《Chance×Up /Completed/》Тоглоом байсан
Бид хоёр хоёул сандран хэр хурдтай явсанаа ч үл анзаарчээ. Бидны машины өөдөөс хурдтай машин ирхэд Ээскүпс бид хоёр айх сандрах зэрэгцэв
400 Ватттаар цохиулаад ………500Ватт ……1000 ватт………зүрх нь зогсчихлоо
Жонхан:Та нар чинь юу яриад байгаа юм бэ?
Эмч:Бид чадхаараа хичээж байна
Сынгван:ЮУ ВЭЭ
Хуши:Сэргэхгүй бол тэр сэтгэлээр унана
Дино:Амьдийн там
Эмч:Яасан яасан бэ?
Сувилагч:Ээскүпс ухаан орлоо.
Ээскүпс: Хэми яасан? Хэми зүгээр үү? Хэми… Чой Хэми… ХЭМИЯААА /Уйлах/
Эмч:Бид та бүхнээс уучилал хүсэж байна
Ээскүпс:Тэр уучлал чинь надад хэрэггүй. ХЭМИ ХААНА БАЙНА /босох гэж оролдох/
Сувилагч:Хөдөлж болохгүй ээ Биеээ тэнхрүүлэх хэрэгтэй
Ээскүпсийн нүднээс том том нулимс урсана.
Ээскүпс:Хэмияа У Хэми
Зүрхний эмч: Чой Хэмигийн ар гэрээс хүн байна уу?
Зүрхний эмч: Зүрх нь цохилж эхэлсэн. Бид яаралтай хагалгаанд орох хэрэгтэй байна. Төлбөр нь…
/үгийг нь таслах/Сэвэнтийн: Мөнгийг бид хангалттай өгөх болхоор хурдан хагалгаанд л оруулчих
Сынгван: Таний тушаалийг нэмүүлэх хэмжээний их мөнгө бидэнд байгаа
1 сарын дараа
Ээскүпс: Хэми өнөөдөр их сайхан нартай өдөр байна. Би фэн уулзалтандаа явчихаад ирлээ……
Ээскүпс: Энэ өрөө их бүгчим байгаа биз…. Би цонх нээгээдэхье
Би: Б...би хаана байна.Чи хэн бэ?
Ээскүпс:Сувилагчаа Эмчийг дууд
Ээскүпс: Хэми чи намайг таниж байна уу?
Би: Чи яаж миний нэрийг мэддэг юм
Ээскүпс: Би байна. Чой Сынчол чиний нөхөр.
Би: Би хэзээ гэрэлсэн юм?
Эмч сувилагч хоёр гаднаас гүйж орж ирэв. Тэгээд Хэмигээс баахан асуулт асуусаны эцэст
/Өрөөний гадна/
Ээскүпс: Тэр зүгээр үү?
Эмч: Тэр ой санамжаа алдсан байна. Удахгүй сэргэж болох учираас ой санамжийг нь сайжруулах юм хийх хэрэгтэй.
Ээскүпс: Баярлаа таньд/90° бөхийх?/
/Өрөөнд орж ирэх/
Би: Чи миний нөхөр гэсэн тэ
Ээскүпс хүрч ирэн зөөлөн тэвэрлээ. Нэг л танил үнэр үнэртэнэ. Тэврээд л баймаар тийм сайхан санагдаж байна. Амьдралдаа мэдэрч байгаагүй тийм сайхан мэдрэмж давхар явагдана. Яг л зөөлхөн бамбарууш тэвэрч байгаа мэт санагдана. Тэр толгойгоо ойртууллаа. Бидний дунд 1см л зай бараг үлдсэн байх. Миний уруулан дээр үнсэх үед зүрх минь улам хүчтэй цохилно. Түүний энэ гэнтийн үйлдлүүд намайг үнэхээр гайхшруулж байлаа. Түүнээс холдох үед гэнэт инээд хүрч эвгүй байдал үүсгэв
Ээскүпс:Яасан бэ?
Би: Тоглосон юмаа/Савж унтлаа инээх/
Би: Би ой санамжаа алдаагүй
Ээскүпс:/уурлах/Муу балай охин хүнийг байдалд оруулаад
Ээскүпс ууртай хаалга чигллэ.
Би: Явах гэж байгаа юмуу? Хайрийгаа орхиод уу?
Ээскүпс: Би чамд хайртай. Энэ миний хэлэх сүүлчийн үг. гэж хэлэн өрөөнөөс гарч явлаа
Богинохон бичиж байгаад уучлаарай. Яаж төгсгөх санаа орж ирдэггүй ээ. 2 3 партаар төгсөх болохоор гоё санаа байвал хэлж өгч тус болооч. Гуйж байна. Заавал санааг тань оруулж өгнөө.
Immortal Path To Heaven
"Master Ouyang, please smith a divine weapon for me!"
8 916Solo Stream
Out of food. Out of money. Struggling to build an audience. Pick your VR gear, select his stream and follow him as he struggles to win his first Continental Final. The chat is pure chaos, the commentator is extra picky, the opponents are legendary. He’ll optimize his build, complete quests, collect loot, fight other players and, unfortunately, interact with NPCs. Twenty-four days of compressed time in a randomly generated world. Will he make it to the end? Dare he dream being the last one left standing? Written by a true gamer and a former DM.
8 79Wandering The Multiverse! Saving The God?
“Ah, when did things get mixed up this much. Damn that Deaf God couldn't even send me to the right world. Why was I even reincarnated in a world that I have no understanding of?! I asked him to reincarnate me on a TV show which I actually knew about and was a fan of! Damn, now how will I live in this world? All I do is wander in Multiverse. Mostly Anime Worlds I heard, but I never watched. Now I have to visit all of those worlds, with my intelligent system, named The Crow. He guides me and helps me, but there is more to it. When I was getting stronger, all of the sudden I targeted by a group called Templars. As I later found out they also traveled from other world and come to the same world to learn strong techniques, so their God, can be more efficient in the next Annual Universal God Tournament. I was at beginning of my journey and oblivious to the worlds I visit. My intelligent system was keeping me in dark. Do I also get stronger for the God reincarnated me? Am I chosen?" This is mostly an anime fan-fiction novel. The MC is oblivious to the Anime Worlds he jumps into. The story jumps from one world to other. Some of the popular novel worlds also part of the story. The MC first went to the Naruto World but is presently in the One Piece world. But, he will be back! Next Anime World will be Hunter x Hunter !!
8 92Unstable ▾ a.s
COMPLETED 08/18/201914 years since he had last seen her. 14 years since she had a school girl crush. 14 years since they both fell for each other and said nothing. ⚠️CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT, GRAPHIC SCENES, STRONG LANGUAGE, AND MENTAL DISORDER. ALSO MAY CONTAIN MANGA SPOILERS FOR ANIME ONLY PEOPLE⚠️TOP RANKINGS{#1 in EraserheadXReader#1 in Shota#1 in Aizawashotaxreader#1 in Eraserhead}
8 179[Comics*] Season Of Destruction
Born as mortal sons to Napoleon Bonaparte's personal surgeon and forever altered by the sinister mentor who made them orphans, bloodsucking vampire brothers Lucien, Thibault and Marcel are less Lugosi, more dashing serial killers, sour and snobbish, fond of fine things. Not unlike a competitive clan of creepy Kennedy cousins. These nearly immortal all-stars of mayhem and murder lack talons, retractable fangs and vulnerability to garlic or sunshine. They cast shadows. They make reflections in mirrors, and when buried, our boys enter a state of metabolic suspension, "sleeping" until it's safe to rise and return to their work, harvesting heads. After more than 150 years in hibernation, the vampires are revived by the spilled blood of methamphetamine users killed in a gangland ambush. The trio are instantly and utterly addicted - not to the toxic drug itself, but to the blood of those who intravenously use meth. Soon the frankendrug's grip draws their destinies into a narrow spiral of addiction, and their plans to return to modern France are sidetracked, then forgotten as they become lost in the American empire-turned-nightmare of 2028. Season of Destruction is a story that runs on bodies. It's a swim meet in a shark tank, and very few make it out alive. It's a story about the beginning of the end of the world.
8 153The Dungeon Gods [DEAD - AWAITING REWRITE]
More than three centuries ago, the Great Mage, Arcius, Performed the single greatest feat a magician can accomplish, he looked into the future, and discovered his fate. In his visions, he discovered his reincarnation, to become a Dungeon. Desiring to rise to great heights again, even in his new life, he spent the remaining centuries he had researching and studying the strange beings called Dungeons, and devising a spell that would allow him to retain his memories. However, the very act of knowing what is to come can often be enough to alter Destiny. Impressed at the Mage's efforts, an ancient, powerful being, the Creator of Gods, has now chosen him, to become one of the Dungeon Gods of a new world in a new segment of reality. Their directive, to bring life to this new world. Follow him, as he brings forth the knowledge his efforts awarded him, and pits it against his unprepared competitors, in a bid to be the first to create sentient life. This is my first full on story, and is mostly going to be a learning experience for me. It is going to be a story following the life of Arcius as a Dungeon God, with very few POV swaps, if any. If I make any errors, either in spelling or in grammer, please let me know, and I will endevour to correct them ASAP. I was inspired to create this story after reading the Scale Dungeon, by TheSilverGunner, here on RRL. It is a good story, despite having only a few chapter out at the time of writing this. I highly recommend that you read that story if you find this one interesting.
8 138