《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 27 Breaking Dawn Part 1
I was sitting with Jasper when the house started to fade it turned into Jacob's house. He storms out of the house and throws what looks to be Bella and Edward's wedding invitation on the ground. He starts running off into the woods. He takes his shirt off as he is running. Bill rolls out of the house.
"Jake! Jacob!" Billy yelled
Jacob turns into his wolf as he heads into the forest. Billy sighs and looks down at the wedding invitation. He picks up the invitation and looks at it. Everything changes now I'm at home with Charlie holding the invitation. He has his face in one hand while looking at it. Charlie looks out the window. Everything changes again now my where Renee lives who is holding the wedding invitation.
"Phil." Renee said
Renee starts walking towards the house. Phil comes into the shot only seeing the back of his head.
"It's happening." Renee said
Then everything changes, I'm back at the Cullen house. Jasper is inches from my face.
"Hey, are you okay, you zoned out." Jasper said
"Yeah. Just watching the fall out of the invitation." I said
Jasper nodded his head. Jasper and I got up and headed outside to watch Bella attempt to watch Bella walk in heels. She stumbles a little.
"You just have to break them in." Alice said
"I've been breaking them in. for three days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella asked
"No, something tells me if you do it would kill Alice." I said
Bella glared at me. Alice giggled.
"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this." Bella said
Bella makes motions over to Carlisle and Mason who are carrying benches for the wedding.
"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect." Alice said
Emmett then comes into view carrying a long tree truck.
"Where do you want them, boss?" Emmett asked
"On either side of the aisle." Alice said
"What aisle?" Rosalie asked
"Does no one have vision?" Alice asked
Bella takes this time to take off her heels and put back on her converse. She looks up into a window to see Edward watching his family.
"Sometimes Bella I swear Edward is a wiredo." I said
"You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order." Alice said
"Okay." Bella said
Alice and Bella hug. Bella walks away. Alice picks up the shoes, and smiles. Jasper and I were headed back inside the house. Alice grabbed my arm.
"Nope, Ana you are going home and going to bed just like Bella." Alice said
"Fine." I said
I turned around kissed Jasper goodbye and headed to my bike and drove off towards the house. I got home and went inside. I headed to my room. I heard Bella moving around inside her room.
"I was just checking for cold feet." Edward said
"Well, mine are toasty warm." Bella said
"It's not too late to change your mind." Edward said
"What? Now you're having second thoughts?" Bella asked
"No, I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan." Edward said
"But?" Bella asked
"I haven't told you everything about myself." Edward said
"What? You're not a virgin?" Bella asked
I snorted and I hear Edward chuckle.
"Look, you can't scare me away now." Bella said
"Look, a few years after Carlisle created me, I rebelled against him. I resented him for curbing my appetite. And so for a while, I went off on my own. I wanted to know it felt to hunt. To taste human blood." Edward said
I stopped listening I didn't think it was right to eavesdrop on this private personal conversation. I sat on bed I felt wind I turned around and saw Jasper.
"What's up?" I asked
"Getting Edward for his bachelors party." Jasper said
"Good luck with that." I said
Jasper and I then walked over to Bella's room. I opened the door.
"Don't worry, Bella, we'll give him back in plenty of time." Jasper said
Jasper kisses my forehead then jumps out of Bella's bedroom window.
"I'll meet you at the altar." Edward said
"I'll be the one in white." Bella said
Bella's laughing as Edward jumps out the window and playfully shoves his brothers. Bella looks out the window. Emmett, jasper, and Edward laugh and then run off. Bella and I both look after them. I leave the room and get into bed, I lie down and fall asleep.
Bella and I were at the Cullen house. Alice and I were getting her ready.
"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice asked
"Sorry, bad dream. It was wedding jitters." Bella said
"Do you need some help? I could do her hair." Rosalie said
"Really?" Bella asked
"Please. I'm not offended by your choice of groom." Rosalie said
"Just my blatant lack of respect for mortality." Bella said
"Essentially." Rosalie said
"Well I'm going to go get change." I said
"Weddings. They bring everyone together." Alice said
I walk downstairs and see dad looking at the Cullen's walk of graduation caps with curiosity.
"Hey, mom. Dad." I said
"Hi Ana. Charlie did you find our other daughter." Renee said
"Are those graduation caps?" Charlie asked
Renee turns to look at the caps.
"How creative." Renee said
"Or weird." Charlie said
"Ana where are Alice and Bella?" Renee asked
"Upstairs to the right." I said
I left them and headed to Jasper's room where my outfit was waiting. I quickly changed and headed down stairs and outside. I was heading to sit down when Eric stopped me.
"Okay spill is there a gene in the Cullen family that makes them all super hot?" Eric asked
"Not that I'm aware of." I said
"I'm mean they have to be related." Eric said
"What a gene pool." Mike said
"Seriously. You've got some... drool." Eric said
"So, you think Bella's gonna be showing?" Jessica asked
"Jess, she is not pregnant." Angela said
"Jessica you say my sister is pregnant one more time, I swear I will kill you." I said
"Okay, then who gets married at 18?" Jessica sked
"Bella does." I said
I headed back towards the house. I see Bella and Dad exiting the house.
"You look beautiful Bella." I said
"So do you, Ana." Bella said
"You ready?" Dad asked
Yeah. Just don't let me fall, dad" Bella said
"Never." Dad said
I turned I headed back down the aisle towards my spot. I nodded my head and the person controlling the music started to play Here comes the Bride. Bella and Dad made their way down the aisle. Once they got to the alter dad let Bella go.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me." the Minister said
"I, Edward Cullen." Edward said
"Take you, Bella Swan." the minster said
"Take you, Bella Swan." Edward said
"To have and to hold." the Minster said
"To have and to hold." Edward said
" For better or for worse." Bella said
"For richer, for poorer." Edward said
"In sickness and in health." Bella said
"To love." Edward said
"To cherish. As long as we both shall live." Bella said
"I do." Edward said
"I do." Bella said
"I love you." Edward said
"I love you too." Bella said
They kiss and everyone stands up and claps. We all head to the reception. I see Jessica and the others staring at the gigantic wedding cake.
"Just thought it'd be bigger." Jessica said
"Yeah." Eric said
Alice, Mason, and Jasper make their way over to use. Jasper wraps his arm around my waist.
"You look stunning Lily." Jasper said
"Hi." Jessica said
"Hi, guys." Alice said
"We were just saying how pretty everything is, you know, just saying." Jessica said
"Well, thanks so much. You didn't think it's too much?" Alice asked
"No. Not at all." Eric said
"No. No." Jessica said
I look over my shoulder to see Bella and Edward talking with Billy. Si I being my noisey self insisted in.
"Nice to see you." Edward said
"I'm happy for you." Billy said
"Thank you." Edward said
"I hope you'll be happy, Bella." Billy said
"Thank you, Billy. Have you heard from him?" Bella asked
"I'm sure Jake wishes you the best. Well, I plan on getting drunk. They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne, sue, can I get you a glass?" Billy asked
"Sparkling fire water. Sounds great." Sue said
I grabbed Jasper's hand and dragged him off towards Bella and Edward.
"Bella. Congratulations, Edward." Carmen said
"Thank you." Edward said
"Eleazar and Carmen, right?" Bella asked
"So you are the Eleazar and Carmen I've heard so much about." I said
"Mmm-hmm. You must be Lilliana." Eleazar said
"Yes. I am." I said
"Yes, and these are our cousins from Alaska. Tanya, Kate." Edward said
"We've heard so much about the both of you." Kate said
"All good things I hope." I said
"Yes all good thing." Carmen said
"Welcome to the family. Bienvenida." Eleazar said
"Thank you. Irina." Bella said
"Come meet Bella, and Lilliana." Carmen said
Irina is staring at Billy and Seth, she turns walks over to Carmen.
"I can't do this." Irina said
"You promised." Tanya said
"They invited one." Irina said
"Irina, he's our friend." Edward said
"They killed Laurent." Irina said
I looked at Jasper then at Bella.
"Irina you do not need to fear the wolves and they did not kill Laurent, I did he tried to kill my sister." I said
"I don't believe that. He wanted to be like us. To live in peace with humans. With me." Irina said
"I'm sorry." Edward said
Irina walked away.
"Irina." Carmen said
"Well. Let's not monopolize the ride, congratulations." Eleazar said
"Thank you." Bella said
They walk away.
"Sorry." I said
"Well, what's a wedding without some family drama?" Edward asked
"Thanks Edward." I said
We all headed to sit to get ready for the toast.
"Excuse me. Is this on? Hello? Umm, I'd like to propose a toast. To my new sister. Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep these last 18 years. 'cause you won't be getting any more for a while." Emmett said
Emmett laughs but everyone else just looks at him awkwardly. Jessica then takes his place.
"Well, Bella was just like everybody else, totally mesmerized by Edward. Or "The Hair," as I all him. And then, suddenly, Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Or the president of the student council" Jessica said
Charlie then takes her place.
"Edward will e a good husband. I know this because I'm a cop. I know things. Like how to hunt somebody to the ends of the Earth. And I know how to use a gun." Charlie said
Alice then takes his place.
"Now that you're my sister, you'll have to get over your aversion to fashion. Skirts, heels, handbags.
Renee took her place and sang. Esme then took Renee's place.
"I'd like to thank Renee and Charlie for bringing such wonderful people into the world and into our lives. We will cherish and protect them both forever." Esme said
Edward then took her place.
"It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to. And who will accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. And with Bella, I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever." Edward said
I then took his place.
"When Edward and Bella first started dating I didn't like him, even last month I still didn't quite like him. But they have ben though a lot and I have learned that Edward will do anything and everything for Bella and she will do the same for him. Edward you are family now in many ways. Edward welcome to the family." I said
Everyone clapped, I saw Edward nod his head to me. I smiled and got off the stage. The music started to play. I made my way over to Jasper. Jasper and I then followed after Edward and Bella.
"Another one of your gifts just arrived." Edward said
"What?" Bella asked
"Yeah, come on." Edward said
"What's a wedding present doing out here?" Bella asked
"Just a little more private." Edward said
Jacob then appears ahead of them.
"The best man didn't have time to get a tux." Jacob said
"Jacob. Jacob." Bella yelled
She runs towards him and jumps into his arms to hug him, both laughing.
"Hey." Bella said
"Hey, Bella. Ana." Jacob said
"Hey." I said
"This is kind of you." Bella said
"Kind is my middle name." Jacob said
"I'll see if Rosalie wants to dance." Edward said
"It was nice seeing you Jacob." I said
Jasper nodded his head. I grabbed Jasper's hand and we walked back towards the party.
"When do you want to tell everyone about us?" Jasper asked
"It doesn't matter to me. Jasper as long as we are together." I said
"How about when Bella and Edward come back from their honeymoon." I said
"Sounds good." Jasper said
"Now then lets go dance." I said
Jasper and I dance for a while but then I get a bad feeling about Bella and Jake. I make way off the dance floor and towards where Bella and Jake are. I get there and a few seconds later Edward and Jasper are there as well.
"Jacob, calm down, all right?" Edward asked
"Are you out of your mind? Huh? You'll kill her." Jacob yelled
Sam and a few other member s of the pack have found their way to us.
"Walk away, Jake. Enough, Jacob." Sam says
"Stay out of this, Sam." Jacob said
"You're not gonna start something that we'll have to finish." Sam said
"She'll die." Jacob said
"She not our concern anymore. Let's go." Sam said
"So does that mean I'm no longer your concern Sam?" I asked
"Ana I didn't mean it like that." Sam said
"Yes you did. All of you mean it. I keep forgetting how egotistical and self centered you wolves are. I regret a lot of things but one of the things I regret the most is creating you. I created you guys to not only hunt the vampire but help them. And throughout history it has gotten twisted up in your stupid man brains into something its not. And I'm so over it. So get out of my sight." I said
None of them moved so in my amazingly scary alpha voice said it again just more angry.
"I said get out of my sight." I yelled
Which made the men force shift into wolves and they took tail and rain.
"That was awesome." I heard Emmett say
"How come nothing happened to Jacob?" Bella asked
"All in time Bella, all in time." I said
Jacob just laughed and walked away.
"Come on, people are probably missing us. Let's go back." Edward said
We all headed back to the party. Emmett ran over and hugged me.
"That was awesome." Emmett said
"Yes I heard you say that." I said
We party and a had fun for another hour. Then it was time for Edward and Bella to leave.
"So, he really won't tell you where he's taking you?" Renee asked
"No, it's a surprise." Bella said
"I know where your going." I said
"You want to tell me?" Renee asked
"Nope." I said
"Well, wear a hat. Sunscreen. Take care of yourself." Renee said
"I will." Bella said
"Okay." Renee said
Renee hugs Bella.
"I love you, Bella." Renee said
"I love you." Bella said
"So much." Renee said
"Thank you." Bella said
"Everything's packed and ready to go." Charlie said
"Cool." Bella said
"Oh. I'm gonna go see him. Yeah." Renee said
Renee hugs me and then leaves.
"Dad." Bella said
"Well... it's gonna be strange, you both not living under my roof." Charlie said
"Yeah. It's gonna be strange for us, too." Bella and I said
"You know it will always be your home, right?" Dad said
Bella and I both nod our heads.
"I love you, Dad. Forever." Bella said
Bella hugs Charlie.
"I love you, too, Bells. I always have and I always will. All right. Go on. You don't wanna miss your plane. Wherever it's going." Charlie said
"Okay. Bye." Bella said
"You ready?" Edward asked
"Yeah, I'm ready." Bella said
I walked over and hugged Bella.
"Call me if you need anything. Okay." I said
"I will." Bella said
And with that Bella and Edward go in their car and drove away. I turned to Jasper.
"Do you think she will like the Isle Esme." I asked
"Yeah I think she will." Jasper said
"Good." I said
"Now then Miss Swan, I just wanted to say how amazing you look in that dress." Jasper said
"Why thank you Mr. Whitlock." I said
"But I think it would look even better on the floor." Jasper said
"Well why don't got test that theory." I said
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