any one class type, other than Prestige Classes, and to start at level 3 in said class, allowing them to receive all of the boons associated with this. Requires an intelligence of 10.]
I didn't really want to completely tie myself to the whole "resistant to personal magic" thing. It was a nice trait and one I'm sure I'd fall back on often, but I didn't want to be the sort of one-trick pony that Magehunter and Conduit seemed to be pushing me to become.
Savant on the other hand, looked like it had literally no downsides. I imagined this was offset by the amount of luck or minmaxing needed to start with a maxed stat.
Without much thought, I selected the Savant class.
[Savant class selected. You will start at level 3 in a class of your choice.]
[Loading class options.]
[Classes are broken down into three categories: Combat, Stealth, and Magic. Each class will have primary skills that level faster than others. Non-primary skills can be learned but will level slower. Most classes also have one special ability unique to the class. Some, but not all, classes offer an Attribute bonus. You may also forgo choosing a class in lieu or a profession.]
[Would you like to choose a Combat, Stealth, or Magic class? You may also view Professions.]
Magic was pretty much ruled out, or so I figured. I never really enjoyed Thief or Scoundrel playthroughs either. Choosing a profession might have some merit, but this was a fantasy world for crying out loud; I wanted adventure.
I selected Combat.
[Please select a class to view its options: Archer, Barbarian, Bard, Crusader, Knight, Monk, Pilgrim, Rogue, Scout, Fighter.]
My eyes lingered on Archer. It seemed like where I'd naturally excel, given my Dexterity and Perception.
I didn't want to miss out on another possible chance to tweak things in my favor, however, so I decided to explore my options a bit further by selecting the Fighter class.
A dialogue box quickly appeared before me.
[Fighters are the professional sellswords and men at arms of the world. More skilled than a typical bandit or cutthroat, they've been tempered by long marches and hard battles both small and grand. Fighters come in many shapes, sizes, and specializations.]
[Attributes: +1 to any Physical Attribute.]
[Primary Skills: All Armor Skills, All Weapon Skills, Armorer, Block.]
[Ability: Fighters do not unlock any class abilities until level 5, upon which they may choose a subclass based on their actions and fighting style.]
It seemed like Fighters were the baseline class. Nothing special and nothing crazy.
I figured that the real exploration in customization likely came after level 3.
With the Savant class boost, I might be able to unlock a fighting system relatively quickly. Though it remained to be seen just how difficult leveling would be in this world.
Fighter seemed interesting and familiar, but I wondered just how much my disadvantage in Strength might affect me, so I backtracked to one of my first instincts before making a decision.
[Archers are warriors that specialize in ranged combat and quick, nimble movement. They weaken or kill their enemies at range, picking off individuals and causing chaos in groups, only to engage in vicious, rapid close quarters combat when forced into melee or when the need arises. Fighters may specialize in archery, but will never gain the same level of class specific focus as a true Archer class.]
[Attributes: +2 to Agility.]
[Primary Skills: Light/Medium Armor, One-Handed, Marksman, Sneak, Block]
[Ability: Archers do 20% more damage with bows than other warriors. They also learn the Marksman skill at twice the rate.]
I was more drawn to the Archer than the standard Fighter class, if only because it seemed to more closely benefit my Ability rolls. It would also bring my Agility up to 9, which would be pushing me almost into the realm of maxing out another non-legendary Attribute already.
Still, while I might want to use a bow, and the Attribute bonus was attractive, it still didn't feel right to be so pigeonholed to a particular weapon and class.
I wasn't almost ready to open up the Professions options when another class caught my eye.
[Pilgrims are travelers, explorers, and truth seekers. Some seek only ancient knowledge while others make themselves wildly rich in the course of their individual pursuits. Pilgrims arm themselves with might, and or magic, to fortify themselves against the dangers of the road and learn guile and mercantilism while walking upon it.]
[Attributes: +2 Charisma]
[Primary Skills: Medium Armor, One-Handed, Marksman, Trade, Speech, Block, Sneak.]
[Ability: Pilgrims learn the Trade and all wayfinding skills at twice the rate of others of their race.]
I had only clicked on the class because the name seemed somewhat unique among the standard fantasy trope. I had almost expected it to be some form of Divine caster, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I'd been a businessman and engineer along with a soldier in my previous life. I liked to be well rounded and to have a mix of traits and skills.
The Pilgrim class seemed like just the sort I could get behind.
Without dwelling for much longer I selected it.
[Congratulations. You have chosen the Pilgrim class. May you walk the endless roads of the world to find your fortune.]
[Applying class benefits now.]
[Result: 7 Charisma.]
[Description: You're good enough to look at and most people will like the sound of your voice. Your words flow well and you can likely influence a mostly willing person towards your cause.]
I felt my features shift somewhat and watched as my skin became free of blemishes, my eyes took on a new shine, and my hair grew a bit thicker and more vibrant. It wasn't a crazy change, but I definitely looked like a much more taken care of version of myself than before.
[Class finalized. Please select your Background. You have two options:]
[You may enter the world as an adult with no background.]
[You may start as a child, while retaining your full memory from birth. Your full class features will be locked until young adulthood, but you may gain new bonuses and perks that will be combined and applied to your chosen Attributes and Class upon maturation.]
[Would you like to start as an adult: y/n?]
So this is what the goddess had meant when she said my age would be my choice. I had a feeling that this was a decision unique to me and that most souls only got the second option, sans the ability to keep memories that they wouldn't have.
I didn't particularly want to live another childhood; my first one had been rough enough and that was in modern America. I could only imagine the horrors a fantasy world could kick up and thrust upon a defenseless adolescent.
Of course, I would keep my memories—and it seemed like at least some of my class features. I might be giving myself a strong headstart if I lived my years as a child, but with the guidance and direction of an adult's mind.
My only big worry was that something would happen that would keep me from reaching adulthood altogether. I knew the world could be cruel, maybe even more so in one that lacked modern medicine and child-rearing.
I almost got caught up in this line of thinking, before catching myself smiling. I'd already died once and I knew who was waiting for me on the other side now. I didn't really need to fear it all that much I didn't guess.
I selected no.
[Rolling background. Applying Luck modifier.]
[Background decided: Backwater Noble.]
[Enjoy your new life and may Fate be in your favor.]
And, once again, just like that, the world swirled and vanished.
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Jill MacLeod might be just a long haul trucker with a dirty mouth and back pain, but with Bertha the big rig under her she always makes her deliveries. When Mana, monsters, and an RPG style levelling system comes to Earth it's the end of the world as anyone knows it: the apocalypse is here. On her journey it's just Jill, her Soulbound truck, and any survivor she can find against the universe. Mutated animals, aliens, dragons, droid armies… it doesn’t matter. Nothing’s going to stop Jill from making her way home. Blare the Horns of Valhalla and let slip the Rigs of War! [A story in the apocalyptic LitRPG genre] [Warning tags: Profanity, Gore]
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Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World
Dyne Valiant is a frustrated gamer. But as one of the best special ops agents that the world has, his superiors and the government itself ensured that he won’t be able to play video games because of his addictive tendencies. And so he lived and fought without ever being able to play beyond the nostalgic PS-One games. Fate was cruel as he finally meets his end after exacting revenge on those who killed his family. But on his dying moments, another dying man with strange magical powers appears. But unlike Dyne, justice was not served for this man. He then offers Dyne a chance to satisfy the greatest regret of his life… To play the videogames he loved back when he was a kid. Using the enigmatic god-tiered artifact, the Imaginarium Bond, Dyne is revived and sent to the world of cultivators where he must reach for the peak and challenge the gods of that world. And while the path of Immortality and a second life was a great gift, Dyne's joy was elsewhere. Within the Imaginarium Bond were three worlds that the mysterious man created with the last of his powers. These worlds were based on three PS-One classic games and are designed to help Dyne in his Path of Cultivation. Soon, Dyne will reach the Cultivation world and fight the wicked Kings, Saints, Devils, and Gods that now control it. Soon, Dyne will awaken the Genesis Trees of Legaia. Soon he will conquer the many nations with his Rune Knights in the continent of Forsena. Soon he will be reborn as an Endless to battle gods and dragons and slay the founding Emperor of the Fou Empire. Dyne was deprived of gaming all his life. But now his life depends on his gaming. Witness the tales of Dyne Valiant in his adventure as a Nostalgic Gamer in a Cultivation World. --- (Will also be posting this on Scribblehub.com and Webnovel. Support me on Patreon and read more (up to 90 chapters there!) Note: This isn't my first rodeo. I have written over 1000 chapters on two other ongoing stories that is ongoing with a 3-4 chapter per week rate at Webnovel and another in Meganovel. This will probably have at least 900 chapters before it ends. And I'm being very conservative. As this story is at its early phase, please read and rate it as such.
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The world revolves around magic. The kingdom of Raekoft lives because of it. Magic is everywhere and flows through everyone and everything, seemingly with a mind of its own. Ritz Dravus is a 17-year-old teen with a rare potential in battle magic. After years of working and saving up money, he can finally attend the best magical academy in Raekoft, Liken Academy. If only he could enjoy his time there. Liken Academy is a place taken over by the upper class. A place where power rules supreme. Ritz’s humble beginnings will struggle in a place where social standing and power defines a person. Rittz will have to go through the usual school drama of making friends, keeping up with classes, dealing with crushes, fighting against bullies, growing insanity, magic manipulation, power scaling and the ever-looming threat of a neighbouring kingdom hungry for war. If magic is the first rule in this world, then mayhem would be the second. Author Note: This is a rewrite of Magic and Mayhem. I've taken a good look at where I would like to take the series and came to the conclusion that I would like to rewrite the story with a more set structure in mind. This is a full rewrite with elements like the story, style and characters changing slightly or completely. Please do give me a chance to provide all of you with a better story for all of you to enjoy. Thank you :)
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Requiem of Souls
Stephan and Marie have been together for years. After laying their children down for naps, they eagerly load into the world's most popular MMORPG that just released a full-dive expansion. It was a long time dream come true. Unfortunately, from the start they encounter small errors and before long discover they have unwittingly become trapped in a death game. They must lean on eachother's skills as they fight in a world intent on killing them, so that they can beat the game and return home.
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President of My Heart (Barack Obama x Yui Tamura)
The 44th president of the United States of America has decided to visit an established school in Japan that is well-known for being one of the most prestigious schools in the country!Dive deep into the adventures of Barack Obama as he discovers a new club, new friends, and most importantly; the love of his life.
8 93