《The Unified States of Mana》Chapter 13 ~ Mana Form
Cold shivers reach through my flesh and into whatever passes for my soul. The mana circulating through my body grows turbulent, spraying out from my body even as I try to keep its flow under control. I gasp for air as my body trembles with cold shock, warm arms pull around me holding me tight.
“Kyra! Kyra! Wake up! What’s wrong?” Nel is hugging me tightly as she cries out.
“I…” can’t get out anymore words before biting hard on my tongue.
From the pain, and the effect, I have to imagine that I’ve somehow been infected with a swarm of electric tapeworms that have just now decided to have a Satan-blessed orgy.
I tighten my jaw and wait for the fit to pass. I’m sure it’ll pass, I’m the goddamn empress of everything, I won’t die here. Plot armour. Just think of the plot armour.
Yet still, the chills and trembling continue unabated. The hopefully imaginary, tapeworms only multiplying.
Eshya had Vii have since noticed, and come down to check on me. They watch on with concern.
“It’s not mana shock, is it?” Eshya asks.
“No, the symptoms are all wrong.” Nel says, holding me still, “But she is leaking significant amounts of mana.”
“Is she going to be okay? This is because of what she did yesterday isn’t it?” Eshya asks, her brows knit with concern, “I’ll go get the healer.”
“She’ll be fine.” Vii says, her voice deep with certainty, “She has to be.”
“Kyra, please don’t die.” Nel’s voice is gentle as she runs her hand through my hair.
Slowly, the fits ease. Though, every muscle in my body still feels like jelly as they twitch with the aftershocks.
The mana inside of me also calms and slowly returns to a steady cycle. Thankfully, I’m no longer shedding mana all over the place.
“I… I think it’s passing.” I say, feeling out my tingling mouth.
“Good, what happened?” Nel asks, still holding me closely.
“My mana, I think. I think I lost control over its circulation, maybe. I had a lot more than ever before too.” I explain, checking Chip to find that my mana density has decreased to slightly below 200 units. “I lost a lot just now, too.”
I feel like I just woke up the day after Christmas to Santa Claus beating me and taking half of my presents.
“I know.” Nel replies, “I felt it.”
“Also… I’m sorry.” I hide my face lowering it into her shoulder.
“About what?”
“… the bed. We need to clean it again…” It’s humiliating. I know it’s because I was having a fit, and she won’t think ill of me for it, but I still can’t help but feel ashamed.
“It’s fine.” She says petting my head again, “But if this is the sort of play you’re into, you’ll have to tell me earlier. It’s a bit much to take as a surprise.”
“Is that a joke?” I ask laughing awkwardly.
“Yes, but it is also the truth that it was an unpleasant surprise. I wouldn’t treat just anyone so kindly in this situation.”
“Thank you,” I start moving around, feeling out my limbs for any signs of pins and needles, “I’m definitely better now.”
“It’s best to wait for the healer,” Vii quickly intercepts as I try to leave the bed, “You have to be careful. Make sure that you’re still okay before pushing yourself. If you die… That can’t happen.” She shakes her head vigorously.
“I’m getting out of bed at least.” I declare, putting on my glasses, “The bed is… and my clothes… my only clothes…”
No crying. No fucking crying.
I’m a fucking empress, and I’m fucking regal and shit even wearing ripped, and torn, piss-stained clothes.
“The empress’s new clothes…”
Deep breaths. I just need to clean up again. There’s still a bucket of cold water around here that I can use. The weather isn’t so bad that I’ll get sick from wearing wet clothes, at least.
“So, what’s wrong?” The healer asks as he steps into the room, looking over at us, even through the dark. “I heard something about fits, and rapid mana loss.”
I can’t stop myself from cringing, feeling the filth staining me that much more with the extra company.
“My mana circulation became turbulent. I felt cold chills and lost a lot of mana.” I explain.
“No mana shock?”
“I… don’t get mana shock.” He raises a brow but doesn’t press further.
“Have you developed your mana form recently? Or taken to cycling it in a new formation?”
“I recently came into a rather respectable amount of mana.” I admit.
“That would be the cause then.” He sighs, “There’s nothing for me to do with you. You should stabilise your mana form and develop it more carefully from here on. I’m sure someone here can direct you on that. I’m going back to bed.”
He yawns as he steps from the room, thankfully with little complaint.
“Are you feeling better?” Eshya asks, relaxing a little.
“Yeah, probably.” I say, dragging the bucket over to a corner so that none of the other students can watch me clean.
“I did think it was dangerous, I should have done something to stop you.” Nel says, bowing her head.
“No, it’s my fault.” I tell her firmly, “Besides, I still won out in the end. I’ve more than tripled my mana.”
“I knew it was dangerous as well.” Vii admits, “I thought it would be different for you. You’re special, you’re different.”
“Not special enough, apparently.” I reply, rinsing my clothes and wiping myself clean.
While I admit I have had passing fantasies of being naked with each of these girls, this situation is remarkably different.
Their gazes are mostly aimed outwards to make sure that the other students aren’t going to wake up and start looking around. Though, I do feel a few curious glances my way from the three of them, but unfortunately, I’m not in a place where I can be confident in showing off my body.
“Maybe I should learn a little more about what I’m messing with. Let’s start with mana, what is it exactly?” I ask while I work, partly to learn, partly to distract.
“It’s creation and destruction.” Vii says, shrugging her shoulders.
“Less philosophy, and more practically speaking?”
“Exactly what she said.” Nel says, “Mana is responsible for all creation and destruction. Energy and matter ordinarily only changes forms, but mana both creates and destroys them both.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Mana can create something from nothing?”
“Things are created from mana, but as far as anyone is concerned, mana itself is born from nothing.” Nel explains.
“So, if I knew how, I could just create an orb of gold in my hand right now?”
“If you had a truly tremendous amount of mana to waste.” Eshya laughs, “Creation magic is all just wasteful nonsense. It takes more mana than you’ll find in this whole town just to make something the size of a grain of sand.”
“Okay… but at least it can be turned into any form of energy?”
“If you know what you’re doing perhaps…” Eshya says with a shrug.
“That’s a lot to think on. So, what about mana form. Why is it called a mana form anyway?” I ask, thoroughly rinsing my underwear. Replacing these would be a task and a half.
“Ah, I should’ve mentioned that before… It’s called a mana form because it is a part of you, just as much as your physical form.” She explains, “It’s not something that is meant to be burned away in one spell or infused into a meal.”
“It’s that important?” I ask.
“It is,” She nods, “Depending on the flow that you give it, it will support your physical form in different ways. You should be able to find some details on this in your support device.”
Oh, it’s been a while since I’ve checked that.
~Mana Form: Grade 1
Current goal: Develop your mana form.
Current mana density: 201 units
Mana distribution:
Skin: 20%
Muscle: 5%
Mind: 1%
Cardiovascular: 5%
Misc.: 1%
Efficiency: 32%
“So, what is this meant to mean?” I ask, telling them the details of it.
“It means that only 32% of your mana is being used to support your body, and that most of that is supporting your skin. The other categories are determined by you so you may create more or merge them as you continue to develop,” Nel replies, “I’m guessing you’re favouring the ‘mana skin’ Skill?”
“I am. So that’s where the 20% skin comes from.” I say putting on my wet clothes.
“Exactly, so don’t go burning through your mana anymore.” She scolds me as she wraps her arms around me. It takes me a few moments to reply to her hug.
It’s comforting. Someone warm to hold while the metaphorical storm rages inside.
Someone who gives a shit if I live or die.
Someone to flirt with while pretending that the world isn’t a fucked-up mess about to swallow us whole.
“I’ve been lucky to make it this far.” I say, thinking back to all the horrors of the past days, “But, I need to be stronger.”
“Not like this, not after what happened this morning.”
“Okay,” I admit, resting my face on her shoulder. My glasses press into my face uncomfortably, but I ignore it.
“Do you want to train in a more ordinary way?” She asks.
“Not right now, it’ll be a waste of energy better saved for when I have an idea of what to do.” Today I’m meant to learn how to throw fire without burning myself, it’ll be nice to have an actual attack that isn’t ‘self-destruct’.
“Okay,” She obediently replies, squeezing me extra tight. Her warm touch barely carries any mana friction any longer, and to be honest I kind of miss it.
We talk quietly until the pink sunlight starts to peek under the door, and we get up to ready for the long day that’s sure to come.
After going through the morning rituals, we gather out into the training fields and look up at a rather familiar sight.
“Another ship. Let me guess, this one’s going to crash too…”
“One that is far poorer than the transit vessel we came here on.” What Nel says is true.
The vessel is smaller, and not by a small measure. It’s only perhaps two dozen metres long, but it is fat and deep. Even the wood used to construct it seems to be worn and damaged.
“Not worse at all.” Red says, appearing beside us as she herself takes the sight in, “This one’s special. She’ll not sink quite so easy.”
“Oh? And who are we raiding? If there’s looting and pillaging, would you mind picking me up a bottle of milk and a carton of eggs while you’re out. We’re running short.”
“You’ll be coming along.” She says with a smile, “Though mostly just as audience. Wouldn’t want you all dead so soon.”
“So, who are we going to watch die today? I really hope they’re not a race of cute kittens, that would just ruin my day.”
“Unless you have a thing for insects, you’ll be fine.”
“A counterattack against the insect people from yesterday?” Nel asks, standing straight and keeping her voice firm.
“Quite astute,” Red replies, giving her a pat on the head. I pull Nel away from her and get between the two.
“Don’t feel jealous, now.” Red says with a laugh, “She’s far too weak for my taste, but a smart pupil deserves to be praised, no?”
“So, these insects we’re killing?”
“Oh, yes. We’re leaving now if you don’t mind rousing the others while I bring the ship close for boarding.”
“I’ll get to it.” I tell her, pulling Nel after me.
“Don’t think I forgot your lessons. You’ll be chucking fireballs by the time we get there.” She shouts after me before disappearing into the skies.
“You get along with her surprisingly well.” Nel says.
“It’s easy to get along with people like her. Just tell them what you think to their face.” Though admittedly, most of the ones I’ve met before her have killed significantly less people.
The other students are thankfully quick on their feet, and even those I’m less acquainted with don’t hesitate to follow me when asked. The dead eyes even seem to remember taking orders from me yesterday.
The ship slowly lowers down to about the height of the wall before a rope ladder is thrown from the side. Red standing at the top shouts down at us.
“Hurry up and climb up here, we’re not going to wait all day for you.”
“If I go any faster, I’ll get rope burn climbing this damn thing!” I shout as I catch the swaying ladder, making my way up first. Nel and Eshya are soon at my heels while Vii races up ahead, fluttering to the top of the vessel.
“You really don’t have anything better than a rope ladder?” I ask when I get to the top, much less tired from the effort than I was expecting. Likely because of my mana form.
“I do. Most of my crew does too, and your friend Vii here.”
“Well? Don’t leave me hanging.”
“Flight magic. You’re real eager to die if you want to try that this early. Let’s get you grounded with some fireballs first, yeah?”
“Fine, fine.” I reply, turning away from the rest of the students that are coming up here.
“To tell you the truth, it’s really not that difficult. Start with smaller blasts, so you don’t burn yourself, and what you’ll want to do is keep a tightly bound rotation around the mana as you activate it and cast it out.
“And do make sure to cast it outwards. I’m sure you can figure that part out easily enough, anyway. Now get practicing and keep it away from anything flammable.”
“That’s it. That’s my entire lesson?”
“Well, if you want more to do, you should also practice mana infusion strikes.” She explains, “It’s infusing a weapon with mana then activating it as an attack.”
“Oh, I haven’t told you about that yet. There’s dormant mana, and then there’s activated mana.” She explains, “To put it simply, dormant mana is just the mana inside you. ‘Mana shield’, for example, is using your dormant mana to create mana density for an effect. Active mana actually consumes your mana for an effect, like with your fire magic. It converts mana into fire.
“In this case, you want to have your mana infuse the weapon, then have it activate for sharpening and penetration for a blade, or any other effect you might want for.”
“It’s magic. So yeah, anything. Some things of course are a little too mana expensive to be sensible, of course.”
“So, you aren’t actually going to teach me, I just have to figure it out from that explanation?” I ask, groaning.
“It’s all you’ll need.” She shrugs.
“Who the fuck cheered you on when you said you wanted to be a teacher? I need to track them down and stop them before they can do any more damage.”
“Less talking, more burning things.” She says, walking over to talk with another student. Giving them advice much the same though any hint of playfulness disappears in favour of a more professional attitude.
As the last students pile into the ship, it starts to move. Slowly at first, but then at quite a good pace, we leave the town of what’s-its-name behind.
I hang my hand over the side and start practicing, only small bursts of fire from the tip of my finger. As described, I spin the mana into a vortex before activating it to burn as fire.
The flames that spawn form a tiny tornado that quickly blinks out. It’s not at all like a fireball and has next to no range. I can’t even feel what it’s meant to be like and as much as I struggle it refuses to form as I want it to.
“Are you having trouble?” Nel asks, hanging by my side, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Unless you can show me how a fireball works?”
“I’m afraid not.” She replies sadly.
“Maybe try something else for now, you might figure it out with some time.” Eshya suggests.
As I consider these things and lose myself to practice, I nearly miss the shuddering of the ship as we’re intercepted by flying insects.
“Enemy flyers, incoming!” The shout resounds, as Red and her warriors take flight, intercepting the insects that come running across the air.
“I wasn’t expecting them this early. You know what to do!” Red cries.
“I’m not sure what you mean Cap’m. Smash ‘em? Stab ‘em? Burn ‘em?”
“None of that!” Red says, getting further and further away, “We tell them exactly what we’re going to do to their precious mother!”
“Woo her?” The insectoid warrior is somehow still alive.
The insects move in a V formation sending waves of magical strikes ahead of them. They still use the same shards, but they fly faster, cutting through the air and slamming into the ship’s hull without making any sort of mulching effect.
“Uh, we’re not particularly protected here, are we?” I ask, ducking behind the cover that has been set up along the edges of the deck.
The attacks on the ship reduce significantly as the warriors on our side get within shouting distance of the enemy. The insects race races forwards in a rage, charging straight into a wave of ranged attacks.
“I don’t think there’s any more protection than what you can see.” Eshya replies, looking at the air around us, “There’s no shimmering, the hull is reinforced, and there is the cover you are cowering behind, but I think that’s all.”
“If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. I guess in this case it’s more rocks and spells, and what movie was that from…?”
“What?” Nel asks.
“Let’s just not get hit,” I say, “Or use a mana shield if you can’t dodge.”
“It’s a good thing your mana density is up, then.” Nel says, “With how weak you were before…”
“I’d pop like a flimsy piñata by one of those spikes flying past me.”
“Probably whatever you just tried to say,” Nel nods.
Red’s battle rages on, kept at a distance from the ship, I feel enough misplaced confidence to poke my head out to watch.
The air walkers and other less agile fighters of her forces stay back, engaging with ranged attacks to disrupt the insect enemy. The agile fighters meanwhile split up, above, below, and around both sides, striking from blind spots and engaging in violent melee that leads to the insects being decisively torn to parts.
It’s literally raining body parts over there, and I swear I can see a few hounds having a party out underneath.
Yet, even through the slaughter the insects don’t retreat, Red’s taunts proving their effectiveness.
“Want to do some training?” Eshya asks, watching the same battle, “We’re going to be thrown into those battles ourselves soon enough.”
“I’m focusing on my fireballs right now,” I say, “There’s a particular balance in the swirling forces that I don’t think I’ll get without stumbling upon it.”
“Practice enough, and you’ll find it.”
“Repetition…” I sigh, looking down at the small flames bursting from my fingertip. Thankfully, my new mana dense skin isn’t burned by the magical fires, a mana shield bursting around the spot where the fire is summoned protects me further.
“Exactly,” Eshya says, “We should continue practicing sparring, I think I’m starting to get infusion attacks.”
“I’ll pass, I need to figure out my own spells, and don’t want to get too worn down in case we have to get into a serious fight at the end of this trip.”
“Red said we’d just be audience to the fighting didn’t she?” Eshya asks.
“And you believed her?”
“Point taken. Alright, I’ll go find that minotaur. He should make for good practice for my infusion attacks and movement.” She says, completely missing my point and exhausting herself.
“Infusion attacks, huh.” I shake my head and look down at a small bone I’ve been carrying around in my pocket. I don’t stop with my experimenting on the other finger, but like when I tried practicing whistling as a kid, it’ll be easier to learn through mindless practice. Paying attention will mess with it.
“It can be anything… huh?” I press a little bit of mana into the small bone, trying to shape it to hold onto a fire spell.
My first attempt ends with the flames running through and around the bone, setting it alight and heating it. I stop wasting mana after a second, my skin left only slightly reddened.
“What are you doing?” Vii asks, watching over me as she keeps her head down. We both keep glancing out at the ends of the fight going on outside. The last of the insects are being torn down Red and her crew, and they begin their return.
“Infusion attacks. If I understand correctly, it shouldn’t be too difficult to pack this bone with mana, and have it burst out with fire like I summoned from my hand.”
“Yeah, that sounds simple enough.” She nods happily, “How to trigger it would be the issue you have to deal with. Like, there are so many different ways you could potentially deal with it. Maybe proximity to the target, or maybe set to go off after you’ve thrown it. You might be better with something simple, like having to activate it with your mana and maybe a few seconds later it activates the spell.”
“Yeah, that last one.” I reply, I have no idea how I’d even manage what she’s described before that.
This time the mana is drawn into the bone, but it slowly leaks out, and I know that there’s no fire spell attached to it. I carefully pull the mana out of the bone again and try something slightly different.
I feel like I’m fumbling in the dark, the answer is somewhere here, but I just can’t find it. The ship shakes under me and the bone slips out of my hand.
“It’d be easier if we weren’t being shot at.” I complain.
“The best lessons are learned in the midst of battle! Keep working on it!” Red cries out at me from above.
“Thanks for the support, but don’t you have some bugs to squash?!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Classes & Skills
~Mana Form: Grade 1
Current goal: Develop your mana form.
Current mana density: 201 units
~Mana distribution:
Skin: 20%
Muscle: 5%
Mind: 1%
Cardiovascular: 5%
Misc.: 1%
Efficiency: 32%
~Fire Magic: Grade 1
Current goal: Develop a Skill for fire manipulation.
-Skill: Flame burst
~Defensive Techniques: Grade 1
Current goal: Develop a Skill for reactive mana skin.
-Skills: Mana skin
~Combat Techniques: Grade 1
Current goal: Develop a Skill for mana infusion.
-Skills: Mana shield.
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