《Contract Summoner [Revised]》Ch. 1 Menu
Mathew watched his latest client silently sign the last of the paperwork. It was a long and grueling seven months, but he was able to help his client get some of his property back. “Mr. Hunt, don’t forget to initial the second paragraph there.”
Mr. Hunt was a car dealership owner. His wife left him when she found out he cheated on her. Granted, she was also cheating on him as well. The Judge absolutely had a field day when Mathew put that bit of information out there in the courtroom.
Mrs. Hunt had the innocent housewife act down really well. Sadly for her, the neighbor across the road had security cameras that pointed outside. Mr. Hunt was both relieved and frustrated. Relieved, because now Mathew could easily fight for most of his possessions. Frustrated because she had him fooled. With the last of the paperwork finished, Mr. Hunt slid the papers back to Mathew to look them over.
“Bitch can have the car. I just want my dogs, my guns, and all my memorabilia. God forbid I have some bit of happiness left after this shit show.”
Mathew kept his opinions to himself. He was getting paid well from this work. He wanted to say “If you kept your pants on, you would have everything including the kitchen sink.”
Sadly, Mr. Hunt fell to the most common of mistakes every married couple has. They never sign a prenup. They always go into marriage thinking it will be happy and nothing horrible will ever happen. Then a court case happens on who gets what, and how much. The worst was when it came to animals or family memories. Even worse when kids are involved.
Luckily Mr. Hunt’s children were all adults, and Mathew didn’t have to touch that problem. He hated the mess with Child Protective Services. It’s why he keeps his co-worker and friend Leo around. One less headache Mathew has to deal with, and more money Leo can make.
Mathew finished looking over all paperwork, acknowledging it was done correctly. “Well Jacob Hunt, it’s finally over. If you have any problems getting your belongings, first call me. If she won’t let you back in the house, then call the police and hand them this document here.”
Mr. Hunt took the file with all his finalized paperwork. “Let her stop me. Send her ass to jail for what she did to me.”
After Jacob Hunt left, Mathew rolled his eyes. Jacob believed he was the victim. Mathew didn’t care either way, he got paid well. He still had to file away everything, and submit the paperwork to the registry, so he went to the kitchen area and started to boil some water.
While he waited, Mathew went to check the mailbox. There were two letters for Leo that were thrown onto his desk. “He is going to hate this week. That’s five abuse claims in three days.” Mathew didn’t like people who harmed their children as much as the next reasonable guy.
However, he knew he couldn’t deal with the emotions of those court cases. Always too much crying and dancing the children in front of the Jury. Parents would claim it was a punishment, which most of the time it was. A good slap with a belt, or putting broccoli on their plate.
It’s when the kids have broken bones or black eyes that are the worst. Children that just never make eye contact. It forced Mathew to get emotionally involved. No, he liked his simple divorce cases. Just two humans fighting at each other's throats over a mint conditioned football signed by some quarterback.
Mathew heard the pot start to whistle and went to pour himself a cup of tea. “As much as I love America, the Brits do one thing right, and that is tea.” Earl Grey was Mathew’s go to, however tonight he wanted something different, and started to make a Black Tea. With a fresh cup, he went back to his desk and continued working.
A few hours later, the sun had started to dip behind the horizon, making Mathew’s office a golden hue. He glanced at his watch and frowned. “Damn it. Traffic is going to be a bitch.”
Mathew glanced at the sofa he had called a bed many times the past week, however for once he wanted to sleep in his own bed. He packed everything up and got ready to leave.
After putting on his jacket, he walked out the front door to see nothing. Gone was the pathway leading up to the door from the street. No cars, nor trees were in sight. He had stepped into a gray void.
He closed his eyes and shook his head, thinking it was him adjusting to the light. When his eyes opened, it was still the same.
All around him was gray. However, he did feel himself standing on something solid. Looking down at his feet, Mathew saw nothing but more gray. He could see himself, as if an invisible light source illuminated him from all directions.
“Hello?” Mathew called out. However, nothing was answered.
“What the actual fuck is going on here?” Mathew thought to himself. “Is it the second coming? Were my parents always right? Drugs? Am I dead?”
A series of thoughts filled his head and after a few moments something appeared in front of him. It was a blue box that floated about an arm’s length away.
Mathew realized there were words written on it.
Welcome to the Starting Void, the System has claimed your world under its protection. Remain calm while the magic finishes its work.
Mathew was more and more confused. He reached a hand out to touch the box. It was smooth like glass, or the surface of a phone. “Hello! Where am I? Who is doing this? I didn’t sign up for any prank shows!”
The sentence ‘Remain Calm’ did little to calm him down. Mathew looked around for any sort of hidden camera, but just saw more and more gray. He took a few steps in a random direction, but didn’t feel himself move. The Blue Box winked away as if it never existed.
A small bit of panic entered Mathews mind as he reached for his phone. He unlocked it and realized he had no service.
“Surely this isn’t real? The hell is going on!” A new prompt appeared, stopping Mathew’s inner worries.
Congratulations! You are one of the many Humans who did not die! Achievement awarded: Survivor
You and 75% of other Humans have been taken under the protection of me, The System. I bless each and every one of you with my magic to survive in your new way of life. I wish each of you the best of luck! This area you are currently in is a pocket dimension to protect you while you learn how to use the Menu. Simply say ‘Menu’ and everything will work from there, this will be the only time I will have direct contact with you.
“Huh? Menu? What does that-” Suddenly a new Blue Box, this with numbers and smaller boxes within showed up.
Name: Mathew McGoland
Race: Human [Novice]
Class: N/A
Profession: N/A
Level: 1
Universal Currency: 0
Titles: Survivor
Unallotted Stat Points: 5
“Is...is this some sort of video game screen?” Mathew asked out loud. The fact it hovered about half an arms length away from him was off putting. The fact it didn’t seem to come from a screen or projection, and it was a real thing was even borderline worrisome.
It has been several years since he ever played a video game that wasn’t on his phone and didn’t cost .99 cents. Yet, such a thing was commonplace these days, and almost anyone would recognize it for what it is.
Mathew had even more questions than before. Why did it have his name? Why was every stat a 10 if this represented him except for Vitality? What did the [Novice] mean by his race of being human?
“Uh, System thing? If you are real, I demand to have more information! What is going on here?” Mathew sounded less angry or upset, and more desperate. This was going too far for a prank. He was starting to believe it was real.
“This can’t really be real, can it?” Mathew asked himself, starting to almost believe it. The second message he received said he was part of the 75% of humans that survived something. What could that have been?
With no answer Mathew slumped over in defeat. He looked at his sheet seeing a little plus and minus sign on either side of the number 10 next to each stat. He had 5 points he could assign, so why not assign them? Maybe whatever is going on will answer him after he does.
He was tempted to slap them all into strength so he could finally have a more toned body, but something itched at him saying that would be a bad idea. What did a single point increase do exactly? Would a 20 in a stat be double what he could currently do now? Was a single point a 1% increase? 10%?
He scratched at his face more and more. He noticed he had a title called ‘Survivor’. When he focused on it, a new box appeared next to the one with his ‘Menu’.
Title: Survivor - For surviving The System claiming your world you have been awarded an increase to overall health. +1 to Vitality
“Okay, System….person….thing. I want out. I didn’t agree to be saved by you or anything of it. If this is a show of some sort, then I want out. I didn’t sign any paperwork, and nobody has legal authority over me. If they said they did, they lied. I won't ask again, I am a representative of the law! Either show yourself, explain what is going on here, or give me some god damned answers!” Mathew shouted toward what he assumed was a ceiling. He couldn’t see anything but more gray void upwards.
He waited with his arms crossed. His words and demands were useless here. Whatever was going on did not care for his status or position.
It felt as if half an hour went by before a new box appeared. Mathew at this point was starting to get used to blue boxes appearing and disappearing.
The Terms and Conditions authorized by The Council of Order, put in place by The System.
Below it was a very long worded text document. So long that it had a scroll bar smaller than the width of Mathew’s finger.
“Ha! Even a seemingly god-like power needs laws and rules to follow!” Mathew did what he did best when it came to legal documentation. He started to read it.
Around 80% of it was legal filler. Apparently whoever created this ether was a genius and covered things like Space Travel, Sun Eating Snakes, and actual Gods, or was mad crazy. The disappointing part was the fact Mathew had no clue what a lot of the laws The System had to obey were, if there were any.
Many lines simply referred to them by section and subsection of certain other legal documents. Without those, he had no clue what some of the Terms and Conditions were really saying. He was both impressed, and frustrated by such a clever work around. His Father would also be impressed, then laugh at such a ridiculous thing before approving it.
“If you are still there, what happens if I deny agreeing to this?” Mathew didn’t have to wait long.
You Die.
A shiver went down Mathews' back. Something he rarely felt in his life. Fear. He was a Lawyer, he was used to threats, and even on one occasion had a gun pointed at him in a courtroom. Yet this was a different level. This wasn’t a threat where he knew he had a higher chance of getting out of it alive than not.
This was an absolute. No way around getting out of this. No smooth talking, no legal loopholes, and no pockets he can grease with money. Either he accepted being saved and believed this place was actually real completely, or he died. It didn’t help that a timer popped up showing he had less than 1 hour to decide.
By completing your character sheet before leaving the Safety Void, you hereby agree to all the above stated conditions. This document is officiated by The Council of Order.
Mathew shook his head. “Fine, I’ll play along, just let me finish reading this damned thing please.” He didn’t wait for a response and finished reading the document with nine minutes left on the clock.
He saw one thing that peaked his interest. A section half way down talked about how the System was liable for his life. A newly saved planet had certain restrictions and sanctuaries that must be present. Why he would need a sanctuary he didn’t know. All he knew was that they existed and he planned on finding one ASAP.
Mathew read on about how the System will not direct him, or anyone for that matter, to take certain actions. It was like a Warden for a jail. It couldn’t force the prisoners to choose between drinking chocolate or normal milk with their breakfast. It simply provided, it was up to humans to choose their own decisions.
Another important part was the time limit Earth had to accustom themselves with their new savior: 735 planetary rotations, or in normal time, 2 years and 5 days. Why that number? Mathew didn’t have a clue, nor really cared. What he did care about was the fact he was starting to think this was real. No prank show would have such an airtight legal document.
He was about to open his menu when a brand new box appeared, this one making Mathew grin slightly.
Title Gained: Lawyer
As the first Human to read the terms and conditions start to finish you gained a title! This title grants you +5 to Wisdom and Intelligence.
“Greatness recognizes greatness, and even rewards it!” Mathew then turned to his status menu. He saw the Wisdom and Intelligence stats had updated with the increase Now he had to choose what to do with his 5 extra points.
Before he finished his sheat, a small worry crossed his mind. “The world is going to be in chaos if I get back and this was real. Robbery, Murder, and possibly monsters according to the TaC.”
He had a few scant minutes left and didn’t waste much time. “I doubt anyone else is getting that Title, or any in this gray void. I should capitalize on my small lead. Extra brain power never hurts anyone right? Besides, I have a gun at home, I don’t need strength or dexterity to fight like a barbarian with my fists.”
Mathew put 2 points into Intelligence, 2 in Wisdom, and 1 into Endurance. He didn’t feel any different. Not smarter nor the ability to endure more. Mathew hoped he understood Endurance correctly. He had a feeling he would be on the move a lot and would need to be awake and moving around a lot.
With a heavy sigh of acceptance, Mathew waited the last 45 seconds on his timer. “If this is some afterlife, I am going to owe my dad a huge apology.”
28 Seconds.
“Then again, if this is a prank show, I am going to become fucking rich with the legal circus I am going to be the Ring Leader of.”
12 Seconds.
Mathew braced himself watching the last of the timer tick away and as it reached one he closed his eyes and braced for anything to happen. He felt a shift in gravity, as he was suddenly laying down on his bed, at his own home.
He opened his eyes and looked around. It was dark outside, given the fact his room was cast in darkness. Mathew stood up and shouted, “Home. Lights on. I want any news update that comes out within the next few minutes. Anything related to the terms: Void, Gray, System, Blue Boxes.”
An affirmative beep went off and Mathew’s home came to life. Mathew took a deep breath. He steeled himself before he spoke one more word. “Menu”
In front of him popped up a blue box. All of it was real. Mathew didn’t know what to feel, but he knew instantly he had to start getting ready for the shitshow that was about to start. He quickly went to his phone to make a phone call when it started to ring. His father was calling him.
Mathew froze for a moment. His family ousted him years ago, but his dad was the only one to occasionally call him. Birthdays, Holidays, or when he had a new niece or nephew. Given the fact he knew none of his brothers were expecting, and it wasn’t any special day he was momentarily afraid to answer.
Doing so would almost admit that he believed the void really happened. Taking a deep breath to still himself he answered. “Hello”
He didn’t hear anything at first, just some deep breathing. “Mathew. It’s your Dad.”
“Yes, the caller I.D said so, are you okay?” Mathew didn’t want to say it, but a knowing chill went across him. His father experienced it too.
“It’s real. It’s all horrible. Your mother... she… she’s gone son.” He heard his father start crying after that sentence.
Mathew thought he long ago buried any emotions in his family, except maybe his father. “Dad, listen to me. You get your gun, and you stay safe. I have friends in the police. I can get an escort to you since you are also a Judge. We can head to Mayor Oliver’s winter home. It’s private property, we-”
“Mathew shut the fuck up and listen to me! Your mother is dead, didn’t you hear me?”
Mathew didn’t answer. His father never cursed unless he was drunk or emotionally distraught. “I heard you Dad, but-”
“Mat there are no buts. It’s real. I know you gave up the practice of serving the great lord, but I never did, nor did your mother and brothers. I prayed every day, and this is the second coming. Your mother has joined him in heaven, leaving us behind.”
“Dad, Mathew!” Mathew screamed at his dad to snap him out of his diliousion. Being named after his own father was sometimes a pain growing up. It also felt weird screaming his own name.
“Don't you ‘Dad’ me son! I’m not staying behind without your mother. We married till death did us part, but this wasn’t a normal death. She is waiting for me and I am going to join her.”
Mathew squeezed his eyes and shook his head. He had already started to pace back and forth in his home, anxiety taking over his body functions. He couldn't physically do anything to help his father right now.
“You can’t kill yourself Dad, that isn’t what she would want! The world is going to be in chaos, we have to get shelter and outlive it.”
“I love you son. Even with your sinful past, I still always loved you. I named you after myself. Your mother always wanted a daughter, and you were her last hope. I am going to call the rest of my boys, tell them I love them and then join your mother. Nothing you can do will stop me.”
Mathew was getting angry his dad wasn’t thinking logically. “Dad, no. I won’t let you take the easy way out of this damn it. Stay alive till I can get to you dad.”
“Goodbye son, I can’t wait to see you again.”
Those were the last words Mathew heard from his father. He was borderly angry, tempted to throw his phone across the room and yell in anger. His mother was gone, and now his dad would be too. The last family member that gave a damn about him.
He stood in his kitchen now, staring at his sink with the few dirty dishes in it. His mind was running a thousand different scenarios of what could happen until a ding from his home automation system disrupted his thoughts.
“Master Mathew, in the last 10 minutes over 187,988,002 reports related to requested search words have been discovered. You have 29 emails, 7 missed calls, and two missed video chat requests in the last 10 minutes.”
A moment passed before his computer spoke again. “You have 33 emails, 10 missed calls, and three missed video chat requests.”
“Computer no more updates.” Mathew waited a moment for the request to register. “Computer, run program: Stock Market Crash.”
“Please enter the password into the wall keypad for confirmation.”
Mathew walked to his office area and entered the twelve digit code for this program to run. He knew it was the end of the world, and money wasn’t going to save his ass. While it started to run, he went to a bookshelf and pulled out a book. Behind it was a dial lock attached to a thick steel door.
He twisted the dial to open his safe and turned on the lights as he walked into it. It was a dead zone for his computer, and not on any blueprints of his home. Being rich had perks, but it also made him a target. Inside were a few guns, boxes of ammo, and a few bags full of survival gear. He started to move things to his front living room when his personal phone buzzed. This time it was Leo.
Mathew was tempted to ignore it, but if he had to pick anyone nearby he trusted, it was Leo. He answered the phone and put it on speaker. “Leo, before you say anything, yes I am alive, yes I was in the void. I am getting the fuck out of this city. I am giving you a chance to come with me, but now it is a one time offer with a short time window to accept.”
“Mathew I knew you were a smart man, but already making moves? Damn Hermano. I am 100% taking your offer, but listen. My sister, she can’t be alone out here.” Leo’s Spanish accent was thick, even more so with him in an emotional panic.
Mathew cursed inwardly. He was afraid Leo was going to ask to bring his sister. He absolutely could, as his Stock Market Crash program would send a few bodyguards to pick him up and take him to a safe location incase of riots and mass looting. There were enough bodies and bullets to escort up to five people, maybe six if two were kids.
The problem was Leo’s sister was in the downtown area. That was about 40 minutes away, but 2 hours because of traffic. With the mass hysteria going on, Mathew didn’t like it. However, he couldn’t leave Leo behind.
“Fine, we have three hours. Pick me up and we can head to the meeting spot. I know you have that huge truck and a shotgun.”
Leo laughed. “You bet your ass I have Lucky with me! Good news for you, I am 10 minutes from your house. There are already people out and about going crazy. I assume you appeared at your home as well?”
Mathew didn’t even question the fact he magically appeared in his own home. It was a fact he didn’t think was important, but if he was at his home, then everyone would be as well. Why did that happen?
“Yes I am. Hence why I need your truck. Beats going on foot.” His car would still be in the parking lot outside his office on the other side of town.
“See you in a minute.”
Mathew continued to move supplies to his front door. He made a quick stop to check outside his window. His own home wasn’t in the middle of nowhere, as it would be too far of a drive to work every day. Instead he lived in the rich folks part of the city. He already saw people outside, but nobody had a weapon or looked deranged. Simply confused with one person on the ground crying.
“Computer, start program: Wasteland.”
Mathew was already at the monitor to enter the password. He hesitated a moment before hitting the enter key. This was his final trump card. It was for if America went to war with China, Russia, or any other big country to start a third World War. Nukes would absolutely be involved.
He was worried nukes would start dropping across the world and wanted to ensure a few last assets were secured. This would send a notification to all his brothers and friends of a doomsday bunker. How did Mathew get such a place? That was for him to never tell, a deal was a deal after all.
Plenty of clients did what they could to encourage Mathew to help them get all of their properties back. Especially the rich and powerful ones.
Mathew shook his head and hit enter. This program also deleted a lot of files, and even reset his home computer system to its factory settings. Since he would be leaving the place forever, he saw no reason not to. He didn’t like his brothers, and doubted any of them would come. Having extra hands around to secure his own safety was just a chance he couldn’t turn down.
Mathew looked over all his supplies. In total he had six duffle bags of stuff, plus his guns and a personal bag on his back. He changed clothes out of his work uniform into something more comfortable and had on a bullet proof vest over everything. He was not a member of the military or police, but took classes on using guns and how to protect himself if someone invaded his home.
Three bags had food, water, and medical supplies, one bag had ammo and the last of his guns and survival gear. One bag was filled with gold, silver, booze, and other items that would now be worth to trade. The last one was a special bag for him. It contained tea, books, and some other personal possessions. Along with a few folders of the blackmail, bribes, and favors he is owed. He couldn’t survive long in the new world without having assurances people did as they were told could he?
Leo was waiting outside for him. Between the two, all six bags were loaded up quickly and they drove off to pick up his sister.
- In Serial131 Chapters
I Can Create Perfect Accidents
John, who had been framed and wrongly imprisoned, was finally released. His five-year jail time had fostered his hatred toward the son of the Waters Conglomerate, Niel. However, John, who had no connections, could not do anything about it. When he had almost lost all hope while accompanying his girlfriend who was in a vegetative state thanks to Niel, he suddenly realized that there was a search bar right before his eyes! This search bar was just like the search bar in Google Chrome!
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Isekai Dungeoncrawl - Am Ende mit meinem Latein
I have always thought I would live out my life without any major surprises. You know, work on the estates of my parents, serve my time as a soldier, become a senator, a praetor, maybe a consul in time. I thought I will live the life that a Roman noble of my standing can count on. But this was not to be. My previously simple life got suddenly very complicated. I was taken from my home, and now I have to live in a world where no one speaks Latin, no one prays to my gods, and no one knows what the heck garum is. Before, I thought I had all the answers, but now only questions remain. Will I survive? Will I find my way back home? Will I ever be able to get the savage bastards living here to adopt the great accomplishments of Roman civilisation? Not even the gods know the answers. One thing is for sure: should I ever get home again; I will never set a foot outside of my estate without a healthy stockpile of garum. The cover is from Peter Paul Rubens' "The Death of Publius Decius Mus" This webnovel is partially based on a DnD campaign where a party of three players played the adventures The Sunless Citadel, The Forge of Fury and The Witches of Westwater.
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Sexy Sect Babes
“One in a billion.” Jack kept repeating the mantra in his head. “One in a billion.” That was the number the Omni-Corps liked to cite whenever someone stepped onto one trans-mat pad and then simply… never stepped off the other. “Safer than a car,” he repeated as he slogged through the snow, his mining overalls doing at least a passable job of keeping out the cold as he brushed aside a tree branch. “Safer than a plane. Or a starship. Safest form of transport in the Star League.” He slammed his fist into a nearby tree, exo-empowered strength shattering it into little more than scattered bark and kindling. “Yeah, well I never heard of a car ride stranding some prick in another dimension!” He roared, his voice echoing through the seemingly endless forest around him. Then he kept marching. He’d seen the fire off in the distance. And given all the snow around, he sincerely doubted it was natural. Which left the unnatural. Which meant people. He hoped. Because even if the trans-mat had screwed up, he doubted it had dumped him too far off the central finite curve. The fact that the air was breathable and that he could recognize the trees around him as oak told him that much. And if the dimension he was in had trees native to Earth, chances are it would have animals too. Of which humans would hopefully be no exception. “Because I’ll be damned if I spend the rest of my days talking to goddamn squirrels.” No, if there were humans on this mudball, he was going to find them. One way or another.
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Serenity of Reprisal [Completed]
The noble thief is known to take from the rich and give to the poor. The thief's tale is known throughout the kingdom of Ronan. However, the thief made a mistake. She stole from the wrong person. With his family now dead, he will seek reprisal. Nevan Prima will make the thief pay whatever the cost. Money, he can easily replace. But for the loss of his family, he will demand retribution.
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Pinball Vance (Vance Hopper x Reader)
!Completed story!
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Forbidden Gardens| Tokoyami x Reader book
There is smut in here, beware sinners (Y/N) was a 16 year old, a second year student at UA high. She lived in an abusive family, they would go days without feeding her and left her to die. She learned how to fend for herself. Her quirk is called Statis where she can temporarily stop time. with this quirk she got into UA high in class 1-A. Currently a second year, her and her best friend, Tokoyami fall slowly in love with eachother. He notices the scars on her body from her parents and made a vow to protect her.Your quirk: StatisInfo: You can stop time for a very short period.(I switched quirks whilst writing so sorry if it's different)
8 162