《Felix's sister?!?! (Cauis love story info)》They're Coming
~~(Start No one's point of view)~~(Slight time skip)~~
It was nearing the end of training for both the vampires and the shape-shifting wolf pack & Jasper nodded as he watched them train glad that his teachings are working out just great. Amilla had finished her sparring match against Rosalie and she decided to take a break by leaning against the large rock that was in the field where the battle would take place. Edward and Bella was not around & neither is Jacob because Amilla knew that they had to spread Bella's scent around to confuse the newborn army so they could make a surprise attack plus to protect the human. 'Not long from now that those newborns will be here and also for the Volturi if they would show up.' Amilla thought to herself as she pulled out her old dagger that was a gift from her brother knowing that she would have it with her during the battle since she never was without it during the fights when she was a human.
Amilla had wondered if her brother or even Demetri would show up if the Volturi from the stories she heard would send some of their coven to deal with the newborns. But she had a feeling that if this so called vampire royalty knew of this then they should have sent out some of their guard to deal with the issue instead of ignoring it and even most of the Cullen's shared her thoughts of that issue. Though everyone thought that maybe by chance that the Volturi doesn't know yet or would believe that it is the work of one vampire that gets killed by a newborn that is born by the first vampires mistake. She did decide to ignore it and focus more on how to defeat the newborns before they get out of control & also to tear off Victoria's head to make up for letting her get away the first time even though it wasn't all her fault for not knowing.
Everyone was doing rather well and some of the pack had trained in their normal human forms just in case since there had to be someone ready to get their imprints & run for it. Leah had emerged from the woods after shifting back from having spared with one of the Cullen's and sat down against a tree that was near Amilla & she was feeling nervous about the questions that had been bugging her and also she was curious to know the answers if Amilla could answer them. "Um Amilla, what was it like finding a vampire to love when you was still human?" Amilla cocked her head over a bit over at the female and rubbed the back of her head as she said, "It was honestly different than having most of the men in the city come after me. It just felt much different being in love with that man, but it hurt a lot when he left me believing that I was going to die from my injuries. Now all I want to do is kick his glittering ass along with my brother and former best friend."
Leah laughed a bit at the statement and Amilla chuckled at her own words before the female pack member said, "At least now that your a vampire, you can fight em as payback." All did the more human vampire say while shaking her head, "I'm not sure if I could ever face them much less Cauis and from what I heard, he is now a vampire version of grumpy cat. But at least this is a nice calm before battle and then we're all gonna slay some newborns." Leah nodded her head in agreement though then grinned at the thought of being able to fight some vampires that they can tear into pieces and release some anger.
Then Amilla smelt something on the wind and noticed that no one else could smell it so she climbed up a tree to get a better whiff. When she did reach near the top, Amilla held on with one hand and sniffed the air getting a bigger whiff of the air & growled that already she could smell the many different scents of the newborn army coming towards the area. She knew by the smell that they are far away, but still it was unsettling and she jumped down & landed with some noise getting the others attention. "The army is preparing to start their move for here. I could smell it on the wind." Amilla said and the pack had went into the woods quickly & returned fully changed back into their human forms when Sam asked her, "How do you know that when we cannot smell anything?"
"It is more or less my old human instinct of the many battles and dangers that I had went through as first a maid then as a gladiator. The army is still in their hideout area, but a lot of them must be standing in direction towards us very much ready to fight us." Amilla said while dusting off her pant legs each and stared off where the scents came from as Carlisle spoke, "I've done some research and most of what could be in that direction for hiding places that leading this way would lessen the chance of them being spotted is some warehouse yard by the water." Paul had made the comment of the army going to swim over maybe to mask their scent which wouldn't really work out for them, but everyone was thinking that the army must have thought that we wouldn't be this organized to counter them.
"Alright, let's rest up a bit and stay close to each other so then it would be easier to contact you all very early." Jasper said and Sam nodded while he & the pack prepared to leave so they could rest up for the battle that surely would happen tomorrow & Amilla was really itching for the battle to happen so then she could stretch out her old battle fighting mind.
It was nearing dawn and the only vampires in the clearing were Leanna, Emmett, Jasper, Alice & Amilla. Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle did go into town just to make extra sure that no humans would wander close to the battle & the wolf pack did a large scaled patrol to make sure that the people on the Res would be safe including the wolves that have imprints. Amilla knew that Jacob was the only one out of the pack to not return home as he stuck with Bella and Edward as some protection to cover up the humans scent with his own just to protect her & to confuse the newborns besides when Bella had put some of her blood around the area to add into the confusion.
Though Amilla was racing around the field on a bit of a sugar-rush having had a few sugary treats and the rest of the vampires watched in amusement as she kept running around & leaping through the trees. "How much sugar did she eat while I was out hunting?" Leanna asked as she was not around when Amilla had eaten her snacks as she needed to go out hunting and had brought back a mountain lion for the others to drink from so that Bella's blood wouldn't bother them. "She had been gone for a while and returned with a five pound blue gummy bear & a five pound Hershey chocolate bar." Jasper said as he kept watching the hyper vampire leaping through the trees with amusement and Emmett laughed as he commented that seeing Amilla on a sugar-high is the funniest thing that he had ever witnessed. Leanna groaned as she shook her head and muttered out, "At least she only ate just those two things."
"What happens if she eats more than a giant chocolate bar and a big gummy bear?" Alice asked becoming curious of what would happen if Amilla eats a lot more sugar to which Leanna replied that Amilla is like a mix of Road Runner and Speedy Gonzales & that it took her days to come down from the rush. "Damn, would that be an issue during the battle?" Emmett asked and Leanna shrugged her shoulders before she replied back, "I don't think so. But she might also be really excited about having the chance to be in a real fight again after so many years." Leanna had left out a little detail about what does happen after when Amilla is on a really high sugar-rush and just watched with the others to see that now the unusual vampire is preforming cartwheels across the field. It was around that time
~~(End No one's point of view)~~(Start Amilla's point of view)~~
I felt a little hyper after having had my sugar snacks, but most of my energy I know for sure was coming from excitement at the thought of getting involved in a big battle and I have not been in a good real fight in ages. Sure having a newborn army to defeat will be a bit of a bummer, but it is still better than nothing and I plan on ripping off as many heads as I can before the newborns harm my friends & the humans. But I knew that I should calm down and focus on preparing my mind for the battle & I did one flip in the air after jumping off a tree trunk and grinned at the vampires that had been watching me run around like a maniac on some super drug. But before I could make any witty comment, the look on Alice's face changed and everyone quickly gathered near her as the others returns which they knew too that she was having a vision. She had only spoke once while turning her head towards the direction of the nearest big body of water, "They're leaving their hideout now."
Each of us faced the direction that Alice continued to stare at and Carlisle had dialed up Sam to let him know that it is time for the pack to get into position. My heart was beating rapidly both from the thrill of the battle that will happen very soon and also from becoming nervous as I remembered having encountered one of the Volturi in Seattle & as they had not made a move to stop Victoria, then the Volturi will surely appear after the battle has ended and I was not fully sure how I would react if my brother is among the guard that was sent to deal with the newborns. Leanna and I glanced at each other & she lightly squeezed my shoulder in a comforting manning knowing that I would be worried about the outcome of this fight if my brother and old friend are with the guard that had been sent out. "I'm going to New Orleans and have a lot of Bloody Mary drinks once this is over with." I spoke just to break the silence and each of the Cullen's sent me an amused look before we all looked to see the sun starting to rise & Alice spoke saying that the newborn army will arrive when it is a little brighter.
All of us stood perfectly still and even as the wind blew lightly while the sun continued to rise higher, we could not fully smell the pack that had arrived as they are more downwind so as to catch the army off-guard. But we know that they are there and all we could do now is wait for the army to show up & I had to keep myself perfectly still so then my sugar energy doesn't make me do something stupid and cause me to pass out before the battle would even begin which the end results of waking up after would not be very pleasant if I end up waking up in a sour mood. I was just glad that Edward was not nearby to hear my thoughts so then he might not know what I can do with my humanity-gift for if he knew then I might not be allowed near Bella until he is completely sure that I would not turn against the human. And yet I was scared myself that if I become upset if my brother or even Demetri would appear then what would happen if by accident I *turn off* my gift & attack anyone around me.
Time seemed to have passed by slowly until the wind did pick up slightly and the scents of many vampires caught our attention meaning that the army is very close. Jasper had been standing more in front of everyone else and I knew that it was mostly because he had dealt with training newborns & would take the charge which I took notice he shifted slightly as the newborns came closer to the field. My attention focused straight ahead and the faint sight of several red eyes that I could detect had caught my attention. But once the first newborn appeared out from the trees, we all rushed forward and started to attack each newborn that came at us & with my extra energy I was able to already take out four newborns by the time that the pack had emerged from their position and we all worked in tandem together to wipe out the army.
~Skip to the end of the fight~
It sure took a while to defeat the army, but we all pulled together and manage to rip them apart before they could do any real harm to anyone. Each of us moved the body pieces together in a big pile before Jasper used a lighter to set it all on fire to destroy the bodies which signaled to us that it might be over and we all had relaxed a bit. "This is something that I hope does not happen again anytime soon." Leanna spoke taking the words right out of my mouth and each of us nodded slightly & my gaze turned to the faint pillar of smoke coming from where Edward and Bella are located at meaning that this is all over with now. But I turned my gaze to the young newborn girl that Carlisle and Esme had granted asylum in exchange for her surrender during the fight & I pitied the poor child for having been turned into a vampire and having been told lies about why she had been turned which is how I first felt when I became a vampire. Jasper stood closer to the newborn as I figured that he is wary about having one hang around when Bella and Edward come down from the mountain, but since she did not really fight at all then he is not about to make any sudden moves to dispatch of the newborn.
When I glanced around at the pack, I saw that they all seemed to be rather proud that they had the chance of taking down so many vampires and I believe that everyone else had that same feeling of having been in a rather big battle. Then one of the wolves had nudged me and I glanced over seeing that it was Embry & I nudged him slightly back before saying to him, "Bet that one of you started a contest of who can take out the most newborns." He gave a slight grin while some of the others in the pack had rolled their eyes which silently told me that there was a bit of a contest which might have annoyed a few of the others over the thoughts of the ones that kept score over how many newborns they had taken down. Emmett seemed to have enjoyed the battle the most besides Leanna and myself, but we all quickly turned our attention to the newborn girl whom seemed to be struggling with her thirst & then she spoke while staring directly at me with her red eyes blazing with both curiosity and thirst, "What are you?!"
She did sound confused and scared the most while wondering what I am as she could see the wolves & the other vampires, but being that I have a beating heart and that my scent is rather different compared to a human scent, then I understand why this newborn would be slightly scared. Jasper appeared to get on the defense and several members of the pack growled lowly at the girl possibly thinking that she might attack me to get her thirst under control & run off. But I raised my hand up and told them that it was alright before slowly stepping forward towards the newborn as I spoke calmly to her, "Had you been told of the gifts by the one in charge?" The girl nodded slightly and I added to my words while kneeling down a bit to be eye-level with her, "I call my gift *humanity* since when I was turned, my heart never did stop beating." Her expression and body language did show that she seemed to have calmed down a bit when she took in my scent & I allowed her to grasp my wrist so that she could feel my pulse which had made her relax more.
Though the moment of peace did not last for long when Alice let out a gasp and everyone stared at her seeing a very concerned expression wash over her face. Then she said the words that most of us dreaded to hear that had stunned nearly everyone in the field into shock, "The Volturi are coming here." My heart raced a bit as I figured that Alec, the member of the Volturi that I had encountered would be coming here too and then my little lie would get exposed which Edward was the only one that I told of what had happened in Seattle once I found out that Alice was unable to see me in her visions when she had been more focused on keeping tabs on anything involving the newborn army. Jacob was the only wolf to have growled as he must have heard about the Volturi before and soon the other wolves growled a bit when Carlisle shortly explained to the pack just what the Volturi are before asking them to send a message for Edward & Bella to get down here quickly once Alice said that the Volturi would be here in about twenty minutes.
The newborn had gripped onto my arm I guess out of natural reflex of being afraid and the thought of someone else that could destroy her. It was I guess my instinct to comfort the girl and I lightly stroked her hair just to calm her down & she soon wrapped her arms slowly around my waist which allowed me to wrap my arms around the newborn almost in a motherly manner which might be the closest that I can ever be at being a mother. But then the newborn stiffened and tightened her grip slightly when Bella emerged from the trees with Edward & Seth, both of which had taken notice of the newborn and Edward did bare his teeth slightly at her in a little warning while they walked over to the rest of the Cullen's. They had started to talk, but I blocked most of it out as I focused more on keeping the newborn's thirst from taking over though I heard enough that the Volturi might arrive in ten minutes when suddenly a growl caught my attention causing me to look over to see Leah fighting with a newborn that we had missed.
All of it happened quickly and I would have jumped in to pull the newborn off of Leah when Jacob knocked the newborn away & struggled with it until the newborn had managed to squeeze Jacob's right side causing bones to break before the pack managed to launch themselves at the male newborn to tear him into pieces when Jacob shifted back to his human form. Carlisle, Edward and Bella rushed over to him when the pack emerged from the trees after shifting back & Carlisle said that he would arrive at Billy's to help Jacob once the Volturi leave, but that the pack should leave now before they arrive. The girl unwrapped her arms from me and took a step back to watch the pack leave quickly & Leanna stood slightly in front of me as we all had gathered close together with the newborn standing behind us and Jasper stood a little closer to her as we waited for the Volturi to show themselves while I pulled the tie out of my hair to hide my face a bit just in case.
No one spoke any words as everyone stared past the fire waiting for the Volturi and four cloaked figures began to emerge from the treeline. There was one female among them that bore the darkest clothing, but there was the third shortest male that also wore very dark clothing though the two males that flanked each side caught my attention the most as I had not seen them in nearly two thousand years. Demetri and Felix, I held my breath as I pretty much went into shock at seeing them again as I had not seen my brother since his apparent *death* nor had I seen Demetri since my transformation & my adrenaline coursed through me faster telling me to run for it but I stayed as I truly wished to see them again.
- In Serial148 Chapters
Elania, Arachne in a different world
Does have GL subplot later on. Warning: Since some people do not seem to get the slice of life idea, this story is SLOW. There is action and I intend to write more of it but don't come here expecting it to be the focus 24/7. A young woman from Earth wakes up in a cave, disoriented, confused, amnesic and with her lower body replaced by that of a giant spider. She has no idea what she stumbled into and all the extra sensations were definitely not helping. "Did I get reincarnated into a fantasy world?" She's not quite sure. But, the goblin, the troll and (soon enough) the hot elf all suggest "yes." As much as it creeps her out, her new body is powerful and flexible in some very interesting 'spidery' ways as she slowly learns to live with it. Combined with what modern knowledge she can still remember, the newly christened Elania soon finds herself building a new life as an adventurer among the elves. Who knows what awaits her? Maybe, just maybe, she might even find happiness along the way. There will be a fair amount of errors in writing up until chapter 43 (where I got a proper proofreader/editor to help me out.) Chapters 1-20 or so will at some point receive partial rewriting because I don't quite like the flow and feel there are some parts that don't make as much sense as they should. Please don't suggest edits for chapters up until 43, anything after that, feel free to in case we missed anything. Find me on discord at : https://discord.gg/TqFjdv8uaE
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