《Contract Summoner [Revised]》Ch. 22 Surprising Results
Mathew stepped forward in line and placed his hand on the crystal. With the profession a blue box appeared instantly, this time however Mathew found himself in an eerily familiar gray void. At first he thought he accidentally ended up in the shop, but Di was not there to greet him.
The environment reminded him of the first night. He half expected to see a blue box stating he died or that The System had something important to say. Instead five figures walked forward, each one wearing different articles of armor, gear, and other items. Mathew looked at each of them going left to right.
The first wore robes similar to the kind he wore now. It leaned on an icicle for a cane, and had a pair of snowflakes circle around him. The man’s breath seemed to frost the air around him.
The second wore dark leathers, wielding a long knife. He winked at Mathew and seemed to teleport behind him, before walking to a spot next to the first. He then made the knife disappear and made three more appear out of nowhere in his hands.
The third one was a man wearing robes, while holding a staff that looked similar to the one Mathew had now. He saw his wisp floating near him, along with a few other creatures that appeared and disappeared inside a circle made of weird symbols.
The fourth figure looked tired, and carried a stack of papers. Yet everything he wore seemed to be high quality. The robes even had a glowing shimmer to show they were enchanted with high leveled magic.
The fifth wore a hood over his face. Behind him was a large monster, it’s eyes piercing Mathew, daring him to make a mistake. The figure held a whip on his hip.
The middle one spoke. “Five choices of fate. While not the most capable, for a first decision, it should be celebrated.”
The one on it’s left spoke next. “You have a few interesting possibilities ahead of you, Mathew McGonald. Three fates that lead to interesting futures, with two ensuring a simple life.”
The far left one spoke. “Your first step now will change your life.”
“For better or worse.” The one next to him said.
Mathew raised an eyebrow. Each voice was the same, and sounded familiar. It was his own voice. Looking at the faces of each figure made him realize they were all him. Mathew felt a bit out of body with what he saw. “What is going on here?”
“Your class choice of course.” The Mathew with knives said. “This isn’t like the games your world used for entertainment. While you can pick something simple, at least, for you there are much more enticing choices.”
The well dressed Mathew spoke. “Like real life, choices have consequences. Both good and bad. Your choice today will mark your future.”
Mathew nodded. “And what are my choices?”
Five blue boxes appeared, one in front of each figure.
Cryomancer (Uncommon)
An elemental focused mage who chooses to wield their chosen magic with absolute might. Their magic hales from the coldest reaches of the universe, they use it to ensure a slow and painful death. While focused on the element of ice, a Cryomancer is an open ended class choice. Allowing those who wield such magics to apply their style of combat how they see fit. Upgradeable.
+3 Intelligence, +2 Endurance, +2 Wisdom, +1 Strength, and 2 free stat points per level.
Ability Gained: Control Ice
Spell Gained: Frostbolt
Spell Gained: Frostbite
Shadow Assassin (Rare)
Shadow Assassins serve a greater power. Following the code of their great God, Numa, till they die. Relying on their talents to remain unseen, and to kill their targets with no questions asked. Dabbling in teleportation and summoning spells you will be guaranteed to reach your target and always have the weapon for the job. Some Shadow Assassins pledge their allegiance to a political power, sometimes a religious one, and oftentimes to the highest bidder.
+5 Dexterity, +3 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength, and 2 free stat points per level.
Ability Gained: Necrosis
Skill Gained: Stealth
Skill Upgrade: Knives
Spell Gained: Shadow Sheath
Summoner (Rare)
Summoners are a unique class, relying upon not only their own talents, but also the skills of their magical creatures. Summoners are not known for their power in combat, but rather their ability to win any situation. Their seemingly never ending ability to have a magical creature they can call upon for aid allows them to have a solution to any problem. Most form contracts of employment with their creatures, giving them mana to survive outside their home planet or plane. Summoners must be wary to not accidentally become the summoned with more powerful beings.
+4 Wisdom, +3 Intelligence, +3 Vitality, +1 Dexterity, and 3 free stat points per level.
Ability Gained: Share Sense
Skill Gained: Rituals
Spell Gained: Random Ritual
Spell Gained: Summon Familiar
Spell Gained: Mana Bolt
Merchant Booker (Uncommon)
While not a class chosen by those who fight, it is a class used by the financially wise. Known for their unbreakable contracts and promised goods arriving on time, a Merchant Booker is not to be trifled with. Typically serving a king or city lord, a Merchant Booker is in charge of a large network of trade deals. Ensuring they always get a cut, he has the best money can buy. Upgradeable.
+4 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, and 2 free stat points per level
Skill Gained: Appraise
Skill Upgraded: Writing
Spell Gained: Detect Magic
Cultist (Unique)
You have been offered a contract of servitude. Including many benefits such as power, wealth, dental, and a purpose in life. Pledge your life to the patron Kur. Upgradeable(?)
+5 to all stats
Other abilities, skills, and spells are given out as decided by the patron, Kur.
Mathew looked at each one carefully. He had a hard problem deciding which was the best choice for him. The one he was most against was Shadow Assassin. While the idea of remaining unseen sounded good, he did not see himself fighting in such a manner. Not opposed to assassinations, just not the type of life he wished to live.
The Culist was another one that was instantly out the window. Again, one that showed great promise of power, but tied himself to a mysterious being he had no information on. He wanted to not even mention it to Mr. Melton, but also knew he couldn’t tell anyone about it either.
That left him with three choices: Raw magical power. Relying upon creatures that served him. Being rich and living a peaceful life. He could find sound reasons in all three. Cryomancer offered him power that was his, and could grow. He liked the idea of controlling ice, and wondered if it applied to water by some chance.
Summoner seemed the most interesting, and offered the most. Three new spells, a new skill that should pair with one of his new spells, and an ability that sounded interesting. He wouldn’t have very much mana for himself, but he could always purchase a gun or work more on his [Knives] skill.
He was tempted to pick a class that upgraded one of his skills. Merchant Booker did so for his [Writing]. Mathew liked the idea of being in charge of logistics for the future of how trade companies would work. Since crafting items for survival were at an all time high, controlling that trade flow would ensure he never had to fight a day in his life.
The problem was Levels and power. Nobody was on an equal playing field anymore. It was no longer just man versus man. Where he could hire a few bodyguards and keep his own guns to keep him safe. Now magic existed. Even magical assassins according to one of his class choices. He needed people he could trust, which his profession gave.
Mathew could now legally force people to uphold their end of a deal, and if he could write and word contracts well enough, he can keep him out of any negative positions. He felt contracts could be taken literally. The one he agreed upon with Mr. Melton and General Payne proved it.
No more did he need to cite a dozen sources and reference certain court cases for legal purposes. If he and another person, or even more, agreed to words he wrote on paper, it was enforced by a magic council of law.
Now all he needed was power. Cryomancy offered that, but so did Summoner. Each with their own version of power. A certain line of text interested Mathew. The ability to make deals with beings of power. Similar to the offer of a Cultist, he could trade with them and maybe even call upon them in his times of need.
Mathew had no idea who these beings of power could be. Would it be gods like Numa? Or Patrons like Kur? Mathew knew some history and how people could call upon beasts and other creatures for help in times of need. He liked the idea of calling upon a giant stone golem to defend his life and even sacrifice itself for him.
Mathew needed no more internal debate, he would choose the Summoner. Before he could make his choice, the figure that looked like him to his far right changed. The screen was also different.
Head Cultist (Unique)
You have been offered a contract of servitude. Including many benefits such as power, wealth, dental, and a purpose in life. Pledge your life to the patron Kur. Upgradeable(?)
+7 to all stats
Spell: Inflict Pain
Other abilities, skills, and spells are given out as decided by the patron, Kur.
“Can I at least talk to Kur before I make my choice?” Mathew asked his false selves.
“No. Nobody may interfere outside what is on the screen.”
Mathew shook his head and selected Summoner.
Notifications filled his vision, but all were minimized instantly. The figures on either side of him faded away, leaving him alone with the Summoner.
“You have taken your first step in life, Survivor. Nine more await you. Tread carefully, for there are those who wish to steal your fate. The splintered threads have strengthened, and your path is true. Step forward Summoner.”
Mathew stepped forward into his other self, feeling power wash over him. His body shivered and visions flashed in his mind's eye.
He was sitting on a throne, all those who fell under his rule stood guard by him, or knelt before him. He was not a king, he was above even them. For even the gods moved at his command, cowering in fear of his voice.
Next he was standing alone on top of a hill, an army of tall humans clad in red armor. Mathew waved a hand and portals opened, allowing various creatures and some humanoid looking people to walk through. Each wearing a similar colored article of clothing or badge. Mathew raised his staff and let out a war cry as the two forces collided.
Mathew slumped to the floor in exhaustion. A collar bound around his neck. A chain connected to it was held by a giant woman who showed off her newest addition to her collection. The rich and pompous crowd clapped and cheered for her.
He cut his hand, and used his blood to sign a contract, sealing a deal. A giant creature, far larger than even the Sun signed next, and smiled at Mathew. It took the signed contract and faded away, leaving Mathew feeling at ease.
More visions of his possible future flashed by. Mathew ruled, he was killed, he killed, and he even married and lived a happy life. All possibilities from his decisions thus far, and many more to be made.
Soon Mathew was once again in the gray void, feeling a static charge over his body. He felt stronger, faster, and reborn. He didn’t even need to open his menu just yet to know exactly what happened. His race had improved.
Mathew closed his eyes and bathed in the feeling before it left him. He didn’t feel hollow, instead he wanted more. “Nine more choices like these? I can’t wait.”
He waited just a moment more before opening his menu and looked at his entire Menu. Level 10 was just the beginning.
Name: Mathew McGonald
Race: Human [Beginner]
Class: Summoner
Profession: Contract Scribe
Level: 10
Universal Currency: 10,755
Titles: Classy, Forerunner, Lawyer, Survivor
Unallotted Stat Points: 0
Contract Scribe (Rare)
Contracts, Legal paperwork, and Deals are all backed by the magical signature of this profession. Sought out by Summoners, Noble Men, and Lawyers to aid in their day to day work. +5 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom per level. Skill Gained: Writing, Spell Gained: Summon Wisp. Profession based actions are restricted and observed by the laws created by The Council of Order.
Summoner (Rare)
Summoners are a unique class, relying upon not only his own talents, but also the skills of his magical creatures. Summoners are not known for their power in combat, but rather their ability to win any situation. Their seemingly never ending ability to have a magical creature they can call upon for aid allows them to have a solution to any problem. Most form contracts of employment with their creatures, giving them mana to survive outside their home planet or plane. Summoners must be wary to not accidentally become the summoned with more powerful beings.
+4 Wisdom, +3 Intelligence, +3 Vitality, +1 Dexterity, and 3 free stat points per level.
Title: Classy - For acquiring your chosen Class before the end of the Tutorial gain +2 to all stats
Title: Forerunner - For being the 97th person of your world to obtain a class gain +5% to all stats
Title: Lawyer - As the first Human to read the terms and conditions start to finish you gained a Unique Title! This title grants you +5 to Wisdom and Intelligence.
Title: Survivor - For surviving the claim of The System you have been awarded an increase to overall health. +1 to Vitality
Share Sense | Novice 1
You can meld any or all senses through one of your summoned creatures. You lose the sense from your main body until you stop doing so willingly.
Knives | Novice 5
Your ability to wield small bladed weapons has improved through combat.
Negotiation | Novice 2
Your ability to haggle out deals in your favor has improved through success. Future deals involving currency will give you a +5% bonus.
Staves | Novice 1
Your chosen way to use Staves for purely magical attacks has improved through combat. Increased spell damage when using a staff as your spell focus.
Writing | Novice 2
Gain the ability [Create Document]. Documents legibility, legality, and strength determined by Skill: Writing
[Create Document]: By having paper, ink, and a writing utensil nearby, you can have words appear on the chosen document mentally, saving years of writing cramps. Additionally you can copy other documents and edit documents you have already created.
Rituals | Novice 1
Gain the ability to copy, create, read, and understand rituals. Copying a ritual has a tiny chance to add it to your list of known spells.
Mana Bolt | Novice 1
Fire a bolt of condensed mana at a target.
Ritual of Enchantment: Increased Space | Novice 1
At the cost of a large sum of mana, inscript an object to increase its internal volume.
The more mana infused into the ritual, the larger the volume is expanded. Note this is a conjured space. Putting another object that has had it’s volume increased in this matter into another will cause a crossing of scripts and destroy both and the items inside.
Bind Familiar | Unranked
Choose a target creature to bind to your service. A contest of wills will start upon activation of this one time use spell. If neither party can agree to pact, the spell will end and you will be able to cast this spell again in ten days.
Summon Wisp | Novice 4
You summon a wisp to your service costing a moderate amount of mana. Once summoned, it will not cost any additional mana, but you will not regenerate lost mana until the Wisp is either killed or dismissed.
The Wisp will remain near the summoner once summoned to constantly feed off mana for survival on your world. Wisp can attack creatures nearby with bolts of energy from the wisp's own personal reservoir of mana.
Although frail, these creatures are the perfect companion to both spell casters and guards, as they give off a small amount of light as well.
Mathew had to go back once he reached the end after reading everything. His [Summon Familiar] spell was different. After sorting through all other of his notifications, including the two for his new titles, he found what he was looking for.
Synergy Detected between Title [Lawyer] and Spell [Summon Familiar]: 92%
Spell Upgrade: SummonFamiliar -> Bind Familiar
Grants the spell [Bind Familiar].
The Council approves of your class choice.
Gaia approves your class choice.
Kur disapproves of your class choice.
Numa approves your class choice.
Chadkix disapproves of your class choice.
An Ancestor approves your class choice.
“That can not be good news.” Mathew commented on the notification. He added it to something to worry about later. Right now he had Mr. Melton to fill in, more Currency to obtain from General Payne, and shopping to do.
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Truck-kun Gets Sacrificed
Driscoll is my own version of a world with a game-like "system" of endless possibilities. MC has his own status, classes, skills, magic, and a living greatswordstaff in a world of monsters, demi-humans of all kinds, and even the supernatural. Sound good? Well, at first for Tru, it was a dream come true(I'm sorry). At least until reality hits him again and again. His quest from God is vague and must be discovered by him along the way. Hopefully, he can figure that out someday but for now, this new world's threats and his potential for power are motivation aplenty. With His new partner by his side, he's ready to embark on his mission of infinite sacrifice, however many lives it takes. The setting is pretty standard for fantasy, with my beginner attempts at writing. Litrpg elements are definitely involved here but It'll calm down as the story progresses and the world's foundation is laid. Judeo/Christian themes and principles take a major role and will be a backbone for much of the story. The fights will paint a picture in the mind rather than just be a bunch of number crunching. While he is meant to be a sacrifice to save all of Driscoll, he needs to gain enough power and influence to be a worthwhile sacrifice, or so he thinks. And so carnage will ensue as he avoids death as best he can while at the same time sacking himself for others. Truck Coon is your average determined, jiu-jitsu practitioner, tax associate that just started his new career. He dies to save kids from a semi-truck(Truck Coon got truck-kun'd, making him Truck-kun) and is transported to another world rather conventionally by God. Upon his arrival, he is quickly confronted with his first conflicts in the wild. Give it a shot and let me know what you think. Chapters are currently between 2300 and 4000 words and I try to post weekly, but also deal with severe limitations that cause late posts often. I have zero actual experience with writing stories and only recently started reading web novels in 2020. If you end up hating it, let me know your thoughts in a detailed comment or review, especially if you love it though :D I want to get better and welcome the feedback, so expect changes to be made with any flaws that y'all point out which I don't already have plans to address in future chapters. That being said, keep it constructive in nature, please. I have no Idea how the formatting and such will go, so if you like or dislike some techniques I try, give me that well-appreciated feedback! Thank you for reading.
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