《Cauis and Bella: True Mates》Cauis picking me up


After I got off the phone with my king I went to write the note to my dad.

I put the note on the table. I was looking out the window when I saw my king come out of the trees.

I ran downstairs without tripping. I unlocked the door with a little effort. As soon as I opened the door he wrapped his warm arms around me. I felt instantly safe. I felt like I was home.

"You ready to go?" Cauis asked.

"I'm ready." I replied. With that I allowed him to pick me up bridal style. He took off like a bullet left from a gun.

His run isn't like Edwards all bumpy. It was smooth and comforting. I fell asleep before we made it to the jet.

Last thing I heard was "sleep my queen. I love you."

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