《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 5
Lilliana's Pov:
I got up the next morning pissed beyond belief. She knew what they were and she was going to confront Edward about it. I knew that this was going to be the start of something bad and her life was never going to be the same. I got up and got ready for school, I walked outside to find my bike I didn't know how it got here since I had left it at school. There was a note on it.
Found it at the school knew you would need it - Sam
I smiled got on and drove to school. Not long after me Bella pulled in to her normal parking spot. She walks over to the grass. Students walk past her, Edward spots Bella, sees the look on her face and stops. She walks to him, eyes meeting his, her look says that they have to talk, she walks past him and in to the dark forest. I watch her disappear in the trees. I look to Edward to see Jasper step in front of him, and Rosalie grabs his arm.
"Edward, don't go." Rosalie said
But Alice gently removes Rosalie's hand from his arm. I walk up to them.
"It's to late for that Rose she already knows." I said
Rosalie walks away from use pissed. Emmett goes after her, Alice and Mason soon follow. I go to walk away, when Jasper grabs my arm, so I stop.
"I believe that's Jasper 0 and Me 1. Next time I think you should believe me. Because now my sister is going to be in danger, she is crushing on a vampire and is best friends to the future Alpha of the pack you guys a made a treaty with." I say
I yank my arm from his hold and walk away. I send a text to Sam and then get on my bike and drive off. When Bella finally got home it was getting dark, when she got home she cam into my room and told me all about what went down with her an Edward.
"Why is Jasper standing outside?" Bella asked
She was looking outside my window, I walk over to see him leaning against the tree.
"I told him a few days ago that you were close to finding out his family secret, he didn't believe me he laughed. I asked if he was sorry he didn't believe me he said no. I picked to never die to be with him." I said
"Do you regret your chose?" Bella asked
"No, because I will always have you." I said
I would not notice till later that Bella had opened my window a little bit. Bella said one last thing before leaving my room.
"There are about three things I was absolutely positive. One, Edward was a vampire. Two, there was a part of him that thirsted for my blood. And three...I am falling, unconditionally and irrevocably, in love with him." Bella said
And with that she left my room, I had finished getting ready for bed when I heard a noise I looked over to see window all the way open and Jasper standing by it.
"Get out. Leave me alone" I said
"No, I will not get out and I will never leave you alone. I love you. If I believed you I would have had to kill Bella due to the rules. You don't have to love me or do anything like that but please do not cut me out of your life, we were friends at one point, please." Jasper all but begged
"I'll think about, it's been a long day, okay." I said
He nodded his head and left, but he was still outside by the tree, I was going to shut the window but I decided to leave it open. I turned around and went to bed.
I woke up the next morning, Bella had left to go do something with Edward so I decide to work on some of my gifts. This one gift gave to power to astral project, but mine is different then other ones, once I do it I can see and hear others but they can't see me unless I want them to. So I thought about Bella and Edward, then I felt light, and was standing in front of them. I see Bella on a log and Edward helping her balance.
"How long have you been like this?" Bella asked
"Since nineteen-eighteen. That's when Carlisle found me." Edward said
"Where's he find you?" Bella asked
"In a hospital, dying of Spanish influenza. My parents had already died." Edward said
"What was it like?" Bella asked
"The word excruciating comes to mind. But what Carlisle did was much harder...not many of us have the restraint to do that." Edward said
"Didn't he just...bite?" Bella asked
"Not just. Our bite contains venom. And once we taste blood, a sort of...frenzy begins. It's almost impossible to stop." Edward said
"But Carlisle did." Bella said
"First with me, then with his wife, Esme. He found her in a hospital, as well. The others followed." Edward said
"Does someone have to be dying to become like you?" Bella asked
They start to walk along a stunning coastline.
"...No, that's just Carlisle. He would never do...this, to someone who had another choice." Edward said
"So Carlisle's the reason why you hunt animals, instead of people." Bella said
"Not the only reason. I don't want to be a monster. We call ourselves vegetarians, by the way... for our kind, hunting animals is like living on tofu. It keeps you strong but isn't very satisfying." Edward said
He then whips past Bell, who turns to see him standing on a large rock in the river.
"Show off." Bella said
"It's not that impressive, really. Anyone in my family can do this." Edward said
"Can they all read minds, too?" Bella asked
"No, that's unique to me. But Alice can see the future." Edward said
"Really? Bet she saw me coming a mile away." Bella said
You can see Edward's mood change as he slows.
"Her visions are very subjective. The future can change." Edward said
I felt heavy then my opens and I see that I am back in my room, I lay back on my bed and think about things. I had missed Jasper, I would always miss Jasper. I had forgot about the laws of the vampires. I took out my phone and texted Jasper.
To: Jasper
Do you think you can come over?
From: Jasper
Be there soon.
About two seconds after I read the message he was standing in my room. I didn't know what to say, I tired to say something but nothing came out. I just walked forward till was standing a few inches in front of him.
"I'm sorry." we said at the same time.
We then kissed, it was full of passion, understanding, love, and hunger. He sped us to the closet wall, his hands ripped off the shirt I was wearing, so in return I ripped his off. I sped us so we were on the bed, I was hovering over him. We started making out, he flipped us over so he was on top. I bet you can guess what happened next.
I had promised Bella I was going to help her wash her truck, so that is what I was currently doing. Edward appears from no where and is now sitting on the roof of Bella's car.
"Come to my house tomorrow." Edward said to the both of us
Bella looks up, aiming the hose badly and sprays me with water. Edward then jumps down from the roof of the truck.
"Thanks Bella." I said
"Sorry. (looks at Edward) Your house? With your family?" Bella asked
Edward wipes down the dented front fender, then reaches under it and, with his bare hands, and easily pops the large dent out of the truck's body.
"But...what if they don't like me?" Bella asked
"You're worried, not because you'll be in a houseful of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?" I asked
Edward and I laughed a little bit.
"I'm glad I amuse you." Bella said
Edward and I stop laughing when we hear something.
"What is it?" Bella asked
"A complication." Edward said
As a black car comes into view and pulls up.
"I'll pick you and Ana up tomorrow." Edward said
He then heads to his car, gets in and rives off. The other car pulls in. We can see Jacob and Billy. Billy's expression is intense. Jacob gets out of the car and sits up his father's wheelchair.
"Come to visit your truck?" Bella asked
"Looks good. You got that dent out." Jacob said
"Actually, we came to visit your flat screen. First Mariners game of the season. Plus Jacob here kept bugging me to see you tow again." Billy said
"Great, dad. Thanks." Jacob says mortified
Jacob glares at his father, a few seconds later a police cruiser pulls up. Dad gets out holding a six-pack.
"Pale Ale." Dad says
Billy hold up a brown paper bag "Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry." Billy says
Charlie smiles, pleased. We all head inside and Charlie turns on the game.
"Any luck with the Waylon case?" Billy asked
"Found a footprint out at the crime scene today. A bare, human footprint." Charlie said
Billy looked over at me, and I gave him a look saying I was dealing with it.
"A person did that?" Bella asked
"A crazy person, walking around barefoot this time of year." Jacob said
"Spread the word out at the rez, will ya? Keep the kids out of the woods." Charlie said
"Will do. (directed at Bella and I) Don't want anyone else getting hurt." Billy said
Bella looks away from Billy. The rest of the day was fun and normal, after the game was done Billy and Jacob went home, and Bella and I went to bed.
Bella and I got up and got dressed a few minutes later Edward pulled up in his Volvo, we all got in and headed to his house. He pulls off the highway on to a dirt road. A few seconds later we pull up to a beautiful house.
"It's...wonderful." Bella said
"You expected turrets, dungeons and moats?" Edward asked
"No...not moats." Bella said
Edward takes Bella's hand and they walk inside. I was going to follow them when I felt arms wrap around me then I was standing in the kitchen. Esme is rolling out pizza dough and is fanning tomatoes around it in a instant. Rosalie stirs a pot, bored. Esme sees me and Jasper and a few seconds later Bella and Edward.
"Bella. Ana. We're making Italiano for you." Esme said
"This is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes." Edward said
"Bon gorno?" Bella said
"Molto bene." Esme said
"You two have given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." Carlisle said
"I hope you're hungry." Esme said
"You know me always hungry." I said
"Oh, absolutely." Bella said
"Bella already ate." Edward said
Bella shoots Edward a look and something shatters. We turn to look towards the source of the noise and see that Rosalie had shattered a bowl.
"Perfect." Rosalie said
"I just assumed -- because you don't eat, you know..." Bella said
"Of course. That was very considerate of you." Esme said
"Ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward said
"Yes, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie said
Jasper's arm tightened around me.
"I would never, ever tell anyone. Neither would Ana." Bella said
"She knows that." Carlisle says reassuring
"The problem is, you four have gone public now, soo..." Emmett said but was cut off by Esme
"Emmett." Esme said
"No, she should know. (to Bella) The entire family will be implicated of this ends badly." Rosalie said
"...Badly?" Bella says
That hangs in the air, Edward doesn't look at her she looks over at me for some sort of answer but I have none for at least none that she would like. Then she has this look of realization.
"Oh, Badly, Like, where Ana and I become the meal." Bella said
Emmett chokes back laughter. Edward grins. I on the other hand laugh which gets me a glare form Bella. Rosalie on the other hand is exasperated.
"Hi, Bella." Alice says
We all look over to the balcony where Alice and Mason had leaped over the rail, holding a bouquet of wildflowers. She bounces forward to kiss Bella's cheek and hands Bella the flowers. Why didn't you get flowers. Bella said Because this isn't my first time here. I said
"I'm Alice. You do smell good." Alice said
"Alice" Edward said
"It's alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends just like Ana and I are." Alice said
"And you're Mason, right?" Bella asked extending her hand
"Nice to me you." Mason said shaking her hand
"I'll give you a tour of the house." Edward said
"I'll see you soon." Alice said
I gave Bella the look saying that if she need me all she had to do was ask. Edward shoots Alice a look, which Bella catches before he guides her up the stairs, they start to talk so I listen. As they reach the top of the stairs she sees a artistically arrayed silk squares with tassels. Bella looks closer.
"Graduation caps?" Bella asked
"A private joke. We matriculate a lot." Edward said
"What a nightmare, repeating high school." Bella said
"True, but the younger we start out in a new place, the longer we can stay there." Edward said
They continue on with the tour.
"...and this is my room." Edward said
I stop listing because I don't want to invade to much into there personal time. Esme had finished making what ever she was making. I was actually really good. When I was done eating Rosalie came and sat down next to me.
"You know I don't have anything against you. I just don't get why your sister can be okay with this life. And can't believe Edward would be okay with letting her into this life." Rosalie said
"This life really is curse I don't know what I was thinking." I said
I got up and then left the room. I headed up stairs to see Jasper's room. He had gone out to hunt, being in the same room as Bella was a little hard for him, he had been getting better with it but with me locking him out of my life for those few weeks really hurt his progress. I grabbed one of his books and started reading. A few minutes later Jasper cam in and sped over to me. He kissed my checked and sat down behind me, he wrapped his arm around my waist, he started kiss my neck. But he stops, we walk down stairs. We look outside a window to see Edward and Bella.
"She's brought him to life." Esme said
"He's been alone too long...but how can it end well?" Carlisle said
"Alice has been wrong before." Esme said
"Not often." Carlisle said
Esme turns to Carlisle gentle but absolutely firm.
"Carlisle. Bella is what he wants. It will work out. Somehow." Esme said
"You could be right, I mean look how much Ana has changed Jasper." Carlisle said turning to look at us.
"Don't worry Carlisle, Esme, it will all turn out in the end." I said
The rest of the day was normal. I hung out with Jasper and Bella hung out with Edward. Bella and I had spent the night over there and rode into school the next day with the boys. As we pull in I see Jessica playing with a volleyball. I hear what they are talking about.
"Monte Carlo? That's our prom theme?" Jessica asked
"Gambling, tuxedos and - Bond. James -- ow." Eric said as Jessica head buts the ball which hits hin in the face.
"Oh. My. God." Angela said
Everyone turns to look and see what Angela was talking about they see Edward walking with Bella and Jasper and I. It was Edward then Bella then Me and last Jasper.
"Everyone's staring." Bella said
"Not that guy over -- yeah, he just looked." Edward said
"Come on Bella you got this." I said
I was walking when I got this feeling and I was pulled out of my body I was then standing in the forest. I see people moving fast, I realized that it's a hunting party, there are several dogs, and half a dozen armed men. I see Charlie and the posse move away. I see someone standing on a knoll, and two others run up to him. I head towards them.
"They took the bait." the red head said
"By tomorrow they'll be half way to Winnipeg." the blonde said
"I love when me chase me." the red head said
I heard my name and I turned around to see Jasper then the woods started to fade and was replaced by the school and cars.
"Lilly, Lilly, are you okay?" Jasper asked
"Yeah, I'll you about it later." I said
The black man had looked familiar but I couldn't place. I couldn't think about anything else all day. And the Cullen's and Bella knew something was up, and it really made Edward mad that he couldn't read my mind. When it was time for school to be over, I waited for Bella to finish something for school. Jasper had keep trying to get me to tell him what happened but I still didn't know and I didn't want to say anything till remember who the man was. When Bella was done, she said bye to Edward as I did to Jasper. We were running late, as we head towards the entrance of the diner. Mike walks up to use.
"Yo, Arizona's. So. (Towards Bella) You and Cullen. (towards Ana) You and Hale." Mike said
We shrug, but can't entirely hide the smile as we hurry past him inside.
"Sorry were late. Biology project." Bella and I said
"Really wish you guys would stop doing that." Dad said
Cora sets a top sirloin steak in front of Charlie, and plate of seafood in front of Bella, and a salad in front of me.
"Ordered you to seafood combo, Bella. And Anna I got you a Salad." Dad said
"Order one for yourself next time. You should cut back on the steak." Bella said
"I'm healthy as a horse." Dad said
"Say Chief, boys want to know, you find anything down by Queets River today?" Cora asked concerned
Charlie and I are aware of the loggers at the counter listening, too. He answers carefully to keep everyone calm.
"The suspect's moving east. Kitsap Country Sheriff is taking over from here. They're putting extra guys on." Dad said
"Hope they catch him fast." Cora said
She walks away, relief clear on her face. Charlie, Bella, and I pass each the salt, butter for bread, and everything else with an easy rhythm now.
"Your friends are flagging you." Dad said
We turn around to see Mike and the guys horsing around outside, straws in their noses, making faces at us. We smile.
"It's okay if you wanna join them guys. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway." Dad said
"Yeah, us, too." Bella said including me for some reason.
"It's a Friday night. Go out. The Newton boy's a big smile for you Bella. Nice family, the Newton's." Dad said
"He's just a friend dad." Bella says
"None of the boys in town interest you?" Dad asked
"I have a date tonight." I said
"Really with who?" Dad asked
"Jasper Hale." I said
"Okay, I want to meet him thouhgt." Dad said
"Of course, he is picking me up tonight so you can meet him then." I said
"What about you Bella?" Dad asked
"We're not really going to talk about boys, are we?" Bella asked
"Just... you should be around people. I leave you alone to much." Dad said
"I've never minded being alone. Guess I'm a lot like my dad that way." Bella said
Dad smiles. These two have come a long way. Cora returns.
"Beery cobbler, two forks. Vanilla ice cream one spoon." Cora says
When we were done eating we head hone I get ready for my date and Bella get ready for bed. Dad was down stairs talking to Jasper. I finished getting ready talked to mom for a little bit then gave the phone to Bella and headed down stairs.
"So dad are you okay with Jasper?" I asked
"Yes, he is a nice boy." Dad said
He then got up and left the room. Jasper and I head out to his car. We going to see a move then he had a surprise for me.
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