《Aro's daughter: Isabella swan》Chapter 12


He turns and smiles. "What are doing here!" I snap. "I'm here for you Bella." He says with that stupid grin. "I don't want you here. Get out!" I shout. " I know your not thinking strait Bella. Let me help you." He says holding out his hand. "Get away from me!" I shout throwing him across the room. He hits the wall and grunts. "Bella..." He trails off seeing my brown red eyes. "You drank blood!" He shouts stalking over. "I'm a hybrid. Of corse I drink blood. Stay away from me! Uncle Marcus! Someone please" I scream as Edward tackles me. Flashes and memories run through my head making me sob. I scream and struggle but to no use. " no. No please! No no please!!!" I scream. The door is then kicked down as uncle Marcus and Caius storm in. "Get away from her!" Caius screams tackling Edward off me. I whimper holding my arm with felt like it was broken. Tears streamed down my face as Uncle Marcus kneels down beside me. I was close to passing out from hyperventilating and uncle Marcus slowly helps me even out my breathing. I shook with chills and Once I had started breathing normally, though I was still terrified, uncle Marcus asks "Bella are you hurt?". I whimper holding my arm. Uncle Marcus gently takes it, and with his fingers, he gently feels the bone. He shakes his head and before I can say anything uncle Marcus snaps the bone back in place. A strangled scream of agony escapes me. "I'm sorry piccolino." Uncle Marcus says gently hugging me. I whimper and nod. I turn and look over at Caius who has Edward by the neck. "You baster." Caius growls. " She's mine! You've corrupted her. Changed her!" Edward roars. This makes Caius snap and in one swift move he rips Edwards head from his body making me yelp. Caius growls shaking and I realized he was struggling to control his powers as ice was spreading out from his feet.. I break from uncle Marcus arms, who tries to stop me, and go over to Caius. "Caius..." I whimper and he snaps his head to me. I step closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist. Caius growls softly and wraps his arms tightly around me. I whimper from the pain in my arm and Caius loosens his grip. I look up into Caius's eyes and reach up and gently cup his cheek. "Caius come back. It's ok." I say. Slowly Caius's eyes clear. Caius gasps and hugs me close making me yelp. He pulls away and looks at my arm growling. Uncle Marcus speeds out before coming back with some wrapping. "Brother." Uncle Marcus says slowly coming closer. Caius growls at him making him stop. "Caius. It's ok." I say hugging him. Caius sighs and nods at uncle Marcus who comes over and gently takes my arm before wrapping it. Once he's done Caius scoops me into his arms and holds me close as I shake. "Shhh Mia Stella. It's ok." Caius says. " I though he was going to-" "No!" Caius snaps making me jump. "No one will ever touch you again." Caius says pressing his lips to mine. I whimper and nod. "Take him to the dungeon brother." Caius says to uncle Marcus. He nods and grabs Cullen's head and has a guard take the body. After he is gone Caius turns and meets my eyes. "I've missed you cara Mia." Caius whispers leaning his forehead against mine. "Did you hunt?" I whisper. Caius nods and gently takes my hand before kissing it. "How is he?" Caius asks making tears come to my eyes. "He's dying Caius. He doesn't have long." I cry. Caius shushes me gently before standing up and running to daddy's room. He walks in with me still in his arms. Daddy slowly looks over and his red and blue eyes widen upon seeing my arm. A weak growl escapes him. "Cull...en..." He whispers. Caius growls and nods. "He tried to rape her brother." Daddy's eyes widen more and he weakly holds out his arms. Caius sets me down and I scramble into his arms. I bury my face in his chest. "Daddy." I whimper. Daddy shushes me. "I'm... so... sorry... I wasn't....there... bam...bino...." daddy whispers resting his head on mine. I cry softly into daddy's chest and Caius comes over and sits beside me. He starts gently rubbing my back. "Shhh.... bam...bino.... it's... ok.... he... will... never.... touch...you.... again..... I'll... killl...him!" Daddy rasps. I clutch daddy tighter and continue to cry for the next couple of minutes until daddy and Caius had managed to calm me down. I curl up with my head in daddy's lap as he gently strokes my hair. After a period of silence I slowly look up at daddy with red eyes. "Are....you...ok...neo...nota?" Daddy whispers. I slowly nod. "I want to kill him." I whisper. Daddy chuckles weakly. "Of...corse...bam...bino..." Daddy says. I nod and reach up and gently rub his wrinkled cheek. Daddy gives me a weak smile. "io amo daddy." I whisper hugging him tightly. Daddy chuckles weakly and hugs me back tightly. "Every....thing....will...be...ok....bam...bino...." daddy whispers making me whimper. Then daddy lets out a painful sounding cough. I gently pat his back. Daddy groans softly and leans his head black and rests his eyes. I turn to Caius who gathers me into his arms tears still in my eyes. "Marcus says his thirst is getting worse. He's drinking more every hour." Caius whispers softly. I whimper and meet Caius's eyes. "I can't leave him Caius. Not again. Please!" I whimper. Caius sighs and rests his head against mine. "Please Caius. If he dies. And I'm not here-" my voice chokes up and Caius shushes me. "Me and Marcus have to be here at alll times. Or two guards." Caius finally relents. I smile and kiss Caius. "Bam...bino." I turn and look over at daddy. I immediately go over to his side. "I'll... be...ok." Daddy whispers reach over and gently stroking my cheek. I lean into his hand. I lean over and curl up in daddy's arms before letting my tears flow. Daddy holds me close and shushes me gently. "I'm staying daddy. I won't leave you again. Ever!" I cry. Daddy sighs and gently presses a kiss to my head. "I... know... bam...bino." Daddy whispers. "Carlisle is on his way back brother. He should be here soon." Caius says. Daddy nods weakly. " you need to hold on daddy. You hear me." I whimper. Dad smiles weakly and nods resting his cheek on the top of my head. I look up and meet daddy's eyes. Daddy gently cups my cheek. "You... need... sleep..." daddy says. I nod and return my head to his chest. Caius pulls the covers over me and daddy before turning off the lights and sitting in the corner of the room. "Sleep.... bam...bino...." daddy whispers gently stroking my hair. I clutch daddy tighter before slowly letting my eyes close.

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