《Path of the Stonebreaker》Chapter 10 - An Honorsword's Word is Law
Chapter 10
An Honorsword's Word is Law
Judgement Hall was an immense courtroom with an incredible white dome ceiling. Inconceivably intricate pillars—the stone appearing to be wrought, twisting vines like a rope—soared up to meet the edges of the dome. Everything in glorious white marble with veins of black, gold and red gave the hall a cold and imposing atmosphere. Femira suspected that every inch of the courtroom had been created by a master stonecrafter. Regular tradesmen couldn’t craft with this kind of dexterity or vision. The court was filled with rows of benches and raised tiers lining the walls to accommodate all the noble highborn folk who felt the need to be seen. Femira shifted uncomfortably on the smoothed stonecrafted bench of white marble where she sat with Aden and Jaz near the back of the hall. At the head of the raised dias on the other side of the room was a throne made of the same ass-numbing marble.
“Epilas is the prime garrison of Reldon,” Aden informed her as he often took the liberty to do, “there are other citadels and barracks across the Kingdom, but here is where our main army is trained and stationed.”
“So that’s why almost everyone here is in military uniform,” Femira responded.
“Exactly—while technically there is a smaller war council where the generals and Highlords meet, this is the official military court of Reldon”
“And your King doesn’t even show up for it?” She asked to which both Aden and Jaz gave her hard looks, “he’s your King too,” Aden said firmly, “and no—The King doesn’t precede over the military court, his throne and the royal court is the Pillar—”
“—that’s the huge tower on the other side of the city?”
“That’s the one. The King holds the royal court there but the war council and the military court is led by the Lord Commander here in Epilas.”
“And that’s Prince Landryn?” She asked.
“Prince Landryn Tredain, Lord Commander and East Marshal of the Reldoni Army, Highlord of Epilas,” Jaz said, “my brother serves directly as his banner holder on the battlefield,”—a weird honour Femira thought, “—He’s never had much to say about him, other than he’s ruthless.”
“They say he led the charge when the gate was breached at Altarea. Cut down dozens of stormguards himself,” Aden chimed in.
“Did he train with the bloodshedders too?” Femira asked, her interest piqued.
“He made the bloodshedders,” Jaz answered, “he and General Garld started recruiting all the highly skilled runewielders out of the ranks a few years ago. Made the order of bloodshedders as a new class.”
“People still aren’t really sure where we fit in the hierarchy either,” Aden added, “we’re seen as higher than regular soldiers and knights, and higher than some of the lower ranking officers but definitely lower than the Captains. We report to General Garld as you know and the officers in the bloodshedder ranks, but outside of our company, we don’t really fit with the regular military.” Femira nodded, she’d been unsure about that. She’d already noted the special treatment the bloodshedders received compared to the rest of the army.
The afternoon laboured on and Femira had discovered that court was incredibly boring. For hours, a procession of highborn nobles and military officers presented grievances against each other to the court. Prince Landryn—another typical dark-haired Reldoni man—who she could barely see from her position hadn’t even spoken for the entirety of the afternoon so far. The other men and women in Reldoni officer uniforms—Femira had learned that the more frilly bits of silver or gold trim they had on their uniform was usually an indicator of how much of a higher rank they were to you—were speaking on behalf of the Prince. Him being at the top, you’d think his entire jacket would just be made from golden knots. But no, his uniform was surprisingly less decorated than most of the officers seated near the front.
The grievances weren’t even interesting; Lord so-and-so hasn’t paid stipends for months to whoever, and on and on and on.
Why do people attend this? She understood why Garld wanted her to attend. She was—as far anyone was concerned—Lady Annali. He needed her to pretend like Annali supported the new Reldoni authority in Altarea. There were a few Altarean and Keiran officials in attendance but thankfully none had approached her. She wasn’t even sure what she’d say if they did.
It was only when two dark-skinned Keiran men approached the raised dais did Femira’s wandering mind snap back to the court proceedings.
“Honorswords Azul Jahasa and Havran Karas,” one of them announced. Both wore the ceremonial gilded armour of Keiran Honorswords with bright yellow cloaks with the red sun insignia of Keiran emblazoned at the center.
The yellow cloaks and gilded armour were a jolt of colour that caught the eye amongst the sea of black and red uniforms, it grabbed your attention like a sudden shout that breaks a long silence. It wasn’t the armour of someone trying to sneak up on you. Both men were darker than Femira, their skin a deep brown. Their long black hair and beards braided with golden clasps. They had the marked red eyes of men sworn as Honorswords.
Femira’s brothers had often told her stories about the Honorswords of their homeland; both judges and executioners, they travelled the lands of Keiran administering the decisive—and often brutal—laws of the Keiran Emperor. The Honorswords were the voice of the Emperor, their word was the law of Keiran. Once sworn as Honorsword of the Emperor, they said you were no longer human, he took away your humanity and you became an embodiment of Keiran law.
“The Military Court of Reldon recognises you Honorsword Jahasa, Honorsword Karas,” one of the officers replied, “what matter do you wish to lay before the Lord Commander?”
“A crime against His Grand Excellency, the Emperor of Keiran,” Honorsword Jahasa proclaimed, his melodic Keiran accent echoing against white marble dome, “a crime committed by Prince Landryn, Lord Commander of Reldon.”
The air in the hall grew tense, the room was filled almost entirely with high-ranking Reldoni military. It was a testament to the arrogance of the Honorswords that they could make a statement like that with such confidence in this place. “Prince Landryn has taken control of the city of Altarea and its surrounding islands. He has murdered King Amenia Solodan and taken the royal family of Altarea as his hostages.
His Grand Excellency demands that the Reldoni forces withdraw from the Altarean Islands, to allow Altarean allies to restore their original government and to return all that had been misappropriated from the Altarean Palace and Osiri Mines.” Shouts of hostile protests rose throughout the hall as the Honorsword spoke.
It was only when a stocky Redloni soldier who stood close to the dais, began to slam the base of his enormous axe against the floor did the crowd begin to settle, “Silence,” he roared, repeating the word in his bellowing voice, the word resounding through the acoustics of the Hall. Femira realised that this must have been the intended purpose of his long shafted axe.
She had not noticed throughout the afternoon’s proceedings that Garld had also been seated on the dias alongside the other high-ranking officers.
Well he is one of the generals, so I guess that makes sense.
He was now on his feet—along with another three of the high ranking officers—conferring quietly with the Prince on his raised throne. After a few moments, the Prince dismissed them and rose to stand himself.
“Your accusation has no merit, Honorsword Jahasa,” Landryn announced loudly. While his voice did not boom as the soldier with the axe, it still carried strongly throughout Judgement Hall, “The Altarean Islands are part of Reldon, and have been since my ancestor, Queen Elyina, forged this kingdom from the ashes of the Sorcerer King’s reign. It was King Amenia’s grandfather who insurrected the city—whose militia of pirates seized power and murdered the rightful Highlord of the city. Our invasion of Altarea was an act of reclamation; to liberate our own citizens from the false King.
A false King who had no right to the Highlord seat of Altarea. Who had no right to proclaim himself as a King, when Altarea is—and always has been—part of the Kingdom of Reldon!
A false King whom I executed for his treason against Reldon.
But I am not without mercy. I have not destroyed House Solodan utterly, I have spared the false King Amenia's heir from the misdeeds of his family. An infant should not be held to account for the crimes of his father. I can assure you that his wardship to the new Highlord of Altarea is a gift to House Solodan’s continuity and when he comes of age he will be offered a seat on the ruling council of Altarea, a generous offer for a House that stole the city in the first place.”
“Your claim that Altarea is part of Reldon by right is ludicrous,” Honorsword Karas rebutted, “If Reldon has any claim to the city, the crown should have enforced this right decades ago.”
“Forty years of skirmishes and raids on our shores could not be ignored. Prince Landryn finally brought a decisive end to the Altarean rebellion,” one of the Reldoni Generals standing on the dias replied, a grey haired man with a ridiculously pointed moustache, and a stocky frame that bulged in his decorated uniform.
“You call it a rebellion, but Altarea is a nation in its own right and has been for almost half a century, her people are not Reldoni citizens,” Karas said with reproach, “Keiran will not stand by as her allied people are subjugated and monarchies murdered.”
“If Keiran will not stand for it,” the moustached General rebuked and barked a bitter laugh, “where was Keiran when our warships sailed to Altarea. When we reclaimed the city and sieged the palace for weeks. Where was Keiran when we raised the Reldoni flag from the palace towers.
Where was Keiran when we executed the false King!” His voice becoming even more heated, “your Emperor sends his envoys here. You call our claim on Altarea to be ludicrous, well I call your alliance with Altarea to be ludicrous, it is laughable that your Emperor’s cowardice—”
“—Knight-Marshal Mattice, that is enough,” Prince Landryn interjected, silencing the now red-faced man. The tension had risen markedly in the hall. Despite that there were only two of the Keiran Honorswords, many of the Reldoni soldiers in attendance seem to be resting their hands on their weapons. Honorsword Karas himself was gripping the hilt of his oversized sword so intently that his entire body seemed to be shaking.
“Such insult to His Excellency will not be suffered” Karas snarled, “As Honorsword of Keiran, I challenge you Knight-Marshal Mattice to combat.”
“Forgive my Knight-Marshal’s guileless remarks,” Landryn responded, “he speaks out of turn. I accept that insult has been made to your Emperor but the crown of Reldon does not share this conviction, I assure you. As Honorswords of Keiran, I understand that you speak with the voice of your Emperor, but I also understand that you listen with his ears. And so I give you this message for your Emperor;
I refute your accusations. Reldoni forces will not withdraw from Altarea nor will the newly established Highlord be displaced. My father—King Abhran Tredain—will remain as the reinstated sovereign of Altarea. Keiran and Altarea had an alliance but it was one that had not yet been bonded by blood. My father has always been an advocate for diplomacy between Reldon and Keiran. Under his guidance, I strive only for unity, my ardour for the peace and welfare of the Altarean people—Reldoni citizens by right—does not falter before your accusations. My message for your Emperor is this:
Together, let us embrace this new peace. We will welcome His Excellency or any dignitaries he wishes to send in his place to treat with us in agreeing the terms to ensure this peace between us through diplomacy with my father, the King.
You knew this coming here, you didn’t truly believe that I would accept your accusations, that I would offer myself to the judgement of your Emperor and withdraw our army from Altarea. If the Emperor wishes to discuss terms for peace between our nations then he is welcome to come and treat with my father.”
The Honorswords did not immediately respond, instead conferring with each other quietly. Femira felt her heart pumping in her chest, the stories of Keiran Honorswords depicted them as monsters, administering the merciless law on whomever they saw fit. There had been stories of Honorswords slaughtering entire villages for the crimes committed by only a few. It was the more calm of the two who eventually responded.
“We will relay your message before the Court of the Sun and the Emperor,” Jahasa responded, “But the insult made against His Excellency cannot be suffered. And so my comrade’s challenge for combat remains.”
“I accept your challenge,” Knight-Marshall said, “and I name Sir Sadrian Graves as my champion.”
“Honorswords have no need for champions,” Karas replied coolly, “we place our own lives behind our words. Your tradition of naming champions lacks courage and weakens the conviction of one’s own word… but I will face your champion nonetheless.
Another matter is the abduction of Lady Annali Jahar. She is Keiran by blood and was married to the Altarean highborn Lord Reselas—another of the many casualties of your invasion. The Court of the Sun and House Jahar are concerned for her wellbeing and safety.” Femira felt her stomach drop as many faces turned to her, only now remembering that she was in attendance.
Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit. Run!
“Lady Annali is an unconstrained guest here in Epilas,” Garld spoke for the first time to the Honorswords, Prince Landryn giving him a pointed look.
“She returned willingly with our forces to Epilas and has been a proponent for the Reldoni occupation of Altarea,” Garld said calmly. Femira felt herself sinking further into her seat, desperately trying to make herself disappear from the eyes on her. The two Honorswords exchanged sceptical glances. Honorsword Jahasa spoke first, “we will require evidence for this claim.”
“Your evidence sits right over there,” Garld responded, pointing directly to where Femira sat. Her heart thudded loudly in her ears and chest. She felt the thrum of the earthstone’s power throughout her entire body, she actively resisted the urge to turn the bench and ground below her to dust. Both Honorswords turned to her, their eyes searching the crowd in the direction Garld was pointing. It was Karas that spotted her first, his vibrantly red eyes landing on her. Despite trying to make herself even smaller, her dark Keiran skin stood out notably against all of the light tan Reldoni.
“Lady Annali Jahar,” Karas called to her, “You will return with us to Keiran.” Somehow she managed to hear him over the pounding of her heart and the overwhelming thrum of her earthstone’s power. It resonated with her, responding to her fear. Unconsciously, she was sinking herself slightly into the stone bench.
“No,” she whispered.
“I don’t think they can hear you,” Aden murmured next to her. She couldn’t speak up, not against Honorswords. They’ll kill me, they’ll kill me if I speak against them, their word is law. But they would also kill her if she went with them and found out she was most definitely not Annali Jahar.
“No, please no,” she found herself weakly whispering.
“Lady Annali has decided to remain here,” Garld said. Thank you Garld. Thank you, you wonderful man “Her marriage to Prince Reselas was an offering of alliance between Altarea and Keiran. And from that union, she was accepted by the Altarean people so she is now a Reldoni citizen, the same courtesy we offer to all Altareans. She has every right to remain here if she wishes to.”
“We do not recognise your claim that Altareans are Reldoni citizens. She is Keiran, and she will return with us,” Karas responded sharply, his red eyes finally pulling away from her and back on Garld.
“If your Emperor decides to make a treaty with us,” Landryn interjected decisively, “then we can negotiate Lady Annali’s future, but for now she remains in our protection, if that is her wish,” His dark eyes falling on her for the first time.
I can’t go with them.They’d kill her the second they realised that she was lying.
Honorsword Karas was shaking again, although Femira was unsure if that was just her own eyes shaking as her entire body thrummed with the earthstone’s power. The Honorsword grimaced, “Bah,” and then announcing in Keiran dialect, “Annali Jahar, as Honorsword, I command you to return with us to the Court of the Sun.”
“No!” She shouted in response, in common tongue so that the Reldoni would understand her.
She jumped to her feet, her whole body trembled and she roared, “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m staying right here!”
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