《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 7
We are almost to our destination, Bella had woke up see wasn't mad at me she actually thanked me. She had took out her phone calling mom again.
"Mom, it's me again. You must have let your phone die. Anyway, I'm not in Forks anymore but I'm okay. I'll explain when you call." Bella said into the phone
She hangs up, then turns to look out the window. I had noticed Bella had fallen back to sleep when we got to the hotel Mason carried her upstairs to the room. He laid her down on the bed, a few more minutes passed before she woke up.
"How did I get on the bed?" Bella asked
"You feel asleep and Mason carried you up here and put you on the bed." I said
Alice had bought in food for Bella and I but she would not eat. All she did was keep looking at her phone willing it to ring.
"I wish he'd call." Bella said
"You should eat." Alice said
But Bella ignores her and the food.
"They could get hurt. It's not worth it." Bella said
"Yes. It is. Edward's changed since he found you. And none of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you. The same goes for Ana, none of us have seen Jasper this happy." Mason said
Alice gets that blank look and sits on the couch. Mason is instantly at her side.
"What do you see?" Mason asked
"The tracker. He just changed course..." Alice said
I went and grab a pad of paper and a pencil and out it in front of her.
"Where will it take him, Alice?" Mason asked
I read her mind to see what she saw. I saw James standing in a room full of...
"Mirrors. It's a room of mirrors." Alice said
Alice begins to draw at hyper speed,
"How do the visions work? Edward said they weren't always certain." Bella said
"She sees the course people are on, while they're on it. If they change their minds, the visions change." Mason said
Bella and I look at picture then I remember why it looks so familiar.
"So the course James is on now will lead him to... a ballet studio?" Bella asked
"You've been here?" Alice asked
"No. I don't know. Ana and I used to take ballet lessons as a kid. The school had an arch like that." Bella said
"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Mason asked
"Yeah, around the corner from my house. But we haven't been there in ten years." I said
"Do you have any reason to go now?" Mason asked
"No. Hell, no. I hated the place." Bella said
"Really I loved it." I said
Alice and Mason share a look trying to figure this out. Bella jumps when her cell phone rings. She answers the phone.
"Edward. Are you alright?" Bella asked
"I'm coming to get you. We lost the tracker. The woman is still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are protecting your father." Edward said
"This is my fault. You warned me, Ana warned me, but I didn't think. I just..." Bella said
"Bella, we're in to deep. We can't change how we feel..." Edward said
"No...we can't. When will you get here?" Bella asked
"In a couple hours. Then you an di will go somewhere. Together. The others will keep hunting. Bella, I swear to you, I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again." Edward said
"I know." Bella said
"Jasper wants to talk to Ana. Can your put her on." Edward said
"Jasper." I said
"Hey, I'm on my way with Edward. Please don't do anything stupid." Jasper said
"Really that's what you are going to tell me. Let me get something straight if it come down to Bella or me. I would gladly die in her place. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe. I love you Jasper." I said
I hung up the phone and gave it back to Bella. I was pissed I could see the storm clouds forming in the air I could feel the thunder and the lighting. If James even lays a hand on Bella he will die a very painful death. Bella had walked back into her you and gathered he things. Her phone rings again. I listen in again.
"Mom, I'm so glad you got my --" Bella was cut off
"Bella? Ana? Where are you?" Rene said panicked
"Calm down, Mom. Everything is fine, okay? I'll explain every--" Bella was once again cut off
"...Mom? Are you there?" Bella asked
Bella is beyond panicked. The next thing I hear sends me over the edge.
"Nice house you have here. Not the best on the block, but comfortable. I was prepared to wait for you and your sister. But then Mom came home after she received a very worried call from your Dad. It all worked out quite well. I must say, Forks High School doesn't protect its students privacy very well. It was just too easy for Victoria to find your previous address" James said
"Bella? Ana?" Rene said
Bella couldn't say anything I don't think she could have moved once everything sit in. So I ran over and took the phone from her hands.
"Leave my mother out of this." I said
"You're protective of her. That's nice. You can sill save her. But you'll need to get away from your friends. Can you do that?" James asked
"I...don't think so." Bella said
"If you mother's life depends on it?" James asked
"Don't you dare touch her." I said
"Where should we meet you?" Bella asked
"The old ballet studio around the corner. And I'll know if you bring anyone other than your sister. Poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake. She smells like you." James said
Bella starts looking for something. She finds and we head out of the room. We see Alice and Mason loading up the Mercedes. We head out the other door and into a taxi. Bella tells the driver where to go.
"8th and Palo Verde, please." Bella said
The taxi pulls out of the hotel parking lot and on to the road. I go into Bella's mind to see what she is thinking. What hear makings me proud and sad. I've never given much thought to how I would die...but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go... The taxi pulls up the studio we get out I pay the man and he drives away leaving Bella and I on the curb. I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me or my sister face to face with death...they also brought me to Edward and her to Jasper. She grabs my hand and we walk inside we can hear a faint voice of someone saying Bella and Ana. As we walk farther inside we hear Rene.
"Bella, Ana, where are you?" Rene asked
We turn around trying to find the source. We walk towards the sound, which lead us to a cleaning closet we open the doors to find a video playing. We hear someone laughting we turn around and see James in all the mirrors.
"That's my favorite part. Stubborn children, weren't you two?" James asked
"She's not here." Bella says with relief and I say with rage
"Sorry. But you really made it too easy." James said
Then he moves from the mirrors to standing in front if us, pointing a camera at us.
"So to make things more entertaining, I'm going to make a little film of our time together. Borrowed this from your house. Hope you don't mind. And...action" James said
Bella throws her bag at him and we head towards the door.
"Excellent. An escape attempt." James said from in front of us.
"It'll break Edward and Jasper's little heart." James said
He grabs a piece of Bella's hair and smells it, then he touches her throat.
"Edward/Jasper has nothing to do with this." Bella and I said
"They will. Their rage will make for more interesting sport than their feeble attempt to protect you two." James said
He was having to much fun to notice the pepper spray in Bella's hand. She sprays him and run towards the exit again. James reels back briefly before jumping and landing in front of us. Amused, he flings us across the floor like a bowling ball. We smash hard into a mirrored column. James captures it all on tape. Yeah us.
"Beautiful. Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well." James said moving closer to us.
"Still stubborn, aren't you? Is that what makes you two so special? Because frankly, I don't see it." James said
He inhales as if he can already tastle us.
"Too bad they didn't have the strength to turn you two. Instead, they kept you this fragile little human. It's cruel, really." James said
James flips the camera on but the lens is coated with pepper spray. He tries to wipe it off but can't.
"Well done. You've succeeded in annoying me." James said
He then stomps on her shin, I can hear it snap. Bella scream in agony.
"Tell Edward how much it hurts. Tell him to avenge you." James said
"No. Edward don't..." Bella says
I have had it. As James leans in to taste Bella, I get up grab his neck and throw him across the room. Wind starts to blow, outside you can hear thunder and see the lighting. The floor boards came up. My eyes changed, I could feel the power flowing through me. I used my ablity to control water to control his body, I made him stand up and walk towards me, I had planned on killing him... but nothing ever goes as planned. Edward came out no way and tackled him.
"You're alone...because you're faster than the others. But not stronger." James said
"I'm strong enough to kill you." Edward said
Edward flings James backwards -- smashing through a freestanding mirror -- into the doorway. He scoops Bella up and leaps toward the balcony exit door -- when suddenly he and Bella are jerked downward. ames yanks Edward violently onto the floor -- knocking Bella out of his arms -- as James flings Edward up into the top window -- embedding him in the casement and bricks. James crouches beside Bella. He grabs her hand looking directly at Edward with a sinister grin -- he sinks his teeth into Bella's hand! She screams in agony. Edward's rage erupts -- he climbs out of the window casement and suicide - dive - bombs James, and miss. James biting Bella sent me over the edge. I get up and glare him, he starts yelling out in pain. I stop the pain and he looks at me scared.
"Who are you?" James asked
I walked towards him. I leaned in and whispered in his ear.
"I am life, I am death. I am light, I am dark. I am Lilith and you are dead." I said
I looked at him I controlled the venom that was in him making him feel like he was changing again. I made him walk over so he was standing in the middle of where the floor boards were coming out from. And made him stand there till the others showed up. I walked over to Bella I looked down at her broken leg, bleeding everywhere, and the bite mark. I went to her head I sat down and put her head in my lap.
"Ana what are you doing?" Edward asked
"Helping." I said
I closed my eyes. I pulled all her pain from her and channeled it into me. She stooped shaking and her breathing was getting back to normal. I bended the blood back into her body, I healed up the cuts from the glass. I healed the broken bone, I was not able to heal the bit mark on her arm. But keep channeling her pain. I heard the others show up. I could feel Carlisle was now sitting by Bella.
"I don't see thing wrong." Carlisle said
"It's on fire. My hand." Bella said
"Venom." Edward said
"What is Ana doing?" Carlisle asked
"She is taking Bella's pain away, she also healed up her leg and all the cuts Bella had." Edward said
"You have to make a choice. Either let the change happen..." Carlisle was cut off
"No." Edward yelled
"It's going to happen. I've seen it--" Alice was cut off
"It doesn't have to be that way." Edward said
"You can try to suck the venom out." Carlisle said
"I -- won't be able to stop" Edward said
"Find the will to stop. But choose, she only has minutes left." Carlisle said
"It's alright, Bella. I'll make it go away." Edwards said
He look at her. Then starts to suck the venom from her hand. As he dose this I slowly stop channeling her pain, till the point where she has it all back but by then there is no more pain. I stand up to see that the rest of the Cullen's were pulling James apart. He looked at me.
"In infernis arderet. (Burn in Hell)" I said
He did as they pulled him apart he burned. I turned around to see that Edward had stopped and Bella was alive not fine but alive. He picked her up and carried her out of the ballet studio. Carlisle followed him out. I wasn't leaving till I knew James was dead. The fire spread, burning more things. Alice, Mason, and Emmett left the studio. Jasper and I followed after. Edward took Bella to a hospital. He brought her in and said she just collapsed. The doctors came and hooked her up to machines. I was lucky enough to call mom and dad and tell them what happened. The doctors wouldn't let anyone into her room. So I went on a hunt for coffee, I found it and Jasper found me.
"What you and Bella did was very stupid." Jasper said
"I would do it over again." I said
I walked past him and outside I needed some air. But to my luck he followed me out.
"I know you would. It's one of the things I love about you." Jasper said
He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around so that I was facing him. He then sped us so we were in the woods by to hospital, he pushed me up against a tree. And kissed me...well lets just say we did more than just kiss. When we walked back inside and I walked to Bella's room to see her waking up. She was moving her hand towards the oxygen tube under her nose. But mom stops her.
"You're awake, baby. You're okay." Mom said
"Edward? Where's- " Bella was saying
"He's asleep." I said
I nodded across the room to where Edward was sleeping.
"He never leaves. And your dad's down in the cafeteria." Mom said
"What...happened?" Bella asked
"You passed out." Mom said
"Edward, came here to convince you to come back to Forks. His father brought him down. You went to their hotel but you, passed out." I said
"Sounds like me." Bella said
Mom's cell phone beeps. She opens it and reads a text, and starts typying her reply.
"It's Phil. He's worried about you two." Mom said
"Why I'm not the one who passed out." I said
"Mom, you're...texting." Bella said
"I told him to stay in Florida. The Suns signed him." Mom said
"That's great mom." Bella and I said
"Jacksonville is always sunny and you two will have your own bathroom." Mom said
"Mom, wait. I want to...we want to live in Forks. We have Dad...and friends..." Bella said
"And he's there." Mom said looking at Edward
"Charlie doesn't like him. Blames him for your leaving." Mom said
"What do you think?" I asked
"I think that boy is in love with you. (looks at me) And I think your boy is in love with you." Mom said
Bella and I smile. Mom grins. Bella then looks at Edward.
"Um, Mom, would you mind getting Dad? I want to talk to him. Apologize." Bella said
"I'm sure he doesn't care about that, baby. But I'll go get him." Mom said
Mom kisses my check then kisses Bella's forehead. She leaves and we watch her go. The door shutting behind her. Bella turns to see Edward standing right next to the bed with deep concern.
"Is James--did you--?" Bella asked
"We took care of him. And the woman, Victoria, she ran off." Edward said
"I'm alive because of you and Ana." Bella said
"You're I here because of me. The worst of it...was thinking I couldn't stop." Edward said
"But you did." Bella said
"Bella, Ana you guys should go to Jacksonville. Where we can't hurt you guys anymore..." Edward said
"What? No! I want to be with you. I don't want " Bella said but Edward cut her off
"Sssh. It's alright. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here..." Edward said
A few hours later Bella was aloud to leave. We had headed home. Bella decided that she wanted to go to Prom with Edward and thanks to Alice Jasper and I were going as well.
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